Home Kashi How many calories in hazelnuts in 100. Raw and roasted hazelnuts. Healing properties of hazelnuts

How many calories in hazelnuts in 100. Raw and roasted hazelnuts. Healing properties of hazelnuts

The healing properties of hazelnuts have been known since ancient times. The hazelnut grows in the forests, so it is a hazelnut. The benefits of hazelnuts are invaluable, because their kernels contain more than 20 amino acids vital for humans, minerals such as: calcium, potassium, zinc, iron, polyunsaturated acids, as well as vitamins C, B, B2, E. Hazelnuts are also rich in vegetable protein, which is why they are very popular among vegetarians. The hazelnut diet has been around for many years and, although hazelnuts are a fairly high-calorie food, it is possible to lose weight with such a diet. It is very important when hazelnuts and diet are used. In this case, very good results can be achieved.

The chemical composition of hazelnuts

Hazelnut consists of biologically active substances that are of considerable value to the human body. In his chemical composition includes - 4% carbohydrates, 22% protein, 79% fat, vitamins - B1, B2, C and much more. Even hazelnuts contain carotene, flavonoids, fiber and amino acids essential for the human body. Of the minerals contained in hazelnuts, we can distinguish:

  • potassium;
  • fluorine;
  • magnesium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;

Healing properties hazelnuts

Regular use of hazelnuts helps to increase immunity, improve heart function, it also helps prevent obesity and normalize the general condition of diabetes. It is especially effective in such diseases as: varicose veins, anemia, prostatitis and for the prevention of atherosclerosis. Due to the high content of calcium, hazelnuts are indicated for strengthening bones. The presence of vitamin E and protein in hazelnuts can improve the condition of muscle tissue. Another important feature is that hazelnuts help cleanse the body and prevent the occurrence of decay processes in the body.

Hazelnut calories

In terms of calories, hazelnuts occupy the highest position among all nuts.. Hazelnut calories b is 704 kcal per 100 grams. If you compare its calorie content with other products, you can see that it is 8 times more caloric than chocolate, 7 times more than milk and 3 times more than bread. Also Hazelnuts contain significantly more calories than meat and fish, but compared to them, it has a rather small amount of carbohydrates. Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion: the calorie content of hazelnuts is achieved only at the expense of fats and proteins.. In order to get the daily calorie intake, you should eat only 200 grams of hazelnuts.

Useful qualities of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts due to the presence of potassium and calcium in it can be used by those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. These trace elements act on the walls of blood vessels and the muscles of the heart in such a way that they retain their elasticity. Also, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and veins. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, as well as for other diseases of blood vessels and veins. Hazelnuts are also taken for anemia and other blood diseases.

Hazelnut plays a significant role in cleansing the whole body, liver and in preventing the appearance of worms. Regular consumption of hazelnuts leads to an increase in immunity and a decrease in the likelihood of oncological diseases. The presence of protein and vitamin E in hazelnuts leads to the growth and development of muscle tissue.

In folk medicine, hazelnuts are used in such cases: to dissolve kidney stones, to prevent gas formation in the intestines, and also to increase the amount of milk in a nursing mother.

Hazelnut is used to treat broncho-pulmonary diseases. To do this, it must be ground with water, and for the treatment of anemia, hazelnuts are ground with honey. Hazelnut oil is used for epilepsy and roundworms.

The oil obtained from hazelnuts has a very high value in confectionery industry. Its popularity is due to the fact that it can be stored for quite a long time and not dry out. This oil is very well absorbed by the human body. By rubbing nut oil into the scalp, you can achieve amazing results: over time, the hair will acquire a beautiful shine and become stronger. Also, the oil has long been successfully used to treat burns. To do this, it must be mixed in equal amounts with egg white.

Contraindications for taking hazelnuts

Despite the fact that hazelnuts are useful for many diseases, they have contraindications for use. Hazelnuts are categorically contraindicated for people suffering from chronic liver diseases and severe diabetes.

The norm is about 50 grams of nuts per day. The same rule can be used for hazelnut diet time. In the event that a larger amount of it is used in food, this can lead to a severe headache. An excessive amount of hazelnuts causes spasm of cerebral vessels.

When buying hazelnuts, you need to know that it must be in the shell, otherwise the kernels lose their beneficial features. You also need to know that nuts dry out during storage for more than six months and, accordingly, lose their value, so they must be replenished in a timely manner.

Thus, hazelnuts are of great value for the human body and are used not only as delicious treat and with different diets.

Hazelnut is the fruit of a large hazel. Most of this nut is produced in the Mediterranean countries. The shape of the fruit is spherical. The mass of the kernel is about half of the total mass of the nut. The hazelnut has a yellow-brown color.

