Home Salads and appetizers Cook chocolate icing at home from cocoa. How to make chocolate icing from cocoa

Cook chocolate icing at home from cocoa. How to make chocolate icing from cocoa

Finished confectionery products are often inferior home baking- they can be amazingly tasty and tender, but it seems that something is still missing. Simply put, they do not include a bit of love that every housewife puts into her masterpiece, prepared with soul for dear people.

Finally (for the sake of completeness) the most best cake needs to be decorated. Cooking enthusiasts usually use several types of coating:

  • butter sweet cream - white or colored (one that is prepared on the basis of boiled condensed milk keeps its shape better);
  • whipped cream - it is quite possible to buy them in a store (they will look great on top fresh berries or pieces of canned fruit);
  • bright fruit jelly (fruit slices can also be added to it for beauty and taste);
  • cream fudge - it is boiled from milk and sugar, adding natural food colors for a bright color.

Any sweet tooth has its own preferences, but absolutely everyone will like a cake filled with a layer of chocolate. Moreover, mastering the preparation of a special glaze is extremely simple - the process takes just a few minutes and does not require the highest culinary skills.

Chocolate icing for the cake can be prepared in different ways, there are many different recipes for how to do it. The simplest option– Melt a bar of dark chocolate and mix with a small amount of butter. But it won't be quite natural product. It is better to make the glaze from cocoa powder. This will be discussed in the recipe.

Such a chocolate "watering" is quite simple and soon prepared, and the result exceeds expectations. The range of use of this product is very wide - not only cakes, but also all kinds of cookies, various cakes and muffins are covered with icing, desserts and sweets are prepared from it. It does not become hard in the refrigerator, slightly reaches for the knife even when it has cooled down, but it does not drain from confectionery. And if you put it in the freezer for a short time, you get great homemade chocolate.

The taste is ideally very rich. To do chocolate icing from cocoa, do not save on ingredients, all products must be of high quality ( butter, cocoa) - then the result will please you!


60 g butter 72% fat;
8 tablespoons of cow's milk;
3 tablespoons of cocoa powder;
3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.


Pour sugar into a small saucepan. Warm up the milk and add 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Add softened butter and cocoa powder.

We combine all the ingredients with a whisk, and then put on low heat. Thoroughly mix the resulting mass so that all components are combined into a whole. The butter should melt.

Add 3 more tablespoons of hot cow's milk and mix well again.

Is the frosting thick enough? Again, pour in 3 tablespoons of milk and bring the consistency to a uniform shiny structure, like liquid honey.

Now remove the saucepan from the stove and let the mixture cool to 30 degrees. If you dip the whisk into it and lift it up, the glaze will slowly drain in thick strips.

Pour the chocolate "watering" into a separate bowl and smear the cake, muffins or other confectionery. If the icing has had time to harden, and the beginning does not fit well on the cake, then it just needs to be warmed up a little again.

The oily texture allows you to evenly apply the consistency to the surface of any baked goods. The sheen of cocoa chocolate icing gives confectionery products an appetizing and aesthetic appearance. The rest is laid out in silicone molds, leave in the freezer until completely solidified and get delicious sweets.

Simple, fast and very delicious recipe cocoa chocolate icing will definitely help out when creating confectionery masterpieces! Bon Appetit!

Properly cooked glaze has an important plus - it solidifies perfectly and does not spread even if the confectionery product is out of the refrigerator for a long time. This is an excellent basis for applying all kinds of patterns and inscriptions, the main thing is that they can also withstand the existence of room temperature Otherwise, all beauty will be smeared.

I advise you to use the sugar-protein mass, it does not melt, but on the contrary, it dries up in the air, so the pattern will become stronger every hour. It will take for its preparation about a glass of powdered sugar, a teaspoon natural juice lemon and one egg(necessarily chilled). First, separate the protein and beat it with lemon, and then gently mix in the powder. With the help of a confectionery envelope, we apply the finished mass directly on the cake, on top of the icing.

Cakes, cakes, cookies and some varieties of buns are covered with icing. The surface of the products should be smooth, so cakes and cakes are first smeared with a thin layer of jam, which closes all the pores. The icing should be moderately thick, if it turns out to be too liquid, you need to add powdered sugar, add liquids to too thick icing.

Plain chocolate icing

The simplest glaze is made on the basis of sugar and water with the addition of cocoa.


  • Cocoa powder (2 tablespoons)
  • Sugar (half a glass)
  • Water (3 tablespoons)


Mix sugar with cocoa powder and add water. Mix well and put on fire. On a slow (very slow) fire, cook the glaze, stirring constantly. The sugar will dissolve first, then the syrup will begin to bubble. After the appearance of bubbles, cook the glaze for another minute and remove from heat. We give the glaze to cool down and thicken a lot: the hot one will be too liquid, the completely cooled one will sugar and harden.


