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Universal pancake recipe. Pancakes are the best recipes. How to properly and tasty bake pancakes. From choux pastry in boiling water


How to cook duck with apples

A very tasty and festive dish - baked duck stuffed with apples will be an excellent hot dish on New Year or Christmas!

The fried duck looks even more spectacular than the orange chicken that we recently cooked with you. And what interesting taste of baked apples are obtained! And what delicious aromas hover in the kitchen while cooking duck with apples! ..

So, even if you have not tried to bake a duck yet, stuffed with apples, recommend. Cooking a duck is not difficult, it just takes a long time. But using a roasting sleeve will speed up the cooking. And the taste of the dish and the surprise of the household and guests are worth it to master the recipe for baked duck in the oven!


  • Duck 1.3-1.5 kg;
  • 4-5 Simirenko apples;
  • Salt, ground black pepper;
  • Seasoning for chicken or herbs to taste.


The best choice for this dish - domestic duck: big, like a goose, juicy, tender! But if your friends do not have a poultry yard, then a purchased one will do. We'll just take longer to cook it. Ideally, the duck should be boiled before roasting - although this is not necessary.

We collect a little salt in our hand - about a tablespoon - and rub the washed and dried duck, then sprinkle lightly with pepper, aromatic herbs or seasoning and rub it too. Let the duck marinate for 1 hour.

After 45 minutes, it's time to peel the apples so that they do not have time to oxidize and darken. Take apples of hard winter varieties, otherwise in a couple of hours in the oven they can turn into applesauce. And whole slices are much more appetizing!

Rinse the apples, cut into four parts, peel the core, but you do not need to remove the skin.

We stuff the duck with apples, as much as it will fit, and then fasten it with threads or toothpicks.

We will bake the duck in the sleeve - thanks to the sealed bag, it will bake faster. We cut off the sleeve for baking so long that the duck fits in it, and there are still 20 centimeters left on the sides. Carefully, so as not to tear the cellophane, place the duck in the sleeve and carefully tie the edges, but not close to the duck, but stepping back about 15 cm. Such a margin is needed so that the sleeve does not burst during baking when it is inflated.

Having placed the sleeve with the duck in the form or on a baking sheet, put it in the oven.

We bake the duck stuffed with apples, first at 200-220C for about 1 hour or a little more. If the sleeve is inflated like a balloon, the broth is boiling at the bottom of it, and the duck has acquired a slightly ruddy, golden color - order. We proceed to the next stage of cooking duck with apples - reduce the heat to 180C and bake for another half an hour.

After 1.5-2 hours, the duck should already be ready. But it is not ruddy yet, and this is understandable, because it is being prepared in the sleeve. And so that the duck becomes appetizingly ruddy, carefully take out the form and cut the sleeve. Be careful - there is very hot steam inside the sleeve!

One of the most favorite and popular holiday dishes in my family is duck with apples, baked in the oven. The meat of this bird is different from chicken, in a duck it is so dense, fatty and so appetizing! And yet there is also insanely delicious apples, soaked in duck fat and aroma. I know that not everyone likes thermally processed fruits, but apples must be put inside the carcass. By itself, duck meat is quite dry and tough, apples will give ready meal juiciness. We will cook the duck in the sleeve. I use it for two reasons. Firstly, the duck in the roasting sleeve is better fried and does not dry out. Secondly, after this method of cooking, the oven remains practically clean, it is not necessary to wash it of fat.

Duck in the sleeve. Required Ingredients

Of course, we will start with the carcass of the bird. In order to cook a duck in the sleeve, we need:

one duck;

Four to five medium apples, it is better to choose a variety with sourness;

Ground black pepper;

Three large cloves of garlic.

These are the components without which it will not work to cook a duck in a sleeve with apples. But there are also additional ingredients, they depend on how you decide to rub the bird carcass. Salt, pepper and minced garlic is the most traditional option. But you can grease the duck and honey mustard sauce, which will give holiday dish spicy flavor note. In this case, I recommend adding one or two quinces to apples.

Honey mustard sauce

One tablespoon of honey.

One tablespoon of mustard.

One teaspoon of lemon juice.

Mix all ingredients with a fork. If the duck caught is very large, then we make two or even three portions of the sauce.