Hazelnut calories

Calorie content - 651 kcal. There are a lot of proteins in hazelnuts - 15 g. Carbohydrates - almost 10. But the nut is rich in fats - there are 61.5 g of them in 100 g of the product. Although this composition is typical for nuts. Hazelnuts are consumed dried or roasted. Often during frying, oil and salt are added to the main product. This significantly increases the calorie content of the product.

The benefits of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts contain 60% oils. They lower blood cholesterol levels. This is an excellent protection against cardiovascular disease. In addition, hazelnuts are rich in vegetable protein. It can be used as a protein base in vegetarian diets. Walnut is a very nutritious food. Potassium, calcium and zinc are also found in the composition of the nut. They strengthen the immune system and bones.

Hazelnut harm

This nut should be consumed 30-50 g per day, no more. But for some, even such a limited use can harm. At risk: allergy sufferers, people with liver disease, severe diabetes, pancreatic diseases.

Nuts can be considered a real gift of nature to people. They contain a lot of valuable components, are nutritious and very tasty. And hazelnuts are no exception, for which they are loved by many people. The only fact that bothers many, and especially those who want to lose weight, is the high calorie content of hazelnuts.

How many calories are in hazelnuts?

Hazelnut, which is also called hazel, like many other types of nuts is very high in calories - 650-700 kcal per 100 g. Since a peeled nut weighs about 1-2 g, 1 pc. hazelnuts is equal to 7-14 kcal. A large number of calories in hazelnuts is due to the high fat content of the product - it contains 65-70% fat. It should also be remembered that the calorie content of hazelnuts increases greatly when roasted, so nutritionists recommend eating nuts raw and in small quantities.

Benefits of hazelnuts for health and weight loss

In spite of high calorie content, hazelnuts are very useful. These nuts are very low in carbohydrates, so they can be enjoyed by those who are on a low-carb diet, as well as diabetics. In addition, nuts have a thermogenic effect that promotes weight loss - they increase body temperature and speed up metabolism. In order not to get carried away with delicious nuts and not to eat more than the norm, add chopped hazelnut kernels to the salad, the norm is 1 tablespoon per day.

If you want to get the most out of hazelnuts possible benefit, you need to free the nuts from the shell yourself, because. when stored in a purified form, some of the vitamins and minerals are lost.

Because of the excellent vitamin and mineral formula, hazelnuts are recommended for children and people who are weakened after an illness. ethnoscience recommends hazelnuts for frequent colds, blood diseases, heart and blood vessels. Official medicine confirms the benefits of hazelnuts, because. it contains the most important vitamins (especially group B), amino acids and mineral elements necessary for the body in macro- or microdoses (iron, zinc, iodine, copper, potassium and others).

It has hazelnuts and antioxidant properties that block free radicals and prevent them from damaging body cells. These properties of the nut are due to the presence of polyunsaturated fats - stearic, palmitic and oleic fatty acids. These same compounds help cleanse the vessels from the excess of saturated fats (fatty meat) in the diet.

Do not abuse hazelnuts in diseases of the liver, pancreas and intestines, because. high fat content of nuts can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

    Hazelnut, or correctly - the fruits of large hazel, is well known to the inhabitants of our country. It is used in baked goods, sweets, desserts, eaten raw and fried. The hazel shrub is a relative of the Russian birch. It grows well in Russia. This explains the wide distribution and relatively low, in comparison with and, price.

    Adherents of a healthy diet appreciate and love hazelnuts. It often becomes a component of breakfasts (added to cereals, yogurts), used as part of healthy snacks. The nut is part of plant milk, which is successfully used in vegetarian diets.

    Composition of hazelnuts

    Hazelnuts are harvested from broad-leaved forests and artificially cultivated in plantations due to their rich composition. It is widely used in culinary practice, adding to pastries, sweets, drinks (vegetable milk), salads, and even to main dishes in the form of sprinkling meat, side dishes or powder for creamy soups.

    The walnut contains a rich collection of BJU, minerals, vitamins. Nutritional value of hazelnuts*:

    * The table shows the calculation for 100 g of purified kernels.

    Hazelnuts are rich in essential amino acids:

    • phenylalanine (1.15 g);
    • (2.2 g);
    • tryptophan (0.2 g);
    • (1 g);
    • threonine (0.58 g);
    • histidine (0.31 g);
    • (0.24 g);
    • (0.92 g);
    • (0.55 g);
    • (1.06 g).

    Walnut is rich in oils. They contain fatty acids:

    • polyunsaturated (PUFA) - 6.9 g;
    • polyunsaturated - 5.2 g;
    • saturated -4.5 g;
    • omega-6 - 6.9 g.

