Home Kashi Soup for a child 1 year old from fish. Cod for children. Recipe for a simple fish soup for children with semolina

Soup for a child 1 year old from fish. Cod for children. Recipe for a simple fish soup for children with semolina

At the word “ukha”, almost many people have in their heads a wonderful steaming dish with an appetizing aroma of fish just cooked on a fire. Toddlers, of course, are not yet familiar with such associations. But this is not a reason to deprive them of a delicious fish dish, you just need to modernize it a little for the children's kitchen.

This is how I solved this problem for myself. To prepare children's fish soup, I take about 500 g of pink salmon fillet. This fish is not very oily, but has excellent palatability. I also take 2-3 small potatoes, a couple of carrots, an onion. Also, instead of the usual cereal for an adult fish soup, I add a little rice to the soup. This cereal is very useful and pleasant for the child's body.

So, I put water for soup on the stove and almost immediately throw potatoes cut into small cubes into it, as I need it to boil well.

Then I scroll the fish in a meat grinder and roll meatballs from the minced meat.

When the water boils, I carefully throw them into the pan, also at this moment I fall asleep rice and finely chopped onions with carrots. I always pass these vegetables through a blender after cleaning. It turns out quickly and is quite small, which is good, since many children do not like large pieces of carrots in the soup.

The soup is salted, you can also add to taste and possibility ground pepper or other favorite seasonings.

After about twenty minutes, the soup is almost ready, so the total cooking time of the dish is 40-50 minutes. Of course, do not forget about the greens before serving. It turns out a very tender and tasty fish soup, which will be appreciated not only by children, but also by even the most picky eaters of adults.

List of similar recipes.

For healthy growth and full development of the baby, every young mother should introduce crumbs into the diet in a timely manner. necessary products. Gradually, the baby's menu becomes more diverse. Along with plant products, the intensively growing body of the crumbs should also receive animal proteins and fats. Fish is such an indispensable food for the child's body. It is important for a young mother to understand from how many months it is possible to give boiled fish to a baby and whether it is possible to give fish soup as a first test.

Fish - on the one hand, low-calorie, and on the other - incredibly nutritious and healthy. It contains amino acids that are involved in the work of the cardiovascular nervous system, in the regulation of metabolic processes. Seafood contains the vital minerals iron, magnesium, zinc, fluorine, calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamins A, D, E. This bouquet of nutrients has a beneficial effect on many systems and organs of the crumbs:

  • increases the protective properties of the body;
  • helps the cardiovascular system, supports blood clotting;
  • due to the large amount of Ca in the composition, it helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • affects the mental state of the child, improves the functioning of the brain;
  • maintains normal blood counts;
  • improves the condition of gums, tooth enamel, nails and hair;
  • supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • contributes to the normalization of weight.

When can

When it is possible to give fish products to children, the pediatrician decides individually. Long-term restrictions are associated with high allergenicity of fish and seafood. It is allowed to introduce dishes into the diet at 10 months in the form of grated mashed potatoes. If the child is prone to allergic reactions, acquaintance with fish occurs at 11-12 months or after a year. As already noted, these terms are recommended by the doctor based on the degree of individual tolerability of the product. In addition, by 8–9 months, the acidity of gastric juice increases in babies. This important indicator the readiness of the child's body to digest protein foods: meat and fish. Fish soup for a child begins to be given from 1 year of age. In this case, it is necessary to observe special rules for their preparation, even one year old child not prone to allergic manifestations.

Features of cooking fish soups for children of different ages

Each baby develops at its own pace. What is good for one child may be irreparably harmful to another child. There are certain features of culinary processing and norms for introducing certain varieties of fish into the diet for children.

