Home Preparations for the winter Pasta at home. Homemade pastille Pastila at home

Pasta at home. Homemade pastille Pastila at home

Pastila is a very good alternative to sweets. If parents want their child to grow up healthy, then one of the stumbling blocks along the way is factory-made sweets.

Personally, I have not met a single little person in my life who would not like sweets. The question of the usefulness-harmfulness of those same sweets arose in our family very sharply when a granddaughter was born. What alternatives were not offered! And honey, and jam, and homemade yoghurts, and dried fruits ... And the child stubbornly asked for chocolates and sweets.

But my grandmother Lena (my mother-in-law) prepared marshmallow, and I heard from my daughter that my granddaughter would rather eat it than dried fruits. I decided to give this tasty treat a try.

How to make pasta

I didn’t have any recipes for marshmallow at hand, I got all the experience by trial and error. Started with strawberries. I made marshmallows in the following sequence: chopping berries, adding honey, drying on a tray smeared with homemade cream. I liked it, but the smell of cream still interfered with enjoying the aroma of strawberries. I realized that in the preparation of marshmallow, a very important role is played by the fat with which the pallets are lubricated.

Important note: if honey is used in the preparation, then the marshmallow must be dried at a temperature not exceeding 45 °.

After the strawberries, it was the turn of the apricots.

The composition of the marshmallow is similar: fruits are crushed, honey is added to taste, and everything is dried on a special tray, lubricated with oil so that no streaks are visible. I do it with cotton wool. This time it turned out so well that I, tasting these goodies, became like a small child who climbs into a jar of jam with his palm. It was impossible to break away from the "tasting".

I liked such sweets so much that I arranged a whole assembly line for the production of marshmallows from all kinds of combinations of fruits and vegetables.

Experiments and finds

It is best to take rapeseed honey. It crystallizes very well and does not have a strong odor. By the way, with sugar, they say, marshmallow is not so tasty. It never even crossed my mind to make it with sugar. If you take acacia honey, then the marshmallow may not even work out: it will not dry out, it will be soft and sticky. And if, for example, buckwheat, then it can kill the smell of fruit.

According to my observations, fruits are viscous and fragile. For pasta, this is very important. From viscous fruits and berries (mulberries, cherries, cherries, plums, currants, gooseberries, grapes), it dries for a very long time, but it still sticks and the pieces stick together in a jar. But the vegetables are almost all fragile and quickly dry out - it turns out not marshmallow, but “chips”. Only tomatoes are viscous, of which marshmallow is delicious. I cook it without adding sweets, just chop the tomatoes on a blender and dry it like marshmallow.

I adapted to combine fruits in such a way as to compensate for the excessive viscosity of some with the fragility of others: apples-plums, pears-grapes, apples-cherries, apples-cherries-pears, apricots-cherries, apricots-plums. By the way, apple pastille is generally one of the most delicious.

I do the same with zucchini. But more about them. For a long time I solved the problem of where to adapt these vegetables, which are always in abundance. You can cook zucchini jam, but where is there so much of it? And I thought of making pastille.

So: zucchini, fruits, berries, herbs, a little purified water and honey. Proportions do not like to write to leave room for creativity. I believe that any food is created in alignment with the products. You just need to make the crushed mass of such a density that it is convenient to pour it onto a pallet. And to be delicious!

By analogy with zucchini, I make pumpkin marshmallow: I combine apricots, grapes or nightshade with pumpkin. Actually, black nightshade is a poisonous plant, but ripe dried berries can be consumed. Apricots in this case are used dried. I pre-soak them in warm water for 12 hours, and then, together with some water, pumpkin and honey, grind them in a blender.

Another of my finds: I sprinkle pieces of marshmallow from viscous fruits and berries with herb powder (the herbs are dried and then ground with an iron strainer).

