Home Product Ratings Pumpkin soup with baby beef. Pumpkin soup for kids What can be cooked from pumpkin

Pumpkin soup with baby beef. Pumpkin soup for kids What can be cooked from pumpkin

In addition to excellent taste, pumpkin is also very rich in nutrients. You need to eat pumpkin at least once a month. From this product you can cook anything - candied fruit, cake, roast, soup. Would you like to learn how to cook pumpkin soups that will please even the most severe critic? Read this article.

Classic pumpkin soup

Pumpkin soup is quick and easy to prepare, resulting in a bright orange dish. Which excites the appetite with its very sight. And you can talk about the benefits of pumpkin dishes for a long time. Remember that pumpkin dishes are among the lowest in calories. For example, 100 g of classic pumpkin soup contains only 61 calories.

To prepare this dish you will need:

  • fresh 700 g;
  • onion 70 g;
  • vegetable broth 700 ml;
  • cream 120-150 ml;
  • butter 20 g;
  • spices and seasonings to taste;
  • salt;
  • pumpkin.

Classic pumpkin soup is prepared like this:

  1. Cut the pumpkin into pieces, chop the onion.
  2. Put in a preheated pan and fry for 5-8 minutes over medium heat. Stir every 2-3 minutes. It is better to fry in butter, as this product is rich in beta-carotene, which is best absorbed in a fatty environment.
  3. Transfer the vegetables to a large saucepan, where the broth is already poured and salt. Bring to a boil.
  4. After boiling, lower the heat and cook slowly until fully cooked. The time depends on the toughness of the vegetable, but usually around 20 minutes.
  5. Add spices. Ground zira is especially recommended, it best emphasizes the taste of pumpkin. The latter goes well with black pepper, garlic, rosemary or sage.
  6. Grind the finished pieces with a blender or wipe through a sieve.
  7. Return the mixture to the saucepan, add cream and heat a little. Do not bring to a boil, because the cream will boil at the same time.
  8. Roast the seeds in a dry frying pan, literally 2-4 minutes.
  9. Decorate the finished dish with seeds, fresh herbs or a sprig of rosemary.

Pumpkin soup with cream

We offer you an original recipe for pumpkin soup with cream and parmesan. Fans of the unusual and new will definitely like it.

Grocery list:

  • pumpkin pulp 500 g;
  • butter 100 g;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • broth 500 ml;
  • ground nutmeg;
  • sugar 50 g;
  • ground cinnamon;
  • grated parmesan 100 g;
  • milk 450 ml;
  • cornmeal 2 tbsp. l.

The recipe for this soup is very simple:

  1. Chop pumpkin and put to boil.
  2. At this time, put the oil and chopped onion into the pan. Fry the vegetable until translucent.
  3. Turn the finished pumpkin into puree, a blender or a special pusher. Put in a bowl with onions.
  4. Pour in the broth and bring to a boil. Well, if the broth is chicken. So much tastier.
  5. Reduce the fire to a minimum, pour in the milk.
  6. Mix flour, sugar and spices. Add to the soup in small portions, stirring each one well. To avoid the formation of lumps.
  7. Remove the soup from heat after 5 minutes. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan and enjoy!

If you are a vegetarian, you will be interested in this video.

Pumpkin soup for kids

The easiest way to make soup for kids is to boil pumpkin with potatoes and carrots. Puree everything together and pour over milk. This dish is suitable for kids of any age, if you do not add salt or spices to it.

You can also make a simple meat soup for kids. For this you will need:

  • beef or veal 200 g;
  • 1 pc. onions, potatoes and carrots;
  • black pepper and lavrushka;
  • pumpkin 200 g

Children's pumpkin soup point by point:

  1. Prepare vegetables for cooking, wash and clean.
  2. Put the meat, onion and carrot into the pan. If the soup for kids is older than a year old, then add seasonings.
  3. Boil meat and vegetables. After boiling, it will take another 30-40 minutes, until ready.
  4. Water from under meat and vegetables will become the base broth. Strain it and put it back on the stove. Put meat and carrots in it.
  5. Add chopped potatoes and pumpkin. Cook everything over medium heat until fully cooked. Usually about 20 minutes.
  6. Pour the broth into a separate bowl, but do not pour out. Grind the vegetables with a blender, gradually adding the broth to the desired consistency.
  7. If desired, you can add milk or sour cream.
  8. Garnish with fresh herbs.

