Home Main dishes We dry recipes in isidri. We eat healthy vegetables all winter. How to make homemade yogurt and chocolate marshmallow

We dry recipes in isidri. We eat healthy vegetables all winter. How to make homemade yogurt and chocolate marshmallow

The drying process of zucchini lasted 31 hours in the Izidri Ultra dryer on 19 trays at a temperature of + 55 ˚С.

The air temperature in the room was + 28 ˚С. The Ezidri dryer consumed 18 kW of electricity.

From 18 kg of zucchini, the skins amounted to 3.4 kg. Young zucchini do not need to be skinned.

The result was 760 grams of dried zucchini.


Zucchini is well known to people all over the world. Even the ancient Indians in Mexico grew this vegetable and ate it many years before our era. And today, the zucchini does not lose its popularity and in almost every garden, garden plot you can see numerous yellow, white, green fruits. The harvest of zucchini is most often very large, and many people, not knowing where to use this vegetable, sometimes simply feed it to livestock or poultry. However, zucchini can be used in many dishes, not only fresh, but also processed. And good for heat treatment suitable, as it allows you to save the product of high quality and for a long time.

There are two beautiful legends about the appearance of zucchini. According to one Indian women, in anticipation of their husbands - fishermen, asked the gods to give them a vegetable that would grow on earth, but had the magical taste of sea gifts. According to another legend, this vegetable appeared in the Old World thanks to the Spanish conquistadors along with tobacco, potatoes and chocolate. It is believed that the Italians were the first to dry zucchini, but nothing is known for certain about this fact.

Useful properties of zucchini


Boil dried zucchini in salted water for about 15 minutes. During this time, you can peel the garlic, grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice out of it. Drain the zucchini in a colander to drain excess liquid. Garlic is fried in olive oil and zucchini, lemon zest and juice, as well as herbs are added to it. For spicy lovers, you can add chili pepper. Everything is mixed and left under the lid for 3 minutes on the smallest fire. warm salad ready. Are obtained delicious zucchini with a strong aroma of mushrooms. For 100 grams of zucchini, you need half a lemon, a couple of spoons olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic and herbs to taste.

If grind dried zucchini into flour, then excellent pancakes are made from it, replacing wheat flour. This is very useful, since such pancakes will not gain excess weight.

Dried zucchini can be used in those dishes where these vegetables are traditionally used fresh, just remember that they have a greater taste concentration and a sharper aroma.

If in the summer, during the period of abundance of vegetables, fruits, greens, many people neglect such a vegetable as zucchini, they cook little of various dishes from it, then in winter the attitude towards it changes. How nice it will be to open a jar with this dried vegetable in winter, cook the first and second courses from it, crunch on fragrant chips and remember the summer. In the cold period, even those who are indifferent to zucchini should try to cook them in various types. And the Ezidri vegetable dryer will help preserve this healthy vegetable with virtually no loss of all
its beneficial properties.


Our experience of drying vegetables in the Ezidri dryer.

Eggplants, zucchini, cucumbers were washed, peeled, cut and laid out on trays. Vegetables dried for 8 hours
at +50°C on 6 trays in the Ezidri Snackmaker dryer.


Berries - currants, cranberries, lingonberries, gooseberries - in general, dry for a long time. Of these, as well as of cherry plums, plums, peaches, strawberries, apricots, kiwi, it is more convenient and much tastier to make marshmallows. It is more convenient to add sugar-honey to it, and spices, if necessary.

The pastille tray must not be washed with detergents. Be sure to lubricate it before pouring the marshmallow vegetable oil. Marshmallow is much easier to remove when warm: it cools down and dries up in places. Removed and rinsed the pan with warm water without any hard washcloths. Now for the culinary details. Experience has shown: you should not grind fruits into puree in a blender. I mean, you can, but it's not as pretty. It is much better to just smash them with a perforated pusher or lightly chop them into food processor by adding sugar or honey. Pieces of fruit are kept useful material, decorate the taste and retain a bright color.

The aroma of many fruits is enriched and enhanced by a small dose of cinnamon. You can add oatmeal and other flakes to the marshmallow - you get "muesli". You can add seeds and nuts. Raw - it seems not very tasty, ground - quickly oxidize and can spoil the taste. And fried ones are usually interrupted, absorb the aroma of fruits, and it turns out neither this nor that. But even here there are masterpieces. An example is churchkhela, fresh nuts in a thick paste of grape juice. But why is the pulp of other fruits worse? Dried and just fruit yogurt with sesame - delicious. You can easily make "soft kazinaki", just pick up the fill. The most delicious pastila came from plum jam. They immediately tried to “paste” raw jam - feijoa, grated with sugar 1: 1. And we found out: too sweet practically does not dry. added oat flakes- dries, but it turns out too sweet. But what sweets came out of it! Fried almonds are inserted into the dried feijoa “plasticine”, and this ball is rolled in coconut flakes.

Using marshmallow is a matter of fantasy. This is an exclusive "dried fruit" for tea, and "glasses" for ice cream, creams and liqueurs. And decoration of the cake, and soaked - a layer or part of the filling for the pie. And even preparation for jam. In the refrigerator, in bags, it is stored for months and years, becoming fragile. He took it out, unfolded it, lay down a bit - again flexible. You can dry it almost “in breadcrumbs” - it will be stored even without a refrigerator.

0.5 liters of crushed fruits or vegetables can be poured onto one solid marshmallow tray.

Pastila spicy:Tomatoes, not a large clove of garlic, a little black pepper, five large leaves of basil, chop in a blender. Put the mass on a sheet for marshmallow, oiled and dry for 12-15 hours. Delicious with fresh rye-wheat bread.

Pastila "Apple" Peel the apples from the core and chop in a food processor or grate on a coarse grater along with the peel. This is the foundation. For dressing, take grated Victoria berries, fresh or frozen, add crushed ripe bananas. Mix everything well. The mass should be like dough for pancakes. Mix with apples and put everything on greased marshmallow trays. Dry at a temperature of 55 degrees for 11-12 hours. Remove while warm and roll up immediately. Berries for dressing can be different - wild strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn and others. You can use plum jam or other jams. For elasticity in berry puree, add bananas, preferably overripe. If sour, then add dark sugar. You can add some cinnamon. apple marshmallow replaces chips, if you add seeds, nuts.

"Banana Apple Crackers": Peel ripe apples and bananas. Prepare a couple of tablespoons of honey (if the apples are sweet, you can do without honey or replace with a few dates if you are allergic to honey). Grind fruit in a food processor or blender, add honey. Lubricate the pastille tray with vegetable oil. Add walnuts or almonds. If you dry the marshmallow to an almost solid state (15-18 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer), then you can not roll it into tubes, but arrange it in the form of cookies, cut into rectangles with a knife or scissors.

Yoghurt Delight:For marshmallow we need: yogurt, pine nuts and poppy seeds. Yogurt can be mixed with pine nuts or put them on top. Place on a lightly oiled pasta tray. We dry at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) until cooked. It turns out something like an oriental dastarkhan.

Candied zucchini and pumpkins. Cut zucchini and pumpkin into slices (0.5 cm thick), cover with sugar for 1 hour. Then stir, bring to a boil, boil over low heat to become transparent. Drain all syrup. Add 1st. a spoonful of honey, lemon (or citric acid), cinnamon. Bring to a boil, cool, drain the remaining liquid through a sieve. Dry on a solid tray "Isidri".

"Almond sweets": Peel ripe apples of local varieties and add a little cinnamon. Grind until smooth. If the apples are not sweet enough, you can also add brown sugar or honey to taste. Then, as usual, apply the apple mass on a tray greased with vegetable oil and leave to dry. But do not bring it to readiness, but catch the moment when the marshmallow is no longer liquid, but still sticky and plastic, like plasticine. Cover the nuts with marshmallow to form small sweets, roll in coconut flakes and leave to dry for a few more hours. Well-dried sweets do not stick together, they are perfectly stored in glass or tin jars.

