Home Product Ratings What can be cooked from boiled butter. What dishes to cook from boiled butter, frozen for the winter. How to cook boletus before frying. Oil Recipes

What can be cooked from boiled butter. What dishes to cook from boiled butter, frozen for the winter. How to cook boletus before frying. Oil Recipes

- calories butter - 19 kcal / 100 grams.

The water in which the oil was cooked for blanks can be acidified with citric acid or vinegar so that the oil did not darken when cooking.

To taste, you can marinate or salt hats oil separately from the legs.

These mushrooms are very useful the content of vitamins A (metabolism), C (immunity), PP (normal development of body tissues), vitamins of group B (respiration of body cells, mental and emotional health).

After collecting honey mushrooms, it is necessary use in food or cook the workpiece during the day. Store them in the refrigerator on the vegetable shelf.
- To taste, oily when cleaning mushroom film under the cap and the skin can be removed. It should be borne in mind that the bitterness of blanks with butter, as a rule, comes precisely from the films.

When salting butter, it must be borne in mind that the brine in the jar should be no more than 1/5 volume mushrooms.

- Salting time butter for the winter - 45 days.

- marinating time butter - 3 days.

If after cooking the oil remains decoction, you can cook mushroom soup or sauce on it, or freeze it in a plastic bag for use as a broth in winter. As a rule, a decoction of oil is very rich, therefore, for example, when preparing soup, the decoction will need to be diluted with water.

How to freeze boletus for the winter Clean the mushrooms from dirt, rinse well, dry in a colander for 20 minutes, cut large butternuts into pieces with a side of 2-3 centimeters, put in small plastic bags and put to freeze in the freezer of the refrigerator. The shelf life of frozen butter is 1 year.

Frozen butternuts then cook for minutes.

How to salt butter

Products for salting butter
Butter - 1 kilogram
Salt - 2 tablespoons
Water - 1 glass
Peppercorns - 5 pieces
Carnation - 3 pieces
Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon
Sheet black currant- 2 pieces.

How to salt butter
1. Clean, wash, and separate the legs from the caps.
2. Cut the caps and legs into pieces of the same size.
3. Prepare one pan for the hats, the second for the legs.
4. Pour water into both pots, add salt and put on fire.
5. Boil hats and legs oil for 20 minutes, stirring regularly.
6. After boiling, monitor the foam, remove it.
7. After cooking, add pepper, parsley, cloves, cinnamon to the pan.
8. Put the butternuts ready for salting in hot sterilized jars, on the bottom of which blackcurrant leaves are laid, close and cool.
9. Store salted butter in a cool dark place for 45 days, then you can serve it to the table.

How to pickle butternut squash

Butter - 1 kilogram
Salt - 2 tablespoons
Sugar - 1.5 tablespoons
Water - half a liter
Garlic - 3 teeth
Lavrushka - 3 leaves
Dill - a small bunch
Peppercorns - half a teaspoon
Vinegar 5-6% - 100 milliliters (or 40 milliliters of 9% vinegar, or 2 teaspoons of 70% vinegar)
To taste, you can add half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Preparing oil for pickling
1. Clean, wash and dry fresh butternuts.
2. Put a pot with plenty of water on the fire, put the oil.
3. Boil butter for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam, add salt, and cook for another minute.
Rinse the boiled mushrooms under running water, drain the water. Peel the garlic and cut into petals.

Marinade preparation
1. Boil water for the marinade separately, add salt and sugar, vinegar.
2. Add mushrooms to the marinade, cook for 20 minutes.

How to pickle butternut squash
1. In sterilized glass jars, put pepper, bay leaf, dill on the bottom.
2. Then, using a slotted spoon, put the boiled butternuts into jars, sprinkling with garlic, pour the marinade up to the shoulders of the jar.
3. Cool the mushrooms by turning the jars of oil over for 2-3 days, wrapping them in a blanket. Then remove the workpiece from the oil in a cool place. For long-term harvesting, mushrooms are recommended directly in jars, not tightly covered with lids, hold in boiling water (sterilize). The bottom of the pot of water should be covered with a towel so that the jars do not burst from the heat.

Well, there is simply no person on the planet who has not heard of such a fungus as butterdish. In addition to its attractive appearance, butterdish is very tasty, healthy and grows on absolutely any soil, in the same place as russula. But, they also have a significant drawback - the difficulty in cooking. This is not a champignon, which you can simply throw into a pan and fry without prior heat treatment. Butter dish requires more delicate manipulations during cooking. Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Mycologists divide all mushrooms into three types:

  1. Tubular (their hat consists of small tubes).
  2. Lamellar (hats form plates).
  3. Marsupials (spores are in special storages).

Butter mushrooms are just classified as the first type. The hat is a sponge, which is formed by many small tubes. Inside the tubules are spores. The cap of a young mushroom has a semicircular shape with a ring on the edge. The hat of the old mushroom is open, and the ring on the leg is barely noticeable. When you cut the mushroom, its edges begin to turn slightly blue.

