Home Soups The danger of salting red caviar at home. How to pickle red caviar at home. How to pickle pink salmon caviar for long-term storage

The danger of salting red caviar at home. How to pickle red caviar at home. How to pickle pink salmon caviar for long-term storage

Making caviar at home is not only an opportunity to delight your family with a tasty and nutritious product, but also a great one!

What does it take to do 3(!) kilograms black granular caviar?

  • food gelatin (190 gr)
  • Milk (1.5 liters, boil)
  • Salt (100 gr.)
  • Herring "Ivasi" (1.5 kg)
  • herring brine (1.5 kg).

On average, this is about 100-150 rubles per kilogram, depending on the region in which you live. And now calculate how many times the cost is lower than the prices for natural caviar.

Do not worry - not every connoisseur will determine that he has artificial "fish eggs", on palatability caviar is almost indistinguishable.

We will need a special device that will turn the above products into granules. Its production technology is quite simple.

We take glass wind tube(can be found from a fluorescent lamp), you need to install it in a vertical position.

The lower end of the tube is hermetically connected to the neck of a 3-liter jar. Do not forget about the drain hole: it is made at the very top, in the wall of the tube. A large syringe with a needle diameter of 0.4 mm is also useful.

The productivity of this installation is not less than 3.0 kg/h caviar granules with a diameter of 1-3 mm. Anyone can work on this device, everything is quite simple. It can be installed in a mini-bar, cafe, snack bar.

Making your own caviar

Pour boiled gelatin cold water(750 ml). 40 minutes gelatin swells. Then pour all the milk into it and dissolve it all over low heat, stirring gradually. Filter and transfer to a syringe.

Pour cold vegetable oil into the tube of the device, a few centimeters should remain before the drain hole. The oil should be cool - no higher than 10 degrees.

Quickly inject the contents of the syringe into the tube. A jet of milk with gelatin with force, hitting the butter, forms balls with a diameter of 3 mm(the size of the granules is regulated by the injection force). The balls settle to the bottom of the can, while the oil is pushed into the drain hole. When the granules stop forming, you need to transfer them to a sieve and with a strong jet cold water knock off the oil film from the surface of the granules. The blank for black caviar is ready!

Tanning and coloring of granules

Place the "balls" in a saucepan, pour four liters of cold filtered tea ( 300 gr. black tea per 5 liters of water), tan for half an hour in this solution.

Then I wash everything, put it in a pan with a 0.1% solution of ferric chloride (or other food colorings). After you achieve a tedious coloring, rinse the caviar with cold water.

At the end, pour the granules with saline solution (0.5 liters of water and 4 tablespoons of salt). Leave for 10 minutes, then drain the solution. Transfer to a container and pour the flavoring solution (brine from Ivasi type herring) for 15 minutes. Transfer the granules to the herring emulsion (bring 1.5 kg of Iwashi type herring with a mixer to a homogeneous emulsion) and mix. Pour off excess emulsion after 10 minutes.

Caviar is ready. As you can see, we didn't even need it! The product is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, only lubricate the top layer vegetable oil so that it doesn't dry out. Bon Appetit!

And here is how you can make black caviar from seaweed:

Whatever diet lovers and fans of asceticism may say, caviar on the table is a sign of good taste, especially when the table is festive. But if black caviar is a symbol of a luxurious Russian feast, then red caviar is a sign of economic prosperity in the family. Meanwhile, even on prosperity, you can save a lot if you do some things yourself. For example, salt the same red caviar at home. Let's study.

How to choose red fish for salting caviar

Red caviar at home begins with choosing the right fish in the store. For our purposes, we need fish with red meat, from salmon, such as trout, salmon or pink salmon. We need a non-gutted carcass of a female of any size, in which there will definitely be caviar (and it will be in any, because such fish is caught only when it goes to spawn).

Distinguishing a female from a male is not a problem. The fact is that the female salmon ... is “more feminine”: she has a rounder outline, a more delicate and soft color and a short rounded head. No points and a predatory look (like a male). If you choose for the first time, following these instructions, try to do it yourself, and then consult with the seller. You will see that your opinions are likely to coincide.

How to pickle red caviar at home correctly

Since you bought frozen fish, thaw it. It is recommended to do this in a natural mode, that is, first transfer from the glacier (freezer) to the refrigerator, and then let it thaw at room temperature.

The process of salting caviar itself consists of two stages of action. First you need to clean the caviar from the film in which it is located, and then place it in a salt marinade, that is, salt it. Each stage has its own subtleties. Let's start with cleansing.

Cleansing caviar from ovaries

Caviar is in two film bags (oves) - you need to get rid of them. The work is painstaking, but necessary. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the caviar itself. (Unless there is another goal).

Carefully separate the caviar from the film with your hands.

