Home Salads and appetizers Storage conditions for walnuts. How and where to store different types of nuts: proven methods. How to choose the right nuts

Storage conditions for walnuts. How and where to store different types of nuts: proven methods. How to choose the right nuts

Nuclei walnut have a surprisingly balanced composition of minerals and vitamins. They are suitable for those who are on a diet or have diabetes, pregnant women and those suffering from vascular diseases. And the unique protein, which is found in abundance in the nuclei, can even replace animal products. A walnut is half fat, but these fats are unsaturated, so even people with high cholesterol can eat them.

This product is indispensable in winter and early spring, when our body is exhausted by a chronic lack of vitamins, diseases and bad weather. Walnut will quickly restore immunity and help maintain an optimal balance of minerals and vitamins in the body.

However, few people manage to keep the kernels for so long. Indeed, they are perishable products, they can become moldy and darken. Baking in the oven will get rid of the mold that has appeared on the outside, but this will not change chemical composition nuclei that have accumulated toxins and other waste products of the fungus. Such nuts not only do not bring benefits to our body, but can also harm.

We make a choice - in the shell or peeled?

When buying walnuts, you will certainly face a choice - to take already peeled kernels or in shell? In the first case, you will certainly be sure of the quality of the product, because you can even visually verify the quality. But purified kernels are stored much less. Buying whole nuts, you can get a pig in a poke - rotten and dark kernels.

In addition, unscrupulous sellers in the market may soak nuts in water for additional profit.

After a quick drying, they will look the same on the outside, but inside the moisture will remain, giving additional weight to the product. You can imagine how quickly it will deteriorate after this. If you buy kernels in the shell, then only from trusted suppliers.

The nuts should be fluffy and crack easily when squeezed. The kernels should be light, without spots and mold. Store the product in a dark and dry place, in a canvas bag or box with wooden walls. When you get the kernels, do not throw away the partitions - it is an excellent potion for many diseases.

How to store shelled walnuts - typical mistakes

The walnut, peeled from the shell, becomes defenseless against moisture. The most common mistake is to buy this product for the future. If whole kernels can still be stored for some time, then the nut crumbs are not at all suitable for stocks. The second mistake is to store kernels in plastic bags. Without fresh air, they will begin to spoil after a few days.

Moreover, you should not buy kernels that were packed in polyethylene.- it is not known how long they lay in such containers in the warehouse, and then on the shelves of the store. How to store a peeled walnut? Paper bags are best suited for this purpose, as are coffee, tea, or cookie tins. The container must be dry. If you're stocking up for months ahead, it's best to store the nuts in the refrigerator.

Some housewives also bake them in the oven to get rid of insect larvae. but heat treatment destroys some of the vitamins, so if you plan to use the product in the coming days, there is absolutely no need to ignite it. Using our tips, you can use this most useful product for a whole year. We also advise you to stock up, the benefits of which you can also learn on our website.

Walnuts are loved by many, have a high nutritional value and a large supply of vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. However, not everyone knows how to properly store a peeled walnut. In our article we will talk about how to stock up useful product autumn and save it until the next harvest.

Choice of nuts for storage

Not everyone has the opportunity to independently harvest nuts directly from the tree. Most people buy a product from the market. Here, the consumer is faced with a choice: buy nuts in shell or peeled, ready-to-eat. It is more difficult to choose high-quality nuts in the shell, because the contents are not visible behind the shell. But it is easier to store walnuts in the shell at home.

With the purchase of peeled kernels, everything is much simpler, because you can immediately determine the condition of the fruit by appearance. What should be considered when choosing? Pay attention to the following parameters:

  • choose clean, dry nuts, without darkening and stains;
  • kernels should not have foreign odors, especially chemical ones;
  • taste the walnut. If it has an unpleasant bitter taste or the core inside turned out to be darkened, you should refuse to buy.

If all nuts the same color, which means that they are harvested during one season and are not mixed with last year's crop. Best choice for storage whole kernels because broken pieces deteriorate faster. You need to make sure that the nut has no musty smell or whitish coating. If it is a little rotten, even airing and drying will not help. Spoiled fruits not only cannot be stored for a long time, but can also be hazardous to health.

