Home Vegetables How to make vegetable broth for cooking. How to make delicious vegetable broth. How to make vegetable broth

How to make vegetable broth for cooking. How to make delicious vegetable broth. How to make vegetable broth

Even the most famous chefs say that vegetable broth should be cooked exclusively from the leftover vegetables that were lying around in your refrigerator. Many of them also advise not to look for ready-made solutions, but to create your own recipe for vegetable broth, which will include what is most common in your area. And in order for you to have your own ideas, here is a list of those products that can be used in the broth.

Vegetables and roots:

  • carrot
  • onion
  • celery root
  • parsley root
  • parsnip
  • fennel bulb
  • ginger root
  • leek
  • garlic
  • sun-dried or fresh tomatoes
  • dried mushrooms
  • corn on the cob


  • parsley
  • fennel
  • thyme
  • Dill


  • peppercorn mix
  • Bay leaf
  • dried chili pepper
  • dried garlic

Never used for broth Bell pepper, cabbage, and eggplant. They interrupt the smell and destroy the harmony of taste. Vegetables for the broth are cut into fairly large pieces. Garlic may not be peeled. Before preparing the vegetable broth, coarsely chopped vegetables and roots can be placed in a dish greased with olive oil and browned in the oven at 220-230°C (about 30 minutes). This will make the broth more flavorful. It is not necessary to add a lot of roots for these purposes. They will make the broth sweet. And garlic can give too much spiciness. To get a stronger broth, baked vegetables and roots can be squeezed until juice appears and sent to boil along with spices and herbs. When the broth is ready, it will need to be carefully strained. Ready vegetable broth can be used immediately or frozen by pouring into special bags.

Very little salt is usually put in vegetable broth, counting on the fact that the dish to which it will be added ready broth, will continue to salt. But if you want to use vegetable broth for weight loss, you can not salt it at all. Such a dish will turn out just perfect for a diet, despite the fact that its taste and aroma will still be very rich. In order to make the broth more piquant, you can add half a glass of dry white wine to it. Although if you are making vegetable broth for a child, wine will have to be discarded. In addition, you will need to make sure that you do not put in the broth those ingredients that can cause you to.

Soup with vegetable broth

When making any soup in vegetable broth, remember the main rule: in no case do not leave in the soup those vegetables that were cooked in the broth. During the cooking process, they become absolutely tasteless. Therefore, put fresh vegetables and spices in the soup. Using vegetable broth, you can cook any soup. We bring to your attention several original, but proven recipes that you may like.

Soup with lentils and tomatoes

To prepare such a soup, lentils are boiled in vegetable broth until tender. Then potatoes are added to the soup and a frying is put, which includes carrots sautéed in olive oil, onions, garlic, tomatoes, celery root and tomato paste. In addition, parsley and a few lemon wedges can be added to the soup, which will give the soup an extra sourness. The ingredients can be added to the soup in any quantity, based on your own taste preferences.

Lenten cabbage soup

As you know, cabbage soup is cooked with cabbage. In our lean cabbage soup, we will also add some mushrooms for taste. You can take any mushrooms. But the cheapest and most affordable option is champignons. Traditionally, we add potatoes to cabbage soup, as well as fried carrots, onions and tomato paste. Before serving, generously sprinkle the cabbage soup with herbs and add a spoonful of sour cream.

Cheese soup

To cook delicious cheese soup, we take a few - creamy, hard with spices and melted. We will add cheese at the end. When the broth boils, put in it champignons fried with onions and fried chopped meat(meat can be taken any to your taste). When the soup boils for 5-7 minutes, add grated cheese to it. The soup should sweat on low heat for another 10 minutes, and you can serve it on the table. This unusual first course will certainly interest your guests. And its delicate and spicy taste will certainly make them ask for supplements.

Beetroot puree soup

To make a delicious beetroot, we cut beets, onions and potatoes into cubes, and also chop carrots and sour apple. We put all these ingredients in a baking dish, sprinkle with olive oil, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and put in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, for 45 minutes. Next, we take the vegetables out of the oven, put them in a saucepan, pour hot vegetable broth, add cumin seeds, thyme, a little lemon juice and let it cook on low heat for another 10 minutes. When the soup is ready, it must be ground in a blender and cooked a little more, just a few minutes. When serving in beetroot puree soup, you can add sour cream and herbs.