If you only knew how delicious it is: cherry pastille in cherry leaves, plum - in plum, raspberry - in raspberries, and grape - in powder of grape leaves, mustaches and flowers! It is not only tasty and healthy, but also solves the problem of overgrowth of raspberries, plums, cherries. In addition, it is now very easy to regulate the load of grape bushes: all the extra bunches are sent for drying just before flowering. And everyone is happy!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


The transition to proper nutrition is especially difficult for those with a sweet tooth, since it is difficult to find healthy delicacies in stores: some dangerous “ingredient” will break the slender composition. Professionals advise lovers of sweets to figure out how to make marshmallows at home, and ease the complexity of a proper diet with this step.

How to make apple marshmallow at home

One of the most famous factories that produced such a delicacy was and remains Belevskaya: apple marshmallow, which was prepared according to the old technology, was delivered even to Europe. To this day, this technology is an unspoken quality standard. Such an apple marshmallow is a full-fledged dessert, similar to a small cake. A few of its features:

  • The most dietary homemade marshmallow is dark, thin, dense. Such a dessert is dried in the sun, so it can only be prepared in summer.
  • An airy dessert, familiar to most from factory sweets, is protein: it is sweeter and more difficult to prepare, but you can start creating it at any time of the year.
  • If your oven has a minimum temperature of 100 degrees, it is better not to use it - the delicacy will burn.
  • The owners of the fruit dryer are very lucky - they can cook the traditional apple "clean" marshmallow: it will be dried in a day.
  • The pan for cooking fruit should not be enameled, otherwise the food will burn.
  • If you intend to cook protein pastille from heat-treated apples, keep in mind that the product will greatly decrease in size, losing moisture. Make a thick layer (1-1.5 cm), otherwise the marshmallow will simply dry out.
  • Traditional apple marshmallow at home for drying in the open air is laid out in a layer of 5-6 mm.

Pastila from apples in a slow cooker

The recipe is slightly different from the classic one with an additional ingredient in the form of nuts - it is best to use pine nuts. The calorie content of such marshmallow increases, but with moderate use, the dessert continues to be considered dietary. If you are afraid for the figure, remove the nuts from the list of ingredients: this will not affect the consistency of the working mass.

The composition of the product:

  • green apples - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • nuts - 75 g;
  • lemon juice - 1/5 cup.

How to cook marshmallow at home using a slow cooker? Act like this:

  1. Chop the washed and cut apples with the liquidated middle, pour into a blender, scroll until puree.
  2. Pour the mass into a slow cooker, add sugar, mix. Close the lid, set the "cooking" mode.
  3. An hour later, add lemon juice, crushed kernels of nuts. Mix again.
  4. If the mass is too liquid, cook it for another half an hour.
  5. When excess water has evaporated, spread the thick puree over the paper, smoothing it well. Put on the windowsill, dry for 4-5 days (depending on the climatic conditions of the room).

Pastila in the oven

The fastest way to get a delicious natural treat, for which you can use the previous recipe, changing only the last steps of the work. After the apples are evaporated and mashed, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment.
  2. Pour thick puree, spread with a spatula. Approximate thickness - 7 mm.
  3. Dry at a temperature of 50 degrees for 6 hours, check: if the sheet lags behind the parchment easily, you can remove the marshmallow. If not, continue drying.
  4. Cut the finished delicacy into strips, twist into tubes, remove.

How to cook marshmallow outdoors

This recipe is recommended to use in the summer, when the sun is very active. The composition of the classic marshmallow consists only of apples, so the list of ingredients is not given: only the technology of cooking at home deserves attention. The calorie content of such a marshmallow is equal to the calorie content of apples: remember the initial volume of the product, weigh what happened at the output, and calculate the moisture loss.

Technology for making traditional pastille:

  1. Wash the apples, peel, cut into several pieces, focusing on the size of the fruit: large by 8, small by 3-4.
  2. Put the slices in a saucepan with thick walls. Pour in boiled water to make a layer 1-1.5 cm thick.
  3. Boil apples until they are soft: large ones will cook for about two hours, small ones can take half an hour.
  4. Give the puree another quarter of an hour to lose some of the moisture without a lid, decant the remains through a sieve. The thick mass that has gathered in it is the basis of the marshmallow. It should be laid out on a baking sheet with parchment in a very dense layer, exposed to the sun.
  5. It will take 3-5 days to dry using this technology; at night, marshmallows are brought into the house. After you need to turn it over and hold it for a few more hours in the sun.