At what age can you give fish soup to a child? What is the best fish to cook with? To avoid negative consequences and prevent the occurrence of an allergic reaction, it must be remembered that:

  • Fish should be introduced from a small portion, while observing the reaction of the baby. In the event of adverse manifestations, this product is excluded from the diet for a long period (about two to six months).
  • Gradually increase the portion. They start complementary foods with 1-2 grams for children up to a year and gradually bring them up to 40g.
  • You can give fish soup puree for children from 1 year old.
  • We exclude salt. Small children should not salt their food, since many foods contain enough salt for a small organism.
  • You should not introduce new dishes into the baby's menu 2 weeks before and after preventive vaccinations.
  • Fish soup for children or fish puree, soup with meatballs cooked in a slow cooker, a child under one year old should be given no more than 2-3 times a week.
  • Fried fish is strictly prohibited for children under 3 years of age, and smoked fish can only be consumed from the age of six. For children from one to three years old, it is better to cook fish dishes in a double boiler, slow cooker or bake and add to soup.
  • When preparing soup for a one-year-old child, it is necessary to abandon the fish broth. Thoroughly cleaned skinless fish ( filet is better) are cooked separately. The finished fish is crushed and added to the vegetable broth.
  • The preparation of soups on the broth is allowed no earlier than three years.
  • You can not use several varieties of fish.
  • River varieties of fish have a higher degree of allergenicity.

It is better to start the first fish acquaintance with boiled fish. Suitable for 9 month old baby lean varieties with fat content up to 4% (police, hake, pollock, perch). Up to a year boiled or steam fish injected in grated consistency or as fish soup puree for children. The ideal option is fish soup from pollock or cod, but not soup from canned fish. Do not load a fragile children's body with substances that will do more harm than good. Soup is not given to a child of 9 months due to the high allergenicity of fish products. After the child has met fish puree, you can offer crumbs meatballs or dishes from fish meatballs.

Cooking recommendations for children from one to two years

After a year, it is allowed to feed fish soups with an indicator of 4–8% ( sea ​​bass, catfish, carp, catfish). The diet of a child of the 2nd year is replenished with baked and fish stew, become more diverse and multi-component soups.

Cooking recommendations for children 2 to 3 years old

And after two years, the child's diet increases, and you can try fatty varieties, respectively, with 8-30% fat (mackerel, herring, pink salmon, sturgeon). By the age of three, you can introduce your baby to seafood.

simple recipes

Fish soup for a one-year-old child is a dish that saturates the baby well. Therefore, pediatricians often advise introducing fish soup with meatballs for children who are underweight. We recommend paying attention to such simple and affordable recipes.

Saury fish soup recipe.

Many adult lovers of fish stew can afford soups from canned saury. Babies can prepare its analogue from fresh fish, adapted to the characteristics of the child's body. This fragrant saury soup with rice can be fed to babies who have recently become acquainted with fish. For older children (2-3 years old), it can be diversified with greens, parsley root, celery.

  • 150 g saury fillet;
  • 1 st. l. rice
  • 1 potato;
  • 1⁄2 carrots;
  • 1/2 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. water.
  1. Fish fillet must be boiled, cooled, cut into pieces.
  2. At the same time, prepare a vegetable broth: boil the peeled vegetables, then remove from the resulting broth.
  3. Add prepared rice and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Add fish and chopped vegetables, boil for 3 minutes.
  5. Let's give the baby a try.

cod soup recipe

When preparing soup for a one-year-old child, you will need:

  • 150 g cod fillet;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • bulb - 1 pc. (small);
  • carrots - 1⁄4th part;
  • water - 2 glasses.
  1. Finely chop the cod and boil.
  2. We cook all vegetables separately.
  3. After all the ingredients are ready, add the cooked cod to the broth with vegetables.
  4. Toddlers who are not yet very good at chewing food, ready soup grind in a blender.
  5. It turns out a delicious fish cod soup-puree, which every baby from 1 year old will appreciate.

fish soup recipe for toddlers

This recipe for fish soup with millet is hearty and healthy. After all, hake meat helps to get rid of toxins, maintains blood sugar levels. But millet is more difficult to digest than other cereals. In addition, it contains fewer nutrients. Therefore, this recipe for hake fish soup with millet is best used for children over one year old.

