Home Drinks and cocktails The most delicious dish in France. French cuisine: main dishes from each region. Frog legs - des cuisses de grenouille

The most delicious dish in France. French cuisine: main dishes from each region. Frog legs - des cuisses de grenouille

french cuisine has long been a benchmark in the world of culinary arts. From the time of the First Republic (1792) and the era of the Napoleonic Wars that followed, it spread throughout Europe.

Classical French dishes are a kind of alphabet for every self-respecting chef. The ability to cook them correctly is tantamount to an excellent graduation from a prestigious culinary school. And for gourmets the best dishes French cuisine is a true feast of the soul and stomach.

Nicoise (Salade nicoise)

The main feature of most French fresh vegetable salads is a special vinaigrette dressing based on olive oil, Dijon mustard, fresh herbs (dill or chervil), capers and other seasonings. It has nothing to do with the usual vinaigrette for many.

A classic example of a salad popular in France is salade niçoise. It must contain fresh canned tuna and/or anchovies, fresh tomatoes and hard-boiled eggs. Potatoes, onions, garlic, olives and other ingredients can serve as a supplement. They are artistically laid out in beautiful dishes so that the salad can be “eaten with the eyes”, as the French themselves say in such cases. The same vinaigrette is used as a dressing.

The great chef Monsieur Escoffier, who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, was the first to suggest adding potatoes and green beans to Nicoise. According to many culinary specialists of that time, he committed blasphemy.

Niçoise is the culinary pride of Provence, and it owes its name to the beautiful Mediterranean resort of Nice. Many well-known chefs (Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay and others) can boast of author's versions of the salad with the addition of non-standard ingredients. Although, according to the ex-mayor of the resort town Jacques Medessen, the author of a well-known book about the cuisine of Nice, the original niçoise should not contain potatoes, boiled vegetables and rice, or green beans.

The cost of a serving of salad in French restaurants is on average 9-12 €.

Scallops Saint-Jacques (Coquilles Saint-Jacques)

There are a number of traditional French dishes. delicious snacks. All of them are united under the speaking name "entre" ("entrance") and are designed to whet the appetite.

What can you try in France from such an easy meal? Perhaps it is worth getting to know the exquisite seafood, among which one of the first places is occupied by the famous Saint-Jacques scallops. They are usually baked in original sauce under cheese and brought to the table in special portioned forms or in sea shells.

Other ways of cooking scallops are no less interesting: they can be tasted raw (carpaccio), stewed in beer, cider or calvados, grilled, as well as in soups, risotto and sauté. Another luxurious option is muslin (pâté) made from fresh or frozen scallops, a favorite snack of French President Francois Mitterrand.

A portion of coquilles Saint-Jacques in Paris restaurants costs about 15-25 €.

Onion Soup (Soupe à l'oignon)

The history of the appearance of this national dish in France is covered with numerous legends. One of them attributes the creation of the soup to Louis XV himself. As is often the case with many famous recipes, the onion soup was cooked by the king not from a good life. It was just that at that time there were no other products in the hunting house, except for onions, salt and oil.

Modern variations of soupe à l'oignon are prepared on the basis of broth: meat or vegetable. The characteristic rich taste and aroma are achieved by long sauteing of onions (often in dry white or red wine).

As such, there is no canonical recipe in France, but there are several common rules. For example, usually soupe à l'oignon is prepared in small portions, and served in the same dishes in which they were cooked (most often, in ceramic pots). Ready onion soup is sprinkled with grated cheese, sometimes croutons are added.

To try the "creation of royal hands" in Paris, you need to pay about 9-12 €.

Another incredibly famous french soup- Marseille bouillabaisse, which is made from different types fish and seafood.

Bœuf bourguignon

Meat dishes of French cuisine make up its lion's share. Many of them are cooked in wine, such as the famous Burgundy beef. This is the case when the food was borrowed "from the peasant table" and became world famous.

Bœuf bourguignon is beef fried and then stewed in red wine along with mushrooms, vegetables and meat broth. Beef Bourguignon's signature ingredient is bouquet garni, a bouquet of fragrant herbs and spices wrapped in leeks or bay leaves. Often bœuf bourguignon is served directly in the pots in which the dish was prepared and eaten with a crispy baguette dipped in a thick sauce.

