Home Kashi How to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy. How to roast a whole goose. How to cook a goose in the oven whole recipe, preparation of a goose carcass, marinades, spices and sauces for a goose. Christmas goose, the best recipes Recipe marinade for pr

How to cook a goose in the oven so that the meat is soft and juicy. How to roast a whole goose. How to cook a goose in the oven whole recipe, preparation of a goose carcass, marinades, spices and sauces for a goose. Christmas goose, the best recipes Recipe marinade for pr

The goose is arrogant not only in habits, but also in cooking: thick skin, heavy bones and a lot of fat. The meat is either not baked, or it turns out dry - you won’t chew it. And sometimes improperly cooked goose has a sickly greasy taste. This is the most high-calorie of all poultry: 320 kcal per 100 grams.

But all these problems can be avoided.

How to choose a goose

For baking in the oven, you should buy a young goose. A three-month-old will bake much faster than a six-month one, but the latter will turn out to be more fragrant and better suited for stuffing.

The age of a goose can be determined by the legs (if they are not cut off at slaughter) and the sternum. The paws of a young goose are yellow, the membranes on them are soft, and the sternum is flexible, like in. The old paws are reddish and rough, and the sternum is very hard.

Give preference to chilled poultry. If the goose is frozen, it is difficult to know if it is fresh. Goose freshness is determined in the same way as chicken. There are no spots on the skin and foreign odors, and the meat should return to its previous shape after pressing.

The weight of the goose should be selected based on the number of people you plan to feed, as well as the volume of the oven. A 6–7 kg carcass will be difficult to place on a baking sheet, and cooking will take more than 5 hours.

For roasting, a goose weighing 2-4 kilograms is optimal. Cooking time depends on this: 1 hour for each kilogram.

How to prepare a goose for roasting

On the shelves of shops, any bird gets already plucked and gutted. A goose bought in a supermarket can simply be washed under cold running water. But it is better to carefully examine the carcass for the remains of feathers and entrails.

A country goose or a goose bought from a farm usually requires more thorough preparation. To get rid of rough bristles and get a crispy crust as a result, take the carcass by the neck and dip in boiling water for one minute. Do the same again, but already holding the goose by the paws.

When roasting the whole goose does not need to be cut. It is only necessary to cut off excess fat on the neck, abdomen and tail. You can also cut off the extreme phalanxes of the wings, since if they are not wrapped in foil, they will burn.

How to marinate and stuff a goose

To make the goose meat really soft and tender, chefs recommend pre-marinating the meat. This can be done in various ways. For example.

  1. Rub the carcass with salt (1 teaspoon per kilogram of weight) inside and out. If desired, you can also use Provence herbs and other spices. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 8-10 hours.
  2. Soak the carcass in warm water with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (1 teaspoon per liter). Keep the goose in this solution in a cool place for 5-6 hours.
  3. Rub the carcass with salt and pour white wine, cranberry or chokeberry juice. Keep 10-12 hours in the refrigerator.

If the goose is without filling, it is usually baked on a wire rack, under which a baking sheet with water is placed so that the fat dripping from the bird does not burn. If the goose is stuffed, use a deep roaster.

The goose should be stuffed immediately before being sent to the oven. Stuff the carcass about two-thirds (if stuffed too tightly, the bird will not bake well) and sew the belly with thread or stab with toothpicks.

Lots of filling options. Geese are stuffed with vegetables, berries, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, and so on. Consider three classic recipes: with apples, prunes and oranges.


A great option for a festive table in the fall. In September-October, sour and sour-sweet varieties of apples ripen, and poultry is slaughtered before frosts.


  • goose weighing 2–3 kg;
  • 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • dried basil and thyme - to taste;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 50 ml of olive oil;
  • 3 large sour apples;
  • ½ lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.


Prepare the goose as described above and dry marinate. To do this, mix salt, pepper and herbs and rub the carcass well with them. After 8-10 hours, rub the goose with another mixture of pressed garlic and olive oil. Don't forget to process the bird inside. Let the goose stand under this marinade for another 30 minutes.

At this time, wash the apples, remove their core and cut into quarters. If desired, you can remove the peel. Drizzle the apples with lemon juice and stuff the goose with them. Sew the carcass with large stitches, wrap the wings with foil, and then the whole carcass.

