Home desserts National French food. French dishes. Titles and translation. Chestnuts - les chataignes

National French food. French dishes. Titles and translation. Chestnuts - les chataignes

french cuisine has long been a benchmark in the world of culinary arts. From the time of the First Republic (1792) and the era of the Napoleonic Wars that followed, it spread throughout Europe.

Classical French dishes are a kind of alphabet for every self-respecting chef. The ability to cook them correctly is tantamount to an excellent graduation from a prestigious culinary school. And for gourmets the best dishes French cuisine is a true feast of the soul and stomach.

Nicoise (Salade nicoise)

The main feature of most French fresh vegetable salads is a special vinaigrette dressing based on olive oil, Dijon mustard, fresh herbs (dill or chervil), capers and other seasonings. It has nothing to do with the usual vinaigrette for many.

A classic example of a salad popular in France is salade niçoise. It must contain fresh canned tuna and/or anchovies, fresh tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs. Potatoes, onions, garlic, olives and other ingredients can serve as a supplement. They are artistically laid out in beautiful dishes so that the salad can be “eaten with the eyes”, as the French themselves say in such cases. The same vinaigrette is used as a dressing.

The great chef Monsieur Escoffier, who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, was the first to suggest adding potatoes and green beans to Nicoise. According to many culinary specialists of that time, he committed blasphemy.

Niçoise is the culinary pride of Provence, and it owes its name to the beautiful Mediterranean resort of Nice. Many well-known chefs (Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay and others) can boast of author's versions of the salad with the addition of non-standard ingredients. Although, according to the ex-mayor of the resort town Jacques Medessen, the author of a well-known book about the cuisine of Nice, the original niçoise should not contain potatoes, boiled vegetables and rice, or green beans.

The cost of a serving of salad in French restaurants is on average 9-12 €.

Scallops Saint-Jacques (Coquilles Saint-Jacques)

There are a number of traditional French dishes. delicious snacks. All of them are united under the speaking name "entre" ("entrance") and are designed to whet the appetite.

What can you try in France from such an easy meal? Perhaps it is worth getting to know the exquisite seafood, among which one of the first places is occupied by the famous Saint-Jacques scallops. They are usually baked in original sauce under cheese and brought to the table in special portioned forms or in sea shells.

Other ways of cooking scallops are no less interesting: they can be tasted raw (carpaccio), stewed in beer, cider or calvados, grilled, as well as in soups, risotto and sauté. Another luxurious option is muslin (pâté) made from fresh or frozen scallops, a favorite snack of French President Francois Mitterrand.

A portion of coquilles Saint-Jacques in Paris restaurants costs about 15-25 €.

Onion Soup (Soupe à l'oignon)

The history of the appearance of this national dish in France is covered with numerous legends. One of them attributes the creation of the soup to Louis XV himself. As is often the case with many famous recipes, the onion soup was cooked by the king not from a good life. It was just that at that time there were no other products in the hunting house, except for onions, salt and oil.

Modern variations of soupe à l'oignon are prepared on the basis of broth: meat or vegetable. The characteristic rich taste and aroma are achieved by long sauteing of onions (often in dry white or red wine).

As such, there is no canonical recipe in France, but there are several common rules. For example, usually soupe à l'oignon is prepared in small portions, and served in the same dishes in which they were cooked (most often, in ceramic pots). Ready onion soup is sprinkled with grated cheese, sometimes croutons are added.

To try the "creation of royal hands" in Paris, you need to pay about 9-12 €.

Another incredibly famous french soup- Marseille bouillabaisse, which is made from different types fish and seafood.

Bœuf bourguignon

Meat dishes of French cuisine make up its lion's share. Many of them are cooked in wine, such as the famous Burgundy beef. This is the case when the food was borrowed "from the peasant table" and became world famous.

Bœuf bourguignon is beef fried and then stewed in red wine with mushrooms, vegetables and meat broth. Beef Bourguignon's signature ingredient is bouquet garni, a bouquet of fragrant herbs and spices wrapped in leeks or bay leaves. Often bœuf bourguignon is served directly in the pots in which the dish was prepared and eaten with a crispy baguette dipped in a thick sauce.

The Burgundy beef recipe was first talked about only in the 19th century, but since then it has become incredibly popular both in France itself and beyond. Therefore, the opportunity to try beef bourguignon, once in Paris, is a great success. In Parisian restaurants, it costs about 20 €.


When traveling through the south of France: the historical regions of Languedoc and Roussillon, you should definitely try cassoulet, a local thick and rich stew. The birth of this recipe in the Middle Ages, as is often the case in cooking, was an accident caused by the need to withstand the siege of the enemy and prepare a nutritious and satisfying meal for the defenders of the city.

