Home General issues Quick sandwiches for breakfast with an egg. Sandwiches for all occasions! Classic sandwiches for breakfast

Quick sandwiches for breakfast with an egg. Sandwiches for all occasions! Classic sandwiches for breakfast

Hello my dear readers! I am adding to my collection of recipes. healthy meals, and today we will talk about a healthy breakfast, more precisely, about what I eat from time to time in the morning. In general, the morning meal is my favorite. Although earlier, when I often overate at dinner and indulged in tea at night, I didn’t really need breakfast, in the truest sense of the word. There was no appetite, not to mention the pleasure of what I ate. Now the situation has changed dramatically. Now I always have breakfast and at the same time I feel real pleasure. In addition, at this time I can afford a little more than, say, lunch or dinner.))

For some reason, when I say that sandwiches are one of my favorite dishes, 90 percent of my listeners gasp and wonder. For some reason, in the minds of people, the word SANDWICH is associated with a huge fat piece of bread with an equally thick piece of butter and sausage with streaks of fat. And when I say that sandwiches can be useful and not harm the figure, then after, I notice sidelong glances. In most cases, such skepticism is inherent in middle-aged people. Maybe these are the remnants of Soviet beliefs?

But we know that it's all about the products that we choose.))) I haven't eaten sausages and store-bought processed (cured, salted) meat for quite a long time. It is much easier and cheaper to cook it yourself, it will turn out much healthier and tastier. That's how I prefer to eat. I hope you do too.)

What kind of bread is suitable for sandwiches?

It's no secret that the main component of sandwiches is bread. And bread is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates give us strength and energize us for the whole day. Nutritionists insist on eating bread from whole grain flour. It contains coarse fibers that improve bowel function and more vitamins and minerals than white bread.

But if there is no such product, then you can replace it with black bread. A taste that some people don't like. I'm not a big fan of rye either. flour products. But sometimes I allow myself to eat a couple of pieces.

Bread rolls are ideal for morning sandwiches. They contain everything that the body needs for vitality. But at the same time, they do not quite give a feeling of satiety. Although who cares, I speak now only for myself.

Delicious and Healthy Breakfast Sandwiches: 4 Simple Recipes

Another advantage of making sandwiches for breakfast is that they are made very quickly, in just a couple of minutes. This cannot but be appreciated by the working representatives of humanity. And, as you know, a very busy time of day. And don't forget to have breakfast. Every minute counts.And so let's move on to the recipes themselves.

Breakfast sandwich with curd cheese

I met curd cheese as a product quite recently. And to be honest, I fell in love with it. It can be different, both solid and creamy. I like the second option. Most often I buy the Hochland brand. I like it with garlic and herbs. In addition, it is less high-calorie than simple solid cream cheese. It is also very easy to prepare at home. Don't know how?

This will require cottage cheese. I take fat-free, add sour cream, salt, finely chopped greens and garlic. I mix everything and send it to a blender. The consistency should be creamy. I can’t say anything about the quantity, since it all depends on the sour cream and the cottage cheese itself. So see for yourself. But if suddenly the product turned out to be too liquid, you can add a little corn starch. But it is desirable not to allow this.

And so the recipe for a sandwich of ugliness is simple. Take a piece of bread and grease with curd cheese.)))

Sandwich with red fish for breakfast

The snack is very tasty. Red fish is rich healthy fats and micronutrients. As a rule, I take whale, pink salmon or salmon. Of these, salmon is the most valuable, but its cost is quite high. You can buy a whole frozen fish and salt it yourself, or buy ready-made portioned pieces. And yet, I choose exactly lightly salted, not smoked.

Take a piece of bread, brush it with a thin layer of butter or curd cheese and put a small piece of fish on top.

By the way, with all sandwiches you can eat an unlimited number of vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, salads and so on. Get even healthier and tastier.

