Home Main dishes Calories in baked chicken breast without skin. Baked in the oven. Cottage cheese diet: the basics of losing weight

Calories in baked chicken breast without skin. Baked in the oven. Cottage cheese diet: the basics of losing weight

White chicken meat is a valuable food product for our body: it contains proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals that are perfectly balanced. Therefore, they are quickly and easily digested. It is difficult to imagine something more delicious than chicken breast fillet, which is also low in calories. Another plus of chicken is that it cooks very quickly, and the dishes from it are the most delicious and varied. The only problem chicken meat- it doesn't like freezers. Thawed chicken tends to be dry when cooked unless it is stewed in sauce. But chilled, on the contrary, it always turns out juicy.

The nutritional value

The calorie content of chicken breasts ranges from 90 to 113 kcal per 100 g of product. This largely depends on how the breast was cooked (fried, steamed, stewed, boiled), whether the skin was removed from it or not. The least high-calorie is boiled fillet without skin. Fans of fried crispy crust will have to take into account that such meat turns out to be more high-calorie.

Calorie content of chicken breasts and their composition

Chicken fillet rich in B vitamins. The most valuable in it is choline - vitamin B4 (76 mg). It is useful during pregnancy, nervous and mental stress. Choline improves memory, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and prevents the risk of breast cancer in women. Chicken fillet also contains B9 - folic acid (4.3 mg), which is necessary for hematopoiesis, the absorption of sugar and amino acids. It is simply necessary for pregnant and lactating women, since the first is needed for bearing a child, and the second - for the formation of milk.

Calorie content of chicken breasts and their benefits

Since the fillet calorie range is low, and it is unlikely that lovers of delicious food will be stopped by the extra 23 kcal, they will probably be interested to know which dish will be more useful in cooking. For example, the calorie content of a baked one will be the same as that of a grilled one - the highest. But the first cooking method is more beneficial for the body, especially if the chicken is baked in a sleeve, that is, in own juice. It is pointless to remove the crust with this cooking method: the meat will be dry and tough. And, of course, boiled, stewed meat without skin is the most easily digestible and healthy. It can be eaten not only while on a diet, but also during many diseases, when you don’t feel like eating, but the body needs strength.

Delicious secrets

It is very tasty and healthy to combine chicken meat with lemon, apples, spices and seasonings. The calorie content of chicken breasts will not rise from this, but the taste of the same dish will vary. Take, for example, you can salt it, pepper it and put lemon slices on top - this is one taste. You can pierce the breast in several places to stuff it with garlic cloves - this is a completely different dish.


Sauces (especially mayonnaise), in which housewives like to stew for tenderness and juiciness, unpredictably increase the calorie content of dishes. This is because it can reach up to 600 kcal. Therefore, if you follow the figure, you should not get carried away with them.

If you look at the list of foods that nutritionists recommend for overweight people, you will notice that they have great respect for chicken breast. And how many calories are in it? Does the cooking method affect energy value this product? And do you really have to eat only boiled meat every day?

Number one for losing weight

Chicken meat is a universal dietary product. Such a verdict has long been given to this meat by experts in healthy eating. And it's not just about how many calories are in chicken breast. This dish has excellent taste, it has a minimum of fat and a lot of useful elements. This will allow not only to lose unnecessary kilos, without experiencing a painful feeling of hunger, but also to improve your body.

The basis of chicken meat is protein. Its amount is 84% ​​- it is a building material for cells. At the same time, white meat contains a minimum supply of fat - 15%, and carbohydrates in it no more than 1%. So it is an ideal choice for those who want to acquire harmony. But still, how many calories will a chicken fillet dish share with you?

Calorie content of chicken meat with different cooking methods

A real favorite of various weight loss programs and therapeutic diets is boiled chicken breast. How many calories are in it? If you boil the fillet (without bones), then it will contain only 113 kcal per 100 g. This is the most lean and dietary part of the chicken carcass. It has even fewer calories than eggs.

