Home Product Ratings Calorie content of chicken eggs (fried). Calorie content of eggs fried in sunflower oil

Calorie content of chicken eggs (fried). Calorie content of eggs fried in sunflower oil

The calorie content of raw eggs is low, however, depending on the type of heat treatment, it can vary significantly. Currently, this food of plant origin is classified as dietary products, the assimilation of which by the human body is more than 95%. Availability, taste qualities and ease of use make it popular and in demand in most countries of the world and among all categories of the population. However, the popularization of a healthy diet, which more and more people adhere to, provokes an urgent question: is it good for health and figure?

A healthy lifestyle is based on following a certain diet. The calorie level is an important factor in the preparation of the diet. Next, we will consider how many calories one egg contains with various options for its preparation and consumption, how its components are absorbed and with which you can minimize the negative impact on metabolism, figure and health in general.

The nutritional value

Eggs have long occupied a strong place in the human diet. It is used both as an independent food product and as part of a significant number of dishes. For a long time, they belonged to the class of products that are harmful and dangerous to health due to the high content of cholesterol in it. At present, the position of physicians has changed dramatically: cholesterol is completely neutralized by the lecithin contained in the yolks.

The edible category includes both bird eggs and reptile eggs, such as turtles. Due to the taste properties and affordability for the consumer, chicken is the most common in the human diet, quail is less popular, while duck, ostrich, goose and turkey are classified as exotic and are used very rarely.

One chicken egg weighs about 45 g and consists of two parts: protein and yolk, composition and nutritional properties which are given in the table.

The composition of proteins and yolks (in%)

How many calories are in one raw chicken egg?

An egg in its raw state contains practically no carbohydrates, so its energy value is determined by proteins and fat content:

  • Proteins - 13%;
  • Fats - 11.4%;
  • Carbohydrates - 0.1%.

However, the distribution of fats and proteins in the composition of the product is uneven. The maximum content of fatty acids is in the yolks, while the largest proportion of protein is in the composition of proteins. A wide range of vitamins and microelements is also presented, for example, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, D, E, etc. The highest concentration of useful components is in the yolks. These beneficial trace elements are essential for maintaining immunity, cell growth and development, good skin and hair condition, maintaining vision, developing the reproductive abilities of the body, etc. Thus, one small component of our diet contains a set of minerals and trace elements comparable to a multivitamin tablet.

The average value of one unit of a standard raw chicken egg is from 150 kilocalories per 100 grams. Thus, the nutritional value of one average by weight raw egg is 70, large - about 80, and especially large - about 90 kilocalories. In more detail the composition of the components and nutritional value shown in Figure 2.

How many calories in one boiled egg

Boiled eggs are already traditionally one of the basic breakfast dishes consumed by both people adhering to a healthy lifestyle and ordinary people. Fast and simple cooking procedure, delicate taste and the subsequent feeling of satiety provides them with the love and recognition of hundreds of thousands of housewives around the world.

The main benefit of this product lies in the high proportion of highly digestible protein in their composition, so they are recommended for baby food. There are several basic boiled egg recipes that vary in duration. heat treatment:

  1. Soft-boiled: cooked for about 2 minutes in water brought to a boil;
  2. Poached (“pouched”): kept in boiling water for about 4 minutes,
  3. Hard boiled: the cooking process is from 7 minutes.

Also, the cooking time is determined based on their weight: the greater the weight, the longer the cooking time. Excessive heat exposure and digestion is not recommended. At the same time, the taste becomes “rubber”, and the beneficial properties are lost.

Cooking time depending on its category, min

Cooking method C0 C1 C2
soft-boiled 2 1,5 1,5
poached 4 3 2,5
hard boiled 10 8 7

The calorie content of a boiled egg (1 piece) depends on the duration of the heat treatment. The minimum indicator for eggs cooked in hard-boiled and “pouched” ways is 55-60 kilocalories. Soft-boiled will be the most nutritious, and its nutritional value is approximately 70 kilocalories. According to this indicator, it is comparable to cheese.

