Home Nutrition Pastila from apples at home - old recipes with photos. How to cook apple marshmallow in the oven. Homemade marshmallow from anything How to make marshmallow at home

Pastila from apples at home - old recipes with photos. How to cook apple marshmallow in the oven. Homemade marshmallow from anything How to make marshmallow at home

If you're hungry and don't have much time, marshmallow is the answer. Pastilles de Leche means "milk tablets" or "milk tablets" in Spanish. This food delicacy is not usually available in other countries.

If you like milk, then you will love marshmallow, as the main ingredient is it. Pastila is candy made from milk. They can be served with a main course or as an appetizer. Pastila is quick and easy to prepare, some even use it as a product for sale.

Easy homemade pasta recipe


  • 1 can of condensed milk (or one liter of cow's or goat's milk).
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • Flavoring (optional): chocolate, etc.
  • ½ - 1 cup dry milk such as Nido and Anchor.

You can add if needed:

  • ½ cup white granulated sugar or confectioner's sugar for coating
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon lemon peel
  • A few drops of vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch

If you want to make a big batch, double the recipe.


  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Cellophane paper cut into squares
  • mixing bowl
  • wooden stick
  • Plates
  • A spoon
  • Sugar container
  • Large cutting board
  • Plate
  • wax paper
  • Pot
  • large saucepan

Cooking time: 5 minutes.

Cooking instruction:

  1. Mix the condensed milk and sift the milk powder in a bowl until it has the consistency of cookie dough. Add milk powder if the dough is too thin, and more milk if it is too thick.

It is advisable to use a rubber or wooden spatula to mix the ingredients and add a small amount of liquid. You can also add flavoring at this stage. The flavoring may be chocolate, melon or coffee. For a noticeable flavor, add lemon zest to this mixture.

  1. Add margarine to the mixture. Margarine serves as an additional flavor for marshmallows.
  1. Set the mixture aside for 10-15 minutes before shaping. The longer you wait, the less it will stick to your hands.
  1. Roll the mixture into small logs or balls using clean hands. The size must be equal. Imagine that you are sculpting clay. You can also form other shapes such as hearts and squares. Make sure the surface is smooth.
  1. Place the balls (hearts, squares, etc.) on a plate and sprinkle them with sugar.
  1. Cut out pieces of paper, or use edible paper, colored paper wrap, or cellophane to wrap lozenges. If you don't want to wrap each marshmallow, you can insert a toothpick and stack them on a plate.

1. How to make marshmallow

  1. Combine sugar and fresh milk in a saucepan.
  1. Boil and stir until it becomes pasty in texture.
  1. Add dry milk and butter.
  1. Mix the ingredients evenly.
  1. Remove the pan from the heat source and transfer the mixture to a bowl.
  1. Let it cool until it is no longer hot but still warm.
  1. Drop 20 lozenges into small cylinders.
  2. Wrap each marshmallow with a square of paper, rolling it like a cylinder, and then twist each end.

Training. Stove use

  1. Boil the milk until it is reduced by ¼ (only 3/4 is left).
  1. Add condensed milk to boiled milk and stir.
  2. Stir 1/3 cup of powdered milk into the mixture in the saucepan. You can use any powdered milk, but the taste will vary.
  1. Put in a few drops of vanilla to add flavor and taste the marshmallow. Adding too much vanilla will overpower the flavor of the dessert.
  2. Wait a few minutes. As the milk evaporates, the texture of the mixture will change. This may take up to 10 minutes.
  1. While the mixture is still heating, keep stirring. This is not only to make sure the ingredients are well mixed, but also to make sure the mixture doesn't burn.
  1. You will be able to determine if the mixture is ready by the sweet smell. Do not overdo it. You should not have a black tint as this indicates that you have burned the marshmallow.
  1. Place ice, salt and water in a bowl. This serves as an ice bath.
  1. Grease a glass bowl with oil to keep the mixture from sticking.
  1. Transfer the heated ingredients to an oiled glass bowl and add an ice bath. The mixture will harden.
  1. Instead, you can refrigerate the mixture for 10 minutes so that the lozenges fall out easily.
  1. Once you've taken out the lozenges, prepare your wrappers, such as cellophane or Japanese paper. The design and size of the wrapper depends on your choice.
  2. Roll the mixture into long cylinders (like licorice), then cut.

2. Pastila from goat milk

The ingredients for making goat's milk marshmallow are the same as if you make them from cocoa or cow's milk, except you have to use less sugar.

You will need:

  • goat milk (1 liter)
  • cornstarch (1 teaspoon)
  • white sugar (1/2 cup)

You can add ingredients according to your preference.

The preparation is the same as when making milk lozenges with cow's milk or carabao milk.

Goat milk is a good alternative for pasta ingredients. Basically, all you need to do is replace cow's milk with goat's. The ingredients will remain the same, however, be aware that when you use liquid goat's milk, the shelf life of your lozenges may be shorter than if you use powdered cow's milk. Goat milk is usually sold in liquid form and it is very rare to find a powdered version in supermarkets.

3. FAQ:

- Can I use corn starch to thicken my lozenge mixture?

Yes, you can, but make sure you balance the milk and sugar mixture properly. Otherwise, your lozenges will not taste good, and they will be badly chewed and pasty. Cornstarch is often used to thicken recipes - sauces, gravies, etc., so it's a good option for pastilles. The only downside is it's not very accurate.

What is the mass of one lozenge in this recipe?

- It depends on how big your marshmallow will be. However, for this particular example, 8 pieces of a regular shaped lozenge would be about 120 grams (15 grams each).

Do lozenges need to be refrigerated before shaping and coating?

Yes. They are easier to mold after they have been chilled for 30 minutes. If you used the no-slab method, you can shape them right away. It is advisable to grease your hands with coconut oil, as this facilitates the modeling process.

How long is the shelf life of marshmallow?

Marshmallow will keep for 2 weeks if refrigerated or 1 week if stored in a dark, dry place such as a cupboard. Unless you are individually packaging lozenges, you will need to store them in an airtight container.

- Why, when a metal ladle is used, the lozenges are dark in color? When we made marshmallow, we used a metal ladle and the marshmallow changed its color.

If your spoon is aluminum, it will react to the mixture. In addition, stainless steel spoons heat up quickly when stirred and can change the composition of lozenges as well as overheat milk. Use a wooden spoon.

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta!!! We dry everything.

Catch! Lots, Lots of Recipes!