Any soup made with rich vegetable broth will be delicious. Therefore, you may well put healthy cereals in the soup - rice, buckwheat, millet, beans and peas, without fear that someone will not like the soup. You can also add to soup boiled fish. This is especially true for mothers. After all, kids often refuse to eat fish soup. And the pieces of fish floating in a fragrant vegetable broth will surely please them. Experiment and come up with your own own recipes dishes using tasty and healthy vegetable broth.

Vegetable broth is universal, we cook soups and main dishes on it (for example, risotto, meat snacks). If you have time, prepare a fragrant and rich fresh broth for each cooking. If there is no time, I recommend freezing it by cooking a large portion of fresh. Or cook it - you can even make it for the winter.

Ingredients for vegetable broth recipe

  • 2 small carrots (about 150 g)
  • 1 celery root (about 250 g)
  • 4 parsley roots (200 g)
  • 1 leek (250 g)
  • 4 bulbs
  • 250 g forest mushrooms(fresh, frozen or dry but then not more than 40 g)
  • 4 tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 2 sprigs of rosemary
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 8 black peppercorns
  • 4 peas allspice
  • 4 dried juniper berries
  • 4 liters of cold purified water

How to make vegetable broth

1 Peel and wash carrots, celery and parsley roots. Cut carrots into large pieces, celery into large cubes. Cut the leek in half lengthwise and wash as well.

2 Onions, without peeling, cut in half.

3 Prepare the mushrooms: defrost, peel, rinse, chop.

4 Wash the tomatoes, cut into quarters, remove the stems and white cores. Chop coarsely.

5 Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Simmer all the ingredients over low heat for 8-10 minutes until they lose some color.

6 Pour in 4 liters of water and bring to a boil.

7 Remove the foam with a skimmer until it appears.

8 Rinse thyme and rosemary and dry with a towel. Add to vegetables along with bay leaves, allspice and black pepper and juniper berries. It is possible - in the form of .

9 Boil the broth for 1 hour over medium heat with the lid open. If you cook for less time (30 minutes), then the broth will turn out to be not so concentrated, softer in taste.

10 Pour the decoction through a fine sieve into another saucepan. Throw vegetables away.

How to clarify vegetable broth?
This is an important point! The vegetable broth may be dark brown and opaque, and you'll want to make it clear and lighter in color. To do this, wrap the sieve through which you filter the broth with a thick, damp towel.

There is another way to lighten the broth. To do this, you need to peel the onion from the husk, but then the broth will lose not only brown, but also a beautiful golden hue.

11 The broth can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. If you fill plastic bags with them, it will take much longer. To do this, pour the prepared vegetable broth into bags using a funnel, close tightly and place in the freezer.

How long to cook vegetable broth? 1-1.5 hours on medium-low heat.

Secrets of rich vegetable broth

12 If you want to freeze vegetable broth for several months, use 300-400 ml jars with screw caps. Rinse them with boiling water and let dry. Then fill dry jars with hot broth, close tightly and invert for 5 minutes, placing on the lid. Keep in mind that jars must be sterile, and hands should avoid contact with the inside of the jar and lid.

13 Any mixture of vegetables is appropriate for the preparation of vegetable broth, the recipes of which are more than a dozen vegetable combinations. The most common are carrots, onions, parsley root and, of course, bay leaves. You just need to remember that there should not be a predominance of one vegetable. If, for example, you use too much cabbage at the expense of other ingredients, then you risk getting not vegetable, but cabbage broth, the taste of which is noticeably different from the taste of the broth from a mixture of cabbage, carrots and celery.

Note . You may want to avoid beets (which will give the broth an intense red color), tomatoes (bright spicy taste), coriander, etc.