For baby cake or custards in still warm chocolate icing sugar you can add a little butter and beat it with a mixer. This will soften the flavor of the frosting.

Chocolate glaze on sour cream

The most common recipe home cooking chocolate glaze. It turns out similar to real dark chocolate, has a specific sourness that dilutes the cloying sugar. Great for icing a cake.


  • Sour cream (100 g)
  • Sugar (3 tablespoons)


Mix sour cream, sugar and cocoa in a saucepan and brew over low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the icing boils, add the butter and continue to cook until the butter has melted. Then remove from heat, cool slightly and put into action: glaze the cake, pastries or cupcake.


The glaze cools quickly, and when cooled, it thickens strongly, but does not harden.

Chocolate glaze with starch

The original method of making chocolate icing without brewing. It does not require butter or sour cream, does not harden very quickly and can be applied to both hot and cold baked goods.


  • Potato starch(tablespoon)
  • Cocoa (3 tablespoons)
  • Powdered sugar (3 tablespoons)
  • Water (3 tablespoons)


Pour the sifted icing sugar, starch and cocoa into a bowl. Add strongly chilled water and mix well. That's all! Finished icing can cover pastries. By the way, the indicated amount of products is quite enough for icing, which can cover eight cupcakes (mini-cakes).

Shiny chocolate icing

Another recipe for "cold" glaze preparation. It turns out almost real chocolate, but also shiny.


  • Milk (half a glass)
  • Cocoa (3 tablespoons)
  • Butter (one and a half tablespoons)
  • Vanilla


Mix cocoa with powdered sugar and dilute with warm milk. We also put softened butter and a pinch of vanillin there. Grind until you get a shiny glaze.


The icing hardens quickly, so you need to do it after baking.

Professional chocolate icing

Of course, it is difficult to compete with professionals. But everything is in our hands. And if we know the recipe for a real professional chocolate icing, then why not try to cook this delicious, shiny and beautiful “shaving brush”.


  • Butter (tablespoon)
  • Condensed milk (tablespoon)
  • Cocoa powder (tablespoon)


As you can see, remembering the composition of this glaze is very easy: everything is one to one. And it turns out to be even easier to cook it. You need to melt the butter (the fatter the better), add condensed milk and cocoa to it. We mix everything, grind and cover our confectionery creations with the finished glaze.

Chocolate icing in the microwave

Love to cook in the microwave? Then this frosting recipe is just for you.


  • Butter (2 tablespoons)
  • Milk (3 tablespoons)
  • Cocoa powder (3 tablespoons)
  • Sugar (half a glass)
  • One third of a bar of dark chocolate


We heat the milk and dissolve the sugar in it. Mix cocoa with butter and add to milk. Then we put chocolate there and put everything in the microwave. After three or four minutes, take out, mix and use the finished icing for its intended purpose (to cover the cake, muffin or pastries).

Dark chocolate glaze

Perfect for the famous Sacher cake. Yes, and any other cakes can also be successfully covered with this icing. It also goes great with coconut flakes.


  • Bitter chocolate (2 bars)
  • Powdered sugar (half a cup)
  • Milk (2 tablespoons)


Break the chocolate into pieces and dissolve in a water bath. Mix milk with powdered sugar and add to melted chocolate. We put on fire and cook, stirring, until the icing turns into a thick paste.

Chocolate hazelnut glaze

How about chocolate, but only white? From it, you can also make unusual chocolate icing, for example, walnut.


  • Butter (one third of a pack)
  • Powdered sugar (half a cup)
  • White chocolate bar
  • Milk (teaspoon)
  • Nuts (any)
  • Vanilla


Take the butter out of the refrigerator and let it sit for a while to soften. We put the broken chocolate bar, butter in a saucepan and melt it all in a water bath. Then add milk, powdered sugar, nuts and vanilla. Mix and remove from fire. Glaze is ready.

lemon glaze

Ingredients for lemon icing: 200 gr icing sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, 2 tbsp. spoons hot water.

Grind the powdered sugar and sift through a sieve into a bowl, add lemon juice and hot water and grind with a wooden spoon until the glaze turns into a homogeneous shiny mass. The same goes for orange glaze.

Strawberry and raspberry frosting

Ingredients for strawberry and raspberry glaze: 200 g powdered sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of strawberry or raspberry juice, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of hot water.

