Home Bakery Vareniki with raspberries and currants. Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and raspberries

Vareniki with raspberries and currants. Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese and raspberries

This is a traditional homemade dish of Ukrainian cuisine that nothing can compare with! Boiled ones are also tasty in their own way, but steam ones are special, dietary, soft.

They are sweet or savory, with sour cream, butter or fried onions. This dish will be a great Sunday breakfast, lunch or dinner. It will also look appetizing on the holiday table.

For modeling, you can use the whole family, children.


When the slow cooker and double boiler had not yet been invented, steaming dishes was not very convenient. Naturally, skilled housewives still came up with different ways to cook dumplings, zrazy, manti and other flour dishes: using a saucepan and a colander, gauze, a juicer (which was heated using a gas or electric stove) and so on.

Although, as noted by some modern housewives, it is the old method of steaming the dish that allows you to get a more delicate and lush texture.

The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, but to remember the joy that close people will have for whom this is done.

Especially since things are completely different now. After all, a modern hostess has such an assistant in the kitchen as a slow cooker. And now the process of preparing this and other dishes has become much easier and easier.

The article discusses several recipes for steamed dumplings (with photos) with different fillings and ingredients in the dough. They are prepared in a slow cooker, a double boiler, in a water bath (using gauze or a grate, which are fixed on a pot of water).

With cottage cheese

Delicious and fluffy dumplings, the dough of which is kneaded on kefir. This allows you to get an airy texture of the dish. And the filling (cottage cheese) complements the taste of dumplings, making them even more fragrant and satisfying.

Preparation and ingredients for steamed dumplings with cottage cheese:

  1. Drive a chicken egg (1 piece) into a deep container for kneading the dough, pour kefir (150 milliliters), stir.
  2. Add salt (15 grams) and baking soda (10 grams).
  3. Pass wheat flour (350 grams) through a sieve and pour to the components, mix, knead an elastic dough.
  4. Set aside for 20 minutes.
  5. For the filling, put pre-mashed fatty cottage cheese (200 grams) into a small container, beat in the yolk (1 piece) and pour salt (15 grams) or sugar (20 grams), mix.
  6. Roll out a large “cake” from the dough on a floured working surface of the table, the thickness of the layer is 7 millimeters.
  7. Using a glass, cut out round blanks.
  8. Put a little filling on each, after making a deepening with your hands.
  9. Connect the dumpling halves.
  10. Spread the finished products on a floured board, towel or table.
  11. In the multicooker, turn on the “Steamer” program, pour the required amount of water into the bowl and put the dumplings on the grate (at a short distance from each other).
  12. Cook the dish for 10 minutes.

Steamed dumplings in a slow cooker are ready.

With potatoes, onions and herbs

It is important to note that dumplings prepared in this way are a true classic of Ukrainian traditional cuisine. Thanks to this method of preparation, they are tender, airy and dietary. And if you add greens as a filling, then vegetarians will like this dish.

  1. Combine at the same time a chicken egg (1 piece) and 200 milliliters of kefir.
  2. In the flour passed through a sieve (350 grams), add 10 grams of salt and the same amount of soda, mix.
  3. Pour the mixture into the liquid component of the mixture and gradually form a dough ball (during the process it is recommended to mix in 30 milliliters of vegetable oil).
  4. Leave the dough for 30 minutes to infuse and form natural gluten.
  5. Prepare the filling of mashed potatoes (400 grams), browned onions (80 grams), dill (30 grams), salt (15 grams), ground black pepper.
  6. Make round blanks from the dough (5 millimeters thick), lay out the filling and pinch the edges.
  7. Using a water bath or a slow cooker, prepare a dish (dumplings will become larger, so when laying them out, you must leave a distance).
  8. Serve steamed hot with butter and sour cream.

Stuffed with stewed cabbage

A wonderful recipe for dumplings, which, just like with potatoes and cottage cheese, is extremely tasty, satisfying, soft and easy to prepare, is a dish stuffed with fragrant cabbage.

Here you can fantasize as much as you like: add a tomato during stewing or without it, a variety of spices, herbs, onions, carrots, and so on.

Description of the process and ingredients:

with cherry

An excellent recipe for sweet steamed dumplings made from the most delicate dough with berries is the best dessert on the summer table. You can also use frozen cherries, then the dish will remind you of a warm summer even in the cold season.

