Home Drinks and cocktails How to cook apple jam. Apple jam for the winter. Classic cooking method

How to cook apple jam. Apple jam for the winter. Classic cooking method

Antonovka - almost winter apple, fragrant, sweet and sour.

It is a pity that it is not stored for a very long time, but jam from it tastes delicious and is not difficult to cook.

If friends and acquaintances offer you a box, or even more than one Antonov apples, agree, do not hesitate. Don't eat it fresh - cook jam, but such that it will take your breath away!

Antonovka jam for the winter - general principles of preparation

apple jam for winter preparations can be cooked on the stove in thick-walled dishes, cooked in the oven or slow cooker.

It is not necessary to use quality fruits. Slightly crushed or spoiled apples will also work if the damaged areas are pre-cut.

Apples are cut into slices or halves and seeds are removed from them. After preliminary welding or baking in the oven, slightly cooled fruits are ground on a metal sieve, leaving the peel in it, or they are interrupted with a blender until smooth, carefully grinding it. Often peeled pieces without prior heat treatment crushed with a meat grinder, passing through the smallest grate.

Sugar and other ingredients are added to already crushed apples. The rate of sugar is calculated in advance by weighing apples prepared for grinding or welding.

They cook from Antonovka for the winter not only the usual, familiar to everyone since childhood apple jam. Very often, its taste is set off by the addition of nutmeg, cocoa, cinnamon, lemons or oranges.

To preserve marmalade from Antonovka for the winter, the hot delicacy is packaged only in dry, pre-sterilized jars and hermetically sealed with thoroughly boiled lids. If the containers are not sterilized in advance, then after packaging they must be heated in the oven or kept for some time in boiling water, after which they are rolled up.

Thick apple jam from Antonovka for the winter


4 kilos of Antonovka;

300 ml of drinking water;

1.8 kg of granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the apples rinsed with warm water into slices, remove the core from the pieces, cut off the spoiled and damaged places. Processed fruit should come out at least 3 kg.

2. Transfer the slices to any pan that is suitable in volume and pour the indicated amount of water into them.

3. Boil the fruit over low heat for about half an hour so that the pulp softens well, and remove from the stove.

4. Rub the slightly cooled apples in a colander, carefully choosing the peels so that they do not get into the finished product.

5. What happened applesauce Pour into a wide stainless steel bowl and add sugar, stir.

6. Place the container on a small fire and boil the fruit mass until the desired density is reached. To get a very thick product, the apple mass should be boiled for at least one and a half hours.

7. Pack the finished hot jam in dry sterile jars and tighten with sterile lids.

Delicate apple jam from Antonovka for the winter with lemon


Apples, fully ripe - 3 kg;

Sugar at the rate of 600 gr. for every kilogram of pulp;

Half of a small lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and rinse the apples in warm water, peel and cut into large slices, cutting out the remains of the seed box from each.

2. Weigh the peeled pieces of fruit to correctly calculate the required amount of sugar and twist in a meat grinder.

3. Pour sugar into the resulting puree, mix well and leave for a couple of hours. Then, over medium heat, bring to a boil, boil for a minute and set aside for 12 hours.

4. With a meat grinder with the smallest grate, grind half a lemon. Mix the citrus gruel with the settled applesauce, do not forget to stir, wait until it boils and set aside again for 12 hours.

5. Boil for the last time and boil for at least 6 minutes. Pour hot into clean, dry jars and place in a cold oven.

6. Bring on the heat oven up to 150 degrees, hold the containers with jam in it for three minutes and immediately roll up.

The recipe for the simplest Antonovka apple jam for the winter


2.3 kg moved Antonovka;

Sugar, preferably unrefined - 1.6 kg.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled apples into four parts and lay them on a baking sheet in one layer. Bake the quarters at 160 degrees until the apple pulp is completely softened, then cool slightly and grind through a rare metal sieve or colander.

2. Mix the cooked applesauce and sugar, set to boil at a moderate temperature. Be sure to stir from time to time so that the mass does not burn.

3. Not earlier than an hour later, spread the jam in half-liter prepared jars and seal them tightly.

How to cook apple jam from Antonovka for the winter without sugar


One kilogram of Antonovka;

Drinking filtered water - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut apples into large slices and fill them with water.

2. Bring to a boil over low heat, then lower the heat and cook, stirring occasionally, for a quarter of an hour. Cool down.

