Home Preparations for the winter Argentine cuisine recipes. What is the national cuisine, traditional dishes and food in Argentina? argentine food

Argentine cuisine recipes. What is the national cuisine, traditional dishes and food in Argentina? argentine food

There are many Spanish, Italian, French traditions in Argentinean cuisine, it is often compared with Mediterranean cooking. Argentines' favorite dish is asado (charcoal-grilled meat), as well as churrasco (meat fried on a spit) and parillada (grilled meat). In most Argentine restaurants, asado is always included in the menu, and there are also restaurants where only this dish is served. In Argentina, there are many restaurants called "churrascarias" and "parillada", the food in them is prepared in the above ways. In a country where cattle breeding is a traditional occupation, a lot of beef is consumed. Argentina ranks second in the world in terms of consumption of this product, a significant part of it is also exported to other countries.

Recipes of Argentine cuisine. Dishes for the holidays. National, New Year's recipes.

First meal:

  • Argentinian vermicelli soup
  • Abadejo guisado con patatas - small fish soup with potatoes
  • Puchero - meat stew with vegetables
  • Cazuela de mariscos - seafood soup

Dishes and snacks from meat and vegetables:

Fish dishes:

National dishes are: milaneza (thin chops with fried potatoes); matambre ( meatloaf with eggs and vegetables); Yugoso (meat with blood); bife de lomo, bife de choriso, bife de costilla (char-grilled beef); chickens in beer; ollo, or puchero (roast meat and vegetables); long chorisso sausages; pinchos (barbecue); fried lamb brisket with spices; meat pancakes, fried chinhuline sausage; fried oxtails. In addition to beef, pork and lamb, local exotics are popular - fried visachi meat (a rodent that lives in Argentina that resembles a chinchilla), stewed armadillo, emu and rhea meat, which are bred on special farms. Empanadas are among the favorite dishes of Argentines. Is it baked or fried pies stuffed with olives, meat, boiled eggs, potatoes, ham, cheese, etc.

In addition to beef, corn and beans are traditional products, which were grown by the indigenous population even before the arrival of the Spanish colonizers. In rural areas, food is also prepared from other Indian products: maize, cassava, potatoes, beans, araucaria cones, algarrobo pods. The daily diet of peasants includes porridge from cereals. eaten everywhere corn porridge with various additives.

Argentines love food Italian cuisine, such as pizza and pasta (pasta) with tomatoes and bechamel sauce.

Argentina is famous not only for high-quality beef, but also for fish and seafood. Fish is boiled, fried, marinated, dried, stuffed with vegetables or crab meat, added to salads and pies. Trout and smoked eel are in great demand not only in the country, but also abroad. delicious food made from shrimp, oysters, squid.

Argentine cuisine has a lot vegetable dishes, vegetables serve as ingredients for complex dishes, they are also used to make a variety of side dishes and salads. Vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil, to which meat, sausage, fish, seafood, and eggs are added, are popular. As in other countries of South America, in Argentina they cook vegetable stew saltado, cold soup from mashed tomatoes and gazpacho cucumbers, mashed vegetables, fried potatoes.

As a dessert, fresh and candied fruits, pies with sweet stuffing, sweet banana rice, fried nuts in sugar, cakes with milk and sugar paste (dulce de leche). However, these are favorite sweets in all Latin American countries. Pasta dulce de leche is served for breakfast, fruit jellies, jams, preserves are also considered morning dishes. Pies, croissants are filled with dulce de leche pasta, biscuits are smeared with it. Both big and small Argentines are very fond of delicious gelado ice cream.

As soft drinks residents Argentina they use juices and mate, which they drink in large quantities. The Guarani Indians were the first to prepare mate, the use of this drink was a ritual ceremony. Gauchos liked the bitter Indian mate, it helped to quench their thirst and cheer up after a tiring horseback ride across the endless steppe. Among the Gaucho shepherds and the Guarani Indians, the preparation and drinking of mate was almost as important as the famous tea ceremony among the Japanese. However, nowadays many Argentines drink mate everywhere just to quench their thirst. They carry it with them in a thermos during long journeys by train, bus, car.

(Spanish Cocina Argentina), like the cuisines of other countries of the South American continent, is a mixture of national traditional dishes and numerous European recipes that were brought here by settlers from the Old World.