    Important! Nuts are eaten raw, dried and roasted. They differ in taste, aroma and substance content.

    The calorie content of raw hazelnuts is lower due to the larger amount of water. The taste of the nut is pleasant, the aroma is weak. In such a product, the content of useful substances is completely preserved.

    Roasted hazelnuts are higher in calories. The composition of the nut depends on the oil on which the heat treatment was carried out and additives. The hazelnut itself loses water and up to 10% of the original fats and partially acquires the properties of impurities. It is almost completely devoid of a brown shell.

    Dried hazelnuts are a cross between raw and roasted. It, like fried, is lighter, contains less water and more oils per unit weight. Its aroma and taste are richer and more attractive. Like the nuclei that have not passed heat treatment, there are no foreign impurities in dried hazelnuts. If the nut is dry in the usual way in a ventilated area, it retains a brown shell. If drying was carried out with heating (about 150°), the nuts have a whitish color. The hazelnut shell is easier to separate from the core and may be partially or completely lost.

    The benefits of hazelnuts are manifested in the effect on the body as a whole and its individual systems:

  1. Heart and blood vessels. Minerals (calcium, potassium) affect the rhythm and efficiency of contraction of the heart muscle. Vitamins and threonine protect the vascular wall from damage, strengthen it. This effect is important for athletes with prolonged intense physical activity (runners, bodybuilders, football players, etc.). Hazelnut helps prevent varicose veins.
  2. Nervous system. The impact on the conduction of a nerve impulse not only improves mood (for example, during the autumn period), but also normalizes the reaction rate. This effect is important when practicing shooting, ball and puck games (volleyball, hockey, etc.). And phenylalanine, which is part of it, improves memory.
  3. Hematopoietic system. Hazelnuts are traditionally included in nutritional formulas for anemia due to their isoleucine and iron content. It is mixed, for example, with honey, dried apricots and raisins. It is actively used in the training period, during the recovery of an athlete after blood loss (surgery, childbirth), training in high mountains.
  4. Digestive system. The reduction of constipation and flatulence is due to the presence of fiber and oils in the composition of the nut. Methionine contributes to the purification of toxins.
  5. The immune system. Hazelnuts are a kind of vitamin bomb. It improves the functioning of cellular immunity. Especially relevant in the demi-season periods of training.
  6. Musculoskeletal system. The components of hazelnuts strengthen bones, promote the growth of muscle mass. In addition to improving the structural composition of the skeleton and muscles, the calcium of nuts helps to increase the strength of muscle contraction.
  7. Anticancer effect. The herbal paclitaxel, which is part of the hazelnut, prevents the appearance of atypical (cancerous) cells. This effect is enhanced by antioxidants that reduce the level of free radicals and cell mutations.

How hazelnuts affect the body?

The positive effect of nuts on the body of an athlete is difficult to overestimate. But there are athletes for whom hazelnuts are especially useful. These are those who are recovering from illnesses, injuries, operations, the birth of children.

In men

Along with the above effects, the nut affects the male reproductive system:

  • stimulates the production of its own testosterone, especially useful for increasing physical activity, building muscle mass;
  • improves spermatogenesis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the prostate gland, reduces the symptoms of inflammation;
  • increases potency, stimulates libido.

In pregnant women

Hazelnut has a beneficial effect on the body of a pregnant woman and her baby. It delivers the substances necessary during gestation. The habit of adding 5-9 nuts to food (per day) will also come in handy in the postpartum period. At this time, hazelnuts improve breast milk (fat content, taste, vitamin and mineral composition).

When losing weight

Although the calorie content of hazelnuts is higher than that of chocolate or mayonnaise, the benefits to the body make it necessary to include it in the diet even during a diet. In limited quantities, hazelnuts are allowed to be used for weight loss, since nuts:

  • compensate for the lack of vitamins, minerals and amino acids during the period of depletion of the diet;
  • reduce the feeling of hunger;
  • replace unhealthy snacks.

Having decided to introduce hazelnuts into a low-calorie diet, you need to follow the rules:

  1. Eating nuts in the morning.
  2. Use raw hazelnuts.
  3. Grind or soak for 30 minutes before use.
  4. Strictly monitor the amount eaten.

With an increase in the nut in the diet for weight loss, not only will it not lead to weight loss, but it can also cause weight gain.

Harm and possible contraindications

Nuts are successfully eaten by people of different sex and age. It is included in the menu by athletes of all sports. However, they can also cause undesirable consequences.

Hazelnut harm:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Bloating (when overeating).
  3. Weight gain. This effect is possible not only with overeating. If the calorie count of raw and fried in oil or when used with other additives (chocolate, etc.) is incorrect, the product can increase body weight. Remember, the most useful and low-calorie is fresh hazelnuts.

