Home Salads and appetizers What kind of alcohol is drunk in China? Alcohol in China - - traditional drinks and what a tourist should prepare for

What kind of alcohol is drunk in China? Alcohol in China - - traditional drinks and what a tourist should prepare for

Maotai is a Chinese vodka made from rice malt, crushed grain and rice. It has a characteristic odor and yellowish color. In China, Maotai is the most famous alcoholic drink. It got its name in honor of the village of Maotai in the province of Guizhui, in which its production has been established.


Chinese vodka made from shanlan rice is known all over the world. Initially, the recipe for its preparation was the property of the Li people. Maotai is made from shanlan sticky early rice, which is specially grown in the vicinity of the village. Rice is ground into a powder, then yeast is added to it. The fermentation of the drink takes place at a high temperature, which distinguishes this type of alcohol from other types of vodka made at low or medium thermometer readings.

Crushed and whole grains are mixed in the required proportion and added in two doses to boilers filled with a mixture of rice and yeast. Within a month, the product is fermented, then distillation is performed. The procedure is repeated eight times, after which the resulting drink is placed in the cellar and aged for three years. After that, the ripened young maotai is mixed with older drinks waiting for their turn in the storerooms. This is done to minimize the difference in taste between different batches of vodka. If maotai is prepared according to all the rules, then you get a 53-degree Chinese vodka with an unusual taste, pleasant aroma and exquisite softness.

National treasure

Not a single serious event in China is complete without this alcoholic drink. It has become an almost obligatory element at official government meetings in Beijing and at presentations in other countries. More recently, Chinese rice vodka was considered an elite drink, inaccessible to mere mortals. However, now it has appeared on free sale and is often used, especially on special occasions: at weddings, holidays, banquets. Despite the fact that the price of this alcoholic drink is consistently high, Maotai is in high demand.

At present, Chinese grain vodka began to appear on the tables of ordinary inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, the abundance of which sometimes allows you to enjoy this wonderful drink.


High-quality kaoliang, a kind of sorghum, is used as the main component in the manufacture of vodka. Kaoliang is resistant to cold and early maturity. The sourdough on which Chinese vodka is made is made from wheat, and the water is drawn from the purest local sources. The process of preparing an alcoholic drink also has no analogues in the world. Eight-fold distillation, followed by fermentation, each of which lasts about a month, makes the process of vodka production very painstaking and time-consuming. At each subsequent stage of production, a new starter is added to the drink.

It takes at least eight months to produce each batch of vodka. Maotai is sold after three years of aging. It comes out remarkably clean. Despite its exceptional strength, the drink does not hit the head, does not burn the mucous membranes and does not upset the stomach.


Since time immemorial, Chinese vodka, whose name coincides with the name of the village in which it is produced, has been the favorite drink of the creative people of China. There is an opinion that many outstanding minds of the Celestial Empire drew inspiration from this alcoholic drink. The Maotai settlement enjoyed the attention of many great people of various dynasties, songs and legends were composed about it.

Maotai has more than 2000 years of history. It is believed that the prototype of the famous vodka - jujiang - began to be produced as early as 135 AD. In 1704, the name "maotai" appeared. At the beginning of the 20th century, by the end of the Qing Dynasty, the productivity of factories producing this unique drink was approximately 170 tons per year. By merging the three largest distilleries in China in 1951, the state concern "Maotai" appeared. This event was the beginning modern history production of Chinese rice vodka.

Homeland of vodka

The village of Maotai enjoys a reputation as a unique place with a favorable climate and very high quality water. It is called the birthplace of vodka. Of the seven thousand inhabitants of this urban-type settlement, half are employed in the production of the famous alcoholic beverage. In other settlements, they also tried to make maotai. However, it turned out that the secret of its unique quality lies in a special combination of temperature, humid climate and fertile soil, which is found only in the vicinity of Maotai village. Excessive mechanization of the production of this type of alcohol will lead to the fact that Chinese rice vodka will lose its traditional unique taste.

There is a legend according to which such a strong alcoholic drink was invented in China not by chance. The fact is that the local hard-working rice growers worked in very harsh conditions: in any weather, despite the dirt and dampness, they went out into the field. In order to keep warm and come to their senses, peasants in different parts of the country used burning. In the north of China, they made "hanzha" from kaoliang. And in Maotai, a world-famous product was invented.