How to make apple marshmallow without sugar

In addition to the previous traditional recipe, there are ways to do without the most harmful sweetener, replacing it with a more natural one. Professionals suggest using liquid honey: flower or buckwheat is ideal. The set of ingredients for such a marshmallow at home is simple:

  • ground cinnamon;
  • apples.

Cooking principle:

  1. The volume of each ingredient is not indicated on purpose, as it is chosen individually: the main product is apples. Honey and cinnamon are only responsible for the taste.
  2. Wash the main fruit, peel and chop. Evaporate until soft in a saucepan.
  3. Grind with a grater or make it with a blender, add warmed honey, cinnamon. Mix carefully.
  4. Spread the puree over the tray, send it to the dryer for 10-12 hours. After taking it out in the sun, cook for a few more days in the air.

Homemade pastille with egg white

An old recipe from the Belevskaya manufactory, which any housewife can use. A simple composition, a short algorithm of actions - such an apple marshmallow is prepared at home for 6-7 hours and requires accuracy when working with each product. A natural treat can be stored for a long time if it is hermetically sealed, but the marshmallow is so tasty that it is eaten faster than it has time to get into the refrigerator.

For Belevsky homemade dessert you will need:

  • unsweetened apples (preferably Antonov) - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 260 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - for sprinkling.

Cooking pastille at home looks like this:

  1. Wash and peel the apples, cut out the stalk and the seed part. Put in a small saucepan, send to a hot oven. Bake until soft, the waiting time depends on the size and variety of apples.
  2. Cool the baked fruit, chop it with a blender, then rub it through a colander with very small cells: the mass should look like baby puree.
  3. Pour half the sugar, beat with a mixer until the color changes and the volume of the apple mass increases.
  4. Break the eggs into a dry (this is important!) bowl, eliminate the yolks. Beat the whites, gently introducing the rest of the sugar with teaspoons. When they take the form of a thick dense foam, you can proceed to the next step.
  5. Separate about 3 tablespoons with the top of whipped protein, mix the rest in the smallest portions with applesauce.
  6. Cover Teflon baking sheets of the same size (preferably small) with paper, making sides about 2.5-3 cm. Pour a layer of puree to this height, carefully level with a wooden spatula. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  7. Dry at the middle level of the oven for 5 hours, temperature - 85-90 degrees.
  8. Cover with the previously set aside whipped protein, fold the marshmallow layers on top of each other, dry for another couple of hours.
  9. Turn over, hold in the oven for an hour, remove. Cool, divide into portions.

Having collected a rich harvest of apples, many housewives do not know how to process it.

In addition to compotes, jams and jams, you can cook an excellent delicacy at home - apple marshmallow.

Words cannot describe the amazing taste of this product. Delicate apple soufflé is a work of art from cooking.

Cooking methods

Previously, this delicious product was cooked exclusively in the Russian oven. The heat slowly decreased in it, therefore, the marshmallow dried out gradually, which was ideal for obtaining a delicate taste. In modern conditions, you can also prepare this apple sweetness in several ways:

To make apple marshmallow at home, you just need to follow the recipe.

Recipe in the oven

It's easy to make homemade apple pie. The oven recipe is easy. It should only be taken into account that the process will not be fast and the heating temperature of the oven should not exceed 100 degrees.

Cooking steps:

Readiness can be determined by color and stickiness: it does not stick to hands and has an orange color. It is better to put the dried product on a cutting board with parchment up and cover with a damp cloth so that the paper comes off easily. The top can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Pastila in a multicooker

Apple marshmallow recipe in a slow cooker:

If desired, ground kernels of any nuts, dried berries, pieces of candied fruit can be added to the recipe.