Loose marshmallow, prepared with the Isidri dryer. Marshmallow is made from whipped apple puree, natural additives are added to the puree: sugar, honey, berries, nuts. You need to beat until the state of sour cream, so that the puree does not spread during drying, for this you can add egg white (whipped) to it. Pour mashed potatoes onto 1 continuous sheet for marshmallow - a thick layer (about half a liter). Each layer is dried separately, and then smeared with a thin layer of honey and connected together in beautiful cake. By experimenting with different additives and layers, you can get the most unexpected taste. It is hard to imagine that there is no flour in it at all. Compared to the usual unwhipped marshmallow, it turns out to be very tender and tasty.

Pastila from rhubarb . Twist rhubarb (petioles) in a meat grinder, apples (sweet) -3 pcs. twist, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Lay out to dry.

Pastila from sorrel . Take chopped sorrel, knead 2 bananas, mix.

Pastila "Red Banana" ». We take red twisted tomatoes, add 2 pureed bananas and 1 tbsp. l sugar.

Pastila Siberian kiwi. Gooseberries and orange (together with the peel) grind through a meat grinder, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and set aside to dry.

Cherry pastille . Rub the cherries through a sieve. Melissa, twist through a meat grinder. Separately twist the apples, add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Pastila from carrots . Grate carrots and 1 orange. Mix everything, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, mix and set aside to dry.

Cucumber pastille . Ograte cucumbers and apples, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Pastila from zucchini . Grate zucchini and apples add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Paste. Mix twisted currants and apples with 1 tablespoon of sugar and chopped mint.

Pastila from raspberry and mint . Mashed raspberries and apples add 1st. l. sugar and mint.

Pastille for colds . We take 1 orange, raspberry leaves and berries, rhubarb petioles, cornflower and calendula flowers, plantain, nettle, mother - and - stepmother. We grind everything through a meat grinder, mix with a mashed banana. Add 1-2 tbsp. honey, mix and lay out to dry.

Pastila from apricot and banana. Mash apricots and bananas, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and lay out to dry.

Pastila "With pepper" We take apricots and bananas, knead. Grate the cucumber, add a mixture of peppers (“Mill”), combine everything, mix and lay out to dry.

Are there any other options: Carrot + banana + orange orZucchini + orange (with peel) + banana + apple + carrot - grate everything.

Strawberry pastille with banana:for 1 serving: 0.5 kg of strawberries; 1 medium banana; 3 art. spoons of condensed milk.

1 option:Grind strawberries through a sieve, add banana, condensed milk to the mass, beat in a blender.

or option 2:Lightly crush the berries and banana with a fork, so that later you can feel the individual pieces, add condensed milk, stir. Put the mass on a continuous sheet. Dry until cooked (so that it does not stick to the hands and does not lose elasticity).

Rhubarb (petioles)-1kg, sugar sand - 300g. Wash the rhubarb stalks in cold water, cut into large pieces, sprinkle with sugar, put oppression on top and leave it for one day. Drain the released juice, lay the petioles on baking sheets and dry in a dryer. Dried rhubarb put in a box or glass jar. Preserve juice with sugar by boiling it and immediately rolling it into a sterilized jar.

Apple roll:Apples - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 300 g. Any apples, at any stage of ripeness, wash, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar and leave in enamel saucepan for 2-3 hours, when the juice appears, bring the apples to a boil, wipe through a sieve. Another option: apples left after boiling the juice are rubbed through a colander. Pour the resulting mass into a thin layer on a sheet (greased with vegetable oil) for drying in a dryer. You can sprinkle cinnamon and ground nuts on top. When the mass becomes thin and elastic during the drying process, it must be removed from the sheet, sprinkled with sugar, rolled into a tight roll, cut into pieces.

Candied watermelon rinds: watermelon rinds- 1 kg, sugar sand - 1 kg, citric acid - 5 g, flavoring (orange peel, almonds, lemon peel, vanilla) - to taste.

For the preparation of candied fruits, watermelons are used with thick rind, as well as unripe melons, which are usually thrown away as inedible products. Peel the watermelon rinds from the peel and soft part, cut into pieces of the same size, considering that they will boil down later, add water and cook for 3 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse the boiled pieces with cold water, pour boiling syrup made from 1 kg of granulated sugar, 200 g of water and 5 g of citric acid. For flavoring, you can also add lemon or orange zest, almonds there. Boil watermelon peels until transparent, then remove with a slotted spoon, dry in a dryer and roll in powdered sugar. You can also roll watermelon rinds in a mixture of granulated sugar and crushed nuts.

Candied sugar beets: Sugar beet - 1 kg, citric acid - 3 g, granulated sugar - 100g, water - 0.5l, lemon peel, vanillin or other flavoring.

Wash the beets, peel, cut into pieces of the same size (straws, cubes or slices), pour water, add granulated sugar, citric acid and simmer over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. For flavoring, beets can be boiled together with lemon or orange zest, with honey, cardamom, vanillin. Lay the finished beets on a sheet for marshmallow and dry in a dryer. Then rolled in powdered sugar mixed with cocoa powder or chopped nuts.

Dried apples:2 kg of peeled apples, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. Sahara. Peel the apples from the peel and core and cut into slices, about 1 cm thick. Cut into half rings, 2 mm thick lemon and orange (amount of citrus fruits to taste). Layer apples and citrus fruits, periodically sprinkling the layers with sugar. Press down on top with a press and leave for half a day to let the juice flow. Juice can be used for compote, and apples, lemons and oranges can be spread on pallets and dried for 6-7 hours.

Apple marshmallow:2.5 kg of apples and 2 cups of sugar. Cut apples, peel and core, simmer on fire under the lid for 15-20 minutes until they become soft. Sprinkle with sugar and top with a pusher. You can beat on a mixer, then the marshmallow will have a more uniform structure. Lightly grease the marshmallow tray with vegetable oil, put mashed potatoes on it and level it to make a layer of 0.5 cm. Dry for 9-10 hours at a temperature of 60-70C. You can add peeled crushed peaches, grated melon and kiwi to applesauce. It will turn out delicious if you add the grated zest of one lemon, one orange and a little cinnamon to the puree.

Beet "Piquant Novokurskaya" Raw beets are cut into thin strips, coated with adjika and dried in an Isidri dryer.

Canape Venegretik Boil separately potatoes, beets, carrots. Twist in a meat grinder, also separately. We add a little mashed potatoes to the carrots and beets for a bunch, otherwise the plates from the beets and carrots will break when drying. Salt, add herbs and spices to taste. In mashed potatoes, add fried onions, salt, spices. We spread the mass of vegetables on pastille sheets, greased with vegetable oil, grease with mayonnaise, sour cream or ketchup on top, dry the cakes to a flexible state. Please do not overdry, this is important and not difficult. Cut sausage without fat into slices, dry on a tray in a dryer. The resulting vegetable cakes and sausage are cut into 2x2 cm squares, strung, alternating, on toothpicks. What happened - pastila snack option, really very unusual. These "vinaigrette canapushkas" do not deteriorate even in the heat, they can be taken with you on any vacation, on a trip, on a business trip.

bulk apples Small ranetki (3 cm in diameter), make a strong sugar syrup (about 0.6 kg of sugar per 2 cups of water). Dip the apples in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then drain the water. Pour boiling apples sugar syrup and leave to cool. Then bring to a boil and cool again. So repeat 1-2 more times, until the apples are completely soft. Then let the syrup drain completely, put it on a dryer tray and dry until the apples become dried, store the syrup in the refrigerator. It is useful for the preparation of candied fruits from pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets, etc.

Dried fish.A bucket of fish, without cleaning from scales, gutted, ripped open the belly, do not wash it, and pour it into the bucket in layers: a layer of fish, a layer of salt. You can not be afraid to salt the fish, it will take as much salt as it needs. We put oppression on top so that the fish is completely immersed in the brine without air access. We hold out for three days. After three days, we wash the salted fish in running water to wash off excess salt. We put the washed fish on a paper towel, removing excess moisture. We put the dried fish on the trays of Isidri, sorting it by size, so it dries evenly. After filling the trays, turn on the dryer at 60 ° C. And dry depending on the size of the fish from 10 hours to a day. You can also try drying at a lower temperature of 55 and 35 °C. With such drying, it turns out the most best quality dried fish, but drying may take 2 or 3 days for more big fish. It is possible to combine drying modes: at the beginning, dry at 60 ° C and finish drying at an economical mode of 35 ° C.