Edible types of oilers

An ordinary oiler. This species is the most common in Russia. The hat is flat with curved edges. In the center, a noticeable tubercle is visible. Color brown.

The pulp is very juicy. The leg is solid, white. The older the mushroom, the darker it becomes. In very old fruits, the stalk becomes dark brown. Its height varies within 10 centimeters.

The species is found almost everywhere, but a favorite place, however, as for any mushroom, is a coniferous area.

Ideal conditions for the development of a species family:

  1. Sandy soil.
  2. Good drainage.
  3. Dampness.
  4. Air temperature from +18 degrees Celsius.

Grows from July to October.

Larch oiler. It got its name due to the fact that most often it can be found in the habitat of larch. The mushroom is edible, but the taste is simple, without any aftertaste.

  1. A convex cap that flattens out with age. Its color is very bright. There may be fruits of bright yellow, orange, less often, dark brown.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow. When a young mushroom is damaged, its color does not change. If an older fruit is damaged, then it will acquire a pinkish or reddish hue.
  3. The leg resembles a mace. Sometimes it has a curved shape. Height up to 12 centimeters, thickness does not exceed 3 centimeters. The color of the ring is white/yellow, rarely brown.

Butter is grainy. Also a very popular look. Has a pleasant taste. Unlike other butterflies, this species does not have a ring on the stem.

The main characteristics of the mushroom:

  1. The hat is convex, small, with a diameter of 4 to 10 centimeters. In dry weather, it glistens in the sun. During rain, the mushroom becomes slimy. The color of the skin is brown, yellow-orange, rarely burgundy.
  2. The pulp is dense, yellow. Smells like hazelnut. When damaged, the color does not change.
  3. The leg is dense, cylindrical in shape, light yellow in color. In older mushrooms, it becomes dark brown closer to the root. The leg acquires such a shade due to the fact that the fungus secretes juice. It is not more than 8 centimeters in height, 1.5-2 cm in thickness. Granular formations are often present on the surface of the stem, because of which, in fact, the mushroom got its name.

This is not all types of this fungus. There are also others, however, less common on the territory of the Russian Federation. These are: white, yellow-brown, gray, American and swamp oilers.

false mushroom

The false oiler is a poisonous representative of its kind. After its use, intestinal upset may occur. By itself, it is very unpleasant in taste.

In order not to get poisoned, you need to pay attention to it appearance, because it is he who distinguishes the poisonous representative from the edible.

Edible mushrooms have yellow, brown caps. The false one is dark purple.

How to cook

You have read the description of edible species, seen their photos, now it's the turn to tell you how to cook this unique mushroom.

These mushrooms are one of the favorite varieties for cooks. They are loved not only by adults, but also by children.

There are many ways to process oil. They can be pickled, fried, boiled. Below we describe examples various ways cooking these "mucilaginous yummy".


Their soup is very light and lean. Eating 100 grams of soup, a person will receive only 90 kilocalories.

To prepare it, you will need:

  1. 350 grams of mushrooms.
  2. 450 grams of potatoes.
  3. One carrot.
  4. One onion.
  5. A couple of bay leaves.
  6. 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  7. Salt and spices to taste.

The recipe is extremely simple. It is prepared in the same way as other soups. First, potatoes are boiled, spices, fried onions and potatoes are added, and fried butter is added at the end.


There are a lot of recipes for pickled butter. For one of them you will need:

  1. One kilogram of mushrooms.
  2. Half a liter of water.
  3. One tablespoon of sugar.
  4. Two teaspoons of salt.
  5. One bay leaf.
  6. Black and allspice 2-3 pieces.
  7. 2 pieces of cloves.
  8. 6% vinegar - 50 ml.
  9. 1-2 cloves of garlic.

Oils are pre-cleaned and washed well. Then they are boiled for 20 minutes in salted water. To prevent the mushrooms from turning dark, you can add a little to the water. citric acid.

After the mushrooms are cooked, it is necessary to prepare the marinade. To do this, take a pan, pour into it all the above ingredients except garlic and vinegar. Put it on fire and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, butter is added to it and boiled for 30 minutes. Five minutes before removing the pan from the heat, vinegar is added to the marinade.

Then all this is sorted into banks. Banks are pre-sterilized. A clove of garlic is placed in the bottom of the jar, and marinade is poured on top of it.

How to fry butternuts

Roasted in sour cream

Nobody fries mushrooms just like that. It's not as tasty as combining mushrooms with something suitable, such as sour cream. Sour cream will make the mushrooms fragrant and tender.

To prepare such a dish, we need 500 g of oil themselves, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 onion, a little vegetable and butter and spices to taste (garlic, salt, etc.).