Electric dryer to help

You can prepare apple marshmallow using a vegetable and fruit dryer. The recipe for apple marshmallow at home using an electric dryer is as follows:

  • before cooking, it is better to peel apples and grate on a coarse grater;
  • then you need to boil the resulting mass to a density, it is not necessary to add water to juicy varieties of apples;
  • for 1.5 kg of apples, add one glass of sugar, but the amount of sugar will depend on taste preferences;
  • to get a more tender marshmallow, the cooled puree should be whipped with a mixer;
  • further, a circle of parchment is laid out on the grate of the electric dryer and the resulting mass is evenly distributed; so that the marshmallow is thin and easily rolled into a tube, the layer thickness should not exceed 5 mm. To get six circles of the finished product, you need 1.5 kg of apples.

Ancient delicacy

Belevskaya pastila is a delicacy, which is produced according to the old technology in the city of Belev, Tula region. This protein dessert has received a well-deserved leadership among other similar products. To make apple marshmallow according to this recipe, you need take 2 kg Antonov apples, two egg whites, a glass of sugar and spend some time.

Cooking steps:

Joy to children

There is a recipe for soft apple marshmallow, which resembles a soufflé. This recipe is suitable for young children.

For cooking you need:

  • Dilute gelatin or agar-agar (4 grams) in 50 ml of warm water and leave to swell for 15-20 minutes;
  • ripe apples should be cut in half, core removed, put in a cup with a little water and placed in the microwave for 5 minutes;
  • add a glass of sugar, vanillin to taste into the resulting pulp and mix well;
  • put agar-agar or gelatin on a slow fire, add another glass of sugar, and cook for one minute, stirring constantly;
  • add egg white to the cooled applesauce and beat until the mass acquires a light shade;
  • then add sugar syrup and continue whisking for some more time;
  • pour the resulting product into special molds and leave at room temperature for 6-7 hours;
  • cut the finished pastille into cubes and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

For tasty and tender marshmallows, it is necessary to use sour apples, such as Antonovka, Beliy Naliv, Bessemyanka and Granny Smith. Non-succulent species are more suitable: with them, the process of evaporation of the liquid will take less time.

Do not use for enameled dishes, the product will burn in it. "Harmful" sugar can be replaced with a more natural component, liquid flower honey is suitable for this. In order not to get burned with a boiling mass, it must be constantly stirred. To obtain a thin and smooth plate, it is recommended to use a wide wooden spatula.

Other fruits can be added to apples: they are best combined with pears, plums and cherries. When using different products, it is better to cook them separately and mix the already whipped masses. If the marshmallow sticks to parchment, you need to carefully moisten it with water or cover the finished product, turned parchment upside down, with a damp towel.

Store the finished product at room temperature in a dark place and in tightly closed glass jars. Favored by both adults and children, homemade marshmallow is rich in vitamins and is an excellent dessert.

One of the types of harvesting fruits for the winter is marshmallow. What is it, how and on what equipment is it right to cook it?

Homemade marshmallow is a dried puree of raw fruits, berries and vegetables. Once again I emphasize - it is raw, not boiled. Such a product retains all useful substances unchanged. Fruit cells lose water and are not destroyed.

How to cook pasta?

You can also cook marshmallows from boiled fruits, but such marshmallows will not bring benefits to the body after cooking - all fruit cells are destroyed, and vitamins and other useful substances decay when exposed to high temperatures. Cooking marshmallow should take place at a temperature not higher than 55-60 ° C. Otherwise, you will get a tasty, but completely useless product.

To prepare marshmallows at home, you need to have the following kitchen equipment.

1. Electric dryer with pastille function. This must be stated in the operating manual of the electric dryer. This function is present in the dryer when it is equipped with special trays for marshmallows. Such a dryer has an air circulation scheme that is different from others, which ensures uniform drying of liquid formulations. This function contributes to the uniform blowing of the pallets, which does not require constantly changing their places among themselves. Also, the dryer must be equipped with a drying temperature controller, preferably with smooth adjustment and indication of the drying temperature.