3. Rub the cooled apple mass through a sieve with your hands and put it on a small fire again.

4. While stirring, boil until thickened, spread hot in prepared dry containers, and cover with boiled lids.

5. Without rolling, sterilize the containers in a pot of boiling water: liter for 20 minutes, half-liter for a quarter of an hour. It will take half an hour to sterilize three-liter bottles.

6. After that, roll the covers with a special key and leave to cool.

Spicy apple jam from Antonovka for the winter in a slow cooker

Ingredients per kilogram of fully peeled apples:

Half a kilo of sugar;

1/2 part of a medium-sized lemon;

Ground nutmeg- 1/4 tsp;

A third teaspoon of cinnamon powder.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples well under water. Cut the peel from the fruits in a thin layer, cut them into slices and cut out solid partitions with seeds from each, weigh them.

2. Measure the required amount of sugar and sprinkle it apple slices when you transfer them to the cooking bowl.

3. Leave the apples sprinkled with sugar for one hour so that they let the juice flow.

4. After that, mix well and turn on the slow cooker for an hour and 20 minutes in the cooking mode. Then smash the apple mass in puree with a blender and pour into dry containers processed over steam.

5. Place the filled jars on the middle shelf of the cold oven, placing them on the wire rack, and heat for 10 minutes, bringing the temperature to 120 degrees.

6. After that, carefully remove the containers from the oven and immediately roll up hermetically.

Unusual chocolate jam from Antonovka for the winter


Three kilograms of ripe apples;

Two kilos of sugar;

natural butter;

Dark cocoa powder - 100 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Boil apple halves without peel and seed pods in a small amount of water, achieving complete softening.

2. Strain the apple broth, and beat the fruit pulp with a blender into a mushy mass or grind it on a rare sieve.

3. Transfer the prepared applesauce to a thick-walled pot or saucepan, mix it with sugar and put it on a small fire to boil.

4. Mix cocoa powder well with melted butter and enter into the total mass after 20 minutes, after you put it to boil. Mix well and continue to simmer until you reach the desired consistency.

5. Ready chocolate-apple jam canned in the usual way without sterilization.

Fragrant jam from Antonovka for the winter with oranges

Ingredients for 1 kg of processed apples:

700 gr. Sahara;

One large orange.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the apples, cut the cores by cutting the fruits in half. Weigh and chop the fruit together with the peel in a food processor.

2. Scald an orange with boiling water and chop it together with the zest in the same way as apples.

3. Mix the apple and citrus masses, add granulated sugar, correctly calculating its amount, mix.

4. In a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, boil for 40 minutes over medium heat, be sure to stir often. If you are afraid of burning or there is no time for frequent stirring, you can boil it on a minimum fire. In this case, it will take more time, about an hour and a half.

5. Spread hot jam over glass jars calcined in the oven and immediately roll up with sterile lids.

Antonovka jam for the winter - cooking tricks and useful tips

The peel of Antonovka apples softens well during cooking, and if it is not peeled off, even after grinding in a meat grinder, its pieces will not be felt in the finished jam.

So that during prolonged boiling the apple mass does not burn, it must be stirred more often, and only thick-walled dishes should be used for cooking.

The wider the container, the faster the moisture will evaporate from the fruit, and the jam, accordingly, will cook faster.

After adding sugar to the applesauce, mix it well and let it stand for a while so that the sugar crystals dissolve well.

If you doubt the readiness of the jam, run a wooden spatula along the bottom of the container. If the mass does not flow onto the formed track within ten seconds, then it is ready. You can drop a little thick mass on a cold plate. If the droplet solidifies quickly and does not drip when the plate is tilted, you can remove it from the heat.

Ready jam from Antonovka can be quickly turned into marmalade. To do this, it must be laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment with a layer of no more than 3 cm and slightly dried in the oven. Then cool the layer of marmalade, without removing it from the baking sheet, cut it into pieces of any desired size and shape and roll in powdered sugar. You can wrap the cooled layer tightly with parchment and store it in the refrigerator.

Delicate and uniform in texture, with a pleasant aroma characteristic of the Antonovka variety, jam will appeal to lovers of sweet apple preparations. Good with anything: a bite with tea, with pancakes, biscuits, including as a layer, ice cream.

Thanks to pectin in apples, additional thickening powders are not needed - jam from Antonovka gels on its own.

Check jars for integrity, sterilize with lids in a water bath or in an oven.

At the exit - 550 ml.

