Home Kashi Goose cutlets. What to cook from goose minced meat. "Wedding Day" in a hurry, or Holiday with lasagna

Goose cutlets. What to cook from goose minced meat. "Wedding Day" in a hurry, or Holiday with lasagna

I want to offer a recipe for wonderful goose cutlets. For their preparation, I used a goose breast, which I did not remove the skin from, so the cutlets are more juicy and tasty. Cooking such cutlets is not difficult, and you can feed the whole family with them.

To prepare goose cutlets you will need:

goose meat - 500 g;

onion - 1 pc.;

garlic - 2 cloves;

potatoes - 1 pc.;

egg - 1 pc.;

salt, black ground pepper- taste;

semolina- 1 tbsp. l.;

slices of white bread - 2 pcs.;

milk - 150 ml;

water - 100-150 ml;

vegetable oil for frying.

Pass the peeled onions, carrots and potatoes through a meat grinder, add to the minced meat.

Soak the bread in milk for five minutes, then squeeze it a little and knead it with your hands or pass it through a meat grinder. Add soaked bread, salt, ground black pepper and an egg to the minced meat, add semolina. Mix the resulting minced meat thoroughly, then beat off and leave for 5-7 minutes so that the semolina swells.

Goose mince for cutlets is ready. With wet hands, form minced meat into round cutlets and put them in a pan heated with vegetable oil.

Fry the cutlets over medium heat on both sides until golden brown for 3-4 minutes on each side).

Bon Appetit!

Cabbage secrets Cauliflower will acquire a pleasant white color if milk is added to the water in which it is boiled (1/2 cup per 2 liters of water).

To get rid of insects that may be in cabbage and cauliflower, you need to hold the cabbage for 5-10 minutes before cooking in heavily salted water. Insects will float up and can be drained with water. You can also get rid of worms in fresh mushrooms.

To make fresh cabbage salad juicy (cabbage can be dense and tough in winter) and tasty, do not cut the cabbage, but rub it on a coarse grater, salt, pepper to taste, add lemon juice, season with unrefined vegetable oil. This salad is good to eat every day.

If you add a little milk or sour cream to the stew when cooking, it will be softer and tastier, as the bitter taste will disappear.

Should not be fried raw cabbage. When fried, it becomes dry and tasteless, so first it must be boiled or stewed in a pan with a little water. And only then add oil and fry.

Cabbage for the preparation of cabbage rolls should be dipped for 15 minutes in salted or acidified water, then cut out the stalk and cook for 5 minutes in boiling water. So the cabbage becomes softer, the leaves are easily separated and do not break when wrapping minced meat.

Vegetables and greens:

1. Greens and vegetables retain their color if a pinch of baking soda is added to the water in which they are boiled (about ½ teaspoon per 1 kg of vegetables).

2. Two lumps of sugar added to the water where any vegetables are boiled improves their taste.

3. Raw vegetables keep well for several days if kept in a wet cloth.

4. Fresh parsley and dill can be stored for several days even in the hottest weather, if you place the greens in enamel pan, tightly close the lid, and the greens and the pan should be dry.

5. Do not defrost frozen vegetables before cooking, but dip them directly into boiling water. So they will be tastier and better retain all the vitamins. The same should be done if the vegetables need to be stewed. They need to be put in a frying pan with heated oil, and then brought to readiness.

6. If you are going to fry the onion, roll it in flour. The onion will turn out golden, crispy and will not burn.

7. To mashed potatoes was lush, they put butter in it and, gradually adding hot milk, beat it.

8. When cutting vegetables, it is more convenient to use scissors. And the scissors will become sharp again if they cut sandpaper 2-3 times.

mushroom secrets:

1. Mushroom broth will be more flavorful if you use mushrooms of different sizes. Large mushrooms give the broth taste and color, and small mushrooms give aroma.

2. In borscht mushroom broth boiled chopped mushrooms are put together with vegetables.

3. To make borscht or soup with dried tastier, soaked and chopped dried mushrooms first you need to fry in vegetable oil, and then lower it into water.