These dryers are available from different manufacturers. For example, the Belarusian "Belomo", the Russian "Voltera 1000" and the best and most expensive of them is the electric dryer "Ezidri-1000", made in New Zealand.

The last dryer can accommodate up to 30 trays with trays for marshmallows. Trays during drying do not need to be interchanged - in all levels, the drying process is the same. Which is very convenient, and the process of making marshmallows is quick and simple. In one day, several buckets of fruits can be processed into marshmallow. Can you imagine such performance?

You can, of course, try to use simple electric dryers and ovens to make marshmallows, making trays for the liquid mass, as craftsmen on the Internet advise, using improvised means - parchment paper, baking foil or food silicone mats. You will save money, but you will lose nerves, quality and productivity.

Such homemade products are difficult to use and, as a rule, they are disposable. In addition, the very design of such dryers is not intended for drying liquid formulations. As a result of labor and time, you need to put in a lot, but there is no result. Then the marshmallow will dry out and burn on top, and the bottom will be raw. That will stick to a makeshift pallet. Something else will happen.

Why is an oven, both electric and gas, not suitable for making marshmallows? You will not be able to observe the required temperature regime of 55 ° - 60 ° C in the oven. Therefore, marshmallow overheats, more precisely, it is boiled, and becomes hard after drying, and all useful substances are destroyed. Of course, you can cook marshmallow in the oven, but you will not get any benefit from eating such marshmallow. In addition, the palatability of marshmallows cooked in the oven is very behind compared to that of an electric dryer. You can object to me: - But how did our ancestors cook marshmallows in the oven, in the attic or in the sun? I will answer you. Previously, there were no special electric dryers for marshmallows, and there was no electricity at all. Therefore, they prepared as best they could.

So the first and most basic thing you need to make marshmallows is an electric dryer with the function of making marshmallows.

2. The second necessary device is a stationary electric blender with a removable glass and with the "Whipping" function.

Notice, not a hand blender stick, not a mixer or a chopper, but a stationary blender.

In such a blender, when processing the product, a cycle is created in the cup, which is a feature of this device and helps to grind the product into a uniform mass.

Its power should be 800-1000 watts, the volume of the glass should be at least 1.5 liters. Such a blender grinds any fruit into a homogeneous mass. Of course, you can use a blender of other designs and power, but the result will be incomparably worse. I already tried it. Such a blender is especially good for making marshmallows from berries with stones (raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries). After mashing, the bones can be easily separated using a metal sieve.

3. For the preparation of marshmallows from fruits and berries, granulated sugar is required. This product must be added to the product when making fruit and berry marshmallows in a ratio of approximately 1:10. Its amount depends on the initial sweetness of the product. But we must not forget that during drying, moisture evaporates, and the concentration of sugar in the marshmallow increases. Therefore, do not overdo it with adding sugar to the marshmallow. Sugar serves both as a sweetener and as a preservative.

And now I beg your attention! Never use honey instead of sugar when making marshmallow! At temperatures above 45-48 ° C, a poisonous substance called hydroxymethyl-furfural is formed in honey. This is certainly not fatal, but it is better to add honey to the finished marshmallow when eating.

4. In the manufacture of marshmallows from vegetables, salt and spices are used as a preservative. You can use them in any combination.

5. A necessary component for the preparation of marshmallow is sunflower refined, that is, purified, oil, which is sold in the store. They need to lubricate the marshmallow pan with a brush so that the marshmallow does not stick to the pan and separates well. Some advise using lard to lubricate pallets. I tried lubricating both with sunflower oil and lard. I did not notice any difference in the separation of the marshmallow from the pallet, but it is much more convenient to lubricate the pallet with sunflower oil.

Here are the basic equipment and components needed to make marshmallows at home.

