Home Soups How to use feijoa? Useful properties of fruit. Feijoa. Useful and medicinal properties. Contraindications

How to use feijoa? Useful properties of fruit. Feijoa. Useful and medicinal properties. Contraindications

Feijoa is exotic for a Slavic person, and the inhabitants of the tropics are a familiar fruit, often eaten. A fruit tree grows in a subtropical climate, is used not only for food, but also in medicinal purposes. If you know beneficial features and contraindications of feijoa, then you can enrich the body with valuable substances. The population of South America, New Zealand, Brazil knows this, and they often eat fruits in their diet.

Today, there are more places where feijoa grows. The tree was cultivated in the southern regions of Russia (Krasnodar Territory), Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Australia. Therefore, these healing berries have become more accessible and closer.

What is feijoa? Fruit or berry?

Feijoa fruit is an oblong-shaped berry with a smooth, dense green rind. Soft juicy pulp resembles a combination of several fruits: strawberries, kiwi, pineapple. The fruit is edible in its entirety with the peel, but not everyone likes its taste. By color, you can determine its maturity: if the pulp is white, the fruit is not ripe, if it is brown, then it is overripe. Ideally ripe fruit has a transparent core.

The chemical composition of feijoa fruit

  • Microelements and macroelements necessary to maintain immunity and the normal course of all chemical processes in the human body. Feijoa is especially rich in iodine elements necessary to maintain the functions of the thyroid gland, as well as iron involved in the transport of oxygen, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and phosphorus.
  • B vitamins that support work nervous system.
  • Vitamins C and A, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Amino acids (arginine, tyrosine, aspartic, glutamic) involved in the formation of proteins in the human body.
  • Essential oils and tannins.

Useful properties for women and men

For women, the fruit is especially useful during pregnancy, when the expectant mother's body needs a lot of iron, folic acid, calcium, and magnesium. All trace elements are found in feijoa. In addition, for the development of a healthy fetus, a sufficient amount of iodine is needed, which favorably affects the functioning of the thyroid gland and the formation of the child's nervous system. With its deficiency in the body of a pregnant woman and a newborn baby, congenital hypothyroidism (low function of the thyroid gland) may develop. A complication of this disease is dementia. At the same time, the fruit is low-calorie and does not add extra weight to the expectant mother.

For men, feijoa is useful for prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). Thanks to healing properties Feijoa fruits can prevent inflammation of the prostate, so they are used to prevent male problems. At the same time, erectile function in men also improves.

Medicinal properties of feijoa

  • Compensates for the lack of iodine in the human body, which is especially necessary for diseases of the thyroid gland, to maintain its function.
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Normalizes sleep.
  • Strengthens immunity. Thanks to the vitamins and microelements included in the composition, the fruit stimulates the formation of immune cells - leukocytes.
  • Fights anemia. Due to the large amount of iron, feijoa is effective for iron deficiency anemia, strengthens the immune system.
  • It lowers cholesterol in the blood, so the fruit is useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis.
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive tract: the content of an increased amount of vegetable fiber helps to increase peristalsis and cleanse the intestines.
  • Natural antiseptic. The tree bark, leaves and fruit peel have a disinfecting effect. A decoction of them is used for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes - periodontal disease, cuts, inflammation of the kidneys.

Thyroid treatment with feijoa

Use jam from raw feijoa fruit or puree. You need to take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is at least a month. It should be remembered that only ripe fruits are used for medicinal purposes.

An infusion of dry feijoa fruits is also used. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of fruits with two cups of boiling water, insist overnight. The next day, drink in 3 divided doses. So continue every day for a month.

Feijoa for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the pancreas in which there is a violation of the absorption of glucose by cells. At the same time, blood sugar levels are elevated. Violation of the diet and the use of foods containing a large amount of sugar aggravates the course of the disease, leading to an even greater increase in blood glucose. Therefore, feijoa is not used for the treatment of diabetes, given the sugar content in its composition, but it is acceptable to consume in minimal quantities.

What else

Feijoa is also used in the treatment of the cardiovascular system. It cleanses the blood of cholesterol, stimulates the formation of blood cells, prevents the formation of blood clots pure juice from feijoa fruits. A tablespoon of juice is mixed with 50 grams of water and taken once a day.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, you can use jam with oranges. For cooking, take a kilogram of feijoa fruit, 2 kilograms of sugar and the juice of two oranges. Cook jam and take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. The combination of a large amount of vitamin C in an orange and a complex of trace elements and vitamins in feijoa strengthens blood vessels.

  • Preparation time: 10
  • Complexity: light


How to cook feijoa with honey?

The process of preparing this remedy is quite simple. Therefore, to stock up on this universal tool, it will take quite a bit of time.

  1. We thoroughly wash the fruits, cut out the dried flowers. We do not cut the peel, because. it contains the bulk of useful substances. We cut the fruits into pieces, pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  2. Mix the fruit mass with liquid honey. If the honey is thick, then you can first melt it by placing it on water bath. It is very important not to overheat the bee product above 50 degrees. Otherwise, it will lose all its useful properties.
  3. The mixture is transferred to a dry sterile container with a lid. We store in the refrigerator for no more than two months.

In autumn, an exotic fruit, feijoa, appears on the shelves. Many even in the photo did not see such a curiosity. Therefore, they often bypass it, not realizing what a wonderful taste and useful properties this food product has.

Tropical fruit native to South America. Over time, the culture spread to almost all subtropical regions of Eurasia: Turkmenistan, Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Azerbaijan.

The taste of berries is truly exotic, combining notes of pineapple, strawberries, kiwi. The ripe fruit has a rather pleasant pineapple aroma with hints of wild strawberries. On the shelves of shops you can often find still green fruits. However, you should not despair, because. they mature very quickly. This does not affect the quality of the product in any way.

