Home Dessert Simple recipes in a double boiler for every day. What are the benefits of steam food? Steamed zeppelins with mushroom filling

Simple recipes in a double boiler for every day. What are the benefits of steam food? Steamed zeppelins with mushroom filling

Those who, for one reason or another, have chosen the path of a healthy diet, should learn more about the properties of a double boiler. What can be cooked in this kitchen technique, how to cook and how to give dishes a special taste. We will consider all these questions in today's article.

Versatility is the main advantage of a double boiler, because it can cook any food: vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, cereals and eggs. In addition, here you can warm up lunch, defrost and preserve culinary products, sterilize children's dishes and even give new life to stale bread.

What is a good steamer?

  • A counterweight classical ways cooking, steaming exposes the food to a non-aggressive thermal effect, as a result of which the vitamins in them remain intact.
  • The natural color, shape and consistency of the ingredients are preserved - dishes can boast not only useful properties, but also an appetizing appearance.
  • It eliminates the possibility of the formation of hazardous substances, as is often the case with frying in oil and baking in the oven.

How to cook

If the double boiler is multi-level, then several dishes can be steamed in it at the same time. At the same time, products that “reach” quickly should be placed at the top, and those that take a long time should be placed at the bottom. If you fill all the baskets with ingredients, then be prepared for the fact that cooking will take much longer than usual.

Note: the juice formed during the cooking process can be used as a sauce for dishes.

Before filling the steamer with ingredients, fill the base of the steamer with water. for 2/3 volume and bring to a boil. Arrange the products in baskets in one layer, after cutting them into identical slices and slices. Smaller ingredients are best placed in the upper basket, larger ones in the lower one.

The steamer will notify you when the food is ready. sound signal. However, if there are a lot of ingredients in the baskets, it is better to control this process yourself in order to prevent their digestion.

Avoid opening the lid too often as this will allow steam to escape and increase the cooking time.

What Not to Do

Despite the versatility of a steamer, there are still some foods that should not be exposed to damp heat. Among them:

  • Pasta. Especially those made of soft wheat varieties. However, you can use for this purpose a special container in a double boiler, into which water is poured. The steam will heat the water and the pasta will cook traditional way, but not in boiling water, but under the influence of high temperatures. But this method has a significant disadvantage - pasta in 9 cases out of 10 boils soft and becomes unpresentable.
  • Legumes (beans, peas). The process of their preparation cannot be imagined without the participation of water. It is possible to steam beans (again in that special container), but this will take a lot of time and effort: periodically add water to the appliance and empty the pan in which condensate will collect. As a result, you will be convinced that beans cooked in a double boiler and cooked in a regular saucepan are identical in taste.
  • Mushrooms. From these products during normal cooking (in water), toxic compounds are removed (digested). Therefore, steamed, they can be harmful to health.

Cooking Tricks

There is an opinion among the people that dishes from a double boiler are healthy, but tasteless. However, with the help of simple manipulations, you can give them a special taste sound:

  • Add some salt to the water, and the taste of boiled vegetables will become better.
  • To improve the taste of poultry, fish or meat, marinate them several hours before cooking.
  • Cover the bottom of a perforated bowl with foil for extra juiciness.
  • Cut fish, meat and vegetables into equal pieces, so the dish will cook much faster.
  • To give a dish cooked in the topmost dish a special flavor, add spices, wine or lemon zest to boiling water.

  • Boiling vegetables with their skins on will help keep the maximum useful substances.
  • The larger the vegetables are cut, the more vitamins will remain in them at the output.
  • Frozen vegetables can be placed in a double boiler without defrosting, but it is better to defrost meat, poultry and fish first.
  • In order for the steam to circulate freely, the layout of the products should not be too dense.

In the double boiler, you can cook stews and stuffed peppers, desserts and casseroles, scrambled eggs and vegetable cutlets. This is an indispensable household appliance, especially for those who decide to stick to proper nutrition.

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Steamed food is tasty and healthy. It preserves the natural color and taste of products without loss of vitamins and microelements, and meat, fish and vegetables do not lose moisture and turn out juicy. In addition, steamed meals are considered low-calorie because they are not fried in oil. If someone in your family is forced to follow a diet for medical reasons or for weight loss, cook food for a couple, and then it will never occur to anyone that they are limited in some way. It's so delicious!

