Home Soups What to cook on the menu for Easter: Easter recipes for the table. What can be prepared for the festive table for Easter What is prepared for the Easter table

What to cook on the menu for Easter: Easter recipes for the table. What can be prepared for the festive table for Easter What is prepared for the Easter table

Original post by povarru

READ Culinary community Li.Ru - Dishes for Easter

Menu for Easter 2017

Icing for Easter cake protein

There are several options for icing for Easter cakes, I want to offer a simple and proven one. Protein glaze freezes perfectly, also from the pluses that confectionery topping holds well on it.

Icing for Easter cake without eggs

Icing for Easter cake without eggs is a good solution for people who are contraindicated in eggs. You can prepare such a glaze based on gelatin and milk. And today I will tell you in detail how to do it.

Easter wreath (baking)

The bright holiday of Easter is always full of joyful traditions and emotions. The smell of vanilla, freshly baked muffins, colored eggs... That's why we will bake a beautiful Easter wreath for the eggs.

Kulich "Cruffin"

Easter baking should always be tasty, fragrant and beautiful. I propose to decorate your Easter table with an original and tasty "Kruffin" cake, with a delicate rich crumb and a crispy crust.

Icing for cake orange

Easter is the brightest holiday of Christians. Each hostess bakes a festive cake, and our recipe will tell you how to make orange, fragrant and tasty icing for Easter cake. Try it!

Easter cake fast

How to cook a quick cake? Try with us. Kulich is most often cooked on dough, which is kept for a long time. When preparing a standard cake, live yeast is used.

Easter cake in the multicooker "Panasonic"

Often, Easter cakes are baked in the oven, but we offer a recipe for how to cook Easter cake in the Panasonic multicooker. According to this recipe, having made such a dough, you can cook Easter cake in the oven.

Roll with cinnamon

I love the smell of cinnamon. It is so strong and concentrated that even unleavened pastries will become fragrant. I'll tell you how to make a cinnamon roll that you can bake for Easter or another holiday.

Easter cake with cherries and cranberries

On the eve of Easter, I want to tell you how to cook Easter cake with cherries and cranberries. This is a very tender and delicious cake with berries, which will become a real decoration of your festive Easter table!

Layered salad "Royal fur coat"

Salad "Shuba" is a well-known dish that we often include in our diet. But for celebrations and holidays, a recipe for how to cook a puff salad "Royal Fur Coat" is more suitable. This is a royal meal.

Easter royal boiled

It is customary to celebrate Easter with Easter cakes, colored eggs and Easter. The recipe, I must admit, is simple, but the taste of this Easter is simply amazing, it somehow even resembles curd cheese for children.

Icing for Easter cake viscous

Everyone knows the trouble when the icing falls off the Easter cake. It instantly loses its appearance, and it is very inconvenient to eat it. Do you want to know how to make viscous icing for Easter cake?

Cottage cheese "cake" for Easter without baking

Before you, although not the easiest, but the most delicious recipe for making curd "cake" for Easter without baking. Anyone who loves all kinds of pastries and desserts made from cottage cheese will love this cake!

Glaze for Easter cake with lemon

This recipe is very simple and delicious. It will take a maximum of fifteen minutes to prepare it, so we read a simple instruction on how to prepare glaze for Easter cake with lemon.

Snack cakes from herring

Baked cottage cheese Easter

The holiday of Bright Sunday is celebrated all over the world. Easter is the main dish of the day. There are many variations on this theme. We offer a recipe on how to cook baked cottage cheese Easter.

Cottage cheese cakes

Treat yourself and your family members to a wonderful cottage cheese cake. This delicious pastry will be a worthy decoration of the Easter table. See how to cook cottage cheese cakes, tender and fragrant.

Cottage cheese cake in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is an indispensable thing for preparing a variety of dishes. I especially like its functionality in relation to baking. Today I will tell you how to cook cottage cheese cake in a slow cooker.

Diet icing for Easter cake

In Easter cake, icing is one of its most important components. For those who care about their figure and health, we offer a recipe for how to make dietary icing for Easter cake.

Icing for Easter cake that does not crumble

Those who have prepared a simple icing have probably come across the fact that it looks beautiful on a whole flour product, and when you cut it, it all falls apart. And the whole external effect is gone.

Marshmallow icing for Easter cake

This option is not known to everyone, it is original and very tasty. How to cook marshmallow icing for Easter cake, this step-by-step instruction will tell you. A great option for any confectionery.

Easter "Royal" custard

For me, the bright holiday of Easter is the smell of vanilla, Easter cakes, colored eggs and ... of course, cottage cheese Easter! I have always liked this recipe with a small amount of butter and egg custard.

Delicious Easter cake with zest and candied fruit

Easter without baking

A traditional Easter dish made from cottage cheese - Easter without baking. This recipe includes the addition of dried fruits and raisins, but you can also add nuts, berries or even fruits to taste.