Pumpkin soup with meatballs

In addition to the classic version of mashed soup, the pumpkin first course can be prepared with croutons or meatballs. For the meat version of the dish you will need:

  • pumpkin pulp 700 g;
  • potatoes 2 pcs.;
  • medium zucchini 1 pc.;
  • 1 pc. onions and carrots;
  • salt, spices;
  • minced meat, preferably chicken, 500 g

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the vegetables and cut into small cubes.
  2. Put the vegetables in a saucepan, season with salt and bring to a boil.
  3. At this time, prepare the meatballs. Mix minced meat with onion, salt and seasonings. Onions can be chopped with a blender. Stir well.
  4. Form small balls from the prepared meat mixture.
  5. Boil water in a separate saucepan, add a sprig of rosemary or a couple of leaves of parsley.
  6. Drop the meatballs one at a time into the boiling water.
  7. Catch the finished meat balls with a slotted spoon and put on a separate dish.
  8. Meanwhile, the vegetables for the soup are already cooked. Drain the water and puree the vegetables. Gradually add broth or milk to it.
  9. Pour soup into a plate, place a meatball in the center, garnish with fresh herbs. Dinner is served!

All a terrible and terrible day, my dear fellow tribesmen! We have been waiting for this event all year, and here it is, this day has come .... THE DAY when we will finally be able to break free into the world of people and feast on fresh, innocent souls! *evil laughter sounds
In different countries and on different continents this night is called differently. For the successors of the ancient Slavs, this is Veles night, for the descendants of the ancient Celts, who now live throughout Europe and even on the continent of North America, this is the eve of All Saints' Day, which modern residents called Halloween, in China it is the holiday of Deng Jie - the day of remembrance of ancestors, and in Mexico "El Dia de los Muertos", which translates as days of the dead. These days end with picnics at the graves of deceased relatives. So on November 2, we will finish our feast, perhaps in Mexico

Here all those present begin to get out of their dark hiding places with interest and slowly and make approving sounds, and someone even tries to applaud with their expanding limbs.

Let me introduce myself! I am a succubus. Many consider me a woman, but I hasten to disappoint - in fact, I am a sexless creature, and only take on the image of a sexual seductress, and since I skillfully read people's thoughts and desires, I absolutely accurately guess the preferences of my victim and appear to him in that image, from which he cannot resist. People call me a real devil in a female form. My most tidbits are honest and respectable Christians, Catholics, Protestants and Jews. Oh Lord of Darkness! You simply cannot imagine what pleasure it gives me to induce these abstainers to such a sweet sin of adultery! Thanks to the confusion and fear of the victim, I am able to successfully paralyze him, distort his perception of reality and get what I need. After all, the result of our erotic act can be not only my filling with one of the most powerful sexual energies, but also fertilization, as a result of which magicians, sorcerers and witches are born.

Who else will go with us to Earth, so that chaos and horror reign in the name of our brethren?!



There is a close relative. She gave birth late, the child is not mentally healthy. The problem is that she believes that other children, relatives, should endure the quirks of her child.
Together with another relative, we celebrate a joint birthday for children. We decided not to call this one with the child. So she learned from another sister and now the insult is terrible. Are we not right that we do not want to spoil the holiday?



Kindness is evil. So sad, girls. In the summer, a friend called, she had serious health problems, she needed money. I begged, I cried. She said that she wrote a statement at work, she was promised financial assistance, but not quickly. She has a small child. We need it right here and now. I borrowed her money, 50 thousand. And summer has passed, and autumn has almost passed too. I call back, I'm glad that she's better. I'm waiting for money. She feeds breakfast. Yesterday I met her by chance at the subway. She has a new coat. Beautiful. She was so flustered. I ask, what about financial assistance? She bekala-mekala. In short, they gave help, but it’s winter, there’s nothing to walk around blah blah blah. I bought a coat. And what about me? And I sometime later.
My husband had a birthday, an anniversary. I had to borrow for a gift. I got terribly upset.
I myself understand that I’m a fool and I won’t see the money. (((((
Tell me, am I the only one?



Who had IVF, not cryo, please share your experience.
How did you behave after the replanting? Today is day 3. I live on the 4th floor without an elevator, can I walk up the stairs without fear? How to get rid of a phobia? It seems that I am a crystal vase and should lie down, even the toilet causes fear. It's time to go to work. Work sitting at a computer without running around. A couple of days to work and 3 days off will be.
And yet, I am afraid of the number of drugs that I drink. Proginova 5 tablets per day, Utrozhestan 3 capsules, Duphaston 3 tablets, Curantil 6 tablets, Folic acid 1 tablet 4mg, metipred 1 tablet, plus Clexane injections in the stomach.
There were other girls on replanting, they have a much smaller list of medicines.
What were you prescribed and how long did you take them? So far, I have been prescribed all of the above before hCG, but they said that some of them will have to be taken for several months.
And another question about hCG, how many days after replanting did you have an analysis? There were 4 of us on replanting, three of us were assigned to 9.11, and to me on 12.12. Why is that?
Well, the main question is about the embryos, one turned out good for me and it was planted, and 2 have been under observation for 8 days, while there is nothing to freeze (((Is there a chance that the embryos will be suitable or is that all? All the other girls have already been told everything at 5 -6 day and their straws were already frozen on Monday-Tuesday, I alone am in the dark ...


