Home Main courses Orange juice at home from 2 oranges. Recipes for making orange juice. pumpkin juice recipe

Orange juice at home from 2 oranges. Recipes for making orange juice. pumpkin juice recipe

It is well known how healthy fruits and fruit juices are, but not everyone trusts the products that are offered in stores. They contain elements that, although they correspond to GOST, go under the slogan "identical to natural". You can quickly and without hassle buy nectar in a tetrapack, but for children and for your own health, we suggest making orange juice at home. It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but the quantity useful properties incomparably.

How to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges

Despite the constant availability of oranges, not every child likes these fruits, which are difficult to peel on their own. Many do not like the sticky liquid flowing through the fingers and thin inner skins, behind which the juicy pulp is hidden.

If the house is expected children's holiday or an influx of relatives and guests, we suggest preparing orange juice from 4 oranges in advance. This economical and delicious recipe widely distributed on the Internet, where various manufacturing options are offered. They differ somewhat in composition, as each hostess cooks according to her taste. The following conditions remain unchanged in each recipe:

  • before cooking, oranges are frozen in the freezer of the refrigerator;
  • lemon or citric acid is added to the recipe to stabilize the product and give it a slight sourness;
  • some sugar is used to improve the taste;
  • the drink is not subjected to heat treatment;
  • use a constant ratio of the main ingredients for the juice of 4 oranges and 9 liters of water.

The cooking sequence consists of the following:

  • choose large juicy oranges without damage - 4 pieces;
  • wash the oranges thoroughly so that no wax coating remains on the surface;
  • we get wet or wipe to get rid of residual moisture;
  • we put the oranges in a bag or other container and send them to the freezer;
  • freezing time can be from 4 to 12 hours, for convenience it is better to put them in the refrigerator overnight before cooking;
  • frozen oranges, without peeling, grind in any way (meat grinder, blender or grater), we get concentrated juice with pulp;
  • in dishes or several containers we collect 9 liters of chilled water (boiled, filtered or bottled);
  • we dilute the mashed oranges with water (1-2 liters) and filter through a fine sieve so that all large particles remain outside (we do not throw them away, they will be useful for dessert);
  • dilute sugar in a certain amount of water, the amount of water depends on the size of the container, but not less than 3 liters, sugar is needed from 500 g to 1 kg, depending on the love of sweets;
  • we combine both solutions and add water, except for one liter;
  • in the last part of the water we dilute citric acid from 15 to 30 g, you can use concentrated lemon juice in the same amount or 1-2 lemons;
  • add an acidic solution to the resulting orange drink;
  • mix thoroughly to obtain a uniform taste;
  • pour the resulting juice from 4 oranges at home into bottles or jars;
  • in the summer we cool and you can treat yourself.

Because the drink didn't go through heat treatment, then it cannot be stored for a long time. The maximum period of use is several days if the product is stored in the refrigerator.

For children, it is better to keep some supply on the table that you can drink during the day, since liquid from the refrigerator is the fastest way to a sore throat.

If a large amount of juice is not required, then the entire amount of components can be reduced in an appropriate proportion.

This recipe is not exactly juice, but rather a fruit drink, but instead of dyes, stabilizers and other little pleasant things, only natural and healthy products are used.

classic juice recipe

If you prefer natural juices that are drunk immediately after preparation, then you just need to know how to make orange juice at home, the so-called fresh.

make juice the classic way can be different. In this case, only oranges are used, and no other products. An exception is made only for ice, which is placed in a drink before drinking it.

The recipe in this case depends on what equipment is present in the kitchen.

Those who love natural juices usually have an all-purpose juicer that can be used to make drinks from any fruit and vegetable. To prepare, oranges must be peeled, otherwise the juicer will process the skins and bones, and the drink will turn out with bitterness.

There are simple manual citrus juicers. To get fresh, an orange does not need to be peeled. The fruit is cut in half, placed in the device and pressed with a slight scroll. This is the easiest and cheapest way to obtain natural juice, but the yield of the product in this case is minimal.

Sometimes you can use a regular auger meat grinder with a juice attachment, but the quality of the product is not good enough, and cleaning in the kitchen is more than a pleasure.

The most experienced housewives know how to squeeze orange juice without a juicer. They prepare the drink in the simplest way, ie. they wash the orange and give it along with a clean cup to the beloved man. Strong male hands can easily squeeze liquid out of an orange. After several attempts, the technology becomes perfect, the output increases and everything around remains clean.