Duck in the sleeve. Preparing for baking

The duck must be thoroughly washed and dried. If feathers, fluff and pads remain on the carcass, remove them: manually pluck what happens, grind the rest over gas. We clean the garlic cloves and pass through a press, mix with salt and black pepper, and rub the duck inside and out with this mixture. Apples must be washed and cut into medium pieces. You do not need to clean them, just cut out the core. We stuff the duck with fruit, stuff it so that the edges of the bird can be sewn up with coarse thread or chipped with toothpicks. Now you can grease the carcass honey mustard sauce, using a culinary brush for this. When the procedure is completed, leave the bird for an hour or two so that the meat is soaked in sauce.

Duck in the sleeve. baking

The bird is infused, it's time to send it to the oven. We put stuffed duck into the sleeve and add the remaining apples there. The duck in the sleeve will turn out right away with a side dish, if you put coarsely chopped potatoes in the same place. The oven must be preheated to 200 degrees. At this temperature, bake the dish for about an hour and a half. Then the sleeve must be cut so that the bird is covered with a delicious crust, and send the duck for another hour in the oven. By the way, pay attention to your baking sleeve. Some manufacturers perforate it so that it does not burst in the oven, and it can be cut without effort. Perforation must be on top. Time has passed, and the duck in the sleeve is ready. It must be laid out on a large dish, cut into pieces with kitchen scissors and can be served on the table. Bon Appetit!

Duck meat baked in a sleeve can become a real decoration for any holiday table. Experienced housewives fill the bird different fillings and wrap the carcass completely. But there is more simple recipes with pieces of meat. most fragrant and juicy dish duck is considered from this category in combination with apples.

150 min 6 servings 300 kcal Difficult to cook

Classic performance

Tender and juicy duck can retain its nutritional value and benefits even when heat treatment in the oven. Roasting in a sleeve with apple filling allows the meat to be completely soaked own juice and acquire a pleasant sourness. To prepare the dish, you will need:

  • duck carcass 2-2.5 kg;
  • 600 g of apples;
  • 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
  • 3 tbsp mustard;
  • a head of garlic;
  • salt and pepper mixture.

This recipe requires the bird to be young and not very fat. The duck is singeed over the fire, cleaned of hairs and feathers, then the carcass is sprinkled with flour and wiped with a towel. Then the duck is washed in warm water, cleansing the skin with a knife. The bird is rubbed with salt inside and out. While the duck absorbs salt, mustard, pepper and mayonnaise are mixed in a container. The carcass is rubbed with the prepared marinade and left for 40 minutes.

In the meantime, the garlic head is disassembled into cloves, cleaned and put into the bird. To do this, make deep cuts in the meat with a knife, forming the so-called pockets, and proceed to the filling. Sweet-sour apples get rid of the core and cut into slices. The middle of the duck is filled with fruit, and the top of the carcass is once again covered with marinade. The place of the cut of the carcass is carefully stabbed with skewers or sewn up with ordinary threads.

The sleeve necessary for high-quality baking should be one and a half times longer than the carcass. One end is fastened with a special clip. The duck is placed so that the seam is located on top and steam comes out through small holes. There should be no excess air in the sleeve. The second end is tied, and the duck is placed on a baking sheet. The bird is kept in the oven according to the calculation: 40-60 minutes for each kilogram of the carcass. 10 minutes before the end of baking, open the sleeve along the seam.

Simple version with honey

If the duck is smeared with honey before baking, it will turn out to be very juicy and sweet. honey marinade can be done very quickly, besides, it is not as high-calorie as mayonnaise sauce. We take the following products:

  • 1 large duck;
  • a few tbsp. honey and oil;
  • 2-3 sour apples;
  • 1 lemon;
  • pepper.

We act simply with apples: cut into slices and pour over lemon juice. Some housewives smear apples with sour cream so that the duck is properly soaked from the inside. The bird carcass is washed and dried. It is better to choose a sufficiently fatty duck so that the meat does not turn out too dry. We put the fruit inside the bird, sew it up. Salt the duck and pepper, grease with a mixture of oil and honey. The duck is placed in a large sleeve and closed with clamps on both sides. On the sides inside the package, you can overlay the carcass with potatoes or the same apples, which will be baked and will be an excellent side dish. If the duck is young, you can pour a little water into the sleeve and increase the cooking time in the oven to 2.5-3 hours. So that the bird, smeared with honey, does not burn, but acquires a golden crust, it is better to put a baking sheet with a sleeve in the lower part of the oven.