Despite its low calorie only 49 kcal per 100 grams, the fruit is nutritious and energy-intensive. The composition of this tropical representative of the flora contains carbohydrates, a lot of vegetable fats, fiber, proteins, pectin. Separately, it is necessary to mention that the fruits contain 5 organic amino acids: alanine, asparagine, arginine, glutamine, tyrosine.

The vitamin composition of the product is also very rich. A ripe fruit contains a large percentage of vitamin C and sucrose, but the green fruit has practically no these elements. There is also vitamin B, including folic acid, which is involved in the production of hemoglobin. It is impossible not to mention the numerous microelements, minerals with which the pulp and peel are saturated. These are copper, iron, zinc, manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium.

Iodine gives the fruit a special value, which puts it almost on a par with seafood. But this applies only to those fruits that grew on the sea coast. Because it is believed that the plant actively absorbs volatile iodine, which is brought by sea breezes.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of feijoa are very difficult to overestimate. It has a very rich chemical composition and has a beneficial effect on the human body. What is the use of feijoa?

  1. Due to the high content of vitamin C, the fruit is able to strengthen the immune system, has anti-inflammatory properties. It is especially useful for pregnant women.
  2. Nutritionists recommend this product to people who are overweight. Because the calorie content of the fruit is relatively low, and the contained pectin and fiber help to improve the process of assimilation of food. Although the fruit itself does not have a fat-burning effect.
  3. In home cosmetology, the tropical product has also found application, because. its pulp has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. The pulp is added to all kinds of masks and body scrubs. Fruit juice promotes rapid skin regeneration: spider veins, irritations disappear, the skin becomes elastic and fresh.
  4. This product must be present in the diet of people suffering from iodine deficiency. The use of feijoa serves as a good prevention of thyroid diseases.

It should be borne in mind that not all types of feijoa contain the right amount of iodine. Therefore, it is pointless to use such fruits for the treatment of the thyroid gland.

  1. The seeds have strong antiviral properties.
  2. Also, this exotic fruit helps to solve problems associated with impaired digestive processes.

How to choose and eat feijoa?

In order for an exotic fruit to be beneficial, it must be chosen correctly. Before transportation, the fruits are plucked while still green, so unripe berries can often be found on the shelves. The flesh of the green berry is white, and the skin is hard. However, do not be upset, feijoa is able to ripen in a matter of days, and the vitamin composition will only be enriched from this.

Ripe fruits are soft to the touch, bright green in color with a transparent jelly-like pulp. It is strictly forbidden to buy fruits that have changed their color from green to brown. It is also worth paying attention to the integrity of the peel, because. rotten fruit can be poisonous.

Mature raw feijoas should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than a week.

How to eat feijoa? Most often, the fruits are eaten fresh. The berry can be eaten whole, however, taste qualities are significantly reduced due to the tart astringent taste of the peel. But a whole berry will bring maximum benefit.

If you use fruits without a skin, then you need to cut it into two parts, select and eat the pulp with a teaspoon. Some cut off the top, and just drink the jelly pulp.

But the peel should not be thrown away, because. the lion's share of all the benefits is hidden in this tart part of the fruit. It is there that valuable antioxidants are contained, which slow down aging, and are an effective prevention of cancer. Therefore, the skin is dried, ground, added to any tea.

But since fresh fruits are not stored for long, they are often ground with sugar and lemon. It turns out a very healthy, tasty "live" jam. This product contains almost as many vitamins as in fresh fruits. Often the berries are frozen (frozen is stored for no more than 6 months) or dried.

In cooking, the fruit is often added to fruit or vegetable salads, cocktails. Based on it, various sauces are prepared for meat or poultry. Feijoa is often used as the basis for the preparation of sweet desserts, pastry fillings: marmalades, jellies, jams, jams and other sweet dishes.

How to use feijoa as a medicine?

Berries ripen when the body feels an acute shortage of vitamins. Just during this period, all kinds of respiratory diseases, flu epidemics begin. To support the body and strengthen the immune system, it is useful to eat this fruit. Next, consider how to properly use feijoa.

The maximum benefit will bring a berry, grated with honey. Both of these ingredients are biologically active elements and perfectly complement each other. The tool is very rich in ascorbic acid, iodine. vitamins P, B and others useful substances.

Such a tasty medicine can be taken with such diseases:

  • angina;
  • bronchitis and cough;
  • a cold;
  • obesity
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • nervous disorders.

To strengthen the body, bring it into tone, it is enough to eat 2-3 tsp per day. such a fruit-honey dessert. The tool will help get rid of chronic fatigue, improve health.

Feijoa with honey and lemon

This tool is very effective as a preventive measure against influenza and strengthens the immune system. Especially recommended for pregnant women, children of primary and school age.

Cooking Ingredients:

  1. 0.5 kg of emerald fruits;
  2. 1 large lemon;
  3. 100 gr. liquid honey.

Cooking process:

Wash the lemon well, scald with boiling water. Cut into pieces directly with the zest, remove the bones.

Wash the fruits, cut off the dried flowers, cut in half with the peel. We skip the feijoa and lemon through a meat grinder.

Mix aromatic mass with honey. We store on the shelf of the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed glass steamed jar.

How to use in diseases of the thyroid gland?

For the prevention of thyroid diseases, it is enough to eat 2-3 berries a day. For medicinal purposes, the number of fruits should be increased to 6 pieces per day. Treatment should be continued for a month.

Unfortunately the season fresh berries very short. Therefore, the product must be stocked up in advance, having dried the berries for future use. From 3 tbsp. dried fruits are prepared in a tincture, pouring them over night with two glasses of boiling water, insist in a thermos. Over the next day, they drink the whole remedy, distributing it into 3 doses. Drink tincture half an hour before meals.

It is also very useful to use feijoa with a sick thyroid gland, frayed with sugar. The mixture is prepared from fruits and sugar, taken in equal proportions. Before use, the remedy is insisted so that the sugar is completely dissolved, and the berries let the juice flow. Then the remedy is taken in 1 tbsp. morning and evening for 10 days. Between cycles make a 10-day break. Stored in the refrigerator.

