Home General issues Cabbage calories per 100 grams. Cabbage calories. Calorie content of different varieties of fresh cabbage

Cabbage calories per 100 grams. Cabbage calories. Calorie content of different varieties of fresh cabbage

Cabbage is recognized as one of the healthiest dietary foods around the world, along with cauliflower, Beijing, kohlrabi and broccoli. The vegetable is widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Medicinal properties plants are due to its rich composition: vitamins B and C, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, manganese. The number of calories in white cabbage is 28. Regular consumption of the vegetable helps lower blood cholesterol, strengthens bones and teeth, and cleanses the body of harmful substances.

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    Healing properties

    In Russia, not a single meal passed without dishes from white cabbage. Our ancestors knew about healing properties plants and used it not only in cooking for cooking, but also in traditional medicine. Juices, decoctions and compresses were made from cabbage.

    Shchi was a traditional Russian dish in winter. It was believed that eating them would strengthen the immune system and protect against scurvy and colds.

    Each variety of vegetable has a certain set useful properties for women, men and children.

    For women

    The benefits of vegetables for women's health:

    • Vitamin B in broccoli prevents the development of cancer, and also normalizes the reproductive system. Its deficiency in the body leads to the fact that a woman cannot become pregnant for a long time.
    • Kale is a valuable source of folic acid, which is essential for pregnant women. It is involved in the formation of the placenta and forms the neural tube of the fetus.
    • White cabbage improves the condition of hair, skin and nails.
    • Sauerkraut brine cleanses the intestines of toxic substances and relieves the symptoms of toxicosis.

    For men

    According to statistics, more than 15% of couples worldwide cannot have children. Increasingly, men are forced to seek medical advice in order to be cured of infertility. Proper nutrition is the key to the health of the male body, and cabbage plays an important role in this.

    It contains zinc, which enhances sexual desire in men. Its regular use in food is an effective prevention of infertility.

    White cabbage will help prevent discomfort after playing sports and relieve muscle pain. And sauerkraut juice helps to cope with a hangover. Doctors advise drinking it before a feast, this will help reduce side effects from alcohol.

    For children

    Pediatricians recommend introducing cabbage into the diet of a child from six months. It can be steamed, boiled or baked in the oven. But in no case should you feed your baby fried cabbage. If, after eating, the child’s tummy swells, you should remove the vegetable from the dish and wait until the intestinal motility gets stronger.

    For school-age children, cabbage is a storehouse of useful properties. It strengthens the immune system, saturates the body with energy and has a beneficial effect on brain activity.

    Benefits of vegetables for weight loss

    Calorie content of cabbage is 28 calories, so it is appreciated by nutritionists and fans proper nutrition. stewed vegetable along with fresh is widely used for weight loss. It is easier to digest and therefore more quickly absorbed. The main thing is not to use it when cooking. sunflower oil, fat cream or mayonnaise, as they are fraught with harm to the body due to their high calorie content.

    Cabbage juice has a mild laxative effect. If you drink it daily, you will be able to get rid of constipation.

    Below is the ratio of KBJU per 100 grams of product, which will help in compiling a balanced diet for weight loss:


    People with certain medical conditions should limit their consumption of cabbage in order not to harm their health. Contraindications:

    • Increased acidity of the stomach.
    • Intestinal colic.
    • Recent surgery.
    • Kidney diseases.
    • Persistent high blood pressure.

    Diet Recipes

    There are many recipes in which cabbage is the main ingredient. Delicious and healthy heads of cabbage are boiled, fried and baked in the oven.

    The final result depends only on the taste preferences and imagination of the chef. Below are easy-to-follow recipes that won't take long to prepare.

    Beef and fresh cabbage soup

    To prepare cabbage soup, you will need the following ingredients:

    • beef - 250 g;
    • small carrots - 1 pc.;
    • onion - 1 pc.;
    • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
    • white cabbage - 150 g;
    • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • greenery;
    • bay leaf, salt, pepper;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 1 l.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Cut the beef and cook on the stove until tender over low heat. The younger the meat, the faster it will cook.
    2. 2. Add to boiled meat diced potatoes and salt the broth.
    3. 3. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots. Together with tomato paste lightly fry in a pan with vegetable oil.
    4. 4. Add chopped cabbage to the pan and cook for 3-5 minutes.
    5. 5. Transfer the frying to the pan, add garlic, bay leaf and black ground pepper. Mix all the ingredients, turn off the gas and close the cabbage soup with a lid so that they are infused.
    6. 6. Sprinkle hot rich cabbage soup with fresh herbs before serving.