The basis of the dish is large white beans, which is soaked for a long time, then boiled and stewed with vegetables, meat and spices. In France, there are 3 types of cassoulet, the so-called "Trinity":

  • Le Cassoulet de Castelnaudary - with pork, pork skins and goose meat;
  • Le Cassoulet de Carcassonne - with lamb, duck or seasonal game such as partridge;
  • Le Cassoulet de Toulouse - with lamb, pork fat, duck and goose meat, and Toulouse sausages.

You can take a chance and try fish cassoulet (with salted cod), but it is much less common.

Since 1966, in France, the standard for making Cassoulet is to use 70% beans and 30% meat.

Cassoullet is traditionally cooked in a wood-fired oven in a wide earthenware cassolette. It is believed that she gave her name to the popular French dish. The stew is usually served in earthenware bowls or directly in the pots in which it was stewed. A signature feature of the Languedoc delicacy is a golden crust, which is pierced during cooking and mixed with stew up to 8 times.

In France, cassoulet is sold in stores in canned form, this is a good option for an original gastronomic gift (3-8 €, 840 g). In Paris, the famous stew can be tasted for an average of 12-20 €. The main thing is not to forget to order a glass of good red wine for him, and even better - more than one.


The classic French navarine is made from lamb or lamb along with vegetables: onions, turnips (turnips), carrots, potatoes, garlic. The origin of the name of this stew remains a mystery to this day. Either you need to say “thank you” to the little turnips (fr. navet), or the Allied victory in Navarino Bay in 1827 and the ensuing liberation of Greece - Victoria was notably celebrated in the cabin of the commander of the French squadron with just juicy lamb stew.

One way or another, it seems impossible to be in France and not try navarin. Although in the country they actually eat it all year round, yet this dish is considered spring. Its taste becomes much more interesting with young vegetables that appear on the markets closer to Easter, at the end of March. Navarin is best eaten with crispy soft bread.


Although ratatouille is considered a traditional culinary highlight of Provence, it has long been a favorite menu item in many, even the most fashionable Parisian restaurants. What ordinary peasants used to cook for themselves, today everyone who finds himself in France dreams of trying.

Ratatouille - in fact, it is nothing more than vegetable stew. Usually they put tomatoes and peppers, onions and garlic, zucchini and eggplants in it. Cut vegetables into circles, spirals, slices. It is seasoned with salt, pepper, and signature herbs are sure to appear in the Provencal recipe: basil, mint, rosemary.

It is an excellent side dish for meat and fish, it can be eaten hot or cold, as well as combined with scrambled eggs, salads and fresh bread.

Gratin Dauphinois (Gratin dauphinois)

One of the most delicious potato dishes in the world, a real classic of French cuisine - all this can rightfully be said about Gratin dauphinois. The Dauphine region is called the birthplace of the recipe - it was here, presumably at the end of the 18th century, this delicious side dish was first seen on the tables.

A modern version of Gratin dauphinois is thinly sliced ​​potatoes baked in milk and/or cream. There are simply an incredible number of recipes in France today - so eggs, grated cheese and other ingredients can be used. Of the seasonings, chopped garlic cloves and nutmeg are most often used.

As a rule, in France, dauphinois potatoes are included in the total cost of the main meat dish. If ordered separately, the price will be approximately 5 €.

A similar potato dish is Tartiflette, classic casserole with bacon or smoked brisket, Reblochon cheese, onions and cream. It is especially popular in Haute-Savoie.

Confit duck (Confit de canard)

The appearance of confit in French cookbooks was a response to the need for long-term storage meat, which in ancient times was keenly felt in Gascony. The way out was found thanks to one simple trick: duck legs were stewed along with spices, distributed in jars and placed in cellars. The fat released during the cooking process served as a natural preservative for meat, and then such a product could be used to make stews and other foods.

Confit is precisely the method of preparation: delicate languishing of meat in its own fat at a low temperature.

Modern duck confit is first marinated with garlic, herbs and salt, and then slowly cooked, achieving exceptional juiciness, tenderness and softness of the meat. How delicious it is can be understood from one French saying: "For the sake of a good confit, a Gascon can kneel." And perhaps it really is!

In France, duck confit is served with salad, dauphinois potatoes, fresh bread and a glass of good Bordeaux. try gourmet dish in Paris you can for 15-25 €. And on the shelves of supermarkets you can easily find canned Confit de canard (6-15 € for about 700 g).

