Home Drinks and cocktails Marshmallow from homemade applesauce. Marshmallow on agar-agar from applesauce Homemade marshmallows from baby puree

Marshmallow from homemade applesauce. Marshmallow on agar-agar from applesauce Homemade marshmallows from baby puree

Marshmallow, like marshmallow, is the oldest delicacy of the East. But earlier this dessert was thickened with eggs and sugar, beating them with fruit (most often with apple) pureed mass. And now agar-agar is taking part in this. This substance is obtained from brown and red algae that live in the Pacific Ocean, as well as the Black and White Seas. A characteristic feature of these plants is that in aqueous solutions they form jelly. Thus, agar-agar can be a substitute for gelatin. The latter, as you know, is of animal origin, and therefore products from it cannot be used by vegetarians. In this article we will give with agar-agar. Let's immediately dot all the "i". Marshmallows can also be made using gelatin or pectin. But then the whole dessert preparation technology will be different.

Marshmallow in French. Products and their proportions

Many countries argue where this incredibly delicious recipe originated. France is one of the contenders for the fact that it was on its territory that the modern marshmallow first appeared. Well, let's prepare this dessert, airy, like a gust of warm south wind. Reviews say that it is simple and, most importantly, budget. The recipe for marshmallows with agar-agar involves taking two large apples. The choice of fruit should be taken seriously. Apples should be juicy, sweet, fragrant - the quality of the product directly depends on their taste. Fruit must be large. We need two hundred grams of baked apples. We also need water - eighty milliliters, and one egg white (use the yolk for other dishes). You can not do in the preparation of dessert without sugar - four hundred and twenty grams. The smallest in quantity, but one of the most important is an ingredient such as agar-agar. It needs to be taken only four grams, a coffee spoon. However, marshmallows will not work without it. Only delicious will come out

Cooking technology

First of all, the recipe for homemade marshmallows with agar agar instructs us to cut the apples into halves and remove the fruit box with seeds. Then the fruit should be placed on a baking sheet and baked at one hundred and eighty degrees for about a quarter of an hour. Reviews say that this can be done in the microwave. When the apples become completely soft, they need to be peeled. It is very easy to do this, the skin itself moves away from the baked pulp. Apples then need to be rubbed through a sieve or chopped in a blender. In the puree, add less than half of the sugar - about two hundred grams. Let the mass cool completely. Add half of the egg white to it. Let's start working with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed. When the puree brightens and increases in volume, add the remaining protein. Beat until a fluffy white mass is obtained. Pour agar-agar with water, bring to a boil. Pour the remaining sugar (220 grams). You can add food coloring if you like. We stir. After boiling, cook for another five minutes.

Planting marshmallows

At the final stage of dessert preparation, speed and manual dexterity are required. In advance, we will prepare large sheets of parchment paper, where we will plant marshmallow halves, and a culinary bag. Pour the hot syrup in a thin stream into the apple-protein mass. She immediately starts to thicken. We will work with the mixer for another five to seven minutes. Let's shift the mass into The complexity of working with agar-agar is that it hardens already at forty degrees. Therefore, you need to act quickly. Reviews advise you to take an assistant with another pastry bag. We form circles with swirls on parchment. The recipe for marshmallows with agar-agar requires leaving the blanks overnight to dry. It will be easy to glue the halves together - they will remain wet and sticky from the bottom. Sprinkle finished products with powdered sugar.

Marshmallow according to GOST: recipe with agar

For many, this dessert evokes rainbow pictures from a long-gone childhood. But marshmallows, which are sold in stores now, bear little resemblance to the then, prepared in accordance with the requirements of GOST. In order to return to the past again, take four apples. Necessarily varieties Antonovka - in such fruits there is natural pectin, which increases the chances of marshmallow thickening. Soak four teaspoons of agar-agar in an incomplete glass of cold water for an hour. During this time, bake apples, as indicated in the previous recipe, puree them in a blender. Add two hundred and fifty grams of sugar and a pinch of vanilla. Shake a little and leave to cool. Bring water with agar-agar, stirring, almost to a boil. Let's introduce four hundred and fifty grams of sugar. When the liquid boils again, cook for seven minutes. A sign of the finished syrup will be thin threads stretching for a spoon. Beat applesauce with protein in the same way as indicated in the previous recipe. Slightly cooled, but still hot syrup is injected into the main mass in a trickle. You need to act in four hands: one whips, the other pours. We continue to work with the mixer for another six minutes. Quickly transfer the hot mass into a pastry bag and place the marshmallow halves.

