Home Nutrition Rapeseed oil. Benefit and harm, its composition. Rapeseed oil useful properties and contraindications

Rapeseed oil. Benefit and harm, its composition. Rapeseed oil useful properties and contraindications

In Russia, the use of rapeseed oil in food has not received much popularity, but in Europe this product is considered one of the main sources of fatty acids in any diet.

In terms of its beneficial properties and taste characteristics, it is compared with olive oil, only it costs several times cheaper.

Previously, rapeseed was used only as an agricultural crop, and the oil was extracted only for technical purposes. Today, oil is becoming increasingly popular in cosmetology, cooking and medicine.

For food purposes, only mutant varieties of rapeseed are suitable, in the oil of which the content of erucic acid is minimal. According to GOST 8988-2002, only unrefined first grade rapeseed oil or refined, non-deodorized rapeseed oil, in which the concentration of erucic acid is less than 5%, thioglucosides - less than 3%, is allowed for food. Under these conditions, the product will not cause harm.

Rapeseed oil, like any vegetable (sunflower, olive, corn), high-calorie. 99% of the product consists of fats. We note the most useful of them:

  • saturated fatty acids (10%);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (33%);
  • monounsaturated (oleic acid);
  • polyunsaturated (linolenic, linoleic acids);
  • phospholipids, etc.

The benefits of the product also depend on the vitamin and mineral composition:

  • vitamin E (tocopherols);
  • carotenoids;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • magnesium, etc.

Sometimes an extract from rape seeds is called "Russian olive oil". The composition of these products is similar, the benefits are huge.

What kind of rapeseed oil is good for humans?

People learned to grow rapeseed even more than one and a half thousand years ago, but until the middle of the last century it was not eaten. This is due to the fact that it contains a substance such as erucic acid, it does not break down in the human body, accumulates and has a negative impact on health.

Currently, breeders have bred many varieties of rapeseed with a minimum concentration of harmful acid, which made it possible to use rapeseed oil in a wide range, including for treatment.

This product has received the greatest popularity in Germany, where almost 80% of the population consumes it daily.

Rapeseed is a cabbage family, and the oil content in its seed reaches 40%.

Due to the fact that this agricultural crop is not demanding on environmental conditions, and the production of oil is a practically waste-free production, the price of rapeseed oil is several times lower than the cost of other vegetable oils.

Basic technological process receiving any vegetable oil- pressing and cold pressing. Initially harvested rapeseed is cleaned, crushed and placed under a press.

Thus, unrefined oil is obtained, which is not subjected to thermal and chemical processing, and retains the maximum amount of nutrients and healing properties in its composition. The remaining cake is repressed by some manufacturers, and some are mixed with livestock feed.

Unusual compared to other oils, rapeseed oil can retain its properties, color and smell for a long period of time without spoiling or becoming rancid.

Useful chemical composition

Almost all healing properties oils are based on its main components - polyunsaturated fatty acids.

At present, scientists have not yet fully studied the effect of rapeseed oil on the human body, so the recommendations for eating it are ambiguous.

Its components are identical olive oil, however, may be harmful due to the presence of toxic compounds.

Oil is a very high-calorie product, as it is enriched with saturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and tissues. Omega-3 and omega-6 acids are not able to be independently synthesized in the body, but at the same time they take part in the processes of synthesizing new protein compounds, in energy metabolism and other processes.

In the vitamin ratio in rapeseed oil, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamin A and D are present in high concentrations. They fill the body with energy and regulate fat metabolism.

Due to his chemical composition, rapeseed oil is absorbed by the intestines almost completely. However, erucic acid and thioglucosides, which have a toxic effect, in the composition of the oil are not able to be digested in the human body and, accordingly, accumulate, causing harm to health.

Therefore, only those varieties of rapeseed that are artificially bred with a minimum content of harmful substances are used for food.

The mineral composition of rapeseed oil is not enriched, phosphorus is present in various phosphate compounds, they help strengthen blood vessels.

Also in rapeseed copper, zinc, calcium and potassium are concentrated.

How to apply

The product does not lose transparency for a long time, it has a delicate pleasant aroma, beneficial features maintained for at least five years.


In cooking, rapeseed oil is best used as a salad dressing. The product is not suitable for frying and baking. The fact is that under the influence of high temperatures, toxic compounds appear in it.


The rapeseed product is quite often found in traditional medicine recipes. Warm compresses and baths from this product help eliminate joint diseases. It starts the regeneration process, it can be used to lubricate wounds and burns.

Canola oil helps eliminate hangovers. To do this, you need to dilute a few drops in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach.

traditional medicine

Sterile rapeseed oil is used in pharmacology; oil formulations for injections are made on its basis.