A piece of delicious fried meat and a bottle of good wine (mostly red) - these are the primary components of the traditional gastronomic ritual in, which is widely famous for its beef (by the way, one of the best in the world) and excellent wine.

Argentine chefs are famous for their skillful beef cooking skills. And for foreign tourists, they are always happy to try doubly. Therefore, when you come here, take advice: you should not look for fish restaurants here, because, despite the fact that the country is also rich in fish stocks, calling card Argentina is still tender delicious beef. By the way, in terms of beef consumption, Argentines take 2nd place in the world. And for seafood and fish it is better to go to.

Dinner in Argentina is quite late, not earlier than 9 pm. Therefore, in order to try out the "big cuisine" you need to go to restaurants after dark. And until that time, you will have to be content with only light snacks.

The most popular dishes here are meat dishes: parrillada (assorted meat fried on bbq), asado sausages (all also fried on the grill), tira de asado (a strip of fried entrecote), milanesa (the thinnest chop with fried potatoes), vasio ( fried tenderloin), locro (stewed pork with corn), yugoso (meat with blood), empanadas, traditional for the whole continent, bife de choriso, bife de lomo, or bife de costilla» (portioned beef grilled on coals), «churasco» (meat cubes fried on coals), all kinds of exotic dishes, such as fried oxtails, ostrich meat and much more.

Argentina also prepares a wide variety of vegetable dishes, which, however, go to the table mainly as a side dish. Fish and seafood are widespread on the coast of the country, and venison, lamb and lamb are prepared in the south.

It was heavily influenced by European cuisine. As a result, traces of the Indian, Creole, African, Italian and Spanish peoples can be seen in the traditional dishes of the country.

Each region of Argentina has its own culinary specialties. They can be roughly divided into 4 parts:

  1. Northwestern(provinces of La Rioja, ). This part of the country was least influenced by Europeans, therefore traditional dishes Argentina. From vegetables, natives prefer chayote, avocado, tomatoes, quinoa, beans, amaranth, etc. Locro, empanadas and corn pie are the most popular here.
  2. northeastern(provinces , parts , ). Here the influence of the Guarani Indian tribe prevails. The main products are freshwater fish, rice, cassava. Paraguayan soup, revire broth, cassava-based yuquia juice mbehu, chipu, cheeses and other Argentinian dishes are prepared in this area. From drinks, natives prefer fruit juices, honey, palm hearts, coconuts, and bleak cactus juice.
  3. Central(provinces, parts of La Pampa, Entre Rios, Santa Fe). This area was most influenced by the Spaniards and Italians. Local recipes are dominated by meat, from which churrasco, escalopes, beef stroganoff, chops, etc. are prepared. Pizza and pasta are especially popular among the population.
  4. South(Tierra del Fuego,). In this area, people like to cook dishes from venison, lamb, goat meat, pork, poultry (emu and rhea) and seafood: casuel, pâtés, etc.

Features of Argentine cuisine

The influence of the peoples of the world on the national dishes of Argentina has brought a lot of new things to its culinary traditions:

  • the Spaniards taught the natives how to cook such dishes as jamon, croquettes, mondongo, meatballs, tortilla; from desserts - torrikhs, alfahors, ansaimaza and the famous boiled condensed milk;
  • the French "gave" Argentina recipes for cold appetizers and omelettes;
  • from the British, the natives adopted the love for escones and nalistnik bread, as well as for tea;
  • from Chile brought here milkao and karanty;
  • the Germans taught the natives how to cook sweets: donuts, rolls and croissants.
  • love in Argentina and Russian salad Olivier.

Popular national dishes of Argentina

The national cuisine of Argentina is dominated by seafood (crabs, oysters, trout, shrimp, eel, squid), olive oil, spices and beef, which is consumed here in large quantities. Fish in the country is marinated, stuffed, dried, dried, boiled and fried, meat is used here to make barbecue, sausages.