Put the goose on a baking sheet and send it to the oven, heated to 200 ° C. You should not put the goose in a cold oven: due to the slow heating, there will be a lot of fat, and the meat will turn out dry.

Bake the goose at high temperature for an hour. Then reduce the heat to 180°C. Cook for another hour and a half. Half an hour before cooking, remove the baking sheet and carefully unfold the foil. Lubricate the carcass with the released fat and honey.

Return the baking sheet to the oven, reduce the temperature by 20 units and cook for another 25-30 minutes.

How to bake a goose with prunes


Using a baking bag can speed up the cooking process. In a polyethylene sleeve, the goose will be better saturated with its own juice, and prunes will add a sweet and sour aftertaste.


  • goose weighing 3 kg;
  • 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • 3 teaspoons of black ground pepper;
  • 300 g pitted prunes;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.


Put the prepared carcass in a large saucepan and cover with water. Add three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for several hours.

Remove the goose from the marinade, pat dry with paper towels and rub with the salt and pepper mixture. Let stand 10-15 minutes.

At this time, rinse the prunes. If the berries are hard, soak them in hot water for a few minutes. Then stuff the goose with them. Sew up the carcass with threads and, so that it fits easily into the bag, tie the legs together.

Lubricate the sleeve from the inside with vegetable oil. Put down the goose. Tie up the bag and make 2-3 punctures in it with a toothpick so that it does not burst during baking.

Bake for the first hour at 200°C. The next hour and a half - at 180 ° C.

How to cook Christmas goose with oranges


Whole baked goose is the decoration of any feast. This dish will look especially impressive on the New Year's table. For Christmas or New Year, the goose can be baked with oranges and tangerines. Also symbols of the winter holiday.


  • goose weighing 3 kg;
  • 5 large oranges;
  • 3 tablespoons of soy sauce;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • ½ teaspoon salt;
  • ½ teaspoon paprika.


Prepare the marinade: mix the juice of one orange with soy sauce, honey, salt and paprika. You can also add ½ teaspoon of garlic powder if you like. Thoroughly rub the prepared goose carcass with this mixture and keep it in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, and preferably all night. Do not discard any remaining marinade.

Peel the remaining oranges and cut into large pieces. Stuff a marinated goose with them. Wrap legs and wings in foil. Place the bird on a baking sheet with the rack facing down. Fill the bottom of the pan with water.

Send the goose to the oven, heated to 200 ° C. After an hour, reduce the heat to 180 ° C, turn the bird over on the breast and brush with the rest of the marinade. In this position, bake for another two hours. From time to time, you can open the oven and sprinkle the goose with honey diluted in water.

Roast goose dishes are perfect for the main hot dish on the New Year's table or any other family holiday. So, let's get acquainted with the goose recipe together and find out all the nuances and tricks that the hostess needs to know.

The goose is a special bird. And the approach to its preparation requires a special one.

First, it is a rather large bird. Second, it's very oily. It takes a long time to prepare, since the meat of a goose is much tougher than that of a chicken or duck. So, either marinate or stew for a long time. And better than both.

goose roast recipe

Ingredients for making juicy and soft goose:

  • goose carcass;
  • 5-6 apples of any sour variety (for example, Antonovka, Simirenko);
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

For marinade:

  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a tablespoon of mustard;
  • half a glass of mayonnaise;
  • half a glass of apple cider vinegar;
  • spices, salt, pepper.

First of all, the goose needs to be washed and cleaned of the remnants of feathers. Inspect the carcass carefully and use a knife or tweezers to remove all the "stumps" from the feathers. Remove the fat. Do not cut fat - it will not be superfluous. When cooking a goose in the oven, the fat will melt and irrigate the meat, preventing it from drying out. Yes, and goose fat itself should not be called high-calorie, it is easily digested and is considered easy for the human body. Then it will be better if you grind the carcass. Rinse again.

When cutting the carcass, use only a sharp knife. Otherwise, the pieces of meat will not be even or the knife will slip off.

Another trick when cutting a carcass (and not just a goose) is to put a couple of layers of paper towel under the cutting board. So the board will not slip, and it will be much more convenient to cut.

A very important point when cutting and cleaning a goose carcass is to cut off the tail-butt. In this part, the bird has special glands that can spoil the taste and aroma of the baked dish.