Sweets for tea.Cook Cherry jam, roll up. After the jam, the syrup remained.

Take the zucchini cut arbitrarily. And send to cherry syrup chopped zucchini. Boil for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. The zucchini pieces turned a beautiful ruby ​​color. Throw them in a colander, and then put them to dry in "Isidri"

Soup-puree "Fantastica" vegetable with croutons. V beef broth boil vegetables: onions, potatoes, white cabbage, broccoli, carrots, bell pepper, green beans, corn. Spices and salt to taste. Ready soup grind with a blender. Dry on an oiled sheet. Grind dried soup in a coffee grinder. Croutons: Cut brown bread into small cubes. Pour vegetable oil into a wide plate, squeeze out the garlic, sprinkle with spices and salt to taste. Mix this butter with breadcrumbs and put in the oven until an appetizing crust forms. Serve soup 2-3 tsp. powder per mug. Sprinkle croutons on top.

Mashed Potato Soup with Mushrooms Boil potatoes, onion and mushroom powder in a saucepan. Salt to taste. Ready potatoes mash and dry on a sheet. Grind dried soup in a coffee grinder. Serve 2-3 tsp. powder per mug. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.

Pancakes with mushroomsAdd 2 tsp to 3 cups of milk. mushroom powder. Boil 20 min. Cool down. Add 2 eggs, flour and salt to taste. Fry pancakes in a pan.

Mushroom sauceAdd 2 tsp of mushroom powder to 1 glass of milk and boil for 20 minutes. In 100gr cold water dilute 1 tsp. starch and pour into milk. Cook, stirring until thickened.

Pineapple candied pumpkin. Cut pumpkin into cubes. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar on top and squeeze out a lemon. Leave overnight. The juice will stand out in the morning. Bring the pumpkin to a boil and remove to cool. Repeat 2-3 times. In the last uncooking, squeeze an orange into the pumpkin. After cooling, drain the syrup and place the pumpkin cubes on a dryer mesh sheet and dry.

Candied beets Boil boiled beets in strawberry syrup. Leave to cool. Spread out on a mesh sheet and dry in the dryer.

unusual berryBoil chokeberry a little in cherry leaf syrup and leave to cool. Spread out on a mesh sheet and dry in the dryer.

Pastila "Sun" Cut peeled carrots and boil in sea buckthorn juice. Cool down. Make a puree with a crush. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Pastila "Vkusnyatina" Peel the apples and cut them into slices. Place in a saucepan, add a few cranberries, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, a little water and steam over a fire to make the apples soft. Cool down. Mash into puree with a crush. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Pastila Apples+cranberry+banana Peel the apples and cut them into slices. Place in a saucepan, add a few cranberries. Steam over a fire so that the apples become soft. Cool down. Mash into puree with a crush. Grate banana and mix quickly with applesauce. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Candy.Steam dried apples for 5 minutes. Scroll through a meat grinder 1 part of dried apricots, 1 part of apples and 0.5 parts of prunes (odorless). Add pine nuts. Pour the resulting mixture with condensed milk. Mix everything and refrigerate for 5-6 hours, so that the components "make friends". Then roll into balls and roll them in crumbs. shortbread biscuits or in coconut flakes or sesame seeds. And place on the dryer mesh sheet for 6-8 hours.

Rolls with apples. cook yeast dough. Steam dried apples, scroll in a meat grinder and add a little sugar. Roll out the dough into round disks and then divide them into 8 segments. Then we put the apple filling in each segment and begin to twist from the wide side to the corner. Bake in the oven. Sprinkle finished rolls with powdered sugar before serving.

Dried apple compote with beets . Pour boiling water over apples and slightly dried beets (for color) and close with a Wax vacuum system. After 5 min. compote is ready.

Pumpkin soup

1 kg pumpkin 2 onions chopped

2 cups water 2 garlic cloves minced

2 tsp beef broth2 tsp Sahara

½ tsp ground almonds 2-3 cups milk

Salt, pepper to taste½ tsp curry (to taste)

Clean and cut the pumpkin into pieces. Boil the pumpkin, onion, garlic, sugar, water and broth until the pumpkin is soft. Stir the mass with milk until puree is obtained and add seasonings. Cool and dry on a lightly oiled solid tray for 8 hours at 55°C or Medium.

The soup can be stored both in the form of marshmallows and as a powder (ground in a coffee grinder) for making instant soups.

Most soup ingredients, such as leeks, tomatoes, and spinach, are easy to dry and can also be easily ground in a coffee grinder into a powder to make an instant soup. To prepare soup, you need to pour 1 tbsp. dry mixture for soup in a mug and pour boiling water, the soup will be ready in a few minutes.

Drying fish

Take lean, fresh fish, clean it quickly, and keep it refrigerated until dry. Make sure the fish has not been previously frozen. Such fish can also be dried, but the taste and texture will be lower.

Cut the fish into strips 5 mm thick and marinate for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator. This marinade should contain 4 tsp. salt per kilogram of fresh fish. Lay the fish on mesh trays on trays and dry for 6-8 hours at 60°C or High until the fish is firm and no moisture comes out - but not crumbly.

Store in airtight containers in a cool, dark place or refrigerator, or deep freeze if longer than 2 weeks is needed. It is better to use fish with a low fat content, such as cod, perch, etc.

lemon marinade

4 tsp salt,

2 tbsp dried parsley,

2 tsp onion powder,

1/2 cup lemon juice.

Mix well and brush evenly over each layer of fish.

Dried fish with sour cream

1 a glass of sour cream¼ tsp pepper

¼ cup mayonnaise 1 tbsp. dried parsley

2 tbsp lemon juice 1 cup dried fish

1 clove minced garlic

Mix together sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic, pepper and parsley. Crumble dried fish and mix with this paste. Serve with crackers, chips, dried tomatoes, zucchini or cucumber slices.

savory crunches

We rub the pumpkin on a grater. 1-2 cloves of garlic, also grate on a fine grater.

Mix pumpkin and garlic. Add chopped greens to the resulting mass: cilantro, basil, parsley, dill. Or someone likes something, to taste. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 10 hours. Then remove, cut into pieces, very crispy spicy and healthy chips(which is especially true in winter period).

Easy rolls

Making pumpkin puree. Add persimmons to the puree (I took two varieties of chocolate and regular) and mix everything in a blender. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. We take a banana and knead it with a crush. Peel the kiwi and cut into thin strips. We cut the marshmallow into strips 4-5 cm wide, spread the banana puree and put the kiwi in the middle and wrap it up. We make several such rolls, put them on a plate and sprinkle coconut flakes decorate with dried wild strawberries (very fragrant) and kiwi slices.

Fruit cookies "Orange sun"

For the suns, I took everything orange that I found at that time. Twisted persimmon and pumpkin in equal proportions in a meat grinder. She laid out small cakes in the form of circles on a greased sheet for marshmallow with a teaspoon. On top of this layer, a layer of carrots (boiled and twisted). Next, a layer of twisted orange peel with honey. Put a hazelnut in the middle. Then she took twisted dried apricots and overlaid the nut, so that a semicircle (slide) was obtained. Top the cookies with squeezed sea buckthorn juice. And put it to dry.

Fruit cookies "Croissants"

Twist in equal proportions persimmon, pumpkin. Add squeezed sea buckthorn (to taste) to the mass, mix everything, put on a sheet for marshmallow and dry. Then cut into triangles. Top each triangle with twisted yellow raisins. Roll into tubes from the wide end to the narrow end.

summer delight

Making pumpkin puree. Add persimmons to the puree (I took two varieties of chocolate and regular) and mix everything in a blender. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. When chocolate persimmon is added, the marshmallow turns out to be darker, and when regular marshmallow is added, it turns orange. With curly scissors, cut out several smaller triangles and 2 pcs. more. We put ice cream in a bowl, roll roses from small triangles, stick them into the ice cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate, nuts, and you can cut curly stripes and also decorate the ice cream. We roll up two large triangles into a bag and insert them into a tall glass, put ice cream inside and can be decorated with broken chocolate.