Since then, I myself have been inventing and collecting pastille recipes from everywhere. Many and varied. I have not tried many of these recipes myself - they are honestly stylized (Kowtow to the authors!

) Many in the season will do.

When frozen, 20-25% of vitamins are lost, when dried, only 2-5%.
Plus, the energy structure of the product is changing. Is this not a reason to dry everything? Yes, and the problem of preservation is being solved - I kept all the marshmallows at home, in boxes.

I use raw marshmallow recipes as much as possible - the less heat treatment of the product, the more we save vitamins. You can grind raw fruits and vegetables in a blender, then you get a more vitamin, and therefore a healthy product.

I use honey instead of sugar. Fans can use stevia. Many fruits and berries can not be sweetened at all. They are so good.

pay attention to recipes with nettle, amaranth leaves, dandelions. We do not doubt the benefits of these plants.

Pastila from currants and zucchini
currants - 1 part
zucchini (apples) - 2 parts

Pastila of blueberries and zucchini.
blueberries, 2.5 kg
zucchini 3.5 kg
sugar to taste

Pastila from blueberries, dandelions and zucchini
blueberries, 400
dandelions 200
squash 600

Apricot, nettle and zucchini pastille
apricot - 400
nettle - 30
zucchini - 800

Apricot and cucumber pastille I don't have many apricots. But do you have any?
apricot - 800
cucumbers - 400
sugar to taste
water - 100 grams

Pastila from blueberries, amaranth and zucchini
blueberries - 400
amaranth leaves - 30
zucchini - 800
sugar to taste

Pastila from zucchini and bananas
zucchini + bananas - in equal proportions

Strawberries with zucchini - you need to try the proportions

"Yogurt Delight".
For pastille we need: yogurt, pine nuts
Yogurt can be mixed with pine nuts or put them on top.

2 liters of puree, immediately whip in a blender at a time. This is enough for 5 trays.
Composition - 1 liter of berries (various), 3 medium bananas and 1 medium zucchini, honey (sugar - 3-5 tablespoons) depending on the sweetness or acidity of the berries.

Last summer, overripe bananas cost 2 rubles. Quite suitable for marshmallows, though blackened in places, but not moldy.

Banana with leaves
I’ll take bananas, lemons as a basis (more if you like it sour), not very much honey and herbs that grow in the garden: lemon balm, mint, currant leaf, raspberry leaf, oregano, you can add some berries, grape mustache, calendula flowers, chamomile and more.
Kill all this with a blender and dry no higher than 40, since honey cannot be heated higher.

And it stole

Pastila spicy
Tomatoes, not a large clove of garlic, a little black pepper, five large leaves of basil, chop in a blender. Put the mass on a sheet for marshmallow, oiled and dry for 12-15 hours. Delicious with fresh rye-wheat bread.

Pastila "Apple"
Peel the apples from the core and chop in a food processor or grate on a coarse grater along with the peel. This is the foundation. For dressing, take grated Victoria berries, fresh or frozen, add crushed ripe bananas. Mix everything well. The mass should be like dough for pancakes. Mix with apples and put everything on greased marshmallow trays. Dry at a temperature of 55 degrees for 11-12 hours. Remove while warm and roll up immediately. Berries for dressing can be different - wild strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn and others. You can use plum jam or other jams. For elasticity in berry puree, add bananas, preferably overripe. If sour, then add dark sugar. You can add some cinnamon. Apple marshmallow replaces chips, if you add seeds, nuts.

"Banana Apple Crackers"
Peel ripe apples and bananas. Prepare a couple of tablespoons of honey (if the apples are sweet, you can do without honey or replace with a few dates if you are allergic to honey). Grind fruit in a food processor or blender, add honey. Lubricate the pastille tray with vegetable oil. Add walnuts or almonds. If you dry the marshmallow to an almost solid state (15-18 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer), then you can not roll it into tubes, but arrange it in the form of cookies, cut into rectangles with a knife or scissors.

Yoghurt Delight
For marshmallow we need: yogurt, pine nuts and poppy seeds. Yogurt can be mixed with pine nuts or put them on top. Place on a lightly oiled pasta tray. Dry at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) until cooked. It turns out something like an eastern dastarkhan.

Candied zucchini and pumpkins
Cut zucchini and pumpkin into slices (0.5 cm thick), cover with sugar for 1 hour. Then stir, bring to a boil, boil over low heat to become transparent. Drain all syrup. Add 1st. a spoonful of honey, lemon (or citric acid), cinnamon. Bring to a boil, cool, drain the remaining liquid through a sieve. Dry on a solid tray "Isidri".

"Almond sweets"
Peel ripe apples of local varieties and add a little cinnamon. Grind until smooth. If the apples are not sweet enough, you can also add brown sugar or honey to taste. Then, as usual, apply the apple mass on a tray greased with vegetable oil and leave to dry. But do not bring it to readiness, but catch the moment when the marshmallow is no longer liquid, but still sticky and plastic, like plasticine. Cover the nuts with marshmallow to form small sweets, roll in coconut flakes and leave to dry for a few more hours. Well-dried sweets do not stick together, they are perfectly stored in glass or tin jars.

Loose pastille, prepared with the Isidri dryer
Marshmallow is made from whipped apple puree, natural additives are added to the puree: sugar, honey, berries, nuts. You need to beat until the state of sour cream, so that the puree does not spread during drying, for this you can add egg white (whipped) to it. Pour mashed potatoes onto 1 continuous sheet for marshmallow - a thick layer (about half a liter). Each layer is dried separately, and then smeared with a thin layer of honey and connected together in a beautiful cake. By experimenting with different additives and layers, you can get the most unexpected taste. It is hard to imagine that there is no flour in it at all. Compared to the usual unwhipped marshmallow, it turns out to be very tender and tasty.

Pastila from rhubarb
Twist rhubarb (petioles) in a meat grinder, apples (sweet) -3 pcs. twist, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Lay out to dry.

Pastila from sorrel
Take chopped sorrel, knead 2 bananas, mix.

Pastila "Red Banana"
We take red twisted tomatoes, add 2 pureed bananas and 1 tbsp. l sugar.

Pastila Siberian kiwi
Gooseberries and orange (together with the peel) grind through a meat grinder, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and set aside to dry.

Cherry pastille
Rub the cherries through a sieve. Melissa, twist through a meat grinder. Separately twist the apples, add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Pastila from carrots
Grate carrots and 1 orange. Mix everything, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, mix and set aside to dry.