Layered salad with pickled mushrooms

To diversify the menu of the festive table, I want to offer you a simple, but rather interesting salad. Rich taste, wonderful combination of ingredients and a fairly simple process. Worth trying!

Easy painting of Easter eggs

If you want beautifully colored eggs for Easter that look more like works of art, then here is a recipe for how to make a simple Easter egg coloring and get a beautiful result.

Easter cake

In this recipe, we will talk about how to make a cake for Easter. This is a luxurious recipe that I cook every year! Relatives and friends love this performance. Go!

Easter eggs with flowers

There are no options for decorating Easter eggs. They are painted with classic egg paints and natural dyes, decorated with stickers and decorative painting. You have one more option.

Dough for cake in a bread machine

The invention of modern kitchen assistants helps to prepare delicious dishes effortlessly and in the shortest possible time. Consider the recipe for how to make dough for Easter cake in a bread machine.

Easter cakes without raisins

Easter is a great holiday for all Christians. An obligatory attribute of its celebration are Easter cakes, painted eggs. Here I will tell you how to cook Easter cakes without raisins.

Cocoa cake icing

Each housewife has her own recipe for making Easter cake with icing. For lovers of experiments, we offer an option on how to make cocoa icing for Easter cake. Read the instructions and get started.

Turkey rolls with cheese

A recipe for how to cook turkey rolls with cheese can be made in advance, because the whole process takes a lot of time. I serve the rolls to the table already well cooled, so much tastier.

Chicken Snack Pie

To make your holiday table look bright and spectacular, you need not only to serve it beautifully. Check out how to make Chicken Dinner Pie. This is a delicious solemn and beautiful pastry.

Vanilla curd Easter

Easter is coming soon, so I suggest you learn how to cook vanilla cottage cheese Easter. Easter is one of the main attributes of the bright holiday, so you need to treat it with love.

Classic cottage cheese Easter

Here is another variation on the theme of the most delicious recipe for making a classic curd Easter. I personally like this one: Easter is tender, melting in your mouth and mouth-watering! Exquisite dessert!

Yeast-free cottage cheese cake

We share a very tasty and simple recipe on how to cook yeast-free cottage cheese cake. It turns out light and interesting pastries in taste, which will appeal to the whole family, as well as guests. Delicious!

Cookies "Crosses"

Cookies "Crosses" can be called sacred, because they are usually served during the Epiphany period for breakfast and washed down with consecrated water brought from the church. It can also be baked for Easter and other holidays.

Kulich in the multicooker "Redmond"

After tasting such a cake, your family and guests will be pleasantly surprised. Easter cake turns out surprisingly tasty, ruddy and fragrant. With the taste of Easter cake you will please everyone without a doubt, and the holiday will turn out well.

Eggs stuffed with chicken liver

Do you like to complement your festive table with interesting snacks? This is the option I would like to suggest to you. You and your guests have definitely not tried this yet. I recommend to remember and repeat!

Chocolate cake for Easter

Chocolate cake is not quite a traditional Easter dish. But such sweet pastries will be very popular with children and sweet lovers. Try how to make chocolate cake for Easter, surprise your family.

Fruit slicing for Easter

Any festive table can be decorated with simple fruit slices. Any seasonal or overseas fruits will do, the main thing is your imagination. See how to make fruit cuts for Easter.

Salad with carrots and croutons

Light, spring-like colorful, vitamin and refreshing salad. I will tell you the recipe for making a salad with carrots and crackers. This is a great recipe for Easter celebrations.

Cake "Fairy Tale"

This cake has many names. It consists of three different cakes that complement each other. It even looks like a soft cake with cream. Here is the recipe for how to make a fairy tale cake.

Easter gingerbread

Such beautiful and fragrant pastries will decorate your festive table. Easter gingerbread cookies can be presented as a souvenir to friends, and your children will enjoy eating them with pleasure. Happy Easter to you!

Easter cake is delicious

Easter baking is an important part of the holiday. Of course, you can buy ready-made, but the taste will not be the same, especially since it is not always fresh. Therefore, learn to make it yourself according to my recipe.

Greek Easter bread

If I hadn't been lucky enough to stumble upon this recipe by accident, I would never have known how to make Greek Easter bread. A very unusual and delicious pastry from Greece.

Boiled eggs for Easter "Chickens"

Diversify your Easter table with a delicious and original appetizer of boiled eggs in the form of chickens. Children will especially like this appetizer, by the way, they will be happy to help you prepare it!

Meat cuts for Easter

I offer you a simple and quick option on how to cook cold cuts for Easter. We will use 3 types of meat products - salami, boiled pork and chicken pastorma. It will turn out very tasty and satisfying!

Icing for Easter cake is thick

In this recipe, you will read about how to make thick icing for Easter cake. Probably, many people know this option, because it is considered classic and simple. And it only takes a couple of minutes.

Icing for Easter cake boiled

From my recipe you will learn one of the easiest recipes on how to cook boiled cake icing. It is suitable for covering many types of baked goods. But best suited to the Easter table.