Now let's start cooking:

  1. First of all, rinse the butternuts, cut into small pieces and boil for 7-10 minutes in salted water.
  2. Cut the onion into rings and fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Add mushrooms and fry them in a pan for about 5 minutes over medium heat. We put a weak fire and add butter. Fry the butternut squash for another 10 minutes.
  4. After 10 minutes, add spices and sour cream. Cover the dish with a pan and simmer for about 5 minutes.
  5. The dish is ready to be served.

Fried boletus with potatoes

This is the standard way to cook fried mushrooms. For cooking, we need 400 g butter, 500 g potatoes, 1 onion splinter, vegetable oil and spices.

After boiling the mushrooms, put them in a colander so that excess juice drains from them. Meanwhile, heat up the oil in a frying pan. Next, we start frying the butternut squash. In the meantime, finely chop the onion and add to the butter. Saute mushrooms and onions for 3 minutes.

Preparing potatoes. It can be fried in the same pan in which the mushrooms were cooked, or you can use a second one. Add potatoes and spices to the pan. We fry it. 2-3 minutes before full cooking, add the mushrooms. The dish is ready to eat.

Fried butternuts - delicious and hearty meal, which can be eaten without a side dish and with a side dish, frozen for the winter, used to prepare cold and hot snacks. However, if you don’t know how to fry butter in a pan correctly, as a result, instead of appetizing dish you can get a shapeless mass that no one wants to eat. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is enough just to study the features of the technology for preparing fried butter.

Technology Features

Any dish has its own peculiarities, and fried boletus is no exception.

  • It is important not only to observe the technology of cooking oil, but also the place of their collection. They are not recommended to be collected along highways, in industrial zones, plantings, since in these zones the natural environment is polluted with various emissions, exhausts, chemical fertilizers and other harmful substances that are well absorbed by mushrooms.
  • The collected butternuts must be sorted out, throwing out the spoiled and overgrown mushrooms, the rest should be cleaned by removing the film from their hats (this is easier to do if the mushrooms are dried a little and the blade of the knife is moistened vegetable oil). After that, it remains to wash the mushrooms well and cut them into pieces of the same size, leaving only the smallest specimens intact. There is no need to soak the oils.
  • Inexperienced housewives are often concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to boil butternuts before frying them in a pan. This question should be answered positively: before frying, butternuts must be boiled in salted water (10-20 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for at least 10 minutes after boiling, or even more if the recipe requires it. After that, the mushrooms are washed and put in a colander so that it can drain. You can skip the cooking stage only if you are going to fry frozen mushrooms that have already undergone heat treatment.
  • So that the butternuts do not turn into a shapeless mass, they need to be fried on a fairly intense fire, while not closing the pan with a lid. Stir often to avoid burning the oil.

It remains to add that the tastiest butter is obtained if they are fried in butter or with the addition of sour cream. Onions will also favorably emphasize their delicate taste.

How to fry boletus with onions: a simple recipe

  • oil - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 20-50 ml (depending on the area and coverage of the pan);
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • salt - to taste;
  • black ground pepper(optional) - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the cleaned and washed butternuts with two liters of water, dissolving two tablespoons of salt in it, and put on a medium-intensity fire. When the water boils, remove the foam, reduce the fire and cook the mushrooms for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 more times, so that the total cooking time of the mushrooms is 60 minutes.
  • Throw the butter in a colander, rinse with running water.
  • When the water drains, grease the pan with oil and put the mushrooms on it. Salt and pepper if necessary. Fry over a medium flame, stirring constantly so that the butters brown but do not burn.
  • When excess moisture comes out of the oil, add a little more oil and chopped onion into thin rings or small pieces.
  • Fry, stirring constantly, until the onion acquires an appetizing color.

Despite the simplicity of preparation, butter according to this recipe is very tasty. As a side dish, buckwheat or potatoes are perfect for them. Although you can fry butternuts right away with potatoes.

Butter fried with potatoes

  • oily - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onion - 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 60–100 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, clean and cut the butterflies and boil them for 10 minutes in salted water, rinse.
  • Wait for the water to drain.
  • Peel the onion and cut into half rings or cubes.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into slices or cubes.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the mushrooms and onions in it, salt and fry for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the onion from the pan, add a little oil to it, fry the potato wedges in it.
  • Shortly before the potatoes are ready, put the mushrooms to it, mix, reduce the heat, salt and pepper, cover and sweat for 10 minutes.

Before serving, this dish would be nice to sprinkle with parsley, dill or finely chopped green onion. If desired, the ratio of components can be slightly changed in favor of butter. In this case ready meal will taste even better.

Butter fried with sour cream: a classic recipe

  • oil - 1 kg;
  • sour cream - 0.2 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • onion - 75–85 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare butternuts (peel, cut, boil for 10 minutes, rinse).
  • Chop the onion and garlic into small pieces.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan, put the onion and garlic in it and fry them for 5 minutes.
  • Put the mushrooms in the pan and fry them, stirring well, over medium heat for about half an hour, that is, until the water evaporates from them.
  • Salt, add spices, pour sour cream, mix.
  • Close the pan with a lid and simmer the mushrooms in it for 10 minutes.