Hot cheese sandwich for breakfast

The simplest, in my opinion, and the hottest.)) Cheese sandwich is familiar to absolutely everyone. This is a classic. Therefore, no one should have any difficulties in cooking. I prefer to melt cheese in the microwave. Then it becomes soft and just melts in your mouth.

Breakfast sandwich with egg

Well, the last breakfast option, which I really love, is the good old egg. It is fried and steamed and baked, but I usually use boiled for sandwiches. I pre-cook it in the evening to free up some time in the morning.

The recipe is, as always, very simple. Take a piece of bread or a loaf, on top of a leaf of lettuce or cabbage (for example, Beijing). If there is no cabbage, a cucumber or tomato will do, then put a boiled egg cut lengthwise. That's all.

Very often I make 2 or 3 types of healthy breakfast sandwiches at once. And as a drink, I really like freshly brewed flavored coffee. I can't refuse it, and I don't want to. One cup in the morning will definitely not wave.)))

Bon Appetit!

Breakfast sandwiches are a very good, healthy, healthy and tasty choice. Of course, we are not talking about stale sandwiches with doctor's sausage, which many of us had breakfast in youth and laziness. We have for you three very tasty and quite diet prescription!

*** 1 ***

Soft-boiled egg, caprese and avocado toast

Very useful and incredibly tasty toast! Perfect for a snack, breakfast, lunch and even dinner. Serve on toasted baguette slices.

Ingredients (for 4 servings):

  • 4 slices crispy fried bread
  • 3 art. butter spoons
  • 1 medium avocado, mashed until smooth
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
  • salt and pepper for taste


Fry the bread slices. Brush each with butter and avocado paste. Sprinkle with salt. Set aside.

Whisk the eggs and 1 tablespoon oil in a medium bowl.

Put the pan on medium heat, melt 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oil. Add the eggs and stir all the time until the eggs are cooked through, about 2 minutes.

Spread egg mixture on each toast, top with mozzarella, tomatoes and fresh basil. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


*** 2 ***

Mini pizzas for breakfast

Today's menu is crispy English buns topped with tomato, eggs and gooey cheese! These protein-packed sandwiches are the perfect weekend breakfast option!

Ingredients (for 2-4 servings):

  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 muffins
  • 2 tbsp. butter spoons
  • 1 medium sized tomato, chopped
  • 1/2 cup grated cheese Cheddar
  • 20 mini pepperoni (can be substituted with finely chopped bacon or ham)
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • salt and black pepper


In a medium bowl, break and mix the eggs. Place the skillet over medium heat. When it's hot, pour in the eggs. Cook, stirring constantly, until mixture thickens (3-5 minutes). Remove from heat and season with salt and pepper.

Fry the muffins and butter them. Top with chopped tomato, eggs, cheese and mini pepperoni. Place on a baking sheet.

Heat up the oven. Place the pizzas in there for 3-4 minutes (or until the cheese is melted). Put the pizzas on a plate and sprinkle green onion. Serve warm.

Bon Appetit!

*** 3 ***

open bagel

Very easy, healthy and protein-rich breakfast!

Ingredients (for 2-4 servings):

  • 4 slices bacon, cooked to a crisp
  • 4 large eggs
  • salt and black pepper
  • 2 bagels cut in half
  • 1 cup fresh green salad (spinach, kale, your choice)
  • 1 chopped medium sized tomato
  • 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella or cheddar cheese
  • 1 green onion (chopped)


Cook the bacon over medium heat until crisp (fry 3-4 minutes per side). Lay on paper to remove excess fat and cut. Take it aside.

Crack the eggs in a medium bowl and mix well. Place the skillet over medium heat. When it's hot, pour in the eggs. Cook, stirring all the time, until the eggs are set (3-5 minutes). Remove from heat and season with salt and pepper.

Toast the bagel halves until brown. Top with lettuce, chopped tomato, eggs and cheese. Lay on a sheet of baking paper.