Orange and lemon juice

Orange juice at home can be prepared in combination with other fruits. The ideal taste is given by the use of oranges and lemons, since the drink is not cloying, but sweet and sour. The ratio of acidity and sweetness is adjusted by changing the number of oranges and lemons in the total volume. Usually such a composition is diluted with water, otherwise the taste is too rich and it is impossible to quench your thirst.

There are various cooking options. V traditional recipes for 4 oranges take 2 large lemons and dilute with water to taste (up to 4 liters).

To get a drink you need:

  • wash oranges and lemons very, very carefully;
  • grind them together with the peel in a blender and food processor;
  • dilute water with sugar (1-2 cups) until completely dissolved, boil if desired and then cool;
  • mix sugar syrup with the resulting fruit mixture;
  • leave for several hours so that the solution is well infused and completely absorbed everything taste qualities;
  • strain through a sieve to remove skins and seeds, for greater effect, gauze can be placed in the sieve so that the cake is squeezed until completely dry;
  • the product is ready, it is cooled and you can drink it.

This drink has some bitterness. If you don't like it, then juicing fresh-frozen oranges and lemons, and also take out the pits before chopping the fruit. Since it is the peel and bones that contain bitterness, such actions help get rid of it.

If the drink is prepared in the summer, then it is advisable to boil it, so it will be better preserved. But the resulting mixture is more reminiscent of natural lemonade or fruit drink than traditional juice.

pumpkin juice recipe

Preparations for the winter can be significantly diversified if you make juice from oranges and pumpkins.

In autumn, pumpkin is not expensive. If the crop grew in the garden, then the question of processing this useful, but very large vegetable becomes acute and makes one look for appropriate recipes.

The flavors of pumpkin and oranges go well together, so everyone will like the resulting taste.

The ratio of pumpkin and oranges is taken as 7 to 1, i.e. for 7 kilograms of pumpkin - one orange, or for 1 kg of pumpkin about one big orange or two not so big.

Juice preparation is as follows:

  • the pumpkin is washed, cleaned, i.e. the crust and inner part are removed, only the edible pulp is left;
  • the resulting parts of the pumpkin chalk are cut into cubes or slices and sent to the dishes;
  • a little water is added and the pumpkin is stewed at low temperatures;
  • oranges are freed from peel and seeds;
  • the zest is rubbed on a grater or crushed in another way;
  • zest and water are added to the dishes with pumpkin (the amount of water depends on the volume of the pumpkin, about 5 liters per 7 kg of pumpkin);
  • the mixture is boiled until the pumpkin is completely softened;
  • juice is squeezed out of peeled oranges;
  • the pumpkin mixture cools down a bit so that it can be worked with;
  • using a blender, the pumpkin is crushed and returned to the pan with liquid;
  • orange juice, sugar (from 1.5 to 2 kg), citric acid are added there for stabilization;
  • the ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous composition and again heated to a boil, then briefly (up to 10 minutes) are boiled over low heat;
  • during this time, glassware (jars, bottles) is being prepared, i.e. sterilized, processed with hot steam or washed in a dishwasher at high temperature;
  • the resulting juice is poured hot and closed with metal lids.

Such juice is well stored at normal temperature, but after opening the container, it can only be kept in the refrigerator.

Frozen orange juice "Morozko"

Thrifty housewives know how to profitably buy and use products. Often there are promotions in supermarkets when oranges are much cheaper.

It is advisable to send oranges to the freezer immediately after purchase. This must be done for two reasons:

  • frozen foods are used at any time when the hostess is free or feels inspired and desires to do homework;
  • frozen oranges, after thawing, lose the bitterness present in the zest.

Juicing begins with the fact that the oranges are thawed and crushed in any way (blender, meat grinder, juicer, grater).

  • The resulting pulp is squeezed to separate the juice from the pulp;
  • Sugar syrup is prepared (200 g of water and 100 g of sugar are taken for 1.5 kg of oranges);
  • Syrup and juice are mixed in one container and boiled for up to half an hour;
  • During this time they prepare glass jars, i.e. achieve their sterility;
  • Hot Morozko juice is poured hot into hot jars and rolled up or closed with metal lids.

If you are sure that everything is done cleanly, then the juice is stored in a cool place. At the slightest doubt about the accuracy of the technology, it is better to sterilize the juice jars in hot water. Sterilization time depends on the volume of jars. For preservation, citric acid can be added to the juice (at the rate of 5 g per liter of juice).