For adult men and women

It is dominated by monounsaturated oleic acid.. It is rapidly absorbed by the digestive system.

At the same time, it reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which means it prevents atherosclerosis, also normalizes blood pressure and is a prevention of diabetes.

Polyunsaturated acids (omega-6 and omega-3) are in the only right ratio for health 1:2. And this is the correct functioning of the brain, heart, reduction of inflammation, prevention of tumors.

Harmful saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids make up a very low percentage, which reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The manufacturer, as a rule, enriches the oil with tocopherol(a form of vitamin E content). He, like all antioxidants, is a powerful stimulator of recovery processes. Accordingly, improves the health of our skin, nails and hair.

For pregnant and lactating

Is rapeseed oil good for expectant mothers? This oil is just a godsend. It contains a natural analogue of the female hormone estradiol.

This hormone affects the mood, attractiveness, stamina, as well as the reproductive function of a woman. In addition, it is responsible for the preservation of the fetus and blood clotting, which is important for preparing for childbirth.

A group of French scientists found that in those regions where women constantly use this product, a significantly lower percentage of breast cancer cases.

So nursing mothers can not be afraid for themselves, and for their crumbs too.

For kids

Rapeseed oil is an ingredient in many infant formulas. and is therefore considered safe.

It can perfectly complement the regular children's diet, because it is light, rarely causes allergies.

In addition, it has a good effect on the formation of brain activity. Why not experiment?

It is only necessary to coordinate with the pediatrician the daily dose of consumption, each age group is different.

For the elderly

Is a gentle product for the digestive system of the elderly. Therefore, it is able to perform the function of a supplier of essential acids for the body.

Moreover, animal fats and milk at this stage of life should be reduced to a minimum. They are too high in cholesterol and saturated fats.

In old age, you need to use only refined oil as salad dressings. It is strictly forbidden to fry on it.

Application in dietary nutrition

Rape seeds contain up to 50% fat, 6% fiber, up to 30% protein. Oil has low calorie, accelerates metabolic processes in the body, which allows you to effectively use it in the fight against extra pounds.

Almost all diets allow the intake of rapeseed oil, since the product is well absorbed by the body. This oil is a mandatory component of the diet against atherosclerosis, it is prescribed for problems with the heart and blood vessels.


In therapeutic and mono-diets, the daily dose of oil is 15 ml. With a protein and healthy diet, the amount of oil can be increased to 30 ml.


In some European countries, this product is used in the production of baby food. It contains healthy fatty acids, it is completely free of cholesterol.


Oil can be introduced into the diet of a child at 4-6 months, adding 1 drop to vegetable complementary foods. The dose can be gradually increased, for a week the daily amount of oil can be brought up to 2 ml.

This product should not be added to store vegetable puree- most often it is already in the composition. In baby food, due to its mild taste, it is almost imperceptible, so the baby will be happy to eat the food offered, and parents can be calm about his health.

The daily dose of rapeseed oil for a child should not exceed 30 ml.

Rapeseed oil in cosmetology

Rapeseed oil is used to improve the condition of the skin, eliminate dermatological problems. We bring to your attention several proven recipes.

Soothing bath:

  • fresh milk - 220 ml;
  • soda - 12 g;
  • rapeseed oil - 30 ml;
  • dried lavender flowers (chamomile, calendula) - 50 g;
  • corn starch - 5 g.

Mix all components, add 100 g of sea salt. The duration of the water procedure is no more than 20 minutes.


Rapeseed oil improves the condition of the hair, it makes curls strong and shiny, eliminates split ends. It should be added to shampoo or balm. For every 100 ml of base, 7 ml of oil is required.


Terry socks for the treatment of dry feet, with gel enriched with rapeseed, olive and mineral oils

Useful and healing properties of rapeseed oil

This product concentrates many substances that can have a beneficial effect on the human body:

  1. Rapeseed oil significantly improves immunity, helps to cope with bacterial and viral infections;
  2. Strengthens blood vessels, promotes the breakdown of bad cholesterol, which prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.

In addition, it affects the composition of the blood and its viscosity, therefore, reduces the risk of thrombosis, myocardial infarction and stroke;

  1. Rapeseed oil is indispensable for the female body, as it contains estradiols, a replacement component of female hormones.

Due to them, the disturbed hormonal background in girls is normalized, the menstrual cycle is restored, and unpleasant symptoms are relieved during premenstrual syndrome and during menopause;

  1. Cosmetologists use oil in masks and creams for hands, face and body.

The skin after their regular use becomes smooth, soft and acquires a radiant color;

  1. Due to the high content of carotenoids and vitamin E, rapeseed reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors, eliminates free radicals and fights cancer cells;
  2. With diets, rapeseed oil contributes to the speedy breakdown of body fat and enhances metabolic processes in the body.