4. mushroom caviar it will be sharper if you add a little lemon juice or vinegar to it.

bean secrets

So that the beans do not darken during cooking, you need to cook them in an open dish.

To improve the taste and nutritional qualities of the beans, it must be cooked as follows: after the water boils, it must be drained, pour the beans cold water and add vegetable oil (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

Beans should be cooked until they are completely soft, as undercooked beans contain toxic substances.

Peas and beans should be salted after they are completely soft, otherwise they will boil.

Cannot be soaked in hot water legumes, because the protein they contain coagulates.

To shorten the cooking time of beans, it is recommended to pre-soak them in cold water for 3-5 hours. When soaking water, they take 2 times more than beans. The water temperature during soaking should be no higher than 15 degrees, otherwise the beans may turn sour.

When cooking without soaking, a significant part of the bean grains loses its shape - it boils.

You can cook beans without soaking them in advance. To do this, the beans need to be poured into a saucepan, pour water and put on fire. When the beans cook a little (10-15 minutes), you need to make a sediment with cold water (pour it into the pan), about 100-150 ml. Do this 2-3 times and the beans will be ready soon.

Secrets of delicious soup:

1. To make the broth transparent, you need to add 2-3 pieces of thoroughly washed eggshells to it, boil for 10 minutes and remove it from the pan with a slotted spoon.

2. To cook faster meat soup, you need to cut the meat across the fibers in the form of large noodles or make meatballs from it.

3. Before filling the soup with an egg, you need to cool it a little, mix it with a pre-beaten egg and, removing the pan from the heat and stirring constantly, pour the resulting mixture into hot soup thin stream.

4. fresh tomatoes put in soup 10 minutes before cooking.

5. Instead of frying in soup, you can use this additive: finely chop the onion and grate the carrots. Place in a glass bowl microwave oven, add a little vegetable oil and simmer in the oven for 7-8 minutes. Add to soup at the end of cooking. The soup acquires a rich bright yellow color and an amazing aroma. And beautiful, and tasty, and good for the stomach!

6. The pickle should only be filled cucumber pickle or lemon juice.

7. Salting the sauce before dressing with tomato puree is not recommended, as the tomato itself can be salty.

8. When cooking any soup, make sure that after laying each next product, the broth boils again.

9. Borscht will be much tastier if you add 2 teaspoons of sugar to a 4-liter saucepan.

Meat secrets

The meat of an old bird will be softer and juicier if you hold the carcass in water with vinegar an hour before cooking. For the same purpose, you can rub the bird's carcass inside and out with lemon juice.

The meat of old animals is best used for soups, meat sauces, sauces, for all minced meat products - cutlets, rolls, casseroles and so on.

Usually cut into 10 parts: 2 legs, 2 thighs, 2 forearms and 2 breasts, cut in half.

Goose giblets can be used as a filling or as a base for gravy or broth.

High-fat poultry (geese, ducks) should be baked stuffed with apples, vegetables or cereals - this improves the consistency of the dish.

You should not salt the meat in advance, as it loses a lot of juice. Salt meat at the time of cooking or even at the very end. But when frying the meat, you need to slightly salt it so that the fat does not splatter.

When baking meat (beef or chicken) in the oven, you can add a little water to the baking sheet so that it only covers the bottom and prevents it from completely evaporating. The meat is very tender, and the juice can be used to pour over the side dish.

Lamb of low fatness or with a high content of connective tissue is more expedient to stew in vegetable oil with a lot of vegetables.

Secrets of cooking delicious meatballs:

1. To cook delicious juicy cutlets, you must first form flat cakes from minced meat, and then fold each cake into 4 layers, giving the appropriate shape, roll in breadcrumbs and put in a hot pan with the seam down. Then two cavities are formed inside the cutlets, in which the juice secreted by the meat during frying is collected.