    Light salad

    For the salad you will need:

    • Broccoli - 150 g;
    • Feta cheese -50 g;
    • Natural fat-free yogurt - 50 ml;
    • Lemon juice - 1 tsp;
    • Sesame - 1 tsp


    1. 1. Add cheese to yogurt and beat the ingredients until smooth.
    2. 2. Steam broccoli. In order to turn on the “Steamer” mode in the multicooker and set the time on the timer - 5 minutes.
    3. 3. Mix the prepared vegetables with cheese sauce and sprinkle with lemon juice.
    4. 4. Decorate the salad with sesame seeds.

    Steamed cabbage and chicken meatballs

    To prepare diet cutlets you will need:

    • chicken meat - 200 g;
    • Brussels sprouts - 100 g;
    • cauliflower - 100 g;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • salt - to taste.


    1. 1. Boil the cabbage and put it in a colander to drain excess water. Then puree the boiled vegetables with a blender or meat grinder.
    2. 2. Scroll the meat through a meat grinder.
    3. 3. Mix vegetable and chopped meat in a bowl, add the egg, salt and pepper to it.
    4. 4. Blind cutlets. Cook them in the oven or in a slow cooker for a couple.

    Serve the finished dish with low-fat yogurt and fresh herbs.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    My weight especially bothered me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought my stomach would come down after childbirth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that fat girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew such sizes." Then at the age of 29, a divorce from her husband and depression ...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

    And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still very expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Proper nutrition is the key to a healthy human body. To maintain health, we need to regularly get as many vitamins and nutrients as possible, which we can get in various products, such as vegetables, fruits, meat, etc.

Cabbage is an exceptional product that contains a huge amount of various vitamins and minerals that are vital for a person, and at the same time, it is a low-calorie product.

Available vitamins in fresh cabbage: vitamin A (necessary for vision and bones), B vitamins, namely B1 (normalizes the cardiovascular system), B2 (famous for regenerative properties), B5 (promotes the production of cellular energy), B3 (important for the normal functioning of organs), and also phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, manganese, iodine, iron, sulfur, fiber, fats, folic and pantothenic acid, fructose and vitamin K (normalizes metabolism in connective tissues). main feature is that it contains a record amount of vitamin C, as well as the presence of vitamin U in its composition, which promotes the healing of stomach ulcers. This vitamin has a very positive effect on the entire digestive system of the body.

Types of cabbage and its calorie content

Interesting! There are a huge number of varieties of this plant - more than fifty species. The most popular were: white, color, sea, red, Beijing, Brussels, Chinese cabbage and broccoli.

Since this vegetable is very useful, and its caloric content is very low (28 kcal per 100 grams of product), cabbage becomes one of the main ingredients in the diet of people who follow a diet for various reasons, such as the desire to lose weight, clean organism, etc. calories finished vitamin kale salad slightly higher. It all depends on the additional ingredients.

The most demanded in dietetics has become precisely sea ​​kale, since its calorie content is only 6 kcal. After it, Beijing cabbage is also popular, which contains 12 kcal. White cabbage, unlike other varieties of this vegetable, is more high in calories. But it is richest in vitamin C and B vitamins. And this pickled vegetable contains 19 kcal, but when it is digested, it takes more energy than it can bring to the body. Therefore, it is also called a “negative calorie” product.

Salads with white cabbage, depending on the additional ingredients, also have different caloric content. For example, if we dilute it with carrots, then the nutritional value of such a dish will be 50.2 kcal, and if we add vegetable oil, we will get 67.9 kcal per 100 grams of product. So we know what will be calorie vitamin salad per 100 grams.

Main properties and benefits

Consider the main points:

  • after a slight temperature treatment of cabbage, the content of ascorbic acid increases in it, which occurs due to ascorbigen, which is converted into vitamin C;
  • improves metabolism;
  • tartronic acid, which is part of this product, has anti-sclerotic properties, and also prevents the deposition of fats and cholesterol (to preserve tartronic acid in a vegetable, it should not be heat treated);
  • due to the high content of choline, normalizes metabolic fat processes in the body;
  • phytoncides, which are present in its composition, adversely affect many harmful microbes, including tubercle bacilli;
  • fiber normalizes the functioning of the intestines, promotes the removal of toxins.