The baby of the first year of life is very important to gradually accustom to various vegetables and fruits. And mother needs to diversify the menu for her child, so that every meal brings him not only pleasure, but also benefit. That is why we suggest you prepare baby pumpkin soup. In its preparation, not only pumpkin is used, but also potatoes, carrots and leeks. Salt and spices should not be added to the baby. Their stomach and intestines are still quite sensitive, and may react negatively to such additives, moreover, salt is already found in small quantities in vegetables. To prepare pumpkin puree soup, you need to use a blender so that all the ingredients are ground into a homogeneous mass, and the baby can easily eat it.

Ingredients for Baby Pumpkin Soup

Cooking step by step with a photo Pumpkin puree soup for children

Serve baby pumpkin puree soup at room temperature in a colorful baby bowl. The kid will definitely like your culinary creation. Bon appetit!

Views: 80 715

Frankly, I myself adore pumpkin soup, the recipe of which I will present now. After all, pumpkin is a bright sunny vegetable, with excellent taste, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, necessary for the child's body at the stage of growth and development! The pulp of this vegetable is rich in natural sugars, polyunsaturated fatty acids and, of course, provitamin A - beta-carotene. In some varieties of the pumpkin family, there is even more carotene than in carrots. By the way, its concentration increases during storage. This vitamin is fat soluble. To assimilate it with food, fat-containing foods are added to dishes. In the case when you need to cook pumpkin and older, light liquid cream or high-quality milk with a fat content of at least 3.2% is suitable.

Delicious and tender, rich in vitamins and fiber, pumpkin soup for a child should definitely become a favorite and desired dish. How to determine which pumpkin to buy - the guide of varieties will tell you.

There are specially bred sweet varieties - they are called nutmeg. Their pulp contains so many sugars that no sweetener is needed.

When buying, remember: in a cut form, it will not be possible to save it for a long time. Therefore, either take small (portioned) pumpkins, or - plan meals at the same time as preparing the baby's dishes from it and for your own table.

At the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, the pumpkin kingdom is on the vegetable counters. A modest price and the ability to be stored for a long time in ordinary room conditions are good properties that distinguish melon beauty from its competitors: watermelons and melons.

Baby Pumpkin Soup Puree - Recipe

Now let's figure it out, from a pumpkin.

To do this, you need to take a piece of pumpkin, weighing about two hundred and fifty grams, one medium potato and one carrot, weighing one hundred grams, half a glass of water and half - milk or light cream, dill and table salt.

All products for this recipe must be fresh and of the highest quality.

Wash the pumpkin and peel its skin, clean out the seeds.

Wash and peel carrots and potatoes.

Cut all vegetables into strips.

It is advisable to take smaller carrots. Pumpkin - bigger.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Put the carrots in it first, then the potatoes, and at the end, the fragrant relative of the zucchini.

Add some salt. Simmer for about half an hour until softened.

Pour the cooled mixture into a blender and puree.

Add pure greens when chopping.

Reheat with milk or cream, stirring for five minutes.

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A child is a direct being, children love everything new and unknown. They boldly move forward. If outside the window is a rainy day, chilly and damp, cook this vitamin soup according to our recipe. A plate with the sun on the children's table will please your baby.

By the way, the classic pumpkin soup according to this recipe is also good on an adult table. Here's how to make pumpkin soup that will delight the older generation.

The adult version has its own nuances. There are no green restrictions. Use any herb you like.

In addition to the soup according to the children's recipe, add croutons from a fresh white loaf, in butter, pine nuts, thick rustic cream and a little more salt.

website 2017-06-18

I suggest making pumpkin soup. The taste of the soup is rich, with a subtle citrus note. It is very useful and easy to digest. Since the soup is intended for babies, all ingredients are puréed with an immersion blender. For older children, you can add a small paste to the soup, which will make the soup even more nutritious.

To prepare pumpkin soup for a child aged 1 year, you must immediately prepare the products on the list.

Carrot cut into thin circles.

Cut the pumpkin into cubes.

Put the vegetables in a saucepan, put rosemary sprigs on top, cover with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

Steam the turkey fillet for 7 minutes.

Remove the rosemary sprigs from the pot with the vegetables, add the turkey fillet and puree with an immersion blender until smooth.

Heat the vegetable broth and pour into the puree, adjusting the thickness of the soup to your liking. Salt to taste.

Ladle the soup into bowls, drizzle with orange juice and olive oil, and serve. If desired, you can sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese. Pumpkin soup for the child is ready. Bon appetit!

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