Prepared in the same way as lemon glaze (see previous recipe).

berry glaze

Having prepared another confectionery masterpiece, we think about how to decorate it. And the answer is quite simple - Berry glaze. A versatile decoration that takes only 20 - 25 minutes to prepare and will delight you, not only with its appearance, aroma, but also amazingly rich taste. We present to your attention a unique and breathtakingly delicious - Berry Glaze!

Ingredients for making berry glaze:

For 300 grams of finished product:

  1. Powdered sugar - 200 grams
  2. Strawberries - 100 grams
  3. Pure distilled water - 1 - 2 tablespoons

Inventory for making berry glaze:

  1. Colander
  2. Blender
  3. Tablespoon
  4. Deep bowl - 2 pieces
  5. Kettle
  6. Plate
  7. Fine mesh sieve
  8. Wooden kitchen spatula
  9. Corolla
  10. Storage container
  11. Refrigerator

Preparation of berry glaze.

Step 1: prepare the berries

Peel the required amount of strawberries from the stalks, put in a colander and rinse under a small stream of cold running water. Then leave the berries in a colander for 10 - 15 minutes to drain excess liquid.

Step 2: chop the strawberries

Place the washed strawberries in a blender bowl and grind the berries to a mushy, homogeneous consistency without lumps, turning on the device at the highest speed. This process will take you no more than 2 - 3 minutes, or even less.

Step 3: Preparing the Powdered Sugar

Take the required amount of powdered sugar and sift it into a deep bowl using a fine mesh sieve. Turn the stove on to a high level, put a kettle on it with a small amount of clean distilled water and bring the liquid to a boil.

Step 4: Strawberry Puree

While the kettle boils, shake the sieve you used to sift the powdered sugar over the sink, thus getting rid of the excess sugar dust. Then set it on the surface of a deep bowl and place the strawberry mass in it. Using a wooden kitchen spatula, rub the strawberry mass through a sieve in order to get rid of the strawberry fibers inherent in all types of berries. As a result, you should be left with juice with a small amount of very crushed pulp.

Step 5: Combine strawberry mass and powdered sugar

Now add the right amount of boiled water to a bowl with sifted powdered sugar. Then start introducing strawberry juice in parts, mixing the dry ingredient with the liquid mass with a whisk. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency until you are sure that all the powdered sugar has completely dissolved in the strawberry juice, and the liquid mass has become slightly thick, viscous, homogeneous and shiny.

Step 6: Store the Berry Glaze

Berry glaze is best used immediately after preparation. But if you have a small amount of this fragrant mass left, you can put it in a clean, dry, preferably pre-sterilized glass jar and close it with a tight lid. Berry glaze can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days. If the glaze hardens too much in the refrigerator, it can be softened in a steam bath, using a double boiler, or simply by placing a jar of glaze under hot running water. After this time, it is better to get rid of this product, as the berries will begin to deteriorate, ferment and turn sour, which can lead to indigestion.

Step 7: Serve the Berry Glaze

Berry glaze is desirable to use immediately after preparation. This fragrant viscous mass is poured over donuts.

Decorate cookies and gingerbread.

Biscuit cakes.

Cookies and cupcakes.

They also prepare layers for amazing delicious cakes. An easy-to-make and versatile berry glaze that your whole family will love. Enjoy!

Berry frosting can be made with all kinds of juicy berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, cherries, currants, cranberries, just to name a few.

During the preparation of berry glaze, you can combine several types of berries at once, such as strawberries, blackberries and currants.

If you are using a berry that is too sweet, you can acidify the finished glaze with a little concentrated lemon juice.

You can give your frosting a nice vanilla flavor by adding vanillin to the finished product with the tip of a knife, but be careful with this ingredient, be aware that pure vanillin is bitter.

For the preparation of berry glaze, you can use both fresh and frozen berries.

Rum glaze

Ingredients for rum glaze: 200 g powdered sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of rum, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hot water.

Sift powdered sugar through a sieve into a bowl, pour hot water and rum and rub with a wooden spoon into shiny glaze. Rum glaze can also be prepared with rum essence. To do this, take 4 tbsp. tablespoons of hot water and 3-4 drops of rum essence.

coffee glaze

Ingredients for coffee glaze: 200 g of powdered sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of coffee extract (prepared from 1 tablespoon of coffee), 1 teaspoon of butter

Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve into a bowl, add the hot coffee extract and butter and grind with a wooden spoon into a shiny glaze.

Icing with cocoa

Ingredients for cocoa glaze: 200 g powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of hot milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, vanillin.

Sift powdered sugar and cocoa through a sieve into a bowl, add hot milk, softened butter and mix into a shiny glaze.