With this product, people came up with various salads, to maintain the effectiveness and diversity of the diet. And now we will look at a few of them.

How to cook vitamin salad from fresh cabbage?

Before disassembling, how to cook vitamin salad from fresh cabbage, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Chinese cabbage - 500 g;
  • cucumber (fresh) - 3 pcs.;
  • green onion - a bunch;
  • dill, parsley - a bunch;
  • olive oil- 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar (9%) - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

First of all, you need to wash the cabbage and clean it of damaged leaves. Then finely chop it, add vinegar, salt and sugar, after which you need to knead it a little with your hands. Pre-washed and peeled cucumbers, cut into thin strips, chop the greens. Then mix all the ingredients and season with oil.

You can use such a salad at any time as a snack or instead of the main dinner for everyone who watches their figure. Such a dish does not harm, but on the contrary, it supports the body during various diets.

Let's consider another vitamin salad and his classic recipe . To prepare such a dish, we need the following ingredients (fresh):

  • white cabbage - 400 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • apple - 1 pc. (sour varieties of apples are more suitable).

For salad dressing you will need:

  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt and pepper.

By prescription vitamin cabbage salad first you need to finely chop the cabbage, then add carrots cut into long slices, or grated on a coarse grater.

After that, peel the apples and remove excess elements from them (core with stones, stalk), and also grate on a coarse grater. Next, combine sunflower oil, lemon juice, sugar, and add salt and pepper to taste. You can even experiment with dressing, for example, replace lemon juice apple cider vinegar, previously diluted with water, and you can also add Dijon mustard. The resulting mixture should be well mixed.

Such a salad can even be rolled into jars so that your favorite and very healthy salad was always ready for use, at any time, regardless of the season.

The technology of preparation of salad "Vitamin" very simple, and, nevertheless, it is extremely useful, therefore it is very popular in almost every house, with every housewife. This dish can be found in festive table as well as in the normal daily diet.

Cabbage is one of the most important vegetable crops. As evidenced by the excavations of the Bronze and Stone Ages, cabbage is a crop that has been cultivated since prehistoric times. Even in the Roman Empire, up to 10 species of this excellent crop (calorizer) were grown. In the 18-19 centuries, up to thirty types of cabbage were bred, today the number of species of this cultivated plant is in the hundreds. The vegetable is eaten raw. stew. Zhaoen and marinated form. It is added to various dishes. Fried white cabbage is widely used.

Useful properties of cabbage

Cabbage is valued in nutrition, not only because the calorie content of cabbage does not contribute to weight gain. This vegetable has beneficial properties due to the content of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for humans. First of all, cabbage is rich in vitamin C, and the ability to store this vegetable in the cold season allows you to get the vitamin in the required quantities even in winter, when the body needs it most. The calorie content of cabbage is quite low, so you can eat cabbage dishes every day, thereby saturating your body with vitamin C.

In addition to vitamin C, cabbage is a source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, P, PP, H and E. It contains the keratin and provitamins of group D that we need. Cabbage practically does not contain starch and sucrose, which, along with the low calorie content of cabbage, allows you to use it people suffering from diabetes.

It also contains useful lactic acid and rare vitamin U, the main purpose of which is to regulate enzyme formation. Thanks to him, cabbage allows you to treat diseases such as peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, colitis, gastritis. Vitamin U also serves as an activator of liver function. Given the low calorie content of fresh cabbage, everyone has the opportunity to adequately provide themselves with such a valuable vitamin, without fear for their waist.

Cabbage contains important amino acids: lysine, threonine and methionine. They regulate the function of hematopoiesis, restore tissues and stimulate their growth, and also regulate the function of the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. Vitamin K, present in cabbage, is involved in the normalization of metabolism and ensures good blood clotting and rapid healing of wounds. Such a unique composition of this vegetable, combined with the fact that the calorie content of fresh cabbage is only 30 calories per 100 g, allows us to recommend it as a dietary dish for different food systems.

Cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, which improves intestinal motility. Fiber helps to eliminate toxins and cholesterol from the body, and in addition, it helps to improve the process of digestion of food. Cabbage is also recommended to be used to prevent atherosclerosis. As you can see, cabbage is very healthy vegetable and must be eaten. This is all the more true because cabbage can be used to prepare many dishes that will be a delicious addition to the menu. The calorie content of cabbage in this case will depend on the method of its preparation. So how many calories are in cabbage cooked in different ways?