Basic principles of storage

To keep nuts tasty and of high quality longer, you need to remember the following factors that affect their shelf life:

  • temperature regime. The higher the temperature at the place of storage, the shorter the shelf life of the fruit;
  • ripeness. Immature kernels are not suitable for saving;
  • the presence of additives. Peeled nuts must be carefully sorted before storage. Among the kernels there should be no pieces of the shell or jumpers, as well as low-quality fruits. You should not save nuts by mixing with sugar, honey or other ingredients - this will shorten their shelf life by several times;
  • treatment. Before storage, nuts should not be subjected to heat treatment. Often people confuse drying and frying and make an irreparable mistake. You can dry the peeled fruits a little, but it is best to do this immediately before using it for food. Only unpeeled nuts can be roasted;
  • storage container. Avoid plastic bags as a container, except in the freezer;
  • storage. Only with savings in the freezer and observing a constant temperature regime, you can count on a long shelf life - about a year. Thawed fruits cannot be re-frozen.

If you keep these factors in mind, it will be much easier to store nuts not only until winter or spring, but also until the next harvest.

Storage methods

Next, let's talk about how to store shelled walnuts at home. The shelf life of peeled nuts directly depends on the storage method. If you want to keep the cores for daily use for a month, you can put them in glass jar , close tightly with a plastic lid and place on a shelf in a kitchen cabinet. How long can nuts be stored in this form? This method is appropriate when storing a small amount of fruits that will be used within 20-30 days.

Glass or metal utensils will help keep nuts fresh for up to 1 year; they can be stored in wooden boxes or fabric bags for 3-4 months.

Do not store kernels for a long time room temperature. Regardless of whether you bought peeled fruits on the market or prepared them yourself, you won’t be able to keep them in an apartment for a year. Lying in a warm place for a long time, nuts acquire a bitter taste, dry out and lose their appetizing appearance. They will not only become tasteless, but can also be harmful to health.

Before putting the nuts in the refrigerator, you can hold them for a short time in hot oven without allowing oil to escape.

To eat healthy nuts all year round best to keep them in fridge where they stay fresh. within 6 months. As a container, be sure to use airtight dishes made of glass, ceramics or food-grade plastic. For convenience, some housewives immediately grind the product in order to get nut crumbs ready for use from the refrigerator. If you are confident in the quality of nuts, they can be stored in the refrigerator in any form.

Alternatively, fruits can be stored in the cellar or on the balcony, but in this case, you need to monitor the humidity in the room. If it exceeds 70%, the nuts will soon become moldy.

Another proven storage method is freezing. Arrange the peeled kernels in sealed bags and place in the freezer. Food foil or film is also suitable as packaging. It is not recommended to store the kernels next to strong-smelling products in order to prevent the absorption of foreign odors. Shelf life walnuts frozen - up to 12 months.

To find out all the intricacies of storing walnuts, it is better to read the reviews of gardeners involved in their cultivation and sale. The main condition for long-term storage is a high-quality initial product. If you have selected fresh fruits, use our tips to enjoy valuable kernels longer.


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Do you know that:

Before removing various stains from clothes, you need to find out how safe the chosen solvent is for the fabric itself. It is applied in a small amount to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing from the wrong side for 5-10 minutes. If the material retains its structure and color, you can move on to stains.

Stretch ceilings made of PVC film can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per 1 m 2 of its area (depending on the size of the ceiling, the degree of its tension and the quality of the film). So you can not be afraid of leaks from neighbors from above.

In the dishwasher, not only plates and cups are washed well. It can be loaded with plastic toys, glass shades of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

To combat moths, there are special traps. In the sticky layer with which they are covered, pheromones of females are added to attract males. Sticking to the trap, they drop out of the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the moth population.

The easiest way to remove scale and soot from the sole of the iron is with table salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on the paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, pressing lightly, run the iron over the salt bedding.

The habit of using the washing machine “economically” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60 ℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Fresh lemon is not only good for tea: clean the dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with a half of a cut citrus, or quickly clean the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt will simply be wiped off with a sponge.

If the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets appear on your favorite things, you can get rid of them with the help of a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to a decent look.

The threads of gold and silver, with which clothes were embroidered in the old days, are called gimp. To obtain them, the metal wire was pulled for a long time with tongs to the state of the required fineness. This is where the expression “pull (raise) the gimp” came from - “engage in long monotonous work” or “delay the execution of the case”.

Walnuts have special components that provide nutrition and medicinal properties. Nut pulp contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals. In addition, walnuts are high in vegetable protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This composition makes them as useful as possible, but reduces the shelf life. By following simple rules, you can save the benefits of the product, and also not be afraid of spoilage until the next harvest.

You can store walnuts in shell or in peeled form. By ensuring sufficient shell density, you can store the product for a long time. However, this requires more time and effort. To get nucleoli, it is not necessary to chop nuts in the shell, it is enough to purchase already peeled kernels.