2. And to cook unusual tender meatballs from the usual store minced meat, in addition to salt, pepper, garlic and herbs, add a couple of raw, grated potatoes and a few tablespoons of sour cream (mayonnaise or kefir) to the minced meat. Knead everything well to get minced meat of a thick consistency, it should be well molded. Put a piece of minced meat in a wet hand, make a cake, put a piece of frozen meat in the middle butter(about ½ teaspoon). You can also add some here if you like. boiled mushrooms or boiled chopped egg green onion. Wrap the cake tightly with an envelope, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Ready to put in a saucepan, add a little water, bay leaf and a couple of spoons of ketchup or mayonnaise. Put out on fire or in the oven.

3. You can add oatmeal flakes to the minced meat, but be sure fast food. It also works out well.

Fish and seafood

To determine if the fish you buy at the market is fresh, look at its eyes: in the air, transparent fish eyes quickly become cloudy. Also, look at the gills. They should be light red or dark pink. If their color is brown or grayish, then the fish has gone bad. And one more thing: the scales of fresh fish shine like varnished.

In order for squid meat to be soft, they need to be cooked, according to many housewives, for exactly 2 minutes.

When choosing crab sticks, take a good look at them. They should be even, smooth, appetizing. You don’t need to buy wrinkled and dried ones - most likely they were re-frozen, which you can’t do. If the crab sticks are too bright, they probably have too much dye. A good product should be easy to unfold and turn into a crab "mat".

Pelmeni is one of the most popular dishes of traditional Russian cuisine among both Russians and foreign tourists from all over the world. Nevertheless, in almost every cuisine of the world you can find a dish similar in recipe to dumplings familiar to Russians. KAYAK.ru found out where you can try the most delicious of them, and calculated the prices for round-trip tickets for these destinations. For the most delicious dumplings- to Siberia Siberian dumplings known for their unique taste. Their recipe...

Zrazy "Bird's milk"

Zrazy " bird's milk"Original cutlets that will replace ordinary cutlets :) Ingredients: Minced meat (beef here) - 300 g Hard cheese (grated) - 50 g Egg (1 hard-boiled - in the filling + 1 raw - in batter) - 2 pcs Butter - 1 tbsp Flour - 0.5 cup Milk - 1/3 cup Salt Black pepper Bread (white, in minced meat) - 1 slice Prepare the minced meat as for meatballs We mixed minced meat, soaked bread, salt and pepper to taste Now we prepare the filling for zrazy: boiled egg grate, add...

There is 1 kg of ground beef. I often do - hedgehogs, cutlets with the addition of cabbage, carrots, onions, zucchini, grated potatoes, separately and together. Apparently, it has already become homemade. Share recipes for something else delicious from minced meat. Thanks!


lazy cabbage rolls. It's almost like hedgehogs, only there is a lot of cabbage (I use it through a meat grinder), about the same as minced meat. Fry like hedgehogs and stew for half an hour in a sauce of tomato juice and sour cream (1:1) Delicious!

And if you’re completely lazy, then you can use this minced meat (cabbage, minced meat, onions, a little carrot, salt, parsley, pepper, a little ginger, turmeric, garlic, and anything else) on a baking sheet 4-5 cm thick, and half an hour in the oven for high temperature) is obtained like meat and vegetable bread.

I would have made a bolognese :) And with spaghetti, mmm :)

Minced meat cutlets: a recipe for delicious cutlets with a photo from Anita Tsoi

45-year-old singer Anita Tsoi is a very active and homely hostess, she often posts recipes for her favorite dishes on social networks. Anita recently shared a recipe for delicious meatballs. "Cooking for me is relaxation. Especially on weekends, when the whole family is gathered. I pamper my relatives with the right cutlets. 300 grams of minced veal, 1 head of onion, 1 zucchini, 1 raw egg, a pinch of cardamom, unfried sesame seeds. Cook for a couple . Tasty, nutritious, healthy!" The appetite of microblog readers...

Pumpkin with meat. Beautiful and delicious recipes.