Is it possible to eat feijoa with type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease that requires a strict diet. An exotic fruit is allowed by nutritionists for type 2 diabetes, tk. is a fairly low-calorie product. Only the number of berries should be strictly limited, because. it contains sugary substances.

Benefits for Diabetes:

  • vitamin C supports the body, enhances resistance to diseases;
  • iron and folic acid present in the fruit normalize the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, improve the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • a high content of iodine helps to maintain the endocrine system in a normal state;
  • We help to support the processes of digestion and normal bowel function.

Before introducing this product into the diet, be sure to consult a doctor. It should be noted that the fruit should not be eaten with sugar-containing foods.

Very good to eat light fruity salad of orange pulp and feijoa seasoned with lemon juice.

For future use, you can stock up on useful tasty jam. For its preparation, the aromatic pulp of ripe berries is mixed in equal proportions with sucrose. Jam is laid out in sterile jars, stored in the refrigerator.

Feijoa is a product that contains a lot of iodine. Therefore, it brings invaluable benefits to human health. Especially the fruits are useful for diseases of the thyroid gland and pregnancy. But, we must always remember that the best treatment is prevention. Therefore, it is imperative to eat fresh tropical fruits and make healthy preparations from them.

The exotic feijoa berry appeared on the Russian market relatively recently. And when it comes to her special taste, then the legend comes to mind. The young man fell in love with the sea princess and settled with her in the underwater kingdom, but he greatly missed the sun and sky. Once he decided to rise to the ground and the underwater king, angry, turned him into a tree with fruits that have a taste sea ​​breeze. They are not only fragrant. Nutritionists and doctors agree that the beneficial properties of feijoa berries for the body are very extensive.

Feijoa matures on a tropical woody shrub from this family. Myrtle, which grows in "warm regions" everywhere, where the thermometer does not fall below + 10C. Originally from Brazil (South America), the fruit appears on the shelves in December. Only three plant species belong to the genus Feijoa, among which only Feijoa Sello is cultivated. There is another name for the plant - pineapple.

For our residents, it is no longer a secret where feijoa grows, since in Russia these are the regions of the Crimea and the Caucasus, the Krasnodar Territory. Not everyone likes a berry with a tart taste and a little sourness. This is due to its recent appearance on the shelves and therefore some are wary of it, others simply have not tasted it. What does a feijoa look like? Berry "for an amateur" has the following characteristics:

  • weight reaches 20-120 g (depending on the area of ​​​​growth);
  • in size and shape resembles a chicken egg;
  • covered with dense skin from green to green with a tart taste;
  • inside contains juicy pulp and some seeds.

It is advisable to use whole pineapple guava, since the content of useful compounds in the peel is not less than in the inner pulp. Feijoa season or ripening period in Russia falls on October-November. Our residents eat the fruit already in December, when there are fewer other berries and fruits.

This is interesting: An inquisitive Portuguese Juan de Silva Feijo described an unusual fruit. He was sent to watch the sulfur mines, but the young man was inquisitive and studied nature: he caught butterflies, examined plants and wrote down everything he saw in his diary. An unusual berry was named in his honor.

Smell and taste

The exotic feijoa fruit is covered with a bumpy peel on the outside. It spoils the taste of the fruit, as it has a too tart taste. But it has another advantage - a pleasant aroma and a storehouse of useful compounds.

To feel the taste of feijoa, you need to taste it, taking out the juicy pulp of the fruit with a spoon. The taste of the pulp is similar to a mixture of strawberries and with a slight mint flavor. It manifests itself in full, with all the notes, when the fruit is fully ripe. Usually berries are harvested unripe, and they ripen during transportation and storage, revealing the maximum of useful properties.


Feijoa is not high in calories, although the carbohydrate content is quite high. The calorie content of feioch does not exceed 49 kcal/100g of the product. The paradox is that at a low energy value fruits contain a significant percentage of sugars and fiber.

The glycemic index of feijoa is 40. Recall that the GI is the rate of absorption of carbohydrates, due to the saturation of which the blood sugar level rises. The scale is 100 units, where 0 is a carbohydrate-free product, 100 is a product containing the maximum amount of carbohydrates. The GI of an exotic fruit is close to the average estimate, which indicates the presence of “fast” sugars, which, getting into the bloodstream, are actively absorbed by the body.

Note: A high GI value leads to an increase in the% of sugar in the blood, disrupts metabolic processes. Due to this, there is a rapid deposition of fat in problem areas and at the same time a person experiences a constant feeling of hunger.

Chemical composition

The ratio of the main components of nutrition: carbohydrates, fats, protein BJU is as follows:

  • proteins: 1.24 g (5 kcal);
  • fats: 0.78 g (7 kcal);
  • carbohydrates: 10.63 g (43 kcal).

The ratio between the main components of nutrition is: 10% / 14% / 87% (b / w / y). From the daily norm and the needs of the body, 100 g of a berry contains 1% protein, 1% fat and 5% carbohydrates.

The value and useful properties of feijoa is associated with its rich composition. It has a whole range of useful compounds. Contains:

  • pectins;
  • fiber (dietary fiber);
  • sucrose;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids: folic and malic;;
  • phytosterols;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

It contains vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Contains vitamins of groups B, E, K, C, PP. The amount of vitamin C is no less than in citrus fruits. The mineral complex is part of the periodic table and is useful for maintaining immunity and the normal course of all biochemical processes in the body.

By the presence of iodine feijoa in the fruit world has no equal. Its content is 40 mg / 100g, which is comparable to seafood. A large amount of iodine allows you to satisfy the daily need for the element when eating two berries. Usually, plant crops growing near the sea can boast of such a quantity of a useful substance. For those who are experiencing problems with hypothyroidism, this fruit will provide invaluable assistance.