Cake "Opera" (Gâteau opera)

Classic Parisian Dessert - Rectangular biscuit cake"Opera" with coffee and chocolate filling. According to some gourmets, it is worth trying it at least to get to know the true taste of France.

The championship in the creation of the cake is attributed to the Dalloyau confectionery in Paris. At the very least, she really played a decisive role in popularizing the dessert. The wife of a local pastry chef, having tasted the delicacy, said that it reminds her of the Palais Garnier - the Paris Opera. It was under this name that the cake became known in the city.

The main highlight of the dessert is in the combination of ingredients: a few almond biscuit cakes, chocolate ganache, coffee syrup, dark chocolate glaze(sometimes add rum or cognac). The Gâteau opéra is crowned with the recognizable inscription L’Opera and light inclusions of edible gold.

The cake is usually sold in portioned pieces, like cakes. One piece costs 5-7 €.

To list all iconic and popular french recipes Probably not even a day is enough. But you can try to make a list of the “most-most”, without which no français voyage is unthinkable:

  • Lyon salad (Salade Lyonnaise) with poached eggs;
  • Pancakes "Crêpes Suzette" (Crêpes Suzette) - with orange sauce;
  • Quiche Lorraine - pie from shortcrust pastry with cheese and/or bacon;
  • Tarte flambée - flat open pie with cheese and other fillings;
  • Veal blanquette (Blanquette de veau) - stew in white sauce, often with mushrooms;
  • Tartar (Tartare de bœuf and Steak tartare) - from raw finely chopped beef or minced meat;
  • Beef steak on the bone (La côte de boeuf);
  • Duck breast (Le magret de canard);
  • (Escargots) and (Huîtres);
  • (Cuisses de grenouille) - deep-fried.

List of fine culinary masterpieces France goes on and on. But much better - at least once to try them!

French cuisine is not just a list of dishes prepared by local chefs. The concept of "cuisine of France" has long been a stable expression, meaning delicate taste, subtle style and sophistication of culinary arts. Listing only the names of French cuisine dishes will take more than one page. After reviewing the photos of French cuisine dishes and the description of the most popular of them, you will understand what French chic and aerobatics of French cooking are.

National cuisine of France with a photo: dishes of the Loire Valley

In terms of the number of wine styles, the Loire Valley is the most diverse wine region in France: here you will find reference Sauvignon Blanc, and Chenin Blanc in all forms from sparkling to sweet, and roses known since the time of the Musketeers, and “oyster” Muscadet, various cremants, reds from Pinot noir and cabernet franc. Anything grows on the Loire. The region has the status of "Garden of France".

Traditional French dishes of the Lower Loire Valley (closer to the ocean) are seafood and sea ​​fish(eel, flounder, shad). The Upper Loire is rich in freshwater fish (pike, zander, carp). But both fish are cooked most often with beurre blanc sauce - butter with white wine, shallots and vinegar. A French dish such as foie gras in the Loire Valley has its own appellation (foie gras de Mezenc). The forests are rich in mushrooms, white (cepes) and chanterelles (chanterelles) are used in the cuisine. The Loire supplies 80% of all French lentils. Lentils (lentils) are the first French vegetable to receive an appellation (Lentille verte du Puy): it is located in the Haute-Loire. Tours has a sweet specialty - Turkish nougat (nougat de Tours) - a pie made from candied fruit on an apple "cake".

The traditional cuisine of France has received from the Haute-Loire a number of classic recipes of French gastronomy.

Riillettes (rillettes), in love with which Rabelais and Balzac were explained, are stewed pork, filled with melted fat.

Rillon (rillon) Pork rinds are very popular throughout France.

Tarte Tatin (tarte tatin)- famous Apple pie with caramel from the Loire.

Pay attention to the photo: French cuisine includes a huge amount of vegetables, herbs and fruits:

Asparagus from Vineuil-Saint-Claude grown near the famous Chambord castle.

Cherry Guignolet, from it they make the liqueur of the same name.

Pear Belle-Angevine- “beautiful angevin”, they cook from it famous dessert- pears in red wine.

Trufia (truffiat)- potato casserole with herbs.

Bardatt (bardatte)- Stuffed cabbage rolls borrowed from the Bretons with hare or rabbit meat, poached in white Loire wine.

Nantes valerianella (mache nantais)- view green salad, controlled by origin (IGP, Indication Geographique Ptotegee).

Champignon (champignons) grown all year round in tufa grottoes. In the vicinity of Saumur, 800 km of underground galleries are occupied by mushroom plantations.