In sweet and sour marinade

Soy sauce is great for roasting poultry. In this case, honey is added to the marinade for a sweet note. To implement the recipe, you need to prepare:

  • 1.5 kg duck;
  • 2 apples;
  • salt and pepper;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 3 tbsp soy sauce;
  • 1 st. l. a spoonful of honey and olive oil.

First you need to make a marinade. Extrude lemon juice, mix with soy sauce, honey and butter. You can also add a little grated ginger to make the taste more spicy. Rub the duck with pepper and salt, pour over the marinade and leave overnight. This will allow the meat to become very tender.

The next day, we put apple slices in the duck abdomen and sew up the bird. We put the carcass in the sleeve and close it. For cooking, usually one and a half hours in the oven is enough. This duck should be served with potatoes or pickled vegetables.

Variant with apples and prunes

To make the duck more satisfying and become a full meal, you can choose a recipe with a dense filling. You don't need a side dish for this dish. Main Ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg duck;
  • 2 sour apples;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • 3 tbsp honey;
  • salt, garlic, seasonings;
  • butter.

First, melt the honey in a water bath, add salt, some oil and seasonings to your taste. Lubricate the duck on all sides, put a little marinade inside. Leave to soak for several hours or overnight. Do not forget to cover the meat with a film so that the bird does not become weathered during this time.

Now take care of the apples. Cut them into pieces, get rid of the seeds and core. Hold prunes for softness hot water approximately 15 minutes. Dry it and cut it in half with a knife. Mix apples with prunes, sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and place the stuffing in the duck. Sew up the abdomen and put the garlic in small cuts on the carcass. Coarsely chop the peeled potatoes and put in the sleeve along with the bird. Cook the meat in the oven for about 2 hours. Open the package for half an hour before readiness.

Such a duck can be served in its own fat as a gravy.

Duck stuffed with rice

Making duck with rice is worth it to those housewives who consider potatoes to be too heavy a side dish. Rice filling combined with light sourness from apples is very tasty and nutritious. Need to take:

  • 1 medium duck;
  • 4 green apples;
  • 3 bell peppers;
  • 2 onions;
  • one and a half cups of rice;
  • greens, curry, salt;
  • olive oil.

Pour rice with water and leave for 1-2 hours. We cut the apples into cubes, the pepper into thin strips, and the onion into half rings. Fry the onion mass in oil until golden brown. Rub the washed and dried duck with salt, pepper and curry. Mix apples with herbs and stuff the bird. Rice is either sent to the filling, or laid out in a sleeve around the carcass, adding pepper and onion there. Duck with apples and rice is cooked in the oven for two hours.

We bake the bird in portions

If you do not have a whole duck carcass or do not have enough experience for stuffing, you can bake the bird in pieces. The method is good because it is much more convenient to serve such a dish. The recipe requires:

  • 2 kg duck;
  • 3 tbsp mustard;
  • 3 tbsp vinegar;
  • 2 large apples;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, pepper, other spices to taste.

Cut the duck into small pieces (the tail can be thrown away, but if left, cut out the glands). Dilute the vinegar in cool water (about 2 liters) and leave the duck to marinate for 3 hours. Then drain the liquid and rub each piece of poultry with salt, pepper, your favorite seasonings, mustard and grated garlic. Leave for another hour. Cut the coreless apples into slices and place in the sleeve along with the pieces of duck. The top of the sleeve can be pierced to release steam. In two hours, the duck in apples will become ruddy and soft. The advantage is that you do not need to open the package and pour fat on the bird.

cooking secrets

  • Cooking in the sleeve is not only convenient, but safe and healthy. Firstly, you can cook meat with a side dish at the same time. Secondly, all packages are very resistant to high temperatures, so there is no chance that the dish will burn or there will be a fire. Thirdly, if you look at different photos on the Web, you will understand that all products in the sleeve are processed with both fat and steam at once.
  • Sometimes, before placing duck meat in a bag, some housewives boil it.
  • Duck in apples can be sent in a bag not only to the oven, but also to the slow cooker. Even a microwave oven is suitable for warming up a bird in a sleeve.
  • Online recipe videos show different marinade options for roasting duck. You may try kefir sauce, lemon or wine.
  • Minced duck can be very different. Cabbage is used as a filling, buckwheat and even pasta.

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