The Burgundy beef recipe was first talked about only in the 19th century, but since then it has become incredibly popular both in France itself and beyond. Therefore, the opportunity to try beef bourguignon, once in Paris, is a great success. In Parisian restaurants, it costs about 20 €.


When traveling through the south of France: the historical regions of Languedoc and Roussillon, you should definitely try cassoulet, a local thick and rich stew. The birth of this recipe in the Middle Ages, as is often the case in cooking, was an accident caused by the need to withstand the siege of the enemy and prepare a nutritious and satisfying meal for the defenders of the city.

The basis of the dish is large white beans, which is soaked for a long time, then boiled and stewed with vegetables, meat and spices. In France, there are 3 types of cassoulet, the so-called "Trinity":

  • Le Cassoulet de Castelnaudary - with pork, pork skins and goose meat;
  • Le Cassoulet de Carcassonne - with lamb, duck or seasonal game such as partridge;
  • Le Cassoulet de Toulouse - with lamb, pork fat, duck and goose meat, and Toulouse sausages.

You can take a chance and try fish cassoulet (with salted cod), but it is much less common.

Since 1966, in France, the standard for making Cassoulet is to use 70% beans and 30% meat.

Cassoullet is traditionally cooked in a wood-fired oven in a wide earthenware cassolette. It is believed that she gave her name to the popular French dish. The stew is usually served in earthenware bowls or directly in the pots in which it was stewed. A signature feature of the Languedoc delicacy is a golden crust, which is pierced during cooking and mixed with stew up to 8 times.

In France, cassoulet is sold in stores in canned form, this is a good option for an original gastronomic gift (3-8 €, 840 g). In Paris, the famous stew can be tasted for an average of 12-20 €. The main thing is not to forget to order a glass of good red wine for him, and even better - more than one.


The classic French navarine is made from lamb or lamb along with vegetables: onions, turnips (turnips), carrots, potatoes, garlic. The origin of the name of this stew remains a mystery to this day. Either you need to say “thank you” to the little turnips (fr. navet), or the Allied victory in Navarino Bay in 1827 and the ensuing liberation of Greece - Victoria was notably celebrated in the cabin of the commander of the French squadron with just juicy lamb stew.

One way or another, it seems impossible to be in France and not try navarin. Although in the country they actually eat it all year round, yet this dish is considered spring. Its taste becomes much more interesting with young vegetables that appear on the markets closer to Easter, at the end of March. Navarin is best eaten with crispy soft bread.


Although ratatouille is considered a traditional culinary highlight of Provence, it has long been a favorite menu item in many, even the most fashionable Parisian restaurants. What ordinary peasants used to cook for themselves, today everyone who finds himself in France dreams of trying.

Ratatouille - in fact, it is nothing more than vegetable stew. Usually they put tomatoes and peppers, onions and garlic, zucchini and eggplants in it. Cut vegetables into circles, spirals, slices. It is seasoned with salt, pepper, and signature herbs are sure to appear in the Provencal recipe: basil, mint, rosemary.

It is an excellent side dish for meat and fish, it can be eaten hot and cold, and also combined with scrambled eggs, salads and fresh bread.

Gratin Dauphinois (Gratin dauphinois)

One of the most delicious potato dishes in the world, a real classic of French cuisine - all this can rightfully be said about Gratin dauphinois. The Dauphine region is called the birthplace of the recipe - it was here, presumably at the end of the 18th century, this delicious side dish was first seen on the tables.

A modern version of Gratin dauphinois is thinly sliced ​​potatoes baked in milk and/or cream. There are simply an incredible number of recipes in France today - so eggs, grated cheese and other ingredients can be used. Of the seasonings, chopped garlic cloves and nutmeg are most often used.

As a rule, in France, dauphinois potatoes are included in the total cost of the main meat dish. If ordered separately, the price will be approximately 5 €.

A similar potato dish is Tartiflette, a classic bacon casserole or smoked brisket, Reblochon cheese, onion and cream. It is especially popular in Haute-Savoie.