Then you can cook the goose in two ways - whole and in pieces. The latter method takes much less time. With a whole carcass, you will have to “sweat” a little so that the meat is completely cooked and appetizing and soft. Bake, in any case, should be in the oven, you can use an electric grill, if you have one. It is possible to use a culinary sleeve or food foil folded in several layers.

But before baking, the carcass or pieces of the goose should be thoroughly marinated - this will take from 4 to 10 hours, depending on the size of the pieces or the weight of the carcass itself.

How to marinate goose pieces?

You can use one of the following marinades. The first marinade is listed in the main recipe of the article.

apple cider vinegar marinade recipe

Rub the goose meat with salt and spices. If you like garlic, add to the rub. Put the meat in a glass or enamel bowl.

Beat the egg, adding mayonnaise and apple cider vinegar. Pour sauce over goose pieces. Press down with a plate or lid so that the pieces are evenly immersed in the marinade. And put in the refrigerator for 6-10 hours.

mustard marinade recipe

You will need regular table mustard. If you prefer spicier dishes, choose mustard with horseradish. Also take any available salt, mayonnaise sauce, some vegetable oil and soy sauce. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and thoroughly rub the cleaned and washed, as well as dried goose carcass with this mixture from all internal and external sides.

Marinate on the table (can be removed in a cool place) for about 4 hours. If you have chopped pieces of carcass, 3 hours is enough.

Recipe for a spicy marinade of spices and seasonings

For a mixture of seasonings and spices, the usual ready-made mixes "For meat", "For poultry" are excellent. They usually contain spicy herbs. Or you can make your own mix. Take in equal proportions the following ingredients:

  • ground red pepper;
  • ground black pepper;
  • rosemary;
  • sage;
  • thyme;
  • coriander.

Preparing Ingredients Before Baking

When the goose is marinated, take it out of the refrigerator. Turn on the oven at 180˚C. While it's heating up, prepare the other ingredients for baking.

Onions and carrots, pre-washed and peeled, finely chop. Onions can be in half rings. Carrots - thin straws or grate.

Pour some vegetable oil into a deep frying pan. You can add small pieces of fresh, salted or smoked lard here. When the butter warms up, and the lard melts a little from the pieces, place the goose in a frying pan. Fry it on all sides until half cooked and carefully remove. Now it is important to give the surface of the carcass a beautiful ruddy hue.

Advice! If you boil a goose in water with the marinade in which it was before frying, the meat will definitely be completely fried and stewed in subsequent cooking.

Pour the onions and carrots into the remaining oil from the goose. Stirring occasionally, make sure that the onion does not burn, fry until tender.

Another refueling option

It is not necessary to use vegetables for cooking goose. You can use the following products to fill the carcass or cook cuts of meat:

  • sour apples;
  • to the taste of natural flower honey;
  • a handful of cranberries or lingonberries, you can currants.

You can add other fruits or dried fruits to your liking:

  • pears, plums, seedless grapes;
  • dried apricots, prunes, dogwood pitted.

Goose languishing for tenderness and juiciness

Place the roasted goose pieces in a goose dish. Divide the sliced ​​apples evenly. Top with fried onions and carrots. Just don't spill the oil. Fat from the goose will be heated enough, excess oil is absolutely not needed there. And fill it all with the marinade, in which the pieces of meat lay.

Cover with a lid and place in the oven. After 30 minutes, reduce the heat to 150˚С and leave to languish for a couple of hours.

You can pack a goose with marinade in a baking sleeve. And then into the goose. The main thing is that the dishes are closed and deep. Since the fat from the pieces will still be heated a lot.

If cooking a whole goose, put all the vegetables and apples in the carcass along with the remaining marinade. And when baking, be sure to periodically water the carcass with the secreted fat and meat juice.

Another cooking recipe

  1. Rinse the goose carcass well and clean of the remaining feathers, cut off the ass.
  2. Boil the carcass until half cooked in a large saucepan, it is possible with acidic foods (tomato paste or juice, lemon or lime juice).
  3. Then put food foil or baking paper into a deep mold or a special goose dish.
  4. Place the goose carcass rubbed with salt on paper. Spread rosemary sprigs - do not chop them.
  5. Close the lid and put in the oven for one and a half or two hours to bake at 180 ° C.

And what's for the garnish?

While the bird is cooking, boil the mashed potatoes or porridge for a side dish. Fresh sliced ​​vegetables are also suitable.