14 Please note that there is no salt in the proposed recipe. Optionally, the broth can be salted, in our case, about 1 tsp. sea ​​salt(to taste), at the very end, after the broth has already been poured into another pan. But it is better to salt after, during the preparation of the main dish.

The benefits of vegetable broth

Few foods have as many health benefits as carefully cooked vegetables. The vegetable broth, which you now know the recipe for, contains no additives and has a clean, intense taste. It turns out thick, fragrant and perfectly absorbed by the body.

At heat treatment vegetables in water, all soluble protein compounds pass into the water, mineral salts, vitamins.

A 1-cup serving of vegetable broth contains 15 calories. So low calorie allows you to use soups cooked in vegetable broth for weight loss.

A typical serving of vegetable broth provides a person with approximately 3 g of carbohydrates and 1.2 g of protein daily. It contains 9% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin A and 2% of calcium and other nutrients.

IMPORTANT! For those who suffer from acute pancreatitis and gastritis, rich, highly concentrated vegetable broth is contraindicated.

P.S. There are a few more basic recipes associated with the ability to cook broths. Here are just a couple of master classes with step-by-step photos:

I really want to talk about the principles of preparing a dietary basis for soups. Vegetable broth, the recipe for which we will consider today, does an excellent job with this role. I will tell you about the main secrets of how to cook vegetable broth tasty and fragrant.

Following the principles of the chosen diet, you have to limit the consumption of foods that are prohibited under the terms of a particular food system. Not finding an adequate replacement for such products, you have to give up cooking your favorite dishes. One of the products that are not recommended for use during the diet is saturated meat broth. A great alternative to it is vegetable broth, which can be used to make your favorite soups.

Diet vegetable broth recipe

With little content useful substances meat broth has high calorie content because of the fat it contains. The broth can be defatted, thereby significantly reducing its energy value. But not all diets even include fat-free broth on the list of allowed foods.

Diet vegetable broth fully meets the requirements of a healthy diet. Its calorie content is very small, since the initial products for cooking have little energy value.

We use broth for weight loss

  • Diet broth, cooked on fruits and roots, can be used as a snack during weight loss. Its rich taste will have the same effect on the taste buds as any other delicious food. Nerve endings in the stomach will send a signal to the brain about satiety. In reality, very few calories will be consumed, which will allow the body to draw energy from own reserves, that is, from fats.
  • Like meat, vegetable broth during the diet can be used to prepare soups, sauces and other dishes where it is provided by the recipe. This substitution will help low calorie meals with low fat content and high palatability.

How to make vegetable broth

It would seem that there is nothing easier than making a decoction of vegetables. But not everyone knows that there are two ways to prepare such a broth and an unlimited number of combinations of vegetables and roots, using which you can cook a dish with completely different tastes:

  1. The first recipe for vegetable broth - it is prepared using raw roots and.
  2. Second - pre-cut vegetables are fried a little in a tablespoon olive oil, and only after that are used for cooking the broth.

The ingredients are selected in the combination that you like best, well, or according to the principle "from what is in the refrigerator." Onions, carrots, garlic, celery (both petiole and root), parsnips, all these products form the basis for the preparation of vegetable broth.

If you want to get more refined taste you can use fennel. Diet vegetable broth with tomatoes will have a beautiful orange hue, with a pleasant tomato note in taste. You can use pre-frozen tomatoes and peppers, as well.

How many calories are in vegetable broth? per 100 g - 10 kcal

How to make vegetable broth with white wine

Raw vegetables: white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, beets, celery, onions, garlic. Various fresh herbs, spices.

  • Ready broth can be poured after cooling into special storage trays food products in the freezer, or in tight plastic food bags and store in the freezer until needed.
  • It is better to add salt to the broth not during cooking, but when using this broth in dishes.

How to cook broth

The general principle of preparing vegetable broth is to boil washed and peeled vegetables in water, with the addition of various seasonings, most often without salt, and then use strained broth. Vegetables after straining the broth are used at discretion, but we must remember that when cooking, vegetables give up most of the trace elements, and therefore the taste, color and smell of the broth.