Cucumber pastille.
Grate cucumbers and apples, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Pastila from zucchini.
Grate zucchini and apples add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Pastila Fresh currant.
Mix twisted currants and apples with 1 tablespoon of sugar and chopped mint.

Pastila from raspberry and mint.
In mashed raspberries and apples, add 1st. l. sugar and mint.

Pastille for colds.
We take 1 orange, raspberry leaves and berries, rhubarb stalks, cornflower and calendula flowers, plantain, nettle, mother - and - stepmother. We grind everything through a meat grinder, mix with a mashed banana. Add 1-2 tbsp. honey, mix and lay out to dry.

Apricot and banana pasta.
Mash apricots and bananas, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and lay out to dry.

Pastila "With pepper"
We take apricots and bananas, knead. Grate the cucumber, add a mixture of peppers (“Mill”), combine everything, mix and lay out to dry.

Are there any other options:
Carrot + banana + orange or Zucchini + orange (with peel) + banana + apple + carrot - grate everything.

Strawberry pastille with banana:
for 1 serving: 0.5 kg of strawberries; 1 medium banana; 3 art. spoons of condensed milk.
Option 1: grate strawberries through a sieve, add banana, condensed milk to the mass, beat in a blender.
or option 2: Lightly crush the berries and banana with a fork, so that later you can feel the individual pieces, add condensed milk, stir. Put the mass on a continuous sheet. Dry until cooked (so that it does not stick to the hands and does not lose elasticity).

Rhubarb (petioles)-1kg, granulated sugar - 300g.
Wash the rhubarb stalks in cold water, cut into large pieces, sprinkle with sugar, put oppression on top and leave it for one day. Drain the released juice, lay the petioles on baking sheets and dry in a dryer. Place dried rhubarb in a box or glass jar. Preserve juice with sugar by boiling it and immediately rolling it into a sterilized jar.

Apple roll:
Apples - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 300 g. Any apples, at any stage of ripeness, wash, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar and leave in an enamel saucepan for 2-3 hours, when the juice appears, bring the apples to a boil, rub through a sieve . Another option: apples left after boiling the juice are rubbed through a colander. Pour the resulting mass into a thin layer on a sheet (greased with vegetable oil) for drying in a dryer. You can sprinkle cinnamon and ground nuts on top. When the mass becomes thin and elastic during the drying process, it must be removed from the sheet, sprinkled with sugar, rolled into a tight roll, cut into pieces.

Candied watermelon rinds
watermelon peels - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 1 kg, citric acid - 5 g, flavoring (orange peel, almonds, lemon peel, vanilla) - to taste.
Candied fruits are made from thick-rind watermelons, as well as unripe melons, which are usually thrown away as inedible products. Peel the watermelon rinds from the peel and the soft part, cut into pieces of the same size, considering that they will boil down in the future, add water and cook for 3 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse the boiled pieces with cold water, pour boiling syrup made from 1 kg of granulated sugar, 200 g of water and 5 g of citric acid. For flavoring, you can also add lemon or orange zest, almonds there. Boil watermelon peels until transparent, then remove with a slotted spoon, dry in a dryer and roll in powdered sugar. You can also roll watermelon rinds in a mixture of granulated sugar and crushed nuts.

Candied sugar beets
Sugar beet - 1 kg, citric acid - 3 g, granulated sugar - 100 g, water - 0.5 l, lemon peel, vanillin or other flavoring.
Wash the beets, peel, cut into pieces of the same size (straws, cubes or slices), pour water, add granulated sugar, citric acid and boil over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. For flavoring, beets can be boiled together with lemon or orange zest, with honey, cardamom, vanillin. Lay the finished beets on a sheet for marshmallow and dry in a dryer. Then rolled in powdered sugar mixed with cocoa powder or chopped nuts.

Dried apples
2 kg of peeled apples, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. Sahara.
Peel the apples from the peel and core and cut into slices, about 1 cm thick. Cut into half rings, 2 mm thick lemon and orange (amount of citrus fruits to taste). Layer apples and citrus fruits, periodically sprinkling the layers with sugar. Press down on top with a press and leave for half a day to let the juice flow. Juice can be used for compote, and apples, lemons and oranges can be spread on pallets and dried for 6-7 hours.

apple marshmallow
2.5 kg of apples and 2 cups of sugar.
Cut apples, peel and core, simmer on fire under the lid for 15-20 minutes until they become soft. Sprinkle with sugar and top with a pusher. You can beat on a mixer, then the marshmallow will have a more uniform structure. Lightly grease the marshmallow tray with vegetable oil, put mashed potatoes on it and level it to make a layer of 0.5 cm. Dry for 9-10 hours at a temperature of 60-70C. You can add peeled crushed peaches, grated melon and kiwi to applesauce. It will turn out delicious if you add the grated zest of one lemon, one orange and a little cinnamon to the puree.

Beet "Piquant Novokurskaya"
Raw beets are cut into thin strips, coated with adjika and dried in an Isidri dryer.

Canape Venegretik
Boil separately potatoes, beets, carrots. Twist in a meat grinder, also separately. We add a little mashed potatoes to the carrots and beets for a bunch, otherwise the plates from the beets and carrots will break when drying. Salt, add herbs and spices to taste. In mashed potatoes, add fried onions, salt, spices. We spread the mass of vegetables on pastille sheets, greased with vegetable oil, grease with mayonnaise, sour cream or ketchup on top, dry tortillas to a flexible state. Please do not overdry, this is important and not difficult. Cut sausage without fat into slices, dry on a tray in a dryer. The resulting vegetable cakes and sausage are cut into 2x2 cm squares, strung, alternating, on toothpicks. What happened - a pastille of a snack option, is really very unusual. These "vinaigrette canapushkas" do not deteriorate even in the heat, they can be taken with you on any vacation, on a trip, on a business trip.

bulk apples
Small ranetki (3 cm in diameter), make a strong sugar syrup (about 0.6 kg of sugar per 2 cups of water). Dip the apples in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then drain the water. Pour apples with boiling sugar syrup and leave to cool. Then bring to a boil and cool again. So repeat 1-2 more times, until the apples are completely soft. Then let the syrup drain completely, put it on a dryer tray and dry until the apples become dried, store the syrup in the refrigerator. It is useful for making candied fruits from pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets, etc.