Each housewife is able to diversify recipes by changing the ratio of ingredients, adding mint or other spices to taste.

Ripe oranges contain many vitamins and microelements useful for humans, it is recommended to use them for everyone, of course, if there is no allergy to citrus fruits and other contraindications. Even more useful is not the fruit itself, but orange juice, one glass of such a drink contains daily rate vitamin C. All lovers of this drink are advised to prepare it for the winter.

If at any time of the year you prefer to use compotes and drinks of your own preparation, then this recipe will help you prepare juice for the whole winter, and retain most of the vitamins from these citrus fruits. The drink is prepared simply, does not take much time, and does not have complex preparation of ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • Juicy oranges, the amount is selected based on the required volume of the final result;
  • Sugar - 500 gr.;
  • Water - 1 liter.

  1. Wash the fruits well, peel off the zest, cut into halves (it would be better to cut across the slices, so you can get more juice from the fruits);
  2. Now you need to squeeze the juice, this is easiest to do with a juicer, but you can squeeze it in other ways or with your hands;
  3. The resulting drink must be filtered so that the bones do not fall into the finished treat;
  4. Now we need to prepare the syrup. To do this, mix sugar with water and boil until the sugar particles dissolve, the syrup must be added at the rate of 200 g. ready-made syrup per 1 liter of squeezed juice;
  5. Mix citrus fresh and syrup, put on fire;
  6. Boil the mixture for about 3 minutes;
  7. Pour the resulting mixture into jars and immediately sterilize, if the jars are half a liter, then it is enough to sterilize for about 25 minutes, but liter jars you need to boil for 35 minutes;
  8. When the time is up, the jars are immediately rolled up with lids.

orange and lemon juice recipe

How to get 9 liters of juice from several oranges? It may seem impossible, but it's worth trying this recipe first. It is prepared quite simply, and the yield of a large amount of a tasty and vitamin drink is guaranteed. The nectar has a sour, refreshing taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ripe large oranges - 3 pieces;
  • Lemons - 3 pieces;
  • Sugar - about 1 kilogram;
  • Water - 9 liters.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. First you need to wash the citrus fruits well, you can pour boiling water over them to wash off all the dirt from them;
  2. Now you need to wipe the fruits with a paper towel, and then send them to the freezer, they should be there for at least 2-3 hours, but the best option it will be if you send them to the freezer all night;
  3. After that, you need to cut citrus fruits into small pieces, this is necessary in order to pass the pulp through the meat grinder more conveniently;
  4. Skip the pieces through a meat grinder;
  5. The resulting mixture must be poured with 3 glasses of water, mixed and left to infuse for 10-15 minutes;
  6. Next, the mixture must first be passed through a colander to separate large pieces, and then through gauze folded in 4 layers. Thus, a homogeneous, grain-free drink is obtained;
  7. Then dilute the resulting mixture with the remaining six liters of boiled water;
  8. When the mixture is ready, you can pour it into jars, they can be sterilized or simply washed well, close the treat with lids;
  9. Ready cans should be left at room temperature for about 1 hour, and then you can put the jars in a cold place.

Homemade orange juice for the winter

In the very season of ripening oranges, it is simply necessary to make all kinds of preparations from this fragrant citrus fruit for the winter months. In this case, even on frosty days, you can enjoy the unusual taste of an orange drink and get in a good mood.

Required Ingredients:

  • Ripe oranges - 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar sand - 200-300 gr., Depends on the taste of fruits and individual taste preferences;
  • Water - 700 ml.

Step by step instructions for making homemade orange juice:

  1. Wash the fruit, peel it, do not throw it away, it will also come in handy;
  2. Using a juicer or manually, it is necessary to separate the juice from the pulp, so that the juice is better separated, it is necessary to crush the fruit, roll them on the table;
  3. The zest should be cut into thin strips, mixed with water and set to heat up;
  4. When the decoction of the zest is ready, it is mixed with the squeezed juice;
  5. Add sugar to the mixture and boil for about 15 minutes;
  6. Pour the solution into jars that have not yet cooled down from sterilization and close with lids;
  7. Banks must be placed on a warm blanket upside down and covered with a warm cape, let it brew and put away for storage.

homemade orange juice recipe

For those who do not like or for some reason who are contraindicated to consume a lot of sugar, orange juice can be recommended, home recipe which is presented below. With it, you can prepare orange juice without adding sugar. In addition, such a drink can be safely offered to children, they do not need sweets, but useful material very useful for a growing body.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh oranges.