  1. To do this, we take all the ingredients from the first recipe and millet.
  2. Boil the hake for 30 minutes along with finely chopped onions.
  3. We take out, and ready broth add vegetables from the fillet, and a little later, well-washed cereals.
  4. At the very end, before serving, add pieces of hake.

To taste, you can add a little salt and sprinkle with finely chopped dill. Also, for cooking, you can use any other cereal (rice, wheat, buckwheat, etc.). You can also prepare such a soup for a child from two years old in a slow cooker, adding vegetables, parsley root, etc.

When to give a child fish dishes and when it is safe to feed soup is decided by the pediatrician. Do not rush and neglect his recommendations, because fish is one of the most powerful allergens. Using the principles of cooking soup for children, you can please your baby with a delicious hearty and healthy first course.

The fish is introduced into the baby's diet at about 9-10 months (sometimes earlier). And somewhere after a year, it is already quite possible for a baby to cook fish soup, which is popularly called fish soup. But how to cook it? We offer several options for recipes in this article.

The fish is introduced into the baby's diet at about 9-10 months (sometimes earlier). And somewhere after a year, it is already quite possible for a baby to cook fish soup, which is popularly called fish soup. But how to cook it? We offer several options for recipes in this article.

Recipe one

To prepare such a fish soup, we need: 200 grams of fish, 1 potato, ½ onion, 1 bunch of parsley, 50 ml of milk. So, the fish needs to be cleaned and removed from the bones (but it’s better to take the fillet right away), then boil until tender. Strain the resulting broth, dip the chopped potatoes into it, cook for 10 minutes, then add chopped onions, cook for 10 minutes, now add milk, chopped fish and herbs, cook the fish soup for another 5-7 minutes, then cover with a lid and let it brew a little. Ear is ready!

Recipe two

How to cook fish soup for a child in other ways? Here's another recipe. For its preparation you will need: 100 grams of fish (perch or cod), 400 ml of water, 5 grams of onions, 1 slice of wheat bread, 5 grams of butter, ½ chicken egg. So, from the head and tail with onions, cook the ear, filter the broth. Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder along with wheat bread and an egg, make minced meat, sculpt meatballs out of it, start them to cook in the broth, at the end add butter. fish broth ready with meatballs.

Third recipe

And another recipe for fish soup with cereals. For its preparation you will need: 100 grams of fish, 10 grams of cereals (for example, millet or semolina), 1 potato, 1/3 carrot, 1/3 onion, 50 grams of turnip, 10 grams of sour cream, 400 ml of water, 1 bunch of dill, 5 grams of butter.

So, cook the fish with onions, then take out the fish, remove the bones and chop. We start the grits into the boiling pre-strained broth, cook for 10 minutes, now put the potatoes, then grated carrots, cook for about 10-15 minutes. At the end, add greens, chopped fish and butter, cook for another 5 minutes. Ready!

In such ways, an ear for a child can be prepared. But you can show your imagination and come up with something of your own - the baby will definitely like it!

Perhaps about the benefits fish dishes in the baby's diet everyone knows. Vitamins, trace elements and Omega-3 fatty acids must be included in the baby's diet after 11-12 months. It is at this age that it is necessary to start getting to know the crumbs with this useful product, which is perfectly digested and helps the active work of the digestive system.

It is worth recalling that fish must be introduced into the baby's usual dishes with great care. After all, fish is a fairly strong allergen, the reaction to which can be clearly manifested in a small child. Therefore, the first time you can add 1/5 teaspoon boiled fish in porridge or vegetables for the baby. Over time, the serving will be 50 g, but this process will take several weeks.

Closer to 14-16 months of a baby's life, you can cook for him tasty soup with cod, which, by the way, is the most the best fish for children and diet food.

To make soup you will need:

  • Cod - 100 g,
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs,
  • Onion - 1 small onion
  • Carrots - 1 medium piece,
  • Rice - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 1 l,
  • Greens, salt, bay leaf - optional, in very limited quantities.