On a hot summer day, just what you need!

Delicate puree soup

We rub the pumpkin on a grater. 1-2 cloves of garlic, also grate on a fine grater. Mix pumpkin and garlic. Add chopped greens to the resulting mass: cilantro, basil, parsley, dill. Or someone likes something, to taste. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 10 hours. Then we remove, cut into pieces, very crispy, spicy and healthy chips are obtained (which is especially important in winter). Grind these pieces in a coffee grinder, put in a jar with a WAKS lid.

Application: put a few tablespoons of the ground mixture in a deep plate and pour warm or hot milk or water, you can sprinkle fresh herbs on top and throw in a few crackers (salt, spices to taste). It turns out very delicious puree soup slightly sharp and delicate.

hello from summer

Cut into slices kiwi, pear, banana, persimmon. Spread on a mesh sheet and dry for 8 hours. Grate the pumpkin. We make puree from persimmons. We mix everything and put it on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. We take the resulting marshmallow and put dried fruits on it, so that the fruits hold on to them, you need to grease them with a few drops of melted chocolate.

We close the hole in the middle with dried rose petals (we fasten them with chocolate in the same way). It turns out a very original edible decoration for any kitchen (can be hung).

chocolate dessert

Cut into circles persimmon (not soft). We spread the mesh sheet and dry for 9 hours. Melt chocolate or icing. We dip the cooled circles of dried persimmon (whole or half) into the melted icing, you can sprinkle with coconut chips, nuts.

Eaten right away!

candied pumpkin

Sugar - 700 gr.

Water - 1 glass

Pumpkin - 1 kg.

Orange - 1 pc.

Spices - vanilla, cinnamon, cloves (to taste)

We cut the pumpkin into pieces, oranges - in circles. We make syrup from water and sugar. As soon as the syrup boils, put the spices, pieces of pumpkin and orange. We boil everything for 5 minutes, turn it off, leave it for 2-3 hours. So repeat three times so that the pieces of pumpkin become transparent. Drain in a colander to drain the syrup. We lay out the pieces of pumpkin and orange on the pallets of the dryer, dry for 12 hours. Bon Appetit delicious, no sweets needed.

Nuts in a frame

Twist the persimmon and pumpkin in equal proportions in a meat grinder. Lay out cakes with a diameter of 5 centimeters. Put any nuts in the middle and leave to dry. After drying, whatever is very sweet, dip in 100% sea buckthorn juice and dry again.

Pastila "Marble"

We take a sweet fragrant melon and fresh (or fresh-frozen) lingonberries. Grind (separately) in a blender. Pour into a lightly oiled marshmallow tray, alternating between melon and lingonberry puree. Dry in Ezidri at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) for 7 hours. We wrap it in rolls and cut into “lozenges” and enjoy the contrasting taste of lingonberry sourness and fragrant melon sweetness.

Pastila "Taiga fairy tale" (lingonberries with pine nuts)

We take fresh (or fresh-frozen) lingonberries. Grind in a blender. If desired, sugar can be added to lingonberry puree (1 tablespoon per 0.5 l of puree). Mix lingonberry puree with pine nuts. Spread on a lightly oiled marshmallow tray. Dry in Ezidri at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) until tender. We cut the dried circle into “pastilles” and recharge with the strength and energy of the gifts of the Siberian taiga.

There comes a hot time for housewives - the season of preparations for the winter of gifts from our gardens and orchards. But canning, salting, pickling, frying do not bring any benefit, and sometimes only harm to our health., as they contain a large amount of sugar, vinegar, marinade. Such vitamins are strictly contraindicated for our children. The high temperature during processing destroys a huge amount of vitamins A, B and C. Our health depends on how we eat: either we are cheerful and happy, or we run to the doctors. You ask: "What about freezing?" Only if you can provide quick freezing ("instant") at a starting temperature of -30 degrees. Defrost the product again follows the rules. Once defrosted, do not re-freeze.

Drying is another matter! Dried vegetables and fruits do not contain harmful additives. Drying does not require high temperatures. Only moisture is removed from the product, the cell structure is not disturbed. The properties of the product are as close to natural as possible. With gentle drying, the product remains alive. The seeds germinate; vitamins, nutrients and enzymes are preserved. The taste of vegetables and fruits does not change, but only becomes brighter.

It remains only to choose a smart dryer. For me, there is no doubt - this is my assistant "Isidri", which I have been using for more than a year. Loved her and my whole family. And that's why. We are glad that with the help of Isidri we can eat an unlimited amount of vitamins from the garden not only in summer, but also the rest of the year. The dryer retains 97% of minerals and nutrients, vitamins and enzymes. All this is ensured by gentle drying. In addition, my assistant has low energy consumption, uniform and simultaneous drying on all pallets. Due to the side airflow, odors do not mix, and the products retain their natural color and appearance. More importantly, it is completely safe to use (double insulation and thermal fuse).

You can dry whatever your heart desires. Even watermelon, melon and cucumbers! But back to our garden.

After the appearance of Isidri, our family refused store-bought tea. All summer I dry the leaves of raspberries, currants, strawberries, mint, medicinal herbs. For drying herbs, a temperature regime of 35 degrees is provided, at which essential oils and vitamins. Dry land and berries. Then I mix different ingredients as desired and each time I get a new vitamin, very fragrant and delicious tea. This drink really heals, rejuvenates and energizes the body. I especially love the collection of dried lemon balm, honeysuckle berries and cherries. We drink and rejoice. In winter, we feel the aroma of summer.

This year the harvest of berries was successful. Cherry and raspberry delighted. First dried. My family doesn't like jam. And again, Isidri helps out, preserving (not just in jam) everything useful and valuable. How do you think? Everything is very simple. On special solid sheets, I cook marshmallows. That's it - then no one refuses. I beat raspberries in a blender, adding bananas for viscosity, honey to taste. I lightly grease the marshmallow sheet with vegetable oil, pour 1.5 cups of mashed potatoes (Isidri 500) on it, distribute it evenly, shaking it slightly. I dry at 50-55 degrees. After 16 hours, the delicacy is ready! Berry marshmallow dries a little longer.

In cherry or plum marshmallow it is very tasty to add the leaves of lemon balm or peppermint when whipping. The taste is unique! A few sheets are required with the addition of ginger, quite a bit, and lemon with zest. Very tasty with the addition of ginger and pear marshmallow. In winter, to boost immunity. Refined taste and useful therapeutic and prophylactic properties.

Strawberry pastille, undoubtedly, will replace any sweets and sweets, decorate any pastries - cakes, pancakes, muffins. You can complement it with spices such as cinnamon or vanilla. This is a real diet sweet. Delicious and sugar free.

Berries for marshmallows can be mixed. It's a matter of taste. I love blackcurrants with raspberries or apples. I don’t write proportions on purpose, show your imagination and experiment. And if you want to surprise, make an unexpectedly tasty and beautiful treat, prepare marshmallow sweets with filling. To do this, do not bring the marshmallow to readiness, wait until it becomes sticky, like plasticine. For the filling, take your favorite nuts, dried cherries or raisins. Cover the filling with marshmallow, forming sweets. Leave to dry for a few more hours. If I put such sweets away winter storage, roll in dried blackcurrant leaves.

Try to do candy or marshmallow natural yogurt . Think about what color yogurt will be if you add orange, currant, sea buckthorn, raspberry juice to it .... You can pour yogurt of different colors on one sheet, you get funny multi-colored sweets. Your children will be happy to take part in the cooking process. The main thing is not to overdry (about 12 hours). Dries faster than berry marshmallow. Roll up sausages and cut into pieces. Tastes like toffee.

