Home Preparations for the winter How many calories are in a large orange. Orange fresh with peel. Calorie content of candied orange

How many calories are in a large orange. Orange fresh with peel. Calorie content of candied orange

Oranges are extremely useful - this statement is perceived by most people as an axiom. And indeed, this fruit is meaningful. dietary product. The nutritional value orange due to the uniqueness of its composition. Like other representatives of citrus fruits, it contains a huge amount of fiber, so when eaten regularly, it will help optimize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the quality of food digestion. And thanks to the ability to bind fats, it also contributes to the process of losing weight, like pineapples. However, unlike the latter, the number of calories in an orange is somewhat less, since it has fewer carbohydrate compounds. But it contains a significant amount of biologically active substances and trace elements. And yet, for those who strive to regain their harmony and resort to a fruit diet for this, the question of how many calories are in an orange is very relevant.

natural remedy orange

The red fruit is very widely used in traditional medicine and clinical nutrition. A means of preventing colds, SARS, scurvy, atherosclerosis, urolithiasis. The calorie content of 1 piece of orange is only 43-65 kcal, but the dose of ascorbic acid here is simply “shock” - 120 g. This is the daily requirement of vitamin C for a normal person. And at the same time, such a natural vitamin source can be stored for a very long time without any special tricks. Oranges can be stored for up to several months in a dry and cool place. Almost the entire range of useful properties passes from fresh fruits into juice, if you squeeze it at home and immediately eat it.

Calorie orange 1 pc. small, but the list of vitamins and minerals in its composition is very extensive. Here you can find vitamin A, B vitamins, and even rare vitamins PP and H, as well as beta-carotene. Due to the presence of vitamin B9 - folic acid, oranges can be used as one of the means for the prevention of infertility. The multivitamin composition of the fruit makes it a real panacea for seasonal beriberi. After all, orange fruits can be bought at the store at any time of the year.

Much less common is the fact that oranges are a treasure trove of micronutrients. And first of all, magnesium and potassium are necessary to optimize the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition to these active substances, the orange fruit contains such valuable elements as iron, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, sodium, and boron. In a small amount, the fruit contains iodine and zinc. Therefore, oranges can also be used as a source of antioxidants - for the prevention of aging.

How many calories are in 1 orange and where do they come from?

Most of the volume of the fetus is occupied by water. In one fruit weighing about 100 g, it can contain 80-85 g. And how many calories are in an orange is determined by the presence of other substances in it, in particular carbohydrates. It contains a little more than 8 g of such compounds. There are almost no fats in an orange - only 0.2 g, there are also few proteins - 0.9 g. But there are dietary fibers - fiber - about 2.2 g. Therefore, the calorie content of a medium-sized fruit very low - 50-60 kcal. This is almost an ideal diet product for those who dream of harmony and have problems with being overweight. But you still need to eat fruits with caution - no more than one or two pieces a day, as they can cause allergies and stomach irritation. Oranges are contraindicated for people with high acidity and individual intolerance.

How many calories are in one orange? Most often, this question is of interest to those who monitor their diet and count the number of calories. But it will also be important to know beneficial features this sunny fruit. Firstly, these fruits contain a large amount of fiber, which is very important for those who are trying to maintain their weight in the normal range, since fiber is the so-called dietary fiber, which, when it enters the human body, provides him with a feeling of satiety.

Many people know that an orange contains vitamin C, which is responsible for our immunity, replenishes the daily dose of the needs of the human body. In addition to vitamin C, oranges contain many other useful elements: vitamin A, which is essential for vision, also helps with skin and hair problems. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) is the same vitamin that promotes weight loss by breaking down fats and carbohydrates. In addition, vitamin B1 has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and strengthens the nervous system. Vitamin B2-deficiency of this "female" vitamin causes skin problems, the skin of the lips becomes more sensitive, begins to crack, the scalp becomes oily faster. Vitamin PP (Nicotinic acid) takes part in oxidative systems, reduces the concentration of cholesterol.

The average daily intake of vitamin C is approximately 80 mg, this amount is contained in one medium-sized orange, and if there are no contraindications to the consumption of this fruit, if it does not cause allergic reactions in you, then you can quite easily eat 2-3 oranges a day.

How many calories are in 100 g of orange?