Thus, the least high-calorie and dietary method of cooking is the hard-boiled method. It can be recommended to those who track the number of calories consumed.

How many calories in one fried egg

During the cooking process, the initial calorie content of the product changes. Their content in fried eggs is much higher than that of boiled and raw eggs. The most popular and favorite in this category among adults and children is fried eggs.

The average indicator of its nutritional value is from 100 to 125 kcal per piece. If you fry a dish without using culinary process fat, then its nutritional value will be 100 kilocalories, the addition of oil increases this figure to 125-150.

Most often, when frying, vegetable fats are used. Less high-calorie dishes are fried on olive oil(230 kcal per 100 grams), when using sunflower oil, this figure is from 240 kcal. If fat-containing products of animal origin are used in cooking, then the nutritional level starts from 255 kcal.

High numbers in terms of nutritional parameters and high fat content do not allow it to be used in the diet of people who adhere to a low-calorie diet. For them, only those recipes that involve the use of a pan with a non-stick surface are suitable.

How many calories in one fried egg without oil

The least high-calorie way to cook fried eggs is to fry them without using oil. Classic recipe quite simple and includes the following ingredients:

  • Chicken egg (whole) - 1 piece;
  • Protein - 1 piece.

A prerequisite is the use of a frying pan with a special non-stick coating. It will avoid burning and deterioration of taste.

The process of frying a standard scrambled egg without the use of oil involves the following algorithm of actions. A whole chicken egg is broken into a preheated and not greased frying pan and the protein of the second is added, in which the yolk and protein were previously separated. Next, the eggs are fried until cooked. The process is shown in more detail in the video.

The calorie content of eggs fried without the use of fat-containing components of plant or animal origin is approximately 125-135 kcal per 100 grams, while the fat content of the finished product will be 7-9%.

What is the calorie content of one fried egg in sunflower oil

The use of vegetable oils significantly increases the number of calories in the finished dish. This value can be adjusted by using more or less fat.

Most often, when preparing a dish by frying, sunflower oil is used. The minimum calorie content in such a dish is from 245 kcal per 100 grams. Each additional teaspoon, that is, 10-12 ml, increases the nutritional properties by about 90 kcal. Therefore, the final value of nutritional value varies in the range from 240 to 360 kcal.

How many calories are in a three egg scrambled egg?

Traditionally, on several continents, fried eggs are one of the essential components of breakfast, especially English and continental. The most popular are fried eggs. The nutritional value of fried eggs is high, which determines its popularity: after breakfast long time there is no feeling of hunger and there is an increase in vitality and activity.

Calorie content directly depends on the variant and recipe, including the presence of additional ingredients used to add flavor and aroma. You can fry eggs with or without oil.

Most often, vegetable oil is used in the preparation of scrambled eggs. Fried eggs can be fried either on one side (resulting in "fried eggs"), or on both sides. At the same time, fried eggs also have recipes with turning the protein (the yolk is preserved) and without turning.

The process of frying only on one side allows you to slightly reduce its calorie content. If the ingredients are strongly shaken, the result is a type of fried egg called "talker".

by the most nutritious recipe scrambled eggs should be considered its frying without the use of fat-containing components, that is, in a special dish. The nutritional value of fried eggs from 3 eggs prepared in this way is 225-250 kilocalories. If during preparation the components were whipped, then this indicator is reduced by 20-30 units.

If vegetable oil is used during frying, then the calorie content of fried eggs from three eggs fried in 1 teaspoon of sunflower oil will be 265 kilocalories. Pre-whipping will also reduce the energy value by 20-30 kilocalories.

How many calories are in a two egg omelet?

Omelet is becoming an increasingly popular dish among people who adhere to a dietary type of food and limit the amount of fatty acids and carbohydrates consumed in food. It only takes a few minutes to make an omelet and the ingredients are simple, which also makes it popular as a breakfast option. delicious omelette even the person who prepares this recipe for the first time will succeed: it is only important to follow the recommended requirements and combine additional components, taking into account your own preferences.