The best gratitude is to quote the entry;)

Ingredients: fermented baked milk, sour cream, powdered sugar, butter, vanilla, dried apricots, salt

Easter from ryazhenka will be a worthy decoration of your festive Easter feast. There are some nuances in its preparation, but we will tell you about them in detail.

- 1 liter of fermented baked milk;
- 250 ml of milk;
- 70 ml of melted sour cream;
- 60 g of powdered sugar;
- 80 g of butter;
- vanilla on the tip of a knife;
- 4-5 pieces of dried apricots;
- 1 pinch of salt.


Almond cake - an incomparably delicious recipe

Ingredients: flour, almond milk, butter, almond flour, yeast, sugar. egg, salt, vanilla extract, almond extract, nutmeg, lemon peel, raisins, citric acid, almonds

For those who want to cook something very tasty for Easter, the recipe for almond cake will come in handy. In it, the dough is successful, and the nutty taste is pronounced, and the cake itself looks just great!

- 160 g of wheat flour;
- 70 ml of almond milk;
- 60 g butter;
- 1 tbsp yeast;
- 1.5 tablespoons sugar in dough
- 2 tablespoons sugar for glaze;
- 1 egg;
- 0.5 protein for glaze;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 1 drop of vanilla extract;
- 1 drop of almond extract;
- 0.25 tsp nutmeg;
- 0.25 lemon peel;
- 0.25 orange peel;
- 2 tablespoons raisins;
- citric acid on the tip of a knife;
- almonds for decoration.


How to dye eggs in rags for Easter

Ingredients: egg, vinegar

For Easter, it is customary to paint eggs, but this can be done not only in standard ways, but also in new methods - for example, using fabric. Our master class will tell you more about this.

- 3-4 eggs;
- 2 tablespoons vinegar 9%.


Lacy woman Easter cake

Ingredients: yolk, cream, flour, orange peel, walnut, candied citrus fruit, vanilla extract, yeast, butter, sugar, salt

Easter cake A lacy woman really resembles lace in a cut - the dough is so "perforated" and tender that such a comparison involuntarily comes to mind. Give it a try, this holiday pastry is sure to impress you.

- 3 yolks;
- 60 ml of cream;
- 170 g flour;
- 0.5 hours orange peel;
- 2 walnuts;
- 10 g of candied citrus fruits;
- 1 drop of vanilla extract;
- 1 tsp incomplete yeast;
- 2 tablespoons butter;
- 30 g of sugar;
- 0.2 tsp salt.


Easter Egg Cake

Ingredients: egg, flour, powdered sugar, baking powder, cream, starch, butter, vanilla extract, strawberries, coconut chips, confectionery sprinkles

On the Easter table, you can cook not only Easter cake or curd Easter. You can also surprise guests with an Easter egg-shaped biscuit cake decorated in the style of the Easter holiday.

For the biscuit:

- 5 eggs;
- 5 tablespoons flour;
- 5 tablespoons powdered sugar;
- 1 tsp baking powder.

For cream:
- 250 ml of cream;
- 1 egg;
- 50 g of sugar;
- 15 g of starch;
- 150 g of butter;
- vanilla extract.

For impregnation:
- 200 g of frozen strawberries;
- 50 g of sugar.

For decoration:
- 30 g of coconut flakes;
- confectionery topping.


Easter cupcake in a slow cooker, recipe with photo step by step

Ingredients: flour, egg, baking powder, raisins, butter, sugar, lemon

A delicious Easter cake is easier to prepare than the simplest yeast cake. And if a multicooker helps you cope with it, then this process will seem very easy to you all the more.

- 200 g flour;
- 4 eggs;
- 0.5 tsp baking powder;
- 100 g of raisins;
- 150 g of butter;
- 150 g of sugar;
- 1 lemon.


Easter from frozen fermented baked milk, recipe with photo step by step

Ingredients: fermented baked milk, condensed milk, honey, raisins, candied fruits, dried currants, butter, vanilla sugar, confectionery dressing

Frozen Ryazhenka Easter is sure to appeal to all lovers of dairy products. This is a great treat for the Easter table - new and interesting.

- 1 l of fermented baked milk;
- 2-3 tablespoons condensed milk;
- 1 tsp honey;
- 1.5 tablespoons raisins;
- 1 tbsp. l. candied fruits;
- 1 tsp dried currants;
- 100 g of butter;
- 10 g vanilla sugar;
- confectionery powder, glazed nuts for decoration.


Easter cake in the microwave

Ingredients: flour, egg, kefir, peanut paste, candied fruit, dry jam, honey, sugar, baking powder, butter, salt, lemon juice, confectionery sprinkles, decoration

Cooking Easter cake outside of the oven is quite realistic: you can bake it in the microwave - it's very simple and relatively quick.
- 0.5-0.7 cups of flour;
- 1 egg;
- 60 ml of kefir, yogurt or milk;
- 1 tbsp peanut butter;
- 1 tbsp candied fruit;
- 1 tbsp Kiev dry jam;
- 2 tablespoons honey;
- 2 tablespoons Sahara;
- 1 dessert spoon of baking powder;
- 50 g of butter;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 0.5 tsp lemon juice;
- confectionery dressing;
- decorations.


