Home Product Ratings Korean green tomatoes in 8 hours. Korean spicy green tomato salads. Korean-style tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

Korean green tomatoes in 8 hours. Korean spicy green tomato salads. Korean-style tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

Oriental cuisine always attracts us with its taste, so today I decided to give you the most delicious recipes Korean green tomatoes Those who have been reading my blog for a long time know that I for a long time lived in Sakhalin and learned Korean food well. green tomatoes for the winter we cook often, in jars or just in a saucepan, everyone likes a spicy and spicy snack.

At the end of the summer, summer residents, after harvesting the main harvest, have a lot of small unripe fruits that need to be put somewhere, because they shouldn’t be thrown away. This is where these recipes come in handy. By the way, Korean-style tomatoes can be made not for the winter, but just for the table, for some holiday or just for a family dinner.

Korean green tomatoes - the most delicious recipes and cooking rules

To prepare different options, I use various seasonings and spices as additives. These are greens, parsley, cilantro, dill, spices, garlic, onions, different types peppers. But in order for our appetizer to turn out delicious, you need to follow some rules.

  1. All vegetables should be about the same size so that they are evenly soaked in the marinade. Before harvesting, tomatoes can be calibrated into small, medium and large in separate jars.
  2. When harvesting the last crop, pay attention that there are no damages on the tomatoes, signs of diseases, the skin remains intact.
  3. Oil can ruin everything if not chosen correctly. For such blanks, the taste of spiciness and the aroma of all oriental spices are important. Therefore, unrefined vegetable oil do not use. Save it for fresh summer salads.
  4. Try to add hot spices to taste, some of your family members will not be able to eat too spicy dish so think about them.

Delicious recipe for green tomatoes, step by step with a photo

This recipe is also suitable for winter storage, and for quick consumption, as the tomatoes will be ready in twelve hours.

We need to take:

  • Kilo green fleshy tomatoes
  • Three hot chili peppers
  • Two small bell peppers
  • Nine cloves of garlic
  • Ground red pepper to your taste
  • Large topless spoonful of table salt
  • Two large spoons of sugar
  • Fifty grams of sunflower oil
  • Fifty grams of 9% vinegar

Cooking process:

Cut the tomatoes nicely into thin slices.

We free the hot pepper from the seeds and cut into small fragments.

We cut sweet peppers into larger fragments, we also send them to tomato slices.

Crush the garlic on top of the vegetables.

Pour pepper, sugar and salt into the dish.

Add oil with vinegar, mix and let stand for half an hour.

We lay out the tomatoes in sterile jars and fill them with the released juice. We store only in the refrigerator.

Instant Korean Green Tomatoes

In general, all Korean dishes, including tomatoes, are most often cooked from one to several days. But this recipe fast food will be ready in ten hours, that is, in the evening you have already done it in the morning.

We need:

  • Kilo of small green tomatoes
  • medium-sized bulb
  • Three medium carrots
  • Two small sweet peppers
  • Half a glass of 9% vinegar
  • Half a glass of refined sunflower oil
  • head of garlic
  • Two large heaping spoons of sugar
  • Large heaping spoonful of table salt
  • bunch of parsley
  • A quarter teaspoon of seasoning for Korean carrots

Cooking process:

We cut the tomatoes into halves, put the carrots through a Korean grater, finely chop the onion, cut the pepper into noodles. Garlic is tastier not to crush, but to chop with a sharp knife into crumbs, chop the parsley too. Mix all vegetables in a bowl.

Separately, mix vinegar with oil and spices. We prepare clean jars, lay out the vegetables in them and evenly pour the marinade. We put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for ten hours. Then we take it out and enjoy the taste.

The most delicious recipe for green tomatoes in Korean for the winter

In addition to all kinds, and other corned beef in my cellar, there are always several jars of such spicy Korean-style tomatoes rolled up for the winter. They help out a lot when numerous relatives suddenly come, you have to surprise everyone, and here I get a jar of yummy.