Butterfish fried in sour cream are very tender. They can be eaten as an independent dish or served with potatoes, crumbly unsweetened cereals, pasta.

Butter fried with nuts: an exquisite recipe

  • boletus (very small, young) - 0.5 kg;
  • nuclei walnuts- 0.2 kg;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) - 20 ml;
  • salt - to taste;
  • green cilantro or parsley, pomegranate seeds - for decoration.

Cooking method;

  • Select the most tender and small boletus, as the recipe does not provide for their pre-boiling. Remove the film from their hats. Wash the mushrooms and dry them on a paper towel.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the butternuts in it for 20 minutes.
  • Peel the onion and cut into small pieces.
  • Chop the nuts with a knife.
  • Add finely chopped onion and crushed walnut kernels, fry the butternuts with them for 10 minutes.
  • Pour in the vinegar, stir, cover and leave for 2-3 minutes on the stove.
  • Arrange the mushrooms on plates, garnish with pomegranate seeds, fresh cilantro or parsley.

This appetizer can be served either hot or cold. If necessary, it will successfully replace both the salad and the main course.

Butterfish fried with buckwheat

  • buckwheat - 0.2 kg;
  • boletus - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • sweet pepper - 100 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml;
  • spicy herbs (dried) - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour the prepared mushrooms with water, bring to a boil, cook for a couple of minutes, removing the foam, drain the water, wash the mushrooms and put in a saucepan.
  • Pour the mushrooms with 0.5 liters of water, adding salt to them. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Take the mushrooms out of the pot.
  • On the mushroom broth cook buckwheat.
  • In one frying pan, fry the onion cut into half rings, add the mushrooms to it and simmer under the lid for 20 minutes.
  • In another pan, fry the grated carrots and finely chopped peppers for 5-10 minutes.
  • Put buckwheat and vegetables fried in a pan to the mushrooms, season with herbs, stir and simmer everything together for another 10 minutes.

The result is a tasty, satisfying and healthy meal.

Butterfish can be fried in a pan with different products and end up with completely different, but in their own way delicious hearty dishes.

Butter, the preparation of which is not associated with additional manipulations, is a frequent guest at holiday tables. And not smart! Oils, the recipes for which are given below, are rich in vitamins, amino acids, they contain fiber and carbohydrates, as well as lecithin, which removes "bad" cholesterol. Butter dishes are mostly fried, boiled, stewed mushrooms as well as dried and canned.

oil recipe

In order to pickle butternuts, I use a recipe for cold pickling mushrooms. To begin with, the butternuts must be cleaned of the oily upper skin on the hats. It is best to do this while the mushrooms are dry. Then wash the butternuts well in a large basin with water. Usually mushrooms are always washed in this way, then sand and other heavy particles of dirt, pine needles, etc. will settle to the bottom.

The butternuts prepared in this way must be cut and boiled in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Sometimes I add a few drops of vinegar to the water, or citric acid at the tip of a teaspoon. Such a simple procedure is necessary so that the mushrooms do not darken during cooking.

After 10 minutes, I drain the water, and pour the butternuts with another portion of boiling water (salted and acidified) and cook for another 15 minutes.

At this time, I put well-washed jars and lids for them in the oven for sterilization.

While the butternut squash is boiling and the jars are being sterilized, I am preparing the marinade.

This year, in order to marinate 5 kg of oil, 1 liter of marinade was enough for me. I cook it like this. For 1 liter of filtered water I take 2 tablespoons of coarse salt without iodine, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 9 black peppercorns, 3 allspice (large) peppercorns, 2 bay leaves, a pinch of dry dill grains, 1 clove, 1 garlic clove. For the marinade, do not take too many spices, especially cloves or garlic, so that their aroma does not drown out the specific smell of mushrooms.

The marinade should boil for 5 minutes.

By this time, the butterflies are usually already cooked, I put them in jars and fill them with marinade. From above I pour 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar into liter jars or seven hundred and 2 teaspoons into 200-gram jars.

Cover jars with lids until completely cool. I screw the lids on tight. I store pickled butter in the refrigerator (not for long; somehow they are eaten quickly)!

Bon Appetit!

Recipes with oils

A coniferous forest full of fallen needles, among which butterflies peep through with dark sticky hats. An oil painting, no less. These mushrooms, one of the most common on the territory of Russia, are easy to collect, but very difficult to clean. Anyone who has ever tried to deal with oilers will understand what we are talking about. But when the cleaning process is left behind, it's time to turn the butternuts into some satisfying and healthy meals- on the butter cooking takes less time than cleaning them. Mushrooms are good in almost any form, they can be fried, boiled, baked, stewed, salted, pickled and even dried for the winter. The most important thing is to remove this thin, sticky film from the hat.