Be sure to dry every season vegetables for soups and stewsasparagus beans, peas, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, c and, of course, greenery. I mix. On short winter evenings, after coming home from work, you can very quickly please your relatives with a healthy vegetable soup. It saves time, because such vegetables are prepared much faster. And the taste! Real jam! All our own, grown with love and care, without nitrates and chemicals. You can also make soup. Dried vegetables are quickly restored in water 1: 1 (fruits can be in juice). As a result, they acquire the original appearance, both in shape and color. Whip them in a blender and add to the boiling cream.

Vitamin preparations for children are candied fruit. Dried pieces of fruit, caramelized, which are a great treat all year round. pumpkin very useful product but not everyone loves it. Especially children. My son is no exception. But pumpkin sweets are to the liking of everyone, they are “swept away” at the moment.

In 200 ml of boiling water (you can take any berry or fruit juice), add 500 g of sugar, let it dissolve, stirring continuously over low heat. Pour the pumpkin into the boiling syrup. Boil 5 minutes. After 6 hours, repeat a short boil. There are four such approaches. In the last boil, add the juice of two lemons. I spread the cooled pumpkin in a colander, waiting for the juice to drain. I dry in Izidri at a temperature of 50-55 degrees.

Candied carrots the dish is not new, but you definitely can’t buy it in the store. I also cook, only I boil for 15 minutes in three visits after 10 hours. Trust me, it's worth the time! Overeating and pumpkin marshmallow. I take 1.5 kg of pumpkin, two lemons, honey 5-7 tbsp. spoons, nuts 1.5 cups. I cut the pumpkin into pieces, put it in a saucepan, add the juice of two lemons, a little water, you can add sugar. I cook on slow fire. I put the boiled pumpkin in a blender, add honey and zest of two lemons. Whipping. I add nuts and spread on sheets for marshmallow. Land. Full delight! Be sure to try.

I make pastille not only from berries and fruits. We dry and dry the tomatoes, but the overripe ones go to marshmallow. Loved by my family and mixed vegetable pastille: zucchini, tomato, eggplant, Bell pepper, garlic, basil and dill, salt, sugar to taste, garlic. Keep a separate sheet for dishes with garlic, as it absorbs the smell of garlic.

potato chips- a wonderful dish. Have you tried pumpkin chips? Yummy. Soak a handful of cashews for an hour. Grind the pumpkin (about half the average size) in a blender with cashews, add salt to taste. You can add 2-3 handfuls of germinated wheat, and grind again. Next - garlic 2-4 cloves, black pepper, red pepper, fresh herbs to your taste, dry mustard 1 teaspoon. We grind everything to a homogeneous mass. We clean two onions, cut a quarter - rings. We lay them in the pumpkin mass, mix. Spread on pastille sheets, oiled, and dry for 12 hours. Dads will love this dish too!

I have described far from everything that we are preparing at Izidri. New recipes are added every year. This is a very good investment of money, I have not regretted for a moment. Self-grown and dried products, of course, are of greater quality, usefulness and taste than purchased ones. It is the fruit, which is devoid of excess moisture, that gives the dish a rather piquant flavor. Bon Appetit!

Zoya Maksimenko,

FERTILITY, Chelyabinsk

We are what we eat. It is known that for a healthy balanced diet, we need a considerable amount of plant foods. Why, in fact, we are trying to grow on our plots, if possible, environmentally friendly vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. It happens that you go to the hospital about some kind of illness, and they will advise you: "Eat more beets, or pumpkins and carrots." This is especially true for heart disease, as well as for insufficient liver function. Well, if the gastrointestinal tract suffers, it simply needs fiber, which we can only get from vegetables and fruits. With fruits, everything is easy to eat an apple, pear, orange, kiwi or banana, no one needs to be forced. Fruits are eaten well in any form and in any quantity, but how to eat beets, carrots or pumpkins, and how to feed these children if the doctor prescribed? Previously, in such cases, I regularly cooked some dishes from vegetables. From zucchini, pumpkins, carrots and beets, she cooked soups and cereals, baked pancakes, and made salads. But such a diet did not last long, I ate all this very quickly and left ideas about the active consumption of healthy vegetables until next year. Zucchini and pumpkins were cleaned under the bed and by the New Year they were safely sent to the trash heap.

Everything changed after Isidri's dryer came to my rescue. On it, I learned how to make different goodies that diversified our menu.

On the dryer, I make not only an unusually delicious marshmallow from exotic fruits, but also a healthy tasty medicine from ordinary vegetables. For example, I dry beets with prunes, add spices, honey, nuts (other ingredients can be optional) - it turns out a good laxative, and tasty and healthy. In order to eat more pumpkin, I cook marshmallows or candied fruits from it, adding various necessary additives, for example, dried apricots, persimmons or spices, it turns out not only a delicacy, but also increases its medicinal properties. And the simplest thing I do with pumpkin is dry it, grind it into powder in a blender and add it to any dishes. This is very a good option, and you don’t need to cook pumpkin every day, and vitamins and fiber are at hand, even in soup, even in porridge.


From carrots I make amazing tasty candy, I add an orange to them, and such healthy treat want to eat every day.


Now I, my children and grandchildren eat pumpkin, beets and carrots not only in the form of soups, salads, cereals and pancakes, but also in the form of sweets, marshmallows, candied fruits, chips and seasonings for dishes. And all this is at hand all winter without any hassle.

I wish you creative success, flight of fancy and good health!

Carrot pastille with apple

Carrots - 480 g, apple - 2 pieces, honey - 1 tbsp. l, sugar - 3-4 tablespoons, citric acid to taste.

Carrots and apples cut into pieces and put to cook for a couple - 30 minutes.

Add the broth that remains from the steam - 1/2 cup, add honey and citric acid, grind in a blender to puree.

Then smear, over smeared sunflower oil, dryer sheets.

Beet marmalade

Boil 800g beets in a saucepan. Grate boiled beets,

pour in the juice of 1 orange and grind in a blender to a puree.

Place the resulting puree in a saucepan, add zest and lemon juice to taste (or citric acid), bring to a boil, stirring constantly, add ginger, add 100-200 g of sugar, cook for 2-3 minutes.

Cool down. Add 1 tablespoon of honey, 100 g of chopped nuts. Put on a pastille sheet greased with vegetable oil.

Dry on the Isidri dryer, in the "pastile" mode for 12 hours, make sure that it does not dry out.

Roll the beet pastille into a sausage and cut into pieces, roll in powdered sugar.


Natalya Cherkasova, Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta!!! We dry everything.

Catch! Many, many recipes!

Since then, I myself have been inventing and collecting pastille recipes from everywhere. Many and varied. I have not tried many of these recipes myself - they are honestly stylized (Kowtow to the authors!) I will do many in the season.

When frozen, 20-25% of vitamins are lost, when dried, only 2-5%.
Plus, the energy structure of the product is changing. Is this not a reason to dry everything? Yes, and the problem of preservation is being solved - I kept all the marshmallows at home, in boxes.

I use raw marshmallow recipes as much as possible - the less heat treatment of the product, the more we save vitamins. You can grind raw fruits and vegetables in a blender, then you get a more vitamin, and therefore a healthy product.

I use honey instead of sugar. Fans can use stevia. Many fruits and berries can not be sweetened at all. They are so good.

Pay attention to recipes with nettle, amaranth leaves, dandelions. We do not doubt the benefits of these plants.

Pastila from currants and zucchini
currants - 1 part
zucchini (apples) - 2 parts

Pastila of blueberries and zucchini.
blueberries, 2.5 kg
zucchini 3.5 kg
sugar to taste

Pastila from blueberries, dandelions and zucchini
blueberries, 400
dandelions 200
squash 600

Apricot, nettle and zucchini pastille
apricot - 400
nettle - 30
zucchini - 800

Pastila from apricot and cucumbersApricot I don't have much. But do you have any?
apricot - 800
cucumbers - 400
sugar to taste
water - 100 grams

Pastila from blueberries, amaranth and zucchini
blueberries - 400
amaranth leaves - 30
zucchini - 800
sugar to taste

Pastila from zucchini and bananas
zucchini + bananas - in equal proportions

Strawberries with zucchini - you need to try the proportions

"Yogurt Delight".
For pastille we need: yogurt, pine nuts
Yogurt can be mixed with pine nuts or put them on top.