We take:

  • Five kilos of medium-sized green tomatoes
  • Six meaty Bulgarian peppers in different colors
  • Three medium horseradish roots
  • Two kilos of carrots
  • Five cloves of garlic
  • Three leaves of lily
  • Six black peppercorns
  • Bunch of fresh dill

For marinade:

  • Five liters of raw water
  • Two full glasses of sugar
  • Half a glass of regular salt
  • Two thirds of a glass of 6% vinegar

How to cook green tomatoes in Korean:

We rub the carrots on a regular grater, free the pepper from the core with seeds and cut into thin and small strips, cut the horseradish and garlic with a sharp knife into crumbs. We mix everything.

We cut each tomato with a cross on top and stuff it with a vegetable mixture, lightly tamping. Now we will prepare sterile jars and put several sprigs of dill, parsley and peppercorns in each at the bottom. Lay the stuffed tomatoes on top.

Let's prepare the marinade, first boil water with sugar and salt, at the end add vinegar. Pour jars with boiling brew and immediately roll up. We let it cool down slowly, under a blanket, then lower it into the cellar.

Korean green tomatoes - a classic recipe

For the classic recipe, I take small tomatoes, not necessarily green, you can brown. They should all be the same size, then they will be equally saturated with marinade and cook quickly.

We take:

  • Two kilos of tomatoes
  • Four large thick-walled sweet peppers
  • Two large heads of garlic
  • bunch of cilantro
  • bunch of dill
  • For the marinade
  • One hundred grams of 6% vinegar
  • One hundred grams of refined sunflower oil
  • One hundred grams of granulated sugar
  • Two large heaping spoons of salt

Cooking process:

We remove the seeds from the pepper, peel the heads of garlic. We scroll everything through a meat grinder. Finely chop the greens with a knife. Mix chopped vegetables in a bowl.

Cut the tomatoes in half and lay in layers, alternately with chopped vegetables in a jar or pan. We make the marinade, stir well and pour into the tomatoes. It remains for eight hours to stand the dish in the refrigerator and serve as a delicious salad to the table.

Spicy green tomatoes for the winter with sterilization

Of course, with such a recipe it is worth tinkering. But you will get delicious Korean salad, which can be stored all winter anywhere.

We take:

  • Three kilos of medium-sized green tomatoes
  • Half a kilo of carrots
  • Three medium bulbs
  • Three heads of garlic
  • Kilo of sweet pepper
  • Two chili peppers
  • A glass of vegetable oil
  • glass of sugar
  • Half a glass of 9% vinegar
  • Three large spoons of regular salt
  • Three small spoons of seasoning for Korean carrots

Cooking process:

We remove the middle of the pepper with seeds and cut into thin strips. We rub the carrots on a Korean grater. We try to cut the onion as thin as possible, in half rings, garlic of your choice, pass through a press or chop into crumbs. Chop hot pepper very finely. We cut each tomato into eight parts, mix everything and add spices.

We put everything in a saucepan with a lid, pour oil with vinegar, also add sugar and salt, mix and leave to brew for half an hour.

While we prepare jars, half a liter and a liter. They need to be sterilized and dried. Put vegetables in them. Place in a saucepan and fill shoulder-high with water. We just cover the lids. Sterilize on low heat half a liter fifteen minutes, twenty liter. After immediately roll up and let cool.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter without sterilization

To cook tomatoes without sterilization, you need to carefully prepare the jars and follow the entire recipe so that our jars do not explode in the middle of winter.

We take:

  • A kilo of medium-sized brown tomatoes
  • two cloves of garlic
  • Litere of water
  • Small spoonful of vegetable oil
  • Two large spoons of regular salt
  • Large spoonful of 95% vinegar
  • Large spoonful of ground red pepper

Cooking process:

Finely chop the garlic with a knife, cut the tomatoes in half so that the halves do not fall apart. Grease one with pepper, the other with garlic, put together.

We take a sterile jar, on the bottom of which we pour oil and put tomatoes on top, we try to make it denser.

We cook the brine with salt and pour boiling into jars, immediately roll up the lids and let cool.

Korean Green Tomatoes - Video Recipe

Step 1: prepare the parsley.

In fact, for the preparation of such tomatoes it is not necessary to use greens, except for the smell. I usually add literally half a small bunch. So, to begin with, we wash the parsley under running water, shake off excess liquid and put it on a cutting board. Using a knife, finely chop the greens and then pour into a free saucer. Let it stay aside for now.