For those who prefer bone-in boiled chicken breast, it doesn't hurt to know how many extra calories such a product will acquire. Their number will increase by 24 kcal and reach 137 kcal, which is also quite a bit.

And here are how many calories are in a 100-gram serving of chicken fillet cooked in a variety of ways:

  • boiled skin - 164-170 kcal;
  • without skin - 110 kcal;
  • fried with skin - 197-200 kcal, without skin - 165-100 kcal;
  • smoked - 117-119 kcal;
  • broth with meat - 130 kcal;
  • baked - 148.5 kcal;
  • steamed - 117 kcal;
  • in cream sauce - 135 kcal;
  • grilled chicken (breast) - 158 kcal;
  • in mint marinade - 87 kcal.

Equally important is how many calories are in chicken breast broth, because this dish is also often recommended for those who are struggling with weight. It contains about 17-20 kcal, but this is if you remove the high-calorie skin from the fillet. If you cook meat without removing the skin, then there will be about 57 kcal in the broth. And one more useful tip: it is better to drain the first water from the broth, because quite a lot of fat and a lot of harmful substances get into it (including the medicines that the chicken was fed with).

Cooking secret: how to cook a breast so that it has even fewer calories?

White meat is the basis of numerous programs aimed at normalizing weight. But if you're counting every calorie, you need to know how to prepare it so that it retains its culinary value and dietary potential.

Chicken is very different delicate taste. The only drawback is that it cannot be digested, otherwise it will become dry and tasteless. Boiled fillet is a real find for losing weight: it is hearty, tasty, and low-calorie. And it is recommended to cook it like this:

  • breast on the bone - 30 min.;
  • fillet without skin and bones - from 15 to 20 minutes;
  • meat, cut into small pieces - 10 minutes.

It is better to boil the chicken over low heat, with the addition of seasonings. Meat should be put in boiling water so that valuable trace elements are preserved in it.

Of course, if the task is to put the weight in order, then when preparing dishes, it is necessary to take the calorie content of the product as a guideline. But not everyone likes boiled or stewed meat, although their energy supply does not exceed 123 kcal per 100 g. To diversify your menu, cook smoked chicken. "But what about calories?" - you ask. It turns out that even smoked poultry can be made low-calorie if you cook it like this: take a thick-walled pan, install a grate in it. At the bottom of the dishes put the foil, folded several times. Pour cinnamon, rice, sugar, tea leaves on it. Coat the chicken olive oil, cover everything with foil. Smoke 30 min. Only 117 kcal will remain in such a dish, and it will not contain harmful additives that are used in factory smoking.

If you love baked chicken breast, but the number of calories in it stops you, then use this trick - marinate it in sauce. Mix 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and soy sauce, add salt and spices. Coat the fillet with this composition, rub it with mustard, leave for 15 minutes. Wrap the meat in foil and send it to the oven for a quarter of an hour. In 15 minutes, your table will be fragrant, appetizing dish, which will give you only 140 kcal.

Reducing the calorie content of fried chicken is also not difficult. To do this, it is enough to free it from the greasy skin and marinate in olive oil with spices. Then take the frying pan non-stick coating and fry the fillet pieces without adding oil.

Bonus chicken breast

Chicken meat firmly holds the title of a dietary product, because 113 calories is a mere trifle. And how much benefit will bring boiled breast or chicken bouillon! They contain vitamin B6, protein, glutamine necessary for the work of the heart. These dishes are useful for gout, diabetes, polyarthritis, ulcers. They help prevent atherosclerosis of blood vessels, protect against heart attack, stroke and hypertension. Chicken broth is an excellent way to restore strength and strengthen the body. These foods have a positive effect on the brain and bone strength.

Chicken breast can be called the most valuable part of a chicken carcass. It has a rich beneficial composition, due to which it is highly valued and recommended for use by all groups of people.