However, it must be eaten regularly, combined with proper nutrition and sports activities;

  1. Restores the work of the gastrointestinal tract, enveloping the mucous membrane of the stomach, reduces its acidity, heals ulcerative lesions of the intestine.

Also, rapeseed oil enhances intestinal motility, removes toxic substances and slag deposits from the body;

  1. It is rightfully considered the elixir of longevity and youth, as it stimulates the production of collagen fibers, thereby removing mimic wrinkles, making the skin smooth and even.
  2. Also, rapeseed oil has found application in the pharmaceutical industry, with the help of its specialists prepare injection solutions and add it to healing creams and ointments;
  3. Strengthens the nervous system during stress, anxiety, and also helps to cope with insomnia;
  4. During the period of gestation and lactating women, it is recommended to regularly drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil in the morning, as they saturate the newborn's body with all the necessary elements and minerals;
  5. In diseases of the musculoskeletal system, with gouty arthritis, doctors advise making lotions from rapeseed oil on diseased areas of the body.

Experts believe that every day you need to take one to two dessert spoons rapeseed oil. In this case, the body will be saturated with polyunsaturated fatty acids and other complex chemical compounds that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

It must be drunk early in the morning immediately after waking up, that is, on an empty stomach, at least an hour before meals.

Healing recipes using rapeseed oil

It is used not only in folk medicine for the treatment of the cardiovascular and digestive systems. The oil is actively used for cosmetic purposes to strengthen and restore hair, moisturize the skin of the face and hands.

  • To relax the body tired during the day, you can take a restorative bath in the evenings.

First you need to mix a glass of warm milk, two tablespoons of coarse sea salt, soda, starch, a few drops of lavender oil and a couple of tablespoons of rapeseed oil.

Then pour the mixed mixture into hot water and lie in the bath for no more than 20 minutes, then take a contrast shower.

  • To make your hair smooth, manageable and shiny, it is enough to rub rapeseed oil twice a month into the hair roots and into the scalp, massaging it thoroughly.

After that, it is necessary to remove the hair in a special cap and wrap it with a towel, warm the head for half an hour and rinse well with regular shampoo.

It should be borne in mind that washing off the oil from the head is a rather difficult task, so cosmetologists have their own tricks. It is necessary to dilute the yolk and a few drops of lemon juice in water, and then proceed to wash your hair.

  • For the face and skin of the hands, the following recipe is suitable.

It is necessary to mix two dessert spoons of oil with natural yogurt and honey. Apply the product for 15 - 20 minutes and rinse under warm running water. Thus, it is possible to protect delicate skin from sudden changes in temperature in winter, remove peeling and moisturize dry epidermis.

  • To cure the gastrointestinal tract, gastroenterologists recommend eating fresh rapeseed oil on an empty stomach, a teaspoonful several times a day.

You can also add it to snacks and salads, replacing other vegetable oils.

Possible contraindications and harm to the body

The most serious and dangerous deficiency in the composition of rapeseed oil is the presence of erucic acid. When accumulated, it begins to have a toxic effect, primarily on the liver, heart and musculoskeletal system.

Therefore, when choosing rapeseed oil in a store or pharmacy, you should pay special attention to the level of thioglycosides and the content of erucic acid.

Some pediatricians in European countries are against the use of rapeseed oil by young children, believing that it harms a fragile child's body.

When heated, the oil releases carcinogens that provoke the development of cancer, as well as toxic substances that cannot be excreted from the human body.

The main contraindications for which the use of rapeseed vegetable oil is prohibited are:

  • dysentery and diarrhea, which are accompanied by a breakdown of the stool and vomiting;
  • cholecystitis in the acute stage and various types of hepatitis;
  • individual intolerance to any of the components in the composition of the oil;
  • allergic reactions, as if consumed excessively, it can cause swelling, inflammation, irritation and itching.

Selection of rapeseed oil in the store and storage options

The main requirements for choosing vegetable oil include:

  • When choosing an oil, you need to pay attention to the presence of sediment in the bottle.

Its presence at the bottom of the container indicates poor-quality raw materials that cannot be eaten;

  • You should also pay attention to the label with the composition.

It should indicate the exact concentration of harmful erucic acid, it should not be more than 0.5%;

  • It is recommended to choose only refined oil that has passed all stages of physical and chemical purification;
  • The label should not contain an inscription about the hydrogenation of the product.