So how many calories are in an orange? If we assume that 100 grams contains only 43 kcal, and the weight of an average orange is about 120 grams, it will not be difficult to calculate that there are only 51 kcal in one orange.

It is very useful to drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice every morning, which completely replaces a cup of morning coffee, and also gives vigor and strength for the whole day.

In addition to vitamins, oranges are rich in trace elements - iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iodine, copper, fluorine, etc. Favorably influencing blood purification, keep the body in good shape and give it vital energy.

To choose good and tasty oranges, just hold them in your hand and smell them, the heavier the orange, the juicier it is, and the peel should be fragrant.

Like most fruits, the orange has a number of contraindications to the use of this product. The most studied and known contraindication for those who have problems with the digestive system, as well as gastritis with high acidity.

Apart from the orange peel and juice application is both peel and bones. Fragrant and appetizing candied fruits are prepared from the peel, the orange pulp itself is added to some salads. It is also worth noting that orange juice is added to both alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

Daily consumption of several oranges a day has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, helps to treat constipation. The use of oranges brings significant benefits in diseases of the liver, lungs, this is an excellent remedy for anemia (anemia).

For people suffering from diabetes, oranges and juice will be useful, since it is in the orange that there is a high content of natural antioxidants, which helps to saturate the patient's body with vitamins A, C and E. The antioxidants contained in the orange reduce the level of cardiovascular diseases, strokes. These fruits contain healthy carbohydrates, which contribute to the rapid burning of fats. The high fiber content contained in this fruit contributes to the slow absorption of sugars into the blood, which is a definite plus for people with diabetes.

If doctors recommend including oranges in your diet for diabetes, then with a disease such as pancreatitis, they should be consumed with great care! Eating oranges will only aggravate the disease processes.

Contraindications for the use of oranges also apply to diseases of gastritis with high acidity, since the acid contained in these fruits can provoke irritation of the gastric mucosa.

It can also be noted that oranges help to remove toxins from the body.

So, we found out that oranges have not only useful properties, but also have a number of contraindications. As for the calorie content of this sweet, juicy fruit, it is certainly indicated for diets, and if there are no health contraindications, then oranges must be included in your daily diet! But do not forget that oranges are quite a strong allergen, and in order not to harm your body, oranges should be consumed in moderation.

Orange can be safely called one of the most popular fruits on the planet. Its pleasant sour-sweet taste has conquered mankind for many centuries, which is why devotion to the sunny fruit remains unchanged. And that only they do not cook from it: jams, candied fruits, delicious marmalade, candied and used for filling. Freshly squeezed juice energizes in the morning, and orange peel serves as the basis for the preparation of drinks and aromatic oils. Orange is used in cosmetology, used in dietetics and medicine. Why is an orange so useful for us, who simply needs it, and who should eat it with care, how many calories are in an orange - we will talk about all this today.

sun fruit

Juicy orange is a guest from hot tropical and subtropical countries. Its bright orange fruit is a real pantry of vitamins, nutrients, youth and energy. By eating just one sweet orange a day, you will get your daily intake of vitamin C, normalize digestion, cheer up, overcome fatigue and recharge your batteries for the whole day.

Surely people who adhere to a special diet will be interested to know how many calories are in an orange. This fruit is allowed to be consumed in most diets, it is considered a low-calorie and dietary product. But it also contains a lot of acids, so if you have an increased acidity of the stomach, gastritis or an ulcer, there are problems with the kidneys or intestines, then you should be careful. Try not to overdo it with eating oranges, and it is better to dilute the juice with a little water.

Proper use

To shape your diet, of course, you should consider how many calories are in an orange, but you also need to know what other useful elements the juicy fruit is rich in. A harmonious combination of vitamins, proteins, trace elements and other things is extremely important for our health. And also it should be remembered that the maximum amount of useful substances enters our body exclusively from fresh products. Therefore, try to drink only freshly squeezed juice and give preference to fresh fruits. Fortunately, you can buy oranges in almost any store all year round.

orange fruit calories

How many calories are in an orange? Approximately 50 kcal per 100 grams of weight. One medium orange weighs about 100-150 grams. This means that the calorie content of an orange (large) will be about 75 kcal. Agree, not all products can boast of such ease, but at the same time you need to be juicy, tasty and sweet. By the way, one slice of orange will give you only 8-10 calories. If you want to lose weight, then this fruit will definitely come to the rescue. Sweet and juicy pulp perfectly satisfies hunger and thirst, and even gives a great mood and freshness.