  1. Warm up kefir (500 milliliters, fat content - 2.5%).
  2. Pour into a container for kneading, add salt (5 grams), slaked with vinegar (8 milliliters) soda (20 g), stir the mixture.
  3. After 15 minutes, pass wheat flour (1 kilogram) through a sieve over a container.
  4. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula and knead a soft dough.
  5. Form round blanks.
  6. For the filling, prepare fresh or frozen cherries (0.8 kilograms) pitted and granulated sugar (to taste).
  7. Spread the filling (sugar and a few berries) on the dough and fix the edges well.
  8. Prepare a container for cooking, put on fire and bring water to a boil, fix the gauze (in this way the cooked dish will turn out to be especially tender and airy).
  9. Spread a batch of dumplings, cover and cook for 5 minutes.
  10. Sprinkle well with sugar.

Lush dumplings are ready for a couple.

With blueberries

In this recipe, the dough is kneaded not on kefir, but on sour cream. The dish also turns out tasty and appetizing. As for the splendor and tenderness of dumplings, this will depend on the steam cooking method: on gauze (softer) or in a double boiler (harder).

Process description and components:

By cooking time: on gauze - 10 minutes, in a double boiler - 4 minutes.

Serve hot, sprinkled generously with granulated sugar.

With mushrooms

This is a delicious recipe for steamed dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms seasoned with fresh herbs and spices.

Description of the process and ingredients:

Vareniki with potatoes and liver

To make the dish even more satisfying, rich and tasty, you can add boiled liver (chicken, pork) to the potato filling. Thus, steamed dumplings will be an excellent dinner or Sunday breakfast (lunch) for the whole family.

Description of the preparation process and ingredients:


You can also cook a dish with beans, rhubarb, meat and potatoes, strawberries and so on. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize and experiment.

And also cook in a good mood and send love.

After the time has passed, we roll the dough with a sausage and cut it into equal parts (Remember! The size of the dumpling will depend on the size of the parts of the dough!). We slightly roll each part with a rolling pin, put a few raspberries in the center and sprinkle with sugar.

We pinch the edges of each part of the dough, forming a dumpling. If you want, you can make curly, wavy edges. To do this, you need to press the small parts with your thumb to your index finger, and so - along the entire seam. So that the dough does not reach for your fingers, you need to moisten your hands in oil or dip in flour.

Put the resulting dumplings with raspberries into a double boiler tray, greased with olive oil. We turn on the steamer for 20 minutes.

Put ready-made hot dumplings with raspberries on a dish, sprinkle with sugar or pour over with raspberry syrup.

Delicious steamed raspberry dumplings served with homemade sour cream.

Enjoy your meal! Cook with love!

At first glance, dumplings are nothing special: a piece of stuffed dough boiled in salted water. However, despite its simplicity, this dish is popular among various Slavic peoples, especially Ukrainians. This is due to the fact that the combination of dumplings dough with vegetable, berry or cottage cheese filling allows you to get a unique and very harmonious taste. In addition, this delicious dish turns out to be quite satisfying, and if you serve it for breakfast, you will not need any other addition. In summer, dumplings with berry filling, such as raspberries, are especially popular. Their delicate taste and unique aroma do not leave indifferent neither children nor adults.

Cooking features

The process of preparing dumplings with raspberries is not particularly difficult, but without knowing some of the subtleties, you should not start cooking - in this case, the dumplings can turn out to be hard and tasteless, or, on the contrary, fall apart during cooking.

  • For dumplings, it is better to use fresh raspberries. If you fill them with a frozen berry containing a lot of juice, the dough will become soggy and the dumplings will burst.
  • Raspberries for the filling must be carefully washed, dipped in a colander in cool water, and then dried, scattered on a kitchen towel - getting excess moisture into the filling can lead to unpleasant consequences.
  • Do not add a lot of sugar to the filling. At the same time, they do not sprinkle the berry in advance, otherwise it will begin to secrete juice, and the filling will turn out to be too liquid.
  • To make the filling thicker, sprinkle raspberries with a small amount of starch.
  • Vareniki retain their shape better if they are steamed. However, you can also boil products in boiling water, especially since this method is considered traditional. In this case, it is important to take care that the dumplings do not stick together. To do this, you need a large and wide pan in which the products will not be cramped. You need to lower the dumplings into the water one at a time and only after it boils. Products should be removed with a slotted spoon within a couple of minutes after they rise to the surface. It must be understood that as a result of long cooking, the integrity of the products may be violated, as a result of which the filling will fall out.
  • The dough will be more tender if the flour is sifted before use. And vegetable oil will give it elasticity - it can be added in a small amount, even if it is not indicated in the recipe.
  • Ready dumplings are immediately greased with butter or rolled in sour cream. This is done in order to prevent them from sticking together.