Confit duck (Confit de canard)

The appearance of confit in French cookbooks was a response to the need for long-term storage meat, which in ancient times was keenly felt in Gascony. The way out was found thanks to one simple trick: duck legs were stewed along with spices, distributed in jars and placed in cellars. The fat released during the cooking process served as a natural preservative for meat, and then such a product could be used to make stews and other foods.

Confit is precisely the method of preparation: delicate languishing of meat in its own fat at a low temperature.

Modern duck confit is first marinated with garlic, herbs and salt, and then slowly cooked, achieving exceptional juiciness, tenderness and softness of the meat. How delicious it is can be understood from one French saying: "For the sake of a good confit, a Gascon can kneel." And perhaps it really is!

In France, duck confit is served with salad, dauphinois potatoes, fresh bread and a glass of good Bordeaux. try gourmet dish in Paris you can for 15-25 €. And on the shelves of supermarkets you can easily find canned Confit de canard (6-15 € for about 700 g).

Cake "Opera" (Gâteau opera)

Classic Parisian Dessert - Rectangular biscuit cake"Opera" with coffee and chocolate filling. According to some gourmets, it is worth trying it at least to get to know the true taste of France.

The championship in the creation of the cake is attributed to the Dalloyau confectionery in Paris. At the very least, she really played a decisive role in popularizing the dessert. The wife of a local pastry chef, having tasted the delicacy, said that it reminds her of the Palais Garnier - the Paris Opera. It was under this name that the cake became known in the city.

The main highlight of the dessert is in the combination of ingredients: a few almond biscuit cakes, chocolate ganache, coffee syrup, dark chocolate glaze(sometimes add rum or cognac). The Gâteau opéra is crowned with the recognizable inscription L’Opera and light inclusions of edible gold.

The cake is usually sold in portioned pieces, like cakes. One piece costs 5-7 €.

To list all iconic and popular french recipes Probably not even a day is enough. But you can try to make a list of the “most-most”, without which no français voyage is unthinkable:

  • Lyon salad (Salade Lyonnaise) with poached eggs;
  • Pancakes "Crêpes Suzette" (Crêpes Suzette) - with orange sauce;
  • Quiche Lorraine - pie from shortcrust pastry with cheese and/or bacon;
  • Tarte flambée - flat open pie with cheese and other fillings;
  • Veal blanquette (Blanquette de veau) - stew in white sauce, often with mushrooms;
  • Tartar (Tartare de bœuf and Steak tartare) - from raw finely chopped beef or minced meat;
  • Beef steak on the bone (La côte de boeuf);
  • Duck breast (Le magret de canard);
  • (Escargots) and (Huîtres);
  • (Cuisses de grenouille) - deep-fried.

List of fine culinary masterpieces France goes on and on. But much better - at least once to try them!

Like any other, French cuisine is conditionally divided into folk-peasant and exquisitely aristocratic. However, the phrase "French cuisine" is associated exclusively with the sophistication of culinary art, as well as with the delicate and delicate taste of dishes. And this makes sense. After all, thanks to the efforts of local chefs, the first McDonald's restaurant appeared in France already in 1983!

The French are happy to use any vegetables and herbs in cooking. Dairy products are mainly represented by cheeses, while olive and butter oils are used as fat (depending on the region). In coastal areas, seafood is traditionally preferred, in continental areas - pork and game (at least once preferred). Frog legs - a delicacy that is used by ordinary French people very, very rarely.

Separately, it should be said about wine and sauces, which are an integral part of the menu of any native French family. Moreover, often wines are not just drunk, but are used in the preparation of various dishes in the form boiled down and completely exhausted during the cooking process. After all, the main thing is not the degree, but the taste, taste and aroma!

In this collection, our chefs share French cuisine recipes with photos and step by step instructions cooking. Bon Appetit!