Heat up the oven. Put the sandwiches in hot oven for 3-4 minutes (or until cheese is melted). Remove from oven and sprinkle with chopped bacon and green onions. Serve warm.


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Culinary experts around the world agree that sandwiches are so popular because they can be served with anything from meat, fish and cheese to fruit and sweet spreads. In addition, the preparation of sandwiches takes a minimum of time, and there is no need to talk about the complexity of cooking - the process is extremely simple.

Quick sandwiches are the most commonly eaten breakfast worldwide. Even yoghurts, muesli and scrambled eggs are left behind.

Four out of five people eat sandwiches for breakfast. various variations: toast, bruschetta, sandwiches, etc. That is why we decided to make a selection of light sandwiches that diversify both everyday and festive table.

Quick sandwiches can also be useful. The recipe for this dish with cottage cheese is very simple and is suitable for a snack, for a snack or breakfast.

Cooking: Mix 200 g of cottage cheese with 50 g of sour cream, add a bunch of finely chopped greens. Mix well. Spread the curd mass on black bread with bran.

Diet light sandwiches with cottage cheese

The recipe is somewhat similar to the previous one, but still differs from it.


mix skim cheese with classic yogurt. Add chopped herbs, stir. Spread the prepared light pasta on a cereal loaf. Place a circle on top fresh tomato You can garnish with a lettuce leaf.

Sandwiches with herring

Everything here is extremely easy and simple. If you have boiled eggs, herring sandwiches will take 1 minute to make.

Spread black bread with melted butter. Lay boiled eggs cut into slices on top, and on them - a few circles of herring fillet. Finish off with a few blue onion rings.

Sandwiches with melted cheese and anchovies

Such quick sandwiches for a snack can be prepared both on a festive and on a weekday. Almost the entire recipe is clear from the name and photo.


Lay one slice on brown square-shaped bread processed cheese. Sprinkle chopped fresh dill on top. Cut the bread slices diagonally.

Cut off the heads and tails of the anchovies, remove the spine if desired. Place anchovies on bread triangles. Top the sandwiches with a slice of boiled potatoes. For a festive sandwich, use a small potato or cut a large potato into cubes and secure them with a skewer (as in the photo).

Such light snack not only in cooking, but also for the stomach. This a good option for a quick bite.

Preparing sandwiches:

From cans canned tuna(for salads) drain liquid. cut thinly fresh cucumbers and tomato slices. Place a few slices of cucumber on the bread. Spread the tuna generously on top, followed by the tomato. If you cover the sandwich with another piece of bread, you get a sandwich.

Ham sandwiches

Cooking sandwiches does not take much time, even if the composition includes 7 ingredients. The main thing is to choose a set of products that will go well with each other and give the appetizer a complete full taste.

Salmon and egg sandwiches

Light sandwiches that won't make you fat should contain protein and less carbohydrates and fats. so useful and quick snack can be very simple.


Brush whole wheat bread with a little tartar sauce. Cover with lettuce leaves. Place strips of lightly salted red fish on it, several slices of boiled egg and a couple of slices of pickled cucumber.

It turns out a snack tasty, and appetizing, and healthy.

Sandwiches with red fish and lemon

Everything is clear here. Spread melted or cream cheese on a slice of bread. Top with thin strips of any red fish, a few rings of blue onion and a thin slice of lemon.

Such quick sandwiches for a snack will become a table decoration.

Croutons with pate and vegetables

Quick sandwiches with pate are also quite budgetary and accessible to almost everyone.

Lubricate the bread base of the snack with pate (any one will do). Put a ring of sweet pepper on it, and on top - a plate of fresh tomato. Cover with a slice of hard cheese. Place in the mink wave for a minute to melt the cheese.

Sandwiches "Caprese"

Brush the oven-dried slices of bread with olive oil. Alternately layer the tomato and mozzarella slices on top of each other. Season with spices if desired and garnish with fresh basil leaves.