Butter mushrooms are considered one of the earliest mushrooms, which is why they are so often used in various dishes. Butterflies start growing from the beginning or middle of May and end in October. The small size of which is easy and simple to prepare, ideal for pickling - in jars, such mushrooms look simply delicious, and their taste surpasses any, even high praise. Here it is possible to dry the oil, but it is not recommended. The fact is that this process makes these mushrooms extremely brittle and fragile. Dry butternuts (the preparation is the same as for other mushrooms) literally crumble in your hands. However, this quality is useful if you keep mushrooms in powdered form for making sauces.

Most The best way to deal with butterflies is to fry them in a pan with vegetable oil. At the same time, small mushrooms can not be cleaned from the film. Larger ones to gather must necessarily lose their sticky film, for which the oil should first be held for two minutes in boiling water. The film from the hat will come off easier.

There are two more names for oil, less common. This is a butternut and a butternut. Abroad, these mushrooms are called very poetically: Slippery Jack. If butterflies gather in forests where the environment is not entirely in order, where there is an increased level of radiation, it is best to first soak the mushrooms in cold water and change it several times. To further protect yourself, after soaking the oil, it is good to boil it in different waters two or three times.

How to marinate butternut squash. pickled butternuts. oil recipes

Butter dish is one of the most common in Russia and throughout the European part of the continent. They grow from spring almost until late autumn, mainly in pine forests, on the edges and plantings with young trees. In deciduous forests, a rare species of these mushrooms is sometimes found - larch butterdish. Oilers love well-lit sunny edges and clearings and usually grow in families, so collecting them is a pleasure. Sometimes, without getting up from your seat, you can pick up a full basket of tight young mushrooms. The oil dish got its name for a slippery oily hat, and not only in our country. In England, for example, he is called Slippery Jack. All types of oil are edible and are used in the preparation of salads, soups, second courses, pies, pates and casseroles. But these mushrooms in the marinade are especially tasty.

It must be remembered that all mushrooms have the ability to accumulate radiation, and butterflies are generally included in the high-risk group. Therefore, if you picked mushrooms in an unfamiliar place, you must boil them several times before cooking, changing the water each time. This method will help deactivate the radiation.

How to pickle butternut squash

For pickling, young, medium-sized mushrooms are taken. They, unlike large and old ones, are rarely wormy. In butter, it is advisable to remove the top film and cut off the tips of the legs, rinse several times in cold water. Then boil in plenty of water for 10 minutes and drain in a sieve or colander.

To prepare the marinade, for each kilogram of mushrooms, 1 tablespoon of topless salt, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, 4-5 bay leaves, 8-10 black peppercorns and 2-3 cloves are poured into half a liter of water. We boil the marinade for 10 minutes, put the butter in it and keep it on medium heat for another 10 minutes, adding 3 tablespoons of 6% vinegar at the end. We put the mushrooms in sterile jars, fill them with marinade, roll them up and put them in a cool dark place.

The ingredients for the marinade can be changed depending on your taste. The main thing is that its amount in the jar does not exceed 1/5 of the volume of mushrooms.

Here, for example, is another way of home canning butter

Boil 1/3 cup water, 1/3 cup 6% vinegar, and 1 tablespoon salt. Dip the oil in this marinade, removing the foam. As soon as the marinade begins to boil again, remove the pan from the heat and put 1 tbsp. sugar, 5 bay leaves, 10 peas of allspice and 10 g of citric acid. When cool, put the mushrooms in jars, fill with marinade and cover with parchment paper, tied with twine. oil prepared in this way should be refrigerated.

Pickled butternuts are not only a great snack. They go well with fried and boiled potatoes, they can be served with fish, meat or added to various salads.

Try cooking boletus with sour cream and meat

Cut 0.5 kg of beef into layers and beat off. Liter jar fry pickled butter with two chopped onions, add 200 g of sour cream and simmer until thick. Then wrap the stewed mushrooms in meat sheets, dip in beaten eggs and roll in breadcrumbs. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, put the rolls in it and fry for several minutes over high heat, constantly turning over. After that, reduce the fire and simmer for half an hour under the lid.

It turns out not only nutritious, but also very tasty, appetizing and festive dish.

The article was written specifically for the women's site WedGia.com Copying the article is strictly prohibited!

Oil recipes, 30 recipes, photo recipes / getovim.ru

Butterflies grow on the edges in large flocks, so it is very pleasant to collect them: you can leave one lawn with a full basket of mushrooms. It is better to choose young, strong fungi of a small size. In this case, the mushrooms will most likely not be wormy and dense. It is better to clean them immediately after harvesting, then the sticky skin on the hats can be easily removed, exposing the delicate lemon-colored flesh. If the mushrooms are a little dry and the skin is difficult to remove, you can choose 2 options. You can soak the butternut squash in water, then the skin can be easily cleaned, or you can not clean the mushrooms, but use them together with the skin. In the second case, the finished mushrooms will be just darker than the peeled ones. Rich soups are prepared from butter, they are fried with potatoes, added to pie fillings or porridge.