Easter wreath with triple filling

Ingredients: flour, egg, butter, sugar, yeast, salt, milk, dried apricots, raisins, walnuts

For the Easter holidays, you can cook a wreath of yeast dough with raisins, dried apricots and nuts on the table. It will turn out not only very tasty, but also amazingly beautiful.
- 600 g flour;
- 3 eggs;
- 1 yolk;
- 70 g of butter;
- 3 tablespoons Sahara;
- 2 tsp yeast;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 200 ml of milk;
- 100 g dried apricots;
- 100 g of raisins;
- 12-15 pieces of walnuts.


An old recipe for Easter cake from our grandmothers

Ingredients: yeast, milk, sugar, flour, egg, butter, raisins, dried apricots, vanillin, salt, powdered sugar

If you need an excellent proven recipe for Easter cake, then you won’t find it better than this - this is how our grandmothers baked Easter cake. Try it, you will definitely be completely delighted with the result!

- 23 grams of fresh yeast;
- 150 ml of milk;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- 500 gr flour;
- 3 eggs;
- 110 gr of butter;
- 150 gr raisins;
- 150 gr dried apricots;
- vanillin;
- salt;
- powdered sugar.


Easter cake from Anastasia Skripkina

Ingredients: milk, egg, butter, yeast, sugar, vanilla sugar, honey, flour, salt, nuts, raisins, candied fruit, dried blackcurrant, nutmeg, lemon peel

Easter cakes are an essential attribute of any Easter feast. There are many different recipes for their preparation, and we invite you to try one of them - tested by Anastasia Skripkina.

- 120 ml of milk;
- 1 egg;
- 50 gr of butter;
- 12 grams of yeast;
- 30 grams of sugar;
- 10 grams of vanilla sugar;
- 1 tbsp honey;
- 250 gr flour;
- 1 pinch of salt;
- 10 grams of nuts;
- 20 grams of raisins;
- 20 gr candied fruits;
- 20 gr dried blackcurrant;
- 0.5 tsp nutmeg;
- 0.5 tsp lemon peel.


How to dye eggs with helium dyes

Ingredients: eggs, vinegar, helium dye

One of the old traditions for Easter is the production of krashenok. There are many ways to do this, one of them is to color the eggs with helium dyes. With our recipe, you too will learn this art.

- fresh white chicken eggs;
- table vinegar - 100 ml;
- helium food colorings (if possible, at least 3 colors).


Easter cake without yeast

Ingredients: flour, kefir, butter, soda, raisins, vanilla sugar, lemon peel, sugar, protein, powdered sugar

I suggest you cook a very tasty Easter cake without yeast. The recipe is simple and fairly quick.


- 350 grams of flour;
- 200 ml. kefir;

- 1 tsp soda;
- a handful of raisins;
- 15 grams of vanilla sugar;
- 1 tsp lemon peel;
- 180 grams of sugar;
- protein - 1 pc.;
- powdered sugar - half a glass.


Lazy cake without kneading

Ingredients: flour, butter, egg yolks, raw yeast, vanillin, raisins, milk, sugar

If you do not have a great desire to bake an Easter cake, it does not matter. Today I have prepared for you a simple recipe for a delicious and easy-to-cook lazy cake without kneading.


- flour - 600 grams,
- butter - 120 grams,
- egg yolks - 4 pcs.,
- yeast - 15 grams,
- vanillin - a pinch,
- raisins - 100 grams,
- milk - 200 grams,
- sugar - 200-250 grams.


Creamy cake "Tenderness"

Ingredients: cream, fresh yeast, flour, eggs, sugar, butter, raisins, vanilla sugar

There are a lot of Easter cake recipes. Today I want to present to your attention a simple recipe for a delicious airy cake "Tenderness".


- 150 ml. cream;
- 25 grams of yeast;
- 450-500 grams of flour;
- 3 eggs;
- 150 grams of sugar;
- 100 grams of butter;
- a handful of raisins;
- 2 tsp vanilla sugar.

We would like to offer you a menu for Easter 2019 with photos and recipes that have become classics for this holiday. Easter in 2019 falls on April 28th. It is advisable to plan the Easter menu in advance and start buying food little by little. This is a special holiday; special traditional dishes are prepared for it, Easter cakes are baked, eggs (pysanky) are painted and cottage cheese Easter is made. Christians observe Great Lent, which lasts seven weeks. The last days of fasting are especially strict, but on Sunday the brightest holiday of the year begins. Then comes the continuous week, when the whole week is meat-eating, unlike other weeks, where fasting days must be observed on Wednesdays and Fridays. All seven days the resurrection of Christ is celebrated, people rejoice, go to visit each other to be christened.