How many calories in fried cabbage

Raw different kinds cabbages have an energy value of 12 to 43 kcal. Fried cabbage has more calories, which increase depending on vegetable oil, spices and other ingredients. On average, when frying in vegetable oil, the energy value of cabbage in finished form increases by 2 times. When using animal fats, such as lard, the calorie content of the dish can be much higher.

For diet food cabbage is best cooked on olive, sunflower or rapeseed oil. Considering that only cabbage will enter the dish, vegetable oil and spices, then calories fried cabbage will be as follows:

  • Beijing cabbage has the lowest energy value fresh only 12 kcal per 100 g,
  • fried cabbage - 25 kcal;
  • white cabbage - fresh 27 kcal, fried 49 kcal;
  • cauliflower- calorie fresh 30 kcal, fried 64 kcal;
  • broccoli - energy value fresh 28 kcal, fried 46 kcal;
  • kohlrabi - fresh calorie 42 kcal, fried 96 kcal;
  • red cabbage - fresh 24 kcal, fried 51 kcal;
  • Brussels sprouts - fresh calorie 43 kcal, fried contains 90 kcal.

Pickled cabbage. calories

There are many options for pickling, while the calorie content of pickled cabbage varies greatly. Most often pickled cabbage and cauliflower, which retain most of the vitamins and beneficial properties, but there is such a cabbage in limited quantities. The energy value of pickled cabbage averages 80 kcal, cauliflower contains no more than 30 kcal, but white pickled cabbage gains about 150 kcal.

For cooking pickled cabbage, it is better not to use acetic acid, replacing it with lemon juice, since vinegar negatively affects the intestinal environment and kills lactic acid bacteria that are beneficial to humans. No less useful for a healthy diet sauerkraut. Calorie content per 100 grams is no more than 15 kcal, if you do not add salt or sugar for taste.

How many calories in boiled cabbage

Cabbage is an essential ingredient in many first courses. Neither rich cabbage soup nor fragrant borscht can do without it. The low calorie content of boiled cabbage allows you to use it for cooking diet soups suitable for a low calorie diet.

If, in addition to cabbage and other vegetables, other products are not added to the soup, then it will become a wonderful dish, regularly consuming which can significantly reduce the daily amount of calories. The calorie content of boiled cabbage is 23 kcal per 100 g. Those who follow the figure can also be advised boiled cabbage as a separate dish, since the calorie content of cabbage prepared in this way is very small.

The number of calories in boiled cabbage:

  • Beijing - 11 kcal;
  • Redhead - 22 kcal;
  • White cabbage - 25.6 kcal;
  • Broccoli - 28 kcal;
  • Color - 29 kcal;
  • Brussels - 35, 4 kcal;
  • Kohlrabi - 41 kcal.

Calorie content of fresh cabbage

For those who lead a healthy lifestyle and follow a strict diet, the question "How many calories are in fresh cabbage?" is up to date. It is worth remembering that there are a lot of varieties of cabbage and options for its preparation, so the calorie content of the product varies. Cabbage fresh calories has a rather low, it varies from 16 to 42 kcal per 100 grams of product.

In order not to look for information about how many calories are in cabbage every time you cook, you should save or rewrite the list of the most popular and commonly eaten varieties:

  • White cabbage - 28 kcal;
  • Color - 30 kcal;
  • Broccoli - 34 kcal;
  • Brussels - 35 kcal;
  • Kohlrabi - 42 kcal;
  • Beijing - 16 kcal;
  • Savoy - 28 kcal;
  • Redhead - 26 kcal.

However, the calorie content of cabbage will change greatly if you make a salad dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream from it. In such cases, it is worth using low-calorie dressings or lemon juice. Salt, sugar and alcohol should also be excluded.

The most common method for making fresh kale salad is:

White cabbage (300 grams) finely chopped, carrots (150 g) grated, vinegar (15 g), a little sugar (10 g) and sunflower oil (8 g). After thorough mixing, the salad is ready to eat. The calorie content of fresh cabbage will be only 50.2 kcal.

