Home Preparations for the winter Uzbek dish manti. Uzbek manti with meat, potatoes and onions. With pumpkin and meat

Uzbek dish manti. Uzbek manti with meat, potatoes and onions. With pumpkin and meat

Every nation has its own National dish. I think many have tried manti, but not everyone made them according to the Uzbek recipe. The staple of this hearty meal is minced meat wrapped in thinly rolled dough and steamed. Due to the holes in the double boiler or pressure cooker, continuous steam generation is ensured, thanks to which the manti reach readiness.

The filling for them is made from lamb, and onion, fat tail fat and various spices are added to the minced meat.

Be sure to have a lot of onions and fat in manti. Thanks to this, they will be juicy and tasty.

There are people who cannot stand the taste and smell of lamb, if they wish, they can use a different type of meat (pork, beef), but we will make an original recipe so that the traditional taste of manti remains.

Before we start cooking, let's knead the dough

The correct dough for Uzbek manti:

To properly prepare the dough, there are a few rules:

1. Flour must be sifted so that it is saturated with oxygen. It will give the dough airiness.

2. We take two varieties of flour for this recipe, white premium and durum made from durum wheat.

Thanks to these 2 varieties, we will get a dough with a high gluten content.

3. To make the dough roll out very thinly, grease vegetable oil the surface you are cooking on.

4. To give it elasticity, stir it longer for 10 - 15 minutes.

5. Be sure to wrap it in cling film for 30 - 40 minutes so that the gluten takes water and swells. This dough will be much easier to roll out.


  • Premium flour - 450 gr.
  • Durum flour from hard grade- 450 gr.
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Water - 450 gr.
  • Yolk - 3 pcs.

1. In the water, stir the salt, yolks and pour into the sifted flour.

2. Stir with a spoon until thick.

3. Then, mix with your hands for 10 - 15 minutes.

4. Wrap in a bag for 30 minutes. We start cooking manti.

How to cook real manti in Uzbek:

I tried many ways to cook manti and chose a very tasty recipe.


  • Lamb - 700 gr.
  • Fat tail fat - 250 gr.
  • Onion - 1 kg.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Black pepper - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Zira - 0.5 teaspoon.

1. Since we have already prepared the dough above, we will not dwell on it, let's move on to the meat. We cut it in the same way as fat tail fat in the smallest possible cubes.

2. Cut the onion, also very finely, the more, the better and juicier.

4. Mix everything well and leave for 30 - 40 minutes, so that the meat marinates, as it were.

5. We have prepared minced meat. We take the dough, cut off a small piece from it, roll it out with a sausage about 2 - 2.5 cm thick. We smear the surface with oil, on which we will sculpt the manti. We roll out the spindle with a shaped rolling pin with a thickness of 1 mm at the edge, and 2 mm in the middle.

6. We impose minced meat and sculpt manti. We look at sculpting options in detail in this one.

7. Cook in a pressure cooker or double boiler, after the water boils, 45 minutes.

In the last article, I wrote how to make manti with pumpkin in Uzbek, if anyone is interested, you can see.

Ready for a couple. The cooking technology allows you to save all the valuable substances of the food components, making the dish easily digestible, despite the rather high calorie content.

Varieties of the dish

Uzbek manti, contrary to popular belief, are the most different types. In the ordinary sense, not knowing the nuances of someone else's cuisine, we think that this dish is prepared only with minced meat. In fact, this is not so. Manty is also made with meat and radish, pumpkin, lard and sugar, potatoes and many other products.

By the way, manti is a traditional national dish of many peoples of Asia. It is considered its own in Turkey, Korea, Mongolia.

As a rule, manti are prepared from small with onions in thin dough. The cooking itself takes place in a mantyshnitsa or pressure cooker. You can’t do without such a device, since the dish is processed exclusively with steam.

The minced meat different recipes pumpkin is added. Sometimes manti is fried, but only after steaming.

Dough preparation

How to make Uzbek manti? The recipe with photos will help you understand the issue.

The first thing to do is to choose good meat for the dish. A leg of lamb is ideal (or a leg of lamb, it is less greasy). Next, you need to separate the meat from the bone, cut it into thin strips, and then chop into small pieces. The smaller the stuffing, the better. We will not grind it in a meat grinder, as we usually do when preparing our dumplings.