The hard and tart peel of feijoa also contains compounds useful for the body: phenolic components, catechins, biologically active substances. Due to its specific taste, it is rarely consumed raw. Usually the peel is dried and added to teas or drinks.

Feijoa benefits for women

The beneficial properties of pineapple guava are invaluable during pregnancy, when a growing body needs trace elements for full development. In this process, iodine, folic acid, and amino acids play an important role. Since feijoa does not carry a lot of calories, it does not add weight to the expectant mother.

Is useful in diet food keeping the figure in good condition. Desserts are also created from feijoa, which contain monosaccharides (glucose, fructose), which are quickly absorbed by the body. Prepared from exotic berries fruit salads, ice cream, cook compotes, jams, jams. Marmalade and jelly contain pectins (fiber), which reduces appetite and normalizes the digestive tract.

The fruit is used in cosmetology: feijoa face masks have an anti-aging effect. With their help, women of the “Balzac age” struggle with age-related skin problems, reducing the depth of wrinkles and flabbiness of the epidermis.

For your information: The fruits are stored in November-December. If they are not yet ripe, then white pulp is contained inside, in a ripe berry it is transparent. A brown tint indicates that the fruit is overripe and unsuitable for food. Fresh fruits are stored in the refrigerator for up to 10-30 days.

What is useful feijoa for men

Feijoa for men is an important and useful products. If you introduce a berry into your daily diet, then it is capable of:

  • stop or prevent inflammation of the prostate;
  • restore hormonal levels;
  • enhance sexual activity.

This effect of an exotic fruit will help men feel cheerful, full of strength and desire.

Beneficial features

To eat a berry that does not grow in our area, you need to carefully weigh the benefits and harms of feijoa. Doctors to a greater extent associate beneficial properties with a high% of iodine and advise eating feijoa for the benefit of the thyroid gland with iodine deficiency in patients. Useful properties are manifested in the work of the endocrine system and metabolism with a combination of iodine and vitamins.

Note: The percentage of iodine content in fruits is directly related to the area where the crop grows. If the iodine content in the soil is insignificant, if the sea is located far away, if the culture is indoor, then a useful microelement is not enough to remove iodine deficiency.

Substances in the composition of pineapple guava:

  1. They cleanse the blood of cholesterol, reducing its rate.
  2. They help in the work of the heart muscle, maintaining the sodium-potassium balance. Antioxidants protect the heart and blood vessels from overload and restore the body's work at the cellular level.
  3. Reduce pressure. Feijoa for hypertension is useful with regular use.
  4. Restore the composition of the blood due to its purification.
  5. They are used for anemia (anemia) due to the presence of iron in the composition.

The question whether the feijoa fruit weakens or strengthens remains controversial. In the peel are tannins that strengthen. The pulp is rich in pectins, which remove metabolic products well. Based on the problem that has arisen, you need to use the crust of the fruit, or vice versa - its pulp. Substances that make up feijoa help with problems with the gastrointestinal tract. For example, feijoa helps with gastritis, diseases of the intestines and pancreas.

During the period of “viral and bacterial attacks”, when the off-season comes, the beneficial properties of the berry save you from colds. They are used as a prophylactic, as they are excellent immunomodulators: they support immunity when it is weakened. Exot is very useful in the postoperative period, after a large blood loss or an illness.

The healing property of feijoa essential oil is aimed at solving skin problems associated with inflammatory processes. It actively fights bacteria and fungi on the skin, helping with acne, abscesses, boils. Due to the antiseptic properties, it helps the rapid healing of wounds.

Feijoa is useful for weight loss. If you decide to lose a few extra pounds, then this product will come in handy. When combined with a low-calorie diet and dinner with exotic berries, the effect will not be long in coming. Useful dietary salads in combination with carrots, beets, citrus fruits, which will not allow you to increase the weight bar. But the maximum possible number of fruits eaten should not exceed 400g.

Feijoa consumption in diabetes is a controversial issue. In small quantities, it is recommended in the diet. But the composition is rich in sucrose, so it is undesirable to eat an overseas product without consulting a specialist.

Due to the presence of antioxidants in the composition, the overseas berry helps with an indifferent attitude to one's health:

  1. The use of mono-diets and the lack of thoughtful nutrition.
  2. Prolonged exposure to UV radiation (sun exposure).
  3. Stress and prolonged depressive episodes.
  4. Sports and overexertion during heavy physical exertion.
  5. Living in areas that are not environmentally friendly.

A healthy berry is recommended for the elderly, it is able to resist cancer. All these qualities of an overseas plant will help maintain good health and protect the body from many diseases. Feijoa is used as a medicinal product due to the content of a large amount beneficial to the body substances.

Note: Since the fruits quickly deteriorate and it is problematic to preserve them, the berries can be dried or a five-minute jam can be made. With this treatment, most of the nutrients are preserved and the ability to use them during the long winter.

Feijoa contraindications

Like any fruit, feijoa has beneficial properties and contraindications. When using fruits, the following points are important:

  1. You can’t eat fruit with dairy products, since milk is “not friendly” with pectins and this combination leads to malfunctions in the digestive tract.
  2. Children under one year old should not know about the existence of the fruit, since the child's digestive system is weak and not fully formed. It is not designed for exotic fruits.
  3. With thyroid dysfunction, hyperthyroidism (an excess of iodine) is possible, and the use of fruits can aggravate the disease.
  4. It is advisable for pregnant women and nursing mothers to consume feijoa in a limited way so that there is no excess of certain substances from the fetus that can cause poor health.
  5. Feijoa is a strong allergen, so at the first test, you need to eat a small piece. If a rash, itching or irritation appears in the oral cavity, then this product will have to be discarded.
  6. You can not eat unripe fruits, they can cause poisoning. If unripe fruits are purchased, then they are best stored with, which will accelerate ripening. Only ripe fruits are useful.
Important: Any berries or fruits that are consumed immoderately will be harmful, and the beneficial properties will be reduced to zero. You need to watch your food addictions and try to limit them.