2 liters of puree, immediately whip in a blender at a time. This is enough for 5 trays.
Composition - 1 liter of berries (various), 3 medium bananas and 1 medium zucchini, honey (sugar - 3-5 tablespoons) depending on the sweetness or acidity of the berries.

Last summer, overripe bananas cost 2 rubles. Quite suitable for marshmallows, though blackened in places, but not moldy.

Banana with leaves
I’ll take bananas, lemons as a basis (more if you like it sour), not very much honey and herbs that grow in the garden: lemon balm, mint, currant leaf, raspberry leaf, oregano, you can add some berries, grape mustache, calendula flowers, chamomile and more.
Kill all this with a blender and dry no higher than 40, since honey cannot be heated higher.

And it stole

Pastila spicy
Pastila spicy
Tomatoes, not a large clove of garlic, a little black pepper, five large leaves of basil, chop in a blender. Put the mass on a sheet for marshmallow, oiled and dry for 12-15 hours. Delicious with fresh rye-wheat bread.

Pastila "Apple"
Pastila "Apple"
Peel the apples from the core and chop in a food processor or grate on a coarse grater along with the peel. This is the foundation. For dressing, take grated Victoria berries, fresh or frozen, add crushed ripe bananas. Mix everything well. The mass should be like dough for pancakes. Mix with apples and put everything on greased marshmallow trays. Dry at a temperature of 55 degrees for 11-12 hours. Remove while warm and roll up immediately. Berries for dressing can be different - wild strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn and others. You can use plum jam or other jams. For elasticity in berry puree, add bananas, preferably overripe. If sour, then add dark sugar. You can add some cinnamon. Apple marshmallow replaces chips, if you add seeds, nuts.

"Banana Apple Crackers"
"Banana Apple Crackers"
Peel ripe apples and bananas. Prepare a couple of tablespoons of honey (if the apples are sweet, you can do without honey or replace with a few dates if you are allergic to honey). Grind fruit in a food processor or blender, add honey. Lubricate the pastille tray with vegetable oil. Add walnuts or almonds. If you dry the marshmallow to an almost solid state (15-18 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer), then you can not roll it into tubes, but arrange it in the form of cookies, cut into rectangles with a knife or scissors.

Yoghurt Delight
Yoghurt Delight
For marshmallow we need: yogurt, pine nuts and poppy seeds. Yogurt can be mixed with pine nuts or put them on top. Place on a lightly oiled pasta tray. Dry at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) until cooked. It turns out something like an eastern dastarkhan.

Candied zucchini and pumpkins
Cut zucchini and pumpkin into slices (0.5 cm thick), cover with sugar for 1 hour. Then stir, bring to a boil, boil over low heat to become transparent. Drain all syrup. Add 1st. a spoonful of honey, lemon (or citric acid), cinnamon. Bring to a boil, cool, drain the remaining liquid through a sieve. Dry on a solid tray "Isidri".

"Almond sweets"
Peel ripe apples of local varieties and add a little cinnamon. Grind until smooth. If the apples are not sweet enough, you can also add brown sugar or honey to taste. Then, as usual, apply the apple mass on a tray greased with vegetable oil and leave to dry. But do not bring it to readiness, but catch the moment when the marshmallow is no longer liquid, but still sticky and plastic, like plasticine. Cover the nuts with marshmallow to form small sweets, roll in coconut flakes and leave to dry for a few more hours. Well-dried sweets do not stick together, they are perfectly stored in glass or tin jars.

Loose pastille, prepared with the Isidri dryer
Marshmallow is made from whipped apple puree, natural additives are added to the puree: sugar, honey, berries, nuts. You need to beat until the state of sour cream, so that the puree does not spread during drying, for this you can add egg white (whipped) to it. Pour mashed potatoes onto 1 continuous sheet for marshmallow - a thick layer (about half a liter). Each layer is dried separately, and then smeared with a thin layer of honey and connected together in a beautiful cake. By experimenting with different additives and layers, you can get the most unexpected taste. It is hard to imagine that there is no flour in it at all. Compared to the usual unwhipped marshmallow, it turns out to be very tender and tasty.

Pastila from rhubarb
Pastila from rhubarb
Twist rhubarb (petioles) in a meat grinder, apples (sweet) -3 pcs. twist, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Lay out to dry.

Pastila from sorrel
Pastila from sorrel
Take chopped sorrel, knead 2 bananas, mix.

Pastila "Red Banana"
Pastila "Red Banana"
We take red twisted tomatoes, add 2 pureed bananas and 1 tbsp. l sugar.

Pastila Siberian kiwi
Pastila Siberian kiwi
Gooseberries and orange (together with the peel) grind through a meat grinder, add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and set aside to dry.

Cherry pastille
Rub the cherries through a sieve. Melissa, twist through a meat grinder. Separately twist the apples, add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Pastila from carrots
Grate carrots and 1 orange. Mix everything, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, mix and set aside to dry.

Cucumber pastille
Cucumber pasta.
Grate cucumbers and apples, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Pastila from zucchini.
Grate zucchini and apples add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Pastila Fresh currant
Pastila Fresh currant.
Mix twisted currants and apples with 1 tablespoon of sugar and chopped mint.

Pastila from raspberry and mint
Pastila from raspberries and mint.
In mashed raspberries and apples, add 1st. l. sugar and mint.

Pastille for colds
Pastila for colds.
We take 1 orange, raspberry leaves and berries, rhubarb petioles, cornflower and calendula flowers, plantain, nettle, mother - and - stepmother. We grind everything through a meat grinder, mix with a mashed banana. Add 1-2 tbsp. honey, mix and lay out to dry.

Apricot and banana pasta
Pastila from apricot and banana.
Mash apricots and bananas, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and lay out to dry.

Pastila "With pepper"
We take apricots and bananas, knead. Grate the cucumber, add a mixture of peppers (“Mill”), combine everything, mix and lay out to dry.

Are there any other options:
Carrot + banana + orange or Zucchini + orange (with peel) + banana + apple + carrot - grate everything.

Strawberry pastille with banana:
for 1 serving: 0.5 kg of strawberries; 1 medium banana; 3 art. spoons of condensed milk.
Option 1: grate strawberries through a sieve, add banana, condensed milk to the mass, beat in a blender.
or option 2: Lightly crush the berries and banana with a fork, so that later you can feel the individual pieces, add condensed milk, stir. Put the mass on a continuous sheet. Dry until cooked (so that it does not stick to the hands and does not lose elasticity).

Rhubarb (petioles) -1kg, granulated sugar - 300g.
Wash the rhubarb stalks in cold water, cut into large pieces, sprinkle with sugar, put oppression on top and leave it for one day. Drain the released juice, lay the petioles on baking sheets and dry in a dryer. Place dried rhubarb in a box or glass jar. Preserve juice with sugar by boiling it and immediately rolling it into a sterilized jar.

Apple roll:
Apples - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 300 g. Any apples, at any stage of ripeness, wash, cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar and leave in an enamel saucepan for 2-3 hours, when the juice appears, bring the apples to a boil, rub through a sieve . Another option: apples left after boiling the juice are rubbed through a colander. Pour the resulting mass into a thin layer on a sheet (greased with vegetable oil) for drying in a dryer. You can sprinkle cinnamon and ground nuts on top. When the mass becomes thin and elastic during the drying process, it must be removed from the sheet, sprinkled with sugar, rolled into a tight roll, cut into pieces.