Step 2: Prepare Green Tomatoes.

Wash the green tomatoes well under running warm water and lay them on a cutting board. Using a knife, we clean the vegetables from the stalk and then cut in half. Cut each part into small slices and then transfer to a small bowl.

Step 3: Prepare the garlic.

We spread the garlic on a cutting board and, using the edge of a knife, lightly press down. Then, with clean hands, remove the husk and rinse under running water.

We return the cloves back to a flat surface and finely chop into pieces. Pour the chopped garlic into a clean saucer.

Step 4: prepare the bell pepper.

Rinse the bell pepper well under running warm water and lay it on a cutting board. Using a knife, we clean the vegetable from the tail and seeds. Now we cut the component into thin strips or small cubes. The taste of this dish will not change, so chop the pepper as it suits you. Now pour it into a clean plate and proceed to the preparation of the container.

Step 5: prepare jars with lids.

Using a kitchen sponge and a special dish detergent, thoroughly rinse the jars with lids under running warm water. We do this until the glass begins to creak if you run wet hands over it. Immediately after, we put the container upside down on a kitchen towel, with which we cover the kitchen table in advance, and leave it alone for a while.

Step 6: Cook Korean Green Tomatoes.

In a large bowl, put ingredients such as green tomato slices, chopped bell pepper, garlic, finely chopped parsley, and sprinkle them with salt, sugar, ground red pepper if desired, and pour over with vinegar and vegetable oil. Using a tablespoon or clean hands, mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Now we shift vegetable mix in half-liter jars and tightly close with metal lids. Put the dish in the refrigerator for 8 hours. Everything, Korean-style green tomatoes are ready!

Step 7: Serve Korean Green Tomatoes.

After 8 hours, Korean-style tomatoes are ready! Therefore, we take them out of the refrigerator, open the jar, and with the help of a tablespoon we transfer its contents into a deep bowl. We serve the dish to the dinner table as an appetizer for such food as fried or baked potato, risotto, pilaf and all kinds of cereals with boiled and other meat. Very tasty and spicy!
Good appetite!

For cooking, we use special green tomatoes. So look, do not confuse them with underripe vegetables. Although you can always experiment;

Such an appetizer can be stored in the refrigerator for several months;

In order to make sure that the dish does not ferment or turn sour, you can additionally sterilize the jars with lids in the oven after washing under running warm water, microwave oven or in a pot of boiling water on the stove;

In addition to parsley, fresh dill can be added to tomatoes.

In autumn, when the first frosts occur at night, tomato bushes are often dotted with fruits that are no longer destined to ripen. How to deal with them? Throw away? No they are good for appetizing snack- green tomatoes in Korean, which can be enjoyed both immediately and prepared in the winter.

Vegetables that are milky (or slightly greener or riper) can become an ingredient savory dish in Korean, the main thing is to choose fruits of approximately the same size.


  • 750 g green tomatoes;
  • 38 ml of vinegar;
  • 38 ml non-aromatic oil;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 5 medium sized cloves of garlic;
  • 2/3 fresh chili pepper or ground red pepper to taste

Step by step cooking algorithm:

  1. Tomatoes are first washed, wiped dry (there is no need for excess moisture), then they are chopped with identical thin slices, cutting out a dense and tasteless place where the stalk was connected to the fruit
  2. Put chopped vegetables in a container in which they can be easily stirred. Squeeze garlic cloves on top, cut into small pieces hot peppers
  3. Then salted, sprinkled with sugar, poured with oil and vinegar. Vegetables with spices are mixed and set aside for thirty minutes to allow the juice to stand out. Put them in a sterile glass container, add the juice that has stood out, and put them in the refrigerator. After a day, you can start tasting.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztYsg9YyBF4

Preservation recipe for the winter

To prolong the pleasure of eating fragrant unripe tomatoes in Korean can be extended until the snowy season. Preservation for the winter can be both with sterilization and without its use.

For the second option you will need:

  • 1500 g of green or brown tomatoes;
  • 500 g of bell pepper;
  • 270 g carrots;
  • 240 g turnip onions;
  • 1 small fruit of bitter red pepper;
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic;
  • 90 g sugar;
  • 45 g salt;
  • 125 ml of non-aromatic oil;
  • 14 g of a mixture of spices for carrots in Korean;
  • 125 ml table vinegar.