This is the process of treating vegetable oil with water. In this case, it acquires an unstable chemical structure and is more susceptible to rancidity.

  • Rapeseed oil has a bright golden color and a slight pleasant aroma.

An ideal option for storing vegetable oil at home is glassware with a hermetically sealed lid. At the same time, it is recommended to store it in a dark, cool place away from sunlight, so as not to lose all the healing substances.

In Russia, such oil is inexpensive, a liter can be purchased within 100 rubles. This is due to the fact that it is easy to obtain and the cleaning process does not take much time and money. In addition, the rapeseed crop produces seeds more than three times a year.

Thus, each person chooses for himself whether rapeseed oil will benefit the body or cause harm. However, modern scientists believe that there are much more useful properties in it than in other vegetable oils.

The price of rapeseed oil

Although this product is extremely useful, it is not always sold close to home. Finding a bottle with a valuable composition on the shelf of a large supermarket or buying it in an online store will not be any particular problem. What is the average rapeseed oil price? The product is inexpensive - within 45-60 rubles per 1 kg. Due to the affordable cost, rapeseed oil may well compete with sunflower or more expensive olive oil, which is familiar to households.

How exactly did the rapeseed plant, from which the healing oil is extracted, scientists still have not figured out. It does not grow in the wild, but as an agricultural crop has been grown for several millennia. This plant belongs to the cabbage family and ten years ago they began to extract biofuel from it.

According to geneticists, rapeseed originated from garden cabbage and superetsy, or field cabbage, which is very for a long time considered a weed. But at the same time, for many years, oil has been extracted from superets seeds, which is then added to soap, as well as to various technical liquids. So superetsu is considered one of the varieties of rapeseed, and in some sources these two plants are generally described as one.

Where exactly rapeseed appeared is also unknown, but in Russia they began to plant this crop in the 19th century, at the same time they began to make oil from it. But then they forgot about rapeseed for almost a century, and only recently this oil appeared in production.

Many believe that rapeseed oil is healthier, although the latter is considered almost universal. These two oils are similar in taste and nutritional properties, but rapeseed is a little cheaper. It is because of this similarity that in some countries rapeseed is called "northern olive", although it is not a tree.

The composition of the oil has not yet been studied thoroughly enough, it is known that one hundred grams of it contains about 900 kcal and almost one hundred percent of fats, which contain saturated and unsaturated acids. Most of all in the oil of oleic acid, there are also erucic and eicosenoic acids. Among polyunsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids are especially valuable. Among the vitamins, vitamin E and group B can be distinguished, from useful substances - phosphorus, carotenoids, calcium, copper.

Useful properties of oil

Due to the fact that rapeseed oil contains a lot of unsaturated acids, MirSovetov recommends including it in your menu for those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, because regular use of this product reduces the risk of blood clots. Oil intake also has a good effect on metabolism, the process of cell renewal is accelerated, overweight people get rid of extra pounds, due to the fact that bad cholesterol does not settle on the vessels, but is excreted. V diet food This oil is recommended to be used instead of all other oils in dishes.

There are more essential acids in rapeseed than in olives, which play a crucial role in the body, they are needed for cell membranes and have properties.

Rapeseed oil is often used not only in cooking, but also for cooking. It wonderfully softens the skin, nourishes and moisturizes it. And in pharmacology, sterilized oil is used, it is needed to prepare a solution for injection.

The demand for this product is growing every day, because its quality is also changing. There are countries where rapeseed oil is made on the basis of margarine and then it is added to salads, and it remains transparent for a long time and does not deteriorate when exposed to air.

In women, this product is the prevention of breast cancer, due to the fact that it contains an analogue of the female sex hormone estradiol, only of plant origin. This hormone is very important for the female body, because it is he who is responsible for the possibility of a woman.

A couple of years ago, scientists conducted a social survey among residents of San Francisco, and it turned out that those women who used rapeseed oil for cooking were much less likely to find breast formations than those who used any other vegetable oil.

If we talk about the benefits of rapeseed oil for the heart system, then in terms of the content of monounsaturated fatty acids that are needed for the smooth functioning of the heart muscle, then this product will come first, yielding to olive and bypassing sunflower oil. This product is added even to children food, motivating this by the fact that it is useful for a growing organism.

Application of rapeseed oil

It is most beneficial for the body to use raw rapeseed oil. Can they manage vegetable salads. Can you cook this vitamin salad: take half a kilo raw carrots and one hundred grams of prunes and dried apricots. peel and rub on a medium-sized grater, wash and pour boiling water for a few minutes to make them soft. Then finely chop them and pour in rapeseed oil, about 50 ml, add salt to taste, pour a little lemon juice, you can optionally add cumin or dill seeds, mix the salad and you can serve.