So, the most popular dishes are:

  • faina(Fainá) - a cake based on olive oil and flour with the addition of chickpeas;
  • Visachi- rodent meat that is fried special recipe;
  • empanadas- these are pies with all kinds of fillings from meat and vegetables. They are baked both in the oven and deep-fried;
  • locro(Locro) - a rich stew of legumes, meat, corn and blood sausages, which is one of the national dishes of Argentina;
  • tamales(Tamales) is a steamed flatbread made from flour and corn leaves stuffed with cheese, vegetables and minced meat;
  • milanesas(Milanesas) - meat chop, boned in breadcrumbs and spices. Sometimes tomatoes, cheese and ham are put on top and baked, and then the dish will be called milanesa napolitana;
  • moshehas(mollejas) is a local goiter delicacy;
  • beef de lomo- a dish of beef ribs, which is cooked on coals;
  • beef de chorizo- a large steak, weighing up to 1.5 kg and up to 5 cm thick;
  • asado- This is an Argentine dish that has a strict cooking ritual: blood sausages, sausages, beef are slowly fried on coals, bread, french fries and salad are served as a side dish;
  • gnocchis- these are dumplings or dumplings, which are eaten every month on the 29th of the month, and money is placed under the plate to ensure financial well-being.

Desserts in Argentina

Aborigines love sweets and prepare them from honey, chayote, quince, sweet potato and even ambrosia. Many recipes for dishes vary depending on the area and the fruits growing there. The most favorite desserts in the country are:

  • - this boiled condensed milk, which is used as a filling for cookies, sweets, cakes and other sweets;
  • flan- a classic pudding made from milk, sugar, eggs and vanilla;
  • queso con dulce- this is a thick slice of cheese with the addition of sweet potato or quince jelly;
  • masamorra(Mazamorra) or kagiyi (Caguiyi) - a rural dessert made from milk, sugar, vanilla and maize, and eat it with honey;
  • ice cream- The most popular flavor here is a dessert with condensed milk, which is called helado.

Traditional drinks of Argentina

The most favorite drinks of Argentines are:

  1. Mate tea(mate). It has invigorating and useful properties perfectly satisfies thirst and hunger. It is prepared from a plant called yerba mate, ice, herbal mixtures, citrus juices can also be added. It is customary to drink tea from special vessels called calabash and made from bottle gourd.
  2. Argentine wines. They are famous all over the world. The most famous of them are Malbec (from Mendoza), Torrontes (province of Salta and La Rioja). The country produces the best red wines in South America.
  3. Aloha. While in Argentina, try a local beer called aloha.
  4. Strong alcohol. The country produces gin and whiskey of excellent quality.
  5. Coffee. Lovers of this drink can treat themselves natural coffee brought here from Colombia and Brazil.

Going on a trip to Argentina, be sure to appreciate the national cuisine of the country, along with its drinks and traditional desserts, to fully immerse yourself in the local flavor.

In this article, we talk about the most famous national dishes of Argentina, which are worth trying while traveling around the country. Our story covers the entire national cuisine of Argentina: from appetizers and main courses to desserts and drinks. Bon Appetit!

The cuisine of Argentina can hardly be called unique, since the country has absorbed culinary traditions different countries world, mainly Spanish and Italian. So find a really authentic national food in Argentina it is possible only in areas very remote from the center. Quite the usual food in Argentina is pizza, spaghetti or Spanish omelet with paella.

However, this does not mean at all that the trip to argentine restaurant will be an easy task. Even in Buenos Aires, you can get into a situation where the restaurant does not have an English menu, and the waiters also do not shine with knowledge of foreign languages. The most interesting thing is that sometimes even knowing Spanish does not help much. This is because the names of dishes typical for Argentina in other countries mean a completely different food. Let's try to figure out what they eat in Argentina and what these dishes are called.

1. Meat is the main national dish of Argentina

Most popular a national dish Argentina - meat. It is as famous as Maradona and tango. Fish dishes in Argentina can also be found on the menu, but they are not as popular and unique as meat delicacies. To be born a cow in this country is indeed a sad fate. They have every chance of ending their lives in a brazier called Parrilla (parrilla), in which meat is cooked on coals. They are called by the same name specialty restaurants(essentially steakhouses), which are in every more or less large city in the country.

In the world market, Argentinean meat is above average. Depending on the restaurant in Argentina, you can get meat from "nothing special" to "simply amazing". Usually in more expensive restaurants better quality meat. However, there are exceptions when for little money you can get a non-vegetarian fairy tale. What there is almost no competition here is the price: for such money, meat of such high quality can no longer be eaten almost anywhere in the world.

