Home Salads and appetizers Shortcrust pastry chess cookies. Chess Butter Cookies. Chocolate Shortcrust Dough

Shortcrust pastry chess cookies. Chess Butter Cookies. Chocolate Shortcrust Dough

Cooking instructions

1 hour 40 minutes Print

    1. Chop the cooled butter with a knife into small pieces. In a large bowl, mix flour, sugar and salt. Add chopped butter in two additions, mixing well each time - you should get a homogeneous crumb. It is more convenient to use a mixer, since it is difficult to achieve this by hand. Add the yolk of one egg and vanilla extract to the butter-flour crumb. Knead until you get a homogeneous dough - it should come together in a lump. Tool Mixer Beating egg whites, as well as kneading other substances like minced meat or dough, is convenient not by hand (as it takes time and effort), but with a mixer like KitchenAid. For example, the Artisan model has ten speed settings and three different attachments for working with any consistency, besides, it is also a versatile food processor.

    2. Divide the dough into two parts. Add cocoa powder to one of them and mix thoroughly until evenly colored. Dust your work surface and rolling pin with flour. Roll out both parts of the theater separately into layers of approximately the same size, no more than 1 cm thick. Trim the edges evenly. Cover the dough with cling film and refrigerate for 1 hour.

    3. In a bowl, break the contents of one egg and prepare a brush.
    Crib How to check egg quality

    4. Cut the cooled layers of dough with a very sharp knife into strips 1 cm wide. Put them in a row, alternating two light and one dark, while brushing their sides with a beaten egg. Brush the entire row with beaten egg. From above, positioning exactly above the bottom strip, lay out the second row of two dark and one light strips in the same way, complete the assembly with the third row, its composition, like the first one, is one dark strip and two light ones. From the whole dough, form blanks with a round, square or triangular section, coat the joints with egg mass.

    5. Wrap the dough with polyethylene, put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    6. Cut the structures into slices 1 cm thick and place the chess cookies on a baking sheet filled with oiled parchment.

    7. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. The cookies should be browned. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand, which is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grate. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when it is necessary to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

Today I will share with you a cookie recipe that I learned how to make during my studies at the Paul Bocuse Institute. I used to think it was something incredible - to somehow make such beautiful chessboards with the same squares. The secret turned out to be simple and very accessible to everyone. There is nothing complicated in this recipe, the main thing is accuracy and accuracy. In order to make everything very clear, I made a video showing the whole process in detail. So run for groceries and boldly take on this exciting and delicious game of mouth-watering chess.

Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
Dough cooling time: 1 hour
Baking time: 15 minutes

Vanilla shortcrust pastry:

  • 150 g Butter
  • 100 g Powdered Sugar
  • 50 g Almond Flour (Powder) -
  • 1 egg
  • 250 g flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanilla pod or 1 tsp. Vanilla Paste (or Extract)

Chocolate Shortcrust Dough:

  • 150 g Butter
  • 100 g Powdered Sugar
  • 25 g Almond Flour (Powder) -
  • 25 g Cocoa Powder
  • 1 egg
  • 250 g flour
  • A pinch of salt
  • egg for gluing

Cooking method:

First of all, we prepare two types of dough. Vanilla first. softened butter mix with salt and powdered sugar until creamy almost homogeneous texture. Add the egg and mix thoroughly and quickly. At the same time, add the seeds from the vanilla pod. You can use extract or vanilla paste. Then add almond powder and then flour - no need to knead for a long time. As soon as all the ingredients are mixed, we collect the dough together, wrap it in a film and send it to the refrigerator for an hour.

Chocolate dough is prepared according to the same principle. Just before flour, add cocoa to the mixture. We also do not knead for a long time, collect it into a ball, flatten it a little, pack it in a film and cool it in the refrigerator for easy rolling.

The chilled dough must be rolled out to the most even rectangle of the same thickness over the entire area. For best results, you can use some planks with even edges, rolling the dough between them. In order to make the surface smoother, it is better to roll out between sheets of baking paper or under the film. As a result, two layers should be obtained - chocolate and vanilla. You need to work with this dough very quickly, as soon as it starts to melt - again put it in the refrigerator for a while, let it harden slightly.

Beat the egg until smooth, it will become a glue. We apply a thin layer on the vanilla layer, evenly over the entire surface, and cover it with chocolate. Smooth out the edges with a knife.
The resulting double layer is divided into two more parts. The movements of the knife must be fast and precise in order to get a beautiful, correct drawing. Again grease one part with an egg and cover with another. Press down a little so that the layers stick together better.

From the resulting layer we cut strips with a thickness equal to the thickness of the very first rolled layers. Try to keep the stripes even. Then again smearing and gluing. At this point, make sure that the white squares alternate with black ones. I remind you that if the dough begins to melt, you should put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. As a result of such simple manipulations, we get a bar from which we cut cookies. The thickness can be whatever you like.