The main holiday for Orthodox Christians, Easter, is traditionally celebrated in a warm family circle. The traditions and customs of this bright day reflect the colorful history of our ancestors and awaken the warmest feelings in the soul. One of the most pleasant and colorful traditions is Easter treats - colorful krashankas and Easter eggs, beautiful Easter cakes and tender cottage cheese Easter. We offer you an excellent Easter menu option, which combines traditional dishes and modern treats. If any recipe from our selection interests you, then you can see the step-by-step preparation with a photo if you click on the name.

What should be on the table at Easter

By tradition, the menu for Easter should include Easter eggs, Easter cakes, curd Easter, which can be replaced with a casserole with a lot of eggs, sausage, preferably homemade, a piece of boiled bacon and a horseradish root. Other dishes are at the discretion of the hostess.
We invite you to choose some interesting dishes from what you can cook for Easter on our website. All recipes are tested, rated excellent by experts, the dishes are very tasty and beautifully decorated. By clicking on the title of the recipe you are interested in, a detailed step-by-step preparation will open.

The main Easter dish, which must be on the festive table. Cottage cheese Easter is prepared from good quality cottage cheese, sour cream and dried fruits with nuts. It must be done in advance, since the curd mass must be under pressure for at least half a day.
Now special pasochnitsy are sold, where gauze is placed, and a mass of cottage cheese with candied fruits is laid out in it, but if it is not there, it's okay, you can cook Easter cottage cheese in an ordinary bowl.
For cooking we need:
one kg of good cottage cheese of medium dryness and fat content;
a glass of sugar or half a glass of honey;
a total of two cups of chopped candied fruits (figs and raisins) and nuts of a different variety;
a glass of good fat sour cream, preferably homemade.
Sour cream can be replaced with butter, it will take 200 grams. Sugar or honey can be replaced (or take 50 to 50) with condensed milk. Take any dried fruits and nuts to your taste, as long as the total volume is no more than two glasses. You can grate a chocolate bar, then Easter will be with chocolate chips.
Alternatively, syrup from raspberry, strawberry or cherry jam is added to give a delicate pink color to the finished dish.


Knead the cottage cheese very carefully, you can grind it through a sieve twice, add softened butter or sour cream to it, then the rest of the ingredients and knead everything properly. Line the container with gauze, lay out the finished mass and cover it with the hanging ends of the gauze on top. It is necessary to crush everything well, compact and put oppression. You send the whole structure to the refrigerator, and in the morning you carefully take out the already prepared dish.

Appetizing snacks occupy a special place on any festive table, and the Easter feast is no exception. We invite you to include an original, tasty and easy-to-prepare herring snack in the menu for Easter 2018. In order to please your guests with this wonderful dish, you will need: lightly salted herring fillet, red onion, green sweet and sour apple, mustard, vegetable (sunflower) oil, table vinegar, lemon juice, salt and ground black pepper, sugar, as well as green onions and lettuce. To prepare the marinade, you need to mix mustard, lemon juice, sugar, vinegar and oil, beat everything gently. Cut the peeled onion into half rings, and grate the apple on a coarse grater, mix these ingredients and add ½ of the marinade. Spread the resulting mass evenly over the herring fillet, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roll the fillet into rolls, the ends of which are fastened with toothpicks. Place the herring appetizer on a serving platter, sprinkle with chopped green onions, drizzle with the remaining marinade and garnish with lettuce leaves.

The technology of painting under Gzhel provides for a brush stroke using two paints at the same time and different pressing intensity. We offer you recipes with photos for Easter with the ability to color eggs with a unique technique. You will definitely succeed. Practice for a few minutes on paper first, it's really easy.
To paint Easter eggs under Gzhel, we need:

eggs (can be brown);
gouache (acrylic paints) in white and light blue;
furniture varnish;
palette or sheet of thick paper.

First you need to prime the egg with white paint. and then draw blue rose petals. Next, draw the leaves and fill in the background. When the egg dries, cover the drawing with furniture varnish and dry it.
Easter eggs under Gzhel are ready.

Fragrant high and elegant Easter cakes are an obligatory attribute of the Easter festive table. We offer you a recipe for a delicious Easter cake, which will become an irresistible decoration of your table on the bright holiday of Easter. So, for its preparation you will need: fresh and dry yeast, butter or margarine, wheat flour, chicken eggs, milk, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, salt, cognac, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dried pineapple and dried cherries), and also candied fruit. For the glaze, you will need chicken protein, vanilla, sugar and lemon juice. You will also need some oil to grease the baking dish. Dissolve fresh yeast in warmed milk, add sugar and dry yeast. Add a glass of wheat flour and mix thoroughly, put the dough in a warm place. Beat eggs with sugar, vanilla sugar and salt, add to the prepared dough. Then add raisins, which must first be washed and steamed, add chopped candied fruits and dried fruits. Then add melted and chilled butter (margarine) to the future dough and add cognac. Add the remaining flour and knead the dough. Knead the dough well and leave it in a warm, draft-free place to rise. Then knead the dough and spread on greased molds. Leave the dough to rise again, brushing the surface with vegetable oil. Bake Easter cakes in a preheated oven until a beautiful golden crust. Prepare the frosting by whisking the egg white, sugar, lemon juice and vanilla. Cool the finished cakes and decorate with icing.