Next, place the caviar in a bowl and fill with cold water. With a wooden stick, we begin to mix intensively in one direction. Periodically we take the stick out of the water and remove the remnants of the film, which are very well wound on a wooden skewer. Thus, we will clean the red caviar from the film with sufficient quality.

And now cover the colander with gauze, folded in half, and throw caviar on it. And let the liquid drain.
Next, we will move the caviar in a colander over dry gauze. Small particles of film and crushed eggs will stick to the fabric.

Cooking salt marinade - brine

For brine we need water, salt and sugar. How much water to take? I take so much that it completely covers the caviar, that is, about twice the volume of the caviar.

How much salt and sugar? For a glass of water - 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 teaspoons of sugar. This is if "according to science." The folk way of determining the correct salt concentration is also quite popular: in the amount of water that will be used in the preparation of the solution, place fresh egg. And start adding salt. As soon as the egg has surfaced, stop - there is enough salt for red caviar.

So let's get the marinade ready.. Pour salt and sugar into the water and boil. Then we cool the water a little, because we don’t need boiling water, but to “enough for a finger.”

Salt red caviar

Fill the caviar with brine and leave ... How long? I leave it for 20 minutes, because I need the caviar to stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 days (more is still impossible). If you intend to serve it to the table immediately, 7 minutes is enough.

We recline the caviar on gauze and let it dry. It can dry up to 2 hours. Then transfer to sterilized jars, greased olive oil. And put it in the fridge.
Caviar is ready for use in 3 hours.

My today's recipe can be safely placed under the heading "You can't forbid living beautifully")) Almost on any festive table you can see sandwiches with red caviar. Caviar is not a cheap delicacy, but if you learn how to properly pickle red caviar at home, you can significantly benefit from the price, taste, and appearance of this popular snack. In addition to caviar, you will pamper your family with red fish. I think I am not the only one who buys whole trout, and my experience will be useful to someone. Of course, before salting red caviar, you first need to purchase the right fish. Someone will buy it in a store or in the market, and someone may catch it himself. You need to buy not gutted or.

Of course, we need a female, and not a simple one, but with caviar. As a rule, these types of fish are caught in rivers during the spawning period, so almost all commercially available non-gutted trout (pink salmon) will either have caviar or milk. But in order not to believe in blind chance, you need to know how the female trout differs from the male. It is not difficult to determine this by the "appearance" of the fish. The female has a lighter color, soft and smooth outlines of the body. And the size of the fish is completely unimportant here. If the fish is frozen and you can't tell the color, looking at the head will also help you determine the sex of the fish. The female trout has a small, short, rounded head. In males, the head is elongated, pointed, and seems more predatory.

You can pickle caviar at home both from fresh (chilled) fish and from frozen. In the second case, it is necessary to defrost the fish gradually. From the freezer, first transfer it to the refrigerator for several hours, and then finish defrosting at room temperature.

So, the caviar taken out from the belly of the fish is in a special film - the ovary. My fish have two in each.

At the first stage, it is necessary to wash the caviar grains. I read that there are special sieves and other devices for washing caviar, but in their absence, I do everything manually.

The most difficult small work is to free all the eggs from the films without damaging them. To do this, pour a teaspoon of salt into a deep bowl and pour warm, almost hot water from the tap. Put the egg bags with caviar in water, move your fingers so that the caviar separates from the films. V hot water it happens faster.

Then I took some caviar in one palm, and with the other hand I removed all the films with which it was connected from the caviar. There are quite a lot of films, the work is small. But if this is not done, eating with the films will be completely tasteless, they will get stuck in the teeth, chew badly

I put the films taken out of the caviar on the edge of the bowl. When all the films are removed, the caviar should be washed with cold water and thrown into a colander.

Now we are preparing the brine in which the caviar will be salted. There are two ways of salting caviar: with one salt, and with salt and sugar.

We take a liter of boiled water, dissolve 60-70 grams of salt in it. If you do with sugar, then put half the sugar in the brine than salt. Dip the washed caviar into the cooled brine and leave for 15-20 minutes, depending on how salty the caviar you want to get. After 10 minutes, you can already taste for salt.

If you missed some films at the caviar cleaning stage, now you can shake the water with your hand, and the excess will float up.

After the time for salting, throw the caviar into a colander, let the water drain well, transfer the caviar into a glass jar, add 1-2 teaspoons of odorless vegetable oil. I got 278 grams of caviar from two fish. Not bad, right?))

The caviar is beautiful, even, grain to grain, looks much better than purchased, which sometimes comes across crumpled, saturated with dyes and chemicals. The only minus of caviar home cooking is a short shelf life. In many sources, I read that it can be stored for no more than 2-3 days. We ate in 6 days, there were no signs of spoilage.

Cook delicious delicacies yourself! Bon Appetit!!!

For the recipe for homemade red caviar, we thank Baibakova Oksana!