Dried fish
A bucket of fish, without peeling the scales, gutted, ripped open the belly, do not wash it, and pour it into the bucket in layers: a layer of fish, a layer of salt. You can not be afraid to salt the fish, it will take as much salt as it needs. We put oppression on top so that the fish is completely immersed in the brine without air access. We hold out for three days. After three days, we wash the salted fish in running water to wash off excess salt. We put the washed fish on a paper towel, removing excess moisture. We put the dried fish on the Isidri trays, sorting it by size, so it dries evenly. After filling the trays, turn on the dryer at 60 ° C. And dry depending on the size of the fish from 10 hours to a day. You can also try drying at a lower temperature of 55 and 35 °C. Drying this way produces the best quality dried fish, but drying can take 2 or 3 days for larger fish. It is possible to combine drying modes: at the beginning, dry at 60 ° C and finish drying at an economical mode of 35 ° C.

Sweets for tea
Boil cherry jam, roll up. There was syrup left after the jam.
Take the zucchini cut arbitrarily. And send chopped zucchini to the cherry syrup. Boil for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. The zucchini pieces turned a beautiful ruby ​​color. Throw them in a colander, and then put them to dry in "Isidri"

Soup-puree "Fantastica" vegetable with croutons
Boil vegetables in beef broth: onions, potatoes, white cabbage, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, green beans, corn. Spices and salt to taste. Grind the finished soup with a blender. Dry on an oiled sheet. Grind dried soup in a coffee grinder. Croutons: Cut brown bread into small cubes. Pour vegetable oil into a wide plate, squeeze out the garlic, sprinkle with spices and salt to taste. Mix this butter with breadcrumbs and put in the oven until an appetizing crust forms. Serve soup 2-3 tsp. powder per mug. Sprinkle croutons on top.

Mashed Potato Soup with Mushrooms
Boil potatoes, onion and mushroom powder in a saucepan. Salt to taste. Ready potatoes mash and dry on a sheet. Grind dried soup in a coffee grinder. Serve 2-3 tsp. powder per mug. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.

Pancakes with mushrooms
In 3 glasses of milk add 2 tsp. mushroom powder. Boil 20 min. Cool down. Add 2 eggs, flour and salt to taste. Fry pancakes in a pan.

Mushroom sauce
Add 2 tsp to 1 glass of milk. l. mushroom powder and boil for 20 minutes. Dilute 1 tsp in 100g of cold water. l. starch and pour into milk. Cook, stirring until thickened.

Pineapple candied pumpkin
Cut pumpkin into cubes. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle sugar on top and squeeze a lemon. Leave overnight. Juice will stand out in the morning. Bring pumpkin to a boil and remove to cool. Repeat 2-3 times. The last time the boil in the pumpkin squeeze the orange. After cooling, drain the syrup and place the pumpkin cubes on a dryer mesh sheet and dry.

Candied beets
Boil boiled beets in strawberry syrup. Leave until cool. Spread out on a mesh sheet and dry in the dryer.

unusual berry
Boil chokeberry a little in cherry leaf syrup and leave to cool. Spread out on a mesh sheet and dry in the dryer.

Pastila "Sun"
Cut peeled carrots and boil in sea buckthorn juice. Cool down. Make a puree with a crush. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Pastila "Vkusnyatina"
Peel the apples and cut them into slices. Place in a saucepan, add a few cranberries, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, a little water and steam over a fire to make the apples soft. Cool down. Mash into puree with a crush. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Pastila Apples+cranberry+banana
Peel the apples and cut them into slices. Place in a saucepan, add a few cranberries. Steam over a fire so that the apples become soft. Cool down. Mash into puree with a crush. Grate a banana and quickly mix with applesauce. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Steam dried apples for 5 minutes. Scroll through a meat grinder 1 part of dried apricots, 1 part of apples and 0.5 parts of prunes (odorless). Add pine nuts. Pour the resulting mixture with condensed milk. Mix everything and refrigerate for 5-6 hours, so that the components "make friends". Then roll into balls and roll them in shortbread crumbs or coconut flakes or sesame seeds. And place on the dryer mesh sheet for 6-8 hours.

Rolls with apples
Prepare yeast dough. Steam dried apples, scroll in a meat grinder and add a little sugar. Roll out the dough into round disks and then divide them into 8 segments. Then we put the apple filling in each segment and begin to twist from the wide side to the corner. Bake in the oven. Sprinkle finished rolls with powdered sugar before serving.

Dried apple compote with beets
Pour boiling water over apples and slightly dried beets (for color) and close with a Wax vacuum system. After 5 min. compote is ready.

Pumpkin soup
1 kg pumpkin
2 onions chopped
2 glasses of water
2 garlic cloves minced
2 tsp beef broth
2 tsp Sahara
1/2 tsp ground almonds
2-3 glasses of milk
Salt, pepper to taste
1/2 tsp curry (to taste)

Clean and cut the pumpkin into pieces. Boil the pumpkin, onion, garlic, sugar, water and broth until the pumpkin is soft. Stir the mass with milk until puree is obtained and add seasonings. Cool and dry on a lightly oiled solid tray for 8 hours at 55°C or Medium.

The soup can be stored both in the form of marshmallows and as a powder (ground in a coffee grinder) for making instant soups.

Most soup ingredients, such as leeks, tomatoes, and spinach, are easy to dry and can also be easily ground in a coffee grinder into a powder to make an instant soup. To make soup, add 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture for soup in a mug and pour boiling water, the soup will be ready in a few minutes.

Drying fish
Take lean, fresh fish, clean it quickly, and keep it refrigerated until dry. Make sure the fish has not been previously frozen. Such fish can also be dried, but the taste and texture will be lower.

Cut the fish into strips 5 mm thick and marinate for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator. This marinade should contain 4 tsp. salt per kilogram of fresh fish. Place the fish on mesh trays on trays and dry for 6-8 hours at 60°C or High until the fish is firm and no moisture comes out - but not crumbly.

Store in airtight containers in a cool, dark place or refrigerator, or deep freeze if longer than 2 weeks is needed. It is better to use fish with a low fat content, such as cod, perch, etc.

lemon marinade
4 tsp salt,
2 tbsp. l. dried parsley,
2 tsp onion powder,
1/2 cup lemon juice.
Mix well and brush evenly over each layer of fish.