Butter mushrooms. how to collect and clean. oils - a matter of taste

Mushroom season is in full swing, and this year's mushroom harvest is simply amazing. Recently we went for mushrooms, and we were lucky enough to collect a lot of oil. But picking up mushrooms is flowers, but picking, cleaning and processing the collected mushrooms is already a real job. This is especially true for butter mushrooms, unlike most mushrooms, butter mushrooms need to be cleaned of the film on the cap, and this is quite a voluminous job when it comes to several buckets of mushrooms. But if you want to taste delicious mushrooms, then you can’t do without it. The film on the hats of oil becomes hard during cooking, and the mushrooms acquire a bitter taste, so it is simply necessary to free the mushrooms from it. Butterheads have one unpleasant feature, when collecting, and especially when cleaning, they get their hands very dirty, a black oily coating appears on their hands, which eats into the skin and is practically not washed off. Therefore, if a manicure is dear to you, and the prospect of walking with black hands for 2-3 days is not to your liking, then do not forget to wear gloves. And this applies to all types of oils.

If you believe the sources from the Internet, then I was lucky to find a granular oiler, which is usually found in a young pine forest. It was in such a forest that we found our beauties. The color of the hat in such butterflies is usually from light yellow to dark brown, although in addition to yellow and brown, I came across mushrooms with a shade closer to beige. The younger the mushroom, the lighter its hat. The stem of the mushroom is white; in older mushrooms, it begins to turn brown. From below, the hat has a spongy structure and a pleasant yellow color, although it can also darken in old mushrooms. The granular one does not have a ring or a skirt, although some mushrooms, especially young ones, have a thin film that connects the bottom of the cap to the stem. On the cut, the oil does not change color. You can often find droplets of liquid on oilers, especially under the cap and on the top of the stem. Butterflies usually grow around a young pine tree, up to 2 meters from the tree.

After you have collected the mushrooms and come home, it is advisable to start processing them as soon as possible. Mushrooms are very poorly stored, in addition to the fact that they quickly deteriorate, worms are very quickly bred in them. Although, with a strong need, freshly picked mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for 10-15 hours. So, the collected mushrooms should not be stored in a basket or bucket, because of this they heat up and deteriorate faster. Mushrooms are best spread in an even layer on a piece of cloth or newspaper. It is convenient to clean the oil with a small knife. It is best to put a small container of water near you, in which, if necessary, you can rinse the knife, hands or mushroom. Do not wash or soak the oils before cleaning, otherwise they will become slippery and difficult to clean. Oils should be cleaned dry, if necessary, rinsed in water. So, we clean the oil, remove the film from the cap, remove the wormy areas, clean off the dirt. After that, soak the mushrooms for 20-30 minutes in clean water in order to soak the dirt and sand. We rinse the mushrooms 2-3 times in salted clean water, change the water after each rinse. After these simple operations, the oil must be boiled as quickly as possible.

On the question of how much to cook oil, I did not find a clear answer. In one cookbook they write 5-8 minutes, in another 10-15 minutes (from the moment the mushrooms boil), and in some sources on the Internet it is advised to cook 2 times for 40 minutes. I boiled butter in salted water for 20 minutes after boiling, everyone remained alive and no one complained of digestive problems. Boiled mushrooms can then be cooked according to any recipe, such a semi-finished product can be pickled, salted, fried, boiled, or frozen for the future. We fried a frying pan of fragrant mushrooms with sour cream, and marinated the rest and froze for the winter.

Ingredients: Oil mushrooms 1 kg. Water 3 liters.

Preparation time: 40 minutes. Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Oil recipe:

As a child, my brother fed me raw champignons. It turns out that a forum user writes about this, they are actually eaten with cheeses. Since then, I really love mushrooms, both eating and picking. And my favorite mushrooms are boletus. As I found out a little later, perhaps this is a genetic memory. My paternal ancestors lived near the slope, which every year generously endowed them with oil. I was also lucky with this, in a 20-minute walk from the house, there are pine forest plantations where these mushrooms grow. And every summer, I go there and spoil my loved ones with mushroom delicacies.

Butter Ingredients:

Pine forest

walk in the woods

vegetable or butter

Butter mushrooms:

Butterfish are mushrooms with caps from yellow to brown, with tubular pores. Grow in pine forests, forests, and forest plantations. Mushrooms are not whimsical enough, so they are even grown artificially. Butterfish “climb out” after rains, followed by warm nights. Depending on weather conditions, they can “go” or all summer. Oiler is a family fungus. In a real forest, if you find one butter dish, you can cut a whole bucket without getting up. The oiler's hat is oily, hence the name.