Chocolate glaze

Ingredients for chocolate icing: 100 g chocolate, 3 tbsp. spoons of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 100 g of powdered sugar.

Break the chocolate into pieces, add hot water and heat until the chocolate has melted. Then put the softened butter and powdered sugar and rub into a homogeneous glaze.

Protein glaze

Ingredients for protein glaze: 2 egg whites, 200 g of powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice.

Sift the icing sugar through a sieve into a bowl, add the whites and lemon juice and quickly, mix until the glaze forms. Egg glaze can be seasoned with rum, coffee extract, cocoa and other seasonings.

colored glaze

Ingredients for colored glaze: 200 g of powdered sugar, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of carrot, cherry, beetroot, spinach juice (1 1/2 tablespoons of lemon juice, used only in the preparation of beetroot, carrot and spinach glaze).

Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve into a bowl, add the juice and grind into a shiny glaze.

Creamy glaze

Ingredients for creamy glaze: 1 cup sugar, 1 cup 20% cream, 1 teaspoon butter, vanilla sugar.

Place the cream and sugar in a small saucepan and cook, stirring, for 10-15 minutes, until the icing thickens, add the butter, season with vanilla sugar and use immediately

Brown creamy glaze

Ingredients for brown buttercream frosting: 1 cup sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa, 1 cup of 20% cream, 1 teaspoon of butter, vanilla sugar.

Mix cocoa with sugar, add cream. Cook the mixture, stirring, in a small saucepan until the icing thickens, add the butter and season with vanilla sugar.

Little tricks

In order for your experiments with icing to be fruitful, heed the advice of experienced confectioners:

  1. 1 Icing on pastries should first be applied in a thin layer, and on top put a thicker layer.
  2. 2 It is better not to water the confectionery with very hot glaze - let it cool a little.
  3. 3To correctly determine the readiness of the brewed glaze, use the “finger method”: if the finger dipped into the glaze tolerates it, then it is ready for use.
  4. 4 Icing based on powdered sugar, prepared in a "cold" way, it is advisable to use immediately, as it quickly hardens.
  5. 5Hot icing should not be applied to butter cream. If this is necessary, then make a layer of jam between the cream and the icing, or simply sprinkle the cream with cocoa powder or powdered sugar.
  6. 6Chocolate glaze goes well with coconut flakes, vanilla, rum and cognac.

Such are the little tricks and such different recipes for making chocolate icing - haute couture confectionery. Let's join the high culinary fashion?


Mix the sifted icing sugar, protein, lemon juice. For orange frosting, add carrot juice, for purple, beetroot juice, for burgundy, cherry, and for green, spinach. Stir thoroughly so that the mass becomes homogeneous without lumps.

Surprise your guests with green icing. Finely crush the peeled pistachios. Add sugar, rose water and citric acid to the nuts. Cut off the spinach roots, wash it, dip it in boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes, without covering the pan with a lid. This will keep the green color better. Squeeze the spinach out of the water and rub through a sieve several times. Add the spinach puree to the nut mass and stir until smooth and thick.

The icing is chocolate, sugar. It covers the top of confectionery - cakes, Easter cakes, buns, gingerbread and cookies. It should be moderately thick and not very liquid.

A few tips for preparing and applying glaze to the finished product:

  • To make the surface of a cake or other product look even, it must be smeared thinly with jam, and then with icing, or first smeared with a thin layer of icing, and then thicker.
  • After preparing the glaze, let it cool slightly, and then apply it.
  • Hot icing should not be poured over the product with butter cream, but if necessary, then cover the cream with jam, sprinkle with cocoa or powdered sugar, and then apply the icing.
  • Chocolate glaze to taste is combined with cognac, rum, vanilla and coconut flakes.

How to make thick chocolate icing?

This icing tastes like bitter chocolate, thick, suitable for greasing the top of cakes.

For glaze you need:

  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 3 art. spoons of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter;
  • 3 art. spoons of cocoa powder.


  • Mix sour cream with sugar and cocoa, cook over low heat, stirring all the time, until it thickens, about 10 minutes.
  • Stir in the butter, let it dissolve, continue to knead until the icing acquires a glossy sheen.
  • Immediately grease the cake with icing, otherwise it will thicken as it cools.

How to make chocolate icing that does not require brewing?

This glaze does not harden for a long time, it can be applied to hot and cold cakes, buns and cookies.

For chocolate icing you need:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of potato starch;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of dry cocoa, water and powdered sugar.


  • Mix with cocoa powder and starch, pour in ice water and knead well. Glaze is ready.

How to make chocolate icing, which is used by professional confectioners?