Dried fish with sour cream
1 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 st. l. dried parsley
2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 cup dried fish
1 clove minced garlic

Mix together sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic, pepper and parsley. Chop dried fish and mix with this paste. Serve with crackers, chips, dried tomatoes, zucchini or cucumber slices.

savory crunches
We rub the pumpkin on a grater. 1-2 cloves of garlic, also grate on a fine grater.
Mix pumpkin and garlic. Add chopped greens to the resulting mass: cilantro, basil, parsley, dill. Or someone likes something, to taste. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 10 hours. Then we remove, cut into pieces, very crispy, spicy and healthy chips are obtained (which is especially important in winter).

Easy rolls
Making pumpkin puree. Add persimmons to the puree (I took two varieties of chocolate and regular) and mix everything in a blender. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. We take a banana and knead it with a crush. Peel the kiwi and cut into thin strips. We cut the marshmallow into strips 4-5 cm wide, spread the banana puree and put the kiwi in the middle and wrap it up. We make several such rolls, put them on a plate, sprinkle with coconut flakes, decorate with dried wild strawberries (very fragrant) and kiwi slices.

Fruit cookies "Orange Sun"
For the suns, I took everything orange that I found at that time. Twisted persimmon and pumpkin in equal proportions in a meat grinder. She laid out small cakes in the form of circles on a greased sheet for marshmallow with a teaspoon. On top of this layer, a layer of carrots (boiled and twisted). Next, a layer of twisted orange peel with honey. Put a hazelnut in the middle. Then she took twisted dried apricots and overlaid the nut, so that a semicircle (slide) was obtained. Top the cookies with squeezed sea buckthorn juice. And put it to dry.

Fruit cookies "Croissants"
Twist in equal proportions persimmon, pumpkin. Add squeezed sea buckthorn (to taste) to the mass, mix everything, put on a sheet for marshmallow and dry. Then cut into triangles. Top each triangle with twisted yellow raisins. Roll into tubes from the wide end to the narrow end.

summer delight
Making pumpkin puree. Add persimmons to the puree (I took two varieties of chocolate and regular) and mix everything in a blender. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. When chocolate persimmon is added, the marshmallow turns out to be darker, and when regular marshmallow is added, it turns orange. With curly scissors, cut out several smaller triangles and 2 pcs. more. We put ice cream in a bowl, roll roses from small triangles, stick them into the ice cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate, nuts, and you can cut curly stripes and also decorate the ice cream. We roll up two large triangles into a bag and insert them into a tall glass, put ice cream inside and can be decorated with broken chocolate.
On a hot summer day, just what you need!

Delicate puree soup
We rub the pumpkin on a grater. 1-2 cloves of garlic, also grate on a fine grater. Mix pumpkin and garlic. Add chopped greens to the resulting mass: cilantro, basil, parsley, dill. Or someone likes something, to taste. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 10 hours. Then we remove, cut into pieces, very crispy, spicy and healthy chips are obtained (which is especially important in winter). Grind these pieces in a coffee grinder, put in a jar with a WAKS lid.

Application: put a few tablespoons of the ground mixture in a deep plate and pour warm or hot milk or water, you can sprinkle fresh herbs on top and throw in a few crackers (salt, spices to taste). It turns out a very tasty soup-puree slightly spicy and tender.

hello from summer
Cut into slices kiwi, pear, banana, persimmon. Spread on a mesh sheet and dry for 8 hours. Grate the pumpkin. We make puree from persimmons. We mix everything and put it on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. We take the resulting marshmallow and put dried fruits on it, so that the fruits hold on to them, they need to be greased with a few drops of melted chocolate.
We close the hole in the middle with dried rose petals (we fasten them with chocolate in the same way). It turns out a very original edible decoration for any kitchen (can be hung).

chocolate dessert
Cut into circles persimmon (not soft). We spread the mesh sheet and dry for 9 hours. Melt chocolate or icing. We dip the cooled circles of dried persimmon (whole or half) into the melted icing, you can sprinkle with coconut chips, nuts.
Eaten right away!

candied pumpkin
Sugar - 700 gr.
Water - 1 glass
Pumpkin - 1 kg.
Orange - 1 pc.
Spices - vanilla, cinnamon, cloves (to taste)

We cut the pumpkin into pieces, oranges - in circles. We make syrup from water and sugar. As soon as the syrup boils, put the spices, pieces of pumpkin and orange. We boil everything for 5 minutes, turn it off, leave it for 2-3 hours. So repeat three times so that the pieces of pumpkin become transparent. Drain in a colander to drain the syrup. We lay out the pieces of pumpkin and orange on the pallets of the dryer, dry for 12 hours. Bon appetit, delicious, no sweets needed.

Nuts in a frame
Twist the persimmon and pumpkin in equal proportions in a meat grinder. Lay out cakes with a diameter of 5 centimeters. Put any nuts in the middle and leave to dry. After drying, whatever is very sweet, dip in 100% sea buckthorn juice and dry again.

Pastila "Marble"
We take a sweet fragrant melon and fresh (or fresh-frozen) lingonberries. Grind (separately) in a blender. Pour into a lightly oiled marshmallow tray, alternating between melon and lingonberry puree. Dry in Ezidri at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) for 7 hours. We wrap it in rolls and cut into “lozenges” and enjoy the contrasting taste of lingonberry sourness and fragrant melon sweetness.

Pastila "Taiga fairy tale" (lingonberry with pine nuts)
We take fresh (or fresh-frozen) lingonberries. Grind in a blender. If desired, sugar can be added to lingonberry puree (1 tablespoon per 0.5 l of puree). Mix lingonberry puree with pine nuts. Place on a lightly oiled pasta tray. Dry in Ezidri at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) until tender. We cut the dried circle into “pastilles” and recharge with the strength and energy of the gifts of the Siberian taiga.

Are you still pointing your finger at the green arrow, a little crazy from the abundance of such deliciousness?!!!

Start drying immediately!

PS. I didn’t see it myself, but I read it - the Belomo 8360 dryer of Belarusian production is an analogue of the New Zealand Izidri, only 3 times cheaper. Nowhere, is it possible to increase pallets, like Isidri's, up to 15? Will the quality of drying suffer in it?

Who bought and tested, share your impressions and recipes.

Everyone is familiar with such a treat as apple marshmallow. A healthy delicacy has won recognition from millions of people. Here we are, having collected another crop of apples, stocking up on treats for a long winter.
The technology for making marshmallows is simple, the main thing is to turn the apples into puree and then dry them. Of course, as in any business, there are features that I want to introduce you to. I will show you how to quickly and simply, and most importantly, deliciously make a treat.