Rapeseed oil is also used in the preparation of home cosmetics. A bath with this product will be especially useful for the skin. After it, the skin will be very tender, velvety. To prepare a healing bath, take a glass of milk, a quarter of a glass, a teaspoon of corn starch, two tablespoons of rapeseed oil, a couple of drops, linden extract, some dried flowers, preferably lavender. This mixture should be added to warm water and take a bath for a quarter of an hour. Such a bath will not only nourish the skin, but also calm the nerves, relieve inflammation on the skin, and eliminate microbes.

You can take rapeseed oil as a medicine on an empty stomach, a teaspoon a day, preferably in the morning. And after consulting with your doctor.

Oil contraindications

It is impossible to use rapeseed oil for people suffering from exacerbation of chronic hepatitis, cholelithiasis, and also if there is an individual intolerance to the drug.

One of the main disadvantages of this product is a large amount of erucic acid, it is difficult for enzymes to cope with it in the body, and it is not completely consumed, but accumulates in the organs and one day may fail in the reproductive system of the body. In children, this can affect the delay in sexual development. In addition, this acid negatively affects the functioning of the liver, heart muscle, the state of the skeleton and blood vessels. Therefore, in some European countries, certain varieties of this oil are prohibited for use as a food product. Despite this, in Germany this product is one of the most popular and it is eaten much more often than other oils.

When choosing an oil, pay attention to its smell, it should be fragrant, not rancid, and the color - good oil has a light color with a yellow tinge. If there is sediment in the bottle, it means that the oil has oxidized, it is not necessary to take it. You need to store it only in a dark place, it is not recommended to use it for frying, under the influence of high temperatures dangerous compounds are formed in it. It is better to add it to salads and have no doubt that in this way it only brings benefits.

Rapeseed is a cultivated plant, from the seeds of which a valuable plant product is obtained. The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil are well studied, which leads to its use in cooking, cosmetology, traditional and folk medicine.

A bit of history

The herbaceous plant rapeseed began to be cultivated 1500-2000 years ago. Until now, his homeland is not exactly known: some believe that it is Northern India, others are convinced that it is the Mediterranean. Another name for rapeseed oil is "northern olive" or "northern olive". After all, in terms of taste and useful composition the herbal remedy is close to olive oil, but costs a little less.

Initially natural product used only for technical purposes. Rapeseed oil was produced for the automotive industry as a lubricant, and was also used in soap making, when creating textiles, and for lighting rooms. It was not eaten because of the high percentage of harmful compounds - erucic acid. This substance is considered a poison: the human body is not able to break it down, which leads to the deposition of acid in the body, provokes the occurrence of certain diseases.

In the early 1970s, breeders from Canada developed a new variety of rapeseed, in which the content of a harmful compound was reduced to 2%. After that, the valuable liquid began to be used as food.

Now the popularity of rapeseed oil is increasing. The product is widely known in Europe and the USA, however, in Russia, an oily plant is treated with caution and caution. Culture gained its distribution due to the cheapness of production, its non-waste. Let's find out whether rapeseed oil brings harm or benefit.

Valuable composition

Rapeseed oil is a yellowish or brownish liquid. It tastes like olive oil, has a nutty smell. The calorie content of the product is high and amounts to 900 kcal per 100 g. Its beneficial properties are due to the following components in its composition.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids are Omega-3 and Omega-6, called vitamin F. These acids are not produced by the body on its own, but are necessary for its proper functioning. The complex supports fat metabolism, reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, therefore, with sufficient intake of these fatty acids in the body, the risk of developing atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system is significantly reduced. They also help to strengthen the nervous system, improve immunity.
  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant needed to maintain beauty, youth and health. Deficiency of this substance adversely affects the state of the reproductive system, hair, nails and skin.
  • Tocopherols, carotenoids.
  • Vitamins A, D, K, group B.
  • Trace elements - zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper.

It is interesting!

Vitamin E in 1 tbsp. l. natural healing agent contains a lot - 30% of the daily requirement of the body.

B vitamins are responsible for proper functioning nervous system affect the functioning of the immune system. They are necessary at high loads, emotional and mental, during stress and during chronic diseases. Vitamin A keeps vision normal, is responsible for immunity, vitamin D helps skin wounds, abrasions and scratches heal faster, protects against damage to the skin. Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting processes.

Benefits of using the product

Due to its balanced composition, rapeseed oil has a beneficial effect on many organs and processes in the human body.