How many calories in natural juice

How many calories are in an orange, you already know, but how many are in juice? If you use a store-bought one, carefully examine the packaging. But if you prefer natural, cooked in your kitchen, then 100 grams of juice will have about 35 kcal. This is slightly less than in the fruit itself, but do not flatter yourself. Orange juice, of course, is useful, but along with the pulp, it also loses a certain amount of vitamins and minerals. And when squeezing the juice, almost all the fiber remains unused. But it is she who is extremely important for the normal functioning of the intestines and cleansing the body.

Vitamins and other benefits

Sweet orange, for all its diet, is not so simple. It contains a huge number of useful elements. Therefore, all nutritionists in the world recommend including juicy fruits in the diet.

Vitamins in 100 g of ripe citrus:

Vitamin C, of ​​course, is the leader in content - 60 mg, vitamin E and PP contain 0.2 mg each, beta-carotene will be 0.5 mg, vitamin A - 8 mgk, and vitamin H - 1 mcg. Oranges are rich in B vitamins: B5 - 0.3 mg, B2 - 0.03 mg, B1 - 0.04 mg, B6 - 0.06 mg, vitamin B9 (or folic acid) - 5 mcg.

The distinctive ability of citrus fruits can also be called the fact that they are able not to lose their beneficial properties for a long time and are perfectly stored.

Trace elements in 100 g:

Oranges are rich in potassium - 197 mcg, phosphorus - 23 mcg, sodium and magnesium - 13 mg each, about 9 mg of sulfur, 3 mg of chromium and cobalt - 1 mg, and manganese - 0.03 mg. Ripe fruit contains boron, fluorine, copper and iodine.

delicious medicine

The calorie content of 1 orange will certainly please those who seek to lose weight, but oranges are also able to heal our body. From ancient times, healing infusions were prepared from their fruits and peel, and the pulp of the fruit helped fight many ailments.

Vitamin deficiency is not terrible if ripe fruits regularly appear on your table. Immunity will be normal due to the large amount of vitamin C, therefore, in the cold season, oranges are extremely useful to eat. Juicy pulp will help improve digestion and get rid of constipation, will have a slight diuretic effect. One slice of orange, eaten in the company of fatty foods, will help her digest better. Oranges are useful for people suffering from gout and kidney disease, overweight, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Orange fruit is able to normalize cholesterol, which means it will take care of your blood vessels and heart. A large number of phytoncides act as natural antibiotics, they will protect against the influence of unwanted bacteria and viruses. Folic acid is essential for the rejuvenation of our body as a whole, and it also plays an important role for future pregnancy and childbearing. The peel of an orange carries no less benefit. The aromatic essential oils contained in it will not only saturate your home with pleasant aromas, but also help to cope with respiratory diseases. A decoction of orange peels will help if you are poisoned by lead. And in general, orange tea is delicious, warms and uplifting.

Orange is a unique creation. It will always help you stay in shape, be young, beautiful, give you a great sunny mood!

orange is amazing low calorie product. This citrus fruit has a pleasant smell and taste, so it is eaten fresh and cooked.

The nutritional value of oranges is only 44 kcal per hundred grams.

The main advantage of an orange, like other citrus fruits, is the presence of a large amount of vitamin C. 120 grams of ripe fruit pulp contains the full human body's need for ascorbic acid per day.

Orange has other useful vitamins such as A, PP, B1 and B2. It also contains important trace elements.

Calorie content of 1 orange (without peel)

The skin of an orange contains about 1.5% essential oil., the impact of which does wonders with our body. It helps relieve stress, eliminate depression and calm down quickly.

The calorie content of 1 medium-sized orange without peel is approximately 90 kcal.

With the help of the peel you can make delicious and healthy jam for the winter, citrus tincture and liquor.

Due to the luxurious aroma, essential oils are used in the field of perfumery.

Regular consumption of oranges will help your body to remove all toxins and toxins, thus cleanse and invigorate the entire body.

orange juice calories

Orange juice is a favorite drink of many people. It has excellent taste and healing properties. If you regularly consume at least a glass orange juice, you can get rid of many health problems .

Calorie content of orange juice - 42 kcal per hundred grams

The drink is quite low in saturated fat, so you can enjoy its taste even if you are on a strict diet. Also in orange juice absolutely no cholesterol, which can harm human health.