And bati de will - chicken offal.
Agno de les persil - lamb on a brazier with parsley.
Aioli - garlic paste, pounded with olive oil similar to mayonnaise.
a la creole - any dish with a side dish of rice
A la couise - any dish prepared with tomatoes, garlic, zucchini, sometimes also with potatoes, green beans, olives, capers and anchovies.
A la Prentanière - any dish with a side dish of various vegetables.
A la Provence - any dish with tomatoes, garlic, olives and eggplant.
A la financière - any dish with a side dish of mushrooms and olives.
A la flamande - any dish with cabbage, carrots, turnips, bacon, potatoes and sausage.
A la florentine - any dish (most often, eggs or fish) with a side dish of spinach and cheese.
A la forestier - any dish with a side dish of mushrooms, bacon and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotatoes.
Alumet - potatoes cut into sticks.
Amandine - anything cooked with almonds (often referring to fish fillets).
Ai curb - a dish with a side dish in the form of a rim (usually from potatoes).
Andive in Normandy - chicory in cream.
Andouille - sausage made from tripe and pork entrails.
An krut - something baked in dough with a crust.
An papiyote - something baked in parchment or oiled paper.
Entrecote - literally: "between the ribs." Beef cut between two ribs, usually fried.
Entrecote marchand de vin - entrecote in red wine with onions.
Ariko - beans.
Ariko vera maître d' - green beans mashed with butter, parsley and lemon juice
Ariko ver saute o bur - fresh green beans boiled butter.
Artichoke a la vinaigrette - a sauce made from artichokes, vegetable oil and vinegar.
Asperge morne - asparagus in a thick cheese sauce.
Asperge mousselin - asparagus in egg yolk sauce, lemon juice and whipped cream.
Baba o ryum - cake soaked in rum after baking.
Baguette - elongated French bread (not thick elongated loaf).
Ballotin is a sliced ​​meat, fish or poultry roll.
Banana and chantilly cream - bananas with whipped cream.
Bar-le-Duc - canned currants.
Belon - French shrimp.
Burr a la maître d' - melted butter with parsley, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Served with meat, fish and vegetables.
Beef a la mode - pre-fried beef stew in red wine.
Beef bourguignon - the same Bourguignon dish with onions and mushrooms.
Beef miroton - beef stew in onion sauce.
Beef roti - roast beef.
Billibi - creamy mussel soup.
Blanket dagno al jancien - lamb stew with cream, onions and potatoes.
Blanket de vaux - braised veal in white sauce.
Bon fam - bacon with onions, potatoes in a thick brown sauce.
Bouillabaisse is a famous Provencal dish of fish stewed with garlic, parsley, pepper, vegetable oil and tomatoes with the addition of various ingredients according to the personal taste of the chef.
Bourgeois - anything cooked with carrots and onions.
Brioche - a round-shaped bun from a special yeast dough"brioche".
Brioche de foie gras - brioche pastry stuffed with goose liver.
Brochette - something cooked on a spit.
Bush - Swiss pie stuffed with cream or jelly
Bush de noel - Christmas cake.
Vel-au-van - a pie with a variety of fillings under brown or white sauce.
Vinaigrette is a vegetable oil and vinegar sauce seasoned with salt, pepper and herbs. Often this sauce is served with asparagus or stewed fish as well as other dishes.
Vichyssoise - mashed potato and leek soup chicken broth, served cold.
Will - chicken, hen, bird.
Galantine - boned turkey, duck or chicken stuffed with sausage and cooked in a thickened wine broth. Usually served as a side dish
Garbure - thick peasant soup with cabbage.
Gato de crepe in Florentine style - puff pancakes with spinach in cheese sauce.
Gato de crepe in Normandy - puff pancakes with apple slices and pasta.
Gigo dagno - leg of lamb.
Voice to perfume - ice cream with various flavors.
Gratin dauphinois - baked potatoes with a crust.
Gratin greno blues - baked potatoes with capers, melted butter and lemon.
Grenouille a la Provençal - frog legs in garlic butter sauce.
Darn de somon - thick slices of salmon.
Delis - something especially tasty (in France refers to flour dishes, in the USA - to any).
Dob - stewed pieces of meat with vegetables.
Dyusel - minced mushrooms mixed with butter and vegetable oil, onions, wine and parsley.
Jambon Bayonnaise is a smoked ham produced near Bayonne in the Pyrenees.
Jardinière - a side dish of fresh vegetables fried meat or a bird. Vegetables can be boiled and, as it were, surround the meat.
Julien - meat or vegetables cut into small strips.
Canape - a dried slice of bread, can be covered with various pastes. Used as a snack.
Canar al orange - duck in orange sauce.