Candied watermelon rinds
watermelon peels - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 1 kg, citric acid - 5 g, flavoring (orange peel, almonds, lemon peel, vanilla) - to taste.
Candied fruits are made from thick-rind watermelons, as well as unripe melons, which are usually thrown away as inedible products. Peel the watermelon rinds from the peel and the soft part, cut into pieces of the same size, considering that they will boil down in the future, add water and cook for 3 minutes. Then drain the water, rinse the boiled pieces with cold water, pour boiling syrup made from 1 kg of granulated sugar, 200 g of water and 5 g of citric acid. For flavoring, you can also add lemon or orange zest, almonds there. Boil watermelon peels until transparent, then remove with a slotted spoon, dry in a dryer and roll in powdered sugar. You can also roll watermelon rinds in a mixture of granulated sugar and crushed nuts.

Candied sugar beets
Sugar beet - 1 kg, citric acid - 3 g, granulated sugar - 100 g, water - 0.5 l, lemon peel, vanillin or other flavoring.
Wash the beets, peel, cut into pieces of the same size (straws, cubes or slices), pour water, add granulated sugar, citric acid and boil over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. For flavoring, beets can be boiled together with lemon or orange zest, with honey, cardamom, vanillin. Lay the finished beets on a sheet for marshmallow and dry in a dryer. Then rolled in powdered sugar mixed with cocoa powder or chopped nuts.

Dried apples
2 kg of peeled apples, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. Sahara.
Peel the apples from the peel and core and cut into slices, about 1 cm thick. Cut into half rings, 2 mm thick lemon and orange (amount of citrus fruits to taste). Layer apples and citrus fruits, periodically sprinkling the layers with sugar. Press down on top with a press and leave for half a day to let the juice flow. Juice can be used for compote, and apples, lemons and oranges can be spread on pallets and dried for 6-7 hours.

apple marshmallow
2.5 kg of apples and 2 cups of sugar.
Cut apples, peel and core, simmer on fire under the lid for 15-20 minutes until they become soft. Sprinkle with sugar and top with a pusher. You can beat on a mixer, then the marshmallow will have a more uniform structure. Lightly grease the marshmallow tray with vegetable oil, put mashed potatoes on it and level it to make a layer of 0.5 cm. Dry for 9-10 hours at a temperature of 60-70C. You can add peeled crushed peaches, grated melon and kiwi to applesauce. It will turn out delicious if you add the grated zest of one lemon, one orange and a little cinnamon to the puree.

Beet "Piquant Novokurskaya"
Raw beets are cut into thin strips, coated with adjika and dried in an Isidri dryer.

Canape Venegretik
Boil separately potatoes, beets, carrots. Twist in a meat grinder, also separately. We add a little mashed potatoes to the carrots and beets for a bunch, otherwise the plates from the beets and carrots will break when drying. Salt, add herbs and spices to taste. In mashed potatoes, add fried onions, salt, spices. We spread the mass of vegetables on pastille sheets, greased with vegetable oil, grease with mayonnaise, sour cream or ketchup on top, dry the cakes to a flexible state. Please do not overdry, this is important and not difficult. Cut sausage without fat into slices, dry on a tray in a dryer. The resulting vegetable cakes and sausage are cut into 2x2 cm squares, strung, alternating, on toothpicks. What happened - a pastille of a snack option, is really very unusual. These "vinaigrette canapushkas" do not deteriorate even in the heat, they can be taken with you on any vacation, on a trip, on a business trip.

bulk apples
Small ranetki (3 cm in diameter), make a strong sugar syrup (about 0.6 kg of sugar per 2 cups of water). Dip the apples in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, then drain the water. Pour apples with boiling sugar syrup and leave to cool. Then bring to a boil and cool again. So repeat 1-2 more times, until the apples are completely soft. Then let the syrup drain completely, put it on a dryer tray and dry until the apples become dried, store the syrup in the refrigerator. It is useful for the preparation of candied fruits from pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets, etc.

Dried fish
A bucket of fish, without cleaning from scales, gutted, ripped open the belly, do not wash it, and pour it into the bucket in layers: a layer of fish, a layer of salt. You can not be afraid to salt the fish, it will take as much salt as it needs. We put oppression on top so that the fish is completely immersed in the brine without air access. We hold out for three days. After three days, we wash the salted fish in running water to wash off excess salt. We put the washed fish on a paper towel, removing excess moisture. We put the dried fish on the trays of Isidri, sorting it by size, so it dries evenly. After filling the trays, turn on the dryer at 60 ° C. And dry depending on the size of the fish from 10 hours to a day. You can also try drying at a lower temperature of 55 and 35 °C. Drying this way produces the best quality dried fish, but drying can take 2 or 3 days for larger fish. It is possible to combine drying modes: at the beginning, dry at 60 ° C and finish drying at an economical mode of 35 ° C.

Sweets for tea
Boil cherry jam, roll up. There was syrup left after the jam.
Take the zucchini cut arbitrarily. And send chopped zucchini to the cherry syrup. Boil for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. The zucchini pieces turned a beautiful ruby ​​color. Throw them in a colander, and then put them to dry in "Isidri"

Soup-puree "Fantastica" vegetable with croutons
Boil vegetables in beef broth: onions, potatoes, white cabbage, broccoli, carrots, bell peppers, green beans, corn. Spices and salt to taste. Grind the finished soup with a blender. Dry on an oiled sheet. Grind dried soup in a coffee grinder. Croutons: Cut brown bread into small cubes. Pour vegetable oil into a wide plate, squeeze out the garlic, sprinkle with spices and salt to taste. Mix this butter with breadcrumbs and put in the oven until an appetizing crust forms. Serve soup 2-3 tsp. powder per mug. Sprinkle croutons on top.

Mashed Potato Soup with Mushrooms
Boil potatoes, onion and mushroom powder in a saucepan. Salt to taste. Ready potatoes mash and dry on a sheet. Grind dried soup in a coffee grinder. Serve 2-3 tsp. powder per mug. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top.

Pancakes with mushrooms
In 3 glasses of milk add 2 tsp. mushroom powder. Boil 20 min. Cool down. Add 2 eggs, flour and salt to taste. Fry pancakes in a pan.

Mushroom sauce
Add 2 tsp to 1 glass of milk. l. mushroom powder and boil for 20 minutes. Dilute 1 tsp in 100g of cold water. l. starch and pour into milk. Cook, stirring until thickened.

Pineapple candied pumpkin
Cut pumpkin into cubes. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle sugar on top and squeeze a lemon. Leave overnight. Juice will stand out in the morning. Bring pumpkin to a boil and remove to cool. Repeat 2-3 times. The last time the boil in the pumpkin squeeze the orange. After cooling, drain the syrup and place the pumpkin cubes on a dryer mesh sheet and dry.

Candied beets
Boil boiled beets in strawberry syrup. Leave until cool. Spread out on a mesh sheet and dry in the dryer.

unusual berry
Boil chokeberry a little in cherry leaf syrup and leave to cool. Spread out on a mesh sheet and dry in the dryer.

Pastila "Sun"
Cut peeled carrots and boil in sea buckthorn juice. Cool down. Make a puree with a crush. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Pastila "Vkusnyatina"
Peel the apples and cut them into slices. Place in a saucepan, add a few cranberries, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, a little water and steam over a fire to make the apples soft. Cool down. Mash into puree with a crush. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Pastila Apples+cranberry+banana
Peel the apples and cut them into slices. Place in a saucepan, add a few cranberries. Steam over a fire so that the apples become soft. Cool down. Mash into puree with a crush. Grate a banana and quickly mix with applesauce. Place on an oiled pasta sheet.

Steam dried apples for 5 minutes. Scroll through a meat grinder 1 part of dried apricots, 1 part of apples and 0.5 parts of prunes (odorless). Add pine nuts. Pour the resulting mixture with condensed milk. Mix everything and refrigerate for 5-6 hours, so that the components "make friends". Then roll into balls and roll them in shortbread crumbs or coconut flakes or sesame seeds. And place on the dryer mesh sheet for 6-8 hours.

Rolls with apples
Prepare yeast dough. Steam dried apples, scroll in a meat grinder and add a little sugar. Roll out the dough into round disks and then divide them into 8 segments. Then we put the apple filling in each segment and begin to twist from the wide side to the corner. Bake in the oven. Sprinkle finished rolls with powdered sugar before serving.