In the distant past, when there were no electric dryers and sugar, marshmallows were made in the oven and with honey. The marshmallow prepared in this way was perfectly stored, but its nutritional value was weak, and the added honey contributed to the appearance of harmful substances when heated.

Once again, to make homemade marshmallow, the main thing is to have a good electric dryer and a good blender.

You can store fruit and berry marshmallow at room temperature in a tightly sealed container. For this I use food trays with lids. Pastila from vegetables should be stored in the refrigerator.

How to cook pasta:

Video. How to cook pasta?

How to cook homemade marshmallow, I will tell in the following videos.

Video. How to cook apricot marshmallow?

Video. How to make strawberry marshmallow?

Good luck with your homemade marshmallows.

Some time ago, we considered the technology for preparing the so-called " apple dough ", on the basis of which confectioners of the century before last made different types of marmalade. And this publication can hardly be considered complete if you do not continue it with a story about making homemade marshmallows.

Dense apple pastille

Pastila, which, like marmalade, is made from apples, is dense and loose. Dense marshmallow was originally made in the form of a paste, from which it got its name. As a rule, wind-blown and therefore unripe apples and other fruits were used for its preparation.

To prepare such a marshmallow, apples are washed, put in a large container and poured enough water to fill the gaps between the fruits. Apples are boiled until the peel on them begins to crack, after which they are thrown back on a sieve and rubbed.

Then sugar is added to the resulting puree or "apple dough", as it was called earlier: about 100 g per 8 kg of puree and simmered until thickened. Then the resulting mass is poured into molds with a height of not more than 5 cm and dried.

One of the varieties of dense marshmallow is considered fig. Its difference from the above-described "paste" lies in the fact that when cooking, 200 g of sugar per 8 kg of mashed potatoes are put into the fruit or berry mass (sometimes sugar is replaced with potato molasses) and a tablespoon of pear or pineapple essence is added. Attention! These essences are NOT added to fruit and berry varieties of figs!

How to make a fig

In addition to apples, you can use plums, quince, peaches and apricots with "barrel" to prepare this delicacy. a mi" and even pomace of raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, blackcurrants, which have good stickiness.

If figs are prepared from cherries, red currants, lingonberries, then applesauce must be mixed with the berries so that the mass is sticky and keeps its shape well. When using pomace of berries, it should be remembered that for the preparation of figs they must be used as quickly as possible, otherwise the pomace will begin to ferment and lose its stickiness, and will not freeze after boiling.

When such a nuisance - non-hardening of the mass in the form nevertheless happens, then it is corrected by adding agar-agar (200 g per 8 kg of puree) and digestion over low heat. It is important not to forget that fruit and berry purees burn very quickly, so many confectioners boil apple and other types of dough for figs and marshmallows in a water bath.

Sugar or potato molasses is added at the very beginning of mashed potatoes: for every pound of mass, about 300-400 g of sugar is taken for making figs, for acidic varieties of fruits and berries this amount is slightly increased. Next, the mass is boiled in a water bath or over low heat with constant stirring until thickened.

The readiness of a fig can be determined by a very simple sign: a well-cooked mass bubbles, when stirred, it easily lags behind the bottom and gives splashes. Also, readiness can be checked in the classical way, as in the manufacture of all types of jam: a drop of mass is lowered onto a cold plate and, if it does not blur, but hardens and is easily removed with a knife without losing shape, then the fig is ready.

The finished mass is poured into molds, large plates or simply sheets, slightly greased with vegetable oil and left to further solidify and dry. When using ovens, it is necessary to keep the door ajar and maintain a temperature of about 50 degrees. Such drying can last from 15 to 24 hours.

Depending on the desire, sometimes frozen figs are cut into portions or rolled into a tube, rolled in granulated sugar, and then dried. In some cases, they cut an under-dried layered fig, after which they roll it in sugar and bring it to readiness.

cherry fig

Absolutely all varieties of cherries are suitable for making figs, but the best-tasting delicacy is obtained from Vladimir cherries, whose berries are almost black. The fruits are pitted, passed through a meat grinder, after which granulated sugar is added to the mashed cherries in a ratio of 1: 1 or a little more if the cherries are sour.