Drink of Chinese diplomats

Maotai - Chinese vodka, which is one of the three most famous alcoholic drinks in the world. It was used by the statesmen of the Middle Kingdom - Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong. At solemn events, leaders of states are treated to this alcoholic drink. The Chinese leadership has always highly valued the Maotai as a national treasure and an instrument with which to solve important political problems. Chinese vodka is included in the list of gifts presented by diplomats to leaders of other countries. In addition, maotai is actively exported abroad and has the highest foreign exchange export rate compared to other Chinese alcoholic beverages.

Awards and prizes

In 1915, this unique product was presented by the three largest manufacturers to the audience of the Pacific International Fair in Panama. According to legend, several bottles of alcohol were unexpectedly broken during the event. The aroma that spread around conquered the people present, as a result of which the maotai was awarded the highest prize.

International food exhibition in Paris in 1985 and 1986. brought this unique product two gold medals. After that, the whole world learned the name of Chinese vodka. In total, at various international exhibitions, the Maotai alcoholic drink won fourteen gold medals.

Maotai in Russia

Back in 2010, Maotai vodka producers entered the Russian market. The traditional elite alcoholic drink, familiar to the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, causes mixed impressions among the Russian consumer. On the one hand, strong Chinese vodka - 56 degrees - does not cause a hangover and has good quality. On the other hand, it has a very high price, a specific aroma and taste, which not all Russians can appreciate.

In addition, despite all its sophistication, Maotai has an exceptional strength. According to some buyers, strong intoxication from it comes instantly, so you need to use it carefully, sensitively listening to the reactions of the body.

It is known that the shares of the manufacturer "Guizhou Maotai" ("Guizhou Maotai") significantly increased in price after the Central Television of the People's Republic of China showed a story in which Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2014, January 17, during a press conference in Sochi twice spoke positively about the famous Chinese vodka.

drink with a snake

China produces many alcoholic beverages, sometimes quite exotic. One of them is Chinese snake vodka. Manufacturers claim that it is not just an alcoholic drink, but a healing tincture that improves the health and well-being of any person. Usually this vodka consists of plants, medicinal herbs and ... snakes. She is credited with medicinal properties. It is believed that it improves potency, increases vitality, promotes the treatment of arthrosis and arthritis, strengthens the immune system, stabilizes brain activity - the list is endless. Like it or not, it's hard to say. According to some consumers, this alcoholic drink stands out only for its unusual appearance. It tastes not much different from traditional Russian vodka.


According to one poet of the Middle Kingdom, three hundred glasses of wine can save him from a thousand years of sadness. If this person were to taste maotai, a few cups would be enough for him. It is no coincidence that this alcoholic drink is considered the king of all Chinese vodkas. It is impossible to say how much it corresponds to the tastes of Russian consumers. Chinese rice vodka made according to traditional recipe with observance of all necessary conditions, is a magnificent gift to any celebration. It will be interesting to try it for every connoisseur of elite alcoholic products.

More recently, a statement has thundered that Chinese Maotai vodka is recognized as the most expensive global brand in the field of alcoholic beverages. The price for 1 bottle of this elite drink exceeds $300. Such a cost of this alcoholic product is due to an unusual recipe that originates 20 centuries ago.

In the article:

Features of Chinese vodka

Maotai (also called a hypocrite or hanshi) is distinguished by its special transparency and purity. Thanks to a special production technology, it has harmonious thick taste qualities and unforgettable scent. This vodka is often drunk by combining it with green tea.

The consistency of the drink is slightly thick. The fortress ranges from 35 to 52%. An inexperienced consumer needs to be careful, since 52 degrees is a serious challenge even for a person who is used to. This drink is incredibly easy to drink, but it is very strong. Intoxication when drinking it occurs in a short time.

A feature of this product is its aroma. It is so stable that it can continue to hover in the air of the room where vodka was drunk for 3 days.

Due to its composition, Maotai is considered a high-quality product. This alcoholic drink has a moderate negative effect on internal organs such as the liver or stomach. He is not characterized by such a consequence as a hangover. This product is mentioned in the works of many artists and poets in China.