  • Improves heart function, contributes to the normal activity of the liver, pancreas and kidneys.
  • It has a positive effect on digestion, plays the role of a mild laxative.
  • It occupies an important place in the process of fat metabolism, reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  • It has a regenerating effect on the skin.
  • It removes toxins, toxic substances and other harmful compounds from the body.
  • Increases immunity, helps protect against viral infections and bacteria.
  • Has pain relieving properties.
  • Improves the condition of blood vessels, making them strong, reduces the likelihood of thrombosis.
  • Stimulates the formation of collagen fibers, giving the skin smoothness, making it smooth and elastic, removes mimic wrinkles.
  • Keeps beautiful appearance hair, skin, improves their internal "well-being".

The use of oil for the female body is of great benefit due to the high level of the hormone estradiol. It plays an important role in the readiness of a woman's body to conceive a baby, protects against some gynecological problems. Also, the element normalizes the disturbed hormonal background, improves the menstrual cycle, reduces pain and unpleasant symptoms during menopause and before menstruation.

Application in cosmetology

Rapeseed oil is used in cosmetic purposes both as an independent remedy and as an additional component of homemade masks and creams. Compositions based on it soften, moisturize and nourish the skin. A valuable liquid brings tired and overdried skin. It is also practiced to use the product for the beauty of curls, giving them shine and softness.

Here are some common recipes for hair and skin.

  • Nourishing hair mask

Rub rapeseed oil into the hair roots and scalp with massaging light movements, cover the hair with a cap, put a towel on top. Leave the mask for half an hour, then remove with warm water and shampoo. Sessions are held twice a month.

  • Mask to eliminate dandruff

Add rapeseed oil to a ready-made shampoo (10 ml of oil per 100 ml of product). Wash your hair with this solution. As a result, the scalp will become soft and moisturized, dandruff will disappear.

  • Revitalizing bath

Take warm milk (200-250 ml), sea ​​salt coarse grinding (2 tablespoons), soda, a couple of drops essential oil lavender and rapeseed oil (2 tablespoons). Mix everything thoroughly, pour into the bath, lie down and relax. It is necessary to take a bath for no more than 20 minutes, and then stand under a contrast shower.

Application in medicine

The healing properties of rapeseed oil allow it to be used to improve the body and maintain it in proper shape. It is taken orally, used as compresses, is part of home and pharmacy ointments for healing skin lesions.

  • Ingestion

To strengthen the body every day in the morning, 60-90 minutes before the first meal, you need to consume 1-2 tsp. natural remedy.

  • For healing wounds, minor cuts, abrasions and burns

Gently lubricate the affected area 4 times a day.

  • Joint treatment

Prepare a compress: apply oil on gauze or a clean piece of cloth, apply to the sore spot for several hours.

Use in cooking

Rapeseed oil is excellent for dressing salads, first and second courses, and only in a cold or slightly heated form in a water bath.

A feature of the oil of a cultivated plant is the release of toxic substances when heated. Therefore, you should use it in cooking, but do not fry food on it.

Valuable Product Selection

For those wishing to purchase rapeseed oil, here are the main criteria for choosing the right product.

  • With the opacity of the liquid, the presence of sediment at the bottom of the container, you should refuse to buy oil. This indicates the low quality of raw materials, their unsuitability for human consumption.
  • Carefully read the label on the bottle: the concentration of erucic acid should be no more than 0.5%.
  • It is necessary to choose only oil that has passed all stages of processing - refined.
  • If the package says that the product is hydrogenated, then you should not purchase the product.
  • The normal color of the oily liquid is from golden to light brown. The pale shade of the product indicates its low quality.

Store the oil of a cultivated plant in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. It is necessary to put the container in a dark, cool place without the risk of direct sunlight. So everything valuable properties racial oils will persist as long as possible.

Potential harm and contraindications

Unrefined rapeseed oil can be dangerous to the body. The crude liquid contains erucic acid in large quantities. It accumulates in tissues and can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • problems in the work of the heart;
  • deterioration of liver activity, in the worst cases - to the development of cirrhosis;
  • growth retardation, disruption in the development of the reproductive system.

It is important to observe the norm in the use of rapeseed oil. Any product in unlimited quantities can adversely affect the functioning of the body.

Contraindications to the use of oil are:

  • acute stage of gallstone disease;
  • the period of exacerbation of hepatitis in a chronic form;
  • cholecystitis;
  • personal intolerance to the components.

Rapeseed oil should be introduced into the diet carefully because of the possibility of developing allergic reactions to a new product (suffocation, swelling, itching and rashes). With a tendency to diarrhea, it is better to refuse a natural remedy.