Dried apple compote with beets
Pour boiling water over apples and slightly dried beets (for color) and close with a Wax vacuum system. After 5 min. compote is ready.

Pumpkin soup
1 kg pumpkin
2 onions chopped
2 glasses of water
2 garlic cloves minced
2 tsp beef broth
2 tsp Sahara
1/2 tsp ground almonds
2-3 glasses of milk
Salt, pepper to taste
1/2 tsp curry (to taste)

Clean and cut the pumpkin into pieces. Boil the pumpkin, onion, garlic, sugar, water and broth until the pumpkin is soft. Stir the mass with milk until puree is obtained and add seasonings. Cool and dry on a lightly oiled solid tray for 8 hours at 55°C or Medium.

The soup can be stored both in the form of marshmallows and as a powder (ground in a coffee grinder) for making instant soups.

Most soup ingredients, such as leeks, tomatoes, and spinach, are easy to dry and can also be easily ground in a coffee grinder into a powder to make an instant soup. To make soup, add 1 tbsp. l. dry mixture for soup in a mug and pour boiling water, the soup will be ready in a few minutes.

Drying fish
Take lean, fresh fish, clean it quickly, and keep it refrigerated until dry. Make sure the fish has not been previously frozen. Such fish can also be dried, but the taste and texture will be lower.

Cut the fish into strips 5 mm thick and marinate for 6-8 hours in the refrigerator. This marinade should contain 4 tsp. salt per kilogram of fresh fish. Lay the fish on mesh trays on trays and dry for 6-8 hours at 60°C or High until the fish is firm and no moisture comes out - but not crumbly.

Store in airtight containers in a cool, dark place or refrigerator, or deep freeze if longer than 2 weeks is needed. It is better to use fish with a low fat content, such as cod, perch, etc.

lemon marinade
4 tsp salt,
2 tbsp. l. dried parsley,
2 tsp onion powder,
1/2 cup lemon juice.
Mix well and brush evenly over each layer of fish.

Dried fish with sour cream
1 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 cup mayonnaise
1 st. l. dried parsley
2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
1 cup dried fish
1 clove minced garlic

Mix together sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice, garlic, pepper and parsley. Chop dried fish and mix with this paste. Serve with crackers, chips, dried tomatoes, zucchini or cucumber slices.

savory crunches
savory crunches
We rub the pumpkin on a grater. 1-2 cloves of garlic, also grate on a fine grater.
Mix pumpkin and garlic. Add chopped greens to the resulting mass: cilantro, basil, parsley, dill. Or someone likes something, to taste. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 10 hours. Then we remove, cut into pieces, very crispy, spicy and healthy chips are obtained (which is especially important in winter).

Easy rolls
Making pumpkin puree. Add persimmons to the puree (I took two varieties of chocolate and regular) and mix everything in a blender. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. We take a banana and knead it with a crush. Peel the kiwi and cut into thin strips. We cut the marshmallow into strips 4-5 cm wide, spread the banana puree and put the kiwi in the middle and wrap it up. We make several such rolls, put them on a plate, sprinkle with coconut flakes, decorate with dried wild strawberries (very fragrant) and kiwi slices.

Fruit cookies "Orange sun"
For the suns, I took everything orange that I found at that time. Twisted persimmon and pumpkin in equal proportions in a meat grinder. She laid out small cakes in the form of circles on a greased sheet for marshmallow with a teaspoon. On top of this layer, a layer of carrots (boiled and twisted). Next, a layer of twisted orange peel with honey. Put a hazelnut in the middle. Then she took twisted dried apricots and overlaid the nut, so that a semicircle (slide) was obtained. Top the cookies with squeezed sea buckthorn juice. And put it to dry.

Fruit cookies "Croissants"
Twist in equal proportions persimmon, pumpkin. Add squeezed sea buckthorn (to taste) to the mass, mix everything, put on a sheet for marshmallow and dry. Then cut into triangles. Top each triangle with twisted yellow raisins. Roll into tubes from the wide end to the narrow end.

summer delight
summer delight
Making pumpkin puree. Add persimmons to the puree (I took two varieties of chocolate and regular) and mix everything in a blender. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. When chocolate persimmon is added, the marshmallow turns out to be darker, and when regular marshmallow is added, it turns orange. With curly scissors, cut out several smaller triangles and 2 pcs. more. We put ice cream in a bowl, roll roses from small triangles, stick them into the ice cream, sprinkle with grated chocolate, nuts, and you can cut curly stripes and also decorate the ice cream. We roll up two large triangles into a bag and insert them into a tall glass, put ice cream inside and can be decorated with broken chocolate.
On a hot summer day, just what you need!

Delicate puree soup
Delicate puree soup
We rub the pumpkin on a grater. 1-2 cloves of garlic, also grate on a fine grater. Mix pumpkin and garlic. Add chopped greens to the resulting mass: cilantro, basil, parsley, dill. Or someone likes something, to taste. Spread on a sheet for marshmallow for 10 hours. Then we remove, cut into pieces, very crispy, spicy and healthy chips are obtained (which is especially important in winter). Grind these pieces in a coffee grinder, put in a jar with a WAKS lid.

Application: put a few tablespoons of the ground mixture in a deep plate and pour warm or hot milk or water, you can sprinkle fresh herbs on top and throw in a few crackers (salt, spices to taste). It turns out a very tasty soup-puree slightly spicy and tender.

hello from summer
Cut into slices kiwi, pear, banana, persimmon. Spread on a mesh sheet and dry for 8 hours. Grate the pumpkin. We make puree from persimmons. We mix everything and put it on a sheet for marshmallow for 9 hours. We take the resulting marshmallow and put dried fruits on it, so that the fruits hold on to them, they need to be greased with a few drops of melted chocolate.
We close the hole in the middle with dried rose petals (we fasten them with chocolate in the same way). It turns out a very original edible decoration for any kitchen (can be hung).

chocolate dessert
chocolate dessert
Cut into circles persimmon (not soft). We spread the mesh sheet and dry for 9 hours. Melt chocolate or icing. We dip the cooled circles of dried persimmon (whole or half) into the melted icing, you can sprinkle with coconut chips, nuts.
Eaten right away!

candied pumpkin
candied pumpkin
Sugar - 700 gr.
Water - 1 glass
Pumpkin - 1 kg.
Orange - 1 pc.
Spices - vanilla, cinnamon, cloves (to taste)

We cut the pumpkin into pieces, oranges - in circles. We make syrup from water and sugar. As soon as the syrup boils, put the spices, pieces of pumpkin and orange. We boil everything for 5 minutes, turn it off, leave it for 2-3 hours. So repeat three times so that the pieces of pumpkin become transparent. Drain in a colander to drain the syrup. We lay out the pieces of pumpkin and orange on the pallets of the dryer, dry for 12 hours. Bon appetit, delicious, no sweets needed.

Nuts in a frame
Nuts in a frame
Twist the persimmon and pumpkin in equal proportions in a meat grinder. Lay out cakes with a diameter of 5 centimeters. Put any nuts in the middle and leave to dry. After drying, whatever is very sweet, dip in 100% sea buckthorn juice and dry again.

Pastila "Marble"
Pastila "Marble"
We take a sweet fragrant melon and fresh (or fresh-frozen) lingonberries. Grind (separately) in a blender. Pour into a lightly oiled marshmallow tray, alternating between melon and lingonberry puree. Dry in Ezidri at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) for 7 hours. We wrap it in rolls and cut into “lozenges” and enjoy the contrasting taste of lingonberry sourness and fragrant melon sweetness.

Taiga fairy tale
Pastila "Taiga fairy tale" (lingonberry with pine nuts)
We take fresh (or fresh-frozen) lingonberries. Grind in a blender. If desired, sugar can be added to lingonberry puree (1 tablespoon per 0.5 l of puree). Mix lingonberry puree with pine nuts. Place on a lightly oiled pasta tray. Dry in Ezidri at a temperature of 50-55 degrees (Medium) until tender. We cut the dried circle into “pastilles” and recharge with the strength and energy of the gifts of the Siberian taiga.

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