banana dessert

The standard recipe for marshmallows with agar-agar involves taking applesauce as a basis. Moreover, he advises taking Antonovka, since the fruits of this variety contain more pectin. But who said that we can't take other fruits to make delicious, tender marshmallows with a fragile crust and a slightly moist center. A banana can also serve as the basis for such a dessert. It stabilizes the product well, and the aroma is unusual, exotic. You need to puree several bananas so that the output is three hundred grams of gruel. It needs to be boiled a little without sugar so that unnecessary liquid evaporates. In the future, the banana marshmallow recipe is no different from those described above.

cherry dessert

You can take two hundred grams of fresh berries, choose the seeds from them, fill the pulp with one tablespoon of sugar, boil for five minutes, and then grind the mass in a blender. But you can do it easier and buy cherry puree from the Baby Food series: FrutoNyanya, Agusha, Tyoma. It will come out no worse than apple marshmallow with agar. The recipe calls for filling the contents of the jar (usually 125 g) with the same amount of sugar. Boil for two minutes, set aside to cool. Pour a teaspoon of agar-agar with 75 milliliters of water. After ten minutes, put the container on fire. When it boils, add 230 grams of sugar. Boil again for five minutes. We proceed in the same way as in the standard recipe.

Cranberry marshmallow

An airy cloud with a pleasant sourness - this is what the reviews call this recipe. Cranberry marshmallow on agar recipe at home suggests making more than just berries. We need pectin. Therefore, we take two large apples, which we bake in the oven, skin and rub the pulp through a sieve. Cranberries - fresh or frozen - we need eighty grams. We blend it and rub it through a sieve too. As a result, we should get one hundred and fifty grams of apple and 50 g of cranberry puree. This is our basis for dessert.

Marshmallow, recipe with agar-agar: blackcurrant

The principle of action is the same as in the preparation of cranberry sweets. Here we make mashed potatoes from three large sour apples (Antonovka, Granny Smith) and three hundred grams of black currant. For this amount of main ingredients, we take a tablespoon of agar-agar, one hundred and fifty milliliters of water and one egg white. Reviews assure that the marshmallow turns lilac, with a pleasant aroma and sourness.

For marshmallows, according to GOST, it is proposed to take 4 apples, bake and beat them in mashed potatoes with sugar. In this recipe for how to make marshmallow apple jam, I just skipped those steps to cut down on the cooking time.

Preparation description:

Here is a very tasty and healthy dessert. Zephyr is prepared on the basis of agar-agar. This natural gelatin is practically not absorbed by our body, but it gives a feeling of satiety and speeds up metabolism. Agar-agar, unlike gelatin, should be boiled. You need to work with it quickly, as it freezes already at 40 degrees. This is its only drawback, which turns into a virtue: dishes with it do not melt at room temperature.

I cooked marshmallows for the first time in my life. I always thought that this is a difficult process that I can not do, but it was interesting to try. And I did it! Therefore, do not put off this recipe for a long time, but try it now! Have fun in the kitchen!


  • Apple Jam - 250 Grams
  • Protein - 1 Piece
  • Agar-agar - 4 teaspoons (without a slide)
  • Water - 150 milliliters
  • Sugar - 400 Grams
  • Vanillin - 1 Pinch

Servings: 20

How to make Marshmallow Apple Jam

Be sure to prepare the work surface in advance for piping marshmallows and a pastry bag. Line two baking sheets with baking parchment. Since then you will not have enough time for this, because agar-agar solidifies quickly enough at room temperature.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients.

Soak agar-agar in cold water for an hour.

Then bring the mass to a boil. Add sugar and vanillin, stir, bring to a boil and simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat, so that a thin thread stretches behind a spoon removed from the syrup, which quickly hardens.
Remove syrup from heat.

Beat apple jam with egg white until fluffy light mass for 5 minutes.

Whisking constantly, add the hot syrup in a thin stream. Beat for 7 minutes until the mass holds its shape.

Fill a pastry bag with the warm mixture and quickly pipe the marshmallow onto the parchment paper. I got 52 halves for two baking sheets. Put the baking sheets with marshmallows to harden in a dry place for 1 day.

Then sprinkle the marshmallows with powdered sugar, fold in 2 halves and serve.

Bon appetit!