Cooking cod soup for feeding

Wash the fish and boil it in a saucepan or steam for at least 20 minutes, depending on the size of the piece. Remove skin and bones from cod. Divide into pieces of approximately 50 g.

Peel the onion and boil in lightly salted water for 15 minutes. Then pull it out and throw it away.

Wash potatoes and carrots, peel and cut into small pieces. Add to onion broth and bring to a boil.
Rinse the rice and add it to the vegetables.

Cook until all ingredients are cooked through, about 15 minutes. The cooking time depends on the type of vegetables and the cooking utensils.

3-4 minutes before readiness, add fish and herbs to the soup.

Leave to stand for another 15 minutes.

Fish soup for feeding is ready!

Cod can be used as the first fish food. This product has many useful properties. From it you can cook soup, meatballs and other delicious food in a slow cooker or in the usual way - in a saucepan. How much to give a child fish, and what recipes to use - depends on many factors.

Cod is a marine fish that belongs to the cod family. The duration of her life can be 25 years. During this time, it reaches a huge size - about 1.8 m. Basically, fish are caught, the age of which is 3-10 years, and the weight is 0.3-4 kg. Its back is painted greenish and it has three dense fins. The abdomen is light, and there is a fleshy mustache on the chin.

Both tender meat and liver are eaten. Such fish are not adapted to long-term transportation. Therefore, it is frozen or salted. The liver reaches the end consumer in the form of canned food. To prepare cod for children up to a year and older, you can use any recipes where it needs to be boiled, baked, stewed in a slow cooker or in a regular saucepan.

nutritional value

Fillet like this sea ​​fish contains about 20% proteins (liver only 5%), and their digestibility is several times higher than in meat of animal origin. How many calories are in fish? Not more than 80 kcal, which allows it to be included in the diet. But keep in mind that cod liver contains a lot of fat. Its calorie content is about 613 kcal. Despite this, such a liver contains many vitamins (A, B, C, D), micro and macro elements (calcium, phosphorus, iron and others), unsaturated acids.

The fillet also has a unique composition:

    • vitamins - A, group B, C, H, E, PP;
    • minerals - potassium, phosphorus, zinc, fluorine and others;
    • unsaturated fatty acids;
    • ash;
    • cholesterol.

Cod - benefit and harm

Benefits of the product

If you regularly cook cutlets, soup from the fillet of such fish, boil or stew it in a slow cooker or in another way, you can achieve the following results:

The composition and calorie content of cod
    • it is possible to normalize weight, since this product contains a minimum amount of calories;
    • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
    • increased brain activity;
    • blood formation processes are activated;
    • improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair;
    • the heart muscle is strengthened;
    • prevent the development of rickets.

Contraindications for use

Any recipes that use fillets of such marine fish should be used with caution for children or adults who suffer from kidney or gallstones. No matter how many fish a sick person eats, their condition can worsen significantly.

It should also be borne in mind that this fillet can accumulate small amounts of mercury and arsenic. To prevent this, it is worth buying fish that was caught off the coast of Alaska.

Cod liver should be completely excluded from the diet of children, pregnant women and people with high blood pressure. It contains a lot of fat and preservatives, which have a negative effect on the body. The liver is recommended to be consumed in small quantities and only in the morning. It is worth buying canned food, which uses high-quality raw materials. How much they contain preservatives directly depends on their benefits.

Cod liver

From what age is this product given?

The best way cook cod for children - boil

Some cod recipes can be used for children up to a year old. How much to give fish for the first time depends on the child's tendency to allergies. If he tolerated other complementary foods well, it is recommended to start with 0.5 tsp. at 9-10 months. Children under one year old are given soup, steamed cutlets, boiled fillets. In the future, you can cook more complex dishes for your child - casseroles, mousses, pies.

For children up to a year, any fish is recommended to be pre-boiled, but in no case should they be fried. Daily rate for a child is about 50-70 g. In the diet of a baby up to a year, this product may be present no more than 2-3 times a week. If a child has a tendency to allergies, how much to give him fish - decide for yourself. Experts recommend limiting yourself to 1 serving per week.

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