For professional glaze you need:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of butter, condensed milk and cocoa powder.


  • We melt the butter, add cocoa and condensed milk to it, knead, and you can grease cakes, eclairs, pastries and buns.

How to make lemon icing?

Lemon glaze is suitable for greasing donuts, cookies, cakes, muffins and gingerbread.

For lemon glaze you need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and hot water;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.


  • Mix the juice with hot water, add powdered sugar and grind until the icing is shiny. You can grease fresh pastries.
  • You can also prepare berry glaze, but instead of lemon juice, you need to add mashed berries: strawberries, raspberries, black or red currants, cherries, cranberries.

How to make protein glaze for decorating Easter cakes?

For protein glaze you need:

  • 1 glass of powdered sugar;
  • 1 egg white;
  • lemon juice to your taste.


  • We mix the chilled protein and powdered sugar, grind until the mass turns white, adding a little lemon juice, taste it. The finished glaze should be shiny, glossy.
  • We apply icing on Easter cakes, and put in warm oven, or dry by spreading on the table.

How to make icing sugar with gelatin?

Glaze with gelatin does not crumble on the finished product, suitable for muffins, Easter cakes and buns.

For sugar icing you need:

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon a spoonful of instant gelatin;
  • 2 teaspoons spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 6 art. spoons of water.


  • Gelatin pour 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cold boiled water and let it swell for 5-10 minutes.
  • Pour the sugar with the remaining water, and cook the syrup, stirring until all the sugar has dissolved.
  • Add gelatin and stir until completely dissolved.
  • Beat with a mixer until whitened, 2-3 minutes.
  • We divide the glaze into 2 parts: one is white, the other is tinted in a different color (yellow, orange - with turmeric, carrot juice; pink, burgundy - beet juice; green - nettle or spinach juice; purple - red cabbage juice; brown - cocoa powder, instant coffee).
  • Coat the top of the cake with a brush white icing, and dripping drop by drop of a different color, and then with a toothpick we make stains resembling a marble pattern or stars.
  • This glaze hardens quickly (in 5 minutes).

Now we have learned how to prepare icing, which can be used to decorate cakes, muffins, buns and Easter cakes.

The fashion for fat cream roses is over. Now the love of confectioners - colored glaze for the cake. It can be transparent or opaque, all possible colors and different tastes, depending on the additives. It opens up huge scope for creativity. Do you want to surprise your guests with pastries, whose surface is covered with green icing in marble stains? Or mirror glaze, like on a cake in an expensive restaurant?

Unlike the mastic that has already become boring to many, which, of course, gives a lot of room for creativity, but few people like to eat it, the icing pleases not only the eyes, but also the taste buds. Most often it is used on mousse cakes to emphasize their perfect shape with a glossy sheen. It is usually based on chocolate, sugar or powdered sugar, which increases the calorie content of the dish, but sometimes you can risk a figure for a tempting piece, right?

How to make colored frosting

Decorating cakes with colored icing with streaks is very popular. “Flowing” drops fascinate us from photos on Instagram and blogs of culinary masters, and so we want to repeat this beauty!

Colored icing for smudges on a cake at home is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance. It can be of different colors. They are achieved by using food coloring or natural dyes to make the glaze bright. Glaze acquires color depending on the type and concentration of the additive. To make the glaze pink, it is made with a drop of red dye or cherry juice. Cakes with pink icing are often baked for wedding celebrations and decorated on top with white elements and figurines of the bride and groom. If the amount of cherry juice is increased, then the color will be burgundy. The beets will give a purple color. Purple icing for baking will look very unusual in combination with a pie or cookie.

Red icing will still require a dye or, if you agree to a softer tone, then cranberries, for example, will come in handy. But cakes with red icing will certainly attract all the sweet tooth in the room. The green icing for the cake will come out after adding the unexpected for confectionery ingredient- spinach juice. Orange glaze is prepared, as you might have guessed, if you add carrot juice. But to get yellow, blue to blue or other multi-colored glaze, you still have to use "chemistry", albeit safe. It is prepared even mother-of-pearl.

Multi-colored icing for cakes is prepared according to many recipes, although most often they are interested in how to make sweet sugar or chocolate icing. Chocolate icing (preparing on the basis of chocolate) can be both brown and colored as expected. Colored mirror glaze for cake is very popular - the product covered with it shines like polished.

A cake with colored icing with smudges always looks very elegant and interesting and will become a highlight holiday table. But you can still pick up bright sweets, fruits, sprinkles to decorate the cake.


Colored icing for smudges on the cake is prepared according to different recipes. In most cases, the ingredients include chocolate, milk or white, or cocoa. An almost indispensable element is sugar, without sugar syrup you will not get a mirror glaze. And dye. Often the icing is made only from syrup and dye.