There are two main storage methods:

  1. In shell. Provide optimal conditions to store the product in the shell is easy. The room in which storage is meant should have a humidity of no more than 60%, at a temperature not higher than 20 degrees Celsius. Dishes are recommended to be selected from metal or glass. Shelf life is not more than 6 months. When stored in canvas bags or wooden utensils, the period is reduced to several months.
  2. Without shell. This method is considered more difficult. The best option is sealed packaging placed in the refrigerator. Purchase special storage bags or plastic containers for this purpose. Freezing is possible for no more than two months. The loss of product value is minimal.


The storage temperature of nuts at home determines the shelf life of the product. At room temperature, the kernels will dry out quickly, lose their taste characteristics, and become rancid over time. Shelf life is not more than a month. Spoiled nucleoli are strictly forbidden to eat, as they can be harmful.

Low temperature with a humidity of no more than 70% allows you to extend the shelf life. If you live in a private house, use a cellar or utility room with low humidity. It is recommended to periodically check the kernels, remove spoiled ones, and shift them to prevent the formation of mold. Storage without shell requires careful attention to the product.

If there are no suitable conditions, you can use one of the following storage methods for walnuts:

  1. Glass jar with plastic lid. The method is suitable for daily use nuts for food.
  2. In the refrigerator, dishes made of ceramics, glass, as well as plastic containers are suitable for storage.
  3. Frozen in sealed packaging.

Walnuts without shells in a small amount at home can be placed in a glass jar, but they must be used daily for food, since the shelf life is negligible. In the refrigerator, with proper packaging, the nucleoli will retain their taste for two months. With absolute hermetic packaging in frozen form, the kernels can be stored for a year. If you often use nuts in cooking, baking, etc. chop the kernels in advance in a blender and store in this form. However, the shelf life is not long, but there is no need for daily grinding.


If you have a walnut tree growing in your garden, then the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Collection is carried out in sufficiently warm weather with minimal air humidity.
  2. As they ripen, the fruits fall to the ground on their own. Since they easily come off the branches, it is enough to shake the trunk.
  3. The shell is covered with a special protective film, it must be removed to avoid molding the fruit.
  4. Proper storage of walnuts in the shell implies their pre-drying. A week in the fresh air is enough for the shell to dry completely. If there is high humidity outside, spread a blanket or paper on the floor in the house, scatter the fruits. Be sure to form only one layer.
  5. For long-term storage, the nuts are dried in the oven for about an hour. The procedure is necessary to reduce the amount of excess moisture.
  6. Storage on the balcony is only possible for a short time. In a damp room, mold can not be avoided soon.
  7. Elevated temperatures lead to a rapid deterioration in taste, as the oil kernels become rancid.


How pistachios are stored also depends on whether they are in shell or not. It is recommended to store nuts unpeeled. When the fruit ripens, the shell opens slightly, however, this does not affect the strength of the walls. Natural protection allows you to extend the shelf life of the kernels.

For long-term storage, only unsalted fruits are suitable. Salt only affects the taste of the product, which will deteriorate faster if pistachios are stored in this form.

  1. Pistachios require a cooler temperature to stay edible longer. Try to choose a place as far away from heat sources as possible.
  2. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  3. Choose a room with a low level of humidity. The use of sealed packaging is recommended.
  4. Sort the fruits carefully. The specimens with an integral core, with a shell without black blotches, have the longest shelf life.

Regardless of the storage method, peeled pistachios are stored for no more than 3 months.

In the shell, the shelf life directly depends on environmental conditions:

  1. At room temperature, in a cabinet with a tight door away from heat, nuts in a glass jar will last about 6 months.
  2. At temperatures from +4 to +6 °C, pistachios are good for eating for 9 months.
  3. Frozen kernels are stored for a year.

Pine nuts

Proper preparation guarantees long-term storage of pine nuts. It is important to dry thoroughly. Spread the product in a single layer on a baking sheet or on old paper and leave in a dry place for several days. High humidity contributes to the rapid formation of mold.

Special devices are used for drying, but there is a risk of spoiling the nuts by severely dehydrating. The entire period of the cedar fruits being inside the device is carefully controlled by mixing.

Storage in cones requires more space. Therefore, as a rule, cones are stored if there is a separate well-ventilated household room with low air humidity. They are distributed in canvas bags and hung from the ceiling so that they do not attract rodents. Keep bags out of direct sunlight. High temperature spoils the taste, the oil kernels will acquire a rancid taste.