After the goose is stewed, remove it from the marinade and melted fat into a separate bowl.

It is customary to serve goose dishes with aged tart or light rich red wines. An example of such drinks would be:

  • Cabernet;
  • Shiraz;
  • Pinot Noir.

White wines are also suitable, as well as wines with subtle fruity tones.

A few tricks to note so that goose meat is tender and soft:

  • Cooking a goose entails several successive processes. The first of these is thawing if you have a frozen carcass. It should be gradual, for example, leave the carcass for a day in the refrigerator or on the balcony. When thawing in water, a lot of the nutrients of the meat are lost - this is the worst way.
  • Another important fact is not to overcook in the oven, otherwise the meat will turn out dry. Watch the carcass while baking. If the meat is burning, but the inside is still raw, turn down the heat of the stove and add a little hot water to a baking sheet or goose stew (depending on what you are cooking the dish in).
  • There are a lot of marinades for poultry. Use sour and slightly bitter marinades. Do not be afraid, the meat will not be bitter. Take mustard, horseradish, garlic and onions. Just don't overdo it. Do not use too salty marinades, otherwise the meat will not be soft. Meat softens well only in an acidic environment - it is lemon juice (or other citrus), table vinegar, balsamic or apple, apple juice from acidic fruit varieties.
  • The marinade should thoroughly soak the bird; for this, small cuts are made with a sharp knife throughout the carcass. If roasting a whole goose, make cuts without damaging the skin - this will spoil the serving of dishes a little. In this case, the impregnation will be of high quality and the appearance of the goose will be appetizing.
  • Store goose is much faster to cook than homemade. With the second, additional manipulations should be carried out. Dip the bird for a minute in boiling water or dip in the marinade (a tablespoon of vinegar per liter of water). After that, you can proceed to the usual marinade, as for the store.
  • Goose cooked in pots will be very tasty and tender.
  • Some housewives advise that goose meat be juicy, it should be watered every 20 minutes while frying and in the oven.

Knowing all the subtleties and tricks of cooking, the goose will turn out incomparably tasty.

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Goose is a healthy and tasty bird. Goose meat is dark in color. This is because it is rich in iron and copper. Another feature of this bird is its fat content. But all the fat is concentrated under the skin, so the meat itself is very tender and light.

To cook the goose, you can use various fillings or marinade. A marinated goose is perfect not only to diversify your own diet, but also to treat dear guests, and not only on a holiday, but in general on any other day, provided that dear guests either warn in advance of their arrival, or they will wait for the goose on the spot after their sudden arrival :)

To prepare and cook the goose in the marinade, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Goose carcass (well, where without it?)
  2. Garlic in the amount of 4 cloves
  3. Ground black pepper in the amount of 20 g.
  4. Salt - 15 g.
  5. Sour cream with a fat content of 15% in the amount of 50 g.

goose cooking process

1. First you need to prepare the marinade for the bird. To do this, place sour cream in a container of the desired size. Then you need to add spices. First add black pepper.

2. Then add salt to the ingredients.

3. We clean the garlic and rub it on a grater with a small cell or pass it through a press.

4. Then add the grated garlic to the sour cream.

5. Mix sour cream and spices until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Let the marinade rest. This will take approximately 15 minutes.

6. While the marinade is gaining flavor, let's prepare the goose. To do this, wash the goose carcass and let it dry. So that during the baking process the edges of the wings and paws do not burn, wrap them with foil.

7. Coat the carcass of the goose with the finished marinade on all sides. We also grease the inside of the goose with marinade.

8. Put the goose carcass in the oven on the wire rack. Be sure to place a baking sheet under the grate, as fat will drain from the goose during baking.

9. Set the program for even baking at a temperature of 180 °. The roasting time of the goose will be 90 minutes. So that the meat does not burn, and the carcass is completely baked, cover the goose on top with foil.

10. After 40 minutes from the start of baking, the foil can be opened. In this form, we continue to bake the carcass until the end of the specified time.

11. At the end of the set time, take the goose out of the oven.

Goose meat has a pleasant aroma and has a beautiful dark golden color.

A goose baked in a sour cream marinade will be a great treat!