2. Steaks

Steak is one of the traditional dishes of Argentina. Therefore, in each steakhouse under the sign of Parrilla, there will be several types of meat to choose from. Going to an Argentine restaurant, it is highly desirable to understand steaks in order to get exactly what you want.

Colita de cuadril colita de quadrill) - a steak from the lower part of the thigh. Usually contains a lot of fat. It is unlikely to appeal to people who prefer lean meat. However, it is the fat that gives this steak its special flavor. Relatively cheap but high quality steak.

Vacio ( basio) is a steak that is extremely rare outside of Argentina and Uruguay. For him, they take a tenderloin from the side of the carcass (the part between the ribs and the thigh). This is a thin tenderloin with a layer of fat on the outside and pulp inside. A properly cooked vacio will be crispy on the outside but tender and juicy on the inside.

Bife de Chorizo bife de choriso). People, even those who are well acquainted with Spanish, often avoid ordering this steak, thinking that it has something to do with sausage. Yes, chorizo ​​is one of the varieties of sausage even in Argentina. But Bife de Chorizo ​​is a classic Argentinean steak. It is with him that you should begin your acquaintance with Argentine beef. This steak is large, juicy, and has delicious fat around the edges. The tenderloin is taken from the upper thigh of the carcass. Be careful when ordering Bife de Chorizo ​​in cheap restaurants, most likely, a cheaper part of the carcass with a lot of fat will be used here.

02. Bife de Chorizo ​​- classic Argentine steak.

When ordering this steak, you should be careful in cheap restaurants, as most likely the cheaper part with a lot of fat will be used.

(baby beef) baby beef). In Argentina, such a "baby" means a piece of meat weighing about a kilogram. For those who like to eat very tightly or commit suicide from overeating.

03. Baby Beef - a piece of meat the size of a human head. An option for those who don't want to ask for more 🙂

T-bone / bife de costilla ( bife de costia). In Argentina, as elsewhere in the world, it is a steak from the back of the beef carcass on the bone in the shape of the letter "T". A very expensive part of the carcass with good marbling.

Ojo de bife ( ocho de beef). No, this is not a bull's eye, but one of the most expensive steaks in Argentina. Ultra-delicate, with excellent marbling.

Asado de tira ( asado de tira). Ribs in Argentina are served chopped into fairly short pieces. It is unlikely to overeat such a piece, but this is one of the most delicious parts of the carcass at a very low price.

Bife de lomo bife de lomo) is the most expensive steak available. Offered in most restaurants in the country on a par with bife de chorizo. This is the most tender juicy pulp from the sirloin of the carcass. However, sometimes the expectations of this steak are too high, and many are disappointed in the dish. This is because the almost complete absence of fat deprives it of a special taste. However, a lot depends on the quality of the meat, so it's worth trying.

Entrana ( entranya) is the extreme part of the diaphragm. This steak great taste and juiciness. The latter is achieved due to fat and membrane, with which a piece of meat is tightened around the edges. The membrane just prevents the liquid from evaporating. On the other hand, it also makes the piece quite difficult to chew, so you have to work hard with your jaws. But still there is something for which, since this is one of the cheapest steaks.

Chimichurri ( chimichurri) is not meat, but a classic Argentinean sauce. It is often served with meat and is made with parsley, olive oil and garlic. In many establishments, this sauce is served with meat by default. If you didn't get it, you can always ask for it.

IN good restaurants in Argentina, before accepting an order, you should certainly ask the desired degree of roasting of the steak. Since not all waiters understand English well, and even more so Russian, here are a few phrases that will help when ordering a steak:

  • Vuelta y vuelta (buelta and buelta). Literally, "turn over and turn over again." So you can get an almost raw piece of meat, for lovers of blood.
  • Jugoso (hugoso) means that the meat is fried on the outside with a juicy pink middle.
  • A punto (and punto) - medium or good roast.
  • Bien hecha or bien cocida (bien echa or bien cosida). A very well cooked steak.

All of these degrees of doneness can vary quite a bit from cook to cook. In most cases, the norm is to serve the steak a little less done than the customer orders. In this case, you can try the meat and ask to keep it on fire for some more time. I usually order "jugoso" for the first try.

