Home Preparations for the winter Low calorie boiled chicken will not add kilograms. chicken calories

Low calorie boiled chicken will not add kilograms. chicken calories

calories chicken breast boiled without skin

A healthy, nutritious diet is not complete without chicken breast. Without it, the drying of athletes and people who form their muscles does not go away. The boiled breast contains a solid protein, so necessary for the formation of muscle mass. How many calories white boiled meat contains will help to make a diet for the day.

How many calories are in boiled chicken breast?

Calorie chicken fillet: 113 kcal.

The energy value of the chicken breast product (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

    • Proteins: 23.6 g (~94 kcal)
    • Fat: 1.9 g (~17 kcal)
    • Carbohydrates: 0.4 g (~2 kcal)
    • Energy ratio (b|g|y): 84%|15%|1%)

Chemical composition

In 100 g raw meat:

  • 53 g of water;
  • 0.5 g of carbohydrates;
  • 2 g fat;
  • 24 g proteins;
  • 40 mg cholesterol.

And also meat is distinguished by the highest content of vitamins of groups B, C, PP, K, A; macronutrients such as: potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine; trace elements: iron, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese, fluorine, cobalt.

Calorie content of the product in different versions

Boiled chicken breast without skin contains 137 kilocalories, with skin - 165 kilocalories.

What is the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts Subscribe Advertising on the article 0 0 In the Middle Ages, weak children and the elderly, as well as the sick and wounded, were given to drink chicken broth as a tonic. And they gave white poultry meat, mostly breasts. With a rather low level of medicine, our ancestors intuitively realized that this particular product contains a lot of proteins needed by the body and little indigestible fats. Therefore, this part of the bird carcass can be confidently called a dietary product. The calorie content of boiled chicken breasts is quite low, and the health benefits are incomparably higher.

Do not forget about the high calorie content of chicken skin -212 kcal per 100 grams of product.

First, protein. It is contained in 100 g of the product about 30 g. Therefore, the white meat of the “ripples” is eaten with pleasure not only by losing weight, but also by bodybuilders: after all, protein is involved in the “building” of muscles.

  • The calorie content of boneless chicken breast (fillet) per 100 grams is 113 kcal, with bones naturally this figure will increase to 137 kcal. The energy value of the breast with skin is 164 kcal per 100 grams of the product.
  • The calorie content of boiled chicken breast is 95 kcal per 100 grams of product, the rest of the calories remain in the broth. The calorie content of smoked chicken breast per 100 grams has 119 kcal, but do not forget that preservatives and other impurities are added in the manufacture of such a product, which are bad for health.
  • The calorie content of fried chicken fillet per 100 grams of product is almost 197 kcal, which is obvious, since oil is a high-calorie product and I do not recommend eating such a breast for people who are losing weight.

Fats and carbohydrates in the breast of a bird are negligible.

However, when calculating the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts, several factors must be taken into account: meat with or without bones, whether the skin is present, how long the product was cooked. Indeed, in its raw form, pure fillet has 115 kcal, meat with bones - 137. The largest amount of fat is in the skin.

Meat with it, but without bones, has a nutritional value of 165 kcal per 100 g.

The cooking method is also important. Naturally, when we fry something, we add oil to the pan - the product itself is very nutritious. After frying, the chicken is covered with such an appetizing ruddy crust ...

But, alas, its calorie content increases to 200 kcal. But when cooking, the reverse process occurs: boiling water “takes away” calories, making the meat even leaner. After this heat treatment, the broth contains 20% of the nutritional value of raw meat. And the calorie content of boiled chicken breasts drops to 95 kcal. Of course, this indicator is applicable for skinless fillets.

Now consider the so-called chicken diet.

After all, white poultry meat is a real storehouse useful minerals(zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium and calcium), as well as vitamins (B2, B3, K, E, PP). These substances will raise general tone body, and low-calorie boiled chicken breasts will help you get rid of five unwanted kilograms in 10 days.