Laura cheeses

Loire cheeses - delicate chabischu, sel-sur-cher, crotten-de-chavignon, saint-maur are made from goat's milk - are very popular and widely exported. But there are also lesser known ones:

Goat Valencay in the form of a pyramid, cow Feuille de Dreux, wrapped in grape leaves.

Olivet blue- cow's cheese with blue mold in sycamore leaves.

Couhe Verac- square goat with a slightly nutty flavor, wrapped in sycamore or chestnut leaves.

Popular French dishes of the Rhone Valley

The main city of the Rhone Valley, Lyon is the culinary Mecca of France.

In addition to the greatest French chef of the 20th century, Paul Bocuse, dozens of other owners of many Michelin stars create here. But this is not the only thing: in Lyon everything is imbued with the spirit of gluttony, and the quality of products is elevated to a cult. Proverbs like “do not overwork at work, but try your best at the table” are an integral part of the worldview.

The popular French dishes of the Rhone Valley are as varied as the wines. From the south, this classic French cuisine is Provencal, from the north - Lyon with a clear influence of Burgundy.

Grattons and sausages (grattons and saucisson)- a typical Lyon appetizer: pork offal and cuts of various sausages.

Jesus de Lyon (Jesus de Lyon)- a large sausage weighing up to 0.5 kg, made exclusively from pork meat and lard.

Servel de Canu(cervelle de canut)- Lyon appetizer: cottage cheese, herbs, shallots, salt, pepper, olive oil, vinegar.

Chicken Celestina (Le Poulet Celestine)- chicken sauteed with mushrooms and tomatoes, flambéed in cognac or white wine.

Pigeon breasts in red wine(blancs de Pigeon au rouge).


Dodin from duck (dodine de canard a l'ancienne)- duck stuffed with foie gras, pistachios and truffles.

Avignon dob (daube avignonnaise)- beef in red wine sauce.

Trout a la Vaucluse (truite a la vauclusienne)- trout fillet in white wine. As you can see in the photo, this French cuisine dish is prepared with mushrooms or truffles.

Hare in a royal way (lieve a la royale)- stewed with truffles and blood.

Bish sos grand venere (biche sauce grand veneur)- venison with royal hunting sauce (another name is "Ober-Jägermeister").

Main products national cuisine France of this region - black bull meat and black truffles.

Meat of black bulls Camargue (Taureau de Camargue AOC) its taste is close to game. Herds graze in the wild, the main regulation - for each bull there must be at least 1.5 hectares.

Rice from Camargue IGP- 3/4 of France's rice is produced in the Rhone Delta.

Salt from the Camargue, "salt flower" Camargue (fleur de sel) - delicious salt, besides, it is packaged in pretty jars with a cork lid.

Without black truffle(la truffe noire) it is hard to imagine the Rhone cuisine, it is brought to the town of Saint-Paul-Trois-Château from all over the eastern part of the valley, chefs come here for them.

Cheeses of the Rhone Valley

Traditional French cuisine cultivated in the Rhone Valley are cheeses:

Saint Marcellin(Saint Marcellin)- delicate cream soft cheese from cow's milk, small rounds up to 80 g.

Bleu du Vercors-Sassenage (Bleu du Vercors-Sassenage AOP)- blue cheese made from cow's milk, made with rather weighty heads.

Rigotte de Condrieu (Rigotte de Condrieu AOP)- soft unpressed cheese made from fresh goat's milk with a light aroma of honey and acacia, aging for two weeks makes it sharper.

Picodon (Picodon AOP)- soft goat cheese of the Rhone Valley, round 40-60 g, 2-4 weeks of ripening.

Thomme d'Arles (Tomme d'Arles)- soft cheese made from sheep's milk.

Traditional Provencal cuisine of France

French Provencal cuisine is distinctly Mediterranean in character. From the culinary traditions of other regions of France, it is distinguished by the relative sophistication of recipes, proximity to the primary qualities of the product. The national French dishes that are prepared in Provence are replete with olives, olive oil, garlic and all the variety of herbs, which gives them a special southern charisma.

In the depths of Provence there is more lamb, beef, game, on the coast - fresh fish. In Nice, the influence of northern Italian cuisine is noticeable, in Marseille - Arabic.

land mine(fougasse)- in Provencal bakeries you can find dozens of types of bread for almost every dish; one of them is a land mine flavored with olive oil, similar to Italian focaccia.

tapenade (tapenade)- a paste of black olives, desalted anchovies and capers, which is spread on bread or toast.

Nicoise salad(salade nigoise)- green beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, anchovies, hard boiled eggs, olives, olive oil, garlic, basil.