07. Lovers good meat would love to live in the kitchen of Argentinean steakhouses 🙂

3. Other meat dishes of Argentina

Steaks are certainly very popular in Argentina, but the love of Argentines for meat is far from limited to them. There are many more meat dishes, mostly cheaper than steaks, but in many cases just as tasty.

Mollejas ( mojehas). In Russian, this part of the carcass is called the thymus gland, which atrophies when the animal grows up. So when ordering this dish, you can be sure that you will be served veal or lamb meat. This tender, sometimes dairy meat is quite different in taste from the classic steak.

Chinchulines ( Chinchulines). As a rule, this dish refers to the long part of the small intestine, cooked on the grill. Food for an amateur.

Criadilla ( kriadyzha). Liked this word on the menu, and decided to order? Well, get ready to taste the amazing bull eggs 🙂

Morcilla ( morsizhya) is a black blood sausage. There are two types: "criolla" - a plump sausage 10-15 cm long (with a slight hunger, it is quite possible to eat it), "bombón" - a small sausage (served as a snack).

chorizo ​​( chorizo) is a classic, juicy and fatty Argentinean sausage, which is enjoyed on the grill throughout Argentina. A sandwich with such a sausage is the famous choripán ( choripan).

Salchicha ( salchicha) is practically the same as chorizo. Only this sausage is much longer and thinner, which makes it a little dry compared to the usual juicy chorizo.

longaniza ( longanis) - a long and dry cured pork sausage with anise flavor. Often used in sandwiches.

matambrito ( matambrito). The name of this dish comes from two words: “matar” (to kill) and “hambre” (hunger), i.e. "hunger killer" This food can really satisfy your hunger for the whole day. As a rule, matambrito is a very thin and wide piece of meat between the skin and the ribs, in which the filling is wrapped. Depending on the region or the taste of the chef, the filling can be completely different. Most often, whole carrots and boiled chicken eggs. When wrapped, this roll is either baked or boiled in water or milk. In some cases, the meat is not wrapped, but smeared with mozzarella cheese and eaten. This variety is called matambre a la pizza.

Parrillada mixta ( mixed paris). In many restaurants you can order barbecue platter. This means that they will bring you a large frying pan or baking sheet (and for several people), where they will different types meat, including sausages. In most cases, the menu indicates what is included in this dish. A good option if you want to try most of the dishes on offer at once. However, the cheaper the parrillada, the cheaper it will include food, and you can completely forget about good steaks.

Milanese ( milanes) – italian dish well established in Argentina. The most common are chicken Milanesa de Pollo and beef Milanesa de Lomo. In fact, this is a cutlet or a piece of meat in breadcrumbs served with french fries or mashed potatoes and scrambled eggs. Simple, cheap and very nutritious dish, which can be found almost anywhere in Argentina.

Suprema ( suprema) is a variety of milanesa. The main ingredient here is chicken breast.

Lomo a la pimienta / lomo al champignon ( lomo a la pimienta / lomo al chamignon). For those who need a steak not in a classic form, but as a dish. Most often, meat is cooked with sweet peppers or mushrooms.

4. Other traditional Argentine dishes and desserts

Revuelto de Gramajo (Ruveelto de Gramajo) - a dish fast food from fried potatoes, eggs, ham, onions, butter and pepper.

Tortilla Española is a typical Spanish omelet with potatoes and onions.

Empanadas (empanadas). Surprisingly, the pie is a full-fledged national dish of Argentina. It is simply impossible to live and even travel in Argentina without consuming these wonderful and simple culinary creations. Most often, these pies are baked, but there are also fried ones. The filling always prevails over the dough, so they are also very satisfying. The most popular varieties of empanadas are carne (with meat), carne picante (meat and spicy pepper), pollo (with chicken), jamón y queso (jamon and cheese), queso y cebolla (cheese and onions), atún (with tuna).

Dulce de leche (dulce de leche) is a classic Latin American dessert. However, Russians always evoke associations with baked condensed milk. Most likely, in different places it will be served in different versions, but the essence is the same - it is good condensed milk.

Alfajores (alfajores) - a sandwich of two cookies with a layer of dulce de leche or fruit filling. A very tasty and nutritious sweet, an Argentine classic.