Step-by-step instructions for making orange juice at home:

  1. Fruits need to be washed, cut into two parts, seeds removed;
  2. You can squeeze juice from prepared fruits in any way, you can use a meat grinder, and then squeeze through gauze folded in several layers, you can use a juicer, you can squeeze fruit with your hands;
  3. The resulting mixture must be passed through cheesecloth to get rid of coarse particles and make it homogeneous;
  4. After that, you need to prepare the jars, they need to be heated in the oven or in a water bath;
  5. The drink must be heated to a temperature of about 80-85 degrees and while it is still hot, pour it into jars;
  6. In a separate container, you need to heat the water to a temperature of 75-80 degrees, lower the jars with blanks there and leave to heat up for about 25 minutes;
  7. Remove the container from the fire, cool to a temperature of 40 degrees and only after that you can remove the cans with blanks from there;
  8. It is necessary to store such a treat in a cool and dark place.

pumpkin orange juice recipe

When clean citrus taste not quite like it, you can dilute it with another fruit or vegetable, such as pumpkin. Then the color of the drink will turn out to be brighter and more saturated, and the taste will be complemented by astringency of pumpkin. In addition, this drink is more like nectar and is thicker.

Required Ingredients:

  • Small pumpkin - 1 piece;
  • Orange - 3 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1-1.5 cups;
  • Citric acid - 1-2 tablespoons.

How to make orange juice:

  1. Wash the oranges well, pass through the juicer, remove the seeds from the resulting liquid;
  2. Now you need to prepare the pumpkin, it needs to be peeled, core and seeds removed, cut into small pieces;
  3. Transfer the pumpkin to a container and fill it with water, you do not need to add too much water, the main thing is that it covers the pumpkin pieces;
  4. Cook the pieces for about 10-15 minutes, until the pulp is completely cooked, and then cool;
  5. The cooled pumpkin must be rubbed through a sieve or beat with a blender;
  6. In a saucepan, collect pumpkin pulp, sugar, citric acid and the resulting citrus fresh, mix well;
  7. Pour the nectar into sterilized jars, seal with lids.

If after preparing the blank you have enough pumpkin left, then you can also use it and make it tasty and healthy.

Frozen orange juice "Morozko"

The drink can be sweet or sour, but of course it must have the optimal amount of sugar. It is in this recipe that sugar does not clog the inevitable sourness of the orange, but only slightly complements the taste so that the fruit does not seem too sour. Such a mixture will be pleasant for everyone.

Required Ingredients:

  • Frozen oranges - 1.5 kilograms;
  • Sugar sand - 100 gr.;
  • Pure water - 200 ml.

How to make orange juice step by step:

  1. Defrost the fruits, rinse well, remove the peel, now you need to squeeze the juice, you can use a manual citrus juicer, you can punch it with a blender, you can grind it with a meat grinder, and then squeeze out the resulting nectar, the method does not matter much;
  2. The resulting nectar must be filtered and poured into a container;
  3. In another container, you need to mix sugar and water, cook syrup from these ingredients;
  4. Mix the resulting syrup with nectar, pour into a saucepan and heat to a high temperature, cook for 25 minutes;
  5. While the syrup is boiling, it is necessary to prepare the jars, rinse them with water and warm them in the oven or on steam bath(so that the jars do not burst, they must be placed in a cold oven and turned on);
  6. You also need to prepare a container with water and put it on the stove, it should fit all the jars with blanks for sterilization;
  7. Pour the finished workpiece into warm jars and close with lids;
  8. Put the jars in a container with water, it should have a temperature of about 85 degrees, bring to a boil and sterilize for 25-35 minutes, depending on the size of the jars;
  9. Sterilized jars with twists are pulled out of the water, turned upside down and left to cool, after which the jars are put away for storage.

Cake and zest of fruits that remain after the preparation of such recipes can also be used for cooking jam, candied fruit, jam, and so on. Thanks to the above recipes, you can prepare orange juice for all the time of cold weather and do not forget about the sunny summer. Citrus fruits go well with other fruits and vegetables, which allows you to correctly emphasize the taste, amazing color and aroma of your favorite juice.

Orange is also excellent for cooking and other preparations for the winter, whether it be homemade.