Mesklan(mesclun)- dandelion leaves, chicory, Mediterranean herbs.

Grand aioli (grand aiioli)- carrots, potatoes, green beans, boiled fish and boiled eggs with aioli sauce (garlic and olive oil).

Ratatouille (ratatouille)- as Joel Robuchon says, the secret of a good ratatouille is to cook all the vegetables separately so that each one tastes separately: zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and Provencal herbs.

Bouillabaisse(bouillabaisse)- the best season for this thick fish soup is May-August, when the sea has all the fresh fish it needs: striped lionfish, sea dragons, devils, roosters and eels, Saint-Pierre, whiting, sea bream, etc. Seafood in bouillabaisse is a departure from the classics.

Pied-et-paque(pieds and paquets)- the main ingredients are lamb legs and sheep's stomach.

Dob in Provence (dube provengale)- beef, lamb or wild boar marinated in red wine with carrots, garlic and Provencal herbs, then stewed for a long time over low heat.

Calissons (calisson d'Aix)- sweet specialty of Aix; v classic recipe equally melon puree, almonds and sugar. Today, along with melon, all fruit and berry varieties are used. The most unusual calissons are with olives and dried tomatoes.

Traditional French cuisine dishes are prepared from gourmet products:

Asparagus from Lori (Asperge verte de Lauris)- Between Cavaillon and Laurie, 12% of French asparagus is grown under a black film. In the film - the secret of precocity and elegant taste of asparagus.

black truffle- north-east of Provence - the main truffle place in France. However, truffles are hunted throughout Provence, and the owners of large estates set aside part of the forest for "mushroom plots": truffles begin to appear when there is a lot of water and sun.

Cavaillon melons- in Cavaillon, cantaloupes are taken seriously, they can earn a Michelin star.

Nicoise couget (Courgettes nigoise)- a thin long zucchini with an indescribably delicate and fresh taste.

banon (Banon A.O.C.)- soft goat cheese wrapped in chestnut leaves, which give it a special piquancy, and tied with ribbons of palm leaves. Good with fig confiture and Provence white wines.

provencal(Provencal) herbs - thyme, marjoram, rosemary, sage, basil. All this goes into stews, salads, soups and pastries, or simply sprinkled generously on fish, poultry or grilled meat.

Olive oil(Huile d'olive de Provence AOC)- Provence is inconceivable without olive trees (they were endlessly painted by Van Gogh in Saint-Remy-de-Provence), and Provencal cuisine is unthinkable without olive oil. Since 2007, the AOC has regulated varieties and production methods.

Sisteron lamb (Agneau de Sisteron IGP)- the lamb is grown on mother's milk for two months, then another 1-3 months on grass, hay and cereals. Great pair for a red bandol.

Lavender honey (Miel de Provence IGP)- any Provencal honey is protected by a quality mark, lavender honey has a special creamy texture and delicacy.

The recipes for these treats were born in the provinces and in royal castles from delicacies and village provisions, centuries ago. Not without reason, French chefs know the secrets of preparing a huge gastronomic assortment, nevertheless, strictly observing some nuances... First of all, food is served in small portions, which is probably why French women are distinguished by their slender forms. It should also be noted that soups are prepared thick, but easy to digest.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Another point - when frying meat, wine is added, which evaporates, managing to saturate the product with an unusual taste. French culinary experts always remember the Burgundian proverb: “drink white wine in the morning, red wine in the evenings, so that the blood is good” - therefore, a filled glass always decorates interesting presentations. The description of the characteristic features would not be complete if we did not mention Roquefort cheese and Provencal sauce, which are famous both in Russia and all over the world. Desserts deserve special attention: airy, melting in your mouth, conducive to dreams, they make you want to enjoy an amazing taste forever. All this can be done at home, feeling the Parisian flavor. Any French cuisine recipes can be mastered quickly. Maybe it's time to surprise your loved one with a romantic dinner with the aroma of an original combination of spices?

It is hard to argue with the sophistication and versatility of French cuisine. Each historical region of France has its own traditional dishes recipes that have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Below are the most famous dishes French cuisine that you can try in the best restaurants Paris.

French Soups

Onion soup - soupe à l'oignon gratinée

One of the most popular French dishes among foreigners is thick onion soup. The rich flavor of this dish is not chicken or meat broth, on which it is cooked, namely passivated onions. For piquancy in practically ready soup add dry white wine, cognac or sherry.

When serving, the dish is often supplemented with hard cheese and ruddy croutons from white bread. Any French restaurant offers its visitors a fragrant onion soup, but each chef has his own secrets of preparing this simple dish.