Fake red caviar (for decorating salads and cakes)

Hello! Who wants to eat caviar with spoons??? Literally in 1.5 hours you will do it.
Do not be afraid of writing a lot, but do everything quickly, easily.
Today we will (throw) make fake red caviar with you! (you can also black, if there is a black dye, then you can’t distinguish it from the real one at all)
Once upon a time, in my student years, red caviar was in short supply, you couldn’t find it, and my friend and I always prepared such caviar for decorating salads and just sandwiches for the New Year, we always had caviar in heaps, thereby surprising and enthralled students.
Years passed and they forgot about this home-made caviar, but cakes appeared - sandwiches, and just this caviar, only sweet, as well as possible, is suitable for decoration !!!

Syringe or syringe, new and reconditioned
vegetable oil
gelatin or (dry jelly or cake filling)
food coloring 2 parts yellow, 1 part red.

for sweet caviar:
citric acid or juice
for fish caviar:
fish broth
fish oil (optional)

Well, let's start throwing and conjuring cooking.
First, pour vegetable oil into a tall glass and place in the freezer for at least 50 minutes. (namely in the freezer, and not in the refrigerator, if the temperature is -18 and above, then 50-60 minutes is enough to cool, if it is below -18 ° C, then it is advisable to leave the oil for a longer time. The colder the oil, the better the eggs )
Preparing the jelly solution. For sweet caviar, we make a delicious sweet and sour solution. I advise you to make a more acidic solution.
For fish jelly we breed in fish broth with the addition of salt, pepper, seasoning for fish. It is better to make a slightly salty solution. You also need to drop a few drops of fish oil into the vegetable oil (optional).

Do not forget to tint 2 parts of yellow dye, 1 part of red.
In a glass of water, 2 drops of yellow, 1 drop of red dye.

The jelly solution must be concentrated, i.e. per glass of water 10 gr. gelatin. The taste should also be pronounced, because. When the gelatin solidifies, the taste is lost.

We proceed to (throwing) the preparation of our eggs.

We take out a glass of oil from the freezer, the oil should be super cold!!! It is important!!!
Cool the jelly solution slightly, collect it in a syringe (or syringe) and drip into the oil. DO NOT HURRY TO DRIP! because the drops will not have time to cool! Drops begin to slowly descend to the bottom, turning into eggs.
Then, when all the jelly is used up, put a glass of butter and caviar in the refrigerator for min. by 15. We take out the caviar, put everything on a sieve and wait for the oil to drain. Do not be alarmed if the eggs stick together, gently stir them with a spoon and they fly away from each other.
That's actually all! Did you think it would be difficult?

How to salt red caviar on your own, at home? There are several recipes for this.

The main rule is to accurately select the amount of salt. This is the case when quantity matters, so recommendations like “salt to taste” will not help in any way. Careful calculation and attention to detail - this is the secret of magnificent, fragrant home-salted red caviar.

There is a general principle on how to salt red caviar, and indeed any fish caviar (for example, carp, herring, peled and other species). To obtain a product with a typical taste of moderate saltiness, like in the market or in a store, the amount of salt should be about 7-8% by weight of the fish.

Thus, it is enough to take 40 g of salt per 500 g of caviar. If measured in tablespoons, it turns out 2 tablespoons of salt without a slide. At the same time, finely ground salt should be taken a little less than coarse. After all, small grains are denser, which means that the mass in the same volume increases.

However, there are lovers of both lightly salted and heavily salted foods. Therefore, it is useful to know about general principles salting based on the ratio of salt to the main product.

Thus, we measure the mass of salt for salting caviar using tablespoons and remember that:

  • about 20 g of salt is placed in 1 tablespoon without a slide;
  • in 1 tablespoon with a slide - 30 g of salt.

It is important to understand that the degree of salinity also depends on the duration of cooking. For example, even if you take a deliberately large amount of salt, but hold the caviar for only 1-2 hours, you will get a slightly salted product. It is completely safe for health, only you need to use it within 1-2 days.


Data are based on dry salting, i.e. without the participation of water. If you dilute the salt with water, it all depends on the volume of the liquid. The corresponding ratios are given below..

How to pickle red caviar: choose fish

This is another important point, because red caviar is almost always sold only in salted form. It is clear that it can only be found in representatives of salmon:

  • actual salmon;
  • salmon;
  • chum salmon;
  • pink salmon;
  • trout;
  • red salmon;
  • taimen and others.

The most convenient in terms of price / quality ratio are pink salmon and chum salmon. Therefore, it is clear that you need to buy uneviscerated fish and it is the female.

First of all, you should not pay attention to the size, because the male may simply not live to adulthood and get into the net, and the female may be quite large. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to more reliable signs - to appearance fishes.