In winter, not a single housewife will deny herself the pleasure of pampering the household with a light drink of oranges. 2000 years ago, a hybrid of pomelo and mandarin was brought to our country by Portuguese sailors. Since then, enterprising housewives have quickly found ways to organically combine the taste qualities of a fruit whimsical to the external habitat in the preparation of not only gourmet, but also simple meals and drinks. In order to prepare orange juice, it is recommended to choose fruits according to personal taste preferences.

In winter, not a single housewife will deny herself the pleasure of pampering the household with a light drink of oranges.

Small citrus fruits are ideal for juicing. You can use Moroccan - this is a variety of heavy and juicy fruits with a thin skin. They are sweet in taste, resistant to damage and temperature changes. By appearance very similar to the Valencia variety, they differ from ordinary oranges in the complete absence of a stone. They have a pronounced bright smell, an atypical redder color, with light pressure, the skin of the fruit slightly springy. For plugging, choose elastic fruits of a uniform color without visible damage.

TO ak from 4 oranges with make 9 liters of juice


  • 9 liters of water (it is advisable to take purified water, just boiled and cooled will do);
  • 4 oranges (medium-sized fruits);
  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon. You can use lemon juice of your choice.

The preparation delights with aroma


  1. To remove the waxy bitterness and give softness, oranges need to be poured over with boiling water. After heat treatment, dry the fruits, put them in the cold, you can put them in the freezer for at least 2 hours.
  2. Then quickly grind citrus fruits in a meat grinder, scroll 2-3 times. You can use a blender to give the fruits the consistency of gruel.
  3. Add three liters of prepared water to the resulting mass, set aside to infuse for 15 minutes.
  4. Carefully strain the resulting raw drink in order to remove large orange pieces. Straining with gauze or a sieve is recommended.
  5. Pour the remaining six liters of water into raw orange juice, add granulated sugar and acidify. To acidify the product with lemon juice: Pour boiling water over the prepared lemon. Lightly drain it, cut off 1/3 of the lemon and squeeze it with your hand. Add the resulting juice to the drink.
  6. To acquire a rich aroma and taste, the drink needs about an hour to infuse. In this form, the juice is ready to drink.
  7. To block the juice, it is necessary to turn it into hot treatment - boil the liquid over low heat for 20 minutes and pour it hot into a sterilized dish. Roll up.
  8. Leave until cool. Store in a dry place.

Grape juice: methods and options for preparation

Do not rush to throw away the remaining orange particles after squeezing. You can make an excellent orange jelly out of them.

Two liters of drink from 1 orange

The recipe for juice from one fruit is so simple and original that children can prepare it under strict parental guidance.


  • Orange - 1 pc.;
  • Sugar sand - 1 tbsp.;
  • Citric acid - 1/2 tsp (or a slice of lemon)
  • 2 liters of filtered water.

The recipe for juice from one fruit is so simple and original that children can prepare it under strict parental guidance.

How to do:

  1. Wash the orange well, scald it with boiling water, dry it, put it in the freezer for 3 hours.
  2. Cut the fruit into pieces, grind thoroughly with a blender or meat grinder. If you use a meat grinder, skip the fruit 3 times.
  3. Pour a liter of water, leave to infuse for 20 minutes.
  4. Strain orange infusion through a colander to remove larger particles of the fruit. Then several times through a dense layer of gauze folded in four.
  5. Pour the resulting concentrate with a liter of water, add citric acid and sugar. Leave to brew for half an hour.

frozen orange drink

Homemade juice is healthier than store bought juice. When cold, it is wonderful to quench your thirst on hot summer days.

You will need:

  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • Frozen orange - 1 pc.;
  • Citric acid - at the tip of a knife (or lemon peel);
  • 2 liters of boiled water.

What to do:

  1. Grate an orange into a bowl. If you use a meat grinder, then it will be enough to twist the fruit once.
  2. In the resulting gruel, put granulated sugar and citric acid with the tip of a knife.
  3. Pour a liter of water, leave overnight in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  4. In the morning, pour the contents of the pan with the remaining liter of water at room temperature.
  5. Carefully strain the syrup through a sieve, after removing the pieces with a colander.

How to make tomato juice at home

Cooking in a blender

A kitchen appliance will allow you to make juice-slurry from fruit, which is very convenient for using the product in baby food.

You will need:

  • Orange;
  • A glass of boiled and cooled to room temperature water;
  • Sugar, citric acid to taste.