A sufficient amount of protein obtained with such a diet does not cause hunger at all, strengthens the muscles and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With this diet, it is permissible to eat no more than 400 g of boiled breast without skin per day. It is advisable not to salt food, also to exclude sugar from the diet. Raw or boiled vegetables, unpolished rice can be additional components for meat.

It is allowed to drink coffee and green tea without sugar, fruit juices. Based on the fact that the calorie content of boiled chicken breast in a daily dose is about 400 kcal, you can eat and drink everything else for another 900 units. At the end of the diet, you can treat yourself to dried fruits and nuts in the morning. If the taste of boiled meat seems bland to you, you should think about other culinary methods for processing the product. You can first boil the chicken, and then lightly smoke it in a special smoky apparatus.

Such a simple technique will give the meat an appetizing smack of smoke. Boiled-smoked chicken breast also has a small calorie content - 160 kcal. But the most successful way of processing is barbecue. However, the meat should be marinated in vinegar, and the heat from the coals will melt the excess fat.

Thus, the nutritional value of the finished product will be 116 kcal.

The use of chicken breast in dietary nutrition

Chicken breast is ideal for a dietary diet. Few calories, carbohydrates and fats, a lot of protein - what you need. More protein can only be found in seafood. The protein diet used by athletes is most often based on chicken breast.

With this diet, you need to drink more water than normal so that the kidneys are cleansed and harmful substances do not accumulate in them. When dieting, you can’t eat 6 hours before bedtime, as meat is digested for a very long time.

Benefits for the body

The high content of iron and amino acids improves the functioning of the circulatory system, increases hemoglobin. In case of illness, poisoning, poor health, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, broth cooked on white fillet without skin is great for basic nutrition. White chicken meat helps maintain the beauty of hair, skin, nails, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

A large amount of B vitamins accelerates and maintains a normal metabolism. Protein contributes to the rapid saturation and recovery of damaged muscles after training. Properly cooked chicken breast reduces the amount of "bad" cholesterol.

How to cook

There are many ways to cook meat, but for diet food suitable for cooking (regular and steamed), stewing (with a minimum amount of oil), baking in the oven. It is important not to overdry the product. The most optimal and dietary option for cooking chicken breast is to boil it in a pan or steam it. So all useful micro and macro elements are preserved. And it is best to bake it in foil, so the dish will be healthy and very tasty. You need to eat chicken meat, and any other meat, with vegetables, so that a sufficient amount of fiber enters the body along with proteins. It helps to remove unnecessary elements from the body, such as connective fibers.

How many calories in baked chicken breast:

There is an easy way to make white chicken meat- Bake the chicken breast.

Calorie baked chicken breast - 137 kcal per 100 gr. product

How many calories in chicken breast baked with cheese:

The taste of white chicken meat can be perfectly combined with the taste of cheese. A wonderful dish - chicken breast baked with cheese - will delight you not only with its taste, but also with a relatively low calorie content.

Calorie content of chicken breast baked with cheese - 119 kcal per 100 gr. product

Supporters of a dietary and healthy diet try to include boiled meat in their daily diet. Suitable for this lean varieties such as poultry meat. White poultry meat has always been considered dietary. From it, dishes were usually prepared for children and the elderly, the sick.

This part of the bird was considered the most beneficial for the body for many reasons. What is the calorie content of boiled chicken breast and why is it most often included in the diet menu?

chicken white meat

Such meat in a chicken is different from the rest of the poultry. The sirloin with a small bone is considered white. According to your taste it may appear harsh and dry, but this does not prevent him from being a popular dietary product. Actually chicken breast is delicious and useful product if cooked correctly.

This popularity of white chicken meat is due to its high content of saturated fats. It provides the body with the protein it needs without the fat and bad cholesterol. Tasty and properly cooked chicken fillet children and athletes, active people, as well as supporters of a healthy diet eat with pleasure. There are many recipes that make chicken fillet soft, juicy and tasty.

The high-quality protein contained in white chicken fillet is perfectly absorbed by the body. Low calorie product made it one of the main diet meals . The sirloin can be bought at any supermarket, which is also an important advantage for a modern person.