Try to bake a very tasty cake according to a proven recipe. It must be prepared with soul and bright thoughts. It is desirable that no one interferes and does not get in the way. We offer you Easter cake, which tastes one of the best, and the dough does not get stale, no matter how much it costs.
Don’t let the complex composition scare you, in fact, the dough is prepared quite easily, and Easter baking according to this recipe always turns out. See recipes with photos for Easter, and read the step-by-step recipe for making Easter cakes. Think positive and you will succeed.

Ever since the beginning of the celebration of Easter, homemade sausage must have been on the festive table. It was prepared in advance, and then delicious roundels were boiled or fried, and placed on the table in dishes right in rings, and next to them were pieces of boiled lard and, of course, a horseradish root. Now horseradish is rubbed on a grater and served in separate bowls, but before it was simply finely planed.

To make homemade sausages you will need:

pork and beef meat in equal proportions;
lard (half of one proportion);
gut packing;
spices to taste;
tea soda, vinegar and garlic.

Everything is ground several times, the intestines are stuffed, and sausages are formed. Each sausage is pulled with threads, and a garland is obtained. The finished product can be frozen and cooked, baked or fried before use.
See a detailed step-by-step recipe for Easter sausage with photos, it is very easy and simple to cook according to it.

As a main dish, we suggest including chicken wings in honey sauce in the Easter menu. They are prepared very quickly, and the taste will surprise even the most sophisticated gourmets.
We need a kilogram of chicken wings, 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, honey, sour cream and mayonnaise one tablespoon each, grated ginger, garlic, salt and vegetable oil.
We prepare the marinade from soy sauce, honey, salt, ginger and garlic, put the wings there and leave for a while. then bake in a slow cooker or oven for about an hour, pouring the remaining marinade from time to time.
Sour cream and mayonnaise go as garlic sauce and are served with the finished dish.

Be sure to include the original Easter Egg salad on your Easter menu. It looks very nice and tastes just as good. For cooking you will need:
fried champignons with onions;
boiled eggs;
fresh cucumber;
a jar of corn;
ham or sausage;
green onions and dill;
mayonnaise, sour cream and salt.

You can use any ingredients, the main thing is to decorate the salad in the form of an egg. But according to this recipe, it turns out to be very tasty and beautiful in a section, as if a real egg was divided.

Very easy to prepare, but stunningly beautiful salad with pancakes "Bouquet of Roses" is prepared in advance. You need to bake a dozen thin pancakes without holes according to your favorite recipe.
In addition to pancakes, you need boiled beets, grated with garlic and smeared with mayonnaise, and the salad itself.
For the base of the salad, you will need ham, champignons fried with onions, walnuts, boiled eggs and Korean carrots. Chop everything and mix, put on a dish in the form of a slide. Top with grated beets with mayonnaise.
Pancakes are also greased with beetroot paste and rolled into rolls. Cut into 2 cm columns and set tightly on the lettuce, opening slightly along the cut line. Lay the greens between the columns of pancakes. It looks very beautiful, the taste is spicy and pleasant, and the shock of guests at the sight of a spectacular dish will more than compensate for the time spent on its preparation.

In the category of salads, perhaps the most popular and delicious are salads with chicken. Chicken meat goes well with many ingredients, so the taste of chicken salads is always tender and rich. We offer you to include in your menu a win-win salad with chicken and beans. You will need such products: smoked chicken ham, fresh bell pepper, parsley, fresh cucumber, salt and mayonnaise, as well as beans canned in their own juice. Peel the chicken, wash the vegetables and herbs, put the beans in a colander and rinse. Cut chicken, herbs and vegetables, add beans, season with mayonnaise, salt and mix. Serve on the table, garnished with herbs.

If your family prefers fish dishes, then the best treat for your household, without a doubt, will be juicy baked trout. In addition to the main ingredient - trout, you will need celery stalks, fresh mushrooms, lemon juice, onions and garlic, pepper and salt, cream, hard cheese, pickled cucumbers, as well as ground ginger and dried dill. Prepare the fish, grate with pepper and salt, sprinkle with lemon juice. Chop the onion, garlic and celery and fry until translucent. Add sliced ​​mushrooms. Then add dry spices, add cream and chopped cucumbers. Stuff the fish with the resulting mass and, wrapping it in foil, send it to the oven. Sprinkle the finished fish with grated hard cheese and send it back to the oven (do not wrap with foil) until a delicious cheese crust forms. The taste of the dish is simply amazing!