To make jam from Antonovka for the winter at home, take the products from the list.

Remove the peel from clean apples, divide the pulp into small cubes.

We fall asleep with sugar, shake and immediately put on fire. I recommend cooking jam in a spacious container with a large diameter so that heating and evaporation of moisture are uniform.

Boil the apples with sugar for about 30 minutes, stirring often - do not let them burn.

Grind to a smooth puree. For long-term storage boil again. We pack in sterile jars and seal tightly.

Cool down at room temperature. Jam from Antonovka is ready for the winter, we are transferring it to the pantry.

Bon Appetit!

Jam is a reason to love winter! Indeed, in winter, these sweet preparations are especially relevant. With tea, bread, cookies or just a spoon from a jar. Good mood even in the most severe cold is guaranteed! Today we offer you a very delicious recipe- Antonovka jam slices, transparent. For the winter - this is an ideal option for lovers of apples.

Required Ingredients:

  • apples 1 kg;
  • sugar 700 g. Please note that with this amount of sugar, the jam will have a fruity natural taste, with a slight sourness characteristic of apples. If you are a fan of sweeter jam, you can add more sugar.

How to cook transparent Antonovka jam with slices?

1. Wash the apples well, remove the core and cut them into slices. They should be of medium thickness, approximately 7-10 mm.

2. Now we need a large container. A basin, a bowl, or even a saucepan will do, in which jam will then be prepared. We put the apples in a container in this way: a layer of apples - a layer of sugar. And so on, until all the ingredients run out. Now we leave the contents for the night - this time is needed for the apples to secrete juice.

3. In the morning, the next stage of making transparent jam with Antonovka slices begins. We put the container with apples on medium heat, bring to a boil. Then we reduce the power of the fire and boil the mass for about 5 more minutes, without stirring!

4. Remove the apple mass from the fire and leave it until the evening, having previously covered it.

5. In the evening, boil the future jam for about 5 minutes over low heat, without stirring. Some of the apples are already becoming transparent, they must be removed from the heat and left until the morning.

6. In the morning, we boil the contents again for 5 minutes without stirring and leave until the evening.

7. In the evening we boil the apples again - now for about 15 minutes. Also, like the previous times, do not stir. The slices finally become transparent, and the syrup becomes thick.

8. We lay out the Antonovka jam for the winter in sterilized jars and roll it up. Cooling under conditions room temperature, store - in a cold place.

We wish you Bon appetit. May your life be sweet even on frosty days!


Recipe name:

Antonovka jam transparent slices for the winter


Winter blues is not terrible if a jar of fragrant apple jam is waiting in the cellar. The delicacy is served with tea, added to pastries, eaten with pancakes. At first glance, there are not so many recipes for apple jam for the winter, but if you get creative, adding a little sweet plum, overseas oranges, then new preparations for the winter will get into the home cookbook.

apple jam for tea drinking

When choosing recipes for the winter, they take into account that there is many times more pectin in apples than in cherries, apricots, and plums. A natural thickener in the scientific vocabulary is called a polysaccharide or is abbreviated as E440. In traditional varieties, no more than 7-10% pectin, in Lozovka, Bohdan Khmelnitsky, in the Queen of Kansas, the figure is close to 18%. The largest amount of polysaccharide is concentrated in the skin and seed capsule, the peak value is in immature apples.

Pectin is an excellent sorbent. Moving through the intestines, it collects toxins from its walls and carefully removes them from the body. A natural orderly promotes the growth of bacteria that are most beneficial for the intestinal flora, so apple jam serves not only as a treat, but also as a home doctor. You should not abuse the product, 15 g of pectin is considered the daily norm.

A few cooking secrets

No matter how extensive the selection of popular recipes is, any variety of apples is suitable for jams. It is better to take slightly unripe, it is in them that the largest amount of natural thickener is concentrated. The most delicious jam is obtained from hard sweet and sour apples of the Bely pouring, Simirenko, Antonovka varieties. You can make a blank with or without a peel. It is advisable to leave a thin skin, and cut off a dense one.

  • How long to cook apple jam?

Experienced hostesses recommend cooking in one go. The rule is neglected if you want to get a very thick consistency. The optimal heat treatment time is from 20 to 60 minutes, but the longer the fruit is boiled, the less useful it is. The crushed mass is cooked faster, therefore, before being sent to the stove, the apple collection is cut, passed through a meat grinder or pureed with a blender.

  • How much sugar do you need?