Chicken breast calories per 100 grams

As a diet food, boiled chicken breast is an ideal product. The sirloin is low in calories, but this figure may vary depending on the preparation of the meat. The best and most useful the lowest calorie content boiled product . During the cooking process, some of the fats are digested, they fall into the broth. It is recommended to cook the chicken breast on the third broth, draining the first two. If a chicken breast is being prepared, then you don’t have to worry about the purity of the meat. Such a broth turns out to be quite fatty and meat is also therefore nutritionists recommend abandoning rich broths.

Raw, the sirloin has 115 calories, if with bones, then there will be 137 units. The skin of poultry contains the most fat, so it should be removed before cooking. With the skin on, a 100 gram chicken breast will have 165 calories.

During the cooking process broth takes some of the calories, therefore, skinless boiled breast contains 95 calories per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • proteins - 29.8 gr;
  • fats - 1.8 gr;
  • carbohydrates - 0.5 gr.

Protein in such a breast contains the largest amount with a low calorie content of the finished product. This makes it an ideal product for losing weight people, athletes.

How many calories in fried and baked fillet?

The number of calories depends on the method of preparation of any type of meat, including chicken breast. It is believed that the fried sirloin contains the most calories, it contains 197 kcal per 100 grams. Indicator calorie content increases due to oil on which meat is cooked, as well as on the amount of oil. For this reason, the fat content of the breast increases. The dish turns out juicy and fragrant in this form, but unhealthy. It will help you gain those extra pounds.

Many people like to bake meat in the oven, but this cooking method requires the right approach. Nutritionists recommend baking chicken breast in the "sleeve". prepared in this way fillet will retain all its useful properties and will be tasty, juicy and fragrant. Add spices to the meat and bake in the oven. Skinless baked chicken breast contains slightly more calories than boiled meat - 119 units.

You can also cook meat in the oven in another way. It should be pre-boiled and then baked in the oven. Calorie count of boiled meat without skin in baked form will be only 110 kcal per 100 grams of the finished product.

Chicken in the diet

Due to the lack of fat, chicken breast is considered the most valuable for supporters of a healthy diet. She's attractive for another reason too. it has a lot of vitamins and minerals useful for the body:

If you cook chicken white meat correctly, it is difficult to get better from it. Low calorie content will not allow fat cells to be deposited. Due to the low energy value when eating fillet the body will be forced to use the available reserves of fat. This is the secret of many developed diets, using which you can quickly lose weight. By eating white chicken meat, the body is saturated and at the same time consumes stored fats.

If the meat has dietary properties it has health benefits. The low cholesterol in meat makes it easy to digest. If used regularly metabolism is normalized, immunity is strengthened. It is believed that chicken meat is a wonderful preventive product for cardiovascular diseases. It helps to strengthen nervous system, hair and nails, has a positive effect on metabolic processes.

When buying chicken meat, it is advisable to choose small pieces on the bone. It, must be free of defects, damage and breaks in a clean and high-quality package, refrigerated.

Probably, no other product of the meat group appears on the tables as often as chicken. She is the constant center of the composition with potatoes in the oven for a big dinner: despite the calorie content, grilled chicken is loved by many. She is one of the main dishes in the company with apples among the festive dishes. It is the basis of a diet soup with vegetables: its calorie content allows everyone to use boiled chicken. She is an almost indispensable product, loved by the majority. It is difficult to say what would happen if she suddenly disappeared from all the shelves. What would a person go for? Indeed, in addition to the fact that not everyone can afford pork and beef, unlike poultry, the load on the digestive tract and bile ducts from red meat is stronger, which not everyone is able to endure well. And a significant part of the diets is based on chicken and fish, sweeping aside pork, beef and lamb. Of course, we are not talking about mono-diets: only about relatively complete nutrition systems for weight loss.

In this case, several questions arise regarding how many calories are in the chicken, how they are distributed, where they go, what they include. And, of course, one of the most important points is the question of the possibility of inverting these calories. Make sure that the “weight” of the chicken goes for the good, and is not deposited in problem areas. So that you can eat a dish and not think about how much you will now have to cut the rest of today's menu. Moreover, this applies not only to boiled chicken, the calorie content of which is a priori the lowest, but also to other cooking variations.

