Home Main dishes Inseparable Czech tandem: Christmas carp and potato salad. Christmas baked carp with champignons Christmas stuffed carp

Inseparable Czech tandem: Christmas carp and potato salad. Christmas baked carp with champignons Christmas stuffed carp

The Christmas holiday is always awaited with special trepidation, as this holiday carries a special meaning. It is customary to gather at Christmas with the family, have a good and fun time. If relatives live far from each other, then on Christmas everyone must meet at a common table. Among the many Christmas dishes, sometimes your eyes run wide and you don’t know what to choose to cook for your family. Sometimes I look into the cookbook of the peoples of the world (I have one) and choose from there various recipes. This is not the first year I have been baking carp for Christmas. This recipe is Czech, but my whole family really liked it. We love fish very much, and I always cook it for all holidays. But our Christmas carp will not be quite ordinary, with stuffing. Below I will tell you everything in detail. I hope my recipe with a photo will come in handy for you, and you will also bake carp in Czech for Christmas. Also be sure to see how the traditional one is prepared.

- 1.2 kg carp,
- 250 grams of champignons,
- 1 onion,
- 1/3 lemon,
- 80 grams butter,
- dry white wine,
- salt pepper.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Clean the fish, remove the entrails and gills. Rinse the carp, wipe it with napkins so that water does not drip from it. The fish is ready.

Put the carp in a baking dish, salt, pepper a little, sprinkle with lemon juice, and from all sides and even inside the abdomen. Lemon will give the fish a pleasant aroma and taste.

Let's get to the stuffing. Cut into medium cubes, do the same with onions. We send the chopped products to the pan, where the butter has already melted. Oil put half of the amount indicated in the ingredients. Salt the mushrooms so that they acquire a good taste.

Fry mushroom stuffing 10 minutes, until mushrooms and onions are browned and fried. In the middle of the roasting process, pour in dry white wine, evaporate it. The filling will be very tasty.

When the mushrooms have cooled, fill the belly of the carp with stuffing, it is not necessary to sew. Before sending the carp to the oven, put pieces of butter on it. Bake the carp for 35 minutes in the oven set at 180 ° first, add the last 15 minutes to 220-230 degrees to get golden brown on the fish. Also, during the baking process, water the carp with melted butter, which will be at the bottom of the mold. In the oven, the oil will melt and drain to the bottom, and you just scoop it up with a spoon and pour the fish on top of the skin. Thus, a ruddy carp will turn out. Do not put a lot of oil, as carp is oily fish, but a little oil will not hurt it. See what else I have.

Hot, baked carp in Czech served with festive table. I wish you all bon appetit and happy holidays!

How many countries, so many New Year's traditions and culinary customs. For example, in the Czech Republic, carp must be on the Christmas table. The most interesting thing is that this dish is not a Czech invention at all, but an Austrian-German one, but neither in Austria nor in Germany did carp become such a popular and cult dish as in the Czech Republic. It is popularly believed that one who wears carp scales in his wallet all year long will not have problems with money))). There are many options for recipes for baked stuffed carp, I suggest trying one of them, which is quite simple to perform.

Ingredients for Czech Christmas Carp:

Carp (1.3 kg) - 1 pc.
Champignons - 150 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Lemon - 1/2 piece
Butter (melted) - 70 g
Salt (to taste)
Allspice pepper (to taste)
Dry white wine - 4 tbsp. l.

Czech Christmas carp recipe:

Preparing carp.

Finely chop the mushrooms.

Fry our filling in oil for 7 minutes, then add wine 4 tbsp. l. and still stew the same.

We cool the filling.

Rub the carp with salt and pepper inside and out, pour inside lemon juice, stuffing.
Spread on a baking sheet, grease with melted butter and put in the oven for 45 minutes (temperature 180 degrees). Oil must be lubricated 3-4 more times during cooking. It is from butter that the fish will look golden.

Our fish is ready. Lay out nicely and serve.
Carp is good and cold.

Bon Appetit and be healthy!

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From the 19th century to the present day, you will not find a single piece of meat on the Christmas tables of the Czech Republic, but each table will be headed by a golden carp. There is no sea in the Czech Republic, but there are many rivers, and especially ponds - they grow carps there for Christmas. In Czech families, the tradition of buying two carps for Christmas Eve is becoming more popular every year: one is baked, and the second is released into the wild - this is a sign of mercy and good luck for the next year. It is also popular in the country to carry fish scales in your wallet - in order to have money all year round.

In a family with children, the tradition of releasing carp can be carried out on a larger scale. Exactly one week before Christmas, tanks with fattened carps are installed in the cities. A few hours before the festive dinner, the inhabitants of Prague with the whole family come to the banks of the Vltava, where sellers are already waiting for them. Carps are bought not "to the table", but to release the purchase into the river. Children are madly in love with this tradition: sometimes, before finding themselves in the waters of the Vltava, the carp manages to get a name and requests for the coming year.

"Zagranichnik" also bought two carps, but today he will tell about only one. How to cook Czech stuffed carp so that it turns out golden and very tasty.