Many housewives use pumpkins to prepare mostly sweet dishes (pies, pancakes, dessert cereals), in extreme cases - soups. But from it you can cook hearty main dishes, and not only vegetables. Pumpkin with meat - unusual for many, but very delicious combination. Pumpkin with minced meat To begin with, we offer to bake slices of pumpkin with minced meat. Preparing this dish is very simple, and the result is - you will lick your fingers. You will need such products (based on ...

How to cook fish burgers

There are dishes that are more than food - they are all life. Shuchi cutlets for me - one of them. For the first time I tried them at my mother-in-law's house - Alvina Andreevna Parfenova or, as we call her, Baba Ali. In the USSR, if you remember, there was a fish day unloved by the majority - Thursday. Fish in the cities was sold unimportant, frozen, they did not know how to cook it. And Gennady Viktorovich, my father-in-law, loved fishing, and there was always excellent fish in the house of Lenin's parents. It is infinitely a pity that Lena's father is no longer in ...

Pate recipes: how to bake meat in the oven for festive snack and for every day

Family dinner - quick: how to cook a casserole with minced meat or bacon

Diet meatballs in tomato sauce.

To cook meatballs in tomato sauce needed: 600 g ground beef; 1 egg; 1 small onion; 2 cloves of garlic; 1/2 cup grated hard cheese; 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped parsley; 1/3 cup white breadcrumbs; salt and black ground pepper - to taste; 3-4 medium tomatoes; 1 teaspoon of sugar; half a glass of water. Cooking step by step: Place Ground beef into a large bowl. Add finely chopped herbs to it. Peel and finely chop the garlic (or pass it through...

Garlic - 2-3 cloves greens (optional) ground pepper, broccoli salt, green beans(fresh or frozen), zucchini - 400 g All ingredients, except vegetables, beat with a blender (or chop the fillets and mix in everything else). With wet hands, form balls of minced meat and put them in a steamer basket. Put vegetables nearby (cut zucchini into cubes, disassemble broccoli into inflorescences). Cook in steam mode for 15 minutes. (Meatballs can also be microwaved: arrange them in one or two layers in a suitable dish and pour a little liquid on the bottom. Halfway through cooking, turn the meatballs over so that the tops are on the bottom. You may need to add liquid.) Liver soufflé with chickpeas If yours ...


Many children will not eat chicken soufflé and other hash. The point is that it can be cold cracked? It’s good when the child is born, my cold doesn’t eat: (In my opinion, the first dish can be called a “big chicken cutlet", and you will keep the second meatballs until the end of time in a mikre. You will have to try chicken with cottage cheese in half. From myself I want to suggest not to torment the roof, make ordinary chicken cutlets, freeze them - and steam them with vegetables "as needed." And in thermos maybe they are still unwashed :-)

Everything was great until I got to 2-3 tablespoons of brandy :-)

And the adults themselves will certainly appreciate the unusual sauces for our cuisine, popular in Jerusalem. Turkey cutlets with zucchini, green onions and cumin Cutlets are a portable dish. They can be a snack, taken straight from the refrigerator or packed in a lunch box, given to children or taken to work. Cream sauce the sumac served with these cutlets can be prepared ahead of time, even doubled and refrigerated. After a day, all the flavors in it will mix so much that, if you want to revive the sauce, add more sumac and lemon juice to it. For 4-6 servings (18 cutlets): 500 g minced turkey 1 large zucchini (200 g), grated on a coarse grater 40 g green onions in thin rings 1 small egg 2 tbsp. l. chopped mint 2 tbsp. l. on the...
...The creamy sumac sauce served with these patties can be prepared ahead of time, even doubled and refrigerated. After a day, all the flavors in it will mix so much that, if you want to revive the sauce, add more sumac and lemon juice to it. For 4-6 servings (18 cutlets): 500 g minced turkey 1 large zucchini (200 g), grated on a coarse grater 40 g green onions in thin rings 1 small egg 2 tbsp. l. chopped mint 2 tbsp. l. chopped cilantro 2 crushed garlic cloves 1 tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper 100 ml sunflower oil for frying Sour cream and sumac sauce: 100 g with...