While some vegans claim that our bodies don't need meat and that we can get the protein we need from plant foods, there's plenty of research to the contrary. Plant proteins have a different composition than animal proteins. Therefore, plant foods are not a complete substitute for animal products. good option for those who want to eat right and eat less fatty foods, chicken breast is.

How many calories are in chicken breast?

The calorie content of chicken breast is relatively low and equals about 113 kcal per 100 g of raw product. If we take as a basis the daily calorie recommended for diets, then a serving of chicken breast will be only 5.6% of the total calories. Such a calorie content, along with a useful composition, attracts the attention of many nutritionists. The outlook has recently changed significantly, and chicken breast has become a frequent guest diet tables. Its use in reasonable doses during diets helps to avoid protein starvation and saturate the body with important vitamins and minerals.

Most of the calories in chicken breast come from proteins. Proteins carry about 84% of all calories.

Calories in boiled chicken breast

Thanks to its low calorie content, minimal fat content and useful composition chicken breast belongs to the group of dietary products. However, during the heat treatment, the calorie content of chicken meat increases. In addition, in order to improve palatability seasonings and other ingredients are added to chicken white meat, which significantly increase its calorie content.

If chicken meat will be used as a diet, then the best way cooking will boil it. Boiled breast goes well with vegetables and has a calorie content of about 137 units.

Calories in baked chicken breast

Roasting chicken breast helps to preserve all the nutrients that it is rich in. It is best to bake the meat in foil, then you do not need to add additional fats. If no seasonings are added to the dish, then the calorie content of the breast will remain the same - 113 kcal. However, spices, salt, garlic, oil and other ingredients are often added during baking. Additional ingredients increase the calorie content of the finished product up to 150 kcal.

Smoked chicken breast calories

High quality smoked breast should not contain any ingredients other than salt. The addition of seasoning may be a sign that the raw material was not fresh. Application liquid smoke creates a taste of smoking, but does not allow you to get quality product.

High quality smoked chicken breast is conditionally dietary product, as it contains about 184 kcal per 100 g of product.

Calorie stewed chicken breast

Chicken breast stew uses water, vegetables and seasonings. Since the additional components are much lower than the calorie content of chicken meat, the output is a dish with reduced calorie. 100 g of stewed chicken breast contains about 93 kcal. In this case, no additional fats are added. Pieces of chicken breast must be stewed in a small amount of water.

How many calories in chicken breast you need to know to calculate the daily energy content. It is natural that different variations in the preparation of this type of meat will affect the calorie content of dishes, so it is important to understand all the nuances in order to lose weight or maintain weight.

There is no product more suitable for weight loss and muscle building than chicken breast. This is the favorite type of meat of all bodybuilders and many ordinary people. It contains a lot of protein and almost no fat. It is absolutely safe for the liver, and is literally useful for all people: children, adults, the elderly, men, women, pregnant, lactating, sick and healthy.

Chicken breast should be eaten because:

  • helps to lose weight and build a beautiful body;
  • contains vitamins of group B, which are essential for the fetus for full intrauterine development and for the newborn in the first months of life. Therefore, lean chicken meat should be a mandatory item in the list of products for pregnant and lactating women;
  • many microelements favorably affect the process of digestion;
  • the use of breast helps cleanse the kidneys and adrenal glands from cholesterol;
  • the inclusion of chicken breast in the diet ensures the full functioning of the heart, and also has a positive effect on hematopoiesis;

is an excellent food for the recovery of people after operations and during all periods of rehabilitation.

chicken breast calories

Depending on the method of heat treatment, the use of seasonings and the characteristics of the bird carcass, the calorie content of the breasts is different. Let's look at the averages.


Purchased or home grown, the breast is originally bone-in and covered in skin. Many people love the taste of the latter, especially when the meat is grilled and fried. vegetable oil and a fragrant and crispy "crust" is formed. But besides the pleasant taste, chicken skin is distinguished by its calorie content and the presence of not the most useful elements in the composition, so it is not recommended for use by many nutritionists.