Consider the most characteristic of them using the example of pink salmon:

  • Of course, it is best to choose chilled fish, because it is unlikely that anything can be seen on frozen fish due to the dense packaging and the layer of ice. However, even in this case, differences in the head are visible to the naked eye. In the male (from below), it is more elongated and sharp, with a predatory look; the female (above) is rounded and more accurate.

  • If you look closely and compare several specimens, you can see that the female pink salmon looks more nondescript. Its coloration (top) is not so pronounced, and the color transitions are smoother, softer. The male (pictured below) has a rich color and looks more attractive.
  • Thus, in general, male and female are compared according to the structural features of the head, since this is a more reliable sign.

How to pickle red caviar at home: preparing fish

So, and now about the recipes for salting caviar themselves. Salting red caviar is quite simple, but in terms of calories, this food is quite rich:

  1. Caviar is prepared within 3-12 hours.
  2. Calorie content per 100 g is approximately 245 kcal.

But since no one eats it every day anyway, sometimes it is quite possible to treat yourself to this luxurious dish. First of all, the caviar must be removed and processed. To do this, they act like this:

  • Gut the fish, carefully cutting through the abdomen from below with a sharp knife (no more than 1 cm deep). Then you need to expand the incision and cut open the fish's stomach completely.

Red caviar - salting at home
  • Next, you need to get the ovary - this is a natural shell in which the caviar is located.
  • The yastik is washed under water, and then the film is carefully removed by hand. You can also use a knife - then it is convenient to clean the yastyks in warm water.

  • The next step is to prepare the required amount of salt and get to work. There are several options for salting, the most simple and available recipes are discussed in the next section.

Ambassador of red caviar: a classic recipe

This is a dry technology that does not involve the participation of water.

Need Ingredients

  • red caviar - 500 g;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons without a slide.

Recipe (step by step)

Step 1. They gut the fish, take out and wash the yastik, remove the film.

Red caviar - dry salting at home

Step 2. A layer of salt (dense enough) is placed on the bottom of the pan, an even layer of eggs is placed, and a little sprinkled on top. In exactly the same way, several more layers are created.

Step 3. They put the product in the refrigerator, and after 3-4 hours salted red caviar is ready. And the product of medium salinity will be cooked in 10-12 hours (just put the caviar in the refrigerator for the night).

How to quickly and tasty pickle caviar in brine

You can also learn how to salt caviar in brine. This is very fast way which will only take 3 hours.

Need Ingredients

  • 500 g of red caviar;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (to taste)

We will act like this:

Step 1. First, we prepare the brine itself: bring 1 liter of water to boiling water, add salt and sugar, stir quickly and turn off the heat.

Step 2 While the brine is cooling, we process the fish, we get eggs.

Step 3 We shift the product into a completely cooled brine and leave it for literally 20 minutes.

Step 4 After that, simply drain the water through a colander and leave the eggs to lie down for another 3 hours (in the refrigerator).

Step 5 Then you can enjoy it wonderful dish- home-salted red caviar.

Salting caviar with vegetable oil - a simple recipe

Another recipe for salting red caviar at home involves the use of such products.


  • 500 g of caviar;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.

This caviar salting recipe is similar to dry salting.

We act like this:

Step 1. We put a thick layer of salt in the pan. We put peeled eggs on it.

Step 2 Sprinkle the caviar with salt and a pinch of sugar. Lubricate each layer with vegetable oil.

Step 3 We alternate layers of caviar, sprinkled with salt and sugar, and oil to the very top. We put it in the refrigerator for the night.

Step 4 After 12 hours the dish is ready.

Red caviar - salted with vegetable oil

How to salt red caviar royally - recipe

And now let's try to reproduce the recipe for real gourmets. Thanks to this exquisite salting, the caviar is very tender and pleasant to the taste. Here's what we'll need.

Products for salting

  • 500 g of caviar;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 3 tablespoons of cream with a fat content of 25-30%;
  • salt - 3 large spoons;
  • black pepper - 1 pinch;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon.

Salting red caviar according to this recipe involves the following steps.

How to salt caviar (step by step)

Step 1. We process fish, get eggs. Pour a layer of salt into a saucepan or other deep dish and put caviar on it.

Step 2 Finely chop the onion, you can even grate or chop with a blender.

Step 3 Place red onion, pepper and salt on top of the caviar. We make several layers in this way.

Step 4 Pour all the cream on top - after a while they will flow down and soak into the underlying layers.

Step 5 It is enough for the product to stand for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator - and you can enjoy the delicacy.

Well, for salting red caviar for the future, you can use the dry salting method (first recipe). It is necessary to put the eggs in a jar and pour them with vegetable oil on top in order to save the product from drying out in the future.

Then just tightly close the jar with a lid (as in the photo) and put it in the refrigerator. You can store caviar prepared in this way for 2-3 months.

Bon Appetit!

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