History of vodka Khanzha or Maotai

According to historical data, Maotai vodka originates in the 2nd century BC. It was this date that marked the appearance of the Guojiang drink. Later, based on the recipe for this weak drink made from rice, a modern drink was released. It happened during the time of the emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

Then the peasants who worked in the rice fields were constantly in the water. These working conditions prompted them to create a way for themselves to keep warm. This is how the famous Maotai appeared. She became famous when she accidentally appeared on the table of the emperor, who immediately ordered the start of production of this drink on his lands.

Over time, the cooking technology underwent minor changes, in particular, ordinary rice was replaced by such a component as sorghum. This gave the drink a deeper taste. But the basic recipe and production steps have been preserved since those times.

Maotai drink today

This elite product is considered a luxurious gift. It is presented to persons in high positions, big businessmen. The Chinese people even have a saying regarding Maotai: those who acquire it do not use it, and those who use it do not acquire it.

Chinese vodka Maotai

Many people buy this vodka just for the collection, to add chic to their home bar. Not a single high-level feast in China is complete without this expensive drink.

This elite product has won countless awards and titles. 30 years ago, at a conference in Paris, he won 3 gold medals for his unique mild taste. After this conference, the popularity of the drink grew every year. Now she has already been awarded 14 medals. Chinese vodka Maotai is the first alcoholic drink of this country, the release of which exceeded such a figure as 170 tons per year.

Production Kweichow Moutai

The recipe for Maotai vodka has remained unchanged since its invention and differs from the traditional one. Wheat and sorghum, which are grown on the territory of the country, are used as raw materials. It is believed that a similar taste of the drink cannot be obtained if vodka is produced elsewhere. The product is produced only in the Chinese town of the same name. The characteristic qualities inherent in Maotai are achieved due to the local climate and the unique purest water in the river flowing through the district.

It is interesting that in many parts of the world they tried to repeat the quality of Maotai vodka, but they failed to recreate the analogue. Produced drinks had other taste, smell, texture. For this reason, the real drink of this brand is produced exclusively where its history began.

The Chinese vodka production cycle lasts several years. According to the producers, due to this cooking time, a specific aroma of the product and its deep taste are obtained.

At the beginning of production, the grain is fermented in a special container. The process is facilitated by a special leaven based on mold fungi. A yeast culture is also used during fermentation. It is these ingredients that form sugar from the starch found in cereals.

The grain ferments in 8 stages. The duration of each stage is one month. In this case, a break is required between cycles. Thus, fermentation, in general, takes about 40 months. This process takes place at high temperatures. The exact temperature is kept in the strictest confidence. After fermentation, the mixture must be distilled.

6 months after all cycles of fermentation and distillation, the product is tasted. If the taste does not meet the high standards of this brand, the drink is sent for further fermentation.

And only when the tasters approve the resulting product, it will be poured into ceramic dishes and kept in a dark place for 3 years. The liquid is then filtered and combined with older drinks. This is very milestone affecting the quality of the product. Vodka is incredibly rich and strong. But, despite this, this liquid is drunk very easily.

As already mentioned, Chinese vodka has an extremely persistent pungent aroma. It turns out thanks to the ingredients included in the composition. When preparing the wort for the fermentation of grains, a special fermentation mixture produced in China is used. It's called jiuqu.

This mixture contains specific bacteria, molds and yeast culture. This ingredient is produced on the basis of substrate cereals and looks like a regular powder.

In China, it is believed that jiuqu not only promotes the fermentation of wort and the release of sugars, but also has the property of relieving hangovers.

Some consumers note the characteristic flavor of vodka as a disadvantage of this drink. But few people refuse to try this expensive product because of the pronounced smell.

How to drink Maotai vodka

Vodka Maotai has not only rich history but also with their traditions and culture. Thereby famous brand many countries already know how to drink Chinese vodka. In China, it is customary for good vodka to be drunk only from jade or porcelain dishes. The containers from which this product is used are called bowls. You can use glasses, but always made from the materials mentioned above.

Many copies of this alcoholic drink come with 2 small glasses. They are invested for a specific purpose. It is believed that a portion consisting of such an amount of vodka allows you to feel its taste, but at the same time maintain a clear mind.

The culture of using this product implies that the glass is never empty. As soon as the drink is drunk, the glass is filled again. In this case, it is not necessary to empty it immediately, you can wait for the next toast.

Making a toast in China also has its own traditions. When making a speech, it is necessary to hold a dish with vodka in your right hand, while holding it by the bottom with your left.