The amount of sodium in the juice is minimal, but there is plenty of potassium here. The drink also contains a lot of vitamin B6, which is simply necessary for the human body. Vitamin C, which is rich in orange juice, is an excellent prevention of colds.

However, there is one drawback that affects the amount of orange juice consumed. This is a high sugar content in the drink, which can harm human health.

healing fruit

Due to its composition, oranges have many health benefits:

They have antiseptic, diuretic and hemostatic properties;
ripe oranges are used for stomach diseases, jaundice and hypertension;
drinking freshly squeezed juice improves appetite and metabolism;
increases immunity, strengthens the nervous system and soothes;
tones all body systems;
gives vitality and strength.

Orange can prevent the development of cancer cells j. The high content of vitamin C helps protect cells from damage by free radicals.

Citrus fruits are quite high in dietary fiber, so the risk of ulcer formation is minimized.. If you eat at least one orange a day or drink a cup of freshly squeezed juice, then such a problem as constipation will bypass you. The fact is that the fruit contains a lot of vegetable fiber.

Orange can improve the condition of teeth and bones. This property is due to the content of calcium in the fruits. That is why it is worth offering to eat oranges to your child, whose body needs vitamins.

This fruit perfectly refreshes and has a beneficial effect on the breakdown of fat cells. Orange is a wonderful dessert for children and adults who are watching their figure.

However, it is worth remembering that fruits should be consumed in moderation. Otherwise, instead of the desired benefit, you can harm your body. Also, after this treat, be sure to rinse your mouth so that your teeth do not suffer.

How to choose the right orange

The fruit, of course, has a lot of positive properties. However, in order to benefit from its use, you need to choose the right product. What is worth paying attention to?

Carefully inspect the peel, because it should be painted in a uniform and bright color. The peel of a quality and sweet orange is perfectly smooth and has small patches, dyed red.

Thick-skinned fruits have both advantages and disadvantages. Their main disadvantage is that such an orange weighs a little more. But one of the advantages is the easy cleaning of the fruit.

If you buy an orange in the market or in the supermarket, be sure to feel it. Quality fruit should be elastic, not soft and loose.

Do not buy oranges that are too large. Practice shows that such fruits are not as sweet and juicy as smaller fruits.

These are the main tips that will help you choose a quality and delicious orange. Be careful to study the features of the fruit on the market, otherwise you will be unpleasantly surprised.

Who is contraindicated in oranges

The aroma and taste of the fruit are the main factors that influenced its popularity. However, there are people who should refrain from such a treat, since the possibility of harming their body is not ruled out.

pregnant women should exclude oranges from their diet, as they can provoke allergic reactions in the unborn baby;
people who suffer from stomach ulcers, it is also worth limiting yourself in such pleasures;
oranges are contraindicated if if you have been diagnosed with hyperacidity;
there are a lot of carbohydrates in the fruit, so give up such a treat if suffer from diabetes.

If you remember the existence of such prohibitions, you can save your health.

But it is not necessary to completely abandon the use of oranges, but their number should be minimized.

These are the main points that relate to the use of oranges. If you know the measure and take into account all the above contraindications, then fruits will only benefit your body.

Who doesn't love fragrant, bright and very useful fruit- Orange? The calorie content per 100 grams of the fruit is only 36 kilocalories, which makes it indispensable in diets and ideal as a light, quick snack. But can everyone eat it? Are there any restrictions on its use? This, as well as the beneficial properties of citrus, will be discussed in detail in this article.


Orange is a source of antioxidants and vitamins, fiber, microelements. It is rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system, fructose and pectin, which improve the functioning of the digestive tract and promote the rapid absorption of complex proteins. Practically limit the use of delicious fruit allows the calorie content of an orange.

The chemical composition and per 100 grams of fruit are presented as an approximate amount of substances in an orange. The fruit contains:

  • Proteins - 0.9 g (including amino acids).
  • Fats - 0.2 g.
  • Carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose) - 8.1 g.
  • Water - 86.8 g.
  • Dietary fiber - 2.2 g.

Vitamins that make up the fruit:

  • PP - 0.3 mg.
  • A - 8 mcg.
  • C - 60 mg.
  • Biotin - 1 mcg.
  • Beta-carotene - 0.05 mg.
  • Pyridoxine - 0.06 mg.
  • Folic acid - 5 mcg.
  • Pantothenic acid - 0.3 mg.
  • Tocopherol - 0.2 mg.
  • Riboflavin - 0.03 mg.
  • Thiamine - 0.04 mg.