White sugar and cane sugar are suitable for harvesting, but then the finished product will acquire a caramel hue. The classic ratio of sugar and fruit is 1:1. The more sugar in the composition, the longer the shelf life.

  • How to store?

Banks for storage take small. Cooked confiture is placed in them hot. Fill the containers to the very edge to protect the workpiece from damage.

Classic cooking method

A simple recipe for apple jam is ideal for those who are making preparations for the winter for the first time.


The washed fruits are cut into pieces, removing the tails and seeds, sprinkled with sugar. Pour water into the pan, send the contents to the stove, stirring occasionally. Simmer apple jam for 40 minutes until the mass softens. Reduce the heat, boil the mass for about an hour. When it boils down, it will become two times smaller. The readiness of jam is determined by the density. If a drop of product does not spread on a flat dish, it's time to roll it into jars.

Video with three different cooking options.

How to cook assorted pears?

Apples combined with pears give an amazing flavor. Mixed taste is obtained from sweet-sour apples and juicy thin-skinned pears of the Forest Beauty, Clapp's Favorite varieties.

Need to prepare:

If the fruits are juicy with a thin skin, then it is not peeled off. The fruits are washed and freed from seeds, then cut into slices. The prepared mass is covered with sugar, left for 4 hours to separate the juice. If it is formed a little, add a little water. Apple-pear mass should be boiled in three doses. Each time the fruits languish for 30-35 minutes. Break between heat treatments 2-3 hours. After the third brewing, apple-pear jam is poured into jars and closed for the winter.

Orange-apple jam through a meat grinder

Made from apples and citrus fragrant jam amber color that does not lose brightness during the entire period of storage. Thanks to the mix combination of traditional and overseas fruit, the preparation becomes a favorite in many families. In addition, the recipe helps out when the harvest turned out to be great, and thoughts are tormented by what to cook from apples.


Cooking step by step with orange:

Apple plum jam

Thick, dark jam with plum looks like marmalade. This delicacy is a priority for children and adults. For sour varieties of plums, the amount of sugar in the recipe can be increased.

To make plum and apple jam, you need to prepare:

The washed fruits are cut, after removing the bones. Mix the mass with sugar, zest, cinnamon. Leave for an hour to extract the juice, then send to the fire, heating and stirring the mixture until the sugar dissolves. After boiling, reduce the temperature, simmer for half an hour. Cool, rub through a sieve to remove the peel. Another way is to puree the mass with a blender.

Return to the fire, bring to a boil, wait 1 minute. Jam is ready, it remains to pour it into jars, roll up and cool.

Recipe with apricot

Apple-apricot preservative turns out to be bright, rather soft and very useful. Apricots give the preparation an invigorating amber color, apples take responsibility for the density. The result is an excellent thick tandem for buns, toast, bagels.

Recipe for apple jam with apricots:

Washed, pitted fruits are crushed in any convenient way. Spread fruit puree in a saucepan in layers, sprinkling with sugar. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. After a sufficient amount of juice is formed, rearrange the pan on the fire, bring the mass to a boil. Then reduce the temperature, simmer for 20 minutes. Cool the mass a little, process it with an immersion blender. Boil again for 5 minutes, pour into jars.

Recipe for a bread machine

It is not necessary to cook apple jam on the stove if the kitchen has a bread machine. A technical novelty helps out more than ever if there is no time for culinary creativity. Cooking quickly in a bread machine will not work, but your hands will be freed from routine stirring.

Ingredients for 0.5 kg of apples:

The washed fruits are cut into slices, removing the middle. Rub the pieces on a grater to homogenize the finished product or chop with a blender. Sprinkle apples with lemon juice, add mint, sprinkle with sugar. The mashed potatoes are transferred to the bread machine, set the "Jam" mode. Cooking time 1 hour 20 minutes.

Apple jam in a slow cooker

Thanks to a modern novelty, you do not need to stand at the stove, fearing that the fruit mass will burn. The uniform temperature in the bowl ensures uniform heating of the product, so even a schoolgirl can cook a workpiece in a slow cooker.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. For 1 kg of apples, 0.5 kg of sugar and a glass of water.
  2. The washed fruits are cut, removing the seeds, poured into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Pour water, simmer for 10 minutes in the “Steaming” mode.
  4. The slightly cooled mass is ground through a sieve or a blender is used.
  5. Withstand for 60 minutes in the "Extinguishing" mode. If the jam is liquid, simmer for another 30-40 minutes by setting the "Baking" menu.