Exot is prohibited in certain diseases. Diabetes mellitus is in question, when sugars with excessive use can provoke an attack. With hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, its use is highly undesirable and even dangerous. It is forbidden for obesity. In this state, the diet is not based on exotic fruits: nutritionists create a thoughtful and balanced diet for the main food components.

It is not difficult to find a southern product in the winter season in any supermarkets. The price for it "does not bite", so it is quite affordable for the middle strata of the population. And if in its raw form it does not cause much delight, then it can be boiled, baked or added to salads. Jam, fruit drinks, compotes have a rather pleasant taste. You don't have to eat it fresh heat treatment feijoa does not lose its beneficial properties.

The southern plant, which arrived from across the sea, is not a panacea for all ills. But its regular consumption eliminates many negative processes that occur in the body. This does not mean that after eating a few berries, you suddenly feel completely healthy, but in combination with others healthy fruits you will be able to lead a more active lifestyle.

The Feijoa plant, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we will consider in the article, was discovered only at the end of the nineteenth century in South America, in Brazil.

The name of the berry was in honor of a certain director of the museum for natural history, Joao Feige. He was the first to grow a plant at home. The fruit was brought to Europe in 1980. First, the French tried it, and then it spread to the countries of the Mediterranean, and then reached the Crimea and the Caucasus.

Despite such a late discovery, a legend is associated with this fruit. They say that once a young man fell in love with the princess of the seas without memory. But happiness was fleeting, and he soon began to miss his native land and reach back to earth. Upon learning of this, the king of the seas punished the disobedient young man and turned him into a tree. Since then, the plant has been growing on the ground, but its aroma resembles a sea breeze.


The Feijoa tree is thermophilic. The highest temperature it can withstand is 10 degrees below zero. Its rind is firm but edible and has a tart taste. And the pulp is juicy and soft. There are few seeds in the middle. The peel contains many vitamins. Therefore, in dried form, it is good to add it to tea for an aromatic effect. The fruits ripen by mid-autumn and can be harvested until the end of the season. That is why they are so common in temperate climates.

Collection and storage

Berries are harvested when they are not yet fully ripe. Then, during transportation, the fruits will not spoil. In order for feijoa to maximize its beneficial properties, it must be chosen correctly. This is done by feel. The berry should be soft and not damaged. In principle, you can buy a hard fruit. But then he will need to lie down for several days at a temperature of 20 degrees in a ventilated room. Feijoa will gradually ripen on its own. The ripeness of the fruit will show a transparent pulp. White color means not up to ripeness, and brown means spoilage of the product.

Feijoa keep in the refrigerator for one to two weeks, like other fruits and vegetables. Over time, the berry becomes sweeter due to the loss of natural moisture. It can be prepared from delicious jam which will come in handy in the winter. To do this, cut the inflorescence, grind and add the same amount of sugar. Green at first sweetness, over time it will acquire a brownish tint. Such preparation will preserve all the beneficial properties of feijoa.

Smell and taste

The berry looks like a strawberry, kiwi and pineapple combined. Despite its not the most pleasant appearance, it is very tasty, and its pulp is juicy. When buying, the seller must be asked to cut the feijoa. Then the color will show maturity. It is most convenient to eat the pulp with a spoon. But remember about the skin and do not throw it away, even if it seems tasteless.


Under the unsightly appearance hides an extraordinary delicate taste. However, not only they are famous for the berry. The benefits of feijoa are revealed through the composition. It includes:

  • many macro and microelements;
  • vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, PP;
  • malic and folic acids;
  • pectin;
  • enzymes;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • as well as tannin, kahetin, leukoanthocin.

Speaking about the properties of feijoa in terms of energy value, one hundred grams of the fruit contains 10.63 grams of carbohydrates, 1.24 grams of protein, 0.78 grams of fat. The calorie content is 49 kilocalories.

Useful and harmful properties

The popularity of the berry is largely due to the high concentration of iodine in it. Feijoa reveals its beneficial properties and contraindications through this substance. It is often used for iodine deficiency. However, when choosing a berry by this parameter, one should take into account the place where it is grown. If these are room conditions or soil with a low iodine content, then feijoa is unlikely to help restore the missing element in the body.

It will have a particularly beneficial effect on workers engaged in mental work, as well as patients with problems in the thyroid gland. Complex application makes it possible to improve metabolic processes, as well as to normalize the work of the endocrine system.

Thanks to pectins, it can be used in the preparation of jelly and marmalade. The element is soluble fiber. It helps reduce appetite and normalize digestion.

Feijoa also lowers cholesterol in the body, helps hypertensive patients, good for the heart, with anemia.

The tart taste is provided by the tannins contained in the peel. That is why it should not be thrown away. Better to add to drinks. The composition of vitamins has an immunostimulating effect. Feijoa exhibits beneficial properties for colds, after surgery or illness. And there are almost no contraindications (the photo illustrates which berry is ripe).

If you somehow got the leaves of the plant, they will also make a great tea in the cold winter season. Therefore, they should be dried and stored. The infusion will have a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. But in order for feijoa to best show its beneficial properties, and harm and contraindications are cancelled, you need to know how to cook it. We'll talk about this later.

First, consider for what problems the use is not recommended.


So, first of all, do not eat unripe berries. You must first let them ripen, like, for example, bananas, and only then eat them. You should be careful with this, as an unripe berry can lead to poisoning.

Also, it cannot be mixed with dairy products, since pectins are incompatible with it.

Feijoa's beneficial properties are beyond doubt. But there are times when contraindications can prevail. So, you should coordinate its use with your doctor. This is especially true for those patients who suffer from diabetes. And with hyperthyroidism, it can even have a negative effect due to the high iodine content.