Boil or steam

Steamed is healthier than boiled, stewed or baked in the oven. The fact is that when steaming, the temperature does not rise above 100 ° C, so the beneficial substances are completely preserved in the products. During cooking, many water-soluble vitamins pass into the broth and are destroyed more quickly. In addition, during the process of boiling and stewing, vegetables and meat lose their natural color and become paler. There is an opinion that steamed dishes are tasteless unless seasoned with spices. But this is not the case, and you can verify this. The fact is that organic products steamed have a wide variety of flavors, while you can also use spices that add richness and piquancy to dishes. However, you will need much less spices than for cooking stews and boiled dishes. After a while, you and your loved ones will get so used to steam food that everything else will seem tasteless.

What is best for steaming

You can steam any dish - meat, fish, seafood, vegetables, omelettes, casseroles, dough products, cereals and even desserts. Steaming is not only healthy, but also very convenient and practical. For example, scrambled eggs and porridge will never burn in a double boiler, so you do not need to monitor them, the soup will not boil over. Liquid meals are usually steamed in special bowls, while they are cooked in the usual way, only not due to boiling, but due to the action of steam.

What should not be steamed? Pasta in a double boiler boils soft and sticks together, and legumes remain raw. But even if you pre-soak peas or beans and, with patience and adding water, wait 3 hours until they are cooked, you will be disappointed. The taste of legumes cooked in the usual way is no different from a dish cooked in a double boiler, including in terms of benefits. Definitely do not steam mushrooms and offal, as they require pre-cooking for a long time.

Steam cooking with kitchen appliances

The simplest appliance for steaming is a mechanical steamer, which is a special insert on legs or a steam basket that is placed in a pot filled with water. Food is laid out on top, the pan is closed with a lid and put on fire. The water in the pan boils, evaporates, and food is cooked on this steam. Once upon a time, housewives used a colander or a sieve instead of a double boiler, but now we steam food with the help of special devices that make work in the kitchen easier and save time.

How to cook in a steamer? Everything is very simple. At the base of this kitchen appliance is a container into which water is poured, and then brought to a boil using a heating element, as in an electric kettle. One or more steam baskets are installed on top, into which steam enters, and all the condensate flows into a special pan. Modern double boilers are powered by the mains, so you can cook several dishes in them at the same time without constant control and presence in the kitchen.

Not everyone knows how to steam in a slow cooker, but it's even easier than using a double boiler. Despite the absence of a multi-storey structure, the food is prepared very quickly, it turns out tasty and fragrant. In a slow cooker, you can also cook two at the same time - one in the usual way in a bowl and the second - for a couple.

Steam cooking functions are also available in some models of microwaves and air grills. Choose what suits you best!

Use only fresh quality products which must be thoroughly washed before heat treatment and, if necessary, cleaned. Cut food into large or medium pieces, because small pieces will cook very quickly and turn into porridge. Vegetables or meat slices should be the same size so that the dish cooks evenly. Also, do not stack the pieces in several layers - the more food in the double boiler, the more time it will take to cook the dish. Leave small gaps between the pieces for free air circulation.

The steamer must be tightly covered with a lid. If there is at least a small gap in it, the cooking time will increase. Also, make sure that the water does not boil away, and add it if necessary. Pour boiling water over the grits before cooking, and cover the seafood with foil to make them especially tender.

If you are cooking several foods at the same time, put meat or beets on the bottom tier of the steamer so that they get the hottest steam, and leave the upper tiers for fish and other vegetables. Beets are also best cooked at the bottom because they often produce juice that can color the food underneath. By the way, when calculating the cooking time, keep in mind that for each tier located above, you should add 5 minutes, because the steam, passing through the lower tiers, cools down a bit.

How long to cook in a double boiler

All require different cooking times, and much depends on the power of kitchen appliances and the size of the product. Cooking time is usually indicated in the instructions. Root vegetables are boiled for about 30 minutes, non-starchy vegetables - 15-20 minutes, green vegetables - 3 minutes. Thinly cut pieces of meat are cooked for about 1.5 hours, meat cutlets, meatballs, zrazy and other minced meat dishes - 60 minutes, and chicken meatballs reach readiness within half an hour. Chicken, turkey and rabbit cook quickly - about 45-50 minutes. Cereals are usually boiled for 25-30 minutes. Steamed fish faster than meat, and in 10-15 minutes she will please you with her delicate taste and aroma. However, some varieties of fish are cooked longer - for example, catfish or pike.

