Home Bakery Apple juice for a 3 month old baby. Juices for babies: when and what to give

Apple juice for a 3 month old baby. Juices for babies: when and what to give

Not so long ago, the practice of introducing juice as the first complementary food was common. And although doctors unanimously say that a fruit drink can harm a fragile body, many young mothers listen to the advice of more experienced mothers and begin to supplement their child with apple juice. We will tell you at what age you can give your baby this sweet drink, how to cook Apple juice for babies at home, and how to properly cook it for the baby.

Now it is customary to introduce the first complementary foods at 5-6 months. Prior to this, the baby should be exclusively breastfed or an adapted milk formula if the mother does not have enough natural product. However, often mothers begin to give apple juice to babies at an early age.

Today we will tell you how this can turn out for a baby, how to protect the baby from an undesirable reaction, and when to introduce apple juice beloved by many into his diet, how to give fresh juice correctly, and why do not you need to drink it immediately before eating? We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the video, in which experts will tell you what are the nuances of introducing fresh into the children's menu.

The benefits of apple drink for babies

Before talking about its harm, you need to say a few words in their defense:

  • apple juice is rich in iodine and iron;
  • increases appetite;
  • its dosed use is a good prevention of constipation;
  • extremely rarely becomes the culprit of allergies in infants;
  • diluted fresh protects the baby's teeth from caries.

Why doctors are against early introduction

At the moment, there are several reasons why pediatricians do not recommend introducing juice into the diet of a child of tender age. Among them are such as:

  • Doctors are sure that early feeding with juices can cause a deterioration in the state of the pancreas and the stomach as a whole.
  • Also, the early use of fresh juices causes problems with the stool. According to children's doctors, babies aged 5-6 months who drink freshly squeezed juices are twice as likely to suffer from constipation and intestinal colic than their peers who eat mother's milk.
  • Juice refers to heavy and aggressive products, because it contains a large amount of sugar and fruit acids. Doctors do not advise introducing natural fresh juice at too early an age. After all, if the baby likes a new delicacy, then there is a possibility that he will completely refuse mother's milk.

A common myth imposed by the older generation that juice is needed in the diet of infants to increase hemoglobin has also failed. The fact is that iron from plant foods is poorly absorbed not only by children, but also by adults. In the first case, supplementing with apple juice is simply a useless exercise.

When to enter

When can I start giving apple juice to a baby. If earlier mothers gave juice to babies almost from the age of one month, now pediatricians do not recommend introducing a child to him until 8-9 months of age. Many of them are convinced that the baby will not lose anything if you give him a fresh drink after a year.

During breastfeeding, natural juices prepared at home can only be drunk by nursing mothers. You will benefit from them much more than a baby's body unprotected from aggressive components.

How to give a drink

  • Follow one of the basic rules for the introduction of complementary foods - food should be monocomponent. This statement also applies to juices. Until the baby gets acquainted with their species, mixing apple and pear or giving him a mixture of apple and carrot - such liberties are not welcomed by doctors. It is worth allocating at least two weeks for the introduction of each type of fresh. Also, do not forget to monitor the reaction of the baby to the new product. It is advisable to keep a food diary, where you will write down everything that your child eats and drinks.
  • If the baby continues to receive food from the mother's breast, then natural fresh juice, like mashed potatoes with cereals, must be fed from a spoon.
  • Immediately freshly squeezed juice is not to everyone's taste. However, mothers prefer to give it in its natural form. To soften the fruity flavor a little, you can heat the drink on the stove.
  • Fresh is not allowed before feeding. After all, it not only quenches the feeling of thirst, but also briefly relieves hunger. Also, never give your baby juice on an empty stomach. No less pernicious habit that many have formed from childhood is to drink food. It can cause flatulence.
  • Undiluted apple juice is too concentrated. Therefore, before giving it to a baby, it is necessary to mix it with water in a ratio of one to one. The first time you can breed stronger.
  • We draw the attention of parents that up to the age of one year it is impossible to give drinks with pulp to the little one. They can cause constipation. However, if your little one is prone to irregular stools, it's best to check with your pediatrician.
  • Apple juice must be freshly prepared. It is unacceptable to give a child a fruit drink that has been prepared in advance. It’s better to drink it yourself, and prepare a new portion of tasty and healthy fresh juice for your baby. If it is not possible to make a new one, do not forget that the finished drink can be stored for no more than 10 hours in a dark, cool place.
  • Apple juice can be introduced into the diet of the little one only after the baby has become acquainted with fruit puree. Thus, if the crumbs have constipation or, on the contrary, diarrhea, rumbling or discomfort in the tummy, it is better to postpone the planned complementary foods for a while.
  • Fresh must be given to the baby in the morning. This allows you to track how the child reacted to the new food.
  • We understand the desire of mothers to give their baby all the best, but for the first time, the volume of a serving of apple juice for a baby should be equal to 1 tsp. The next day, if the child feels fine, you can give 2 tsp.