Such colorful, light and quick sandwiches for a snack will certainly be appreciated by lovers of Italian cuisine.

"Spring" sandwiches for breakfast

You always want to eat tasty and healthy food, while spending a little time on cooking. Sandwiches and toast with various additives are the most popular breakfasts in the world. They are preferred by 78% of all men and 84% of women. Making sandwiches is a quick job, there are a lot of options and the result is always excellent. Just what you need in the morning.

In the spring, you can make light sandwiches with radishes, which are hard to find at other times of the year.


Hard boil the eggs. Cool and cut into slices. Wash cucumbers and radishes, cut into thin circles. Lubricate slices of bread (any to your taste) with mayonnaise. Place prepared vegetables and boiled eggs on top. Season the appetizer with salt and pepper. Top with fresh herbs if desired.

Sandwiches with fried egg and fresh vegetables

If you prefer a hearty breakfast, you will definitely like these quick sandwiches.


Rinse tomatoes and cucumbers under running water, cut into thin slices.

Dry the bread a little in a toaster or oven.

Fry a chicken egg in a pan on one or both sides. Sprinkle with salt to taste and ground pepper.

Spread melted bread on a slice of bread butter. Place a washed and dried green lettuce leaf on the oil, then slices of vegetables. Cover the appetizer with a warm fried egg.

Toast the bread in a dry frying pan or dry it in a toaster.

Boil one egg in boiling water for 8 minutes. Peel it from the shell, cut into small cubes.

Mix the crushed egg with 1 tsp. capers or finely chopped pickled cucumber. Season with 1 tsp. mayonnaise and 0.5 tsp. Dijon mustard. Pepper to taste. Spread salad on toast.

Serve light sandwiches with tea, coffee or juice.

Sandwiches with sausages and bacon

Dry the slices of bread in a dry frying pan. On it, fry sausages and bacon, and then eggs.

Place the sausages and bacon on the bread first. Cover everything with a fried egg. Season quick sandwiches to taste, sprinkle with herbs to look even more appetizing.

Appetizer with tuna salad

Cooking sandwiches with tuna takes 2 minutes of time. Therefore, they are ideal for a quick snack and a light breakfast.

Drain the liquid from the canned tuna. Break up canned food with a fork. Add 50 g of feta cheese or cheese, a few sprigs of chopped dill. Mix everything well.

Spoon the mixture onto the loaf.

Sandwiches with figs and prosciutto

For a snack on a holiday or a party, cooking is a good solution. quick sandwiches with figs. They look unusual, bright, colorful and incredibly appetizing. Guests will certainly appreciate the unique taste of snacks.

Spread slices of bread with a generous layer of goat cheese. Lay thin strips of prosciutto beautifully on it (you can replace it with another dry-cured type of meat). Place ripe fig slices on top. For beauty and contrast, add a leaf of arugula lettuce.

Bruschetta with eggplant and cottage cheese

This easy recipe- a simplified version of the preparation of a traditional Italian snack.

Wash the eggplant and cut into small thin sticks. Fry in a well-heated pan with the addition of olive oil, salt and minced garlic. Fry for about 10 minutes while stirring.

Cut the baguette diagonally into portions. Dry the slices in a dry frying pan.

Add a little sour cream to the curd, mix well.

Put the curd mass on the baguette with a spoon, and fried eggplants on top.

Sandwiches with salmon and avocado

To prepare sandwiches according to this recipe, you will need bread, avocado, salmon, sardines, dill, lemon.

Remove skin from avocado, cut in half and remove pit. Cut the fruit into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Rinse a few sprigs of dill under running water, finely chop.

Put thinly sliced ​​salmon, a teaspoon of sardines, a couple of slices of avocado on bread. Sprinkle dill over the appetizer. You can use the snack in this form, or you can send it to a preheated oven for 6-8 minutes.