How many calories in chicken

If you do not disassemble the bird into separate components, trying to find out the exact values ​​\u200b\u200bof each part: breast, thighs, wings, neck, then you can name the total figure for the chicken itself. Its calorie content will show 238 kcal per hundred grams, despite the fact that the whole carcass weighs about one and a half kilograms. Undoubtedly, even the hungriest person will not eat such a volume at a time, therefore there is no need to panic because of the "weight" of the bird. But also to get involved in it uncontrollably - too. Regarding the distribution of its energy value, the picture does not look too rosy: 70% of the total calorie content of chicken is given to fats and 31% to proteins. Moreover, if you look at the same indicators, for example, in the breast, the ratio will be reversed. The bottom line is that most of the fat and, therefore, the calorie content of chicken - especially fried chicken - falls on the skin, which contains a lethal dose of cholesterol. Absolutely in all diet recipes, regardless of what the diet is tied to: weight loss or medical restrictions, it is strongly recommended to remove the skin from the bird. It does not carry any useful substances, but skillfully overloads the pancreas. Not only can this trigger an attack in people with weak bile ducts and livers, but overactive, burst-like pancreas work eventually leads to high blood sugar and diabetes as a final stage.

However, do not assume that there is nothing of value in the chicken itself. Firstly, of course, this bird is one of the best sources of protein, moreover, easily absorbed by the body. The same turkey, slightly more fatty, is no longer so well accepted by digestion, although there is no doubt that it is lighter than any red meat. To maximize the preservation of all useful properties, in particular, the protein component, which will not be interrupted by the jumped figure of fats, it is recommended to use boiled chicken, the calorie content of which is lower than any other option. When frying, grilling or baking, the proportion of fat in the dish itself increases greatly. And if you make a dish beloved by many with potatoes and mayonnaise, the calorie content of grilled chicken in the oven will step over the bar of 250 kcal per hundred grams.

Secondly, in addition to the protein in this product meat category a lot of vitamin A, which is required for a good condition of the skin, leveling the effect of free radicals, protecting the mucous membranes in the body, improving vision and even guarding the prevention of cancer. In addition, it is called growth hormone and is considered a source of positive effects on the reproductive system. In particular, on the synthesis of progesterone. This vitamin is best absorbed with fats - butter or sour cream, therefore, from a similar point of view, it is permissible to combine them with poultry meat, but then try to add vegetables. Ideally, it should be stewed chicken: the calorie content of the dish will then show about 122 kcal per hundred grams, beta-carotene will be completely absorbed, but the meat will not bring a strong load on the pancreas.

What's up fried chicken, its calorie content will be 210 kcal per hundred grams, and the greatest part of the harm, as expected, will be concentrated in the skin. It is difficult to somehow protect yourself here, since the very process of heat treatment in a large amount of oil implies an increase in the proportion of fat and an increase in the load on digestion. Therefore, it is not the calorie content in fried chicken that should scare, but its effect on the gastrointestinal tract and bile ducts. For those who have a sensitive stomach or a weak liver, this cooking method is definitely not suitable. It is better to choose a low-calorie, oil-free chicken stew or a baked version that is also fat-free.

Chicken in the diet of those who follow their figure

In addition to trying to determine how many calories are in chicken, it will not be superfluous to find out the tricks of its heat treatment and combination with other products. But first of all, it is important to mention the moment that precedes absolutely any cooking process: it does not matter whether the meat is stewed, baked, fried or boiled. Due to the fact that on poultry farms, from which carcasses are supplied to store shelves, poultry is actively chipped with various chemicals, it already contains a fair amount of antibiotics during the sale. It doesn't matter if a person has an intolerance to them: there is no benefit in taking them without urgent need. But the harm is the sea. Therefore, before subjecting the carcass to any heat treatment, soak it in cold water within two to three hours. Moreover, it is advisable to change the water every hour. In addition, it will help to remove some of the fat.