Carbonade a la flemand - beef cooked with beer.
Card dagno o herb - lamb side with various herbs.
Cassoulet - Pork stew with white beans, pork or duck added. Toulouse cassoulet - lamb stew, pork sausage or bird with beans.
Coffee glace - cold coffee with whipped cream on top.
Ke-d-lobster - lobster tails.
Kenel - quenelles (dumplings from fish or meat).
Quiche Lorraine is a special cake made from eggs, cream, cheese and bacon.
Cock-o-wen - chick in wine sauce with mushrooms, garlic, onion and pork slices.
Coquille Saint-Jacques in Paris - escalope with mushrooms in white sauce.
Confi dua - a goose in its own fat.
Consomme - meat cooked in a special way.
Grilled cote de beef - beef ribs on a brazier.
Cream caramel - cream with the addition of burnt sugar.
Chantilly cream - whipped cream.
Crepe de lobster - pancakes with lobster.
Crepe suzet - thin pancakes with the addition of Curacao liqueur and tangerine juice to the dough.
Croque madam - grilled chicken and cheese sandwich.
Croque monsieur - fried sandwich with ham and cheese.
Croissant - a crescent-shaped bun made of puff or yeast dough. Served with breakfast.
Crustad - puff pastry shells
Kryudit - raw vegetables as an appetizer.
Kulibiac de somon de crour - salmon, rice, mushrooms, baked in a square dough shell
Cup de fruit free - a bowl of fresh fruit.
Chicken broth - a broth in which meat, fish and vegetables were cooked, seasoned with various spices.
Cuis de Grenouille - frog legs.
Langoustine are small lobsters.
Letu breze – a pre-sautéed stewed salad, usually a Boston lettuce.
Lyonnaise is any dish prepared with onions, which grow in abundance in the Lyon region of France.
Madrilene is a clear tomato soup served cold.
Makero o vin blanc - mackerel in white wine
Margaery - mussels in white wine, this dish is often used as a side dish for flounder fillets.
Maron glace - candied chestnuts.
Maceduan - fruit salad from chopped vegetables or fruits.
Medallion - any dish in the form of an oval or circle.
Meniere - fish, rolled in flour and fried in butter, seasoned with a sauce of lemon juice, parsley and melted butter.
Meringe glace - churned baked egg whites, usually served with ice cream.
Miropua - chopped vegetables stewed in butter.
Moules a la marinier - mussels cooked in broth with melted butter
Mousse is a light, airy dish of cream and eggs, it can also be made from fish, chicken, etc. or fruit and chocolate; served hot or cold
Noucette de chevrey - venison cut into oval or round slices.
Aubergine a la nicoise - eggplant with garlic and tomatoes. O gratin - any dish sprinkled with breadcrumbs and grated cheese, most often Parmesan
Lobster al ameriken - lobster fried in vegetable oil with onions and tomatoes.
Lobster Newburgh - pieces of lobster in brandy and fish sauce. Lobster saute - lobster pieces stewed in butter with the addition of herbs.
Omelet o fin erb - omelet with parsley, tarragon and garlic. Omelette bon fam - omelet with onions and bacon.
Provence omelette - omelet with garlic, tomatoes, onions and olives.
O sang - with blood (about meat)
Payar de Boeuf - thin steak.
Pate - dough, pastries; also refers to meat and fish baked in dough.
Pathé maison is a pastry or pastry dish typical of a given restaurant.
Drink de salt - stewed flounder slices rolled into tubes.
Peyzan - any dish in a peasant way, with vegetables and bacon.
Persilade - chopped parsley, usually mixed with garlic
Petit marmite - vegetable stew in a pot with meat broth, chicken and marrow bones.
Piperad - omelette with ham, peppers, tomatoes, garlic and onions
Plateau de fromages - assorted different kind cheeses.
Pom de ter duchesse - mashed potatoes with butter and pepper Can be used as a garnish
Pom de ter al wil - potato salad with vegetable oil and vinegar sauce
Potage clair - soup-broth.
Pot-a-fu (pot-a-fe) is a French version of a second course stew.
Profiterol - eclair cakes stuffed with ice cream, cream or some kind of fruit puree.
Puree de pomme de ter a lei - potato shore with garlic.
Bullet-a-sweat - chicken stew with vegetables.
Poole chasseur - chicken with mushrooms, shallots, tomatoes in white wine. Literally: "hunting chicken".
Poulet en cocotte - chicken baked in a pan.
Pule roti al tarragon - fried chicken with tarragon.
Pua a la francaise - peas stewed with lettuce and onions
Poitrin de vaux - veal brisket.
Rable de lapin - the saddle of a hare.
Ragout - a dish of meat, poultry or fish, cut into small pieces and fried. Can be served with or without garnish. The widespread lamb stew is called "navaren".
Raclette - hot melted cheese baked potatoes(Swiss cuisine).
Risot - rice baked in chicken fat
Rissolo - baked or fried meat pie