How do feijoa manifest beneficial properties and contraindications during pregnancy, as well as during lactation? You can eat in small quantities. But if before that preparations containing iodine were used, it is better to wait a little with the product so that the state of health does not deteriorate. But for children under one year old, they are not recommended, since in a small body there are no enzymes capable of assimilating the fetus.

To avoid negative consequences, you should follow one simple rule: do not overeat this or that product, especially if it is eaten for the first time. Each person's body has its own characteristics. Therefore, the reaction to the elements is individual.


There are many ways to use the beneficial properties of feijoa. But also about contraindications when using various recipes should not be forgotten.

Here is a tool that is called universal. It is suitable for adults and children. The fruits are washed, dried and cut off the tails. Then mixed with sugar in a ratio of one to one. In such a delicious feijoa jam, described above, nuts and an orange are added. The latter is cleaned and passed through a meat grinder. This will enhance the beneficial properties and reduce contraindications. It should be taken in a teaspoon three times a day. Store sweet medicine in the refrigerator.

When depressed or under severe stress, it is useful to eat several fruits a day. The same application is recommended for the following diseases: malaria, bronchitis, rheumatism, anemia, high cholesterol, painful periods, Graves' disease, gout, constipation, acne, weak immunity.

And for diseases of the CCC in 50 milliliters of water, mix one tbsp. a spoonful of freshly squeezed juice and drink once a day.

A good prophylactic against atherosclerosis will be the jam described above.

For problems with the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency, it is useful to use according to Art. a spoonful of mashed potatoes thirty minutes before meals.

Tea from the leaves and flowers of the plant, which are taken in the same proportion, will help cure jaundice.

Application in cosmetology

Berry is used not only because of great taste and in the treatment of diseases. She is active in the field of cosmetology. For example, the healing composition rejuvenates the skin, nourishes it, enhances blood circulation, has a refreshing and softening effect.

Masks will protect and relieve acne and pigmentation.

Here great recipe which is suitable for different skin types. Take:

  • yolk;
  • olive oil - one tbsp. spoon
  • cottage cheese - two tablespoons;
  • take out the pulp from half of the fruit.

All components are crushed, and then applied to the face and neck for twenty minutes. After washing off the product, moisturize the skin with a cream.

The pulp can also be used without any additives. And the effect will not be long in coming. Such a mask is suitable when there is not much time for yourself, but you urgently need to look your best.

Application in cooking

Feijoa can be combined with different products. Consider some interesting recipes.

Salsa. Make sauce by adding to meat and fish dishes. To do this, grind three fruits, one onion and a spoonful of sugar. Then add pepper and salt to taste.

Salad. Boil about half a kilogram of beets, cut 200 grams of feijoa, mix and add 5-7 pieces walnuts, sometimes you can have sesame seeds, as well as feta cheese. Then put salt and season vegetable oil.

Jelly. This sweet is prepared as follows. Grind one and a half kilograms of feijoa. Then add two hundred grams of apple cider vinegar, 50 grams of fruit pectin and simmer in a water bath for several minutes. After removing from the heat, add a kilogram of sugar and boil again, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. The foam must be removed. Hot jelly is poured into glass containers, which are then covered with a lid. It is left for a day room temperature.

If you use feijoa, given its beneficial properties and contraindications, then the berry will have a positive effect on men, women, and children.

With honey. For the sweet tooth, the following healthy recipe is suitable. The fruits are mixed with honey in equal proportions to a mushy state. That's all the preparation. But you can also add walnuts or hazelnuts by passing them through a meat grinder. Then feijoa with honey will increase their beneficial properties. Therefore, if there are no contraindications, then it is useful to add such a mixture to the daily diet.

Application in the diet

Often, experts recommend feijoa during weight loss. So, the American Dietetic Association calculated that it is useful for a person to eat 100-120 grams daily 2-3 times, depending on activity. Due to the high content of iodine, it is possible to lose weight faster, as the metabolic rate increases.

At the same time, such a berry is not suitable for a mono-diet. But that's for the best. After all, the surest way to maintain your weight constantly is to adhere to a balanced diet, which includes different foods.


Feijoa manage to grow even at home. This does not require special skills. You just need to buy a bush and follow the following rules for growing it.

1. Wood loves light and warmth. If this is not provided, the fruits can not wait.
2. The soil should be loose, with humus.
3. In winter, the bush is removed to the balcony, the temperature of which should not be lower than 10 - 12 degrees. But even if it drops to zero degrees for a short period of time, the plant will be able to survive the cold.
4. If the summer cottage is in harsh climatic conditions, it makes no sense to plant a tree, as it will die in winter.

The benefits and harms of feijoa

Feijoa is an exotic product with a unique composition. It has a lot of useful properties, there are practically no contraindications. Eating a tablespoon of crushed pulp will help with iodine deficiency. Also, to strengthen immunity in the off-season, prevent cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure, it is worth including a couple of berries in your daily diet.

An exotic berry (not a fruit!) Feijoa has gained its popularity due to its beneficial vitamin and mineral composition. The homeland of feijoa is considered to be sunny Brazil. In our country, feijoa is grown mainly in the Crimea, the Caucasus, and in the southern parts of Russia.

The article talks about how to choose feijoa, the benefits and harms of eating berries for the male, female, and children's body, contraindications for use, as well as what diseases an exotic fruit can help with and what benefits it provides for women in "position". At the end are some tasty and must-have healthy recipes using feijoa.

How to choose the right feijoa

To benefit from the use of an exotic product, you must buy a fresh, ripened fruit.