A kitchen appliance will allow you to make juice-slurry from fruit

What to do:

  1. Wash the fruit thoroughly, pour over with boiling water to remove the wax coating of the skin. Clear. Grind into equal pieces 3 cm thick. Remove the bones.
  2. Put the cut product into the blender bowl, grind in pulsation mode, taking breaks in the grinder. Pulsing the blender mode is necessary for pinpoint grinding of larger pieces of orange.
  3. Then turn your blender on to constant mode. The orange mass will turn into gruel.
  4. Taste it. If too sweet, add citric acid at the tip of a knife or a couple of drops lemon juice. If the mixture is sour, dilute a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar in it. Let it brew a little, time is needed for the sugar to melt. Taste again. Add sugar until the gruel matches your taste preference.
  5. Using the blender on a constant mode, bring the citrus smoothie to a liquid state.

Serve the drink to the table in a tall glass with a mint leaf. For children, such a vitamin gruel will be prettier and tastier when pieces of banana, strawberries, tangerines are added to it.

How to squeeze juice without a juicer

In order to quickly achieve results in manual squeezing of juice, it is recommended to pour prepared oranges with boiling water, or you can hold the fruit in boiling water for up to 5 minutes.

Pickled Apples: 7 Magically Delicious Recipes

Orange juice can be squeezed with your own hands

You can make juice with your own hands in the following ways:

  1. Cut the blanched orange into two halves. Take one of the halves, make perpendicular cuts on it with a knife. Then squeeze the half tightly in your hand over the bowl. Pure concentrated orange juice sweats into the bowl. From two fruits it turns out to squeeze out 200-250 grams of real juice.
  2. Cut the orange in half. To squeeze the juice, we use a special press - a cone-shaped funnel made of plastic, screwing it into the center of the half of the fruit. The method is convenient for scraping the pulp from the fruit.
  3. Carefully peel the fruit into slices. Remove all excess veins and bones. Fold the orange slices into a colander, pre-arranged with several layers of gauze. Push the juice into a container with a pusher. Wrap the rest of the orange in cheesecloth and squeeze.
  4. Take a cutting board and a knife. We roll the prepared orange on the board, pressing it to the surface with moderate force. When the fruit becomes very soft, make a hole and squeeze it into a bowl with your hands.

Aromatic orange juice is adored by children and adults appreciate it very much. It perfectly quenches thirst and fits perfectly into the concept of an "adult" feast. But store prices have been seriously biting lately. Yes, and surrogates from tetrapacks do not bring any benefit.

So the hostesses came up with another wonderful recipe for homemade orange juice. Moreover, they completed the most important task: the recipe involves the preparation of 9 (!) Liters of juice from just four oranges. It turned out unusual, but very tasty.

Of course, such a drink cannot be called juice even with a stretch. On the other hand, it's not the name, but the result. And it turned out to be excellent: simple, tasty, budget. And the output is actually a lot of juice.

How to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges: the subtleties of technology

There are many skeptical people. But that's why they, skeptics, are needed to make the inquisitive human mind work better. For example, figure out how to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges.

The main secret of success is simple: oranges must be thoroughly frozen before cooking. Chemists most likely know why frozen citrus fruits give the drink its rich color. The finished orange “juice” in the glass turns out to be bright, and I don’t want to improve it with food coloring. If you use ordinary fresh oranges, the color of the drink will turn out to be faded, ugly.

Important nuance: You don't need to peel the oranges. It goes into the juice along with the pulp, which gives the drink a richer taste and density.

Juice contains citric acid. It's completely safe food supplement which will act as a preservative. Thanks to the “lemon”, the drink can be stored for quite a long time, and it also gets a pleasant sourness. In addition, it is citric acid that makes the taste and aroma of orange more pronounced. In general, an irreplaceable thing for a particular drink.

Citric acid is an excellent substitute for natural lemon. Citrus fruit will give the juice an additional shade of taste and aroma.

Classic recipe of 4 oranges and citric acid

The simplest and most popular homemade orange drink is made with water, oranges, and citric acid. You will need a large saucepan (at least 10 liters) and several plastic bottles or three-liter cans for juice. Let's see how to make 9 liters of juice from 4 lemons.

Important nuance: v classic recipe for nine liters of finished juice, it is proposed to take a kilogram of white sugar. For those who don't like sugary-sweet drinks, that's a lot. Therefore, the amount of sugar should be adjusted to your taste. If half a kilogram seems a little, you can always add.