Cooking fish at home for a couple

Take a fillet of trout, pink salmon, salmon and any other fish that you like, sprinkle the fish lemon juice and olive oil, rub with any spices, salt, black pepper and herbs for fish and leave for 15 minutes. The fish, saturated with the aroma of spices and dried herbs, will turn out fragrant and piquant. You can lightly marinate it in a sauce of lemon and orange juice, soy sauce, dry wine or beer.

Put fish steaks in a double boiler or slow cooker on lettuce leaves, place onion rings, slices of tomato or bell pepper on top, decorate all this splendor with greens and lemon slices. You can sprinkle the dish with grated cheese, and then turn on the double boiler mode for 10-15 minutes. At the same time, some housewives add spices to the water for steaming, a little wine vinegar or dry wine. Serve steam fish with lemon, herbs, vegetables, rice or mashed potatoes.

How to steam meat

Rinse the chicken breast, let it dry and make small cuts in the flesh. Cut the garlic into thin plates, stuff the meat, pour two glasses of water into the multicooker bowl and cook the breast for 35–40 minutes. You can cook beef in the same way, only it must first be marinated in wine or salt water for 2-4 hours. A glass of water requires 2 tsp. salt. After the meat is marinated, sprinkle it with spices and herbs and steam for 40 minutes. Some housewives say that if you rub a piece of beef with dry mustard 2 hours before cooking, it will turn out very soft and tender. Keep in mind that the dish will be quite spicy, so for children's cuisine such culinary techniques unsuitable. Cut the meat into slices and serve with any sauces and side dishes.

Steamed vegetables with sauce

Prepare cauliflower or broccoli, diced zucchini, bell pepper and onion rings. If desired, you can add any vegetables here - pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. While the vegetables are steaming, make a light sauce with a cup of low-fat yogurt, 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. mustard. Add any fresh and dried herbs, spices, salt, pepper and one minced garlic clove to the dressing. Pour vegetables over before serving and enjoy their aristocratic taste.

Steam vegetables, meat and fish are eaten with herbs, sour cream, grated cheese, butter or olive oil, cream or sauce. Steamed dishes go well with any seasonings, complementing your refined taste new shades. Be picky gourmets and feed your family tasty, healthy and stylish!

Ingredients: fish, bread, milk, onion, herbs, salt, pepper, oil

If you decide to go on a diet, then you just need to make friends with a double boiler. Dishes in a double boiler are very tasty and are considered healthy. Today, for example, I bring to your attention simple recipe body of fish.


- 450 grams of fish;
- 100 grams of white bread;
- 30 ml. milk;
- 80 grams of onion;
- 1 tsp parsley;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- vegetable oil.


Meat rolls with garlic and steamed carrots

Ingredients: meat fillet, garlic, dill, lemon juice, any vegetable oil, salt, black pepper, carrots, potatoes, vegetables

Moderately spicy, juicy and fragrant steamed meat rolls. This dish is very tasty and healthy, as it is prepared without frying in oil. In addition, the vegetable filling goes very well with meat, which makes the taste of the dish simply unique.

- 300-400 g of meat fillet (veal, young pork);
- 3-4 large garlic cloves;
- a bunch of dill;
- 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
- 3-4 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil;
- to taste salt;
- 3 pinches of black ground pepper;
- 2 large carrots;
- for garnish potatoes or any vegetables.


Salo in a double boiler with paprika, rosemary and cloves

Ingredients: rosemary, salt, lard with a slot, garlic, cloves, ground black pepper, coriander, paprika

We offer you a basic set of spices and herbs, you can modify and customize it to your personal taste. But even this set will give you an unusually bright and memorable result, the fat is incredibly fragrant, spicy and tasty.