Orange is rich in the following macronutrients:

  • Calcium - 34 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 23 mg.
  • Magnesium - 13 mg.
  • Sulfur - 9 mg.
  • Sodium - 13 mg.
  • Chlorine - 3 mg.
  • Potassium - 197 mg.

100 grams of fruit pulp are saturated with the following trace elements:

  • Cobalt - 1 mcg.
  • Iron - 0.3 mg.
  • Boron - 180 mcg.
  • Manganese - 0.03 mg.
  • Iodine - 2 mcg.
  • Fluorine - 17 mcg.
  • Zinc - 0.2 mg.
  • Copper - 67 mcg.

100 grams of fruit is, as already mentioned, 36 kcal (0.150624 kJ)

per 100 grams. Energy value: how to calculate?

There are many varieties of orange, and therefore their calorie content may vary. It also affects the size of the fruit and its ripeness. But do not flatter yourself: despite the fact that the fruit is low in calories, it contains a large amount of fructose, which can cause weight gain.

Given that the approximate calorie content of an orange is 36 kcal per 100 grams, the energy value a whole ripe fruit of medium size is 80 kcal.

The calorie content of freshly squeezed juice will have a slightly different value. It is calculated taking into account the pulp of the fruit, its approximate value per 100 milliliters is approximately 45 kcal.

Beneficial features

Fruit juice has an anti-inflammatory, antiviral effect, it has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation. Drinking orange juice helps reduce the risk of developing cancer, and also prevents the formation of blood clots.

Cheer up, improve performance nervous system, orange helps to improve the body as a whole. Calorie content, useful properties of the fruit allow you to fight excess weight and various diseases, for example, such as:

  • Anemia.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Flu and cold.
  • Constipation.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Anemia.
  • Hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Obesity.
  • Gout.

The benefits of the pulp, peel and juice of an orange have long been known to the inhabitants of China - it was there for the first time. In those distant times, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire used citrus juice as an antiseptic, and a decoction of the peel was used as a hemostatic agent.

Through many years of research, it has been found that essential oil fruits have a rejuvenating effect.

Application in weight loss

Diets are famous for their effectiveness, because they allow you to get rid of hated extra pounds, but experts do not advise strictly adhering to such dietary restrictions. Orange, the calorie content per 100 grams of which is 36 kcal, can still seriously "slow down" the process of losing weight. The fact is that its juice is quite acidic, and its frequent use greatly irritates the stomach, which can lead to the development of gastritis and peptic ulcer.

Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 1 fruit per day - this is quite enough to fill the daily need for vitamins and minerals, fiber. If you want to have a snack and not feel hungry for a long time - eat an orange. The calorie content per 100 grams of it is only 36 kilocalories, so you don’t have to worry about the consequences - this will not negatively affect your waistline.

Application in cosmetology

Orange oil is an excellent tool for strengthening and rejuvenating skin and hair. It is widely used in the manufacture of many cosmetics. Creams based on essential oils help fight the first age-related changes in the skin.

At home, to give your hair a healthy shine, you can drop a little oil into a hair spray and then spray. Fragrant and useful remedy for removing rough skin - orange essential oil. To get rid of corns and restore softness to the skin of the feet, it is necessary to soak cotton socks with oil, then put them on your feet, wrap them with foil, and put on another warm socks on top. After 1 hour after application, the product should be washed off.

It is worth remembering that essential oil in its pure form cannot be used, as it can cause burns. In combination with it, you can use Vaseline as a base, baby cream or any other neutral cosmetic product, as well as vegetable oils, sour cream and cream.


The use of the fruit has slight restrictions, mainly associated with the possible occurrence of allergies. Orange, the calorie content per 100 grams of which is minimal, is healthy and very delicious product, however, it is not recommended to be eaten by people suffering from stomach ulcers, colitis and gastritis, as well as those who are prone to allergic reactions.

Moms during the period breastfeeding and pregnant women should eat citrus fruits with caution, as the baby may develop allergic dermatitis. The use of oil has the following limitations: the presence of skin diseases, cuts and purulent wounds, intolerance to the components of a cosmetic product.

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