Then take the onion, peel and finely chop. The ratio of meat and onions should be 1:1. Next, salt and pepper our filling well. Mix the minced meat thoroughly with your hands and let it stand. In the meantime, let's start preparing the dough.

Mix it up like this. Let's dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, and then add half a kilogram of flour. Pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil and two eggs. And now we will begin to mix it all, adding flour. The dough will turn out cool, elastic and at the same time will not stick to your hands. Let's just say that it takes a lot of work. The dough must be kneaded for at least fifteen to twenty minutes (periodically add flour). First, it should be kneaded in a bowl. As soon as it acquires a homogeneous consistency, you can put it on a board sprinkled with flour and continue kneading.

Finishing the process, you should throw the dough on the table ten times, after which we cover it with dishes and leave it. It should lie down for at least half an hour, after which it will need to be kneaded again. Only after that you can start sculpting.

How to sculpt manti?

The dough must be separated into small pieces, then rolled into sausages and cut into small circles no more than 2.5 centimeters thick. Each slice is dipped in flour and rolled into a thin circle with a rolling pin. In each such pancake, put one and a half tablespoons of minced meat. The amount of filling depends on the size of the mug. Minced meat should not be small, but you should not overdo it, otherwise the dough will simply disperse.

It should be noted that Uzbek manti is molded different ways. Although this is not so important, since the sculpting option does not affect the palatability. Before putting ready-made manti in a mantle, they should be dipped in vegetable oil so that they do not stick to the bottom of the dish during cooking.

It is better to boil water in advance, and put manti already on a heated boiling dish. Cooking will take about half an hour. If all the manti did not fit right away, then the rest should be sent to the refrigerator or even to the freezer.

From mantyshnitsa ready meal Take it out carefully so that the dough does not tear and fat does not leak out. That, in fact, is all, the Uzbek manti are ready. The recipe for this dish is not very complicated. In part, it resembles our dumplings.

in broth

We figured out how to cook Uzbek manti, now let's look at a few other recipes. We have already mentioned that sometimes you can cook such a dish not only for a couple, but also boil it. Uzbek manti boiled in broth is also very tasty.

Dough Ingredients:

  1. Flour - ½ kg.
  2. Milk - ½ cup.
  3. One egg.
  4. Salt.

Filling Ingredients:

  1. Meat - 1 kg.
  2. Onion - ½ kg.
  3. Fat tail fat (it can be replaced with ordinary fat) - 160 g.
  4. Pepper, salt.
  5. A glass of sour milk for dressing.
  6. A bunch of cilantro.

To prepare the egg, beat with milk in a foamy liquid, dissolve the salt. On this basis, knead the dough. Then roll it into small circles. We sculpt manti in any way. Minced meat can also be cooked the way you like. Not required to adhere traditional recipes. When the manti are stuck, they need to be boiled in meat broth. The principle is the same as when making dumplings. As soon as the manti floats to the surface, they should be boiled for another five minutes, then removed and laid out in deep plates, filled with broth and sour milk with greens.

Manti with sugar and fat tail fat

Uzbek manti, the recipe for which we want to offer you, may seem rather strange to you. But in fact it turns out very tasty dish, it's just a bit unusual for us.


  1. Flour - 1/2 kg.
  2. Salt.
  3. Yeast - 35 g.
  4. Water - ½ cup.
  5. Fat tail fat - ½ kg.
  6. Sugar - 160 g.
  7. Sour milk - 320 g.

Yeast must be dissolved in water and, adding salt, knead the dough. Cover it with a towel and put in a warm place. Further ready dough roll into separate cakes, stuff them with a mixture of chopped tail fat and sugar. Such Uzbek manti are steamed for about forty-five minutes. Ready-made, they are served with broth and sour milk. Even in the photo, Uzbek manti look very appetizing.

Manti with pumpkin

What else do you think you can cook Uzbek manti with? The recipe with a photo in our article will probably surprise you a little. The fact is that in traditional Uzbek cuisine, manti is cooked even with pumpkin. Just out of ignorance, we have formed a stereotype that this dish is exclusively meat, but this is not so.

The dough in this recipe is prepared as always. But the filling will be unusual.