Video with a different cooking option.

Even my mother's assistant can cook fragrant apple jam at home. Secret tasty preparation– full adherence to the technological process. Apples are the perfect budget fruit for culinary experiments so you can safely get down to business.

A number of nutritionists, connoisseurs proper nutrition believe that apples are the most healthy fruits among the whole set, since they contain many vitamins, minerals, fiber, pectin, which is very useful for digestion. Such fruits are grown in the zone of residence of a potential consumer, which gives sweet and sour plants an even greater plus. Consider the best proven recipes apple jam that will appeal to both beginners in cooking and craftsmen.

How to choose and prepare apples for harvesting for the winter

  • The main factor determining the possibility long storage apples, this is their variety. Early ripening, early fruit species will not be able to overwinter even under the most correct conditions. Such varieties need to be preserved, dried, and jams should be made from them.
  • It is necessary to choose whole apples that have not been subjected to external damage. Broken fruits or those gathered under the tree are best eaten or cooked right away, as they will not last long.
  • Do not collect unripe fruit for winter preparation. Although they are hard, they will quickly deteriorate and do not have good taste. To check the degree of ripeness of an apple, select a few pieces, cut in half. brown, dark bones inside the fruit will indicate that the fruit is ripe and ready for consumption or storage.
  • For harvesting in jars in the form of jams, jams, pieces, not the highest quality fruits may be suitable, because during the cooking process you will still cut the fruit into pieces and you can discard the bad parts.
  • When preparing apple dishes for the winter, remember that the more the workpiece is boiled, steamed or fried, the less useful substances remain in it.

What utensils do you need

  • Containers for washing fruits, their sorting. These can be large bowls, basins, pots or buckets.
  • Utensils for cooking on the stove (cooking, frying, stewing).
  • A knife for peeling apples from excess, unwanted parts.
  • Spoon or large scoop.
  • Sieve, colander or stretched mesh, gauze.
  • Banks with lids or twists for rolling up for the winter.
  • Seaming key if classic tin lids are selected.

Step by Step Recipes for Delicious Homemade Apple Jam

Homemade apple jam is good for daily use with tea, for making pies, cookies, pancakes, fruit baskets or desserts. Such a blank is always found in a caring hostess. Making apple jam is not so difficult, the main thing is to stock up on desire, patience, and good fruits. Learning to do classic dish, in the future, a novice cook will be able to experiment with different additives to taste. Among original recipes allocate desserts with dried apricots, carrots, condensed milk. Consider the most delicious options.

With cinnamon and lemon

Homemade apple jam with lemon, cinnamon will be delicious if the bulk of the apples are very sweet. Sour fruits will require a lot of sugar, which is not an economical, costly moment. Varieties like Antonovka are best used for other dishes. Cinnamon dessert has an incredibly pleasant smell and unusual taste that even gourmets will like.


  • 1 kg each of ripe sweet, sweet and sour fruits (the Polish variety is well suited);
  • 1-2 lemons;
  • ground cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • water - up to 1 liter;
  • sugar - up to 1 kg.


  1. Rinse all purchased or self-picked fruit under running water.
  2. Peel each apple with a knife. You can use a special tool for this, which quickly peels.
  3. Rinse the apples under running water again, as dust particles could get on them when peeling them.
  4. Cut into 4 slices and cut out the core with bones.
  5. For quick jam preparation, you can grate the fruits or chop them into food processor. But this step can be omitted.
  6. Add sugar to fruits (according to taste preferences, fruit variety), lemon juice, cinnamon. Stir.
  7. Cook the mixture over low heat until the mixture becomes soft.
  8. Remove from the stove and beat the mass into a mousse with a blender.
  9. Boil the resulting dessert for 1 minute or put in the microwave for five minutes, then refrigerate.
  10. The dish is ready to eat. If you need to save the jam for the winter, then put the hot jam in sterilized jars and roll up with iron lids.
  11. For long-term storage, choose the coldest place in the house and place containers with the workpiece there.

With honey without sugar

There is no need to talk about the benefits of apples and honey for a long time, every housewife knows about it. And if you prepare dietary jam with these ingredients for the winter, then viruses and diseases will bypass you. Such a dish can also be recommended for people who are forbidden to eat sugar, since only fructose is present here. The most natural, healthy and low-calorie jam is apple-honey. How to prepare a dish?