To reduce the calorie content of boiled chicken, she needs two pans: in the first, the meat is scalded, and in the second, it is already brought to readiness. This helps to get rid of the possible harmful chemicals that she was stuffed with as much as possible, and reduce the proportion of fat. The latter, of course, will fall even more if you cook the bird without the skin. Then the calorie content of boiled chicken will show approximately 135 kcal per hundred grams.

For braised chicken calorie content can be reduced if you do not use butter and mayonnaise. Those who, at the mere thought of giving up fats, the meat seems to be dry in absentia, simply did not try to make a bird with tomatoes and peppers, adding lemon juice and water. Tomatoes will give extra juice by soaking the meat. And for the normalization of metabolism and better absorption ready meal you can sprinkle with herbs. Then the stewed chicken calorie content will be only 57 kcal. The figure is indeed dietary. If you spice up such a dinner with a clove of garlic, fat burning will accelerate.

As for grilled chicken, the calorie content of which, alas, is 237 kcal, then it, like fried chicken with a calorie content above average, is better to be removed from harm's way. Unfortunately, this method of preparation, apart from a wide range of carcinogens, carries absolutely nothing. The only thing you can do with having high calorie content grilled chicken, is to strip it of its skin, spice it up lemon juice or balsamic vinegar and send it to the oven like this. Not to say that she will become insanely dietary from this, but the load on the pancreas will be decently reduced.

4.2 out of 5 (5 Votes)

Chicken calories: 160 kcal.*
* average value per 100 grams, depends on the part of the carcass and the method of preparation

Many things can be made from chicken delicious meals, differing in nutritional value and benefits for the body. Meat is classified as dietary, the main thing is to choose the right part of it and the method of heat treatment.

How many calories in chicken

The most dietary part of a poultry carcass is fillet with a calorie content of about 110 kcal. It has no carbohydrates, minimal fat content and a lot of protein. Fillet is allowed to be included in the diet for various diets, including the most strict ones. You can learn more about and its benefits for weight loss from the article.

In terms of energy value, chicken can be compared with seafood or freshwater fish.

Due to the low fat content, the body is quickly saturated with this meat, there are no problems and discomfort when digesting the product. Not all parts of the carcass have the same nutritional value. calories chicken thighs and wings exceeds the breast - 185 and 186 kcal, respectively. It is not recommended to abuse chicken skin during a diet. Despite the great taste that this part acquires during baking, its calorie content exceeds 212 kcal per 100 g.

Chicken fried, boiled, baked

When preparing dishes, one should take into account the differences in cholesterol and fat in different parts of the bird. The choice of the method of processing the product must also be approached responsibly. Without fear for the figure, you can eat boiled tender meat, the calorie content of chicken in this case does not exceed 140 kcal when using low-fat parts. Otherwise, the indicator will increase to 200 kcal.

If you adhere to a healthy diet or strive to lose weight, you can bake or stew chicken fillet (up to 100 kcal).

Interestingly, the calorie content of grilled chicken without skin is only 126 kcal. This is due to the rendering of most of the fat on fire. The calorie content of fried chicken is about 210 kcal, which is quite low compared to other types of meat, such as pork. It is worth noting that when the skin is removed, the value index decreases. Compare nutritional composition(BJU) raw, boiled and fried chicken breast can be.

Calorie content of chicken by-products

The benefits of offal for the body after an illness, reduced immunity, or with intensive weight loss are significant. With regular use chicken stomachs, with a calorie content of about 130 kcal, the work of the cardiovascular system is normalized, protective functions are strengthened, the condition of hair and skin is improved.

Low-fat foods - navels (115 kcal) and chicken hearts(160 kcal).

You can cook all kinds of dishes from minced meat (140 kcal), cook soups based on chicken broth. If it is made from lean white meat, then the value per 100 g equates to only 20 kcal. It is best to use secondary broth.

Chicken calorie table per 100 grams

Determine as precisely as possible what the nutritional value in different parts of the carcass, and how it changes depending on the method of cooking meat, a 100 g calorie table will help.