Grilled chicken breast has an average of almost 150 calories per 100 grams of cooked weight.


Boiled chicken skin is not as dangerous as fried, but it affects the calorie content of the product. So, cooked at the usual time to a state of softness and decay of fibers, pure chicken meat has an energy value of 95-100 calories per 100 grams of product.

The same skinned meat will carry 130 calories in each 100-gram piece.

Steamed with vegetables

Chicken breast with steamed vegetables - the most popular healthy and low-calorie lunch or dinner option for any age. This is a very good combination, because the fiber of plant foods helps proteins to be better absorbed.

The calorie content of the dish will be determined by the selected vegetables and their ratio to meat. If green vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, zucchini and zucchini are taken and they make up half the serving, then in every 100 grams of this mixture there will be approximately 96-100 calories.

Baked in the oven

Oven-baked breast is a great alternative to the usual limbs and sausages. The dish is easy to prepare and has a pleasant taste. Such a breast belongs to products that are safe for the figure. Its calorie content is approximately 150 calories with moderate use of seasonings.

Baked with cheese

The energy value of such a delicious and at the same time diet food how cheese baked chicken breast depends on what kind of cheese is selected. The higher the percentage of fat, the higher the calorie content of the product.

  • Low-fat cheese or such a plan of cheese - 100 grams of breast under them - up to 150 calories;
  • medium fat cheese, including soft cheeses such as mozzarella and Adyghe - up to 170 calories;
  • solid fatty cheese: Dutch, Russian, parmesan and others - about 190-200 calories.

Average per 100 grams raw meat take up to 10 grams of hard cheese.

Need to know. It's no secret that the mass of the raw product is different from the finished product. This can confuse when counting calories. For meat, a greater weight and volume in raw form is considered characteristic. We submitted data ready meals, pieces can be cut off from them and portion sizes can be adjusted in accordance with KBJU.

Chicken breast diets

Losing weight by eating chicken breasts is considered absolutely appropriate and competent. Therefore, many diets have this meat as one of the main ingredients in their diet. The most popular of them:

  • Ducan's diet- a weight loss system of a French nutritionist and doctor, which is based on the use of protein-containing foods. This weight loss method is designed for for a long time and consists of 4 steps. During each of them, the basis of the diet contains protein foods, including chicken breasts. The diet is very effective and has won the trust of many people from different parts of the world. A big plus is that its goal is not only weight loss, but also the retention of the result. Contraindicated in people with chronic diseases, neoplasms, and kidney disease in any form of leakage.
  • Atkins Diet- it is based on the use of vegetables, nuts, dairy and protein products. The diet lasts 2 weeks and, according to reviews, you can lose up to 10 kilograms. Nutrition is fractional, consists of at least 4 small meals. Before you start to follow a diet, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications.
  • carb-free diet- is popular with competitive athletes, bodybuilders and people who practice drying the body. In addition to some vegetables, the diet of such a diet no longer contains carbohydrate foods. Such nutrition is difficult to tolerate, often losing weight complain of a breakdown and a slowdown in brain activity. A dry muscular body is considered the price for all difficulties.
  • Kremlin diet - based on the use meat products in general, chicken breast in particular and plant foods. Rumor has it that the diet of this food system was used in Soviet time American astronauts and kept a strict secret. Today, everyone can try to lose weight in this way. For 3 weeks of the Kremlin diet menu, you can lose 10-12 kg.
  • Chicken mono diet- for 3-7 days it is allowed to eat only large breasts, vegetables, citrus fruits and pineapples. The diet is very effective, but the result will remain only if you exit it correctly.
  • Diet on chicken breast and buckwheat- you can observe from 5 to 7 days, the basis of nutrition is boiled, baked, steam chicken breast and buckwheat porridge no oil or spices. You can diversify the menu with green vegetables, herbs and dairy products.

All chicken breast diets are relatively healthy and filling. Drinking enough water is essential to avoid constipation. Chicken breast, like all protein products, has a binding effect.