  • fruits of sweet and sour varieties, ripe, juicy (ranetki are ideal) - 1 kg;
  • melted or hard honey - according to taste preferences, up to 0.5 l;
  • lemon - 1-2 pcs.;
  • water - up to 1 liter.
  • spices - according to taste preferences (vanillin, cinnamon, cloves, ginger).

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare fruits, wash them under running water, dry with towels or napkins.
  2. Place a saucepan or other container of water on a lit stove. The liquid level should be minimal, about 2-3 cm from the bottom.
  3. Put the apples in a saucepan, simmer them there for 10-20 minutes over low heat, until the fruits become soft and pliable.
  4. In a colander or sieve, wipe the stewed fruit, removing excess skins, seeds and entrails.
  5. Add the juice of one or two lemons to the resulting mixture, spices, according to taste preferences.
  6. Boil the mousse for 1-2 minutes, then cool to 50-60 degrees.
  7. Add honey and mix well. Ready!
  8. The resulting mixture can be put into jars with twists and stored all winter in a cold room.

Transparent confiture with orange

To make it easy to remember a warm and joyful summer in winter, prepare a beautiful and very tasty confiture using apples and oranges. Such a dish will not only please the hosts, but also surprise the guests. Confiture is a bit like jelly, but due to the presence in it orange juice, the dessert turns into an unusual jam.


  • 1.5-2 kg of ripe apples of a reddish hue;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • boiled water - 250-300 ml;
  • lemon (if the fruit variety is sweet);
  • orange - 1 large or several per 300-400 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. We wash all the fruits under running water, dry them a little.
  2. We clean the apples from the skin, internal parts.
  3. We cut the pulp of sweet and sour fruits into cubes, put them in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it so that it does not reach the edge a little.
  4. Cover with a lid and let them steam for 25-30 minutes.
  5. We clean the orange from the skin.
  6. The pulp is cut into the same parts as apples. Three zest on a grater or grind automatically with a blender.
  7. Next, we take infused apples, decant excess water, leaving about 200-250 ml of liquid at the bottom.
  8. Add the cooked zest, orange pulp and granulated sugar.
  9. Cook the resulting mixture for an hour on minimum heat until the apples become transparent. After that, the confiture is ready for rolling into jars and long-term storage.

From apple pomace after juice cooker

Competent and economical hostess knows that nothing in the house should be wasted or thrown away. And the pomace left after the juice has separated from the apples is an excellent ingredient for making jam. Such a dish does not require much effort, but the result can amaze even a gourmet.


  • apple cake - 1 kg;
  • apple juice or other freshly squeezed fruit juice - 0.5 l;
  • white sugar - depending on the type of fruit, up to 1 kg;
  • spices, according to taste preferences (ground cinnamon and cloves, about 1-2 tablespoons)

Step by step recipe:

  1. If apple pomace does not contain skins, then it is allowed to use it immediately. If there are unnecessary parts (bones, entrails, ponytails), they should be separated.
  2. Place the resulting ingredient in a saucepan or pressure cooker, mix it with fruit juice and cook for up to 10 minutes.
  3. Add sugar, spices (cinnamon, cloves). If the apple variety was sweet, you can acidify the dish with lemon juice or acid.
  4. Mix well and boil the mixture for a few more minutes over low heat.
  5. Ready meal place in a glass container and roll up with tin lids to feast on in the winter delicious jam. Bon Appetit!

With cranberries without sterilization

To make apple jam exquisite and unusual, various berries and fruits (gooseberries, cherry plums, bananas, blackberries) are added to it. If the second ingredient is red, blue, purple or other rich bright color, then the jam will be not only tasty, but also very beautiful, unusual. Recipe apple dish with lingonberries conquered more than one hostess with its simplicity and excellent results. What do you need to prepare such a dessert and how to make it?


  • peeled apples of sweet and sour green varieties without peel, core - about 500 g;
  • ripe red lingonberries - 500 g (you can take soft berries);
  • white sugar - 500 g;
  • water.

How to cook:

  1. Peeled apples need to be cut into small pieces of any shape.
  2. Put them in a saucepan or large bowl for later cooking on the stove.
  3. Add water so that the bottom of the fruit does not burn. Enough liquid at the level of 1 cm.
  4. Cook over low heat for about 20-25 minutes.
  5. Lingonberries must be sorted out well, washed under running water several times and allowed to dry.
  6. Add red berries to apples and continue cooking for up to half an hour, until the puree begins to thicken.
  7. After that, you need to put sugar so that the boil does not stop. It is better to do this gradually or in stages.
  8. When the sugar is added, the jam needs to boil for about 5 minutes until the substance is completely dissolved, and it is ready to be placed in jars.
  9. When maintaining a cold air temperature, you can store lingonberry-apple jam for several years.