Butter preparation:

Before cooking oil, they need to be cleaned of oily skins on the hats, so that they are easier to clean, the mushrooms can be dried a little. To do this, butternuts are scattered on baking sheets and placed in the sun for half an hour, in the shade for up to two hours. After drying, you can proceed to cleaning. But remember, cleaning should be dry, mushrooms do not need to be washed. In principle, you can not remove the skin from the hats, and cook with it. In this case, the mushrooms will be a little bitter.

Boil clean water, salt it a little. Peeled mushrooms, cut into pieces, size to your taste. And put in boiling water.

Mushrooms should be boiled for 5-10 minutes. Then strain. In principle, mushrooms can be eaten. But it is rather a semi-finished product for further processing.

Frying butter:

If you want to immediately, after cooking, put butter in some dish. Then, I recommend frying the butter in butter. So it will be tastier.

Freeze butter:

And if you want to freeze butter. Then after cooking, they need to be fried in vegetable oil. Cool, and then decompose into your existing containers. I use plastic jars from mayonnaise. And freeze the fried butternuts in the freezer. Butterfish fried in vegetable oil are stored in the freezer for a whole year. For long-term storage do not use animal fats for sautéing mushrooms. In this case, mushrooms are stored for no longer than a month.

One of my favorite dishes with butter is fried potatoes with mushrooms.

Bon Appetit!!!

More recipes:

1 large onion

1 tbsp flour,

2 tbsp sour cream


pepper, salt to taste.


Carefully remove the skin from the mushroom caps, rinse, cut into pieces. Finely chop the onion, fry it in oil, add mushrooms, salt, sprinkle with flour, add sour cream, pepper, turn off the heat and hold under the lid for 10 minutes. Put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with herbs. Serve with boiled or fried potatoes.

Butter baked


fresh oils,




Rinse the butterflies, clean, cut out the damaged areas. Cut into manageable pieces, small mushrooms can be left whole. Fry the mushrooms in a pan.

Boil the potatoes until half cooked, salt. Place onion rings, potatoes and mushrooms in ceramic pots in layers, add spices and bake in the oven.

Alexey Borodin

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Recipes of dishes from butter with on the site we eat at home!

Ingredients: turkey pulp (thigh) - 650-700 g, bell pepper- 3 pcs, sweet corn (vacuum packed) - 1-2 cobs, mushrooms (I have champignons) - 5-7 pcs, medium-sized onion - 2 pcs, tomato - 5 pcs, garlic - 7 cloves, parsley, dill and basil - 1 bunch, dry white wine - 100 ml, tomato sauce Pomi (Parmalat) - 8-10 tablespoons, Milk 3.5% fat. or cream 10% fat. (Parmalat) - 8-10 tablespoons, olive oil refined (for frying) - 3 tbsp, meat or vegetable broth - about 1.5-2 tbsp, Italian seasoning (sugar, salt, granulated tomato, garlic, starch, basil, onion, black olives, oregano, parsley, onion - chives, dill) - 1 sachet (13 g), seasoning "Pesto with mushrooms" (33% mushrooms (butter, porcini, champignons, shiitake), salt, fried onions, dried garlic, dried vegetables (parsnips, carrots, onions) , rosemary, parsley, black pepper, thyme) - 5 tsp, a mixture of freshly ground peppers, salt - to taste, grated parmesan for serving (optional) - 1 tbsp. per serving

Fried boletus is a very tasty and satisfying dish. Many people ask: " Why clean the oils from the film". The fact is that a lot of forest debris and sand accumulate on the film, especially large ones. It is easier to clean such oils from a sticky film, along with all the rubbish, than to rinse them. In addition, when frying, the film sticks to the pan and burns. Frying butternut squash is very easy. Butter should be fried for 15-20 minutes.


butter mushrooms-500-700 grams

Onion-1-2 pieces

Vegetable oil- 1 tbsp. l

Butter- 1 tbsp

Sour cream(optional) - 2 tbsp

Spices: greens, garlic, salt, ground black pepper.

How to fry butternuts

1 . Clean the oil from the film, rinse and dry.

. Cut the butternut squash into large pieces.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan along with butter. Peel the onion and chop finely. Fry until half cooked (no need to brown).

4 . Add mushrooms and put on a slow fire. The butternuts will give some juice. Fry for 15-20 minutes, stirring regularly. Salt, pepper to taste.

Butterfish fried with onions are ready

You can add sour cream to the fried butternuts and simmer under the lid over low heat for about 5 minutes.

. Then add chopped greens.

. And garlic (dried or fresh).

Butter in sour cream is ready

Butterfish fried best recipes

Mushroom season brought us whole baskets of this delicious product. Wonderful boletus will now prevail on our table, sweetly combined with boiled potatoes, vegetable salads, pasta and cereals. The main thing is to cook the mushroom itself deliciously, and learn how to combine it with different products. We will add several new dishes of fried butter to the piggy bank of recipes.