Benefits of cabbage for weight loss

Useful properties of cabbageCabbage is extremely useful in losing weight. The presence of a large number of dietary fibers makes it possible to attribute cabbage to a nutritious product - fiber fills the stomach quickly and for a long time, giving a feeling of satiety for several hours. For weight loss purposes, fresh and boiled white cabbage is most useful. Inclusion of cabbage in the diet will help to lose weight, improve appearance hair skin.

Cabbage as part of the diet

Cabbage is an essential product in therapeutic diets for people with stomach diseases (gastritis, gastroduodenitis, and others). Cabbage is included in these diets because of its properties to reduce inflammation of the stomach and mucous membranes. In the Dukan diet, cabbage is recommended for mixed days, as cabbage contains a lot of fiber, which helps the digestive tract to digest a large amount of protein. There is a cabbage mono diet, which is based on cabbage vegetable soup. Cabbage as the main dietary product allows you to stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce hunger.

Each cabbage has its own approach

There are quite a few types of cabbage and each requires an individual approach. Brussels sprouts can be prepared in any of the above ways, but it sometimes acquires a bitter aftertaste. This can be avoided by adding lemon juice, which is good because the calorie content of cabbage will not change much. Broccoli, when cooked properly, removes cholesterol from the body well. Best Option will cook or fry, because even with such processing, cabbage contains very few calories. Absolutely any dishes can be prepared from cauliflower and white cabbage, although cauliflower will be preferable, since the calorie content of cabbage per 100 grams never exceeds 65 kcal, regardless of cooking.

In the world today there is a cabbage diet. It is based on the use of this product at every meal. Can choose different types vegetables and experiment with cooking, but you need to reduce the amount of salt, exclude flour and sweets. The cabbage diet is unbalanced, it is forbidden to stick to it for more than 7 days. But in a week it allows you to remove up to 5 kg of excess weight. Mono-diet is not recommended for adolescents, pregnant women and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

All types of cabbage, including various cooking methods, have quite low calorie and beneficial to health. When eating one or another type of cabbage, there are pros and cons that everyone takes into account individually.

How to choose the right cabbage

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the color and density of cabbage.
  • In mature cabbage, the color of the head can be different shades of bright green, on the cut it is white. Any dark spots indicate a spoiled or stale product.
  • The stalk should be about 3 cm, if less, it is likely that the cabbage has already begun to rot and the stalk has been cut off to give the product a fresher look.
  • The head of cabbage should be dense, without splits, cracks and dents. A ripe head of cabbage weighs at least a kilogram, small heads of cabbage did not have time to ripen and contain few vitamins.
  • Cabbage leaves should be dense and thin. Thick leaves can indicate a high nitrate content in cabbage.

The quantitative norm of cabbage consumption for an adult and for a child

For adults, it is recommended to consume at least 150 grams of cabbage 3 times a week. The inclusion of cabbage in the daily diet is impractical, as this can lead to a lack of nutrients that are absent in cabbage. For children, the rate of consumption of cabbage is no more than 100 grams. Children can eat cabbage every day in small portions.

One of the most familiar and affordable vegetables is cabbage. For those people who tirelessly monitor their appearance and figure, this is a godsend. The most traditional and easiest way to cook it is stewing. Such cabbage, being minimally high-calorie, retains all its value, contains calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, iodine, folic acid, phosphorus, sulfur and vitamins A, K, B, C, U.

Composition features

A fresh vegetable has a fairly low calorie content. It is 27 kcal for a product weighing 100 grams.

BJU white cabbage:

  • proteins - 1.9 g;
  • fats - 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.8 g.

What is the nutritional value stewed plant depends on several factors. The nutritional value of the product increases depending on the cooking method and the components used. After all, when cooking this dish, not only water is added as an additional ingredient.

Skillful housewives can mix anything when stewing to improve the taste: meat, tomato pulp, fried onions, carrots, spices, broth and many other products. From what kind of oil and in what quantity was added during quenching, the indicators of KBJU also change significantly. Thus, the amount of kilocalories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats contained in a dish depends on the method of preparation and the constituent ingredients.

Benefit and harm

As mentioned earlier, cabbage is low calorie meal. For people who care about their health, it is considered an indispensable product. They also stew pickled or salted cabbage not only fresh. Moreover, after stewing sauerkraut, kilocalories in a serving will be less than if it were cooked fresh.