The benefits of rapeseed oil far exceed possible harm. When consumed in small quantities, golden liquid will saturate the body with useful compounds and strengthen its protective functions.

The Mediterranean climate is considered native to such a common plant as rapeseed. But even in European countries, it has taken root perfectly and is growing quite successfully, giving offspring in the form of a huge number of seeds. It is from these seeds that useful and very inexpensive rapeseed oil is obtained. Turns out, given plant not only gives a rich harvest of seeds, but has a beneficial effect on the soil, supplying it with nitrogen. Thanks to this property, rapeseed ensures the productivity of the land even after it fades. Rapeseed oil is used quite widely in many areas of industry, medicine and cosmetology. But what is its benefit and whether it has any harmful characteristics, it is worth talking about it in detail.

Technologies: options for obtaining rapeseed oil

Modern technological progress does not stand in one place, so the scheme for obtaining rapeseed oil is quite simple. As usual, in most cases, the technology of pressing and squeezing is used: first, the seeds are peeled, placed in a huge container, where they are boiled or thermally treated under pressure. After that, the prepared rape fruits are pressed and the oil is distilled off with the help of special substances. The result is a cake that also contains a small percentage of oil. It can be re-distilled and squeezed out the leftovers, or recycled to add to animal feed.

In refined rapeseed oil, there are continuous “usefulnesses” that in many ways have a positive effect on the human or animal body. Among them are the following:

A large percentage of the content of linoleic, linolenic, oleic and other fatty acids that support the normal functioning of the cardiovascular apparatus, they improve the blood formula, regulate temperature and pressure.

Rapeseed oil contains a large amount of vitamin E. As you know, it greatly affects the quality of the brain and vascular system, "knows how" to slow down the aging process, can prevent the appearance of blood clots, and also accelerate the regeneration of epidermal cells.

Rapeseed oil is used by the aviation industry as a lubricant and is also widely used in the rubber and even steel industries.

Among other things, rapeseed oil serves as a biodiesel fuel widely used in industry. Given the desire of global manufacturers to reduce fuel toxicity, rapeseed oil is gradually becoming one of the most popular types of biofuels.

Characteristic features: what is the use of rapeseed oil?

Based on the facts confirming how widespread rapeseed oil is in the world industry, we can talk about its beneficial characteristics. Perhaps it cannot be compared in usefulness with olive or sea buckthorn oil, but nevertheless, rapeseed oil can boast of the following properties:

1. First of all, rapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Needless to say, these elements indicate the ability of the oil to support the body's immune forces, ensure decent functioning of the heart, blood vessels, brain, and also reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

2. Rapeseed oil also contains a fairly high percentage of a female-type hormone called estradiol. The level of this hormone increases naturally with the onset of ovulation. The skin of a woman becomes radiant and clean, and the hair is elastic and strong.

3. Thanks to this vitamin complex, the risk of breast cancer in girls tends to zero.

4. Want to lose weight faster? In this, just rapeseed oil will become an assistant. It breaks down fats, lowers cholesterol, the metabolism is seriously accelerated. It can be eaten, complementing salads and other dishes.

5. Rapeseed oil is very often used as an element of any diet. It is rarely used on its own. For example, it is added to kefir or protein diets, and is also used as food additive during the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. On top of that, rapeseed oil will be appropriate in face masks or hair masks. It heals small wounds, scratches, burns, strengthens the hair structure, perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Contraindications to the use and potential harm of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil must be refined, as the crude liquid may contain a high percentage of erucic acid. It is not considered too useful for the animal or human body, as it may well slow down the process of growth and development, as well as puberty. In addition, due to the high percentage of erucic acid in rapeseed, a healthy person may experience problems in the cardiovascular system, disorders in the liver and kidneys. When buying rapeseed oil on your own, be sure to pay attention to the indicators of erucic acid: normally, they should not be more than 0.6%.

Of course, it is also worth mentioning individual intolerance by individuals various kinds oils, including rapeseed. Allergy sufferers should not eat such a product, because there is a high risk of developing edema, suffocation, rashes and itching.

However, you can not eat salads, first or second courses containing rapeseed oil for women with biliary tract diseases, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Moreover, it is forbidden to use rapeseed oil for those suffering from chronic diarrhea or hepatitis, because in this case it has a negative effect on the liver.

It is worth considering, among other things, some toxicity of rapeseed oil, which manifests itself during its heating. That is why nutritionists do not recommend eating too much of it, and even more so frying any food on it.