  1. Before starting cooking, it is necessary to carefully prepare the container for subsequent storage of preservation. Banks must be sterilized in any way possible and dried.
  2. The next stage is the preparation of vegetables: tomatoes are chopped into thin slices, sweet peppers - noodles, bitter - in small pieces, onions - in semicircles, carrots are passed through a special grater for the Korean version of cutting, and garlic is pressed through a press.
  3. In a bowl of a suitable size, combine the vegetables with the rest of the ingredients except vinegar. Stir the mixture and leave for 30-40 minutes so that it marinates well.
  4. Marinated vegetables from own juice boil for 10 minutes, covered with a lid, on a low flame so that the tomatoes do not turn into porridge. Next, pour in the vinegar and again let it boil for 2-3 minutes. The blank is rolled up in disinfected jars and left to cool completely under a warm blanket.

Spicy tomatoes with sterilization

The previous recipe has a slight drawback: due to inexperience, the hostess may miss the right moment and digest the vegetables. But if you cook a salad of green tomatoes with sterilization, then this will not happen even for a novice hostess.

For a spicy version of this snack, the proportions of its components will be as follows:

  • 3000 g green tomatoes;
  • 1500 g of sweet pepper;
  • 450 g carrots;
  • 290 g of onion;
  • 90-110 g of garlic;
  • 1 large or 2 small hot peppers;
  • 210 g sugar;
  • 245 ml non-aromatic oil;
  • 125 ml of vinegar;
  • 95 g of salt;
  • 14-21 g spices in Korean.

Preservation technology:

  1. Prepare the vegetables by chopping them in the manner indicated in the recipe above. Then we mix them with spices, oil, vinegar and salt with sugar.

In order for the salad to attract not only with its aroma, but also with a bright color palette, it is better to give preference to red bell pepper, with which the appetizer will be more beautiful.

  1. Let the salad stand room temperature about half an hour, so that the vegetables are marinated and the juice is released.
  2. Arrange the resulting salad in prepared half-liter jars, which are placed on the bottom of the pan covered with a towel. Fill the container with cold water so that it does not reach one or two fingers to the neck of the jar, and put on fire.
  3. As soon as the liquid in the pan boils, keep the jars covered with lids in the brew for a quarter of an hour, and then roll them up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCkc-02bebk

Instant Korean Green Tomatoes

To feast on fragrant Korean-style snacks, you usually need to be patient for several days, but this recipe is different in that the dish will be ready in a few hours.

The salad contains:

  • 100 g of medium-sized green tomatoes;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 100 g of onion;
  • 100 g of sweet pepper;
  • 30 g of garlic;
  • 50 g parsley;
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 125 ml of vinegar;
  • 5 g ground Korean spices.

Quick cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomatoes into slices, turn the onion, carrot and pepper into strips, finely chop the garlic and parsley with a knife.
  2. After that, sprinkle the vegetables with salt and sugar, pour over the vinegar and mix. Mix vegetable oil with Korean seasoning and ignite well on fire. Pour over hot oil and stir.
  3. Next, put the salad in a dry glass jar and remove for 4-10 hours in the refrigerator.

Cooking without cooking

Since the snack contains a sufficient amount of natural preservatives - table salt and vinegar, Korean-style salted green tomatoes can be stored in a cool cellar without sterilization and cooking for a long time.

For this recipe, you need to prepare:

  • 1000 g green tomatoes;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 100 g of sweet pepper;
  • 30 g of garlic;
  • 50 g of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro);
  • 1 pod of chili;
  • 1000 ml of water;
  • 50 ml of table vinegar;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • coriander seeds to taste.

We prepare as follows:

  1. We wash the tomatoes, dry them and cut them into thin semicircular plates. Separately chop the pulp of pepper and carrots with thin noodles, mix these vegetables with chopped herbs, garlic and chili.
  2. Put in dry jars, alternating layers of tomato plates and a mixture of other chopped ingredients.
  3. In a saucepan, combine salt, sugar, coriander seeds, pour them with water and stir, bring to a boil. Pour vinegar into the actively gurgling brine and after 2-3 minutes pour the prepared vegetables with the resulting mixture.
  4. Next, the jars are closed with sterilized iron lids, turned upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket and wait for them to cool completely.