Goose in the oven is a dish that is always welcome both at the festive table and on weekdays. Effectively laying a ruddy bird on a dish and elegantly decorating it, you will be able to conquer the guests, and having prepared a carcass with buckwheat or rice, you will heartily and tasty feed the family at dinner.

How to cook a goose in the oven?

A juicy goose, baked in the oven until golden brown on the outside, is the desired result of the execution of a labor-intensive and simple, but very lengthy technology.

  1. If necessary, the carcass is singeed over the fire, the remains of feathers are removed, and the wen is cut out.
  2. Almost every recipe for roasting a goose in the oven involves marinating the carcass in a liquid marinade or by rubbing the bird with a spicy mixture of seasonings and all kinds of flavors.
  3. For baking, the bird is simply placed on a baking sheet, placed in a sleeve or wrapped in foil.
  4. Cooking time will depend on the size of the carcass. A two-kilogram goose will cook for 2 hours. For every 500 g of additional weight, another 30 minutes are added to the base time.

How to marinate a goose for baking in the oven?

Having picked it up before baking in the oven, it will be possible to give the poultry meat the desired flavor notes, preserve and increase its natural juiciness. In addition, pickling will soften fibers that are not always initially soft and allow you to enjoy a tender and melt-in-your-mouth dish.

  1. Soaking the goose for 12 hours or more in a solution of apple cider vinegar will improve the taste by adding 2 tbsp. spoons of the product per 1 liter of water.
  2. No less effective is the alternate rubbing of the bird with sherry, salt and honey every 12 hours for two days.
  3. A bird acquires an amazing taste if it is kept for several hours in freshly squeezed juice from chokeberry, and then rubbed with a mixture of seasonings and spices.
  4. All sorts of variations of marinades based on mustard, mayonnaise, soy sauce, to which all kinds of spices, garlic, aromatic dry or fresh herbs are added to taste, are always relevant.

How to cook a whole goose in the oven?

Goose in the oven - a recipe that can be adjusted infinitely by changing the composition of the marinade. However, some basic cooking points always remain unchanged. In the process of baking on an open baking sheet or in a mold, the bird should be regularly watered with the resulting juices and turned over several times.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • sage and oregano - 2 pinches each;
  • laurel - 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper, oil.


  1. The bird is rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper, sage and oregano and left overnight.
  2. The goose is stuffed with garlic on all sides, greased with oil, lemon juice and placed in a mold or on a baking sheet, putting laurel inside.
  3. Further cooking of the goose in the oven is carried out in an oven heated to 220 degrees for 2–2.5 hours.

Goose stuffed with buckwheat in the oven

Goose in the oven with buckwheat can be cooked without additives or with the participation of additional components that will significantly enrich the taste of the dish, make it even more expressive and richer. In this case, it is mushrooms, prunes and bacon. You can add other dried fruits, fried or fresh vegetables.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat - 100 g;
  • mushrooms - 300 g;
  • bacon - 150 g;
  • prunes - 100 g;
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.;
  • juniper berries - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, oil.


  1. The goose is rubbed on the outside with juniper pounded in a mortar with salt, and inside with garlic and pepper.
  2. Fry mushrooms with onions, bacon and carrots, add to boiled buckwheat.
  3. Fill the carcass with the mixture, sew it up.
  4. After a couple of hours of baking at 200 degrees, the goose with buckwheat in the oven will be ready.

Goose in the oven in foil

The goose in foil, baked in the oven, will turn out without a doubt juicy and tasty. You can cook the bird with a mixture of dried fruits with apples, instead of which you can use oranges with or without peel. Not superfluous in the composition will be slightly dried in a pan until the aroma appears walnuts.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • apples or oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • nuts - 150 g;
  • dried apricots - 150 g;
  • prunes - 150 g;
  • honey and mustard - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • garlic - 2-4 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, oil.


  1. Rub the goose with salt, pepper, leave for 6-8 hours.
  2. Cut dried fruits and apples, mix with garlic and nuts, fill the carcass with the mixture
  3. The bird is placed between two pieces of foil, sent to an oven preheated to 240 degrees.
  4. The goose is baked for 3 hours, lowering the temperature by 30 degrees every 30 minutes.
  5. Mix honey with mustard, unscrew the foil, grease the carcass with the mixture.
  6. After another 15 minutes of cooking at a temperature of 220 degrees, the goose in the oven will be ready.