5. Food prices in Argentina

The best thing about eating in Argentina is the prices. In this country, inflation is traditionally high, so prices can change with enviable regularity. However, when converted to US dollars, they grow more slowly or even fall. Below are the prices from an average non-tourist restaurant in Buenos Aires in terms of dollars at a black rate (in the tourist restaurants of the middle segment, prices will be 20-30%).

Name of the dish

Bife de costilla

Parrillada (for 2 people)

Lomo a la pimienta

Business lunch

Bottle of beer (1l)

A bottle of good wine

The gastronomy of Argentina is very different from the typical cuisines of other Latin American countries. Because it has a great influence of European cuisine and, above all, Spanish and Italian. In addition, Argentina is one of the world's largest producers of agricultural products such as wheat, corn and beef, which are the main components of the local cuisine.

The flavors of Argentinean cuisine reflect mostly Italian influences with some Spanish influences. Therefore, most of the dishes on this list are originally from Italy. But the Argentinean parillada has already gained worldwide fame and has become a brand of Argentinean cuisine.

So, let's take a look at the Argentines and find out what they eat every day and at family holidays.

1. Parillada

When we talk about the cuisine of Argentina, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, parillada. It is prepared from various parts of beef both on an open fire and on a grill or pan.

Chefs who are professionally engaged in the preparation of parillada are called asador or parillero, and their main skills are knowledge of all the subtleties of cooking each of the parts of the carcass: how and in what direction to cut, how and when to salt, how much and to what degree of roasting to cook and other nuances, who come with experience.

Parillada is prepared at home, in the company of friends, at big city and village holidays and, of course, in restaurants.

2. Pickled Eggplant En Escabeche

Pickled eggplant is usually served as an aperitif with a glass of wine and cheese. This dish is homemade and requires a long cooking process. Every Argentine hostess has her own secrets. One of the most typical recipes can be found here.

3. Carbonade

Carbonada is one of the varieties of stew very popular in Latin America and is served in Argentina, Chile, Peru and Bolivia. Traditionally cooked in a wide wood-fired saucepan.

The main ingredients of this stew are typical South American products: pumpkin, soft sweet corn, meat (beef, lamb or goat), sweet potato, dried peaches. All this is cooked until the broth acquires a thick consistency, and then spices are added: oregano, paprika, thyme, onion, kitucho pepper.

4. Italian cuisine

Italian immigration had a huge impact on the formation of the culture and traditions of modern Argentina and even on its language. Therefore, it is not surprising that the gastronomy of Argentina is strongly influenced by Italian cuisine.

The most popular in the country are pizza, faina (or farinata in Italian), various dishes from macaroni, milanes, cheeses and open sweet pasta frola pies.

5. Chimichurri

Chimichurri sauce is one of the most common in Argentina, has a rather thin consistency and consists of many different spices to enhance the taste. Chimichurri is popular in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is used as a condiment for main courses, parillades and other meat dishes, indispensable for choripan, seasoning salads and marinating fish in it.

Recipe for Chimichurri Sauce.

6 Chinchulines

The term Chinchulines has an ancient origin from in English and means offal. The secret to cooking them is that they should be well fried and have a crispy texture. Usually prepared as part of a common parillada.

Chinchulines, which are made from the small intestine, are often made in the shape of a pigtail, intertwining them. The large intestine is prepared in the same way, but filled with the same ingredients as chorizo ​​sausages.

7. Choripan

Choripan is another star of Argentina's cuisine, which is loved here for its ease of preparation and taste. The word "choripan" itself is a composite of two words: "chori" - short for chorizo ​​sausages and "pan" - bread.

By and large, choripan is a closed sandwich or sandwich: a grilled chorizo ​​sausage, which consists of 70% beef and 30% pork, is wrapped in a French bun cut in half. And season it with chimichurri or pebre sauces.

8. Empanadas

Empanados are also one of the most typical dishes of Argentinean cuisine, along with parillada and choripan. Although in reality, empanadas are now prepared in almost all countries of Latin America, and they can also be found in Spanish bars as tapas.

Empanadas are, in our understanding, pies with different fillings from meat to vegetables, depending on the region, they are molded in the form of dumplings. They can be fried or baked in the oven. In size: from very tiny, up to 20 cm - I ate one and ate for the whole day.