Recipe: Butter, fried with cheese and herbs

  • Mushrooms, boletus - 0.5 kilograms.
  • Hard cheese, you can take any that is, but ideal, of course, parmesan - 200 grams.
  • Onions - 2 pieces.
  • Parsley greens - 1 bunch.
  • Basil greens - 1 bunch.
  • Sunflower or olive oil - for frying 2 tablespoons.

Rinse and clean the oil, let the excess liquid drain in a colander. Then we cut them into large pieces, if the mushrooms are small, we will cook them whole. Let the oils dry.

Peel the onion, wash and chop finely. Put the pan on the fire, make it strong, pour in the oil and let it heat up. Put onion and fry until golden brown.

When the onion is almost the same as we need, spread the oil, without reducing the heat, pepper and salt, you can add paprika for spiciness. Fry the mushrooms for about 20 minutes, stirring so as not to burn.

5 minutes before readiness, lower the greens, put the cheese and mix, make a small fire so that the cheese melts faster. We cook the mushrooms until crispy, but do not let the greens turn black. You can cover with a lid and thus bring the dish to its logical conclusion.

Recipe: Butter in sour cream "classic"

  • Butter mushrooms (small) - 800 grams.
  • Onions - 3 pieces.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Sunflower oil - a few tablespoons.
  • Butter - half a glass.
  • Sour cream - a glass (it is better to take medium or low fat content, since we add more sunflower and butter when frying).

Mushrooms must be washed well under running water, then folded into a colander, let the excess liquid drain. Now you can clean the oil from the film and rinse again. Let the mushrooms dry out a bit.

Onions need to be peeled and cut into half rings. Peel the garlic and cut into slices as well. Now we put a large frying pan on the fire and heat it up in it. sunflower oil. When the temperature is sufficient, put the garlic and fry it lightly over medium heat. Then turn off the heat and add the onion, stirring occasionally. After 5-7 minutes, put the mushrooms and mix. After 20 minutes you can add butter. Salt and pepper, mix, do not add fire so that the mushroom does not shoot. In total, butternuts need 40-50 minutes to fully cook.

Recipe: Butter according to a non-standard recipe "spicy"

  • Butter mushrooms - 0.5 kilograms.
  • Walnut, chopped - half a glass.
  • Butter - 3 tablespoons (for frying mushrooms).
  • Green onion - a bunch.
  • Parsley greens - a bunch.
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  • Pomegranate seeds - 50 grams.

Rinse the mushrooms under running water and peel, cut into strips and leave to drain in a colander. In the meantime, prepare the onion: wash and chop the feathers along with the onion itself. You also need to rinse the parsley, chop it finely.

Heat up a frying pan and put in the butter to fry the oil. We will fry the mushrooms over medium heat under the lid for about 30 minutes, then add the onion, salt and seasonings to taste. After another 10 minutes, lower the nuts to the mushrooms and pour everything apple cider vinegar. Mix and leave to languish over low heat for another 7 minutes, then add the pomegranate, turn off and cover tightly with a lid, sprinkled with herbs.

Recipe: Butter with potatoes "roast"

  • Butter mushrooms - 800 grams.
  • Potato - 500 grams.
  • Onions - 2 pieces, large.
  • Carrots - 2 pieces.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Sunflower oil - for frying.
  • Olives - 20 pieces.
  • Fatty sour cream - 200 grams.
  • Wine - 100 grams, optional.
  • Sweet pepper, Bulgarian - 4 pieces.
  • Hot pepper, red - 1 piece.
  • Dry herbs, salt and black pepper.

Wash the mushrooms and clean well, cut into rings and set aside so that the liquid drains.

Peel and wash the potatoes, then cut into squares. Wash and de-seed bell peppers, cut into strips.

Peel the onion, cut into half rings. Carrots also need to be peeled, washed and cut into rings. Rinse the olives from the juice and cut in half, lengthwise. Peel the garlic, rinse and cut along each tooth.

Now that everything is prepared, you need to put the pan on medium heat, heat the oil. Then lower the garlic for 3 minutes, then put the carrots, and after another 3 minutes - the onions. Mix everything and simmer covered for 7 minutes. Then add the mushrooms and simmer the vegetables for 20 minutes, then salt and add seasonings.

In a separate frying pan, fry the potatoes for 10 minutes until crispy. Add bell pepper and make the vegetables golden.

Now you need to warm up the wine in a roaster or a deep deck. We just put it on the fire and let the alcohol evaporate: pour the wine into a bowl over medium heat, and after 3 minutes put the olives there, simmer for 5 minutes. Now spread the mushrooms with onions, garlic and carrots, then potatoes with peppers. Finely chop hot pepper on top, pour everything with sour cream, put in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. You can stir the roast before serving.

As you can see fried boletus can be prepared in a variety of ways. Choose to your taste and enjoy your meal!

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