New recipes for dinner: keftedes, meatballs, cordon bleu. How to cook fast and tasty


By latest recipe- "Moroccan lamb meatballs in tomato-eggplant sauce" dinner was prepared today. It turned out delicious, very simple, it took exactly 45 minutes from the moment they "got the products" to serving. We liked:)

I really liked the recipe for meatballs!))) I will definitely try to do it! Thank you for delicious recipes)))

For (2 servings):
Crab sticks- 200 g,
boiled eggs - 3 pcs.,
mustard - 1 tsp,
cottage cheese 0% - 50 g,
kefir 0% - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Eggs are boiled in "cool". Crab sticks, eggs and parsley finely cut, mix.
Then we make a dressing - we grind cottage cheese, mustard and a tablespoon (you can have a couple) of kefir in a bowl.
Dress up the salad and you're done! Very tasty and very satisfying.

Stuffed ground beef roll in Multe)

Girls, hello! I didn’t write something for a long time) Well, but everything was prepared in it for everything that we already know))) And then I saw an innovation on the Internet) And I realized THAT it is ours !!!) I bought ground beef - 1 kg. (but there was no usual homemade with pork). As usual, she prepared minced meat for me (onions, eggs, grated potatoes, salt, pepper). Then I boiled the rice until it was half cooked, overcooked the onions and carrots, and there was also a tomato) In general, any filling is possible) And mushrooms, and buckwheat, and vegetables ...

How to cook pate: minced meat, ham, veal, lard.


We tried this recipe! From the first time, of course, it didn’t turn out so well, but the second time my mother helped and everything worked out for us, as tasty as possible! And, for the first time, for some reason, the whole roll fell apart! But it still didn't affect the taste!

Beautiful photo! super recipe, it seems to me! I think you can cook it, and you need to try it!

The topic is again not culinary, but advisory - please do not endure. The child eats well everything with minced meat. What's new to do? In the course: meatballs in a slow cooker, hedgehogs in it, cutlets have been eating worse lately, although we do it with surprises - different fillings naval pasta dumplings - but I don’t know how, it’s my mother who comes to make :) a casserole with potatoes and corn is occasionally, it takes a lot of time for it, I would also eat lazy cabbage rolls with pleasure, but he doesn’t eat cabbage well. what else...

Girls, maybe someone knows the secret of cooking table cutlets and meatballs? Well, I don’t like homemade ones and I can’t find the recipe for those cherished ones .. (I remember such delicious meatballs were ... eh .. they were lighter than home ones and laid them out from baking sheets, which means they did something with them in the oven, but I don’t do that at home, maybe this is the secret? There were some special meatballs at school too .. Surely someone worked in canteens, please share the composition and cooking technology!


The recipe is simple! There was real meat in the Soviet canteens, and those who say that they threw and grinded the trimmings do not believe it, or they had a very bad canteen. The recipe for Soviet cutlets is as follows per kilogram of finished products:
1. the meat could be either beef, then with lard, or beef and pork. In the first case, 500 grams of beef and 100 grams of lard, in the second case, 300 grams of beef and 300 grams of pork. Everything was cut into pieces for a meat grinder. gray bread(better) soaked in milk, if there is no gray, then 200 grams of white, better than yesterday, crumb (the crusts were cut, dried and ground for breading) and one hundred grams of black soaked in 300 ml of milk (usually a glass of milk and half a glass of water were taken, and half a glass you understand .... Completely wet bread was squeezed out (milk was not poured out, but used further) and, together with meat and two small (one large) onions, were twice passed through a meat grinder. Two eggs were added to the resulting minced meat and the milk remaining after soaking was poured out. the mass was kneaded for a long time until a homogeneous mass was obtained to such an extent that it had just crossed the line of fluidity. That is, we take the minced meat in the right hand and squeeze it onto a dry table, if it spreads for a minute, we interfere more, if not, the minced meat is ready. The next stage is the formation cutlets An experienced cook, having gathered a handful of minced meat in his right hand and squeezing his palm, formed a cutlet weighing 100 grams, squeezing in the shape of a boat on his left palm, which then turning it over with a slight impact threw it into breadcrumbs, and another cook took a spatula and turned it over into a frying pan with sizzling butter, yes it was a combiner, otherwise margarine and frying for forty seconds on each side put them on a baking sheet, which was then filled for twenty minutes in an oven in which a temperature of 180 degrees was set Celsius. And half an hour later the bell rang and a crowd of children rushed into the dining room to taste the cutlets from our childhood. If they tell you that there was no meat in them, do not believe it. How much according to the norm is supposed to be so much. The control was strict, and the punishment was the most severe, so very rarely anyone cheated. The recipe was strictly observed and the cutlets were really tasty and at least not harmful, especially on a piece of black bread and with sweet tea for 1 kopeck. Eat for health.