I will not hide, I am ready to give half the world for the tenderness and airiness of the marshmallow! Previously, it seemed to me that marmalade, marshmallows, homemade apple marshmallows are so difficult, and no recipe with a photo will help me prepare it step by step. After all, this can only be realized on an industrial scale, with the addition of secret ingredients. It's great that I was wrong) Making marshmallows at home is not difficult - you just need to follow small recommendations, which I will share with pleasure today!

Ingredients for homemade apple marshmallows:

  • Applesauce - 150 gr (800 grams of peeled fresh apples will be required)
  • Sugar sand - 130 gr. (in applesauce)
  • Egg white - 1 pc. (we use a category 1C egg)

For agar agar syrup

  • Water -100 ml
  • Sugar - 170 gr.
  • Agar-agar - 6 gr.
  • Invert syrup (can be replaced with corn / glucose) - 80 gr.

How to cook

I like to cook marshmallows at home. Every time I try new recipes, different ratios of sugar and puree, the amount of agar - I'm looking for my ideal formula. The process of creating this airy treat captured me completely!

For beginners, I advise you to cook your first one (berries are so rich in pectin that it simply cannot fail). Follow the link to read a step-by-step recipe and see a photo of currant marshmallows at home.

Today we will cook marshmallows from apples. Choose sour varieties (Antonovka, Semirenko, Granny Smith, etc.), the ratio of pectin in those is several times higher than in yellow, red ones.

So, first, let's prepare apple puree: wash 800-900 grams of ripe fruits, put them as a whole in a mold or on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 C for 15 minutes.

Apples will become darker, many fruits will probably burst and thin skin will tear - this is normal. Cool our blanks for mashed potatoes.

Using a spoon or knife, remove the core, place the rest of the apple (pulp, peel) in a blender and grind until smooth.

Many people remove the skin, but I read in one of the cookbooks that it contains the largest amount of pectin, so you should not remove it.

Put the resulting puree in a metal sieve, wipe with a spoon in a saucepan. You can immediately weigh the puree - for the recipe we need 150 grams.

Pour sugar over applesauce and boil until thickened (depending on the juiciness of the apples, it may take 15-30 minutes). The puree should thicken considerably. This is especially true for berries and fruits with a small amount of pectin. In the table below you can see the content of pectin in various berries and fruits.

When the moisture is evaporated, applesauce gets the consistency we need. Many beginners fail to make marshmallows at home simply because they have not boiled the mashed potatoes enough. By the way, if you use ready-made canned baby food, excess moisture should also be evaporated from it.

Transfer the finished puree to another bowl and cool properly. You can make mashed potatoes in the evening, and continue the marshmallow process in the morning.

Put the cooled apple puree in a deep bowl for whipping, add protein to it. Look at the photo: the original puree should be just so thick and viscous, almost like marmalade.

We begin to beat the protein of one egg with applesauce to standing peaks. Agar-agar, which we will add to the marshmallow mass, begins to stabilize the product only after cooling. Therefore, at the time of depositing, the function of the fixative is performed by a well-whipped protein with sugar.

Only when you are convinced that the protein mass keeps its shape well, stands on the whisk with peaks and does not fall off, proceed to the next stage of preparation - boiling syrup with agar-agar. If you don't whip the white well enough, the marshmallow will spread during the jigging.

If you have a stand mixer, you can whip the egg whites and simmer the syrup at the same time. If manual - first you need to beat the protein, and then proceed to the preparation of the syrup.

To prepare the syrup, you need to mix water (100 grams) and agar (6 grams) in a saucepan. We need to activate the agar, for this we need to heat it up properly and turn it into a gel.

Only after bubbles appear on the surface, you can add granulated sugar (170 g) and invert syrup (80 g).
I tell in a separate recipe (follow the link to see step-by-step photos of the process.
We add invert syrup (or corn, glucose) in order to extend the shelf life of the treat (such an ingredient prevents sugaring). But you can completely do without it, in this case you need to increase the amount of sugar in the recipe by 40-50 grams.

Agar does not need to be pre-soaked. This does not make sense, since it begins its action only when heated (dissolves at 90-100 C).

Cook the syrup with constant stirring over medium heat. When the syrup boils, it will rise in a foamy cap. Take care of this in advance and take a deep saucepan or saucepan. As it boils, the foam will subside.

We determine the readiness of the syrup with the help of a confectionery thermometer (cook up to 110 C) or until the test for the thread. At first, the syrup will drip from the spatula in drops, we need to wait until it flows from the spatula in a continuous thread.

You can drop a small amount of syrup on a plate and try to stretch it with your fingers - you will see a thread.