Apple marshmallow at home - a simple recipe in an electric fruit dryer

I want to tell you about a simple recipe for apple marshmallow, or rather, even about two. They will differ in the preparation of applesauce, and hence the taste. I suggest you do both and determine which taste is best for you.


  • Apples
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Water - 100 ml.

We will make marshmallow from autumn apples. I know for sure that one variety is Welsey, I don’t know about the second. But for us this is not the main thing, you can use any fruit. Prepare the apples: wash them, cut out the spoiled places and remove the core with seeds, then cut into quarters and send to the pan. Pour 100 ml of water into a saucepan.

A small digression: there are several ways to make marshmallows - from apples that have undergone heat treatment and without it. Without heat treatment, it is believed that marshmallow is healthier, it retains more vitamins. It is difficult to argue with this, but there is such a substance called pectin, and so in apples it is in the form of water-insoluble protopectin, and it passes into water-soluble pectin during heat treatment with a temperature above 60 degrees.

Therefore, applesauce from apples that have been steamed or baked in the oven contains much more pectin than from raw ones. A certain amount of vitamin C is destroyed during heat treatment, of course, but then someone wants to get what. Yes, and to taste, pastille from baked apples in the oven is the most delicious.

In this recipe, we will steam the apples. Cover the pot with a lid and put it on medium heat. After boiling, we simmer the apples for about 15-20 minutes, until they soften.

After the time has elapsed, open the lid and interrupt everything in mashed potatoes. We do this on a large blender and after 30-40 seconds a homogeneous puree is obtained. It does not even need to be rubbed through a sieve. Can also be done with an immersion blender, but then straining through a sieve is desirable.

From this point on, the options for further preparation diverge. According to the first option, the resulting puree is laid out on pallets of an electric fruit dryer. If your dryer has special trays for marshmallows - good, use them. We do not have them, we cover each tray with baking paper and spread mashed potatoes on it, with a layer of no more than 5 mm.

I want to draw your attention to paper, it exists in different types. The most ordinary white paper is not suitable for marshmallow. It sticks to it strongly, and you can tear it off only if you soak it with a damp towel after drying. There is siliconized baking paper, both white and brown, and this would be the best choice.

We turn on the dryer at 70 degrees and dry until ready for about 10-12 hours.

Ready pastille should not stick to your hands. Then we take it out of the dryer and twist it into rolls, or cut it into plates.

In the second option, the puree obtained after the blender is sent back to the pan and boiled until thick over medium heat. We will boil for about 1 hour.

It is better to take a high saucepan, the puree will strongly collapse bubbles and splash with hot drops. Be careful.

After an hour, the color of the puree darkened, and the edges, when held with a spoon, hold their shape.

Excellent, we lay out the marshmallow on the trays of the dryer, having previously laid baking paper, with a layer no thicker than 5mm. Turn on 70 degrees and dry for 6-8 hours.

Then cut into slices. The photo at the beginning of the recipe shows that the lighter one was made according to the first option, the darker one was prepared according to the second.

I must say that the taste in the second version turned out better than in the first. If you noticed, we did not add sugar at all. We like it better this way, but you can add a little, about 50-100 for every kilogram of puree.

Try both options and write your comments.

Bon Appetit!

How to cook apple marshmallow with protein at home

Most recently, we got acquainted with the pastille produced in the city of Belev. In 1888, the industrialist Amvrosy Prokhorov opened the production of puff marshmallow in this city, which was previously called Prokhorovskaya, and now Belevskaya. A distinctive feature of marshmallow is the presence of egg white in the composition, which gives airiness.

The technology for preparing such a sweet is not difficult, and today we will cook it. According to the classic recipe, this sweet is made from Antonovka apples. Antonovka has the largest percentage of dry matter, so its production is most profitable. Well, we will make from what grows in our gardens.


  • Apples
  • Sugar - 10% of applesauce, or to taste
  • Egg white - 1 protein per 500g applesauce

From what variety we will make marshmallow I won’t even say. I only know that autumn apples are not very sweet and rather hard. But for pastilles, they are just right.

The apples were washed, cut into halves and the middle part with seeds was removed. It would have been possible not to cut it, but to bake it whole, but this was done on purpose so that excess moisture would evaporate during baking. The photo shows that the halves of the apples are cut up. This is also done for better moisture removal.

Halves of apples were put on a baking sheet and sent to the oven. We bake at a temperature of 170-190 degrees for about 40 minutes.

The time and temperature depends on the variety of apples, but we experimentally found out that for our apples the optimal temperature for baking is 180 degrees.

So, it took us about 40 hours to bake. After that, the baking sheet was pulled out of the oven, and the apples were transferred to a bowl and all halves were crushed with an immersion blender.

Do not take too fine a sieve, otherwise the wiping process will be greatly extended. But you can take the big one. Small pieces of apples present in the marshmallow will not harm the taste and appearance of the final product.

Weigh the resulting puree and send it to the mixer bowl. Turn on the maximum speed and start the whipping process. Add sugar in batches.

The recipe indicates the amount of sugar at the rate of 10% by weight of the puree. This amount is taken in the original recipe for Belevskaya pastila. But do not forget that it is made from antonovka, and your apples can be both sour and sweeter. Therefore, be guided by your taste, and put as much sugar as you see fit.

Whip for about 3-4 minutes. The puree will lighten up a bit. After that, add the egg white (only the protein without the yolk) and continue to beat further at maximum speed. Over time, the marshmallow will increase in volume and turn white. Beat until stable peaks, this is when the foam does not flow and holds its shape. In this case, the entire mass will increase by 3-4 times. It took us about 10 minutes to do this.

Now the main thing is to protect the marshmallow from being eaten by relatives. She has a pleasant taste, airy texture.

Let's move on to drying. We line the baking sheet with baking paper, do not lubricate it with anything. We level the marshmallow with an even layer no more than 0.5 cm thick. For leveling, it is convenient to use any kitchen tool with a flat side, such as a pastry spatula. We leave a little in the cup for future gluing of the layers.

The classic Belevskaya is made in a layer of about 1 cm. But we will make it thin so that you can dry it simply and quickly.

We send the baking sheet to the oven with a temperature of 60-90 degrees. We stand for about one hour, turn it off and go to sleep, since the time on the clock is already one in the morning.

The next morning, turn on the oven again, preheat to 60-90 degrees and hold for another hour. We turn off and go to work.

This is precisely why we initially tried to rid the apples of moisture as much as possible so that the drying process would not take much time.