Goose in the sleeve in the oven - recipe

The goose in the oven in the sleeve will turn out delicious with or without filling. An addition to the bird can be a mixture with dried fruits, apples, citrus fruits or buckwheat or rice filling, which will be a hearty side dish at the same time. Piquancy will add stalk celery, which should be fried along with onions and mushrooms.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • rice - 100 g;
  • mushrooms - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • celery stalk - 1 pc.;
  • nuts - 50 g;
  • soy sauce, mustard and adjika - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper, oil.


  1. Rub the goose with a mixture of soy sauce, mustard and adjika, salt and pepper.
  2. Rice is boiled, mixed with fried mushrooms, onions and celery.
  3. The bird is filled with filling, the carcass is placed in the sleeve, pierced from above.
  4. After 3 hours of baking at 180 degrees will be ready.

Goose pieces in the oven

Goose baked in the oven is also delicious when cooked in pieces. It is convenient to simmer the bird in a deep saucepan under the lid, placing it in a form covered with foil, or placing it in a sleeve. From seasonings, you can add ground cinnamon, ginger, paprika, curry, basil, fresh or dried onions, garlic, a little honey and lemon juice.


  • goose - 2 kg;
  • oil, lemon juice and honey - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. The goose is cut into slices, salted, peppered, flavored with a mixture of lemon juice, honey and oil, adding spices and spices.
  2. After 2.5 hours of languishing at 180 degrees, the goose in the oven will be ready to eat.

Goose with potatoes in the oven

Baked in the oven, you can perform with potatoes. Small tubers are used whole, while larger ones are cut into several parts after cleaning. If you do not want to add garlic to the filling, it is replaced with onions, combining it with slices of carrots. As seasonings, a fragrant mix of Provence herbs is suitable.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1-1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • provencal herbs - 1-2 pinches;
  • salt, pepper, spices for poultry, oil.


  1. Rub the carcass with salt, pepper, spices, leave overnight.
  2. Peel potatoes, season with salt, herbs, mix with garlic.
  3. The goose is filled with potato mass, sewn up, oiled.
  4. The bird is sent in the form, on a baking sheet, in a sleeve or foil, to bake for 3 hours at 180 degrees.

Goose with apples baked in the oven - recipe

In the oven, it is not in vain that he is a regular at the solemn feast. The dish gives a sense of celebration and is always accepted by guests with delight. It is preferable to choose apple fruits of sour varieties. The ideal option is Antonovka. They ate only sweet fruit, it is supplemented with slices of lemon.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • apples - 700 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • thyme and marjoram - 2 pinches each;
  • lemon juice and oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt pepper.


  1. Oil, lemon juice, herbs, salt and pepper are mixed, rubbed with a goose mixture, left for 5 hours.
  2. Apples are prepared, seasoned, mixed with garlic and herbs, laid inside the carcass.
  3. The dish is prepared in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 2.5-3 hours.

Goose with oranges baked in the oven

Another festive version of the dish is a goose in the oven with oranges. You can use citrus fruits alone or supplement them with sweet and sour apples in equal proportions. Instead of rosemary, fresh or dried thyme, basil sprigs will do, and soy sauce will qualitatively replace the mixture of honey and mustard.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • oranges - 4 pcs.;
  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • sprig of rosemary - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Rub the carcass with a mixture of salt and pepper inside and out.
  2. Fill the bird with quarters of apples, onions, oranges.
  3. They lay the goose in a mold or a goose bowl, pour water per centimeter and send it to cook at maximum temperature for 30 minutes.
  4. Cover the container with foil or a lid, reduce the heat to 180 degrees and cook the dish for 2 hours.
  5. Remove the foil and brown the bird for another 30 minutes, periodically brushing with soy sauce.

Goose in dough baked in the oven

Cooking a goose at home in the oven in the dough will allow you to get the most juicy taste of meat. The filling can be apples, oranges, a mixture of dried fruits, boiled buckwheat with mushrooms, or, as in this case, an assortment of potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic, seasoned with Italian herbs.


  • goose - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • dumpling dough - 1 kg;
  • Italian herbs - 2 pinches;
  • salt, pepper, seasonings.


  1. Flavor the goose with salt, pepper, seasonings, leave for 5 hours.
  2. Fill the bird with slices of potatoes, onions, carrots and garlic, seasoned with herbs.
  3. The dough is kneaded, like on dumplings, after 40 minutes they roll out and pack the goose carcass into it, making several punctures.
  4. The dish is baked at 200 degrees for 2.5 hours.