How to cook?

  1. Meat should be selected fresh from reliable suppliers.
  2. If freezing is used for storage, thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Short-term thermal exposure is not recommended.
  3. Meat domestic chicken will cook about half an hour longer than store-bought.
  4. The best way to cook is by steaming. On average, a whole breast takes no more than 20 minutes. You can sprinkle it with herbs and spices, salt to taste.
  5. If you want to cook the breast in the usual way, then to get a pleasant taste of meat, it is better to prepare water - boil onions, carrots, pieces of celery root, spices and your favorite seasonings in it. When the vegetables become soft, add the breasts to them and cook for about 15 minutes, no more.
  6. In order for the meat to be well fried, you must first beat it off.
  7. It is better to bake pre-marinated meat.

Secrets of preparing juicy breasts

Many people find chicken breasts dry and therefore dislike them. But there are secrets that allow you to make the meat soft and juicy, regardless of whether the dish belongs to diet kitchen or not.

  1. Using marinades- well suited for any method of heat treatment, the meat must first be in the solution for at least 2 hours. For diet food These marinade options are suitable:
  1. Cheese- shabby on a fine grater, it will make any breast juicy due to its fat content. Even the most dietary grades of fat are able to release their juice during baking or frying, which affects the juiciness of the meat.
  2. Vegetables- "champions" for softening the texture of chicken meat - onions, tomatoes, garlic, herbs. Tomato juice copes very well with giving juiciness and brightness to the taste of breasts.
  3. Combined methods- for baking, olive oil, garlic and tomatoes used to process the breast are perfectly combined. To make it just unrealistically tasty, 5 minutes before the dish is ready, they also sprinkle it with cheese. Another option is to mix cream with grated cheese and use this mixture as toppings or stew sauce.
  4. Minced chicken breast it will become very juicy if you add vegetables to it: onions, quite a bit of potatoes, zucchini. For a better minced meat consistency, a chicken egg is added.

In the process of cooking this meat, it is very important not to overdo it over time. Otherwise, the dish will turn out dry, regardless of the methods used to make it juicier. The optimal cooking time is 20 minutes, steaming - 25 minutes, baking - 13 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 160 degrees, frying in oil - 3-4 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the piece, in a non-stick pan - up to 5 minutes.

Sauces that are relatively safe for the figure, such as soy, low-fat sour cream or yogurt with herbs and garlic, tomato. Always soften the taste of the finished dry dish.

Chicken breast is irreplaceable and delicious product every modern person. The calorie content of this meat is low, there are many benefits from it, as well as cooking methods.

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I love candles! Especially pickled :) I tried almost the same diet, very good. There is one serious minus: with such a limited diet, weakness appears already on the 2nd day. This is not surprising, because the body does not receive the required amount useful substances. Who will try, I strongly advise you to take vitamins at the same time, it is best to immediately balanced complex with polyprenols. At the same time, they even out the metabolism, and even give strength, this is a natural energetic. Very useful for any diet.

I don’t like beets at all (it’s unlikely that I could lose weight with its help)

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Thank you) pickled)
Bought Redmond, have been going for a long time)

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I really liked the recipe for meatballs!))) I will definitely try to do it! thanks for delicious recipes)))

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I discovered for myself - how to cook. I've seen this recipe a hundred times, but it was dumb. Finally tried it - delicious! Water boils, spices, salt, onions can be there. And you throw in one fresh breast, you wait until it boils. Pieces 5-6. Boil after boiling for the last 3 minutes, close the lid, turn off. Three hours they reach in a hot broth. Do not take out before eating. Very tender, juicy! The spices were added this time by Camis for the salad. Recommend! 03/16/2015 23:43:37, Tillotama Cut the breast into...