Vegetables for the broth must be peeled and boiled either whole or very coarsely chopped, for example, an onion can be cut into 2-4 parts. Also, large stalks of herbs (parsley, dill, celery, etc.) can be added to the broth, which are not used in the preparation of salads and other dishes. It is necessary to cook the broth until the vegetables are ready, on average from 15 to 30 minutes. Some broths take longer to cook, for example, if beets are used, which are reluctant to part with their trace elements. Beetroot broth is cooked for 40-50 minutes. After boiling, the heat should be reduced to medium and cook the broth until tender with a slight boil.

From the vegetables remaining after cooking the broth, you can cook, for example, such dishes as vegetable puree, adding milk, cream, spices, other vegetables, etc. as desired.

What vegetables to cook

All vegetables before cooking the broth must be washed and peeled. Depending on what taste you want to get, certain vegetables or a mixture of vegetables are selected for the broth. To cook the broth, pour vegetables with water, add spices after boiling, cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for the specified time. Strain the finished broth.

  • White cabbage is often used in cooking broth. Due to the rich sweetish taste and aroma, you can add nothing but cabbage to the cabbage broth, but use a large amount cabbage leaves. To cook, separate the leaves from the stalk and cook for 20-30 minutes.
  • Broccoli produces a slight fresh aroma and flavor, and will turn the broth greenish unless other vegetables overpower the broth. For cooking, cut the head of cabbage into 4-8 parts or divide into inflorescences and put in boiling water. Broccoli is boiled for 5-7 minutes, then it boils quickly, therefore, after cooking, broccoli is immediately removed from the broth.
  • Cauliflower gives a pleasant delicate taste and aroma. For cooking, divide the cabbage into inflorescences or cut the head of cabbage into 4-8 parts and put in boiling water. Cook for 15-25 minutes. It can boil quickly, so it must be removed from the broth immediately after readiness.
  • Carrots are often used in the preparation of vegetable broths, as they give a pleasant aroma, sweetish taste and a beautiful yellow-orange color to the broth. Carrots do not boil when boiled. Carrots can be put whole or cut across into 2-3 parts. Boiled for 15-25 minutes.
  • Potatoes give a rich taste and neutral aroma, but with a large amount of potatoes, the broth may become cloudy due to the starch contained in the potatoes. Therefore, for the broth, it is better to use non-crumb (not floury) varieties and a small amount of potatoes, while it is better to add the potatoes not chopped. Potatoes are boiled for 15-25 minutes.
  • Beetroot in the broth gives a rich sweet taste, sweetish aroma and colors the broth in a bright burgundy color. Beets do not boil when boiled. The younger the beets, the brighter and sweeter the broth will be, although some varieties of beets, when properly stored, do not lose their qualities and will give your broth both sweetness and a beautiful color. To preserve color, add 0.5-1 tbsp. a spoonful of 9% vinegar in the broth. For the broth, cut the beets into 4-5 parts and cook for 40-50 minutes after boiling. This broth can be used in the preparation of borscht.
  • Onions are almost always added to vegetable broth. Onion gives a pleasant rich spicy aroma and sweetish taste. With prolonged cooking, it can boil a little, so it is important not to overcook the onion and put whole onions or very coarsely chopped ones into the broth. Boiled for 15-25 minutes.
  • Leek gives a delicate spicy taste and fresh aroma. For broth cooking, cut each stalk into 4-6 pieces. Cook for 20-25 minutes.
  • Garlic is sometimes added in small amounts to vegetable broth to give a bright, spicy aroma and a specific rich taste. Garlic cloves are added whole or chopped (for more flavor) into 2-3 parts. Garlic quickly gives off its taste and aroma, so it can be added 5-7 minutes before the broth is ready.
  • Celery roots give a spicy-sweet taste and aroma. For cooking, cut into cubes 3x3 cm and cook for 20-25 minutes.
  • The celery stalk gives a light fresh taste and delicate aroma. For cooking, you can put whole stems, or cut into 2-3 parts across. Boiled for 15-20 minutes.