Next, the berry mass is boiled until thickened, stirring constantly, after which it is poured into molds. Cherry figs have a pronounced taste and special juiciness, but for this reason (the abundance of juice) it dries longer than figs from apples or other berries.

strawberry fig

Strawberries have very small grains, for this reason the berries are usually not rubbed through a sieve, but are used whole. It has also been observed that whole berries dry and harden faster than pureed ones. For 400 g of strawberries, they usually take from 200 to 300 g of granulated sugar, depending on the sweetness of the berries.

If the summer was rainy and the strawberries grew watery, then to prepare figs, you need to add a certain amount of "apple dough" to the berry puree: about 2 kg per 8 kg of berries.

Just as described above, they prepare figs from raspberries, currants, apricots, dogwood, apples and pears, oranges. If, in one form, you pour different berry and fruit masses in layers, after letting them harden, you get an old delicacy called " union paste". After all the layers have hardened, the mass is removed from the mold, dried and stored wrapped in parchment paper.

homemade churchkhela

A special kind of marshmallow, popular in the Caucasus, is churchkhela, or, as it used to be called in Georgia, djanjuka. Different varieties of nuts are strung on threads, often interspersed with pieces of dried fruit, and in some areas using only fruits, without nuts.

These blanks are dipped in a kind of liquid jelly made from wheat flour and grape must, i.e. unfermented grape juice. Each blank is dipped in this jelly several times, drying each layer in a hanging position.

The author of an old book for confectioners, based on which this publication is being prepared, recommends cooking traditional cranberry, blackcurrant or raspberry jelly, arguing that with it churchkhela turns out to be no less tasty than the classic Caucasian delicacy.

The classic protein marshmallow, for which Soviet schoolchildren sometimes mistook chalk sticks lying at the blackboard, belongs to the variety loose pastille This delicacy is not prepared from all varieties of apples, as is the case with dense marshmallow, but only from sour fruits belonging to late autumn and winter varieties: antonovka, skryzhapel, titovka, juicy brilliant green, etc.

For white marshmallow, choose those varieties that give a light puree, apples with pinkish flesh are suitable for red varieties of marshmallow. "Apple dough" is prepared in the same way as described above: the fruits are boiled in a small amount of water until cooked, rubbed through a sieve. The resulting puree for making homemade marshmallow is whipped by hand or with a mixer until it turns white and increases in size. Then the "apple dough" is laid out on a sieve to allow the juice to drain, which will prevent loosening and good beating of the mass.

In the process of whipping, egg whites are added to the applesauce, and at the very last stage, granulated sugar or powdered sugar, after which the mass is beaten for some more time so that the sugar has time to dissolve in the apples and thicken the moisture present in the puree. It is important to remember that sugar is added always at the end of whipping the marshmallow - this gives it tenderness and does not reduce the friability of the structure. It should also be noted that excess sugar upsets the mass, makes the marshmallow heavy and viscous.

Belevskaya pastila

The classic belevskaya marshmallow is prepared by slightly violating the traditional order of mixing the ingredients: first, whip the proteins in a separate container, then gently add applesauce to them and continue beating. In accordance with the classic recipe, 1 protein from a large egg was taken for 900 g of "apple dough".

When the whole mass becomes sufficiently lush and airy, 450 g of granulated sugar is added to it and beat until all the grains of sugar are dissolved. After that, the mixture was laid out on a sieve with a layer of about 2.5 cm thick and dried at a moderate (about 55 degrees) oven temperature: for two nights, the marshmallow was left in the oven, during the day it was taken out and put in a dry, warm place.

The famous Kolomna marshmallow, with the only exception that for 1 kg of apple dough there are 3 proteins and 900 g of granulated sugar.