The maximum volume of a natural drink that you can offer a baby up to a year is no more than 100 ml. In this case, do not give the daily portion immediately. Divide the dose into 2-3 doses.

How to make apple juice at home

If the time has come to introduce fruit water into the diet of the little one, then you will have to cook it yourself. After all, despite the colorful packaging in stores and the belief “you can give it from birth”, purchased juices are allowed for a child only after a few years of his life. Also, at first you will need to dilute them with water, since they are more concentrated than homemade ones.

Since at first the drink must be given to the baby in small portions, you will have to prepare it yourself, without kitchen devices that make life easier for housewives.

For the preparation of juice for babies, only green and yellow varieties of apples are allowed. For now, you should forget about red, because food of such a bright color can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

To do this, you need to wash the apple and peel it. Cut into small pieces, remove seeds. Grate the fruit on a plastic grater (in contact with metal, the fruit loses its beneficial properties).

Squeeze out the gruel with a spoon, and then place it in cheesecloth, folded in several layers.

Juices for babies: Komarovsky (video)

We bring to your attention a useful video about the benefits and harms of apple and other natural juices for babies.

Now you know why you can’t introduce apple juice for the first time, but it’s better to start with vegetable purees and dairy-free cereals. We also told you how to make juice that is healthy for a toddler on your own. Your baby will appreciate your efforts, and the taste of the new drink will undoubtedly be to his liking.

During the feeding period, I want to give the child the opportunity to try not only new food, but also drink. Juice is the most common food. Let's try to answer the questions: when can you start giving juice, and what should it be like.

When can you start giving juice to a baby?

When asked when to start juicing baby a huge number of answers. Someone prefers to introduce juice from 5 weeks of age, and someone not earlier than a year. However, according to the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, juices can be included in the menu of babies from 5 months of age. The initial dosage of juices should not exceed 5 ml.

Let's look at what age you can give your child juices made from different fruits.

How many months can you give apple juice

The most common juice in infants is apple juice. For the first feeding, it is advisable to prepare apple juice at home. For this, green varieties of apples are best suited. Green apple rich in vitamin C, iodine, iron. You can give your baby apple juice from the age of 4 months.

Before making homemade apple juice, make sure that the products you choose are good quality. Rinse fruits thoroughly and peel them. Next, cut the apple into small pieces and remove the core and seeds. Grate the cut pieces. Then wrap the resulting slurry in cheesecloth and squeeze thoroughly.

Be sure to dilute the resulting juice with boiled water, since in its pure form it will greatly irritate the walls of the stomach and cause severe discomfort to the baby.

As for the question of whether raspberry juice is possible for babies, then all the doctors are in solidarity. It is better to exclude this type of juice until the child is one year old. This is due to the fact that raspberries are a strong allergen. Therefore, this juice is not desirable for early feeding.