The classic omelet recipe includes only egg whites, which can significantly reduce its calorie content. However, the final value is determined by the use of additional ingredients that are added to the omelet.

The nutritional value of an omelette made from two eggs without the addition of other components is from 140 to 160 kcal. Be sure to take into account the energy value of all additional additives, such as milk, bacon, tomatoes, and so on. The most fatty, and therefore dangerous for the figure, are sausage and bacon, which increase the nutritional properties several times.

Most often, the recipe contains milk, on the basis of which the mixture is whipped for pouring into the pan. If milk in the recipe is replaced with water, then the calorie content ready meal reduced by 10-20 kilocalories compared to an omelet with milk. If we evaluate the nutritional properties of an omelette with milk, then they largely depend on the percentage of fat content of milk added to the mixture. Optimal for health and good taste is milk with 2.5% fat.

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Eggs, whole, fried rich in such vitamins and minerals as: vitamin A - 24.3%, vitamin B2 - 27.5%, choline - 63.4%, vitamin B5 - 33.2%, vitamin B9 - 12.8%, vitamin B12 - 32.3%, vitamin D - 22%, phosphorus - 26.9%, selenium - 60.2%, zinc - 11.6%

What is useful Eggs, whole, fried

  • Vitamin A is responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, increases the susceptibility of color by the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Inadequate intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by a violation of the condition of the skin, mucous membranes, impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Choline is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestine, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B9 as a coenzyme involved in the metabolism of nucleic and amino acids. Folate deficiency leads to a disruption in the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein, resulting in inhibition of cell growth and division, especially in rapidly proliferating tissues: bone marrow, intestinal epithelium, etc. Insufficient folate intake during pregnancy is one of the causes of prematurity, malnutrition, and congenital deformities and developmental disorders of the child. A strong relationship was shown between the level of folate, homocysteine ​​and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformations of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interrelated vitamins involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin D maintains homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, carries out the processes of mineralization of bone tissue. A lack of vitamin D leads to impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism in bones, increased demineralization of bone tissue, which leads to an increased risk of osteoporosis.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Bek's disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan's disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
  • Zinc is part of more than 300 enzymes, is involved in the synthesis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, nucleic acids and in the regulation of the expression of a number of genes. Insufficient intake leads to anemia, secondary immunodeficiency, liver cirrhosis, sexual dysfunction, and fetal malformations. Recent studies have revealed the ability of high doses of zinc to disrupt the absorption of copper and thereby contribute to the development of anemia.
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Chicken eggs are often called very useful product due to the high content of protein, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, one large egg contains about 15% of your daily protein intake and just over 200 mg of cholesterol, which recent studies show does not increase the risk of heart disease. How many calories are in a fried egg? The answer is simple: it all depends on the size of the egg and how it was cooked.

Cooking scrambled eggs usually requires a small amount of vegetable oil to limit eggs from sticking to the pan. You need to heat the pan over medium heat and place the contents of the egg there. Cook for 2 to 5 minutes. All nutritional information in this article is based on cooking a large egg (43g) with minimal oil and no other ingredients.

A fried egg contains 90 to 95 calories. If milk was added during cooking, the number of calories increases to 100 or more (for one egg). One cooked protein contains 18 calories, one cooked yolk contains 55 calories.

Benefit and harm

A fried egg contains 210 mg of cholesterol. The daily norm of this substance for a person is 300 mg, so you should be careful about eating a large number of eggs.

One fried egg contains about 7 grams of fat, both in the yolk and white. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, so a fried egg contains 63 calories from fat. Saturated fat is 2 g, unsaturated fat is the remaining 5 g.

A fried egg contains about 6.3 g of protein. A gram of protein has about 4 calories, so a fried egg contains 25 calories from protein.

Chicken eggs are the most commonly used food in many diets. In this regard, many people who want to lose weight are wondering: how many calories are in a boiled or fried egg? Having an idea about the calorie content of eggs, you can easily plan your diet using this product.