If the drink is drunk in a purely male company, each new portion is sipped slowly, with pleasure. If the fair sex is present at the table, men are required to empty the glass to the bottom.

As a rule, Maotai vodka is served with spicy snacks. It will also be an excellent addition to national dishes. Chinese food. In this country, it is believed that vodka is not necessary to eat. To feel the aftertaste, many Chinese refuse to snack at all.

China has a very extensive culture of drinking alcoholic products. It produces a huge range of alcoholic beverages. But it is the Chinese vodka called Maotai that has achieved immense popularity around the world due to its qualities and production traditions based on many years of experience.

The culture of the Chinese goes back many millennia. This people is famous for the invention of many benefits of civilizations, one of which is alcohol. What do the Chinese drink today and what you can treat yourself to when visiting this amazing country.

A Brief History of Alcohol in China

Initially, alcohol in China was made on the basis of cane and rice. Grape wine in China also took place, but the technology of its production was adopted from the Turks, as well as the technology of growing grapes. It is known that grape wine in ancient China cost a huge amount of money, for comparison, a jug of drink cost as much as the post of governor of a province.

Until 1892, the production of grape wine in the Middle Kingdom went its own way according to traditional technologies, until the Zhanyui Winery winery appeared, which fully used European recipes and wines of Cabernet, Merlot, Muscat and others began to gain more and more popularity. In the future, the first breweries began to appear, but nevertheless, traditional alcohol in China is still popular.

In China, alcohol is denoted by the word "JIU" - this definition is suitable for drinks of any strength - liquor, beer, wine, vodka, but it specifies which classification the prefix to the word "JIU" belongs to. In China, there are 5 classifications of alcohol ("Jiu"):


Shaoxing rice wine belongs to this classification. This drink has been produced for over 2000 years. Wine is considered traditional for dinner parties, official banquets and rituals. Fortress 18-20 degrees.

According to tradition, Shaoxing wine is drunk warm, and before drinking, decanters are placed in a basin of warm water to warm up. Keep in mind the Chinese do not clink glasses, they raise a glass in their right hand from below, holding it with the palm of their left hand.

2. Maotai Tszyu

This is rice vodka with a strength of up to 58 degrees. Maotai is one of the most popular Chinese drinks; foreign guests are treated to it, even Mao Zedong himself is not averse to sipping a glass of Maotai-jiu. The drink is available only to wealthy segments of the population. Due to the complex and lengthy technology of preparation (more than 5 years), its cost is very high.

3. Ergotou-Tszyu

This classification includes inexpensive and strong drinks (up to 55 degrees) prepared on the basis of rice, wheat, corn and sorghum, using double distillation. Due to the low cost, drinks are very popular among the Chinese.

4. Putai-chiu

Putai refers to grape wines of various varieties, both white and red. Today, the main producer of Chinese grape wines is the company Dynasty- a joint venture between the Chinese and the French.

5. Pi-chiu

This classification unites all types of beer, which are also a great variety in China, both light and dark.

The Chinese have been making vodka for a long time. According to the chronicles, as early as seven hundred years ago, baijiu was cooked in huge cauldrons. To this day, a detailed description of the manufacture of Chinese vodka has been preserved.

A vat with mash was placed in a cauldron, which was closed with a lid. Condensate flowed down it into a special gutter. There was no mention of any cleanup.

The first Chinese vodka was about sixty degrees strong, and it contained a huge amount of toxins, leading to poisoning of the body. After that, I had a headache and was tormented by nausea.. To somehow alleviate the condition, the drink was served warm.

In a specially made vodka vessel with a narrow throat they poured vodka and put it on hot coals. Light impurities evaporated while the alcohol did not have time to evaporate.

The raw materials for the production of mash were millet, barley, rice and corn.

The taste and smell of baijiu is specific and very unpleasant. Some compare it with kerosene and even with dichlorvos.

One type of baiji is Chinese vodka Maotai. The production of this drink is located in the city of the same name in the Guangzhou province. The company producing Maotai is state-owned and brings considerable income to the country's budget. Its fortress is from forty to sixty degrees. Preparing Chinese sorghum vodka, crushed wheat and rice. She has a special smell, characteristic only for Maotai, and the color is yellow.

For China, this alcoholic drink is a national pride. Its sales abroad break all records, and every international meeting with a Chinese delegation does not take place without Maotai.