Minced meat ingredients:

  1. Kilogram of peeled pumpkin.
  2. Onion - 5 heads.
  3. Ground pepper.
  4. Salt.
  5. Lamb fat - 120 g.

The filling is prepared as follows. A good ripe pumpkin is selected, peeled and seeds removed, and then grated or cut into small cubes. Chopped onion, lard, pepper, salt are added to it. All stuffing mixes well. If your pumpkin turned out to be not very sweet, then you can add a spoonful of sugar.

Manty with pumpkin is also steamed. Serving on the table, you can pour them with sour cream.

Fried manti

Let's talk about how to make fried Uzbek manti. Cooking them, in general, will not differ in anything, except for the method of bringing them to readiness. Finished products must first be lightly deep-fried in order to appear golden brown. This is done so that the dough itself becomes crispy, but the minced meat remains raw. For this reason, manti still needs to be cooked. In the mantyshnitsa, they will cook for another forty minutes. You can fry manti with any filling.

Manti with marinated meat

Uzbek manti are very tasty (we give a recipe with a photo in the article) with marinated meat. The bottom line is that for the filling, you should take not the usual mutton pulp, but marinated. Such a slight nuance greatly changes the taste of the dish. Such manti will certainly be appreciated by lovers of marinated meat.

Lamb meat should be cut into pieces, as for a barbecue. Then put it together with fat tail fat in an enamel bowl. You should also add minced onion, spices, salt and grape vinegar. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and sent to the refrigerator for three hours. During this time, the meat will have time to marinate.

Manti with potatoes

Potatoes need to be peeled and cut into cubes or strips. To it you need to add lamb fat (can be replaced with cracklings), ground pepper, salt and ghee. Further, manti are prepared on the basis of this filling.

The nuances of cooking

Manty is traditionally made from unleavened dough. It must be very thin. However, sometimes options are prepared with yeast dough. In principle, you can start manti with anything, adding a variety of spices. For the filling, you can use meat, vegetables, cottage cheese, or you can even combine these ingredients. But the way of cooking remains unchanged. Manti are steamed. In Asia, such special dishes are called kaskan. Well, for cooking we can use a modern invention called a pressure cooker. In fact, this is a multi-level pan in which there are special holes for steam. And in the lowest tank there is water, which, boiling, gives the very steam we need for cooking.

In principle, you can use a conventional double boiler to cook the dish. Manti from this will not become worse.

Stuffing for a dish

But as for the filling, as you might have noticed, the meat is not passed through a meat grinder, as we are used to, it should be finely chopped with a knife along with the fat. It is believed that manti with minced meat much tastier. You won't believe it, but it's actually true.

Traditionally, the dish is prepared with meat filling. To do this, you can take lamb, pork, beef, chicken. In principle, you can mix several varieties. A prerequisite is the addition of fat tail fat to the filling. In our conditions, it can be replaced with ordinary fat. This is done to make the dish juicy and fatty.

In addition, you should definitely put onions in the filling. It gives juiciness to the dish. In Asia, it is customary to add vegetable pieces and potatoes to any minced meat. These additional ingredients absorb excess juice, preventing the dough from tearing.

Pumpkin is considered an ideal component, giving the meat a very peculiar flavor.

Manti can have completely different shapes: square, triangular, round.

Moreover, like any Uzbek dish, manti are cooked with spices. In addition to the usual red and black pepper, cumin, garlic, and cumin are also added. And on top of the finished dish is sprinkled with cilantro, dill, parsley. As a sauce in all recipes, sour milk is certainly used.

Do you want to please your family? interesting dish for gourmets? We offer a recipe for delicious manti with lamb in Uzbek. Despite the relative simplicity of the dish, a number of nuances must be taken into account during cooking. Otherwise, the correct manti will not come out. How to cook Uzbek manti, how to knead the dough and what to do with minced meat? Let's figure it out.

Manti in Uzbek: how to cook

Prepare the workplace, stock up on ingredients, as well as inventory. You need a large table, a sharp knife and, of course, a mantis or a double boiler. You will also need a rolling pin, several deep bowls, pots.

Of the ingredients you will need:

  • Lamb meat (preferably mountain) - 500–1000 g
  • Wheat flour - 600–900 g
  • Onion - 500-1000 g
  • Chicken eggs - 1-2 pieces
  • Meat broth or boiled chilled water - 1 cup
  • Zira - 5–10 g
  • Curry - on the tip of a knife
  • Fat tail fat - 200–300 g
  • Ground black pepper - 10–15 g
  • Table salt - to taste

A lot of discussion is caused by the spices used. From ourselves we want to say that this is not a dogma. Cooking manti with meat is creativity, and everyone brings something of their own.