Four large juicy oranges;

Two teaspoons of citric acid;

Nine liters of clean water;

Sugar to taste (500-700 grams).

Cooking method:

    Scald oranges with boiling water to wash off the wax layer. Then wipe with a hard clean cloth or rub with a brush. Wipe thoroughly.

    Place the oranges in the freezer for at least two hours. It is even better if the citrus fruits spend the night in the freezer and are thoroughly frozen.

    Frozen fruit cut into small slices along with the peel.

    Pass the pieces through the middle rack of a manual or electric meat grinder or chop in a blender. The first option is more convenient, since a thick mass with larger particles is obtained. It is easier to strain through a sieve and squeeze.

    If there is neither a meat grinder nor a blender, oranges can simply be grated on a coarse grater.

    Transfer the resulting mass to a large saucepan.

    Pour the orange "mince" with one third of the total volume of water (three liters). The water must be cold! It can be cold boiling water or ordinary drinking water.

    Juice after the first filling should brew a little. Enough 15-20 minutes.

    Strain the fragrant orange infusion through a colander, separating large particles of the mass.

    Filter the infusion through a gauze filter (gauze folded several times) or a fine sieve.

    Return the juice to the saucepan (you can also use a bucket).

    Add sugar, varying the amount to your taste.

    Dissolve citric acid in a small amount of water (it must be taken from the remaining 6 liters) and pour into orange juice.

    Stir the drink thoroughly, waiting for the sugar to dissolve completely.

    It remains to pour six liters of water into the pan. This is the answer to the question of how to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges.

    Pour the finished juice into prepared glass or plastic containers.

    You can immediately drink, but not desirable. The juice should brew a little: this will help the drink to acquire a harmonious taste.

Aromatic juice from 4 oranges and lemon

There is another option for preparing a drink. How to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges? Proponents of all natural can take a small lemon or half a large lemon instead of a chemical lemon. By the way, in this case, the lemon can be easily replaced with lime. But pomelo, grapefruits and other citrus fruits will not work: they do not have the necessary degree of acidity and make the juice taste bitter.


Four large oranges;

Nine liters of water;

Half a large lemon (or one small one)

700-800 grams of white sugar.

Cooking method:

    Wash oranges and lemon thoroughly, pour over with boiling water, then dry thoroughly.

    Put the fruit in a plastic bag and send it to the refrigerator to freeze.

    After at least two hours, take out the fruits and cut them. You can make a preparation for the night, and start making juice from frozen oranges and lemons in the morning.

    Prepare the base for the juice by chopping the fruit along with the peel. Detailed description options given in the first recipe.

    How to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges? Pour the orange-lemon mass with a third of water, let it brew.

    After half an hour, remove the mass with a slotted spoon or drain into a colander.

    Filter the infusion to get rid of residual pulp particles and make the drink more transparent.

    It remains to add a norm of sugar to the filtered juice, stir, add another six liters of water.

    Pour the prepared juice into containers, let stand in the refrigerator.

    Drink a fragrant drink chilled.

Mint juice from 4 oranges and 2 tangerines

With the preparation of an orange drink, you can experiment as you like. For example, add some tangerines and mint to the recipe. Tangerines will not give acid to the drink, but they are perfectly combined with the taste and aroma of oranges. To give the juice a refreshing summery note, you can add a sprig of fresh garden mint or lemon balm to it. How to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges and tangerines?


Four juicy large oranges;

Two tangerines;

A sprig of fresh mint;

a tablespoon of citric acid;

Six hundred grams of granulated sugar;

Nine liters of purified drinking water.

Cooking method:

    Freeze oranges and tangerines after careful processing.

    Cut the fruit into small slices and chop in a meat grinder.

    Fill a pot with fruit mass with three liters of clean water.

    Grind a sprig of mint to extract the juice, and put in a saucepan.

    After half an hour, strain and filter the drink.

    Add citric acid solution and sugar.

    While stirring, dissolve the sugar.

    Pour into prepared container.

    Let the drink stand for 1-2 hours, then drink with pleasure.

How to make 9 liters of juice from 2 oranges and 2 lemons

It is not necessary to follow the classic recipe to get a simple and beautiful drink. For example, you can take equal amounts of lemons and oranges. Such a drink will be more acidic, with a bright, pronounced lemon tint. This option of juice is good to prepare after a festive feast.