From what we cook carp in Czech. carp recipe:

1 fresh carp weighing up to 1.5 kg

4 tbsp dry white wine

1 medium onion

half a lemon

150 gr fresh champignons

70-100 grams of butter

Pepper, salt to taste

How to cook carp in Czech:

1. First, the carp must be prepared: cleaned, gutted and dried.

2. While the carp dries, we are engaged in the filling: wash mushrooms and onions, clean and finely chop. Put everything in a pan and fry until golden brown (5-7 minutes), then add wine, and simmer for about the same time.

3. Now you need to cool the filling and again take on the carp: rub it inside and out with salt and pepper, pour over lemon juice and anoint with melted butter (for a golden crust).

4. Carefully tamp the filling inside the carp so that it does not come out during baking, fasten the edges with toothpicks or skewers.

5. Trying not to disturb the stuffed fish, put it on a greased baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes at a temperature of 180C. During baking, you do not need to turn the carp, most importantly, pour it with oil more often to get a golden crisp.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

V different countries for the New Year and Christmas holidays they are preparing some traditional dishes: in Russia-Ukraine-Belarus you will definitely meet, in America and Great Britain - baked turkey, in France - duck liver ... But in the Czech Republic, carp is usually cooked these days: this tradition has been preserved since the 18th century. They say by classic recipe carp was cut into portions and fried in a pan - it turned out, though simple, but very tasty. Nowadays, housewives are already much more inventive and prepare Christmas carp in many ways: for example, baked in the oven with mushrooms and lemon. This dish looks very impressive and is also lean (which is important for many). Czech Christmas carp baked with mushrooms and lemon will surprise your guests and delight your family with its delicious taste. We will cook it in foil. By the way, you can look and choose new solutions and ideas for yourself.
Carp baked in the oven in foil: recipe with photo.
- 1 carp weighing about 1 kg;
- 200 g of champignons;
- 1 lemon;
- 1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- a few sprigs of parsley;
- greens for decoration;
- vegetable oil for frying mushrooms.

How to cook with a photo step by step

Wash, clean and gut the carp, leaving the head and tail. This occupation is not very pleasant and troublesome, but now in many supermarkets they often sell fresh, already properly processed river fish. So sometimes I'm lucky (as, for example, today), and I buy already gutted carp. All that remains for me is to just rinse it under running water.

On the sides of the fish we make shallow cuts - 3-4 pieces on each side.

Salt and pepper carp - both outside and always inside.

We are preparing the marinade. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and combine with olive oil. We mix.

Thoroughly coat the carp with marinade - again, both the inside and the outside. It is most convenient to do this with a silicone brush - then you will be sure that the marinade will be exactly where you need it, and not on a plate or countertop. And leave the carp to marinate for 20-30 minutes at room temperature.

While the fish is marinating, prepare the filling. Mushrooms cut into slices and fried in a small amount vegetable oil, stirring occasionally, for 10-15 minutes, over low heat.

We leave a few plates of mushrooms to decorate the carp, and mix the rest with parsley. Salt and pepper the filling to taste.

Gently spread the filling in the belly of the carp.

We spread the carp on a sufficiently large piece of foil for baking.
By the way, it's very tasty.

The rest of the lemon is cut into half rings and put into cuts on the back of the fish. You may need to slightly increase the size of the cuts to make the lemon feel snug in them. But do not overdo it - after all, lemon slices should simply be attached to the back of the fish, and not be completely hidden in it. And one more thing - too deep an incision will open ugly during baking, so keep this in mind.

Now it's the turn of those plates of champignons that we put aside after frying them. Beautifully spread them on the carp between the lemon slices. Actually, on this all the preparations of fish for baking are completed.

Now we need to carefully wrap the carp in foil. As I already wrote, a piece of foil should be large enough so that the stuffed carp is completely wrapped in it. When wrapping, you need to take into account that in the process of baking we have to unfold the foil. The most convenient way to wrap is as follows: conditionally divide a piece of foil into 2 halves. We spread the carp on one half, and cover the second. And carefully twist the ends of the foil with each other. It turns out a kind of bag, which, nevertheless, can then be conveniently and quickly opened. We send the carp in foil to the oven, heated to 200-220 degrees for 20 minutes.

After this time, we take out the baked stuffed carp and carefully unfold the foil, trying not to tear it.
The carp will release a fairly large amount of juice, and if you do everything right, this juice will remain in the foil. Again we send the carp to the oven, already open, for 10 minutes.

Put the finished carp on a plate and serve, decorating with vegetables and herbs. Bon appetit and happy Christmas holidays to you and your loved ones!

Tips & Tricks:
Other mushrooms can be used instead of champignons. But in this case, you should take into account their cooking time when you pre-fry them in a pan - most likely, it will increase.
Other ingredients can be added to the filling to your taste - chopped garlic, celery, Sun-dried tomatoes etc.
For a side dish, boiled potatoes or rice are suitable for baked carp.
Carp - very delicious fish, but has one drawback - it has too many bones. Therefore, be careful and careful when you eat baked carp.
This recipe is very versatile, so in this way you can bake any other fish, both river and sea.

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