Therefore, spices can be more or less. It all depends on your taste and imagination. We figured out the ingredients. Let's talk about how to cook manti.

Uzbek manti dough recipe

Those who are interested in how to cook manti dough need to understand that working with it is not so easy. It needs to be kneaded and rolled more than once to get a thick and at the same time pliable mass.

Knead the dough for Uzbek manti in a deep enameled bowl. Pour 2-3 cups of cold boiled water into it, add raw eggs and salt a little. Stir it all until most of the salt is dissolved. Then pour in 70% flour, then, already mixing the dough, gradually add the remaining amount.

After the first kneading, place the bowl in a warm place for 15 minutes. Then cut the dough in two and roll into balls. Put in saucepans, cover with a lid and wait the same amount more. Then repeat the process twice.

To speed up cooking by kneading the dough, immediately wrap it with cling film and leave for 60 minutes. While it is infused, start cooking minced meat.

Minced meat for manti

No grinders. Minced meat should be cut only with a knife. Otherwise, you risk spoiling the taste of the filling. Cut the lamb into small cubes about 5x5 millimeters. In order not to suffer with slicing, hold the meat in the freezer for 20 minutes.

In the same way, chop the onion and mix with lamb in a one-to-one ratio. It may seem that there is too much with onions, but otherwise juicy manti cannot be cooked.

To marinate the onion-meat mass, add one teaspoon of salt and pepper. Then half a spoonful of zira and a pinch of curry. Pour the spices with broth or water and mix thoroughly. Cover bowl with cling film and refrigerate for an hour and a half.

How to sculpt manti?

Flour the countertop and place two prepared balls on it. Turn one of them into a cake with your fist. Knead the second, roll up again and put in a bowl.

Knead the dough evenly on the table with your fists, sprinkle with flour and fold in half. Then again walk from the center to the edges of the cake. After that separate the two folded edges. If it works, all is well. It comes off with difficulty - add flour.

Next, roll out the dough evenly on the table. Take your time, because too much pressure on the rolling pin will cause the canvas to tear and you will have to start over. The finished pancake should be no more than two millimeters thick.

Cut the rolled dough into strips 10-12 centimeters wide and fold them one on top of the other. After that, it is necessary to cut the resulting briquette across with a step of 10–12 centimeters. The result should be relatively even squares.

Spread them on the table and put the filling in the center of each, wrap it like an envelope. First fasten the corners in the center, and then carefully walk along the joints. After that, you can lay out the manti in a double boiler.

While the first batch is being prepared, prepare the second batch by doing the same operations with the remaining piece of dough.

How to cook manti?

How much to cook manti? At least 35-40 minutes. At the same time, 7-8 manti are placed on one tier of the mantle, previously lubricated with vegetable oil. Do not put them close together, otherwise the manti will stick together.

How to cook juicy manti? The secret is not only in the bow. Before cooking, small pieces of lamb fat are placed on each tier of the double boiler. Thanks to this, the dish will turn out even tastier.

Now you know how to cook delicious manti with meat. The main thing is to adhere to the rules and order of cooking. When kneading the dough for manti, do not overdo it with flour, otherwise it will lose elasticity. It is more difficult to work with such material, and it is unpleasant to eat manti from hard dough. Instead of lamb, you can use a mixture of any meat except pork. Sometimes pieces of pumpkin are added to minced meat. Do you like manti?

In this article we will tell you how to cook Uzbek manti. This dish came to us from traditional Asian cuisine and is rapidly gaining popularity among our compatriots. In fact, manti can somewhat resemble dumplings, as they are small round pies made of unleavened dough with meat filling. However, we note that manti and dumplings are absolutely different dishes: they differ from each other not only in size, but also in the technology of preparation, as well as the list necessary ingredients for dough and stuffing. Firstly, lamb and mutton fat are traditionally used for manti, which gives the filling a special piquancy. Secondly, manti is usually steamed in a pressure cooker (in this recipe, we will cook them in a slow cooker). A distinctive feature of Uzbek manti is the way they are shaped - crosswise, as well as the method of preparing the filling.