Two large oranges;

Two medium lemons;

A kilogram of sugar (can be reduced);

Cooking method:

    Prepare oranges and lemons as described above.

    Grind frozen pieces of fruit in a meat grinder or grate.

    Pour the mass for the first time, let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

    Strain carefully and filter the juice.

    Combine the first infusion with water and sugar.

    Pour the finished orange drink into clean three-liter bottles or bottles, put in the refrigerator for an hour or two.

But what to do with orange-lemon pomace? Thrifty housewives advised not to throw it away. The mass can be mixed to taste with sugar and citric acid, and then in three steps to cook in microwave oven jelly dessert. In addition, the peel and pulp can be added to homemade cakes.

There is nothing complicated about how to make 9 liters of juice from 4 oranges, no. It's worth a try, especially if you have a hot summer ahead or a big feast.

Friends, hello everyone!
I propose to prepare three liters of orange juice from two oranges and one lemon. To taste, this juice is absolutely identical to 100% store-bought. The drink turns out to be very tasty, fragrant and, most importantly, you can be sure that it is natural. Preparing a juice drink is very simple and easy, from a minimum of products. It will perfectly quench your thirst in the heat, it can be served in a beautiful jug on festive table or take it with you on a trip. At the same time, three liters of juice will cost you almost nothing compared to the store counterpart.
I already had recipes for alcoholic tinctures. For example, on viburnum. Now it's your turn soft drinks. I found this recipe on the Internet. I really liked it and I decided to try it. The result was satisfied. Now I am sharing the recipe with you.
So...let's get started. The photo shows the products that will be needed to make an orange drink. Only three liters of water are missing.

Let's prepare the fruit first. Wash oranges and lemon well. This should be done with special care, you can even rub each fruit a little with a stiff brush. For this recipe, we need not only the pulp but also the zest, so we must be absolutely sure that all chemical films are washed off the surface of the fruit.
We shift the washed fruits into a deep bowl. It's just a small bowl for me.

Pour oranges and lemon with boiling water from the kettle. Let's stand like this for 3-4 minutes. During this time, all the bitterness from the peel of the fruit should go away.
There is another way to remove bitterness from citrus zest. To do this, oranges and lemons are placed in the freezer for several hours.

Cut oranges into large pieces. Be sure to remove all bones. They also give bitterness. Place fruit in a blender chopper.
I use a blender to make juice. It is very convenient for small volumes. You can also grind fruit in a meat grinder.

Grind the oranges together with the zest to a puree state.

Lemons are also cut into large pieces, carefully remove all the seeds and place in a blender chopper.

Grind lemons with zest to a puree state.

Transfer oranges and lemons to three-liter jar and mix everything well.

V large saucepan boil three liters of water. Add one glass of granulated sugar. Bring the water back to a boil and turn off the heat.
Cool the resulting syrup to a temperature of 20-30 degrees.
Pour the finished syrup into a three-liter jar. We mix everything well.
We cover the jar with a lid or gauze and let the drink brew for 5-6 hours at room temperature.

We filter the juice through several layers of gauze. Do not throw away the remaining cake, it can be used to make pies or compotes. There are still a lot of aromatics left. It is very tasty to add such leftovers to mannik.

Pour the juice into a glass container. I do not recommend using plastic bottles. The acid in the product can react with the plastic, which is not good for our health.
Orange juice from two oranges and one lemon is ready. Bon Appetit.

I advise everyone to prepare such an orange juice drink. Both children and adults will appreciate it. The similarity with the store is almost 100 percent. But here you can not be afraid to use it in large quantities. The drink is not only tasty, but also very healthy. It is rich in vitamins and microelements, especially vitamin C, which is very necessary for the body in winter.
In addition to the benefits and taste, such a drink turns out to be very profitable in price. Let's count: two oranges 10 rubles, a lemon 5 rubles, sugar 10 rubles. Total 25 rubles. Three liters of orange juice in the store cost at least 100 rubles. The resulting savings of 75 rubles. Wherein homemade drink very simple and easy to prepare.
And if you want something stronger, I have a recipe for cherry tincture. It also turns out not to be very expensive.
* I indicated the cooking time without taking into account the infusion of the drink.
Good luck to everyone and new culinary discoveries!

Cooking time: PT00H15M 15 min.

Approximate cost per serving: 25 rub.

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