We hope you enjoy our selection fast cooking sandwiches for a snack or breakfast will save you time and effort spent in the kitchen, and the result of your efforts will bring delicious pleasure to you and your family.

Bon Appetit!

The best light and at the same time satisfying snack in the whole world is considered a sandwich. Once upon a time, this beloved snack was invented by Lord Sandwich, and since then we have not parted with his culinary invention in the morning, afternoon, or evening. To prepare this delicacy, we use a variety of products: mushrooms, meat, cheese, eggs, sausage, fish, greens, as an integral addition, caviar, as originality and refinement of taste, cottage cheese, nut butter and even chocolate. With fragrant tea or strong coffee, such a dish goes for a sweet soul, regardless of the time of day. And you don’t need to stand by the stove for a long time to cook a delicious treat for yourself and the whole family, in an instant and a large plate with boutiques is ready! If you love them too, then visit our article to replenish your culinary knowledge. In it you will find 12 photo ideas of the best recipes for simple and delicious sandwiches on hastily prepared from available and useful products nutrition. Explore, experiment and pamper your family and loved ones. And we proceed to our phased master classes.

cheese sandwich recipe

Available at home/office microwave oven, you can cook a very quick and tasty sandwich in a hurry with cheese. For a piece white bread on top you need to put one or two slices of cheese, and send for a minute in the microwave. Melted cheese will give a simply stunning aroma.

Sandwiches with pasta

At home, you can cook a very good nutritious sandwich paste. To do this, you need to finely grate one carrot and add it to pre-softened butter (100 gr.). Pour this mixture with grated cheese of any hard grade and mix the ingredients well. Pepper to taste and whisk. Ready pasta can be spread on bread and tasted. The best photo recipe in a hurry, which you should definitely write down in a notebook.

Sandwiches with cheese and butter

Cheese sandwiches. They are made quickly and are very tasty.

Option one: grate the cheese, mix it with sweet ground pepper, and sprinkle with this composition a slice of bread, pre-buttered.

Option two: take any hard cheese, and cut a small plate from it. Now this plate of cheese should be put on a piece of bread greased with butter, and a little sugar or salt on top.

Sandwiches with canned food

Sandwiches with canned fish hastily. The easiest way, of course, is to eat canned food with black bread. But for those who are not looking for easy ways, but are looking for the perfect combination of external beauty and internal content, the following are the best photo recipes.

Option one: take a piece of herring fillet and put it on bread previously cut into slices. The boiled egg should be cut lengthwise into thin slices, and laid out next to the pieces of herring. As a decoration, you can use any greens.

Option two: make toast (if you don't have a toaster, you can put the sliced ​​bread slices in the oven until golden brown). Grate the toasts with garlic, put 1 - 2 sprats, put a tomato slice, a slice of lemon and a sprig of parsley next to it. Preparing, as you can see, is easy and simple, swept away in a minute!

sausage sandwich recipe

We cut any sausage into circles, ovals or any other figures. We spread these masterpieces on bread and can be sent to the mouth. Optionally, you can add a plate of cheese, fresh cucumber and good fresh herbs.

Sandwiches with red caviar

For gourmets - the best recipe sandwiches with caviar in haste. A slice of white bread is smeared with butter. The next layer is caviar. You can take red, black (if possible) or any other. The thickness of the caviar layer depends only on the thickness of your wallet. Such masterpieces can be made with your own hands and in the form of miniature canapes, so they will look even more beautiful.

Recipe for hot sandwiches with ham and cheese in a hurry

You can get a practically self-sufficient lunch if you cook a good hot sandwich. For this dish you will need two slices of bread. Both must first be smeared with butter. On one of them you need to put a plate of cheese, then a piece of ham, and on top another slice of cheese. We cover all this beauty with a second piece of bread, and send it to a preheated pan. On each side, the sandwich should be fried for 5 minutes, and you can serve it to the table. This photo recipe is one of the best.