With the addition of carrots

An orange root vegetable is present in almost all Korean-style snacks, so it is not surprising that green tomato salad is prepared with the addition of this vegetable. The ratio of immature tomatoes and orange root crops are different, but the latter should still be a little less:

  • 1100 g green tomatoes;
  • 220 g carrots;
  • 160 g of sweet pepper;
  • hot pepper to taste;
  • 48 g of garlic;
  • 55 g sugar;
  • 22 g salt;
  • 40 ml of wine vinegar;
  • 95 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 18 g coriander seeds.

The sequence of culinary processes:

  1. Chop unripe fruits into equal thin slices, add salt and set aside for a period of forty minutes to an hour. Then put it in a colander to drain the liquid that has escaped.
  2. Cut carrots and bell peppers into thin noodles, chop the garlic in a garlic press. Put these vegetables to the prepared tomatoes, sugar on top and pour over the vinegar.
  3. Mash the coriander seeds a little in a mortar, cut the hot pepper into thin rings. Pour these ingredients into well-calcined oil and sweat a little until aroma appears.
  4. After that, pour vegetables with oil, mix and leave the snack for 12 hours or overnight in the refrigerator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2rK9KN3kdg

Korean style stuffed green tomatoes

This winter preparation will surprise many, since not every housewife preserves green tomatoes stuffed with herbs, garlic and pepper. Nevertheless, absolutely all lovers of homemade pickles will like these tomatoes.

To taste Korean stuffed tomatoes in winter, you will need:

  • 7500 g green tomatoes;
  • 290 g carrots;
  • 310 g of sweet pepper;
  • 105 g of horseradish;
  • 45 g of garlic;
  • 7500 ml of water;
  • 225 g of salt;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 225 ml of vinegar;
  • dill, black peppercorns and bay leaf.

How to stuff:

  1. Twist the orange root vegetable, horseradish root, juicy pulp of sweet pepper and garlic cloves without peel together in a meat grinder with a fine grate, and the minced meat for the filling is ready.
  2. To the bottom of the washed sterile liter cans put dill greens, a few peppercorns and bay leaves. Next, cut each fruit in half a little short of the edge, fill the resulting gap with stuffing and carefully place the tomato in a jar. So repeat with everyone.
  3. Dissolve the crystals of sugar and salt in water, pour in the vinegar and boil the marinade, which then fills the voids between the stuffed vegetables in the jars. Then they are sterilized for five minutes after boiling water and rolled up with lids.

Green tomato salad - simple simple snack which can be very appetizing. Green tomatoes are wonderful combined with other vegetables and herbs. Salads from them can be prepared just for the table in season, or you can make blanks in stock.

Site site collected for you best recipes cooking salads from green tomatoes in Korean. The recipes are very simple and it does not take much time to prepare the dish. These can be prepared both for a regular table and rolled up for the winter. You can check out these recipes below.

Korean Tomato Salad - Classic Recipe


  • Green tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 8 cloves;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Hot pepper - 0.5–1 pc.;
  • Ground coriander - 2 tsp with a slide;
  • Coriander seeds - 2-3 pinches;
  • Vegetable oil - 7-8 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Parsley / coriander - 0.5-1 bunch.

General characteristics:

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes;
  • Servings: 3;

Cooking method:

  1. For cooking green tomatoes in Korean, prepare the ingredients according to the list. Cut or grate carrots into thin strips.
  2. Place the carrots in a bowl, add 0.5 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. Sahara. Then lightly knead the carrots with your hands so that they release the juice and become a little softer.
  3. Cut green tomatoes into thin slices. Add tomatoes to carrots and mix thoroughly.
  4. Make a "slide" of spices by adding another 0.5 tbsp to the vegetables. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar and 2 tsp. ground coriander. Add finely chopped garlic.
  5. For dressing: measure 8 tbsp. vegetable oil and heat over medium heat. Add chopped onion and sauté for a few minutes until golden brown.
  6. When the onion is browned, add the hot pepper cut into small pieces and a few pinches of coriander seeds. Saute everything together for a few more seconds until the peppers are browned and the coriander seeds begin to release their aroma.
  7. Pour boiling oil over the "slide" of spices. Add vinegar and herbs, and mix everything thoroughly. At this stage, it may seem that there is not enough marinade for so many vegetables, but the vegetables will give juice, and it will turn out just right.
  8. Set a light oppression and place the snack in the refrigerator for at least 10-12 hours, and even better - for a day.