Another French soup with scallops, mussels and crabs is famous all over the world - bouillabaisse. This dish, invented by Marseille fishermen, is traditionally prepared without the addition of potatoes. For the preparation of bouillabaisse, fillets of gurnard, dory, sea scorpion and other varieties of local fish are used. It is believed that the more types of fish are included in the dish, the better and richer the broth.

Bouillabaisse is usually served in high plates with garlic sauce rolls and fresh crispy bread or toast. To such fish soup White wine is perfect.

Cassoulet - Cassoulet

Cassoullet is a thick stew cooked in a special clay pot called a cassole. A dish of beans, meat and greens is being prepared.

The meat can be either pork or lamb, as well as goose or duck meat.

Consomme - Consomme

In France, consommé is a clarified broth based on chicken or beef. Today, consomme is abundantly salted and served with a pie, cooked on the basis of minced meat from the declared types of meat.

You can also find consomme based on vegetable or fruit broth in some restaurants.

Vichyssoise - Vichyssoise

Vichyssoise is a cold onion puree soup that uses several varieties of onions, including leeks, an essential ingredient in the soup. To prepare the dish, onions are fried with potatoes in butter, after which the vegetables are left to stew in chicken broth.

Before serving, the soup is whipped with cream until puree. The soup is served with a salad of fried shrimp with dill. You can add crackers.

Second courses of French cuisine

Rooster or chicken in wine - coq au vin

In French cuisine, there are many recipes from chicken meat with the addition of wine, but it is the rooster in wine with Burgundy wine that is considered classic. For a real dish, it is a rooster that is required, but in modern conditions they are often replaced with chickens.

A whole chicken carcass is rubbed with seasonings and herbs and stewed over low heat with the addition of alcohol. Chicken in wine can be garnished with potatoes and parsley or green vegetables. The dish pairs well with Beaujolais or Côte du Rhone red wines.


Lung vegetable dish originally from Nice and Provence is popular all over the world. French ratatouille is prepared on the basis of eggplant, zucchini, potatoes, peppers, onions with the addition of tomato, garlic and provencal herbs. The main secret of cooking this dish is that all the ingredients need to be fried separately and only then stewed together.

Ratatouille can be served on its own or served as a side dish to main meat dishes. The dish, once invented by poor French peasants, is now in great demand in French restaurants.

Potofeu – Pot-au-feu

For those who love meat dishes French cuisine, we recommend trying this dish. At its core, Potofeu is a second dish with the presence of broth, which is why it is often called a “two in one” dish.

Potofeu is made from beef, vegetables and spices. The essence of cooking is inexpensive parts of meat that do not boil soft during long-term cooking, as well as cartilage parts are placed in the boiler along with a variety of vegetables- carrots, onions, turnips, potatoes, celery, cabbage, mushrooms - the choice of vegetables is not regulated, seasonings are added and the boiler is put on fire. Prolonged cooking promotes transfer palatability products.

When serving, the broth is served separately - vegetables separately. Vermicelli or rice is often added to the broth, croutons, fried crackers, can be added. Sauces such as Dijon mustard, horseradish, coarse salt are served with vegetables. Sometimes you can meet when serving pickles, mayonnaise.

Potofeux in France is an inexpensive, home-cooked family dish. However, due to the long preparation time, Potofeu is preferred to eat in restaurants.

bœuf bourguignon

The second name of the dish is Burgundy beef. Prepared from lightly fried and then stewed pieces of beef in a thick sauce of beef broth and wines with the addition of garlic, onions, carrots, mushrooms.

Boeuf bourguignon is served with mashed potatoes or rice.

Duck Confit – Confit de canard

Duck confit is prepared from duck legs in a special way (languishing in fat), which is called confit.

V traditional recipe duck fat is used for cooking, however, if chicken legs are not prepared for use, then they use any other fat, for example, olive oil.

Timbale - Timbale

Timbale is essentially a pasta casserole with a choice of fillings - meat, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc. can be used.

Pasta is laid out in a spiral at the bottom of the mold and around the perimeter of the entire pie.

Aligo - Aligot

Aligo is mashed potatoes with the addition of cheese, usually Savoy. Potatoes for this dish are boiled in their skins, then placed in a blender with a knife (vegetable cutter). While beating potatoes, chopped cheese is added.

After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the resulting mixture is laid out in a mold, which is lubricated with oil and sour cream. Everything is heated on fire, seasoned with salt and garlic at the end.
Aligo is served hot.