A few tips on how to choose feijoa:

  • The surface of the berry should be smooth and even to the touch, without visible damage, cracks, dents.
  • The fruit itself is elastic, dense.
  • Inside, a fully ripe fruit has a transparent, fleshy pulp. When buying a berry from the market, ask the merchant to cut the fruit to make sure it is ripe.
  • An unripe berry has white flesh. If you purchased just such a product, it is recommended to put the feijoa in a warm place. After a couple of days, the fruit will ripen and will be suitable for eating.
Video how to choose feijoa:

It is not surprising that there is a possibility of buying an unripe fruit. Such exotic fruits, berries are harvested before the full ripening period, as it takes time for transportation. Feijoa is a perishable product. It is not recommended to purchase a product with dark-colored pulp.

Feijoa Composition

In order for fruits, vegetables and berries to bring maximum health benefits, it is necessary to use them in right season. Feijoa ripens in the fall and is a great time to pamper yourself with the vitamins, minerals and trace elements that make up it.

On the Internet, you can see numerous positive reviews about feijoa. Why is feijoa so useful for the body?

She leads the ranking of iodine-containing products . By the amount of this microelement in the composition, it is ahead of even seafood (including red fish). The body absorbs it very easily, since the iodine in the magic berry is in liquid form.

table nutritional value per 100 grams:

The vitamin composition of the fruit is varied. It is enough to eat a couple of berries daily to make up for the lack of a trace element in the body. Recommended for people with thyroid problems, children, the elderly.

For those leading an active lifestyle who are in constant motion, it is also advised to include berries in the diet. She contains ascorbic acid , which is the best support for immunity.

Feijoa is rich in B vitamins. Thiamine contributes to the normal course of metabolic processes, supports the work of the heart, blood vessels, brain. Riboflavin maintains the balance of hormones in the blood. Helps in the reproduction of red blood cells, regeneration of tissues, fibers, breakdown of fats and body fat.

Video of the beneficial properties of feijoa:

Pyridoxine busy in creating the substances required for the active work of the muscular system. Vitamin has an effective effect on the muscles with the appearance of convulsions, spasms, numbness of the arms and legs. Promotes rejuvenation of the whole organism at the cellular level, inhibiting the aging process.

The normal functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas is partly ensured by a nicotinic acid . It also helps lower blood pressure. Taking nicotinic acid is an excellent prevention of oncology.

Table of vitamins that make up feijoa (per 100 grams of edible product):

Part of the feijoa pantothenic acid contributes to the restoration of metabolism. It is successfully used for: inflammation of the lungs, upper respiratory tract, allergies, liver diseases, pancreatitis.

Niacin is an important part of the nervous system. It takes part in protein metabolism, has a therapeutic effect on the activity of the heart and blood vessels. Fats, proteins contained in exotic berries are easily absorbed by the body. Because of this, it is perfect for those who are on a diet.

In the peel of feijoa are found in large quantities kahetin, leukoanthocin . These chemical enzymes are the best antioxidants, strengthening the body's defenses to counter adverse environmental factors. These substances serve as a good prevention of the appearance of cancer cells.

The peel also has antiseptic properties and has a beneficial effect on the body and suppresses pathogenic microflora. Therefore, various decoctions can be used for diseases of the oral cavity or for the treatment of skin lesions.

Micronutrients and macronutrients: table:

Low calorie feijoa - only 55 kcal per 100 gr.- makes the fruit one of the best dietary products.

Feijoa benefits for women

The benefits of berries for women are as follows:

  • Since feijoa is a dietary product, it is recommended for those who are on a diet in order to lose extra pounds.
  • Promotes easier menstruation, eliminating pain.
  • Application in cosmetology. It is part of ready-made products, and also - you can make a cosmetic product at home, on your own. Feijoa helps to smooth out age wrinkles, make the skin young and fresh.
  • The berry is excellent at fighting fungus. Often used to treat fungal infections of the skin or nails. You should not self-medicate, first you need to consult a doctor and after his recommendations - use the fetus.
Exotic berry is useful not only for the female. It can also be successfully used by men.

Useful properties of feijoa for men

For men over 40, the beneficial properties of feijoa will be an excellent support in strengthening men's health. This period is characterized by urological diseases. Most male representatives know from their own experience what prostatitis is. Doctors in such cases recommend eating several feijoa berries a day to prevent the disease.


The benefits and harms of feijoa for children

Feijoa is also useful for children. However, it is necessary to introduce the berry into the diet for babies carefully so as not to harm, causing intolerance to the product.

If everything is fine with the introduction of a small amount of the product, you don’t have to worry: in the future, feijoa will bring exceptional benefits. The child will always be full of energy, thanks to the ascorbic acid that is part of the product, and the immune system is always ready to fight back infections, viruses, fungi. It is especially recommended to eat fruits in the off-season.

It is necessary to carefully give feijoa to a child if there are signs of excess weight, diabetes. It is recommended to limit daily allowance, continuing to monitor the state and reaction of the body.

Feijoa benefits during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you need to continue to eat right. From the consumed products, another organism and pregnancy are now formed.

Feijoa is great for pregnant women: the benefits are great, there is no harm. It contains useful vitamins, trace elements for this period. Vitamin C and niacin, iron and iodine are especially required. All substances are quickly and easily absorbed by the body. This fruit has a significant benefit for the formation of the circulatory system of the unborn child, thanks to its constituent folates.

Attention! An excess of vitamins is as bad as a deficiency. In the case of taking preparations containing iodine, the amount of feijoa fruit consumed should be reduced.

What diseases does feijoa help with?

Thanks to the diverse chemical composition berries, feijoa has medicinal properties, which are successfully used in the treatment of certain diseases. It has a beneficial effect on various body systems. It helps with indigestion, is beneficial both for diarrhea and constipation - it has a normalizing effect. Useful for the stomach, with gastritis.

Feijoa with pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is expressed in the failure of the pancreas. At this time, the diet is strictly observed. The use of feijoa has a positive effect on the disease, due to the essential oils, B vitamins, antiseptic properties. B3 normalizes the activity of the pancreas, speeds up metabolism, prevents the formation of cancer cells, maintains normal digestive processes, and reduces high blood pressure.