Korean-style salted green tomato salad


  • Green tomatoes - 550 gr.
  • Carrot - 110 gr.
  • Hot pepper - to taste
  • Sweet pepper - 80 gr.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Coriander seeds - 1 tbsp

General characteristics:

  • Cooking time: 50 minutes;
  • Servings: 3;

Cooking method:

  1. Start cooking by preparing the tomatoes. Rinse tomatoes in cold water dry with a towel. Cut into two halves. Cut into thin half rings using a sharp knife.
  2. Put half rings of tomatoes in a deep bowl, sprinkling with salt. Leave in the kitchen for 50-60 minutes. Vegetables should release juice.
  3. In the meantime, prepare the rest of the vegetables. Peel the carrots, rinse, grate for Korean carrots. Rinse the sweet pepper, preferably red and with dense pulp. Remove seeds. Cut into strips.
  4. Take hot pepper to your taste, cut into small pieces. Peel the garlic. Grate on a fine grater or chop with a garlic press. Grind the coriander seeds lightly in a mortar.
  5. Place the tomatoes in a colander and leave for a while to drain excess liquid. In a suitable container, add tomatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, garlic. Add salt, sugar, vinegar. Stir.
  6. Heat oil in a frying pan. Add hot pepper and chopped coriander. Heat gently until fragrant.
  7. Pour hot fragrant oil over vegetables. Stir and send for 12 hours in the refrigerator. Korean-style green cooked tomatoes are ready.

Korean green tomato salad

This delicious salad it is prepared simply and quickly, but it is advisable to let it brew for a couple of hours or more in the refrigerator. The amount of chili and garlic can be adjusted to your liking.


  • 800 g green tomatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • bunch of parsley
  • 1 chili pepper
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 st. l. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds
  • 2 tbsp. l. rice vinegar
  • 4 tbsp. l. sesame oil

General characteristics:

  • Cooking time: 45 minutes;
  • Servings: 4;

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare salad ingredients. Rinse the tomatoes under running water. Rinse the carrots as well, then peel them.
  2. Cut the tomatoes into circles and put in a bowl, add salt and let stand for 30 minutes, then drain the liquid.
  3. Grate the carrots, finely chop the parsley, add everything to the tomatoes. Pour in vinegar and add sugar, mix.
  4. In a bowl, combine the coriander, chopped chili rings, crushed garlic and oil, remember everything with a little spoon. Add the mixture to the tomatoes, mix thoroughly and remove the salad to infuse in the refrigerator.

Korean green tomato salad

Korean green tomato salad recipe will appeal to all lovers of spicy oriental cuisine. Korean-style tomatoes go well with side dishes and various meat dishes.


  • green tomatoes - 650 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 5 teaspoons;
  • ground coriander, paprika - 0.5 tsp each;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • vinegar 9%, salt - 1 teaspoon each;
  • oil - 50 ml.

General characteristics:

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes;
  • Servings: 3;

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and dry them with paper towels. Green tomatoes are chopped into slices.
  2. Rinse the carrots under water, then grate, finely chop the garlic.
  3. Combine the ingredients, add vinegar, hot oil, knead and remove the Korean salad from green tomatoes in the cold for 12 hours.