9. Fish Pie

In Spanish, this also sounds like an empanada and this dish can be considered one of the variants of the previous empanadas. Only it is already being prepared in the form of a large pie for several servings. For its preparation, various varieties of fish are used, depending on personal preferences. The most typical fillings are tuna (both natural and canned), sardines and merlus.

Also, types of fish for the filling can be mixed and olives, tomatoes, onions, peppers, eggs are added to them.

10. Faina

As I wrote above, faina came to the cuisine of Argentina along with Italian immigrants of the wave of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

The term "faina" itself is from the Genoese dialect and means "made from flour."

Faina is usually eaten with pizza and each piece is placed on top of the same piece of pizza. Therefore, both of these dishes are made in the same shape.

11. Locro

This dish is known as "argentinean locro" or "creole locro", and in the Quechua language it sounds like "rucru" or "lucru". In Argentine cuisine, locro occupies a special, honorable place and is prepared only on certain holidays, such as Argentina's Motherland Day (anniversary of the first revolution) on May 25 and July 9 on Argentina's Independence Day.

Locro is also a symbol of family holidays and when very close friends gather. The main ingredients of this thick first course are corn, pumpkin, onion, beans, pork or beef and spices (bay leaf, cumin, pepper).

12. Milanesa

Milanesa is another star of Argentinean cuisine with Italian roots, more specifically from Milan, which is where its name comes from.

Since the 19th century, when a large wave of emigration of Italians to Argentina began, this dish has been fixed here in the usual daily menu, like cutlets in Russian cuisine. Milanese is also characteristic of the cuisines of Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia.

Milanesa are thin slices of beef breaded with egg and breadcrumbs. Roasted on vegetable oil and served with mashed potatoes, french fries or salad. Sandwiches are prepared with Milanese by adding lettuce, egg, tomato, and cheese to the sandwich.

13. Picada

Picada is a typical appetizer from Argentina and Uruguay, served as an aperitif.

In our understanding, this is such an assortment of various kinds sausages, cheeses and meat snacks accompanied by vegetables. The most common picada ingredients can be: jamon, blood sausage, mortadella, sausages, chorizo, slices of milanes, cheese, bread, pizza, pate, champignons, fish pieces, peas, pickled cucumbers and everything that the chef’s imagination suffices for.

It is difficult to talk specifically about the origin of this dish, since both Spanish and Italian traditions of cold appetizers can be traced.

14. Polenta

Polenta is a typical dish of northern Italy, although today it is common in many European countries (Austria, Bosnia, Slovenia, southern France, Bulgaria) and Latin American countries, where it is eaten during a particularly cold season.

The most common cooking method is with tuco sauce, which is made from tomatoes, onions and beef, or with grated cheese, usually parmesan. Argentinean polenta is cooked very thick, so you need to cut it with a thin special string.

15. Provoleta

In fact, proletariat is trademark cheese, which belongs to the Argentine provolone cheeses. This type of cheese was specially created for grilling or parillade. When heated, it is characterized by a thick viscous structure and a golden color.

It is usually served as a companion to meat, sausages and as part of a picada. After it is heated and melted (fondue), it is drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with oregano. Also eaten simply with bread.

16. Sorrentinos

Sorrentinos arrived in Argentine cuisine from Italy. At its core, these are ravioli, which are made in Argentina with jamon, cheese and ricotta. But the ingredients may vary by region. Therefore, you can meet sorrentinos with spinach, salmon, blue cheese, mozzarella, ham, shrimp, pumpkin, onions, tomatoes.

17. Vitel tone

Like many other dishes, vitello tone is of Italian origin and is called "vitello tonnato" in its homeland. Today this dish is very popular in Argentina and Uruguay and is served as cold appetizer at family reunions and on Christmas Eve.

Vitel tone are thin fillets of boiled or baked beef with original sauce, which is made from tuna, boiled egg, anchovies and cream. Capers are often added.

18. Stuffed sapalitos

Sapallo is a vegetable from the pumpkin family, zucchini and the like. It has a small rounded shape and just asks to be stuffed with something and sent to the oven.

When sapallos are not yet fully ripe and have a soft skin, they are called sapalitos and it is at this stage of incomplete maturity that they are used for this dish. It is prepared quickly and easily. For the filling, eggs, boiled ham, bread crumbs, grated cheese, onions, creamy and olive oil. Baked in the oven.

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