12/25/2012 10:57:09 PM, from Eugene

So, has anyone else come across this problem?


I constantly cook almost without onions :) I don’t eat it.
but bolognese comes to mind, like pasta and lasagna :)

Thanks to those who responded! On the first advice that came, she made cutlets with potatoes for the child, ate, although she was picky. And then my daughter bought onions on her way home from work, I'm making a meat pie.

I made my own minced meat, beef and pork. But he was frozen. Kneaded as minced meat for cutlets with fried onions, bread soaked in milk, plus an egg, salt, rosemary. I put it in the oven, making layers of peas and hard-boiled eggs. 10 minutes before readiness sprinkled grated cheese on top. But it turned out DELICIOUS: (Hard, rough in texture, the taste is somehow unfinished and there is no golden crust on top. No, we will eat it, but I want it to be tasty too. Help me understand what I did wrong, please!


How long do you fry cutlets? Well, obviously not an hour, right? You just screwed everything up. I have meatloaf fry in the microwave for 20 minutes with a change in power and under the lid. The cheese had to be immediately sprinkled on top, so as not to let the juices evaporate and set the time for 15 minutes at such degrees.

You did not specify the most important thing - what you wanted to cook, as well as the temperature and baking time.

There is lamb mince. Please teach me what to cook with it for dinner. Thanks.


Kebab on skewers. Finely chop the onion, zira, salt, mix well, add minced meat. I also add finely chopped tomato - for goodness and juiciness. You form long patties on a skewer - and put them on a wire rack - and in a well-heated oven. Preparing quickly - no more than 20-25 minutes. Bottom baking pan is sure to be under the juice. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

pasties (for example)

and what else can be made from minced meat cv + gov, except for cutlets and lazy cabbage rolls, fed up, and not long to cook, tell me please

The diet of a nursing mother

"Wedding Day" in a hurry, or a Lasagna Feast.

And then another one arose: the seventh wedding anniversary! 7 - although it is a "non-circular", but beautiful and "magic" number: 7 notes, 7 colors of the rainbow, seven characters in children's fairy tales, in the family there are 7 "I" ... Two weeks before the planned holiday, I thought: what would to cook such an interesting and tasty dish, which hardly anyone else has tried, and even so as not to spend three hours on cooking that day ?! The answer came from my 6-year-old son, who, after watching his favorite movie with a charismatic fat and red American cat (like "our" cat Baton), purred under his breath: "Lasagna ... Now my life consists of sleep, TV and lasagna!" At the same time with...
..... Lasagna (from the Italian "lasagne" - "wide noodles") is such a multi-layered casserole, the layers of dough of which are prepared from the same dough as the noodles (as well as dumplings and, probably, Tatar kystyby, only it is cut not circles, but large rectangles). Dough sheets are boiled like noodles and then baked in the oven with stuffing of minced meat, mushrooms, fish, vegetables, goose liver or seafood. Modern lasagna is prepared, according to Wikipedia, from 6 layers of dough, with each layer of dough put chopped meat, mushrooms, vegetables, and on top - grated cheese and a few pieces of butter, then baked in the oven. In order not to get into trouble and draw some conclusions on cooking, I decided to try to make lasagna myself, completely, from...