When can you give your baby carrot juice?

Everyone knows that carrots contain a large amount of provitamin A - carotene. It is a “growth vitamin” and is very much appreciated by many mothers. Carrots make sweet, rich juices that kids love so much. In addition, carrot juice is very well absorbed by the crumbs. From how many months can you give carrot juice to children? The optimal age to include this juice in the child's menu is six months. You can cook it in 2 ways:

  1. Manual spin.
  2. With a juicer.

Many parents are interested in the question, how much carrot juice can be given to a child? Doctors advise to start drinking juice with a couple of teaspoons, gradually increasing and bringing its volume to 100 ml.

You should not give freshly squeezed juice to children, as it is very concentrated. In undiluted form, freshly squeezed juices will adversely affect the gastric mucosa. Which will cause discomfort in the baby's stomach.

Tomato juice for children

Tomato juice for children is introduced into the diet from 6 months. In its preparation, only high-quality raw materials are used. They begin to introduce the baby to this juice from 1 teaspoon per day, gradually bringing it up to 1 small glass every few days.

Raisin compote for babies

Raisin compote for babies is boiled from thoroughly washed dried fruits. Make sure that a film does not form during cooking. Sweetening compote is not worth it. It is worth introducing it into the diet from 5 months in a small amount.

Thus, we found out that from 4-5 months you can give juices to babies. Do not forget to carefully process the raw materials before making juices. If you prefer purchased juices, then before buying, carefully study the composition of the product and the age indicated on the package from which you can use the juice of your choice.

Every parent has heard about the benefits of freshly squeezed juices for children. It is believed that fresh cannot harm a child, since it is made by hand at home without the addition of flavorings and dyes. However, this is not quite true. In order for freshly squeezed juices to be useful for a child, you need to follow certain rules for their preparation and use.

Many parents believe that natural freshly squeezed juices are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. useful substances for a growing child. However, doctors are still arguing about the real benefits of fresh juices for children.

Juice is not just a dessert or a drink to quench your thirst. Juice is a therapeutic and prophylactic drink. AT folk medicine freshly squeezed juices from, cabbage, etc. are used as medicines for the treatment of skin, intestinal, endocrine diseases.

Proven Facts About Freshly Made Fruit Juices:

  1. A glass of fresh juice contains a large amount of fruit acids. The higher the concentration of the drink, the more acids it contains. They provoke the appearance in a child, irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus, increase peristalsis, and cause bloating.
  2. To prepare a glass of natural juice, half a kilogram of fruit is required. Although the skin, pits, and core will be discarded, most of the fructose in the fruit will remain. Drinking a glass of seemingly harmless juice, the child heavily loads the pancreas, the body may not be able to cope with so much sugar that enters the body. The younger the child and the sweeter fruits, the greater the risk of acquiring impaired glucose tolerance at an early age.
  3. Drinking freshly squeezed juices in large quantities, the child endangers the delicate enamel of milk teeth. The destruction of enamel causes caries at an early age.
  4. Regular intake of fresh juice reduces appetite in children.
  5. In natural juices, all substances that can cause are preserved. Due to an increase in their concentration, pseudo-allergies often develop in children.
  6. Using freshly squeezed juices to quench your thirst increases the risk of overdosing on fruit sugars, pigments, and acids.

Benefits of freshly squeezed juice

In order for home-made fresh juice to be as useful as possible for a child, you need to follow the rules for preparation and use:

  • do not give fresh juice to children under one year old;
  • use for the preparation of juices fruits and vegetables growing in the place of residence of the child;
  • choose not very sweet varieties of fruits, do not add sugar to the drink;
  • before cooking, fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed and poured over with boiling water;
  • so that as many vitamins and as possible are preserved in the juice, fruits and vegetables are rubbed on a plastic grater along with the peel;
  • when mixing different juices, they adhere to the principle of "green with green", "yellow with yellow", "red with red";
  • mixed juices should not be given to children under 3 years of age;
  • no need to filter fresh juices, vitamins are stored longer in juices with pulp;
  • sweet fruit juices should be alternated with vegetable juices containing less sugar;
  • you can’t mix vegetable and fruit juices: different enzymes are needed for their digestion;
  • drink natural juice the child should within 15 minutes after preparation.