The glaze may also contain butter, condensed or regular milk, cream, coffee, egg whites, lemon juice, and white wine. Of course, not all at the same time, but the variety of recipes gives a wide scope for creativity - the color, taste, density, and calorie content vary.

Cooking methods

There are many ways to make colored icing for a cake. Roughly they can be divided into two types: requiring heat treatment and not requiring. The latter are usually prepared with egg whites, and for the former, syrup is boiled.

Consider, for example, making Lemon Orange Mousse Cake. This dish is very sunny and is prepared without baking. Acts as a crust shortbread(400-450 grams) mixed with 120 grams of softened butter. We knead the “dough” to a more or less plastic mass, cover with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for a short time to cool. Then we lay it out on the bottom of a detachable form, evenly distributing it along the bottom and forming low sides. We send the base back to the refrigerator so that the oil freezes.

For mousse, take the juice of one lemon (70 ml) and two oranges (170 ml) and their finely grated zest (1 tablespoon), 200 grams of sugar and the yolks of six eggs, as well as 30 ml of orange liqueur, 2 teaspoons of gelatin and 360 ml high fat cream. Mix juice, zest, sugar and yolks in a saucepan and put on medium heat, stirring constantly until its contents thicken. Remove the mixture from heat and strain through a sieve, then add the liqueur and vanilla extract (1 teaspoon).

Soak gelatin in 60 ml of warm water. In parallel, whip the cream and combine them with a cream of yolks and citrus fruits. At this point, it's time to add the gelatin. Pour the mousse into the mold on top of the cake and refrigerate for several hours to solidify.

When the cake has hardened, you can start preparing the glaze. It will require the juice of one orange and about a glass of powdered sugar. We mix them - and the glaze is ready. You can add orange dye for a brighter color. We distribute it over the surface of the dessert, let it cool and serve the cake on the table.

Video of making colored glaze

When cooking the glaze, in no case should it be allowed to burn. Therefore, you can not be distracted even for a second and mix it intensively all the time. Otherwise, it may have a bitter aftertaste and the work will have to start over.

You don't have to buy chocolate for the icing - you can use cocoa instead. 100 grams of finished chocolate in the recipe will replace 50 grams of cocoa and 50 grams of butter or cream.

If the buttercream icing doesn't seem white enough, drop a little bit of blue dye into it - it will shade the yellowness, and you will get a snow-white decor.

Once you've covered the cake with frosting, don't forget to refrigerate it for at least three hours to set. And when you cut it, do not forget to heat the knife, otherwise the coating may crack.

What dyes can be used

As we wrote above, you can make icing with both “chemical” food colors and natural ones, from the juice of berries and vegetables. With food coloring, the color will turn out to be more “pure”, but using natural ones can calm you down, and you will fearlessly put a piece of cake on a child’s plate, even if the dessert is covered with green icing.

By the way, orange icing can be made from orange juice and not just add food coloring or carrot juice. To prepare the cocoa chocolate coating, mix with butter, sour cream and sugar.

You can make glaze in almost any color using one or another dye.

Basic recipe with glucose syrup

The recipe for colored icing for smudges on the cake is based on chocolate and glucose syrup.

  • 150 g chocolate (dark for brown icing, white - if you plan to use dyes);
  • 150 ml of glucose syrup;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml of condensed milk;
  • 12 g gelatin;
  • 135 ml of water (60 ml of water are left for soaking gelatin).

Soak the gelatin first. Glucose syrup and sugar bring to a boil and boil together for a while. We cool.

Pour gelatin, condensed milk, dye into the syrup and combine everything with chopped chocolate. Beat the mass with a blender and make sure that bubbles do not form. To do this, we hold the blender only in one direction and slightly inclined or take a special nozzle.

We cool the whipped mass for several hours, after which we heat it in the microwave to 35 degrees and carefully pour it onto the surface of the cake, previously lined with cream on top and sides (great for light cream cheese). The icing for the cake itself should spread, it is not necessary to level it with anything. If you want to get drips, and not completely “glaze” the cake, then just pour a little slower and less to control the situation.

If you took White chocolate and did not use the dye, you get a white glossy glaze. And with dyes, you can even make a rainbow cake by dividing the syrup into several parts and coloring it in different colors, and then carefully covering the pastries with “enamel”.

What to do if there is no glucose syrup?