Composition and nutritional value

Today, there is a lot of controversy among both doctors and nutritionists about adding eggs to the diet. Some say that eating them, you can eat and not get fat, while others argue that this product is rich in bad cholesterol. There are many questions about this. Let's try to find answers to them.

Even 15-20 years earlier, nutritionists argued that eggs are harmful because of their composition and the amount of cholesterol they contain. To date, this opinion has changed dramatically. And this decision was influenced by a more thorough study of the composition of the product.

The approximate weight of one chicken egg is about 45 grams, and the protein contains:

  • about 87% liquid;
  • 11% protein;
  • only one percent of carbohydrates;
  • minerals 1%.

The yolk is slightly different in its constituent indicators:

  • half of the components are water;
  • fats in the amount of 30-31%;
  • 17% protein;
  • 2% minerals.

Interesting fact:

The composition is rich in the content of such useful elements as calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as potassium, sodium, zinc and selenium.

In addition, it contains many different vitamins of group B, A, D, E, K, Pp. Many nutritionists advise eating two boiled eggs daily in the morning, as they energize, invigorate and, of course, perfectly kill the feeling of hunger. How many kcal in an egg depends on many factors. What affects this and how to reduce the number of calories?

Video "Egg - good or bad?"

An indicative video program in which the doctor will dispel all the myths about the benefits and harms of chicken testicles.

How many calories are in one egg?

People who carefully monitor their calorie intake know that many factors affect this amount. The energy value of an egg is directly affected by its weight and cooking method.

Average energy value one chicken egg reaches a mark of approximately 158 kcal. At the same time, the calorie content per 100 grams may vary, which is affected by the method of preparation. It is worth comparing the calorie content in each type of this product, and choosing the most suitable and safe option for the figure.

A raw egg

In its raw form, this natural product has practically no carbohydrates in its composition. Thus, only the remaining components, that is, fats and proteins, affect the number of kilocalories. Fats are present in the composition of the yolk, and the second components are the basis of the protein.

The average raw energy value of this product is approximately 70 kcal. If this product is subjected to heat treatment, then the volume of kilocalories will change accordingly.

boiled egg

According to gastroenterologists and nutritionists, a boiled egg is the most beneficial for both the figure and the health of the whole organism. Experts advise eating this product boiled during breakfast. Thus, a feeling of dampness will come, and the body will be replenished with the necessary vitamins and elements.

One boiled egg has a lot of boiled protein in its composition, which is responsible for a feeling of energy and vigor. The form of preparation is also important, that is, it will be soft-boiled or hard-boiled. Nutritionists give several recommendations that will help make this product not only tasty, but also healthy:

  • before cooking, rinse the shell with lukewarm water (this will help prevent serious diseases such as salmonellosis);
  • boil in lightly salted water, while the amount of salt should be minimal;
  • do not digest the product, as this will negatively affect both its taste and useful qualities.

The average hard boiled egg is about 55-60 kcal. Soft-boiled - approximately 70 kcal, as in raw form.

How many calories in a boiled egg depends directly on the variant of its preparation. It is better to use a soft-boiled product.


Of course, this product in fried form will be more high-calorie than in raw or boiled. In addition to the fact that the amount of fat increases, this kind of dish can cause other unpleasant symptoms, and is also contraindicated for people who have gastritis and other pathologies of the digestive tract.

The method of frying also affects the energy value:

  • without the use of oil - 100 kcal;
  • on the vegetable oil- 125 kcal.

Among people on a diet, a dish such as egg white omelet is quite popular. There is a myth that the energy value of this dish is minimal. Is it really?

As already mentioned, the calorie content fried egg the method of frying (with or without oil) affects. Protein omelet is cooked in vegetable oil, so its calorie content cannot be minimal. On average, about 128 kcal comes out per 100 g of such a product, which is not the lowest indicator.

Egg powder

Egg powder is also called dry melange. It was invented not so long ago and the main purpose of such a product is an ingredient for cooking various dishes. Usually fresh raw eggs are used for cooking, but this option is quite expensive.