Greens for broth

Greens play a big role in the preparation of vegetable broths. The more and more varied the greens in the broth, the brighter the taste and aroma of the broth will be, but in the case of too much fragrant greens, the taste of vegetables in the broth may be lost behind the taste of greens. Therefore, you should find a reasonable ratio of greens and vegetables when cooking vegetable broth.

  • Parsley and dill are often used in vegetable broths. Parsley adds a sweetish spicy taste and aroma, dill gives the broth a rich spicy taste and aroma. A large amount of greens can color the broth greenish. Boil whole sprigs for 3-5 minutes.
  • Lovage has a rich specific taste and a sweetish spicy-spicy aroma, so it will give the broth a bright spicy flavor. The more of these greens in the broth, the brighter the taste will be, so it can interrupt the taste of other ingredients. Boil whole branches for 5-7 minutes.
  • Coriander (cilantro) gives an oriental spicy aroma and taste. Boil whole sprigs for 3-5 minutes.
  • Basil will give the broth a bright spicy flower-pepper flavor and aroma. green basil even more aromatic and flavorful than purple basil. Boil whole sprigs for 3-5 minutes.
  • Mint gives the broth a fresh taste and aroma. With a large amount, it can oversaturate the broth with taste and kill other ingredients. Cook for 3-5 minutes.


If there are enough vegetables and herbs, it is best to use seasonings sparingly so that the taste is not interrupted by a large number of seasonings, or not to use them at all. In this case, it is best to use spices classic for Russian cuisine. If you decide that your broth can be even tastier and more aromatic, you can add a small amount of seasonings and spices at your discretion.

  • Bay leaf will add an unobtrusive pleasant aroma to the broth. Bay leaves will almost never spoil a dish if the amount does not exceed 3-5 sheets.
  • Black peppercorns will add a mild peppery aroma and flavor to the broth. This type of pepper, even in the amount of 10-15 peas, will not make the broth too hot, so feel free to add a few peas if you want the broth to be a little spicier.
  • Allspice peas have a bright spicy aroma, so use this pepper in an amount of no more than 3-5 peas to give the broth a bright spicy-pepper flavor.
  • Thyme is used to prepare dishes with an Italian touch. Gives a nice bright flavor and can overpower other ingredients, so use thyme with care. The optimal amount is 1-2 pinches.
  • Oregano smells a bit like thyme. The aroma is slightly milder than thyme. Use also with caution, no more than 1-2 pinches.
  • Khmeli-suneli seasoning is one of the very successful compositions of various spices, which will make the broth with a spicy-spicy herbal tinge. This broth is perfect for oriental dishes. The optimal amount is up to 1.5 teaspoons.

Water - 2 liters
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
Bulb - 1 piece
Carrots - 2 pieces
Parsley root - 1 piece
Tomato - 1 piece
Garlic - 2 cloves
Parsley - 6 sprigs
Dill - 6 sprigs
Thyme - 3 sprigs
Black pepper - 5 peas
Bay leaf - 2 jokes
Salt - 1 teaspoon

Food preparation
1. Wash and peel vegetables (carrots, onions, tomatoes, parsley root), finely chop.
2. Put the vegetables in a cooking container (in a pot or slow cooker).

How to cook vegetable broth in a saucepan
1. Pour vegetables with water (2 liters), add salt, pepper, bay leaf; add greens with sprigs (parsley, dill, thyme) and garlic (put it in the form of whole cloves). 2. Put the pot with the future broth on a strong fire, after boiling, reduce the fire, cover the pan with a lid.
3. Cook the broth for another 20 minutes.

How to cook vegetable broth in a slow cooker
1. Put the vegetables at the bottom of the bowl, pour over vegetable oil, turn on the "Baking" mode and fry vegetables for 20 minutes.
2. Pour vegetables with water (2 liters), add sprigs of greens (parsley, dill, thyme) and garlic.
3. Add seasonings (salt, pepper and bay leaf).
4. Turn on the "Extinguishing" mode, close the multicooker with a lid and cook the broth for another 60 minutes.

Your vegetable broth is cooked! Strain the finished broth through a sieve, and remove the vegetables.

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