There is a pair of ecologically clean low-fat pork and the same pair of fresh young beef. In large quantities. Need the most delicious recipe minced meat for: - meatballs to melt in your mouth - dumplings to have a tender and intense taste - meatballs to make the soup delicious. Today I will twist all the meat, tomorrow I will sculpt and freeze. These are my preparations for the winter, like the Siberians :-)


My first mother-in-law cooked fantastically delicious. In terry Soviet times you know how it was with the products and the quality is not very good. So she made cutlets in basins and ate them instantly. The main secret was in minced meat. Those. ready minced meat she picked it up and threw it hard on the cutting board. At least 40 times. This is to ensure that the minced meat is saturated with oxygen and is magnificent. The meatballs really melted in your mouth.

Forcemeat I scroll necessarily twice. I add a piece of butter to the cutlets when molding inside. When kneading a standard (with the addition of an egg) mixture for cutlets, I do not put bread, only 1-2 tbsp. spoons of flour. And if these are cutlets, then the main thing is not to overcook them, so that all the juice does not flow out, it is necessary that they are seized on both sides over moderately high heat and brought to readiness for a short time over low heat.
About the juiciness of minced meat, I read about the option of adding pumpkin to the minced meat, but did not try it.


cake can be made. closed. with a thick layer raw minced meat put in a zhukhovka - it gives juice inside and bakes, almost like a pate. add pepper or bacon, if desired, for spiciness. very tasty, in my opinion. eat better hot.

casserole (different), pancakes with minced meat, soup with meatballs, brushes (or hedgehogs) with rice and everything that has already been listed here - I won’t repeat myself. Here again: why did they add bread to the whole stuffing at once? but with him you can basically cook all this.

Girls advise what to cook from ground beef. I'm not a big expert in cooking - so something not very confusing, but DELICIOUS!!!


Add onion, undercooked rice, tomato, minced meat, salt, pepper and push it all into peppers. Put it all in a deep frying pan or a small saucepan. Then pour them with tomatoes and put on fire for half an hour.
Makes great stuffed peppers.

The goose is fattened for at least 20 weeks, after which its neck is folded, plucked and hung in a ventilated room for 3-4 days. This makes the meat more tender. Domestic geese are usually slaughtered at the age of 6-8 months, when they weigh from 3 to 6 kilograms. It should be borne in mind that goose bones are much heavier than duck or chicken - if you are cooking for guests, then count on at least 600 grams of raw poultry per serving. When buying a goose, choose a smaller carcass, with the lightest skin possible - it is the youngest. There is a lot of fat in the goose, so it is cooked longer than the rest of the bird (except for turkey), and at a higher temperature - 180-190 ° C. Best of all - whole in the oven. However, you will need to water...
... The heat of minced meat should be slightly less - 73 ° С. The first and, apparently, the last time I roasted a turkey in my youth, in the company of American students. The boys went to buy groceries - for dollars, at Stockmann, since the other nearby outlets selling turkeys were in Helsinki. They brought a monster of nine and a half kilograms. In an hour and a half, we made minced meat with jokes and jokes, stuffed it, sewed it up. And this creature did not fit into the oven. I had to lynch her, take out the minced meat and fry everything separately. It got terribly dry. They ate in silence, and the grinning ghost of Mr. Bean hovered over the heads of those present ... Although he was not even in the world then. A turkey can actually be delicious. To do this, the hostess must sacrifice herself and ...

There is another minced meat with a specific taste - from rabbit meat, we recommend mixing it with chicken. By the way, in order to get a good minced chicken, as well as for turkey, do not take the so-called white meat: it is too dry and does not give the desired consistency when crushed. As for other combinations, you can experiment here. For example, make minced squid without tentacles, and add a little pork to make it juicy. The main thing is not to mix meat with neutral and strong flavors. If you have prepared several types of minced meat, store each in a separate container at a temperature of +2 ... +4 ° C for no more than a day. Be sure to cover the containers with cling film to prevent contact with other products and the penetration of foreign odors. Remember that minced meat is not just with ...