- rosemary - 1 sprig;
- salt - 2 tsp;
- lard with a slot - 400 g;
- garlic - 3 cloves;
- carnation - 5 umbrellas;
- the black ground pepper- 1 tsp;
- ground coriander - 1 tsp;
- paprika - 1 tsp


Steamed fish - mackerel with broccoli according to Dukan

Ingredients: mackerel, onion, broccoli, dill, paprika, chili, salt

Do you love fish? Then you have come to the right place - in this article we will tell you how to deliciously steam mackerel with broccoli. This dish is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It has a minimum of calories and maximum benefits for your body! Well, let's get started?


- 650 g of mackerel (2 pcs.);
- 70 g of onions;
- 350 g of broccoli;
- 2 g dried dill;
- 3 g of ground paprika;
- sea salt.


Chicken sausages with sesame seeds and mustard. Korean cuisine

Ingredients: chicken legs, garlic, chili pepper, ginger root, paprika flakes, dried thyme, chicken spice mix, mustard, white sesame, black sesame, sea ​​salt

The recipe for a delicious chicken dish will tell you how to cook chicken sausages with garlic, mustard and spices at home. An easy way to make a great appetizer for any menu.

- 1 kg of chicken legs,
- 2 chili peppers,
- 6 cloves of garlic,
- 3 g dried thyme,
- 20 g of ginger root,
- 8 g paprika,
- 8 g spice mixture for chicken,
- 15 g of table mustard,
- white and black sesame seeds to taste,
- sea salt to taste.


Steamed broccoli with prunes and cheese

Ingredients: head of broccoli, hard cheese, prunes, salt, pepper

Steamed broccoli cooked according to this recipe will interest many. Cabbage is cooked quickly, and immediately with prunes and cheese. It turns out nutritious and tasty. This dish is suitable for diet food. Read the recipe for all the details.

For the recipe you will need:
- broccoli - head of cabbage;
- cheese durum varieties- 50 g;
- prunes - 50-70 g;
- spices to taste.


Salo in a double boiler with garlic and mustard

Ingredients: lard, garlic, mustard, spices for lard, salt

The recipe for making lard, which we offer, can be used for both a double boiler and a slow cooker. In both cases, salsa is fragrant, tender and tasty. It is prepared very simply, there is only one moment, you need to wait for it to fully ripen in spices.

For the recipe you will need:
- 400 g of fat,
- six cloves of garlic,
- 20 g mustard,
- 20 g spices for fat,
- 15-18 g of salt.


Steamed meat zrazy with egg and green onion

Ingredients: chopped meat, eggs, bread, milk, onion, greens, green onion, salt pepper

We offer a delicious recipe meat dish steamed. Meat zrazy with egg and onion is a great option for a lunch and holiday menu.

- minced meat - 300 grams,
- milk - 3 tablespoons,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- chicken eggs- 4 things.,
- White bread or bun - 1 pc.,
- dill, parsley - 2-3 sprigs,
- green onions - 1 bunch,
- salt to taste,
- black pepper to taste.


Steamed fish cakes in a slow cooker

Ingredients: minced fish, white bread, milk, egg, onion, pepper, salt, vegetable oil, flour

Cooking light tasty a fish dish- minced hake cutlets. The recipe for a multicooker is simple and affordable. fish cakes steamed, tender, juicy and very tasty.

- 500 g minced hake,
- 1 onion,
- 1 chicken egg,
- 100 ml of milk,
- 2 slices of white bread,
- vegetable oil for a double boiler,
- salt to taste,
- pepper to taste.


Steamed dumplings with vegetables in a slow cooker

Ingredients: spoiled milk, kefir, soda, salt, sugar, flour, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, onions, tomato paste, sunflower oil

Yes, there is a lot of fuss with dumplings. And prepare the filling, knead the dough, and then also blind, boil. But what delicious they always turn out, especially if you personally cook them at home. Try to make dumplings according to our new recipe. The filling is vegetable, very juicy, and therefore the dumplings are simply delicious!

For the recipe you will need:
- half a liter of kefir,
- 5 g of soda,
- 10 g of salt,
- 8 g sugar,
- 3-4 cups flour
- half a kilo of cabbage,
- 300 g zucchini,
- 150 g carrots,
- 200 g of onions,
- 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste
- 200 g of vegetable oil.


Apple juice and puree in a double boiler

Ingredients: apples, sugar, water

Our children love to eat apples. No one will argue about the benefits of apples, especially for a child's body. Even when babies begin to feed, they first of all start with apple juice. Easier to cook Apple juice and mashed potatoes at home for a child in a double boiler, while the useful substances of apples are preserved as much as possible.