Recommendations: how to use rapeseed oil correctly

Rapeseed oil is allowed to be used as a basis for creating hair masks. It can simply be applied to the roots, rubbing into the scalp, and then cover the hair with polyethylene and a towel. It is enough to withstand only half an hour for the oil to work: it strengthens the hair roots, preventing hair loss, as well as the tips, so that they do not break or split.

Another invigorating hair mask: with rapeseed oil and avocado. It is done in the following way:

Half an avocado should be mashed

Add to it 1-2 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil,

1-2 drops of rosemary essential composition,

And also 10 drops of vitamin A (retinol).

Cover your hair with this mixture, stretching from the roots to the very ends. You need to “wear” the mask on your hair for about 40 minutes, and then wash it off using daily shampoo.

It is allowed to combine rapeseed oil with argan, castor, burdock or olive oil. Please note that rapeseed oil, like the rest, is quite difficult to wash off the hair. Therefore, when washing off, it is better to use the “yolk plus water” solution or a small amount of lemon juice also mixed with water. And a mandatory rule: do not buy low-quality oils, then they will be washed off the hair the first time.

Try making face and hand masks with rapeseed oil at home. For example, a simple mask with honey and yogurt will provide excellent protection against frosty air and wind in winter. You just need to mix 1 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil, the same amount of yogurt and 1 tsp. honey.

But a mask with grated banana and rapeseed oil will help strengthen the skin in the décolleté area. Supplement the mass with lemon juice and the mask will also become whitening. Do you want a homemade scrub? There is nothing easier: add brown sugar to the banana and butter as well. In this case, the mixture must be applied to the skin immediately after preparation, otherwise the sugar may dissolve quickly.

As a dietary supplement, rapeseed oil will help improve intestinal motility. It can be added to salads with fresh vegetables or prepared meat sauces based on it. For example, the popular olive oil-based pesto sauce can be modified by mixing basil, parmesan cheese, some nuts (pine or walnuts), garlic, pepper, and salt. All this should be whipped in a blender and you will get a great sauce for meat, fragrant and very healthy.

Composition and the nutritional value rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil is characterized by a balanced composition of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids (linoleic, Omega-3, Omega-6). It contains a large amount of vitamin E, A, D, carotenoids, phosphorus

100g of rapeseed oil contains:

  • Water - 0.1.
  • Proteins - 0.
  • Fats - 99.9.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.
  • Kcal - 899.

The use of rapeseed oil helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, and prevents the risk of thrombosis.

Helpful information

Rapeseed oil contains a lot of erucic acid, which is harmful to the body. This acid is not excreted from the body and accumulates, which can lead to growth retardation and disruption of vital systems in those who constantly eat this product. After lengthy experiments, Canadian scientists managed to develop a variety of rapeseed that contains no more than 2% erucic acid. Oil with this amount of harmful acid can be used to produce edible oil and margarine, the use of which is not harmful to health.

Benefits of rapeseed oil

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in rapeseed oil help strengthen blood vessels and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Also, these acids prevent the risk of blood clots.
  • The use of rapeseed oil prevents stroke and heart attack.
  • Since the use of oil stabilizes the metabolism and reduces the level of bad cholesterol, this oil is included in the diet. proper nutrition and diets.
  • Rapeseed oil acts as an antioxidant (it provokes the synthesis of prostaglandins and accelerates regeneration).
  • The oil contains the female hormone estradiol, which women in a certain period lack. It is noted that women who consumed this product are at a lower risk of breast cancer.
  • The use of oil improves eyesight, improves immunity, and helps fight rickets.
  • The oil has a nourishing and softening effect, so it is used in folk medicine and dermatology.

Harm from use

Rapeseed oil contains a large amount of erucic acid, which is very harmful to the human body. But everyone knows that Canadian scientists have bred a variety of rapeseed - the Canola plant, in which the amount of erucic acid is practically reduced to nothing. Therefore, when buying this oil, be sure to study the composition and percentage of erucic acid contained in it. But besides this fact, there are some contraindications to the use of rapeseed oil:

  • Thioglycosides contained in rapeseed oil can cause an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by a headache.
  • Rapeseed oil should not be consumed by people with individual intolerance to this product.
  • It is also impossible for people who suffer from diarrhea, chronic hepatitis and cholelithiasis.
  • When heated, the beneficial properties of rapeseed oil are lost, so the oil must be used in the form of dressings for salads and sauces.

Where is rapeseed oil used

Under the influence of air, rapeseed oil retains transparency for a long time and does not acquire an unpleasant odor.

Rapeseed oil, made from the Canola plant, is used to prepare cold dishes, sauces, including mayonnaise, and marinades.

It is necessary to store rapeseed oil in a cool and dark place, then it will not lose taste qualities within 5 years.

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