Raspberry dumplings are served with powdered sugar, syrup, whipped cream. Somewhat less often, they are supplemented with yogurt or sour cream, although dumplings always go well with sour-milk products.

Classic recipe for dumplings with raspberries

  • raspberries - 150 g;
  • flour - 0.25-0.3 kg;
  • milk - 0.2 l;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Sort the raspberries, rinse them and scatter them on a towel to dry them quickly.
  • Sift flour and mix with salt.
  • Make a well in the flour and break the egg into it.
  • Pour in the milk and stir the dough with a spoon.
  • Add the butter, stir a little more with a spoon, and then knead the dough until cooked with your hands. So that the dough does not stick to your hands, they need to be powdered with flour or moistened with vegetable oil.
  • Roll the finished dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and set aside for half an hour. This must be done, otherwise the dough may be harsh.
  • After the specified time, roll out the dough into a layer about 2.5-3 mm thick. If you make it thinner, it can break through when boiling dumplings.
  • Using the neck of a cup, cut out circles from the dough. Their optimal size is 7-8 cm, but a deviation of 1.5-2 cm in any direction is acceptable.
  • Put a few berries in the center of each circle, sprinkle them with a little sugar. Raise the edges of each circle and blind them together so that you get semicircles. The edges of the dough must be glued carefully so that they do not stick out during boiling. The dough will hold together better if its edges are smeared with egg white.
  • Put the dough scraps together, knead a little and roll into a new layer. Cut out the same circles from it, start, blind.
  • Boil water in a wide saucepan, lightly salt it - despite the fact that dumplings with raspberries are sweet dishes, they turn out tastier if they are boiled in salted water.
  • Drop the dumplings one by one into the boiling water until they float to the top.
  • Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and place on a platter.

Lubricate the dumplings with butter, when serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar or pour over with syrup.

Vareniki with raspberries on kefir

  • kefir - 0.5 l;
  • raspberries - 0.25 kg;
  • flour - how much kefir will “take” (about 0.5 kg);
  • soda - 5 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2-3 g;
  • sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Remove kefir from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature, or warm it slightly in a water bath.
  • Pour salt and soda into a bowl with kefir, stir. Let stand warm for 10 minutes.
  • Break an egg into kefir, beat with a whisk.
  • Adding flour in small portions, knead the dough. First you have to stir with a spoon, then you will need to knead the dough with your hands. This will take about 20 minutes. The finished dough should be soft but elastic. It shouldn't stick to your hands.
  • Cover the dough with a bowl and let it “rest” for at least 20 minutes.
  • During this time, prepare the raspberries by sorting, washing and drying.
  • Roll the dough into a sausage, cut off a piece and flatten it with your palm to make a cake.
  • Put a few berries on the cake, fasten the edges.
  • Place the dumplings on the greased multicooker rack. Pour some water into the multicooker bowl. Steam for 10 minutes.

Serve ready dumplings with sour cream or yogurt. You can use sweet yogurt with berry filling.

Vareniki with raspberries and vanilla cream

  • water - 0.25 l;
  • flour - 0.35 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • starch - 10 g;
  • milk - 0.25 l;
  • sugar - 80 g;
  • raspberries - 150 g;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • sour cream - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Mix 50 ml of milk with starch and beaten egg.
  • Mix the rest of the milk with sugar and heat in a water bath.
  • Pour into hot milk, whisking the composition with a whisk, a mixture of milk, eggs and starch.
  • Simmer until the cream thickens. Add vanilla a minute before.
  • After the cream has cooled down a bit, put it in the refrigerator for several hours. It is best to prepare this component of the filling in the evening.
  • Sift the flour, mix it with a pinch of salt.
  • Boil water, mix boiling water with butter and pour into flour. Knead the dough.
  • Cover the dough with cellophane, set it aside for half an hour.
  • Roll out the rested dough into a thin sheet. Cut into mugs with a cup or cookie cutter.
  • Place an incomplete teaspoon of cream and two berries on each circle. Form dumplings.
  • Steam dumplings or boil them in boiling water.