Required components:

- water purified for a double boiler - 3 liters;
- apples - 4 kg;
- crystal sugar - 200 gr.


Steamed zeppelins with mushroom filling

Ingredients: potatoes, ground pepper, salt, mushrooms, onions, olive oil, bay leaf, fried cracklings, sour cream

Check out this recipe, you will definitely understand how easy and effortless to cook tasty dish. Without spending a lot of effort, you will get a real masterpiece. And the cheapness of the products needed for cooking will only please you. This dish can be prepared for every day, and if you work, take it with you for lunch. It needs to be cooked in a steamer.

We will need the following products:

For test:
- ground pepper - ¼ teaspoon;
- salt - ¼ teaspoon;
- potatoes - 10 pcs.

For filling:
- olive oil - 20 gr.;
- ground pepper - ¼ teaspoon;
- bay leaf - 1 pc.;
- boiled mushrooms - 300 gr.;
- salt - ¼ teaspoon;
- bow - 1 pc.

for filing:
- fried cracklings or sour cream.


Meatballs in a double boiler with gravy

Ingredients: chicken fillet, loaf, egg, butter, onion, rice, tomato, flour, salt, spices, herbs

If you prefer steamed meat to fried and stewed meat, today's recipe is for you. Meatballs with gravy in a double boiler are especially tender, juicy and, of course, delicious. And also useful and safe for the waist.

- 300 g chicken fillet;
- 60 g of a loaf;
- 1 egg;
- 60 g butter;
- 2 onions;
- 50 g of rice;
- 1 tomato;
- 2 tbsp. l. flour;
- spices, herbs and salt.


Stuffed peppers in a steamer

Ingredients: bell pepper, egg, rice, pumpkin, minced meat, onion, salt, herbs, spices

I found a delicious recipe in the magazine "Lisa", modernized a little. I want you to try it, it turned out tasty and juicy, and most importantly interesting! There are products from which no matter what you cook - everything is healthy and tasty. Pumpkin is one of them. Peppers stuffed with pumpkin are an excellent hot dish for all occasions. For quick cooking, use a steamer.


- pumpkin - 100 gr.;
- fresh or freshly frozen bell pepper - 9-10 pcs.;
- minced meat - 200 gr.;
- egg - 1 pc.;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- rice - 50 gr.;
- spices - to taste;
- greens - to taste;
- salt - to taste.


Steam millet porridge

Ingredients: millet, milk, pumpkin, butter, salt, sugar

Porridge is a tasty and easily digestible product. As for millet specifically, it should be noted that it contains many useful trace elements and vitamins. This cereal is saturated with carbohydrates and proteins, so the dishes prepared from it are very satisfying, nutritious, but at the same time low-calorie and dietary. Let's pair it up.

We will need:

- pumpkin - to taste;
- milk - 2 tbsp.;
- salt - to taste;
- millet - 250 gr.;
- butter - to taste;
- sugar - to taste.


Manti with mushrooms and potatoes

Ingredients: flour, potatoes, onions, zucchini, dried mushrooms, salt, black pepper

A wonderful dish can be prepared, taking as a basis classic recipe. It's about preparing a national Tatar dish- manti. We make the filling for them from mushrooms, potatoes and zucchini. Excellent will perfectly replace dense meat and saturate for a long time.

- flour - 1 cup,
- potatoes - 2 pcs.,
- dried porcini mushrooms - a handful,
- onion - a quarter of an onion,
- zucchini - 1 pc.,
- salt to taste,
- black pepper to taste.

This dish can be called two in one. I tried it in a sanatorium, but I liked it so much that I now often make potatoes with minced chicken at home. I think you will be satisfied too.

Steamed fish meatballs are a dietary dish. I used this recipe for fish meatballs for my kids. But they turn out so tasty that I cook them even now and everyone eats them with pleasure.

Recipe chicken roll. Simple step by step cooking roll of chicken breasts and blue cheese.

Ever since I had a double boiler, I have cooked all side dishes and most main dishes in it. And here is the recipe I tried. squash caviar in a steamer. It turned out amazing!