When exposed to light and oxygen oxidation, fresh juice quickly loses its beneficial properties. Half an hour after preparation, there will be no vitamins left in the drink, fermentation processes begin, the emergence of pathogenic bacteria, etc.

In order to fully benefit from the juice, you need to consider the following rules:

  • after teething, it is better for children to drink juice through a straw;
  • fresh is given to the child no earlier than an hour after eating;
  • the daily norm of freshly squeezed juice for a child under 3 years old is 30 ml, from 3 to 10 years old - 60 ml (at the same time it is divided into two doses).

Some nuances

Freshly squeezed juice should be consumed no earlier than one hour after eating and no later than 15 minutes after preparation.

Apple juice, even for an older child, can be given only in small quantities, since it contains a lot of fruit acids and can increase the acidity of gastric contents. A baked apple is much healthier for a child.

In order to assimilate the carotene contained in the fresh juice, you need to add a spoonful of cream to the drink or give it to the child along with a slice of bread and butter.

Summary for parents

Before offering freshly squeezed juices to children, especially if they have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or a tendency to allergies, you should definitely consult a doctor. For your child to get the most benefit from fruits and vegetables, they should be eaten whole, not juiced.

You need to start with clarified juices without pulp. If the baby's body reacts normally, then closer to a year you can slowly try juice with pulp. The plant fibers in pulpy juices stimulate the bowels and this can cause diarrhea if consumed at an earlier age.

It is necessary to introduce juices from different fruits in turn. Only after it turns out that the baby tolerates any kind of juice well, you can start giving him the next one. If any of the juices cause an allergic reaction, that product must be discontinued immediately.

Green apple juice is traditionally offered first. It is rich in iron and rarely causes adverse reactions. Then juices from pears, apricots, peaches and plums are gradually introduced. You can not give your baby juices from strawberries, citrus and exotic fruits. The grape juice should also be administered with caution. It is rich in sugar and can cause discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.

How much and in what form

Juice can be made from fresh fruit or special juices can be used for baby food that are sold in the store. The packaging usually indicates that they can be consumed. Freshly squeezed juice can cause restless behavior in a child caused by bloating, increased gas or colic. Therefore, they must be diluted with boiled water. Usually, one part of water is added to one part of juice. Special children's juices bought in a store should not be diluted with water, because. they have already been brought to the desired concentration.

The child should consume juices in a diluted state up to 2-3 years. Starting from the age of 2, the amount of added water should be gradually reduced, gradually bringing the juice concentration to 100%. The baby can start drinking undiluted juice only after 3 years.

Concentrated juices industrial production it is undesirable to introduce a baby under 3 years old. If the baby consumes such juices, then they must be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. As you grow older, you need to gradually reduce the concentration of water in the juice. Also, do not forget that the acid contained in the juice can have a destructive effect on the fragile enamel of children's teeth. Therefore, it is better to drink undiluted juices from a straw.

Let your kids drink delicious and proper juices and be healthy.

Carrots are a food product that is famous for its useful properties. There is no such body for which it would not bring benefits. This vegetable is baked, stewed, added to salads, juices and mashed potatoes. To answer the question of whether it is possible to give carrot juice to babies, you need to understand its properties and effects on the body.

Carrot juice contains many vitamins and nutrients that can restore and support the functioning of many body systems.

Before giving a carrot to a child, it must be washed in cool running water and the thin top layer removed. Under the skin, in the upper layer, there is a large accumulation of carotene. The part that is closer to the tops contains more vitamins than the tip. It is better not to give the core to the baby, and it should be removed before use. This is where most nitrates and allergens accumulate.