The usefulness of the stew lies in the fact that it contains vitamins and trace elements in large quantities. Pectin and lactose present in the composition give nutritional value to the product. Vitamin B2 stabilizes energy metabolism, positively affecting the condition of the skin, has a vasodilating effect.

Vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Due to its content, the dish has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and human performance increases. This vitamin helps the body to normalize cholesterol levels.

Inclusion in the diet of 200 grams of this product will provide a daily dose of vitamin C for the human body.

Such food protects the eyes from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. For the elderly, it would be useful to include stewed cabbage in the diet to prevent sclerosis. In addition, the plant has a high content of fiber, which contributes to the activation of intestinal motility. The laxative effect of cabbage is useful for the elderly, who often suffer from stool retention.

Stewed cabbage contains indole-3-carbinol, an anticarcinogenic biologically active substance that can reduce the likelihood of a malignant tumor in the breast of women. Scientists have also found that vitamin U, which is present in this vegetable, has an anti-cancer effect. The dish does not cause problems with digestion, satisfies the feeling of hunger well. It can also be used by those people who, due to stomach ulcers, gastritis and high acidity, cannot afford to eat fresh vegetables.

In addition to all the positive properties, stewed cabbage also has disadvantages. The use of this product daily in large volumes can lead to the following consequences:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the stomach;
  • increased acidity (heartburn);
  • flatulence, that is, bloating;
  • spasms in the intestines.

Doctors advise stopping the use of stewed cabbage in case of exacerbation of peptic ulcers and diseases of the pancreas. Although the vitamin U contained in it is an anti-ulcer component, the use of such a dish sometimes causes a large influx of gastric juice, which worsens the patient's condition. Pain from irritation in the intestines and its mucous membrane may increase.

Do not use stewed leaves with dairy products - this contributes to bloating. The dish is also contraindicated in case of exacerbation of renal diseases, enterocolitis and pancreatic dysfunction.

How to calculate the number of calories?

We already know how many calories are contained in a white plant. Let's figure it out nutritional value stewed cabbage. Of course, the calorie content depends on the method of preparation, so it will not work exactly to calculate it. Stewed vegetable, for example, with the addition meat product and oils can not be called low-calorie. As a result, cabbage in this form will be about three times more nutritious than unboiled.

  1. Weigh all the ingredients separately and check their calories according to the table. Example: if the recipe should take 150 grams of carrots, the energy value of 100 grams of vegetable is 33 kilocalories. We get for 150 grams: (150x33): 100 = 49.5 kcal. So we calculate the calorie content of all the components of the dish.
  2. Next, you need to add up the calories of each ingredient and calculate the total amount.
  3. Next, empty dishes are weighed in which vegetables will be stewed.
  4. After weighing the cooked dish, the weight of the container is subtracted. Be sure to take into account the volume of liquid (in this case, water), although its calories will be equal to zero.
  5. It remains to divide all the calories by the weight of the resulting dish. Thus, we get the energy value of each gram. To determine the calorie content of 100 grams of this dish, you need to multiply the resulting number by 100. When calculating the energy value of a single serving of stewed cabbage, the calorie content of cooked food is divided by the number of servings.

The next time you stew this garden plant, if you do not adhere to the number of ingredients strictly according to the recipe, the final value of the numbers will change slightly. That is, by counting once, you can always know the approximate calorie content.

Average indicators of ready meals

Here are the approximate indicators of side dishes that are prepared in three different ways:

  • with the addition of water, without oil;
  • with potatoes;
  • with poultry meat.

Although white cabbage has a dietary quality, when stewed, it doubles kilocalories on average. It turns out that food that is cooked in water, stewed without adding oil, will have a value of 57 kcal per 100 grams.

One example of a very high-calorie food is stewed cabbage with potatoes. Its average value is 130-139 kcal. Those who prefer more satisfying food add meat to the cabbage.

Here, the calorie content already varies, depending on the type of meat. Braised cabbage can be cooked with pork or beef. If you add dietary minced chicken, then the average calorie content will be 103-110 kcal per 100 grams.

For convenience, we present a table with approximate indicators of dishes that are prepared according to conventional recipes.

diet recipes

Someone is constantly on the lookout diet meals, in order not to get better, but someone just loves to eat deliciously. Food made from cabbage is suitable for both. Although it is dietary, it is not devoid of taste.

There are many various ways stewing cabbage. But nowadays people are so busy that they want to find recipes that do not require a lot of time to cook. A fashionable and popular device will come to the rescue - a multicooker!