Well, here I am with a stupid question :) Already everything that is possible - I have already made minced meat, but I want something new :) Meatballs, hedgehogs, meatballs, rolls :) lasagna (cannelone), dumplings, pasties, whites, kutabs, puffs, mashed potato casserole, pancakes, minced meat like a shawarma filling even :).. Pizza filling ...... Everything is tired :) Maybe someone else has unexplored (maybe national) recipes? There are a variety of minced meats - beef, mutton, pork .. No ideas :) Brain paralysis has come :)

Cutlets are delicious famous dish. You can cook them from any meat. Today I want to tell you how to make goose cutlets.

What is the difference? I'm telling.

To make goose meat cutlets juicy, fresh meat is often added to the minced meat. lard. In this recipe, it is not, instead we will use goose bumps. Don't worry that ready meal will be very oily. In fact, during frying, some of the fat will melt, and it will not be felt at all. But the cutlets will turn out juicy, soft and insanely tasty.

To prepare goose cutlets, prepare necessary set ingredients.

Wash the goose carcass under running water and pat dry. If there is any leftover feather, be sure to remove it. Using a sharp knife, separate the meat and skin from the bird's frame, cut them into medium pieces.

Together with onions, pass through a meat grinder.

Beat in the egg, add salt, ground black pepper and semolina.

Mix thoroughly and beat the minced meat on the bottom of the bowl. It should thicken and become viscous. Leave it on for 10 minutes room temperature. During this time, the semolina will swell, it will give our cutlets softness, but at the same time will not allow them to fall apart during frying.

Wet your hands in cold water and shape into patties. Their shape and size will depend only on your taste preferences. Send a frying pan with vegetable oil to the stove and heat it well. Lay out the blanks.

Fry the goose chops over medium heat until golden brown, about 4-5 minutes on both sides.

Very tasty, mouth-watering goose cutlets can be served on the table.

As a side dish, mashed potatoes, boiled rice or buckwheat, as well as fresh vegetables and herbs, are perfect. Bon Appetit!

Part 1. Goose cutlets. Cutlets from goose breasts.
Yes, sure, goose breasts you can wither, bake, but what delicious meatballs, meatballs and casseroles are obtained from goose breasts.
Details under the cut..


Goose - 4, 1 kg. Take apart. For cutlets, take the breast (2 cut-out halves of the breast in this case weighed about 900g), the remaining parts can be used for broth, cabbage soup, roasting (legs), can be placed in the freezer for storage, which was done.

GOOSE CUTLETS. Very tasty goose cutlets, one might say, ordinary cutlets that are cooked in the village. But because they have geese, real ones! )

Goose breasts (with the skin on the breasts) - about 500g. Wash, let drain with water, dry with a towel, pass through a meat grinder.

Onion - 300-400 g. Cut into small cubes. Smaller.

Dry White bread(without crust) - 100-150g. Cut into cubes and pour milk (about 100 ml of milk), i.e. soak, squeeze well before adding to minced meat (excess moisture is useless).

Yolk from 1 or 2 chicken eggs (it is possible without yolks, minced meat does not behave badly, but the authors of the post like it with one yolk).

Mix ground goose breasts, chopped onion, squeezed bread, egg yolk, salt to taste, pepper with black pepper.

Or you can put it in pots (250 ml in volume) lubricated with goose fat (in this case, the pots were not lubricated, because it does not burn in our pots) and bake in the oven at 200-220C for about 30 minutes (25-35 minutes, depending on the oven). closet..).

Goose on all sides, goose breasts in a tray, minced meat.

Minced meat, dry sliced ​​bread, bread filled with milk, onion for minced meat, minced meat with yolk..

Ready minced meat and pots with raw minced meat.

Ready goose cutlets.

Ready goose cutlets.

Recipe for "GOOSEN CASTLE IN A POT" and "CRANBERRY GRAY" in 2 PART. To be continued..

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