One kilogram of egg powder (dry melange) can replace about 9 dozen eggs. One hundred grams of this product accounts for an average of 542 kilocalories. If we compare how many calories are in a hard-boiled egg and in such a powder, then it is better not to save and eat or add the egg to any dish once again.

Calories in protein and yolk separately

The calorie content of protein and yolk in an egg also differs. So, in the yolk it is three times more than in the protein. On average, 100 grams of protein is 17 kcal. It contains a minimum of fat and the maximum amount of amino acids and vitamins of group B useful for humans.

The yolk includes 50 kcal, it also contains carbohydrates, fats, manganese, potassium, zinc, and so on. Nutritionists recommend not to use the yolk together with other animal fats.

The calorie content of boiled and fried eggs is far from the only question that interests many losing weight girls and men. Also, they often ask the question, what is the use of this product?

The benefits of eggs

This product is used not only in diet food for weight loss, but medicinal purposes. It has a great effect on overall health, has excellent strengthening properties for the human body. Also, this natural product has the following benefits:

  • the substances present in the composition perfectly protect the optic nerves, prevent the formation of cataracts;
  • components that have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, strengthen the vascular system;
  • lecithin has strengthening properties for memory, affects the speed of thought;
  • stimulates the immune defense of the body, preventing many diseases;
  • has strengthening properties for bones and teeth;
  • in the composition has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, helps to preserve youth;
  • low-fat composition and relatively low calorie help to lose weight.

Of course, there are many other foods with a similar calorie content. However, it is chicken eggs that are most in demand due to their unusual taste, relatively low cost and the ability to cook many different dishes based on them.

The greatest benefit will be only from fresh eggs. There are two ways to check this: fresh egg when shaken, it does not make any sounds, a fresh egg lowered into the water immediately sinks, not fresh - rises to the top.

Eggs and diet

Eggs are one of natural products included in the list of low-calorie. This product is often included in many diets, often used for medicinal purposes.

Studies have shown that people who consume two boiled eggs daily in the morning, on average, reduce the calorie content of their diet per day by about 300 kilocalories.

Nutritionists recommend using this product at least 2-3 per week, this will help not only lose weight, but also strengthen your body. There are certain weight loss diets that include a distinct number of eggs per day. Eggs do an excellent job of normalizing the metabolism in the body.

Norms of use

With normal cholesterol levels, you can eat one egg daily. With this dosage, the body will be replenished with the necessary useful components. With elevated cholesterol levels, it is recommended to reduce the amount of the product by eating 2-3 units per week.

If we talk about children, then the yolk is introduced into complementary foods around the seventh month of life. And at two or three years old, pediatricians advise children to eat 2-3 yolks for seven days.

Remember that eggs are usually included in many dishes. This is especially true for those who lose weight with the help of diets, calculating the number of calories eaten per day. So, eggs are found in mayonnaise, pastries, meatballs and other popular dishes.

Do not miss the fact that the calorie content of a boiled egg and a fried one is significantly different. The energy value of a fried egg is much higher, while the number of useful elements in the composition is also reduced. Therefore, nutritionists advise giving preference to the boiled type of product.

The number of calories in a chicken egg and in a quail, turkey or goose is also different. This is worth paying attention to when compiling a daily menu for a diet.

Video "Pros and cons of the egg diet"

Informative video with a detailed description of the egg diet, its pros and cons.

When compiling diet menu, you need to know the calorie content of 1 pc. boiled egg. This is a valuable product for the human body, which enriches it with useful components. There are two main ways to prepare boiled eggs: hard-boiled and soft-boiled (with runny yolk). Both options differ in heat treatment time. It takes about 10 minutes to boil an egg. To prepare a soft-boiled egg, boil it for 2-4 minutes.

On a note! A boiled chicken egg in terms of energy value can be equated to meat products, but its calorie content is much lower.

The number of calories in a boiled egg

How many calories are in a boiled egg? On average, the calorie content of 1 pc. reaches 70 kilocalories. To say exactly how many calories are in a boiled egg, you need to know the duration of its heat treatment. If you calculate the number of calories not in 1 piece, but taking into account the weight of the product, the values ​​\u200b\u200bwill be different.