Glucose syrup can be prepared independently. Take two thirds (by weight) of glucose tablets or powder and one third of water and boil together until the glucose dissolves. Then add glycerin, pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator for up to several months. From 64 grams of glucose, 36 grams of water and 1 teaspoon of glycerin, 100 grams of glucose syrup comes out.

milk chocolate recipe

Perhaps the easiest way to make glaze from milk chocolate(and from any other). You will only need a bar (100 grams) of chocolate without additives (it is better to take quality product- cheap can curl up) and five tablespoons of milk. Put the broken chocolate into a dry bowl, pour over milk and melt in a water bath, stirring regularly. Everything! You can apply the frosting as directed.

Creamy glaze

Creamy glaze does not harden to a solid state, so it is used both for cakes and for Easter cakes and even simple buns. Its original color is milky white, so it is very easy to color.

To prepare it, pour 2/3 cup of heavy cream into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of butter and heat over medium heat until the butter dissolves. Pour 3 cups of powdered sugar and a little vanillin into the cream, mix, remove from the burner and immediately beat with a mixer at high speed.

Wait until the icing has cooled to a warm state and apply it on the cake.

Recipe for icing with cocoa and cream

From cocoa and cream, a thick glaze with a rich taste is obtained.

Melt 30 grams of butter in 130 ml of cream. Add 90 grams of cocoa powder to a warm liquid. When it dissolves, gradually stir in two cups of powdered sugar. Before using, the glaze should be slightly cooled.

Chocolate icing can be decorated with additional colored crafts - powders, confectionery figurines or flowers.

The ideal coating for a mousse cake is a mirror glaze with invert syrup.

To get an invert syrup, 130 ml of water and 300 grams of sugar are heated in a thick-bottomed saucepan, bringing it to complete dissolution, and the liquid to a boil over low heat. Then add 1/3 teaspoon citric acid. Cooking time - another 25-35 minutes until thickened to the consistency of liquid honey, cool and store in the refrigerator in a glass jar.

For the glaze, we will take 150 ml of introvert syrup (can be replaced with glucose), 150 grams of sugar and 60 ml of water and bring the mixture to a boil. 150 grams of white grated chocolate mix with 100 ml of condensed milk and fill them with syrup. Add the soaked gelatin and the necessary dye. Now you need to gently beat everything with a blender so that bubbles do not form - with them the glaze will look less aesthetically pleasing.

Before applying the glaze must be heated to 33-25 degrees. Pour it in a circular motion from the center of the cake, without touching it with foreign objects, so as not to disturb the perfect gloss. After it begins to harden, you can install additional decorations on the surface of the cake.

honey frosting recipe

Original glaze recipe with honey and coconut milk. For him, we will take half a bar of dark chocolate, grate it and put it to heat in a water bath, after mixing it with 10-15 grams of cocoa, 35 ml coconut milk and 30 ml of honey, until everything is dissolved. In a hot, but not boiling mass, put 40 grams of butter and mix it until the mass is homogeneous.

This glaze is thick, we apply it on the cake, leveling it with a knife or a pastry spatula.

caramel icing

We soak 5 grams of gelatin, and dilute 10 grams of starch in 30 ml of water. In a saucepan with a thick bottom, standing on low heat, pour 100 grams of sugar and add 10 grams of lemon juice, prepare caramel.

As soon as the pan is removed from the stove, pour in 70 ml of water and 130 ml of heavy cream, stirring constantly. We put it on fire again, add a whisper of salt and starch, let it boil. When the mass has cooled to 50 degrees, stir in the gelatin and cool at room temperature.

vanilla icing

A very simple recipe for vanilla frosting. Melt 1 teaspoon of butter, add a glass of powdered sugar, 2 teaspoons of milk, a pinch of salt and a quarter teaspoon of vanilla extract. We whip everything.

lemon glaze

For 100 grams of powdered sugar, we take 3-4 teaspoons of lemon juice. We mix. Add more juice if needed. Sweet and sour glaze is ready.

orange glaze

Orange glaze is prepared in the same way. You can also add orange zest to it.

Covering cakes and pastries

To get a beautiful and evenly drenched cake, you need a special grill, on which it is installed when it is removed from the mold, and only after that they begin to pour the icing.

To make smudges, you need a glaze of two colors. For example, first, green icing is applied to the surface of the dessert, it is given time to “grab”, and then a small amount of pink icing is poured onto the “top” of the cake so that it flows over the edges. It is advisable to cool it a little in advance so that it becomes more viscous and flows more slowly - there the smudges will be more pronounced and picturesque.

To make the cake even more delicious and beautiful, many people use icing. And how to cook it? Here are some proven recipes and useful tips for you.

What ingredients can be used to make frosting?

So, what ingredients can be included in the glaze?