In the evening we took the pan out of the oven. The marshmallow has already cooled down and acquired an elastic state.

It was separated from the paper and cut into pieces.

Did you eat some of them right away? The other part was smeared with the apple mass left in the cup since the evening, glued together, put them on a baking sheet and sent back to the oven at a temperature of 80 degrees for another 1 hour.

After the oven, the treat was cut into small pieces.

Despite the large description, the process itself is simple and does not take much time. The total drying time was only 2 hours, which is very short. The third hour was spent on baking the glued layers, although this is not necessary at all.

Try to make according to our recipe and unsubscribe in the comments how you did it.

Bon Appetit!

Homemade sugar-free apple marshmallow - a recipe for the oven

Friends, in the first recipe we looked at how to make marshmallows in an electric fruit dryer. Unfortunately, not everyone has such a convenient device. Therefore, the following recipe is designed for the oven. We will dry sweets in it. Of course, there are other options such as a hot battery, warm sun and a heated bath. But we are city people, and for us the most common and convenient option is the oven.


  • Apples - 2.5 kg.
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Water - 100 ml.

Wash apples, cut in half and remove seeds. We also cut out all the damaged places. Put the prepared and peeled halves on a baking sheet and pour water.

We send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to a temperature of 150-180 degrees, and bake the apples for 30-40 minutes.

Roasting time and temperature depends on the apples. As already mentioned, the best apples for marshmallows are Antonovka. They contain the most dry matter. But often there are very juicy apples with a lot of juice. These apples crumble very quickly and require less time to bake. In a word, look into the oven, when the apples soften - remove.

After baking the apples, transfer them from the baking sheet to the pan. Blend everything with an immersion blender until pureed.

Try to kill as small as possible, the yield of the finished product depends on it.

After the apples have been slaughtered, taste it. If you find it too sour, add some sugar. There are no recommendations here, focus only on your taste sensations. If sugar is added, stir.

Puree for baking is ready. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper and pour the whole mass onto it. Level with a layer 5-7 mm thick. If the layer is thicker, the drying process will be greatly delayed. Moreover, the marshmallow will dry on top, but not on the bottom.

We send the baking sheet to the oven, and dry it at the lowest temperature. We do not close the door, we leave a small gap for moisture to escape. The optimum drying temperature is 60-80 degrees. If you have convection, turn it on.

In our case, the pastille dried for 7 hours. To the touch, she stopped sticking to her hands and being pressed through with a finger. We check for sticking and completely make sure that everything is dry. Let our sweets cool and remove it from the paper.

That's all. Bon Appetit!

Cooking apple marshmallow like belevskaya

In the previous recipe, I briefly described the history of the Belevsky marshmallow, and showed how we make it. I'll give you another recipe. But this time we will roll it into a roll, we get something similar to an apple roll.


  • Apples
  • Sugar - 100g per 1kg puree
  • Egg white - 2pcs per 1kg puree

Wash apples, cut in half, remove seeds and all rotten places. Although this can not be done, but it will be easier to wipe through a sieve.

We put the halves of apples on a baking sheet and send them to the oven with a temperature of 170-200 degrees for 20-30 minutes for baking.

We first interrupt the baked apples in a hot state with a blender, and then rub through a sieve to obtain a homogeneous puree.

Then we begin to whip this puree with a mixer at maximum speed. After a minute, start adding sugar. The puree will start to whiten and rise. Beat for another 2-3 minutes.

Since apple varieties are different for everyone, add sugar to your liking.

When all the sugar has dissolved, pour in the egg whites. We continue to beat at maximum speed. After a while, the mixture will begin to turn white and increase greatly in volume, about 2-3 times.

Then spread the whole mass on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, with a layer of about 1 cm. We do not grease the paper. We leave a little mass for subsequent smearing of the layers.

We send baking sheets with apple mass to the oven and set the temperature to no higher than 100 degrees, do not close the door completely, make a small gap for moisture to escape. We bake 6 hours.

Time is arbitrary and depends on your oven and layer thickness. Check readiness by pressing with your finger, the marshmallow should become elastic. If you roll it into a roll, it is advisable not to overdry it.

After the oven, the marshmallow can be cut into layers, smeared between them with the left apple mass and get large and thick pies, or smeared with mass and twisted into a roll. We will twist.

We coat the plate with marshmallow with apple mass and carefully roll it into a roll.

We coat the outside and send it back to the oven for 1-3 hours with a temperature not higher than 100 degrees.

The outer layer will be ready in 30-40 minutes, you can get it. At the same time, the texture of the treat inside will be very soft and tender. For more drying, hold for a couple more hours. In general, the time depends on what you want to end up with.

That's all. Cook with pleasure.

Bon Appetit!

Easy Apple Pasta Recipe

If the recipes for making marshmallows with egg whites are quite complicated, and you do not want to do this, try cooking according to the simplest recipe, the recipe of which I will now describe.


  • Apples - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Water - 100 ml.

We prepare apples - wash them and cut them into arbitrary pieces, cut out spoiled places, remove seeds and seed pods.

We will not rub applesauce through a sieve, so the better you remove everything, the cleaner the marshmallow will turn out.

We put everything in a saucepan. Pour water and put on a slow fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 15-20 minutes.

We send the entire apple mass to a blender and interrupt to a puree state. Or we do it submersible, to whom it is more convenient.

Put the resulting oil on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Parchment can be greased with vegetable oil. Level with an even layer 5-7 mm thick.

We send the baking sheet to the oven, heated to 70-90 degrees. We do not close the door, we make a small gap.

Dry for 5-7 hours. The time depends on the moisture content of the applesauce, the temperature, the thickness of the layer and the oven itself. The finished marshmallow should not stick to the hands and should be easily separated from the parchment.

That's almost all. Take the pan out of the oven and let it cool down.

We separate the pastille from parchment and turn it into a roll. Then cut into pieces.

A little secret: so that in the future the marshmallow pieces do not stick together during storage, sprinkle them with a small amount of powdered sugar.

As you can see, the recipe is very simple and it takes the longest time to dry the finished puree. Prepare and enjoy your meal. Bon Appetit!

And by tradition, I want to show you a video recipe for making fruit marshmallows without cooking and without sugar. Very interesting recipe, you will see a lot of interesting things in it.

That's all for me. Prepare for health. Well, I say goodbye to you, until we meet again.

Sincerely, Alexander.