Unpeeled kernels can also be stored in canvas bags or in special plastic bags that have holes for ventilation. It is recommended to periodically review the fruits and remove spoiled ones. The shelf life does not exceed 3 months.

For long-term storage, shelled nuts should be poured into a glass jar, sealed and put in the refrigerator.

Place the unshelled kernels in the refrigerator. Choose a container so that the kernels inside breathe, but do not absorb the smell of food. Consume the kernels within 3 months. Store frozen for up to 8 months. Scatter the nuts in special bags for freezing, let the air out of them and put them in the freezer.


Most often, peeled almonds are used as food, since the nut in the husk has a bitter taste. It is recommended to store at home peeled almonds that have not been subjected to heat treatment.

In the summer, place nuts in a cool room or in the refrigerator. In winter in a warmed balcony. Keep the product out of direct sunlight. For packaging, choose a glass jar with a tight lid, plastic containers with a vacuum effect are also suitable.

It is strictly forbidden to store several types of nuts at once in one container. Extraneous neighborhood harms palatability almonds. At room temperature or in a plastic bag, the product will soon become bitter.

In a cold room, the shelf life reaches six months. Frozen almonds retain their beneficial and flavoring properties throughout the year.

When purchasing almonds in industrial packaging, carefully read the label on the product and do not store beyond the specified period. After opening the package, pour the contents into a glass jar, cover with a lid and refrigerate.

Inshell almonds keep longer. Therefore, if long-term storage is implied, buy a nut in the shell. Storage recommendations:

  1. Humidity no more than 75%.
  2. The air temperature in the room is not more than 18 degrees. High temperatures threaten the rapid formation of mold and the bitter taste of the kernels. The lower the temperature, the longer the almonds are edible.
  3. Choose a container taking into account the needs of almonds for fresh air.
  4. The room must be dark.

Almonds in such conditions will be useful until the next harvest.


If you know how to properly store hazelnuts, they will be edible throughout the year. The shell protects the kernel and extends its shelf life.. Fundamental rules:

  1. Reduced temperature and humidity in the room.
  2. Hidden from direct sunlight.

Scatter the unshelled nuts in canvas bags that can be ventilated. Choose a fabric that is dense to protect the fruits from exposure to sunlight. Walnut absorbs odors, do not put bags near fragrant products. You can store frozen hazelnuts in the shell for up to three years. In the refrigerator - for a year. There should be no temperature fluctuations in the room, since the resulting condensate leads to the formation of mold.

Peeled hazelnuts absorb odors, become moldy from moisture, lose their taste from sunlight and heat. Scatter the hazelnuts into an airtight container made from glass, clay, or other natural materials. Plastic or polyethylene contribute to the formation of condensation and mold. The optimum temperature is not more than 10 degrees Celsius, humidity is not more than 15 percent. Storage is possible within 4 months.

Peeled kernels quickly lose their taste, become rancid, it is recommended to use hazelnuts as soon as possible.

Cashew nuts

It is recommended to store cashews at home for three days at room temperature in an open container. If you have purchased a significant amount of cashews, you must follow the storage rules. When tightly closed plastic or glass containers, nuts retain useful qualities and lose their taste. Vacuum packaging keeps the fruits for several months. Follow the basic guidelines as you would when storing other types of nuts. Reduced temperature and humidity is a favorable environment for cashews.

Where to store nuts

The process of preserving the freshness of taste and useful nutritional properties walnut may seem complicated. Glass and clay containers with a tight-fitting lid help prolong the life of the fruit. Some species are stored in such conditions until a new harvest. The use of plastic bags for long-term harvesting is not recommended. Dense material does not allow air to circulate, creating a beneficial atmosphere for mold. Damaged kernels are disposed of. The use of nuts with mold leads to indigestion and intoxication of the body.

The kernels without shell are placed in a dark place in a tight closed container. It is not recommended to store immature kernels. It is more practical to prepare jam or healing infusions from them. Freezing allows you to store a valuable product from one to three years.

  1. The harm from rancid nuts in the minimum amount eaten is invisible. However, an unpleasant smell and taste is the first sign that the product needs to be disposed of.
  2. Fresh kernels have the maximum benefit.
  3. At long-term storage regularly check the condition of the fruit, shift them and throw away the spoiled ones.
  4. Pre-dried nuts have a longer shelf life.