We lay out the finished chessboards on a baking sheet covered with paper or silicone. And we send the cookies to the oven, preheated to 160ºС. Cookies are baked for about 15 minutes, depending on the thickness, make sure that they do not burn and do not brown too much. With the scraps that are likely to remain, we act simply - we collect them together, send them to the refrigerator, then roll them out again and cut beautiful chocolate-vanilla marble cookies, as a bonus.

Bon Appetit!

Chess Cookies are a very curious way to make simple cookies interesting and memorable. A great option for gifts to friends and colleagues, as well as for family holiday evenings. We will tell and show in detail how to make chess cookies - so that anyone can easily make it! We also draw your attention to the fact that this recipe has a very good and plastic dough, which is easy to work with and bring your fantasies to life. Recommended!

Publication author

I was born in a military family, so I managed to live in many cities and countries of the USSR and Russia during my life, and also acquired an irresistible passion for travel, new knowledge and cuisine different countries. From travels he brings not only souvenirs, but also new recipes. Now he lives in the south of Austria, on the border with Italy. The cuisine of this region uniquely intertwines the traditions of Austria, Italy and Germany.

  • Recipe author: Inna Belyaeva
  • After cooking, you will receive 50 pcs.
  • Cooking time: 2 hours


  • 400 gr wheat flour
  • 150 gr sugar
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 PC. egg
  • 250 gr butter
  • 1 PC. egg white
  • 12 gr cocoa powder

Cooking method

    Pour the sifted flour into a bowl, make a well in which add sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 egg.

    Cut the cold butter into small cubes, add to the flour and knead the dough. This can be done with a mixer fitted with a dough attachment or by hand. First, the dough will turn into crumbs, then with your hands you need to knead it until smooth.

    Roll the dough into a ball.

    Weigh, divide into 2 equal parts. Add cocoa to one half and knead the dough. Wrap both parts in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

    Remove dough from refrigerator and pinch off 1/4 of each. Wrap these pieces in cling film and refrigerate.

    Roll out the remaining dough on a floured surface into a rectangle 1 cm thick and 13x15 cm in size. It is best to roll out both white and chocolate dough at the same time. Cut off the excess pieces on the sides with a knife so that even rectangles are obtained.

    Cut sticks with a knife 1 cm thick and high. In total, you should get 9 dark and 9 light bars. Prepare egg white and brush. Fold the bars in a checkerboard pattern, three in a row horizontally and vertically, coat each layer with protein to hold the cookie layers together. You should have two cookie cutters. In one blank, 5 chocolate and 4 light bars are used; in the second, on the contrary, 5 light and 4 chocolate.

    Remove two pieces of previously set aside dough from the refrigerator and roll it out to about half a centimeter thick. Wrap the cookie blank tightly in this dough, cut off the excess dough with a sharp knife. Leave the prepared bars with cookies in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, previously covered with cling film.

    Turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. Remove the blanks from the refrigerator and cut into 0.5 cm thick cookies. Place on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and bake for 10-12 minutes. Hot cookies are still soft and will harden as they cool.

    Cookies Chess ready! Bon Appetit!

The unique look of the finished product will especially delight children, but it will not leave adults indifferent either.

Let's see our guests today together! The recipe itself is incredibly simple, but the preparation will require accuracy and precision. Of course, you will have to work a little, but the results of this work more than compensate for our work.

Can't play chess? It's not a problem! French cookies in the original design will decorate any table, satisfy any aesthete with their appearance, and with their incredible taste will bring real pleasure to any gourmet.


Vanilla Dough:

1. Wheat flour - 250 gr.

2. Butter - 150 gr.

3. Chicken egg - 1 pc.

4. Almond powder - 50 gr.

5. Powdered sugar - 100 gr.

Chocolate Dough:

1. Wheat flour - 250 gr.

2. Butter - 150 gr.

3. Chicken egg - 1 pc.

4. Almond powder - 25 gr.

5. Powdered sugar - 100 gr.

7. Cocoa - 25 gr.

Cooking method:

1. We need to prepare two different versions of the dough, and first we will deal with a simple vanilla one. To do this, you need to get the butter from the refrigerator and let it lie down for a while. room temperature. Slightly softened butter is mixed with salt and powdered sugar until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

You can knead the dough with your hands, but I prefer to use a kitchen mixer. How do you like to knead the dough? Some of my friends believe that it is necessary to knead it with your hands, which will give the finished product a piece of your energy and soul.

Add and quickly mix it into our mass. We also add vanilla grains, which, if necessary, can be replaced with vanillin or vanilla sugar.

2. Next, add vanilla powder and flour. Don't stir too long! As soon as you get a homogeneous mass, you can safely wrap the resulting vanilla dough in cling film and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

A little advice! In classic french recipe for making chess cookies, powdered sugar is used in combination with almond powder. This gives the dish a subtle refined taste. But you can try making this type of cookie without using almond paste.