Features of use

The total amount of hazelnuts eaten in a balanced diet of an adult is 40-50 g. The daily intake of nuts by adolescents is 20-30 g.

Note! With an increase in physical or mental stress, the number of nut kernels in the diet is increased by 10-15%. Children are recommended to introduce nuts into the diet after 1 year of age.

When using such high-calorie foods, it is best to focus on the readings of the scales. If they were not nearby, the nuts are counted individually. One kernel of fresh hazelnuts weighs about 1 g. daily rate 50 g are 50 nuts (kernels).

If you bought nuts in shell, then the weight of the kernels will be about 42-44% of the total mass. In this case, 114 nuts will be equal to the daily allowance.


Hazelnut - useful and delicious product. It is recommended to eat it regularly from 1 year of age. The benefits of the core are so high that athletes of all sports use it. The safety of the product is confirmed by its inclusion in the diet of pregnant and lactating women.

A natural product that contains many different useful elements for any person is a nut. Among the species common in our climate, it is necessary to single out hazel or hazelnuts.

The benefits of hazelnut

Hazelnut is a subspecies of wild hazel, which over time was bred through numerous crossings. People have known about extraordinary properties these fruits. Our ancestors for good health and health added this product to their diet. To prolong youth and preserve beauty, women tried to use these nuts. But such food was available only to people of the upper class. Nowadays, cultivated hazel is grown even on an industrial scale.

The presence of vitamins and After all, this forest "doctor" has:

  • elevated cholesterol,
  • vascular and heart diseases,
  • anemia,
  • impotence,
  • varicose veins,
  • constipation,
  • diabetes and many others.

In addition, the regular addition of hazelnuts to food improves immunity. Nowadays, fruits are made delicious products- confectionery and culinary. It gives a special taste to chocolate, cream, sweets. Those who like to eat such delicacies are worried about whether it is possible to recover from hazelnuts.

The effect of product consumption on a person's weight

Considering its entire composition. If you evaluate 100 g of the product, you can see that it is saturated:

  • proteins (about 16 g),
  • fats (about 66 g),
  • carbohydrates (about 9 g).

In this regard, its calorie content is at least 600. And this is an increased the nutritional value hazelnuts.

The most common question about weight arises in virtually every lover of such delicacies. It is important to remember here that this product, like other nuts, cannot be eaten without limit.

An adult person needs to receive about two thousand kilocalories per day, and the calorie content of hazelnuts is very high. In order not to gain excess weight, the product can be consumed 30-50 g per day. At the same time, the diet should include vegetables, fruits, which will help direct the excess energy received from hazelnuts in the right direction.

For weight loss, you can also use this product, despite the content in it of a huge amount of oils and fats. The main thing is to know how to properly, in what doses and in combination with what products hazelnuts should be consumed. First of all, for these purposes, hazel can be eaten in the morning (about 50 g). It is advisable to do this in the morning. Then the substances contained in hazelnuts will give energy all day long, and the feeling of satiety will linger in the body for a long time. It is necessary to combine such food with cabbage and greens.

It is necessary to distinguish between the form in which the product is used. The calorie content of raw hazelnuts is slightly lower than that of roasted hazelnuts. All this produces a good effect of losing weight, since nuts and green plants help the human body get rid of excess "garbage" in the body (slags, toxic substances). But if you eat this product at night, the effect will be the opposite. Hazelnuts are a very heavy food, and the stomach needs rest.

Raw and Roasted Hazelnuts

Raw and roasted hazelnuts are quite different from each other. In particular, their difference lies in calorie content and benefits. So, for example, the calorie content of roasted hazelnuts is many times greater than that of raw hazelnuts. Without oil and salt, fried fruits will have a calorie content of about 700 kcal. People with many diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems fried product contraindicated. It is especially dangerous to eat this kind of food for a person who is struggling with being overweight. In such cases, it is better to eat raw hazelnuts, it will not do any harm.

If we talk about the benefits, then raw hazelnuts keep all the substances intact, while frying or any other processing indicates their loss from the product. But the main advantage is roasted nut It's an incomparable taste. When it is fried, it becomes even richer and sweeter.

How to choose the right hazelnut

It is better to buy hazelnuts in September. This is the ripening time for many varieties of hazel, when the fruits turn yellow or brown in color. The shelf life of ripe hazelnuts is high. If the nut is not yet ripe (this happens in early July), then its shell is green. The taste and benefits of this kind of product are the same as those of a ripe one, but it cannot be stored for a long time.

Hazelnut is a valuable natural product that can help a person in many ways with its unsurpassed properties. But an excess of such food is very harmful to the body, since it is heavy due to its saturated content.

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