Maotai recipe

The recipe for making Chinese vodka is as follows:

  • For cooking, early-ripening rice of a special sticky breed and kaoliang are used.
  • Powdered cereal is mixed with yeast.
  • Crushed rice and whole grains are placed in boilers for boiling the wort.
  • Braga is cooked at a high temperature, unlike other alcoholic beverages. It lasts about a month, after which they do at least eight distillations.
  • Old distilled Maotai is mixed with a young drink.

The resulting vodka has fifty-three degrees of strength. It is quite mild and absolutely safe, in terms of intoxication. Maotai vodka is prepared for a long time and painstakingly. After eight cleanings, it is aged for about three years in a dark place with a temperature of no more than ten degrees. This explains such a high price of the drink.

But Maotai, according to Chinese nutritionists, does not harm the gastric mucosa. The drink has a characteristic feature: at the very beginning it may not intoxicate, but after a while intoxication comes sharply and suddenly.

This Chinese vodka is one of the most expensive alcoholic beverages in the world. Its price ranges from one hundred and fifty to nine hundred US dollars.

The world first learned about Chinese vodka in 1986, when Maotai was awarded a prestigious prize in Paris. A year earlier, she received three gold medals during an international food conference. In total, Maotai has fourteen gold medals, received in different years since the eighties.

The uniqueness of this vodka lies in the fact that such a rare culture as kaoliang is used for its production. No less significant is the fact of using water from a mountain spring.

The kaoliang cereal crop is known its useful properties:

Kaoliang is recommended for diabetics to lower blood sugar levels, as well as for pregnant women. It is also indispensable in the nutrition of the elderly as a source of easily digestible vegetable protein. In the wax coating of kaoliang grains there is such a substance as polykazkhanol, which fights the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The beneficial qualities of this cereal were also transferred to Maotai. Experts say that moderate consumption of the drink contributes to the normalization of brain function and nervous system. Thanks to the active components in the composition of kaoliang, immunity is strengthened and the risk of arthrosis is reduced.

The drink absolutely does not cause a hangover due to high-quality and reusable cleaning, as well as the content of antioxidants in its composition.

How to drink Maotai

Traditions are of great importance in the life of every Chinese. Drinking alcohol in China is more like an ancient ritual. How to drink Chinese vodka:

An amazing fact, but the most popular toast in China is - "Drink to the bottom."

Vodka Ulyanye

It is produced in Sichuan province. Corn, rice and wheat are used as raw materials. There are several types of Ulyanye, different in strength. They produce vodka with a strength of fifty-two degrees, thirty-nine and sixty-eight. Unlike Maotai, this vodka is absolutely transparent, with a pleasant aroma.

Ulyanye entered the top ten the best vodkas China and is also actively exported to other countries.

Jiang Nan Chun

It is one of the favorite alcoholic beverages of the Chinese. Its fortress is fifty-two degrees, but recently vodka with a strength of sixty has appeared. It has a rich aroma and good taste. Keeping Jiang for a long time is not recommended, as over time it acquires the taste and smell of sourdough. Vodka is prepared from special sticky varieties of sorghum, glutinous rice and corn.

Jiang making method is very ancient. In the province of Sichuan, liquor production began earlier than other places in China. Even during the reign of the Tang Dynasty, drinks from Sichuan were put into the palace and used exclusively by the court nobility.

This vodka earned recognition three hundred years ago . When it was called Mian Zhu Da Qu. It was renamed only in 1958.


Kaoliang is used for its production. and pure spring water in Xing Hua village. Fenjiu vodka comes from Shanxi province, where it is still produced. During production, the Chinese tried to preserve the ancient traditions, only slightly improving them. This alcoholic drink is also one of the ten most exported vodkas in China. Its strength is sixty degrees, and the taste and unique smell makes the drink memorable against the background of other products.

Sheung Ching

It translates as "double distillation". This vodka is made exclusively from special varieties of rice with high gluten. The strength of the drink is thirty-five degrees.

San Hua

It means "three flowers". It is made according to ancient technology, since the history of this vodka goes back over a thousand years. It got its name thanks to floral aroma. The fortress of San Hua vodka is fifty-seven percent.


This drink is the pride of the Sichuan alcohol industry. She has quite Strong smell sour peaches. The fortress is fifty degrees.