Rognon de Vaux - veal kidneys.
Rossini - any dish with a side dish of truffles.
Sabayon - dessert dish from beaten eggs, sugar and wine.
Savarin - a ring-shaped cake or cake soaked in liquor syrup; may be served hot or cold.
Salade de creson - salad made from watercress (an edible plant).
Salade niccouise - a salad of potatoes, beans with vegetable oil and vinegar, olives, capers, anchovies and tomatoes.
Sep farsi - mushroom stuffing.
Sausison is a large sliced ​​sausage.
Saute - any dish cooked in boiling butter or other fat.
Sauce a la diable - spicy sauce white wine, vinegar, onion, pepper, etc.
Bérnaise sauce is a thick sauce made from various varieties of onions, tarragon, thyme, bay leaves, vinegar, white wine and egg yolks. Often served with meat and fish.
Bechamel sauce is a sauce made from milk, butter and flour.
Bigarade sauce - consists of duck fat, orange and lemon juice, Curacao liqueur. Served with a young duck.
Bordeaux sauce - a brown sauce made from wine and bone marrow.
Vincent sauce - prepared from mayonnaise, various herbs and steep chicken yolk.
Sauce ver - a sauce made from mayonnaise, spinach, tarragon and other herbs.
Dijon sauce is made from egg yolks, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, vegetable oil and lemon juice. Has the consistency of mayonnaise.
Dugler sauce - made from wine, tomatoes, cream, etc. Served with fish.
Sauce o capr - caper sauce, often served with lamb.
Madeira sauce - sauce with Madeira wine
Marchand de vin sauce is a brown sauce made with butter and red wine.
Morne sauce is a sauce made with cream and cheese.
Nantua sauce - shrimp sauce.
Normandy sauce - oyster sauce, served with flounder fillet.
Olandaise sauce - hot sauce made from egg yolks and butter, served with vegetables and fish
Sauce Robert - onion sauce with white wine and mustard, served with fried pork dishes.
Subise sauce is a cream and onion sauce.
Stick o poivre - steak with ground pepper.
Stick tartar - raw minced meat with salt, pepper and raw egg yolk, garnished with capers, onions and parsley.
Pistu Soup - vegetable soup with garlic, basil and cheese, especially common on the French Riviera.
Soufflé - any dish made from mashed ingredients with the addition of egg yolks, whipped proteins, vegetables, fish, fruits, nuts, etc.
suprem de volley a blanc chicken breast in butter and wine with white sauce.
This is a young salmon.
Terrine - baked minced meat, fish or poultry served cold.
Tournedos are thin fried slices from the middle of a beef fillet.
Tournedos rossini - the same slices cooked in boiling butter on dried bread and poured with sauce.
Trip de la mode de casa - veal tripe and legs with vegetables in cider
Truff - truffles (mushrooms).
Turbot poche olandaise - halibut in egg sauce.
Wazo san tag - meatloaf with stuffing.
Fayette de fru de mer - pastries with sea molluscs.
Fayette de lobster - same with lobsters.
Fayette de ris de vaux is a sweet pastry.
Filet de beef en krut - beef fillet baked in dough.
Filet mignon - a small piece of beef fillet for frying.
Flambe - any dish served in the flame of liquor.
Fondue bourguignon - small pieces of beef cooked in boiling vegetable oil. The dish is served with various sauces.
Frez-o-liquor - sugar-coated strawberries with various liqueurs.
Fraise chantilly - strawberries with whipped cream.
Fricase - meat with spices and vegetables under thick sauce. Most often made from veal and poultry.
Fromage rale - grated cheese.
Fruit de mer are edible marine animals.
Foie de volay en brochette - chicken liver, mushrooms and bacon on a skewer.
Foie gras - goose or duck liver.
Foie gras in Toulouse and Strasbourg - prepared from a liver that weighs one and a half kilograms.
Farsi champignon - mushroom stuffing.
Chanterelle is a type of mushroom common in France.
Chateaubriand - a thick steak on a brazier with a potato garnish in bérnaise sauce.
Chaudefroy - white sauce, the basis of which is aspic.
Shukrut garni - ham, bacon and sausage baked with sauerkraut.
Epinar au bere noisette - spinach in melted butter.
Escalope - sliced ​​meat, usually fried in butter, usually served in two pieces per serving.
Escargot a la Bourguignon - snails baked in shells. Served with garlic butter.
Escargot in Burgundy - Burgundy snails, known for their juiciness.
Ef en jelly - hard-boiled eggs in aspic.
Ef argenteuil - omelet with asparagus.
Ef benedictine - eggs with salted cod in white sauce. In New York restaurants under this name, ham with eggs is served in a hot plate with olandaise sauce and slices of truffle.
Ef a la russe - hard-boiled eggs with mayonnaise, onions and a little Tabasco.