Goose fillet in the oven

Amazingly juicy and ruddy goose with honey and mustard in the oven will become a restaurant-level dish if you use goose breast on the skin to cook it. Frying meat in a pan will seal it from all sides and keep all the juices inside, and subsequent baking will become the key to internal softness and tenderness of taste.


  • goose breast (fillet) - 2 pcs.;
  • honey and mustard - 1 teaspoon each;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt, pepper, paprika, dried garlic, oil.


  1. Cut the skin of the breast along the entire perimeter crosswise to the meat.
  2. A mixture of pepper, salt, paprika and dried garlic is rubbed into the flesh of the bird, and the meat is laid skin side down in hot oil.
  3. After browning, turn the breasts over and fry on the other side, laying crushed garlic next to it.
  4. The meat is put into a mold, greased with a mixture of honey and mustard, covered with foil and cooked in the oven at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

How to cook a wild goose in the oven?

Wild goose in the oven - a recipe that requires pre-soaking and marinating. Salt to taste should be dissolved in cold water, vinegar, chopped onion should be added and the game should be soaked in the mixture for a day. After soaking, you can start marinating in a mixture of honey and wine or any other of your choice.

How to marinate a goose for roasting in beer?

Fragrant dark beer in this recipe will complement apple cider vinegar and honey, and ketchup will soften the flavor boundaries and cover the goose with a light glazed crust.


  • goose carcass;
  • dark beer - 500 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 15 ml;
  • ketchup - 115 ml;
  • honey - 45 ml.


After processing the goose carcass, and then rinsing and drying it very thoroughly, proceed to prepare the marinating mixture. Dissolve liquid honey in a mixture of beer and vinegar, and then slowly pour the resulting solution into the ketchup, stirring constantly. Rub the carcass inside and out with the prepared marinade. A goose marinated in beer should be marinated for at least an hour before cooking, but it is better to leave it to marinate for a whole day.

Goose marinated in mustard


  • goose carcass - 1 pc.;
  • Chinese mixture of five spices - 2 teaspoons;
  • liquid honey - 190 ml;
  • soy sauce - 45 ml;
  • wine vinegar - 15 ml;
  • mustard - 35 g.


Before cooking, rub the dried goose with Chinese five-spice mixture and salt, then let the bird come to room temperature. We will pickle the goose right during baking, so that the mixture of all components is gradually glazed under the influence of temperature. Put the rack with the bird in the oven and after an hour, start applying a marinade of honey, vinegar, soy and mustard to the skin. Add to the marinade and some of the fat rendered from the poultry. When the goose is ready, pour out the rest of the marinade and serve it to the table.

How to marinate goose in apple cider vinegar?


  • olive oil - 115 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 65 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • rosemary - 4 sprigs.


In a mortar, grind garlic cloves with rosemary leaves and a good pinch of coarse sea salt. Dilute the resulting fragrant mixture with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Wipe the goose carcass with napkins, and only then grease with marinade inside and out. How long to marinate a goose can be calculated based on the size of the bird itself, but as a rule, 6 to 12 hours is enough for perfect marination.

Goose marinated in mayonnaise


  • pesto sauce - 30 g;
  • mayonnaise - 30 g;
  • fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • a pinch of chili pepper flakes;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml.


Instead of using a bouquet of fresh herbs, you can buy ready-made pesto and mix it with mayonnaise. In a mortar, grind salt with fennel seeds and chili pepper flakes. Add the fragrant spice mixture to the mayonnaise-based mixture and dilute everything with lemon juice. Distribute the finished marinade over the carcass and leave it in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

How to marinate goose with oranges?


  • red wine - 115 ml;
  • hot chili oil - 5 ml;
  • Worcestershire sauce - 15 ml;
  • soy sauce - 15 ml;
  • orange - 1 pc.


Squeeze the juice from the orange and mix it with wine, Worcestershire, soy and hot chili oil (can be replaced with a pinch of hot pepper with vegetable oil). Rub the whole carcass or just the breasts / legs with the resulting mixture. Leave the goose to marinate for 4-6 hours, and then start cooking, after drying the bird.

How to pickle a goose. Marinating goose for delicious cooking

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