To do this, you will need to add 150 grams of powdered sugar instead of 100 in the first step of preparation. Compare both options and be sure to share your impressions with us!

3. The second chocolate version of the dough is prepared according to the same principle, but instead of vanilla in the mass. At the same time, you need to add it in the third step of cooking, before adding flour.

4. We also wrap the resulting chocolate dough in cling film and send it to the refrigerator to our vanilla “brother”.

Now is the time to show your culinary skills to the fullest! Have you ever made a shortbread like this before? If yes, then it will be much easier for you. And if not, then you will need certain skills and experience.

But patience and work will grind everything! I am sure that you will succeed, even if not the first time.

5. We take out the chilled vanilla and chocolate dough from the refrigerator and roll them out as even and identical rectangles as possible. In order for the dough to turn out good, you need to take high quality.

6. For this, you can use various auxiliary tools: film, cutting boards, square shapes, and more. Share in the comments your tricks for rolling out this dough!

7. Cooking glue for our chess! Whisk with a whisk egg and with a brush, apply it in an even layer on the surface of the vanilla dough. Cover with chocolate pastry on top.

8. Carefully trim the edges with a sharp knife. It should be pretty fast to work with our chess! If they begin to become soft, immediately put them in the refrigerator. We wait 5-10 minutes and continue to work. No, not work... We continue to create a masterpiece of high French cuisine!

9. We cut the resulting layer into two more equal parts and use our unique glue to connect them together.

10. From the resulting "brick" we cut thin strips that will have the width of our first layers.

11. Coat them again with glue and glue them together. Be sure to follow the checkerboard assembly order! Black and white, white and black...

12. From the resulting new bar we cut our cookies. You can adjust the thickness yourself, taking into account your own preferences.

13. The resulting chess squares are laid out on parchment and sent to an oven preheated to 160 ° C. These chess are baked for 10-15 minutes, depending on the thickness you choose.

14. With all my heart I wish you all Bon appetit! I wish to please myself and my loved ones more often with my culinary masterpieces. And for this come to us! We will show you how quickly and tasty you can cook fine dining at home.

Also, do not forget to leave your comments and reviews about this recipe! It is important for us to know your opinion, and we will be glad if you share your subtleties and tricks of making this type of cookie.

Recipes of other types, you can. Only together we can make our world much tastier! See you soon!

Prepare shortbread dough. Beat butter with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until creamy, add water and egg yolks and stir. Sift the flour and baking powder, add to the egg mixture and stir until a homogeneous dough is obtained. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Also prepare chocolate shortbread dough by adding cocoa powder to powdered sugar. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate 30 minutes.
Half of each kind shortcrust pastry roll out to a thickness of 1 cm and trim the edges to make rectangles. Unrolled pieces of dough should remain in the refrigerator, they will be used later. Spread each rectangle of dough on a sheet of baking paper and place in the freezer for 10 minutes. Grease white shortbread dough with egg white.
Put the chocolate dough on top of the white dough smeared with protein to make a two-layer dough.

Cut the two-layer dough into 3 strips 4 cm wide. Cut each strip in half again to make 6 strips 2 cm wide. Four of them will be used immediately, and the remaining two should be put in the refrigerator to use later.
Each of the four strips of dough is brown on top and white on the bottom. Turn over two strips (second and fourth) to get a pattern, as in chessboard. Lubricate each strip with egg white and fold one on one, alternating colors.
Trim the edges of the strips and place the entire block in the freezer.

Roll out the remaining white dough to a thickness of 2 cm. Lightly brush with egg. Remove the "chess" block from the freezer, lay it on top of the white dough smeared with protein and wrap the multi-colored dough in white on all sides. Brush the edges of the white pastry with egg wash and seal. Trim off excess dough and set aside. Place the wrapped "chess" dough in the freezer to harden.
Roll out the remaining chocolate dough to a thickness of 2 cm. Brush lightly with egg. The second "chess" block of dough (prepared from two multi-colored strips, set aside "until better times" in step 1) wrap in chocolate dough. Place in freezer to harden.

Blind the scraps of dough of each color together and roll two thin long "sausages" out of them - chocolate and white. Weave the "sausages" together and roll them into one two-color "sausage". Place in freezer to harden.

Remove the blocks of "chess" dough from the freezer and cut the white block into slices 5 mm thick. Spread out on a non-stick baking sheet.
Brush the surface of the chocolate block with the egg. Sprinkle with sugar.
Cut the block into slices 5 mm thick. Spread them out on a non-stick baking sheet.

Remove the two-color "sausage" from the freezer, brush with egg, sprinkle with sugar and cut into 5 mm pieces, which are laid out on a baking sheet. Bake all three types of cookies in an oven preheated to 180 ° for about 15-20 minutes.

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