Chicken meat is the most commonly eaten food. Of all types of meat, it is not only the most affordable, but also the most dietary, therefore it forms the basis of many diets. As you know, in boiled form, it is the least calorie, but not everyone knows how many calories are in boiled chicken

The calorie content of boiled chicken is 135 kcal per 100 grams of product. The calorie content of the fattest parts of the chicken, such as meat with skin, will, of course, be higher and amount to 195 kcal per 100 grams.

Depending on the cooking method, the number of calories in boiled chicken may vary.

One hundred grams of chicken contains 23 g of protein, approximately 2 g of fat and 0.4 g of carbohydrates. Such indicators make it easy to calculate the daily amount of products to meet the protein norm. When losing weight and maintaining normal muscle mass, it is recommended to use 1.3-2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Each part of the carcass has a different energy value:

  • boiled drumstick without skin - 110 kilocalories per 100 grams, with skin - 161 kcal;
  • boiled thighs without skin - 160 kcal per 100 g, with skin - 185 kcal;
  • boiled legs without skin - 170 kcal per 100 g; boiled wings - 181 kcal per 100 g.

If we talk about chicken offal, they the energy value is also low. Boiled stomachs give only 94 kilocalories, liver - 166 kcal, heart - 182 kcal.

Why is chicken useful?

  • sufficient content of animal protein and glutamine, as well as phosphorus and potassium;
  • the presence of vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A and E;
  • chicken meat has very little adipose tissue (it is mainly concentrated in the skin and that is why it is recommended to remove the skin before cooking) and there are no carbohydrates, which means it is an ideal product for a diet.

Who needs to include chicken in their diet

Meat helps in the treatment of diabetes, peptic ulcer, gout. Regular consumption of boiled chicken prevents the occurrence of hypertension, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart disease.

Older people should especially focus on poultry in their diet. The meat of young individuals is most beneficial, as it is rich in vitamins, minerals, high-quality protein and glutamine. It is preferable to use domestic chicken, since the store product contains harmful substances that are deposited as a result of specific feeding.

Boiled chicken dishes are healthy food and give the body energy. Meat-based broth helps cure recent onset colds or restore protective forces after surgery. A rich broth will relieve the effects of food poisoning and energize a weak body. Boiled chicken is a great food for pregnant women.

How to cook chicken

Due to the fact that the calorie content of chicken fillet is minimal, it is used in all kinds of diets. At the same time, it is not forbidden to combine it with other products. In addition, other parts of the bird can be eaten. If using chicken legs or breasts, after washing them, put them in a pot of water and bring to a boil. It is recommended that after 5 minutes of cooking, drain the water, pour the meat with cold clean water and only then continue cooking it. As a result of such actions, you will be able to get rid of hormones and antibiotics if they were used in raising poultry. After that, the meat should be salted and boiled until tender, then cut into small pieces. An excellent addition to boiled meat chickens, including diet menu, there will be rice washed and boiled in salted water.

Features of cooking chicken

Boiled chicken, the product that is better absorbed by the body, if combined with fresh vegetables, or vegetable salads. If the chicken was bought in a store or supermarket, it is best to drain its first broth within 5 minutes after it boils - this does not affect the calorie content, but it eliminates many harmful substances (antibiotics and growth hormones).

Can chicken meat be harmful?

Fortunately, chicken does more good than harm to the human body. But nevertheless, chicken meat can also be a source of harm.

The greatest harm to the body can cause the use of skin and dark parts of chicken meat. . It is in the skin that harmful substances that enter the body of the chicken during its life accumulate. Therefore, before boiling a piece of chicken, it is recommended to remove the skin from it.

Insufficiently processed chicken meat can cause putrefactive processes and the growth of harmful bacteria in the colon. As a result, the whole organism can be poisoned. And it is not excluded exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In order for the chicken to benefit, and not harm the body and the above troubles, the following rules must be observed:

  • Carry out carefully heat treatment chicken - boil and bake more often than fry.
  • Eat chicken in combination with vegetables for better digestion.
  • Do not overeat chicken (as, indeed, any other product).

During life, chickens can get sick with salmonellosis, which, if transmitted, can cause problems in the human body. If the chicken has not been cooked thoroughly enough, then this is a very real risk.

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