Want to learn how to cook pollock in a double boiler? There is nothing easier! Even step by step photos did not begin to apply - this process is so elementary. And the fish turns out delicious and completely dietary!

This easy steamed potato recipe illustrates one of the most useful ways cooking potatoes, because it is steaming that preserves the maximum of vitamins in the original product. Are we trying? :)

Cauliflower in a double boiler it cooks for half an hour-40 minutes. It is dietary and useful vitamins a dish that does not contain fat at all. Cauliflower can be served as a side dish.

Cooking bell peppers in a double boiler is easier and faster than the traditional way. This pepper is brighter in color and richer in taste. Plus, you don't have to watch it.

Steam chicken cutlets - diet dish. Maybe for someone, steamed food is not tasty, but cutlets fried in oil lose all their beneficial features and even harmful to the body.

I tell you how to cook broccoli in a double boiler. Healthy, tasty, fast and without loss of nutrients. Steamed broccoli is a great side dish or salad ingredient.

I want to offer you interesting recipe cooking pike perch. You can cook it in the oven or steam - it all depends on your preferences. Well, the result will be amazing in any case!

Steam cooking is a fast, convenient, and most importantly, healthy way. Steamed minced meat turns out juicy and soft, does not contain extra calories and is suitable for diet food.

Tsar fish or sturgeon - very tasty and useful fish. You can cook it different ways, however, I prefer the most useful - for a couple. Steamed sturgeon is tender, non-greasy and very tasty.

Read this step-by-step recipe with a photo - and you will learn how to cook manti. Step by step recipe cooking Central Asian dumplings will make the cooking process as simple as possible.

Shrimp with asparagus is not only tasty, but also healthy delicacy which can be prepared at home. Steamed shrimp and asparagus go together just fine.

Steamed fish with herbs is a quick and easy to prepare, but very healthy and tasty dish. Requires a steamer.

Salmon fillet with steamed olives - delicious, tender and, importantly, healthiest dish. The fish is incredibly tasty and just melts in your mouth.

Basic Recipe cooking fish fillet or steamed fish steak. In a similar way, you can cook almost any steamed fish - except that the cooking time will be different.

Try to cook vegetable broth in a double boiler, if your household has such a unit. The broth turns out to be much cleaner, transparent and rich than just cooked in a saucepan.

Hollandaise (Sauce Hollandaise) is a traditional French sauce served with fish, vegetables and eggs. For all those interested - a classic recipe for hollandaise sauce.

Cheesecakes in a double boiler are especially tender and as useful as possible, because, unlike ordinary cheesecakes, they do not need to be fried in oil. They look so-so, but they taste amazing cheesecakes!

A simple recipe for cutlets in a double boiler. chicken cutlets steamed with potatoes can be used in baby food from 1 year. Good for meatballs vitamin salad from cabbage.

Manti with potato stuffing they turn out divinely delicious, and they taste almost indistinguishable from manti with fat tail fat. So this is very good recipe vegetarian manti :)

Cooking beef deliciously is not an easy task, but it can be solved. Beef zrazy with steamed cheese is an ideal beef dish in terms of the ratio of ease of preparation, deliciousness and usefulness.

Manti for a couple - a traditional dish various Asian peoples, somewhat reminiscent of very large dumplings. A very tasty hot dish for a family lunch or dinner.

It's very simple and fast recipe traditional english dishes - curd pudding, which is very tender and satisfying.

cauliflower in cream sauce with vegetables - a dish very similar to vegetable stew, however, the sauce makes it more refined and refined.

Dedicated to those who do not eat meat - manti with spinach! A very tasty vegetarian improvisation resulted in a new tasty dish. Meet!

Vegetables in French vegetarian dish, which is prepared very quickly. As they say, maximum benefit and taste! The main highlight of this dish is a delicious creamy sauce.

Uzbek dish "Khanum"

Uzbek dishes very filling and tasty. Lamb is usually used in them, but beef is also possible. There are a lot of seasonings and spices in Uzbek cuisine, which give the dishes a unique flavor.

Steam cutlets- a healthy and dietary dish for the whole family. Steam cutlets are good served with oatmeal, rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes.

All fishermen, their friends and relatives, know what maxa is. This is burbot liver. It is fried, steamed, boiled, pickled, used as a filling for pies.

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