Korean green tomatoes


  • 1 kg green tomato
  • 3 pieces pepper
  • 1 piece garlic
  • 1 st. l. salt
  • 50 grams sugar
  • 50 grams of vinegar
  • 50 grams vegetable oil
  • 1 piece chili pepper
  • spices to taste

General characteristics:

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes;
  • Servings: 5;

Cooking method:

  1. Wash green tomatoes and cut into slices. Cut sweet and bitter pepper into cubes, put to the tomatoes.
  2. Peel the garlic and finely chop. If desired, garlic can be passed through a garlic press.
  3. Add salt and sugar, mix well. We put spices for dishes in Korean, also good nutmeg, white pepper, a mixture of spices "hops-suneli". Add vinegar and vegetable oil.
  4. We mix the salad, cover with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

How to make green tomato salad


  • Green tomatoes - 4 kg
  • Sweet red pepper - 1 kg
  • Onion - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Salt - 0.5 cups
  • Carrot - 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil - 2 cups

General characteristics:

  • Cooking time: 35 minutes;
  • Servings: 8;

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse all vegetables thoroughly, peel carrots, onions and peppers, cut everything into strips.
  2. Tomatoes cut into rings or half rings. Transfer all chopped vegetables to a bowl and mix well.
  3. Add salt to the vegetables, mix well and cover the bowl with a clean tea towel. Leave the salad for 6 hours to infuse. After the allotted time, if necessary, you can drain the resulting juice.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the pan and let it boil. Pour boiling oil into salad, add sugar and mix well. Arrange the salad in pre-prepared clean jars. Sterilize the jars for 15-20 minutes, then immediately roll up the lids.

Korean-style tomatoes for the winter

Spicy, spicy appetizer with a clear Asian accent. It contains quite a lot variety of vegetables which makes it very useful and nutritious. Such a salad will delight with its taste in the cold season.


  • 5 kg. green tomatoes;
  • 2 pcs. carrots;
  • 3 pcs. horseradish;
  • 4 things. bell pepper;
  • black peppercorns;
  • 3 tooth garlic;
  • Dill;
  • Bay leaf.

General characteristics:

  • Cooking time: 120 minutes;
  • Servings: 6;

Cooking method:

  1. Peel horseradish, carrots and bell peppers. Grind vegetables sequentially with a meat grinder.
  2. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly. Classic recipe Korean tomato implies that each tomato must be carefully cut, without reaching the end.
  3. Inside the tomatoes, you need to put the previously prepared filling of pepper, carrots and horseradish. Sterilize jars.
  4. At the bottom of each of the jars, put a bay leaf, a little dill and a few peppercorns - all this will give the tomatoes a unique flavor.
  5. Arrange the stuffed green tomatoes tightly and very carefully on top of the seasonings.
  6. Next you need to prepare the marinade. To do this, boil 5 liters of water with 150 grams of salt and 2 cups of sugar. Add 150 ml of vinegar at the very end. Pour the prepared brine over the tomatoes in the jar.
  7. Sterilize for 5 minutes each jar after boiling water. Then you just have to roll them up with lids. Korean-style tomatoes are ready for the winter!


  • green tomato 1 kg
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • sweet pepper 1 pc.
  • garlic 2 cloves
  • sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • table vinegar 2 tbsp
  • coriander seeds 1 tsp
  • medium red chili pepper 1 pc.
  • odorless vegetable oil 6 tbsp. l.


For green tomatoes in Korean, wash all vegetables and chili peppers. Cut the green tomatoes in half and cut into half rings 5 ​​mm thick.

Transfer the tomatoes to a bowl, season with salt and leave on the counter for 1 hour. A lot of juice will stand out - do not worry and ruthlessly pour it out. To do this, discard the tomatoes on a sieve, and then return them to the bowl. Drain the juice until it runs out.

Grate carrots on a coarse grater or use, which is much more correct, a Korean carrot grater.

Bell pepper cut in half. Remove partitions and seeds. Cut the pulp into medium long strips.

Pass the garlic through a press.

Mix all vegetables together. Add sugar, vinegar and garlic. Stir.

For the signature Korean-style butter dressing, heat the coriander seeds in a hot, dry frying pan until fragrant. Don't burn the spice!

Place the coriander seeds in a mortar and grind them thoroughly.

Cut the chili pepper in half. Remove the partitions and with or without seeds, according to your desire, cut into thin half rings.

Heat the oil over medium heat in a small heavy-bottomed saucepan and heat the chili peppers, stirring, 1 to 2 minutes. Chili does not need to be fried. The pepper should wring out its aroma and flavor into the oil. At the very end, add coriander seeds, stir and remove from heat. The oil should boil.

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