A delicious meat dish is the basis of a festive feast. We invite you to cook spicy baked pork ribs - a hearty and original treat that will perfectly fit into your Easter menu. In addition to pork ribs, you will need olive oil, onion, pineapple juice, lemon, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar and sugar. Prepare the pork ribs and roast lightly in the oven, turning them over once during roasting. Chop the onion and fry until soft. To prepare the marinade, combine soy sauce, lemon zest and juice, pineapple juice, balsamic and sugar. Add the resulting marinade to the pan to the onions, warm up and pour the ribs with the marinade. Bake until done.

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Easter is the main holiday for Christians. It is customary to meet her in the family circle, next to close and loving people. On Bright Sunday, they set the table and decorate it with various Easter decorations. Let's look at what the Easter table menu can be like, traditional dishes and recipes for their preparation.

Traditional dishes

The main attributes of Easter are Easter cake, curd Easter and painted eggs, which are blessed in the church and served at the festive Easter table.

Easter cake can be made from various products, such as cottage cheese, oatmeal, plain wheat and even pumpkin. Easter cake is not just a traditional pastry. It has a sacred meaning and symbolizes Jesus Christ, who, after his resurrection, ate food with the apostles.

Colored eggs (chicken, goose or duck) are also important. As a rule, symbols with different meanings are applied to them. For example, among such symbols there are: a cross, a spiral, rhombuses and squares, floral and animal ornaments.

There are several types of Easter eggs:

Easter cake

This is a traditional recipe for making Easter cake, which was used in the times of Russia. They make pastries with yeast from premium wheat flour.



Curd Easter

This is an incredibly tasty, delicate and airy delicacy, which is traditionally prepared for the Easter table. To prepare it, you will need some free time and effort. However, the result will be worth it.



Easter eggs

Today there are a large number of recipes for cooking Easter eggs. They can simply be dyed with food or natural dyes, decorated with elegant painting or various decorative elements.

Let's look at several ways to prepare Easter eggs:

You can choose a beautiful dish for Easter eggs so that they look presentable and attractive on the festive table. Place a church candle or a willow twig in the center of it. Sometimes sprouted wheat is placed in the center, which is a symbol of new life.

Traditionally, 12 colored eggs are placed on a dish, each of which symbolizes an apostle. In addition, one unpainted testicle is added to them, which will symbolize Jesus Christ. The dyed consecrated egg must be the first to be eaten for breakfast on Easter Sunday morning.

In 2017 Orthodox Easter falls on May 1st. This religious holiday is preceded by a forty-day Easter fast, which helps to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul. During this period, there are many restrictions on food. Therefore, after fasting on Easter, fatty and heavy meals for the stomach should not be served, as they can negatively affect the well-being and health of the person who fasted.

Easter dishes served at the festive table should be light. They can be made from fruits and vegetables, lean fish and meats. Dishes are garnished with green onions, dill and parsley. Since Easter symbolizes the end of Lent, the dishes should be varied.

Preparation for Easter should be done well in advance. Until this day, they choose recipes for dishes, carefully think over the festive table, bake Easter cakes and paint eggs. Below we will consider the recipes for preparing the most interesting dishes.

For the Easter table, you can serve the following dishes:

Although Orthodoxy does not approve of the use of alcoholic beverages, a small amount of red wine can be served with the festive table.

Piglet roll

This is an old dish for the Easter table, which is prepared from the meat and offal of a young pig.



jellied pig

This is another traditional recipe for the Easter table. Please note that it takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, it is recommended to start preparing this dish at least 1-2 days before the holiday.



Gingerbread Cookie

This is an incredibly tasty holiday dish for Easter, which will appeal to both adults and children.



Greek salad for the holiday table

This salad is notable for its lightness and the presence of a large number of vegetables and herbs in its composition. Therefore, it is perfect for the traditional Easter table. Even a beginner in the culinary art can cook it with ease.



fish roll

This is a great option for an appetizer for the festive table for Easter.



Easter table setting

In addition to preparing delicious Easter dishes, you should also take care of serving the festive table itself. We set Easter cake in the center and put a dish with colored eggs and church candles.

For many, the Easter table is associated with colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter. But why limit yourself to only them. In this article you will find a selection of recipes for traditional dishes for this bright holiday.

Every housewife on the Bright Resurrection of Christ tries to decorate her table with a variety of dishes that will look organic on this holiday. Below are collected Easter dishes with photos that everyone can cook. After all, there is nothing complicated about them.