Raspberry syrup is the perfect accompaniment to these dumplings. You can serve the dish with yogurt or condensed milk.

Vareniki with raspberries is an unusual and very satisfying dessert that will not leave anyone indifferent. If desired, even an inexperienced hostess will cope with the preparation of the dish, but she, of course, will have to try.

Recipe dumplings with raspberries:

In a spacious bowl, beat the egg, pour in the milk and sift half of the wheat flour, add a pinch of salt.

At first, the dough will turn out to be quite liquid, but this is not scary, as flour is gradually added to it.

Add the rest of the flour in portions and knead the dough with your hands for dumplings. It is convenient to do this on a large board or countertop sprinkled with flour.

Now knead the dough until thick. In this case, the dough for dumplings should be soft and quite elastic.

Roll out the rested dough (about 10 minutes) with a rolling pin into a thin circle, and squeeze circles of the same size with a glass.

Put 2-3 raspberries on circles, sprinkle with a little sugar on top.

And close up the dumplings with raspberries, while trying to tightly connect the tips. It is desirable that the filling does not crawl out of the dumpling. If you have a lot of dumplings, feel free to send some of them on the board to the freezer.

Dumplings with raspberries are boiled in boiling water for no more than 5 minutes after they float to the top. Water can be drained through a colander or dumplings can be caught with a slotted spoon.

Before serving, pour the dumplings with high-quality butter, lightly sprinkle with sugar or pour over with your favorite syrup. Note: cold serving of dumplings with raspberries is allowed.

If you have never eaten raspberry dumplings, do not miss the season and be sure to cook this dish. You can stick dumplings in reserve, that is, after sculpting, immediately freeze them, just do not store them for a long time so that they do not freeze. Raspberries are a healthy berry, with a bunch of vitamins that are necessary for our health.

What you need to prepare the dough:

  • Flour, and the higher the grade, the better - 2-3 cups
  • Medium egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - half a glass
  • Water - a third of a glass. For the test, the water should be slightly warm.
  • Vegetable oil - a teaspoon. Here I would like to note that when vegetable oil is added to the batch, the dough becomes more tender and easier to handle.
  • Salt for the dough is enough incomplete teaspoon.

For stuffing in dumplings:

  • Raspberries - 400-450g and a little sugar (small glass)

How to make dumpling dough:

The main condition: cook with soul and desire, then the dough will come out great!

Dilute water with milk and add salt. Pour the flour into a bowl or directly onto the table in a pile. After making a small indentation, break the egg into it and pour in the mixture of water and milk.

Now it's a matter of kneading. Try to knead the dough well, thoroughly, and when it is almost ready, mix vegetable oil into it.

After secondary kneading, cover the dough with a clean cloth, let it lie down for 40 minutes, ripen. In the meantime, you'll do the raspberry filling.

Rinse the berries well and sprinkle with sugar. Let it stand for 20 minutes, during which time the raspberries will release the juice. Juice is not needed, or rather, you can use it to prepare another dish or drink, but the berries are already ready.

Now is the time to make dumplings with raspberries, to conjure over this delicious dish!

Roll out the dough so that it turns out to be an even thin layer. Just do not forget to sprinkle the table with a little flour before rolling out, and the rolling pin itself too.

Now, sequentially laying out the berry (do not put a lot), sculpt the dumplings, folding the squares into a triangle and gently pinching the edges.

Boil ready-made dumplings with raspberries in salted water (it should boil), and serve with butter or any fruit sauce.

By the way, you can pour them with drained raspberry juice.

There is another way to cook.

Have you tried steamed dumplings?

Try it, it's also very tasty.

And if there is no double boiler, use this advice:
Pour water into a wide saucepan, tie the top with gauze - the classic double boiler is ready. Bring the water to a boil. Put the dumplings on cheesecloth so that they do not touch each other and cover with an inverted deep cup. After 6 minutes, remove one dumpling for testing, by doing this you will correct the cooking time for steamed dumplings with raspberries.

And finally: put the finished dumplings in a small saucepan, add honey ... fresh ... odorous, cover the saucepan with a lid and shake a couple of times. It's just a meal!!! Do you know that you can not only cook dumplings with various berries, but you can cook ravioli, for example: with currants,.

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