  • . This is perhaps the most the best way. But it is better to use high quality chocolate, and not confectionery bars.
  • If there is no chocolate at hand, then cocoa powder will do, it can also be a good base for icing.
  • Glaze can be not only chocolate, it can also be prepared from egg whites, nuts, cream or powdered sugar.
  • In order for the glaze to be thick and easy to spread on the surface, a thickening component should be added to it. Usually butter performs the function of thickening. Some use sour cream, but it must certainly be oily.
  • Sugar is worth adding if you are using dark chocolate or natural cocoa powder.
  • To make the glaze acquire a unique and unusual taste, use flavoring products. Suitable coffee, vanillin, rum, cognac, coconut flakes, nuts or something else.


How to prepare icing correctly? Every hostess has her own tricks. We offer several recipes.

Recipe one

You can make a soft icing. For this you will need:

  • 150 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon cold water;
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice (you can also use the juice of other fruits or berries).

Cooking method:

  1. Pour all the powdered sugar into a bowl.
  2. Now add lemon juice little by little and mix well.
  3. Then start gradually adding cold water and continue mixing.
  4. As a result, you should get a glaze that has the consistency of not too thick sour cream.

Recipe two

Delicious vanilla-cream glaze. You will need:

  • half a glass of heavy cream;
  • 2 cups of powdered sugar;
  • 10 grams of butter;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cream into a heavy bottomed saucepan.
  2. Put the pot on a slow fire.
  3. When the cream is hot, add the powdered sugar and vanilla.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat, add softened butter to the mixture, beat the whole composition with a mixer until smooth. Ready!

Recipe three

You can make delicious frosting with chocolate and cream. Here's what you'll need:

  • 125 grams of chocolate;
  • 50 grams of heavy cream (if desired, they can be replaced with sour cream);
  • 30 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare two containers (one larger, one smaller) for the water bath. Pour water into a large container, put it on fire. When the water heats up, place a smaller container in it, putting chocolate and butter in it.
  2. When the chocolate and butter are melted, add the cream.
  3. Mix everything until smooth. Ready!

Recipe Four

A simple and delicious glaze can be made from cocoa and sugar. List of ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 3 tablespoons of water;
  • ½ cup sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. First, mix sugar and cocoa.
  2. Now add water and mix well.
  3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat.
  4. The sugar should dissolve completely, and after that the icing will begin to bubble. After this point, keep the composition on fire for another minute, then remove the container from the stove.

Recipe five

For the cake, a light protein glaze is also suitable. Here's what you need to prepare it:

  • ½ cup of water;
  • ½ cup sugar;
  • 1 egg white.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix water with sugar and pour into a saucepan or saucepan, put it on the stove, reducing the heat to a minimum.
  2. Boil the composition until it thickens (but it should not be too thick).
  3. Now separate the protein from the yolk and beat it until foam forms.
  4. Continuing to beat the protein, start pouring in the syrup. As a result, you should get a fairly strong foam.

Recipe six

Delicious and unusual coffee icing is obtained. Here's what you need to prepare it:

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • ¼ cup of strong coffee (this amount of water will require 2-4 teaspoons of instant coffee);
  • 50 grams of butter.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring coffee to a boil, add sugar.
  2. Boil the mixture until it thickens slightly.
  3. Now cool the composition a little and add softened (not melted) butter to it. Mix everything well.

Recipe seven

You can make chocolate icing based on condensed milk. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 4 tablespoons of condensed milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Melt the butter in a water bath and dissolve the cocoa in it.
  2. Add condensed milk, mix everything well.
  3. Hold the mass in a water bath for a little more, then remove.

Recipe eight

Prepare delicious chocolate icing with nuts and cognac. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 bar of chocolate;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 1 tablespoon brandy;
  • 30 grams of nuts (almonds or peanuts).

Cooking method:

  1. First, prepare the nuts. They need to be cleaned, roasted and crushed. For grinding, you can use a coffee grinder or blender.
  2. Now get on with the frosting. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, combine with cream and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add walnut powder (or crumbs, everything will depend on the degree of grinding) and cognac to the resulting composition, mix everything thoroughly again.
  4. Ready!

Useful tips for real housewives:

  1. If you are using a hot frosting, let it cool down a little first to thicken it up a bit, then use it. This will make the application process easier.
  2. Unheated sugar-based icing is best used immediately and as soon as possible, it thickens very quickly.
  3. First, apply a thin layer of icing to the surface of the cake, and then apply another (after the first has dried).
  4. It is better not to apply hot icing on buttercream. If this is necessary and suggested by the recipe, then make a layer of powdered sugar, cocoa powder or jam between the icing and cream.

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