French cuisine can rightly be considered one of the most sophisticated and original culinary traditions in the world. It is highly regarded by professional culinary experts, and in 2010 UNESCO even included French gastronomy in the list of "intangible cultural heritage". This style of cooking evolved in what is now France over many centuries. If initially in France there were actually two culinary traditions - simple (peasant) and bourgeois, today these traditions are intertwined and form the basic principles of modern French cuisine.

The main feature of the French traditional cuisine– use only the freshest products. The French pay great attention to the quality and freshness of each individual ingredient. Despite the peculiarities of regional cuisines, vegetables and root crops are very popular throughout the country - eggplants, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cabbage, greens and salads.

French cuisine and culinary tradition, like any rich one, consists of many regional ones. In the western provinces of France, people like more spicy and spicy food, Alsatian cuisine has taken a lot from German, and residents of coastal areas actively eat fish and seafood. However, there are also National dishes France, which are loved and cooked throughout the country, are the world-famous baguettes, foie gras (goose liver pate), thin pancakes crepe, bechamel sauce and creme brulee. A traditional meal in France consists of three courses: an appetizer (an introductory dish, sometimes a soup), a main course and a dessert. Extra cheese or salad can be served.

At first, the French prefer mashed soups. Traditional festive dish is a very thick bouillabaise fish soup popular in the Provence region. However, French cuisine does not insist on the obligatory use of soups - local eaters often manage with light snacks.

Secondly and most importantly, French cuisine offers meat or fish dishes. Almost all types of meat are used, sea and freshwater fish, and seafood. The French prefer to cook meat and fish in a few proven ways, but they never get tired of the same dishes, because they love to experiment with sauces. Sauces are perhaps the main strong point of French cuisine, because it was in this country that they were invented.

When the main course is eaten, it is customary to serve dessert on the table. Dessert can be just a cup of coffee, which the French simply adore, and a croissant, and various pastries, and creme brulee.

However, it is not so much the recipes of French cuisine that are remarkable, but the view of the French on eating in general. It is not customary to eat in a hurry here, on hastily- The French like to eat slowly, enjoying each dish and washing it all down with wonderful local wine, in which the French know a lot. It's no joke - a meal (not a feast, but eating) in France can last two or three hours. This is another reason why French cuisine is so highly regarded by experts all over the world.