Cooking marshmallows is a great way to preserve a large crop of apples, plums, and other fruits. But from apples, pastila, it must be admitted, turns out to be the most delicious, special, with a memorable taste. Marshmallow contains a minimum of sugar, which is good for maintaining a figure. And most importantly, for its preparation, you can use a variety of fruits (which should be incredibly pleasant for gardeners) - spoiled, overripe, unripe, fallen to the ground. We will make classic thin marshmallows, the taste of which has been known to us since childhood, when such marshmallows were sold by clean grandmothers-cottages folded into rolls and wrapped in clean paper.

To prepare such a marshmallow from apples, it is best to take apples of varieties with sourness, for example, Antonovka varieties or others. Because such apples contain a large amount of pectin, and pastille from them will be more useful and well gelled. So, the step-by-step preparation of a thin classic marshmallow (if desired, it can also be made more “chubby”).

Step 1. We wash the selected apples for making marshmallows, put them on a baking sheet (you can in a slow cooker, in a saucepan), add a little water to the container with apples so that they do not burn and bake or cook them over low heat until soft.

Step 2. We cool the fruits, wipe them together with the peel on a sieve, you can chop the apples in a blender.

Step 3. The puree, which was obtained after processing with a sieve or blender, must be boiled in a saucepan, stirring, for half an hour.

Step 4. Cool the applesauce, decant the juice, otherwise the marshmallow will dry for a long time and settle too much.

Step 5. Now beat the applesauce, you can add sugar to it to taste. Only a little sugar is needed (some housewives do not add it at all), otherwise the mass will be viscous, and this will affect its final taste. Beat the puree until the mass becomes lighter, increases in volume.

Step 6 We cover a baking sheet or simple cardboard boxes with clean kitchen parchment (for baking products). We spread the apple mass on it with the thickness of the one you need marshmallow. Here, according to the taste of the hostesses. I want pieces 2-3 cm thick - which means that such a thickness and you need to put the mass on a baking sheet. If we are planning a marshmallow, which we will then roll into rolls, then we lay out a mass of five mm in thickness.

Step 7. Dry the marshmallow at home, in the apartment. If possible, expose to the sun during the day. You need to dry marshmallow naturally in just a couple of days. If in the oven (in the ajar and at 100 degrees of heating), then six to seven hours of drying the marshmallow will be enough. At the end of the drying of the marshmallow, a sheet of parchment with it is turned upside down.

Check the resulting paste. It should be dry and firm to the touch. If the marshmallow is damp, dry it some more.

Pastila is a very good alternative to sweets. If parents want their child to grow up healthy, then one of the stumbling blocks along the way is factory-made sweets.

Personally, I have not met a single little person in my life who would not like sweets. The question of the usefulness-harmfulness of those same sweets arose in our family very sharply when a granddaughter was born. What alternatives were not offered! And honey, and jam, and homemade yoghurts, and dried fruits ... And the child stubbornly asked for chocolates and sweets.

But my grandmother Lena (my mother-in-law) prepared marshmallow, and I heard from my daughter that my granddaughter would rather eat it than dried fruits. I decided to give this tasty treat a try.

How to make pasta

I didn’t have any recipes for marshmallow at hand, I got all the experience by trial and error. Started with strawberries. I made marshmallows in the following sequence: chopping berries, adding honey, drying on a tray smeared with homemade cream. I liked it, but the smell of cream still interfered with enjoying the aroma of strawberries. I realized that in the preparation of marshmallow, a very important role is played by the fat with which the pallets are lubricated.

Important note: if honey is used in the preparation, then the marshmallow must be dried at a temperature not exceeding 45 °.

After the strawberries, it was the turn of the apricots.

The composition of the marshmallow is similar: fruits are crushed, honey is added to taste, and everything is dried on a special tray, lubricated with oil so that no streaks are visible. I do it with cotton wool. This time it turned out so well that I, tasting these goodies, became like a small child who climbs into a jar of jam with his palm. It was impossible to break away from the "tasting".

I liked such sweets so much that I arranged a whole assembly line for the production of marshmallows from all kinds of combinations of fruits and vegetables.

Experiments and finds

It is best to take rapeseed honey. It crystallizes very well and does not have a strong odor. By the way, with sugar, they say, marshmallow is not so tasty. It never even crossed my mind to make it with sugar. If you take acacia honey, then the marshmallow may not even work out: it will not dry out, it will be soft and sticky. And if, for example, buckwheat, then it can kill the smell of fruit.

According to my observations, fruits are viscous and fragile. For pasta, this is very important. From viscous fruits and berries (mulberries, cherries, cherries, plums, currants, gooseberries, grapes), it dries for a very long time, but it still sticks and the pieces stick together in a jar. But the vegetables are almost all fragile and quickly dry out - it turns out not marshmallow, but “chips”. Only tomatoes are viscous, of which marshmallow is delicious. I cook it without adding sweets, just chop the tomatoes on a blender and dry it like marshmallow.

I adapted to combine fruits in such a way as to compensate for the excessive viscosity of some with the fragility of others: apples-plums, pears-grapes, apples-cherries, apples-cherries-pears, apricots-cherries, apricots-plums. By the way, apple marshmallow is generally one of the most delicious.

I do the same with zucchini. But more about them. For a long time I solved the problem of where to adapt these vegetables, which are always in excess. You can cook zucchini jam, but where is there so much of it? And I thought of making pastille.

So: zucchini, fruits, berries, herbs, a little purified water and honey. Proportions do not like to write to leave room for creativity. I believe that any food is created in alignment with the products. You just need to make the crushed mass of such a density that it is convenient to pour it onto a pallet. And to be delicious!

By analogy with zucchini, I make pumpkin marshmallow: I combine apricots, grapes or nightshade with pumpkin. Actually, black nightshade is a poisonous plant, but ripe dried berries can be consumed. Apricots in this case are used dried. I pre-soak them in warm water for 12 hours, and then, together with some water, pumpkin and honey, grind them in a blender.

Another of my finds: I sprinkle pieces of marshmallow from viscous fruits and berries with herb powder (the herbs are dried and then ground with an iron strainer).

If you knew how delicious it is: cherry pastille in cherry leaves, plum - in plum, raspberry - in raspberry, and grape - in powder of grape leaves, mustaches and flowers! It is not only tasty and healthy, but also solves the problem of overgrowth of raspberries, plums, cherries. In addition, it is now very easy to regulate the load of grape bushes: all the extra bunches are sent for drying just before flowering. And everyone is happy!

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