Let's list a few simple ways cooking cabbage.

Recipe #1

To stew cabbage you will need:

  • half a head of medium size;
  • 1 head of peeled onion;
  • 6 pcs. medium sized tomatoes;
  • 2 pcs. peeled carrots;
  • 0.5 l. water;
  • 2 pcs. pepper (Bulgarian);
  • spices to taste.

First, finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion and pepper into thin half rings, and the tomatoes into cubes. Next, put the vegetables together in a slow cooker, add water, spices and mix. Then you should close the lid of the device and set the extinguishing mode on the display, set the cooking time for 40 minutes. After this time, the vegetables will be cooked.

The dish can be used as a side dish for meat. But if you stick to a low-calorie diet, you can cook rice or buckwheat for it.

Recipe #2

To stew cabbage with chicken you will need:

  • 500 g of chicken meat;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1 small head or 0.5 large;
  • tomato paste (fresh tomatoes are also suitable);
  • spices to taste;
  • 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil;
  • 0.5 cups of water.

Carrots with onions need to be washed, peeled. Cut the onion into half rings, and the carrot into thin slices. Chop the cabbage into small pieces. Rinse poultry meat, dry, cut into small pieces. Then fry the onions and carrots in hot oil, then throw the chicken in there.

Close the lid of the multicooker, simmer for 5-10 minutes. Then, opening the lid of the device, add chopped cabbage with tomato paste (or tomatoes), spices, pour water. After closing the lid, cook in the extinguishing mode for 20 minutes. Can be used on its own or as a side dish.

Recipe #3

To stew cabbage with zucchini, you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg of cabbage;
  • 2 small onions;
  • 1 medium-sized zucchini;
  • tomato sauce (ketchup or fresh tomatoes are suitable);
  • 1 large carrot (or 2 small ones)

When stewing in a slow cooker, first you should prepare a zucchini for cooking: cut in half, peel from seeds and pulp. Then peel off the skin. If it is a young vegetable with a thin skin, you can not peel it. Cut into medium sized cubes.

Next, heat the oil in a multi-cooker bowl, add thinly sliced ​​carrots and onions. It should be a little fry vegetables while stirring. Then throw in chopped cabbage, zucchini cubes, adding spices and a little water. Zucchini and cabbage give juice when stewed, so you don't need a lot of other liquid.

Then you need to mix everything well again. Tightly closing the lid of the multicooker, set the extinguishing mode for 20 minutes and you're done!

To date, there is a large selection of recipes of this kind, in addition, you can improvise and add ingredients to your taste.

How to prepare a diet stewed cabbage see the next video.

The calorie content of a product is usually interested in people who watch their figure. This article will tell you about which raw cabbage has energy value. You will also learn about the calorie content of other types of this vegetable. It is definitely worth mentioning the energy value of stewed cabbage (calories will also be indicated).

Cabbage: what is it?

This vegetable is quite popular among people. Some prefer white cabbage, while others like Brussels or Peking. It is worth noting that this vegetable is one of the first that is given to infants as complementary foods. This is explained by the fact that cabbage is recognized as a hypoallergenic dish, which contains a large amount of nutrients.

Cabbage is grown in the ground. Depending on the variety, the vegetable may have some preferences. So, the classic white cabbage is quite picky, it grows in almost all regions and conditions.

How useful is cabbage?

How many calories are in cabbage? Most often, this question is asked by the fair sex, who love to eat deliciously, but at the same time want to maintain their figure. In addition to low energy value, this vegetable has many advantages.

Cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps to restore the protective function of the body. Also, the vegetable boasts a high content of dietary fiber. So, cabbage helps to improve digestion and regulate stool. However, it is worth remembering that the product can increase gas formation. If everything is in order with the balance of microorganisms in the intestines, then this phenomenon will not cause you any discomfort. But for babies in whom the intestinal flora has not yet been formed, such a product can cause considerable pain.

How many calories are in cabbage?

Depending on what type of product you prefer to eat, the energy value of the dish may be different. Of course, a fresh vegetable has more vitamins, dietary fiber and fewer calories. Stewed, fried and boiled dishes during cooking, they acquire additional energy value. Especially if you add additional ingredients. Let's try to figure it out and answer the question of how many calories are in cabbage.

White vegetable

The most popular cabbage is the white variety. So, this product can be fried, stewed, marinated, added to salads and boiled. So, how many calories are in cabbage?