Benefits for the liver

It has a positive effect, as well as on the pancreas. Everything that is said about the benefits in pancreatitis is true and applies to the liver. The pancreas and liver work in tandem.

For thyroid diseases

Iodine is an important trace element for the health of the thyroid gland, its work. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are more than half iodine. In case of micronutrient deficiency, it is required to introduce foods containing iodine into the daily diet. Two pieces of feijoa, 150 g each, are enough to make up for the lack of a microelement in the body. First of all, you should consult a doctor.

Feijoa for diabetes

The diabetic menu is compiled only by a doctor. In severe forms of the disease, feijoa is not recommended. With a mild form - a small amount of berries is allowed. In this case, the level of sugar in the blood should be monitored.

A few rules when eating sweet berries:

  • reduce the level of simple carbohydrates;
  • the amount of fat should be limited;
  • the ideal combination of feijoa - with protein foods;
  • Feijoa intake should be distributed throughout the day, into several doses.

Pectins, which are part of the product, have a positive effect on the digestive processes of diabetics: the inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa is eliminated, toxins and toxins are better removed, and the amount of incoming cholesterol is reduced.

Berries have a general beneficial effect on the body of a diabetic: they increase tone, improve immunity, and even out the general emotional background.

Feijoa for pressure

It has the following effect on the heart and blood vessels:

  • expands the lumen of blood vessels;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • improves blood circulation, hematopoiesis;
  • protects the heart from excessive stress;
  • lowers pressure.
Thus, feijoa has a positive effect on many body problems. However, it should be understood that this is not a medicine, and works well in combination with other wellness measures.

Contraindications and harm to feijoa for the body

If there are useful properties of feijoa, then there must be contraindications. The product has not been fully researched. To date, no negative impact has been identified. The only thing that can be noted: a possible individual intolerance. Here it is worth highlighting the category of people with allergies, hypersensitivity to iodine. In practice, this is extremely rare.

How to use, how to cook feijoa

To benefit from the use of the product, you need to use it ripe. It is very serious to approach the definition of ripeness, as you can get poisoned, especially when used for the first time. How to choose the right fruit was mentioned at the beginning of the article. It is also very important to check the allergic reaction at the first use - to be bored quite a bit and only the next day, making sure that it is absent, you can use this berry in the desired amount.

Now a little about how to eat feijoa. To eat fruits, they need to be peeled, finely chopped. Another option: remove the top and eat with a small dessert spoon, carefully removing the pulp from the inside.

The peel of the berry also contains many trace elements, vitamins, so if the fruit is ripe, you can eat feijoa with the peel. It can be dried and added to tea as a vitamin supplement.

Photo of a spoiled and unripe feijoa in a section:

Certainly, the best option consumption - it's just ripe fresh, but the berry is stored for a very short time - about a week. Therefore, you can prepare various kinds of blanks. This article provides, with honey, jam, jam and many others.

Several recipes with feijoa for the benefit of the body

There are many options for cooking feijoa. It goes well with other products: it will give the dish a spicy, unusual taste, making it not only healthy, but also tasty. How to cook feijoa dishes is described below.

Feijoa and Beetroot Salad: Recipe

From this berry you can cook an excellent diet salad with beets: both tasty and healthy!

  • 400 gr beets;
  • sesame, cheese (optional);
  • Walnut;
  • vegetable oil;
  • feijoa berries - 200 gr;
  • salt to taste.
How to cook:
  1. Peel beets, boil.
  2. While the beets are cooling, wash the feijoa fruits, chop, along with the peel.
  3. Cut the cooled beets and mix in one container with feijoa.
  4. Add chopped walnut.
  5. Dress the salad with vegetable oil, salt to taste.
  6. If desired, diversify the dish by adding feta cheese, sesame seeds.
Spicy salad is ready. Be sure to treat your friends to this dish, they will be delighted.

Feijoa marmalade recipe

Great natural dessert holiday table, which you can cook with your own hands.

Would need:

  • 1500 gr feijoa;
  • 200 ml of apple cider vinegar;
  • 50 gr pectin;
  • kg of sugar - sand.
How to make marmalade:
  1. Place the berries in a blender, chop.
  2. Add to resulting slurry Apple vinegar, pectin.
  3. Put the mixture to cook in a water bath, without bringing the process to a boil. Cook for about 5 - 6 minutes.
  4. Remove from the stove - add the right amount of sugar and heat again in a water bath, stirring occasionally.
  5. The foam that forms on the surface must be removed with a slotted spoon.
  6. Pour the finished jelly into glass jars and leave for a day at room temperature, until completely cooled. Store marmalade in the refrigerator.

Fresh Juice

Freshly squeezed feijoa juice has all the useful properties that the product in its natural form. It is good for diseases, gastrointestinal disorders, and also has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Feijoa leaves: what are the benefits

The benefits of feijoa leaves for the body is primarily due to the high content of iodine in them. Therefore, for those who have problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is recommended to make an infusion of the leaves. This will require a tablespoon of crushed leaves, a glass of boiling water. Pour the leaves for half an hour, let it brew.


Since feijoa is a perishable product, it can be cut and sent to the freezer. Frozen feijoa is rich in all the nutrients that a fresh unfrozen fruit is.

Separately, it should be said that tasty, healthy tea is prepared from feijoa.

Feijoa tea recipe

For cooking you will need:

  • Art. a spoonful of green tea;
  • peel from 1 tangerine;
  • a couple of pieces of feijoa;
  • honey or sugar (optional)
How to cook:
  1. Finely chop the tangerine peels and dry in a frying pan.
  2. Feijoa cut into cubes without peeling, and also - dry.
  3. Pour boiling water green tea and immediately drain (to remove dust particles from the tea).
  4. After that - add pieces of feijoa, tangerine peel.
  5. Pour the contents of the kettle with boiling water. Insist for 10 minutes.
Tea is ready! Happy tea!

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