Ukrainian pastille

In Little Russia, homemade marshmallow according to old classical recipes was prepared in almost the same way as Belevskaya and Kolomna marshmallows, only usually it was shaped like a pie 2-2.5 cm high.

Proteins and applesauce are beaten in separate containers, then mixed, poured into molds and dried in the oven at 90 degrees - for this reason, Ukrainian marshmallow turns out to be spongy and dry inside.

Various recipe variations:

  1. for one protein take 1.8 kg of applesauce and 900 g of granulated sugar;
  2. 12 proteins account for 3.6 kg of applesauce and 900 g of sugar;
  3. 18 proteins account for 11 kg of applesauce and 2.5 kg of sugar;
  4. 3 proteins take 2.7 kg of applesauce and 1.4 kg of granulated sugar.

Pastila: a recipe with dry protein

You can also use a factory trick to make homemade marshmallows: replace regular protein with powder. To do this, 450 dry protein is diluted in 2.3 liters of boiled warm water and this solution is used, replacing chicken eggs with it - this amount of cooked mass is equivalent to 200 fresh eggs.

The best factory marshmallow, which uses egg powder, was considered the one in which 600-700 g of applesauce accounted for one protein and 450 g of granulated sugar. Proteins are poured into apples in the process of beating and, when the mass turns white, sugar is added. Then fruit essence is poured into the marshmallow, tinted with food coloring - usually pink and laid out to dry in molds.

As soon as the marshmallow dries and a thin crust forms on its surface, it is sprinkled with powdered sugar, removed from the mold and spread on sheets of baking paper. On the remaining sides, the marshmallow is also sprinkled with powder so that the pieces do not stick to each other, and placed in the dryer.

Berry pastille at home

You can also make delicious homemade marshmallows from fruit juices and berry puree, but it is worth remembering that these ingredients in their pure form are never used to make marshmallows, only as an additive to traditional applesauce. Without the "apple dough" such pastille will not take the desired shape and will not harden.

As a rule, raspberries, strawberries, blackcurrants or strawberries are used for berry marshmallows: the desired type of berries is rubbed through a sieve and added to applesauce in a ratio of 2:5. Then, for every 0.5 kg of the resulting mass, 1 protein and 200 g of granulated sugar are added. Next, berry marshmallow is prepared in the same way as other varieties of this delicacy.

When making cherry marshmallow, it is important to remember that cherry juice precipitates the apple mass very much and therefore it is not recommended to add more than 900 ml of it - the marshmallow may not harden and it will need to be digested with the addition of agar-agar.

Rzhev pastila

This type of marshmallow is notable for the fact that sugar is replaced with honey: for every 0.5 kg of applesauce, about 200 g of good honey is taken. The whole mass is beaten until it turns white and all the honey dissolves.

Most often, in the manufacture of this marshmallow, they do without adding protein, but in this case it is best to beat the honey and apples separately, then combine them and beat them well again.

Then the whipped mass is poured into molds (the thickness of the marshmallow layer should not exceed 1.5 cm) and allowed to dry a little. Then, on top of this layer, the second and third are poured in the same way and the marshmallow is dried in the oven at a temperature of about 60 g. Sometimes the marshmallow is poured not in layers, but immediately in one layer about 4.5 cm thick, after which it is dried as described above.

Homemade pastille "special"

At the time of the publication of this book (the end of the 19th century), this type of marshmallow was considered a novelty in the confectionery business, which is why it was called "special" or "new". To prepare this variety of marshmallow, the whites are first beaten very carefully to get a lush, thick and increased mass.

Then, fresh raspberries are carefully crushed with a blender (well, or in the old fashioned way - rubbed through a sieve, but then bones will be felt in the marshmallow). For every 3 proteins, there should be 200 g of raspberry puree, no more.

2.7 kg of "apple dough" are carefully mixed into the berry-protein mixture and beat all these ingredients until a pink thick mass is obtained. The marshmallow is poured into molds, left to harden, after which it is cut into squares or rhombuses with a sharp knife.

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