Cutlet de volaille - côtelette de volaille

If you have ever tried a kivsky cutlet, then the cutlet dde will be its analogue.

A cutlet is being prepared chicken fillet, inside the cutlet the filling is green butter, outside is breading, the cutlet is fried in a plentiful amount of oil.

Choukrut - choucroute

Shukrut is sauerkraut with some kind of side dish: smoked meats, potatoes, meat. Traditionally, cabbage must be aged in brine, after which it can be cooked: boiled in wine or beer.

Meat products are also added here. Cabbage can be served with smoked sausages, with knuckle or ham. It is also often the addition of boiled potatoes.

Gratin Dauphinois - gratin dauphinois

A popular potato side dish in French cuisine. For cooking, potatoes, cheese and heavy cream are used. In order for the dish not to be too fatty, cream is mixed with milk.

A dressing of lemon juice or wine sauce is acceptable.

Galantine -galantine

Meet - aspic in French - galantine. Usually prepared from lean meat. The peculiarity of the preparation of the dish is as follows: the meat is ground in a meat grinder, mixed with eggs and spices and then laid out in a symmetrical shape.

You can also cool dishes in a cylindrical shape. Fish aspic is cooled under load.

Terrine - Terrine

This is a kind of roll of vegetables, minced meat or fish, which, after baking, is usually covered with jelly to prevent weathering of the dish along the edges. Served chilled.

Vegetable or fish terrines can be prepared without baking - they are filled with gelatin and cooled in the refrigerator. The output is - jellied.

Andouillette – Andouillette

french spicy sausage, which is made from a pig (cow or calf) stomach and intestines, previously soaked in wine, with the addition hot pepper and salt. The filling is placed in the pork intestine, after which it is ready for cooking.

Served both hot and cold with or without garnish. Also, this sausage can be cooked on the grill.

french delicacies


The exquisite taste of truffles perfectly complements almost all French cuisine. Experienced chefs advise combining this delicacy with products that do not have their own pronounced taste.

Most often, this delicacy is served raw, and oysters must be alive. The classic serving of raw oysters is as follows: a multiple of six of the number of open shells is beautifully laid out on a tray of crushed ice and sprinkled liberally with lemon juice. In addition to them, they usually serve Rye bread with butter, sour or spicy sauces(for example, from wine vinegar) and shallots. From alcoholic beverages oysters go well with dry white wine and brut champagne.


Another favorite French delicacy is snails. There are a great many options for their preparation, the most common are boiled or baked on coals. As a rule, before cooking for 1-2 weeks, the snails are periodically washed from mucus and kept on a starvation diet. For cooking, they are thrown into boiling water for literally a few minutes and thrown into a colander, washing cold water. When baking the snail, it is enough to hold it over the heat for 10-15 minutes, then the slightly cooled shells are carefully separated from the tender meat.

The most common way to serve snails, or as they are also called "escargots", is with spicy garlic sauce. The sauce is prepared on the basis of butter, garlic, parsley, hard cheese and seasonings. The dish brought to readiness is served on a large plate with a gravy boat or in a special escargot. The taste of snails is perfectly complemented by dry wines: white, red or rosé.

Frog legs - des cuisses de grenouille

Though frog legs has long been firmly established in the taste preferences of French gourmets, not every restaurant can offer this delicacy. Only the hind fleshy parts of the legs without bones are consumed for food. Pre-paws are thoroughly washed with cold water and marinated in spices. Then they are stewed with various seasonings or fried in batter.

In France, frog legs are usually served separately from the sauce with a side dish of vegetables. The taste of tender frog meat is reminiscent of chicken and goes well with white wine.

Chestnuts - les chataignes

Chestnuts are the pride of national French cuisine. They are used to prepare hot dishes, soups, salads and delicious desserts, but the most popular among the French won roasted chestnuts.

At home, roasted chestnuts can be cooked in the oven. In order for the fruits not to burst, you must first make a small cross-shaped incision on them. Before preparing other dishes from chestnuts, they must be peeled, cut and boiled for 2-3 minutes in boiling water.

For a beautiful presentation, a large flat plate is usually used, and on the French streets, a fragrant delicacy is simply wrapped in a paper bag.

french pastries

quiche - quiche

Quiche is an open pie with egg-cream-cheese filling.

The filling of the pie can be different: smoked brisket, vegetables, fish, meat and their combinations.

Tartiflette -Tartiflette

Tartiflet is a potato casserole made with bacon, onion, white dry wine, cheese.

All ingredients are laid out in layers, the dish is baked in the oven.