  • Flour - 300 g
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lamb with fat - 500 g
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Zira - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste


Second course
Servings - 4
Cooking time - 1 hour 20 minutes

Manti in Uzbek: how to cook

We will start preparing our manti in Uzbek with meat filling. We prepare everything necessary products: lamb, onion, salt and pepper. If desired, you can use some other meat, such as beef or pork, or even minced meat. But we will stick original recipe, which uses lamb to preserve the traditional taste of manti. We take the meat, separate it from the lamb fat and cut into small cubes.

Lamb fat also needs to be finely chopped. Let's put it aside for now.

Next, let's deal with the onion: it must be peeled and coarsely chopped. We shift our onion into a bowl, salt and pepper to taste, add cumin. Instead of zira, you can use any other seasoning suitable for meat, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Add chopped meat and fat to the onion, mix thoroughly and set aside.

Now the next step is the dough for our manti. We take a large and deep container, pour water into it (it must be room temperature, in no case cold), add the egg and beat until smooth, salt to taste. Then sift the flour into this bowl and mix everything thoroughly until our dough becomes dense and elastic.

Next, we start rolling out the dough. We need it to be thin, but not too thin, otherwise it will tear when sculpting manti. If the dough is too sticky to the rolling pin and to your hands, you can lightly sprinkle it with flour.

After we rolled out our dough, you need to take a knife and cut it into squares 10 * 10 cm.

Now let's move on to the central part of our recipe - sculpting manti. First, lay out all the stuffing in squares. We connect the ends of each square crosswise to make an envelope, and then we fasten the opposite ends.

We prepare the slow cooker for cooking: we take the form, grease it with vegetable oil and put the manti there. Try not to pack them too tightly or they will stick together. Set the cooking mode to steam and wait 45 minutes.

When the manti are ready, we take them out of the multicooker and put them on a plate.

We serve the finished dish to the table. We add sour cream or mayonnaise to our Uzbek-style manti (depending on your preferences), you can pepper them a little more. Bon Appetit!

In this article we will tell you how to cook Uzbek manti. This dish came to us from traditional Asian cuisine and is rapidly gaining popularity among our compatriots. In fact, manti can somewhat resemble dumplings, as they are small round pies made of unleavened dough with meat filling. However, we note that manti and dumplings are completely different dishes: they differ from each other not only in size, but also in cooking technology, as well as in the list of necessary ingredients for dough and filling. Firstly, lamb and mutton fat are traditionally used for manti, which gives the filling a special piquancy. Secondly, manti is usually steamed in a pressure cooker (in this recipe, we will cook them in a slow cooker). A distinctive feature of Uzbek manti is the way they are shaped - crosswise, as well as the method of preparing the filling.


  • Flour - 300 g
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Lamb with fat- 500 g
  • Onion - 500 g
  • Zira - to taste
  • Ground black pepper- taste


Second course
Servings - 4
Cooking time - 1 h 20 min

Manti in Uzbek: how to cook

We will start preparing our manti in Uzbek with meat filling. We prepare all the necessary products: lamb, onion, salt and pepper. If you wish, you can use some other meat, such as beef or pork, or even minced meat. But we will stick to the original recipe, which uses lamb to keep the traditional taste of manti. We take the meat, separate it from the lamb fat and cut into small cubes.

Lamb fat also needs to be finely chopped. Let's put it aside for now.

Next, let's deal with the onion: it must be peeled and coarsely chopped. We shift our onion into a bowl, salt and pepper to taste, add cumin. Instead of zira, you can use any other seasoning suitable for meat, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Add chopped meat and fat to the onion, mix thoroughly and set aside.

Now the next step is the dough for our manti. We take a large and deep container, pour water into it (it must be at room temperature, in no case cold), add the egg and beat until smooth, salt to taste. Then sift the flour into this bowl and mix everything thoroughly until our dough becomes dense and elastic.

Next, we start rolling out the dough. We need it to be thin, but not too thin, otherwise it will tear when sculpting manti. If the dough is too sticky to the rolling pin and to your hands, you can lightly sprinkle it with flour.

After we rolled out our dough, you need to take a knife and cut it into squares 10 * 10 cm.

Now let's move on to the central part of our recipe - sculpting manti. First, lay out all the stuffing in squares. We connect the ends of each square crosswise to make an envelope, and then we fasten the opposite ends.

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