When the syrup has reached the state we need, remove it from the stove and immediately pour it into the protein mass while constantly whisking with a mixer. Be careful not to get a strand of syrup on the beaters (this can cause the sugar to crystallize and splatter).

In the photo you can see that the mixer is turned off, but at the moment I didn’t have any assistants to help take the picture, in fact, you don’t need to turn off the mixer while pouring the syrup!

Not all of the syrup will pour out of the saucepan, some will remain at the bottom and walls, there is nothing to worry about. It is not necessary to scrape everything without a trace, since, in this case, solid pieces will come across in the finished marshmallow.

When all the syrup has been poured in, continue to beat at maximum speed for another couple of minutes until the mass becomes very thick and holds its shape. Keep in mind that agar stabilizes already at 40 degrees, so you should not beat for too long (so that your mass does not freeze right in the bowl).

We transfer the marshmallow mass to a bag with a metal nozzle (you can also use a plastic one, or even plant marshmallows without a nozzle, cutting off the corner of the pastry bag). If you don't have a piping bag, you can use a thick milk carton with one corner cut off.

Give preference to large bags (50 cm or more), if you can choose the density - give preference to the most durable. The marshmallow mass has a dense consistency, therefore, the stronger we take the bag, the better.

Squeeze the pure white mass onto a silicone mat (ideal) or good quality baking paper with a silicone top layer. Marshmallows are best detached from silicone coatings, worse - from foil.

When 5-6 hours have passed since the formation of the marshmallow, sprinkle the airy treat with powdered sugar through a sieve. On a sticky surface, the powder will lie in a thin, even layer.

Homemade marshmallows from apples should harden at room temperature for 8-12 hours (do not need to be taken out to the balcony, put in the refrigerator). The optimum temperature for stabilization and drying of the marshmallow is 20-22 C. After this time, the marshmallow will be very easy to separate from the surface.

To form marshmallows, you can use a variety of nozzles. I like metal nozzles (with the help of them you get the most distinct shape), I prefer large nozzles (so that the bottom part is 2-3 cm in diameter).

The bottom of the marshmallow will be sticky, so you can easily pair marshmallows in pairs for one cake, then pack it in an airtight box or container.

The photo shows the bottom surface of the marshmallow.

Zephyr can be stored without losing its freshness and airiness for a week. Then it will begin to dry out and become covered with a thin sugar crust, it will become more viscous in taste.

This is what a tender delicacy looks like in a rift.

From this amount of products, approximately 450 grams of marshmallows are obtained.

Delicious and healthy, homemade apple marshmallows will delight both children and adults. A great alternative to store-bought sweets that contain chemical preservatives and other harmful substances.

In addition, agar-agar, a plant analogue of gelatin, is produced from brown and red algae, has a positive effect on intestinal motility, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and removes toxins from the body.

I hope I haven't forgotten anything, but if you have any questions, please ask, I'll be happy to answer. Tag me in the photo on Instagram, put the hashtag #pirogeevo #progeevo so that I don’t miss the publication.

A video on how to make marshmallows from currants can be viewed on our You Tube channel:

Good luck with your experiments! Cook with joy! Eat with pleasure!

In contact with

Offer someone to try the air marshmallow, well, no one will refuse.

Even non-sweet lovers appreciate the sugary confectionery product, which is obtained by whipping a fruit and berry puree mass with egg white and granulated sugar.

On an industrial scale, a number of fillers are added to form and increase the shelf life of the dessert: gelatin mass, pectin or agar. Yes, and a bunch of all sorts of compounds there, which by no means improve health, especially in children.

And not to say that this purchased marshmallow is so harmful. Still, homemade apple marshmallows are much more pleasant to the soul and tastier than homemade ones.

Instead of crystal gelatin, we will use agar, which is quite popular in cooking. Now let's explain what it is.

Agar-agar is a vegetable substitute for gelatin, and is available in the form of plates, a yellowish-white powder, and in other varieties.

The product consists of a mixture of agarose and agaropectin polysaccharides obtained by extraction from red and brown algae growing in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, the White and Black Seas.

Agar is much stronger than gelatin in gelling. Even more, the composition is multiply thermoreversible. That is, from a liquid composition, the mixture turns into a dense product, and, conversely, repeatedly. We know the beneficial properties of gelatin, but agar-agar is also rich in calcium, iodine and iron. Products containing the ingredient contribute to the removal of toxins and toxins from the human body, improve the activity of the gallbladder and liver, strengthen ligamentous tissues and cartilage. In retail, there is also a product where it contains agar.