The nuances of storing walnuts at home:

  • when storing walnut kernels, it is necessary to choose containers that can be closed with a lid (containers and jars must be dry);
  • heat and light can shorten the shelf life of walnuts (which is why it is not recommended to store nuts in an open state or in plastic bags);
  • walnuts can be placed in a refrigerator or freezer (low temperatures do not adversely affect either the shelf life or the taste properties of the kernels);
  • if walnuts have acquired an unpleasant odor, then you can’t eat them (spoiled nuts can cause not only an eating disorder, but also poisoning);
  • when storing walnut kernels, it is imperative to remove the remains of the shell and any debris, as well as damaged or too dry nuts (all of these nuances significantly reduce the shelf life of walnuts);
  • despite the long shelf life, nuts should be eaten as early as possible if they are shelled (the longer the walnuts are stored, the more there is a risk of bitterness in their taste properties);
  • if mold has appeared on the surface of the nuts, then they must be urgently disposed of (in no case should you eat them);
  • do not store wet nuts (moisture will quickly cause mold);
  • the remains of the shell in the kernels can accelerate the process of the appearance of fungi (nuts must be sorted out before storage);
  • walnut kernels are well stored in foil (this packaging method is ideal for a refrigerator or freezer);
  • if you plan to store walnuts in the shell, then it is recommended that they be calcined for some time in the oven (maximum 10 minutes);
  • walnut kernels with the addition of additional ingredients are not stored for a long time (sugar, salt and other components reduce their shelf life and they should be eaten as soon as possible);
  • fried kernels release oil faster, so these nuts should not be stored for a long time either.

Do not confuse heating walnuts with roasting them. Ignition is a short-term heat treatment. For taste and appearance nuclei this process has no effect. Short-term heating is most often used if they are planned to be stored in the shell.

How long and at what temperature can walnuts be stored

In cloth bags, they can be stored from 2 to 6 months. In this case, the place must be chosen cool and dark. Drawers above heat sources are not suitable for this role. The best options are pantries or cabinets on the balcony. Light on the nuts should not fall in any case.

In containers and glass containers, walnuts are stored for 6-10 months. Under optimal temperature conditions, they can keep fresh for a year, but subject to the presence of the shell. Without a shell, nuts cannot be stored for longer than 6-9 months.

Walnuts will keep for at least one year in the refrigerator or freezer. If you do not allow sudden changes in temperature (for example, re-freezing or frequent movement of nuts from the refrigerator to room conditions and back to the cold), then you can not worry about changing their taste properties even for two years.

The optimal temperature regime for storing walnuts is the range from -5 to +10 degrees. At other temperatures, the kernels may begin to release oil, and the process of their decay will occur at an accelerated pace.

Walnuts are an excellent product, recommended by nutritionists around the globe. It contains a huge amount of minerals and, as well as a large amount of vegetable protein, which makes it one of the most unique foods in the world. It is useful for use by athletes, children and, as well as those who are sick. It also serves as an excellent substitute for meat meals. But, unfortunately, the shelf life of walnuts is rather insignificant due to the large amount of fat that they contain. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to store walnuts?

It should be noted that nuts can last much longer than shelled nuts. To do this, you need to clean them from excess peel and put them in a glass container, you can also in a metal one, and then close the lid tightly. They need to be stored in a cool and dark place, with a temperature of 15 ° C to - 5 ° C, it is necessary to avoid contact with sunlight. Thus, the shelf life of walnuts can be extended by more than 6 months. If you plan to use nuts before this line, then you can use a different container, but we do not recommend changing the storage conditions.

How to store shelled walnuts

Extending the shelf life of peeled kernels is a little more difficult. Such nuts should be stored in the refrigerator, even better in the freezer, after putting them in an airtight container, you can also use food foil or ordinary plastic bags for storage. Insect larvae can significantly spoil the nut kernel, so that this does not happen, we recommend piercing, for this, peeled nuts can be briefly heated in a frying pan. Roasting can also extend the shelf life of nuts.

Walnut cleaning

There are several ways to clean a walnut. In order for them to crack more easily, they can be put in an enamel bowl, and then poured with boiling water. We wait 10 minutes and drain the water. After this procedure, the nut can be easily split with the tip of a knife and the whole nut kernel can be removed.

You can also keep the nuts in the oven for about 10 minutes, the temperature should be 200 ° C, cover them with a cloth or a plastic bag. Take a small hammer and the nut will crack easily, even with minor blows.

How to choose a good product

The appearance of the shell is very important, it should not have any spots, cracks, it should be light in color. Nuts that have been stored for a long time look darkened. If a knock is heard when shaking the nut, then the nut is overdried. When buying a peeled nut, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance, but also to the taste, because a bitter aftertaste means that the nut is spoiled. Uniform color and elasticity means that the product is of high quality.

How to Store Walnuts Properly: Video

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