  1. We knead the dough from 300 g of flour, 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder, 120 g of brown sugar, salt and cut into pieces butter (80 g). We knead the ingredients and add 3 yolks and 2 tbsp. spoons of water. Refrigerate the finished dough for an hour
  2. Cooking custard. To do this, grind 7 yolks with vanilla sugar (3 tablespoons) and flour (130 g). Boil 250 ml of milk and pour into the future cream. Stir, cool and mix with ricotta (600 g). Italian cheese can be replaced with cottage cheese
  3. From two oranges on a grater, the zest is erased, the insides are cut out and added together with candied fruits to ricotta
  4. Two-thirds of the dough is rolled out into a circle with a diameter of 34-37 cm. The dough is laid out in a 24-27 cm mold. The form must first be coated with oil. The ricotta paste is spread on top. The edges of the dough are wrapped around the filling
  5. From the remaining dough, you need to make strips 1.5 cm wide. They need to be laid crosswise on the top of the pie. Brush with oil and bake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Then cover with foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes.
  6. While the cake is cooling, you need to whip cold cream (300 ml) into the foam, gradually pouring powdered sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon). This cake is served at room temperature. Cold cream is poured on top

calicounia greek pies for easter

  • Even those who do not consider themselves to believing people paint eggs for Easter. Colorful eggs are one of the main symbols of this holiday.
  • But, you can color them in different ways. You can use natural or artificial dyes. Attach leaves of plants (dill, parsley, etc.) during staining.
  • But, if you want to really surprise your guests, then you can use adhesive tape when dyeing Easter eggs. You can cut out different shapes from it, stick it on the eggs and dip them in the dye. After staining, the adhesive tape can be peeled off. Original Easter eggs are ready

Meat dishes for Easter

The Easter table is rich in meat dishes. Since ancient times, on this bright holiday, boiled pork, ham, stuffed pig, baked veal, wild duck stewed in sour cream were served. Some of these dishes are still popular today.

Meat for Easter: egg roll

Easter cake

Below is the recipe for the cake and its original design in the form of Easter.
From the simplest products, you can make a cake that will not only please you with taste, but also surprise guests with an extraordinary design.

Video: Easter Cake

Homemade wine for Easter

Homemade wine has traditionally been considered the main drink on the Easter table. Today, stronger alcoholic beverages are in use. But, drinking such drinks is fraught with health. And a couple of glasses of homemade wine for Easter is not only not condemned, but, on the contrary, can help the body process food better after fasting.

An important success factor in home winemaking is harvesting the grapes at a time when they have reached full maturity. At this time, the berries contain the maximum amount of sugar. What is decisive in the fermentation process.

  1. After harvesting the grapes, the berries must be separated from the brush and placed in a container. If a lot of grapes are harvested, then 60-liter stainless steel tanks are suitable for this purpose. Before placing the grapes in a container, the berries must be crushed by hand. Containers with grapes should be placed in a room with a temperature of 10 -25 degrees
  2. During the fermentation of grapes, it must be periodically stirred.
  3. When sediment appears, the wine must be filtered. For this purpose, you can use gauze or nylon stocking. Sugar must be added to the purified liquid. One liter of wine requires one cup of sugar. Stir wine until sugar dissolves.
  4. We wait until the wine ferments and pour it into three-liter jars. We leave 2 cm from the throat to the level of the wine. We roll up the jars with lids and make a hole in their middle. We insert a medical hose into the hole. It should be above the wine. We coat the hole with the hose with plasticine for tightness. We insert the opposite end of the hose into a jar of water, making a water seal
  5. During fermentation, sediment is formed in the wine. It needs to be removed periodically (pouring the wine into other jars, leaving a sediment) and repeating everything from the beginning
  6. Fermentation time depends on various factors and can vary greatly. Taste the wine periodically, add sugar (if required) and as soon as you like the drink, close the jar with a nylon lid and leave it for storage

Easter food decoration

Housewives use their tricks to decorate their table and gourmet dishes for Easter. Below in the video you can peep some of them and take note.

Video: Decorating Easter dishes

Easter table setting and decoration

  • You can write about serving and decorating the Easter table for a very long time. Each hostess has a lot of ideas in her head on how to beautifully serve dishes prepared for this holiday.
  • On the table during the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, you need to place symbols of Easter: Easter cakes, eggs and other dishes
  • And also what will indicate the awakening of nature from winter sleep: flowers, greenery, decorative bird nests
  • A toy figurine of an Easter bunny will also be appropriate during a festive feast.
  • The main material of the Easter table is natural wood.
  • If your table is made of this material, then for Easter you can do without a tablecloth at all.
  • Natural wood, flowers and greenery will make your table unforgettable
  • Place a vase of flowers in the center of the table, and a colored egg for each guest on a plate. And if you write the name of the guest on the eggs, then they can be used as seedling cards
  • Easter cakes traditional for this holiday can be decorated not only with icing, but also with mastic for cakes
  • You can choose the color of the mastic in such a way that the Easter cake fits organically into the overall design of the table. You can not only cover Easter cake with mastic, but also make flowers out of it to decorate this baking.
  • You can make various figures from mastic and decorate Easter cottage cheese with them. The main thing here is to have imagination. And sculpting figures from this material is as easy as making it from plasticine.

Good holiday to you!

Video: DIY decoration for Easter. Egg made of thread and glue

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