Carrot juice can treat various diseases. This is an excellent remedy for thrush in the oral cavity: a small amount of lubricate the inflamed mucosa.

You can treat a runny nose. Freshly squeezed juice is instilled 3 drops into each nasal passage. This dosage is suitable for children under 12 months of age. For the treatment of nasopharynx in children under 6 months of age, juice diluted with water is used.

How to make a healthy drink

Carrot juice for children under one year old is made without pulp. Carrots should be thoroughly washed and peeled. To reduce the concentration of allergens, the vegetable is soaked in water for two hours. After that, it must be crushed on a fine grater. The resulting mass is placed in gauze and squeezed. Next, the finished carrot drink is diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1.

The frequency of using a carrot drink should not exceed two times a week. If there are no stool disorders, allergic manifestations do not appear, apple juice can be added.

Carrot puree: an option for the first complementary foods

Among the first complementary foods, carrot puree is not the last. It is well absorbed and digested by the child's body.

Before cooking, carrots are soaked for two hours. Then it should be crushed with a coarse grater, pour in a little water and put on fire. When the carrots are cooked, it must be rubbed again through a sieve and put on fire again for a short time. You can add a few drops vegetable oil, but this is best done when the child is 9 months old.

In carrot puree for children under one year old, you can add store or breast milk and boil for a few more minutes. It is allowed to use an adapted mixture.

At heat treatment carrots do not lose their nutritional properties . It is undesirable to store the finished product - it is better to make fresh juice or puree before each use.

Essential apple juice

The first complementary foods should be started from sweet and sour varieties of apples, as they cause allergies in rare cases. The fruit should be thoroughly washed, peeled and the core removed. Then grind the remaining pulp on a fine grater. Place the resulting mass in gauze and survive the juice. The liquid must be filtered again and diluted with boiled water.

Apple drink is rich in trace elements such as iron, potassium, copper, chromium. It contains substances that improve the breakdown and digestion of food.

At what age is apple juice allowed? It can be administered by a teaspoon from the third month.

Important points for the introduction of juices in the diet of a child

The product for infants should begin to be given in the form of juice. Children under one year of age who are fed with mixtures are allowed to administer the product as early as 4 months. Children on breastfeeding you can not hurry to give up to 6 months.

Before introducing the product, a pediatrician should be consulted to determine when and for how many months this root vegetable can be administered. The doctor, knowing the characteristics of the development of the child, will give recommendations.

The first time the dosage should usually not exceed half a teaspoon. Next, you need to monitor the condition and behavior of the baby. If there is no rash, restlessness and stool disturbance, then after a few days the dose can be slightly increased.

At what age and in what quantity should the drink be introduced? You can try the following scheme.

  1. When the baby is 1 month old, you can try diluting a few drops in a large volume of water.
  2. A child of three months of age should begin to give five drops of juice half diluted with water.
  3. When your baby is 4 months old, give him undiluted juices or add less water. But this is the case if he is artificially fed.
  4. A six-month-old baby who is breastfed can be administered half a teaspoon.
  5. About a year you can try to give juices of industrial production.

Not only the type of drink and the age of the baby determine the basic rules. There are other important points to consider as well.

  1. Juices should be started in the morning. This will make it possible to monitor the condition of the child during the day.
  2. You should know how much juice to give your child. On the first day, it is better to give a small amount of the drink (up to a few drops). In the event that unpleasant symptoms appear (diarrhea, vomiting, rash), complementary foods should be stopped. You can try the product again only after a month.
  3. If there are no effects, then gradually increase the dosage.
  4. After two weeks, other components can be added to the carrot juice.
  5. The first juice should always be diluted with water.
  6. Children under one year old are not allowed juices with pulp.

Juices are an irreplaceable source of nutrients. If you follow the rules of the first complementary foods, you can avoid violations in the functioning of the child's organs.

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