The table will help you understand the calorie content of a boiled egg.

The table shows that the most high-calorie part of a chicken egg is the yolk. The smallest amount of kilocalories is found in egg white, so it is recommended to use it when losing weight. In fact, the calorie content of a soft-boiled and hard-boiled egg is not much different.

On a note! 100 g of a raw egg contains 157 kcal. fried product is high in calories.

The table of nutritional value of a boiled egg is presented below.

Egg composition

A chicken egg, whether it is hard-boiled or soft-boiled, contains a large amount of useful substances:

  • biotin;
  • vitamins of almost all groups;
  • trace elements (magnesium, zinc and others);
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fats;
  • omega acids.

On a note! The egg contains a lot of protein and few calories, which makes the product valuable for athletes.

Due to such a rich composition, eggs have a positive effect on the work of the entire human body. However, in some cases, eating them is not recommended. In order not to harm your health, you must first study the list not only useful properties but also contraindications.

On a note! The yolk of one egg contains a third of daily allowance cholesterol needed by the human body.

Beneficial features

The benefits of boiled eggs on the human body are as follows:

  • vitamin D, which is found in large quantities in egg yolk, is involved in the formation of bones and teeth, strengthens the nervous system;
  • choline, present in egg white, improves mental performance;
  • blood pressure is restored;
  • antioxidant effect is achieved due to selenium and polyunsaturated acids;
  • due to the presence of tryptophan, serotonin, niacin, tyrazine are actively produced, which helps to improve concentration, improve the functions of the reproductive system, improve mood;
  • the presence of omega acids in eggs allows you to cleanse the blood vessels, helps prevent atherosclerosis, the correct formation of the fetus when the product is consumed by women during pregnancy;
  • thanks to vitamin K, the human body recovers more easily after a heart attack;
  • due to the presence of vitamin E, skin, hair, nails improve;
  • certain components that make up a chicken egg improve blood clotting, so the product is indicated for uterine and other types of bleeding;
  • due to lutein, the effect of retinol and carotene is enhanced;
  • the liver is cleansed of toxins and other substances that poison it;
  • hemoglobin rises;
  • assistance in the recovery of the body after operations.

On a note! Chicken eggs are considered natural aphrodisiacs. With regular intake of food, sexual desire increases.

And eggs help fight insomnia and reduce the likelihood of nightmares. Therefore, they are recommended to be consumed in the evening, 3 hours before bedtime.

Boiled chicken eggs are an indispensable product in the diet of athletes. It is optimally balanced protein and amino acids, which contributes to the burning of excess fat and accelerate the growth of muscle mass. In this case, it can be argued that boiled eggs helpful in losing weight. They contain few calories and many nutrients, as well as protein, which is necessary for burning fat.


In some cases, eggs are not recommended. Under certain conditions, they can cause not so much benefit as harm to human health. Do not forget about the high content of cholesterol in the yolk. Therefore, people prone to thrombosis should carefully introduce eggs into the diet or prefer protein. True, the opinions of scientists on this matter differ.

On a note! Modern scientists have made a statement that eggs contain extremely useful cholesterol, which does not harm the human body. In their opinion, the presence of yolk in the diet is not dangerous and has nothing to do with the formation of cholesterol plaques.

It is not recommended to use eggs for people suffering from cholelithiasis, allergic reactions to animal products. It is forbidden to introduce them into the diet with individual intolerance to the body of individual components.

In the absence of contraindications, nothing prevents you from boiling an egg daily and enjoying it.

How to boil an egg correctly?

Boil eggs in the following way:

  1. Load the required number of pieces into cold water and place in a saucepan over medium heat.
  2. To prevent the egg from bursting, it is recommended to pierce the shell with a needle from the side of the blunt end.
  3. Salt the water.
  4. Boil after boiling for a certain time.

Immerse the finished eggs in cold water so that they are easier to peel after cooling.

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