Pissaladière - Pissaladière

Pissaladier is onion pie originating in the Provencal region.

A filling of two varieties of onions (bulb and leek) is laid out on a yeast cake. Thinly sliced ​​lightly dried fish pulp, romidors, pitted black olives and black olives are used as decoration. Visually resembles pizza.

French desserts with photos

Clafoutis - clafoutis

Clafoutis is open fruit pie based on liquid egg dough. Fruits are first laid out in a casserole dish, and then batter.

Classic clafoutis - cherry, it is possible to use canned cherries. Also, clafoutis can be peach, apple, pear.


Appetizing profiteroles are one of the most popular French desserts from choux pastry. This delicacy is a small cake with various fillings. If profiteroles are stuffed with meat, cheese or mushroom stuffing, they can be served with broth.

Profiteroles without filling are also perfect for first courses, and sweet cream, cream or ice cream turn them into a delicious dessert. Sweet profiteroles, fastened with caramel and lined with a cone, are called croquembush, it is very often prepared for wedding events.

Creme brulee - la crème brûlée

airy french dessert custard with an appetizing crust was called "creme brulee". For its preparation, egg yolk, sugar, cream, milk and flavors are used. All ingredients are mixed and heated, then baked in ceramic molds until the cream hardens.

At the end, the creme brulee crust must be carmelized under the grill or using a special burner. This dessert is usually served cold, pre-watered with caramel sauce.


French thin pancakes from yeast-free dough, dubbed "crepes", will please any sweet tooth. Variations on the theme of crepes are endless, they are prepared with various fillings and baked in the oven. Most often, buckwheat flour is used for dough, which gives a dark color to ready-made pancakes.

The basic recipe for crepes includes the same ingredients as Russian pancakes, but more eggs are added to the dough. Such pancakes are baked in a krenitsa - a special frying pan without handles. In France, butter is traditionally used as a filling, nut butter, jam, fresh berries and honey. Snack crepes are wrapped in bacon, cheese, ham and fried eggs.

Serving crepes is a reflection of the chef's imagination: the dish is decorated with berries, poured with sauce or ice cream is added. I recommend you try Crêpe Suzette, a famous French dessert.

There are a lot of French desserts, so we devoted an entire article to them. If you are interested, then read about it for sure!

Updated: 08.11.2017 French cuisine can rightly be considered one of the most sophisticated and original culinary traditions in the world. It is highly regarded by professional culinary experts, and in 2010 UNESCO even included French gastronomy in the list of "intangible cultural heritage". This style of cooking evolved in what is now France over many centuries. If initially in France there were actually two culinary traditions - simple (peasant) and bourgeois, today these traditions are intertwined and form the basic principles of modern French cuisine.

The main feature of the French traditional cuisine– use only the freshest products. The French pay great attention to the quality and freshness of each individual ingredient. Despite the peculiarities of regional cuisines, vegetables and root crops are very popular throughout the country - eggplants, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, greens and salads.

French cuisine and culinary tradition, like any rich one, consists of many regional ones. In the western provinces of France, people like more spicy and spicy food, Alsatian cuisine has taken a lot from German, and residents of coastal areas actively eat fish and seafood. However, there are also National dishes France, which are loved and cooked all over the country are the world-famous baguettes, foie gras (foie gras), thin crepe pancakes, bechamel sauce and creme brulee. A traditional meal in France consists of three courses: an appetizer (an introductory dish, sometimes a soup), a main course and a dessert. Extra cheese or salad can be served.

At first, the French prefer mashed soups. Traditional festive dish is a very thick bouillabaise fish soup popular in the Provence region. However, French cuisine does not insist on the obligatory use of soups - local eaters often manage with light snacks.

Secondly and most importantly, French cuisine offers meat or fish dishes. Almost all types of meat, sea and freshwater fish, and seafood are used. The French prefer to cook meat and fish in a few proven ways, but they never get tired of the same dishes, because they love to experiment with sauces. Sauces are perhaps the main strong point of French cuisine, because it was in this country that they were invented.

When the main course is eaten, it is customary to serve dessert on the table. Dessert can be just a cup of coffee, which the French simply adore, and a croissant, and various pastries, and creme brulee.

However, it is not so much the recipes of French cuisine that are remarkable, but the view of the French on eating in general. It is not customary to eat in a hurry here, on hastily- The French like to eat slowly, enjoying each dish and washing it all down with wonderful local wine, in which the French know a lot. It's no joke - a meal (not a feast, but eating) in France can last two or three hours. This is another reason why French cuisine is so highly regarded by experts all over the world.

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