France is famous for many things - beautiful language, charming towns, luxurious beaches. However, it is French cuisine that is known and loved all over the world, and it is impossible to forget it. Whether it's a simple croissant or classic dish cock in wine french food will always resonate with gourmet gourmets. In this edition, Bigpiccha brings you 32 must-try dishes in France.

1. French baguette is perhaps the most popular French food. This crispy pastry is delicious on its own or with traditional French cheese such as Gruyère or Brie. If you're in Paris, be sure to try the baguette at Le Grenier à Pain, which won the best baguette competition this year.

2. Creme brulee is the most famous and beloved French dessert. As soon as you hear the crunch of a hard caramel crust and dip the spoon into custard, there is no going back.

3. If you want to try the classic steak frites (steak with french fries), you should definitely visit the Parisian restaurant Le Relais de l’Entrecote, which specializes in this dish. The institution is popular with both tourists and Parisians, so queues are not uncommon here.

4. Although Moules Frit (mussels and French fries) is considered a Belgian dish, Moules Marinières is a French dish from Normandy, the name of which translates as "sailor's mussels." Imagine, in France this gourmet dish is considered fast food.

5. Croque Monsieur is the French version of a hot cheese sandwich. Includes ham and processed cheese Gruyère and bechamel sauce.

6. The chicken in the dish "Kok-o-ven" (rooster in wine), by definition, cannot be dry. It is believed that the birthplace of this dish is Burgundy, so a one-year-old rooster (weighing about three kilograms), stewed in red wine with vegetables and garlic, is classic recipe"Cock-o-wen".

7. Escargot - snails - seems like a strange dish to foreigners, but is considered a delicacy in France. Snails are served hot in shells with garlic and butter.

8. "Profiteroles" - a puff pastry dessert filled with vanilla ice cream and covered with chocolate sauce.

9. Potatoes are a common side dish in France, and in the French southeastern region of Dauphine, they are cooked with milk or cream, this is called " potato casserole in Dauphine" ("Gratin Dauphinois").

10. The word "soufflé" comes from the French verb "breathe, blow", this dessert is made from beaten egg whites. Soufflé "Grand Marnier" is prepared with the addition of orange cognac liqueur.

11. The best oysters in France should be found in Brittany, from the city of Riek-sur-Belone they got their French name - belon.

12. Although " blood sausage» does not sound very appetizing, this is one of the traditional elements of French cuisine. The sausage contains pig's blood and is served on its own or with a potato-type garnish.

13. Croissant - too french classic. This crescent-shaped flaky buttery bun can be found in any bakery in the country.

15. “Knei de broche” is something like dumplings. They were invented in Lyon and are made from fish (usually pike), butter, breadcrumbs and lobster sauce. Easy but hearty meal.

17. If you eat raw meat, you want to be sure that it is cooked correctly. "Steak tartare" - chopped raw beef meat, served with onions and capers.

18. Ratatouille is the only French stew without meat. This dish, which first appeared in Nice, is made from delicious Mediterranean vegetables such as zucchini and eggplant.

19. Kish - savory pie, which can be found everywhere in France. One of the traditional varieties is Lorraine quiche, or "Kish Loren". Prepared with bacon, eggs and sometimes cheese.

20. "Pan-o-chocola" translates as "chocolate bread." French bakers have ingeniously mastered the combination of pastries and chocolate.

21. Salad "Nicoise" comes from Nice and is a combination lettuce, tomatoes, boiled eggs, tuna, anchovies, olives and beans.

22. "Boeuf bourguignon" - a dish from stewed beef originally from Burgundy. Combines meat, vegetables, garlic and, of course, red wine.

23. "Tart tatin" - not simple Apple pie, and the cake is inside out. Before baking, apples are fried in butter and sugar.

24. "Blanquette de Vaux" - veal, butter and carrots cooked in cream sauce. The meat does not darken during cooking.

25. Duck is a frequent occurrence in French cuisine. "Confit" - duck leg cooked in own juice, originally from South Gascony.

26. Stalls of crepes (French pancakes) are all over Paris and you should stop and try them. Crepes can be both sweet and savory. The classic is "butter and sugar".

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