With plums and pears through a meat grinder

Apples tend to oxidize in the air, so lemon juice is added during their preparation to keep the color light and transparent. But some housewives specifically omit this item and add other fruits to the jam, which can give a different color and taste to the dessert. A dish with apples, plums, pears is very popular. Often such fruits are found in the household. Taste qualities of this jam at a high level, and the method of preparation is very simple.


  • apples sweet and sour or sour - 1 kg;
  • plums are soft, ripe, with a well-separated stone - 1 kg;
  • late autumn pears, juicy, ripe, without astringency - 1 kg;
  • spices to taste, but it works well without them;
  • white sugar - according to taste preferences, up to 500 g;
  • water.

How to cook using a meat grinder for cooking:

  1. We wash all the fruits, dry them on a dry towel.
  2. We clean the apples from the peel and the inner core with a special knife.
  3. We clean pears in the same way.
  4. Remove the pits and skins from plums. If the peel of the fruit is difficult to remove, you can leave it.
  5. We skip all the fruits through a meat grinder. If the mass is very thick, add a small amount of water to it (up to 200 ml) and set to boil on the stove.
  6. After half an hour of boiling, we taste the fruit mixture, add sugar, spices. If the future jam is not sour enough, you can put lemon juice or acid in it.
  7. Cook for another 15-20 minutes after adding spices and put in sterilized jars.
  8. We roll up with tin lids, store in the cold until eating.

From white filling and chokeberry

The earliest variety of apples is popular for making jams because it does not have much juice in the fruit. When boiled, the white filling becomes translucent, so the jam turns out to be spectacular in appearance. If you add a little to such a dessert chokeberry, then the color will be pink, pale purple, but remain light.


  • white apples - 2 kg;
  • ripe chokeberry - 300-400 g;
  • sugar - up to 500 g.
  • water.


  1. Rinse apples of the "White filling" variety under running water, dry. We do the same with chokeberry berries.
  2. We put all the ingredients in a large container, add 150-200 grams of water there, set to boil.
  3. When in the process of stewing all the fruits become limp, cool them to a temperature of 40-50 degrees and wipe through a sieve, colander. Discard all skins, bones, core.
  4. Add sugar to the resulting fruit mousse. If the taste calls for acidity, you can add some lemon juice.
  5. Boil the jam for 15 minutes, put in glass jars with twists.
  6. We store apple jam with mountain ash for up to 2-3 years in a cold place. Bon Appetit!

With gelatin or gelfix in a slow cooker

Making apple jam for the winter in a slow cooker is very simple, even the youngest housewife will perform such a recipe. The main plus when using this kitchen appliance is that it does not take much time and effort. It is necessary to put the fruits in a slow cooker (Redmond, Panasonic, Polaris, etc.), put them in the “Extinguishing” mode and then add sugar. But there is more gourmet recipes apple jams, consider one of them.

Gelatin Apple Jam Ingredients:

  • sweet apples - 1.5 kg;
  • citric acid or lemon juice - according to taste preferences;
  • gelatin or gelfix - 5 g;
  • water;
  • white sugar - up to 500 g.

Step by step recipe:

  1. We wash the fruits well and scald them with boiling water.
  2. We clean the apples from the peel, the inner core, and other unnecessary parts, cut into small pieces of various shapes.
  3. Using a blender, grind the apples to make a mousse.
  4. We spread the resulting gruel in a slow cooker, add lemon juice and sugar, mix well.
  5. We put the future dessert on cooking in the "Milk porridge" mode for 40-50 minutes.
  6. Dissolve gelatin in warm water and, when the jam is ready, mix these ingredients. If you add a little more gelfix to the fruit pulp, you get marmalade.
  7. Jam is ready for packaging in jars. Bon Appetit!


Apple jam is not a complicated dish, but its preparation will still require knowledge and skills. It is important here not only to choose the right ingredients for dessert, but also to accurately perform all technological processes. If you are making apple jam at home for the first time, learn from other people's examples, watch instructional videos in which experienced chefs demonstrate their skills. So you can learn some of the details that are required for making desserts.

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