Vodka with additives

China also sells many medicinal drinks based on high quality alcohol. In their composition, various medicinal herbs, flowers and berries are added. You can also find drinks that are completely shocking in their composition, containing scorpions, lizards or snakes. Tourists often wonder - is it safe to drink such alcohol?

Given the fact that production of strange drinks there is more than one century, the Chinese have learned to make them absolutely safe with any additives. The main thing is not to drink too much when using, but to be limited to the recommended rate.

This weak drink contains only twenty degrees of alcohol. The Chinese call it wine, although there are no fruits in the composition of the drink.

Preparing Yellow wine, like any vodka . Rice is used in the production with high gluten and millet. It is served warm in copper or bronze vessels. Yellow wine is often used for cooking in Chinese cuisine.

Attention, only TODAY!

Khanshina- This is an alcohol-containing drink, which "experts" call Chinese wheat vodka. Probably, no country in the world can do without the creation of such a drink, excluding Muslim countries.

Chinese vodka has a not very pleasant appearance- cloudy color of the consistency, a sharp specific smell. Although a Russian person who is familiar with moonshine cannot be frightened by this. The aromatic taste of khanshina depends on the constituent parts and the method of purification of the drink.

In its preparation, alcohol is used, which is prepared from millet or the one-year-old cereal chumidza, which gives good cereals, similar to millet. Basically, they produce in small quantities, for their own use and for treating guests.

Khanshina production

If a modern person living in a huge metropolis sees the arrangement of factories producing Chinese vodka, he will be very surprised. A real primitive, leading to the loss of a decent amount of alcohol when "smoking".

The plant is placed within one residential fanza, small or medium in size.

Fanza (correctly sounds like fanzi) is a typical Chinese rectangular dwelling, with 2 or 3 rooms. The walls of the house are thatched, adobe or brick, and the roof is made of thatch, thatch or tiles. Surprisingly, in China, such dwellings coexist with more modern buildings.

The sour pits and, of course, the distillation apparatus, which serves as a mash tun, are of primary importance in production. The number of pits that are sheathed with wooden boards and covered with a lid directly depends on the production capacity.

Distillation apparatus for khanshina: features

  • a hearth, the fire in which is supported by firewood, is in almost every fanza;
  • two boilers: the upper one as a refrigerator, the lower one as a steam boiler;
  • distillation cube - a wooden vat;
  • a wooden plate, with the help of which alcohol vapors are drained from the refrigerator and the finished khanshina is poured through the vessels.

How is khanshina prepared?

The grain consistency for Chinese vodka is poured to the top in the mash tun. Water is poured into the lower cauldron, separated from the upper one by a bottom of wooden rods, respectively, closed by the upper cauldron.

Water begins to boil in the lower cauldron, vapors rise, pass through the ingredients, steaming it. Then the mass is taken out, scattered on the floor with a thin layer of fanza, barley yeast is added, placed on the bottom of the sour pit, strongly tamped. The pit is covered with earth, smeared with clay, pressed down with a lid, left for 15 days. After that, the mash is smoked into vodka.
The dry black mass left over from smoking is given to livestock feed. Khanshina is prepared in winter for 3 months, from November to January.

What is the difference between khanshina and Russian vodka?

  • Myth 1: “Khanshina can only be drunk when warm, when some of the fusel oils have evaporated. Otherwise, it is impossible to drink a nasty drink.
  • Truth: " Khanshina from chumidza, indeed, an extremely specific drink. But vodka made from kao-liang resembles an average potato or not very high-quality wheat.”
  • Myth 2: “Today I drank khanshin, and tomorrow I just added water and got drunk again!”
  • Truth: "By its properties, khanshins are no different from ordinary vodka, which quickly intoxicates, unties the tongue, gives excitement or drowsiness."
  • Myth 3: “Khanshina is stronger than Russian vodka!”
  • Truth: This statement is true. Most of the variations of khanshina have a strength of 50-55 °.
  • Myth 4: "The import of khanshina into the territory of Russia is prohibited!".
  • True: “The Russian authorities did not make concessions to the Chinese government, which was ready to establish a commercially profitable import of khanshina. But a decent strength and low price of Chinese vodka makes smugglers satisfy the growing demands of the Russian population living on the territory bordering China. Until now, Russia has not been able to stop the smuggling flow, which does not stop moving into its territory. By the way, in the South Ussuri region, Chinese vodka is called “suli” (in Chinese “shao-jiu”)”.

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