Fresh white cabbage, which is not seasoned with anything, has an energy value of 27 kilocalories per 100 grams. If you prepare a salad from this vegetable and season it with mayonnaise, then the calorie content of such a dish increases significantly. On average, this type of salad has about 400 kcal per 100 grams. In the case when you want to make a salad, but at the same time reduce the energy value, choose low-fat yogurt or olive oil as a dressing. In this case, the calorie content of the vegetable will be in the range from 50 to 300 calories.

Cabbage stew calories has the following: 26 kcal per 100 grams of product. This suggests that during cooking, the energy value decreases. Why is this happening? If you cook cabbage precisely by stewing in a small amount of water, then the juice evaporates from it. Due to this, dietary fiber becomes more and caloric content is reduced. However, with the addition of butter, carrots, tomato and other ingredients, the dish will have an energy value of 70 to 500 calories.

Boiled cabbage (cooked for borscht or cabbage rolls) has an average of 23 calories per 100 grams. fresh cabbage again loses to this version of the dish. But remember that with the addition of broth, meat and other ingredients, the energy value is growing rapidly.

The calorie content is as follows. The energy value of the dish is about 18 kcal per 100 grams. This reduction is due to the pre-treatment that the product goes through.

red cabbage

The second most popular type of this vegetable is exactly In a fresh product, you can find about 24 kcal. When preparing salads, the same rule applies: the higher the energy value of the dressing, the higher the calorie content of the final dish.

Pickled cabbage (red cabbage) has a very low calorie content. On average, from 100 grams of the product you will get about 12 kcal. It is this variety that most housewives use to prepare winter twists.

Cooked red cabbage similarly reduces its energy value. Cabbage stewed according to all the rules contains about 20 kcal. If the product was cooked, then its value is 22 calories.

At additional processing and mixed with other ingredients, the energy value always increases.

Chinese cabbage

This type of vegetable is less popular, but it has more delicate taste than its representatives. most often used for salads, omelettes and various pastries. It goes well with seafood. If you want to get a minimum of calories, but a maximum of pleasure from food, then choose this particular variety and cook it with squid or shrimp.

The calorie content of Beijing cabbage is 15 kcal. This suggests that you can use this type without any restrictions. However, remember the main rule: the more calories in the ingredients that make up the dish, the higher the energy value of Chinese cabbage.


What calories does cauliflower have? The fresh product is not suitable for consumption. Despite this, it is worth saying that it contains about 30 kcal. After heat treatment, the vegetable has an energy value of 27-29 calories.

Cauliflower is the preferred first food. Toddlers are great at assimilating this dish.


This type of cabbage is used in raw and processed form. However, the second option is more preferable. Yes, in raw cabbage Broccoli contains approximately 28 calories. If you cook the product, you will get an energy value of 23-27 kcal.

Often this type of vegetable is added to omelettes and casseroles. In this case, the calorie content increases in proportion to the number of additional ingredients.

Brussels sprouts

If you're cooking the Brussels sprout, you'll get about 35 calories by sautéing or boiling it.

Brussels sprouts can also be fried. In this case, the energy value becomes even greater. In such a dish, you can find up to 60 calories, given that it was prepared without oil and additional ingredients.

kohlrabi cabbage

The most rare type of cabbage is the kohlrabi variety. Outwardly, the vegetable is more like a radish or turnip. In it is practically not used. The only exceptions are the favorite raw foodists.

So, in the original form of a vegetable, there are about 42 calories. At heat treatment this type of vegetable practically does not change its energy value. Stewed or boiled kohlrabi contains 40 to 43 calories per 100 grams.

What type and method of cooking cabbage is the most low-calorie?

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the most dietary product is stewed or boiled Chinese cabbage. However, this dish is very rare. Except for those who know the secrets of this vegetable and watch their figure.

Many nutritionists suggest that a person lose weight through a cabbage diet. To do this, you will need a list called "Low-calorie foods." A table of these ingredients is presented in this article.

A little summary and conclusion

Now you know how many calories are in this or that Try each of the options and choose the one that suits you best. Also study the Table of those presented to your attention below. When cooking, consider not only the taste of the vegetable, but also its energy value.

Try to eat right and make the most of it. Get all the vitamins and minerals you can from your food. Eat different cabbage and always be healthy and slim!

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