If we consider agar as a substitute for crystalline gelatin, then it is worth using a ratio of 1: 4, and this is enough for cooking, jellies and marshmallows.

Ingredients for 60 halves

4 large apples for puree

250-300 grams of sugar sand

1 egg white

1 sachet of vanilla extract or vanilla sugar

To prepare syrup:

475-500 grams of sugar sand

160 grams of cooled water

30 grams of crystalline gelatin or 8 grams of agar (this is about 4 teaspoons without a hill)

powdered sugar for sprinkling dessert




baking sheet

parchment paper



How to make homemade marshmallows from apples

First of all, we soak the agar in a certain amount of water, as indicated in the recipe for using the product. The ingredient can be used in any kind of production.

We wash the apples well, remove the cores and put them in a convenient baking dish in the oven. Approximate baking time is equal to the number of halves. It will be enough for us to simmer the apples for about 7 minutes and no more.

Using a tablespoon, scrape out the pulp from the fruit. Beat the extracted pulp in a blender until a puree is formed or with a mixer. If it is not possible to use any of the proposed devices, then simply wipe the mass through a sieve.

When our mass is already whipped enough, we immediately transfer it to with any convenient nozzle, with which we will plant marshmallows.

In this case, you need to hurry, because the products with agar freeze already at a temperature of 40 °.

Let's prepare a large baking sheet, because we will get several dozen marshmallows.

We leave the planted marshmallows to harden at room temperature, approximately overnight. During this period of time, the agar stabilizes the composition of the marshmallow, and the resulting crust of sugar will become visible on it, which we sprinkle with powdered sugar.

And we go to feast on yummy, drinking sweetness.

Marshmallow on agar-agar from applesauce is very tasty and healthy. It is not always possible to buy agar-agar, but if you want, you can look in health food stores or order it on the Internet. It costs not much more than gelatin, it will take 3 times less, and the benefits are much greater.


To prepare marshmallows on agar-agar from applesauce, we need:

egg white - 1 pc. (I used 2 egg whites).

For applesauce:

apples (I have pinova, Antonovka is better or hard green ones, for example, Renet Simirenko) - 4-6 pcs. large (weight of peeled apples 400 g);

sugar - 200-250 g.

For syrup:

water - 150 g;
agar-agar - 4 tsp (8 g);
sugar - 450 g.

Cooking steps

I divided the products into 2 parts and prepared 2 types of homemade marshmallows. She made one type of marshmallow only from applesauce, and in the second she added a handful of frozen blackcurrants (heated the currants in the microwave for 2 minutes at full power in a sealed container, then rubbed through a sieve and added to one half of the puree). I give the recipe for a full serving: soak 4 teaspoons of agar-agar in 150 grams of water for 10-30 minutes.

Peel apples (Antonovka is the best option for marshmallows, it contains a lot of pectin - a natural gelling agent), remove the core and cut into quarters.

Baked apples (without juice released during baking) to kill with a blender,

add 200-250 grams of sugar and beat again with a blender. Leave until cool.

Pour 450 grams of sugar into agar with water, heat to a boil (the properties of agar appear when heated) while stirring and cook for 7-10 minutes over low heat (up to a temperature of 110 degrees), without covering with a lid, until the syrup begins to stretch with a thin thread from a spoon . Take the pot higher, when boiling, the syrup foams strongly.

Add the remaining half of the protein and continue to beat for 5 minutes, until the mass increases in volume, brightens and becomes fluffy.

In this photo, a whipped mass of mashed potatoes with grated currants.

Add hot syrup with agar in a thin stream to the puree, whisking continuously for 5-7 minutes, or longer - 10-15 minutes, until the mass becomes very dense and keeps its shape. It is important!!!

And a photo of whipped puree with grated currants.

We do everything quickly, because agar seizes immediately, much faster than gelatin.

Yield - 60 pieces of marshmallow halves. We do not touch the marshmallow for a day - we give it to stabilize and dry. After a day, sprinkle with powdered sugar (optional) and combine in pairs.

Our delicious and healthy marshmallow is ready! This is what a marshmallow looks like only from applesauce.

And this is how marshmallows made from applesauce with the addition of grated currants look like.

We liked marshmallows with the addition of currants more, because the apples were sweet, and the currants added a pleasant sourness. Grated raspberries, cranberries, cherries can be added to applesauce, each time there will be a new taste. I hope you enjoy and pleasantly surprise the recipe for marshmallows on agar-agar from applesauce.

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