Egg sandwiches

A delicious sandwich in a hurry can easily turn into a gourmet treat if you pour it with a sauce of ketchup, hard cheese and sour cream. It can be made from a piece of bread smeared with butter and a boiled egg cut in half. Pour the workpiece on top good sauce and garnish with a bow. Such culinary creations in the form of miniature canapes will look original. Try by all means!

Easy Hot Butter Sandwich Recipes

A hot sandwich in a hurry can replace a good full breakfast. The method of its preparation is as follows: a slice of bread is smeared with butter (you can pre-mix the butter with your favorite spices). Then the products are laid out on the prepared basis. Among them can be any vegetables, sausages, mushrooms and more. Top the sandwich with grated cheese and place in the oven for 10 minutes. You can decorate with fresh herbs. The dish turns out - you will lick your fingers, the best! You should definitely try it.

Sweet sandwiches in a hurry

Sandwiches with curd mass are distinguished by an unusual taste. Bread for a while you need to put aside, and start preparing the curd mixture. Take cottage cheese and mix it thoroughly with butter. Then add any preservation to this composition: strawberries, plums, raspberries, apricots, etc. The mass can be called ready, after thorough mixing of these ingredients. It is formed very simply: the finished curd mass must be spread on a slice of bread. This photo recipe is good dessert for gourmets.

The proposed options are not binding. You can experiment in the kitchen with different products and write your own variations. In any case, by making sandwiches for a snack for yourself or a group of friends, you can quickly and permanently satisfy your hunger.

Sandwich "Surprise" from Anastasia Skripkina

In order for the sandwiches to turn out to be hearty and good in a hurry, you must also include the appropriate products, as in our best photo recipe. good snack which requires the following ingredients:

  • loaf;
  • 6 eggs;
  • vegetable oil.

For sauce:

  • 1 tsp butter;
  • 1 tsp flour;
  • 1 glass of meat broth;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. The loaf should be cut into 6 pieces, 1-1.5 cm thick.
  2. Remove the soft part from the middle of the bread, leaving only the edges.
  3. After that, it is necessary to fry our blanks in a pan with vegetable oil.
  4. To prepare the sauce, you need to melt the butter in a metal container, then add the flour and mix thoroughly.
  5. This is followed by the recipe broth, sour cream and salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil.
  6. Pour the finished sauce into a container of medium depth and put our fried loaf blanks into it so that the empty middle in the bread is not filled with contents.
  7. We drive an egg into the middle of each slice and put in the oven for baking at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Here are our sandwiches in a hurry and ready! This tasty treat will be enjoyed by all your family. And if for the preparation of this dish to use quail eggs, then cool canapes can turn out, everyone is a feast for the eyes!

Sandwich with crab meat from Yulia Vysotskaya

To prepare delicious simple sandwiches in a hurry at home, we need:

  • crab meat - 1 b.;
  • black bread - 1/2 part;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • fennel - 1/2 pc.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pink pepper - 1/4 tsp;
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • a pinch of sea salt.

Put the stuffing on the hot croutons to taste. - Make a hole in a round bun and pour the unbroken yolk in the protein into it, bake in the oven along with other components. - Hard boil an egg, peel, cut into rings and decorate the sandwich. Or grind and mix with other ingredients: processed cheese, mayonnaise, cottage cheese, canned sprats. Use the resulting mass as a spread. - Shake the ice cream and carefully pour it on the surface as a setting component for hot canapés to bake the crust.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Most fast option snack - put a piece of omelette on bread, season with sauce. Delicious combinations products: smoked fish, solid or soft cheese, all sandwich vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, Bell pepper, radish, greens, sausages, boiled poultry. Butter is best for greasing bread. boiled eggs- a little dry, so you should take care of a suitable thick consistency sauce: tartar, garlic, mustard, sour cream, cream. It would be nice to decorate a plate for ready-made sandwiches with lettuce leaves or parsley sprigs - it looks beautiful and appetizing.

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