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I did it on Dukan. Beat off - wrap a small pickled cucumber - bake. I put it in a silicone mold like for bread-brick, they hold well there. Pieces to the width of the form beat off. Oil free. 03/19/2015 12:38:30 pm, Yaroslavna I discovered how to cook. I've seen this recipe a hundred times, but it was dumb. Finally tried it - delicious! Water boils, spices, salt, onions can be there. And you throw in one fresh breast, you wait until it boils. Pieces 5-6. Boil after boiling for the last 3 minutes...

Please teach me how to cook tasty chicken breast ...

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I did it on Dukan. Beat off - wrap a small pickled cucumber - bake. I put it in a silicone mold like for bread-brick, they hold well there. Pieces to the width of the form beat off. Oil free.

I discovered for myself - how to cook. I've seen this recipe a hundred times, but it was dumb. Finally tried it - delicious!
Water boils, spices, salt, onions can be there. And you throw in one fresh breast, you wait until it boils. Pieces 5-6. Boil after boiling for the last 3 minutes, close the lid, turn off. Three hours they reach in a hot broth. Do not take out before eating. Very tender, juicy!
The spices were added this time by Camis for the salad. Recommend!

Pancake Snack Recipes

Pancakes and various dishes of them are popular throughout the year, but most of all they are prepared, of course, during Maslenitsa week (Maslenitsa). And if you want to cook pancakes in an original way for Maslenitsa or just want to please your loved ones unusual dish, then pay attention to the recipes for snack bags of pancakes with filling. This is incredibly delicious and very beautiful! Pancake bags are by no means a novelty on domestic tables, but right now ...

Hot meat dishes for February 23

Every year on February 23, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, women congratulate their men, once again reminding them of their most best qualities. You can’t do without gifts and congratulations on this day, just as you can’t do without a hearty lunch or dinner, where you must serve delicious and satisfying hot meat dishes on February 23rd. Recipes with photos will help you in cooking, step by step cooking dishes. Unless your dad, husband, brother, friend, or any other man you're going for...

thinking through holiday menu we remember traditional dishes, such as roasted duck in the oven - and at the same time we want to cook at least one new and original dish. Such a recipe may well be a salad with persimmon and liver: it is bright and satisfying. How to cook a duck with two side dishes at once and an unusual warm salad, tells the journalist and culinary specialist Anna Lyudkovskaya. Ut...

Kabok with chicken. Raquel Meller's blog on 7ya.ru

One medium sized zucchini. 5-6 eggs. 100-150 g. low-fat cheese. About 100 ml skimmed milk (this is an optional ingredient). Half boiled chicken breast (you can use lean beef). Salt, spices to taste. Rinse the zucchini, peel, grate on a large aunt. Salt and put for a while, so that the liquid leaves, which we then squeeze out. During this time, grate the cheese and cut the boiled meat into small pieces. Squeeze out excess liquid from the zucchini, add ...

Chicken roll and unsweetened cake: how to cook them in a slow cooker

Pizza in a new way. Raquel Meller's blog on 7ya.ru

Pizza in a new way (super tasty and low-calorie pizza for losing weight) Calorie content -107 kcal per 100 gr. Without a single gram of flour! Without yeast! Without baking powder and yogurt, delicious low-calorie and healthy pizza Ingredients: For the "dough" 500 gr chicken breast 1 egg Salt Pepper Dry (or fresh) herbs, I put dill For the filling: Sweet pepper -2 pcs. 100 gr yellow cheese Small bunch green onions For sauce: tomato paste 200 gr. 1/2 tsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 2 garlic cloves...

How to make Lemon Chicken Marinade

May - the beginning of picnics in the forest and on the grass. My adult children once had one favorite game: "Journey to a Far Country" (that's what they said). In fact, the country where the guys and I went for a picnic was not so far away - a large clearing 40 minutes walk from our dacha. But we were going very seriously - like a real trip. We went with backpacks and certainly took food, a portable grill and coals with us. We were preparing a big Sunday dinner in this forest clearing...

L. ketchup - 1 tbsp. Cut the zucchini in half and scrape out the pulp (we mark the contour with a knife and scrape with a spoon). Cut the pulp into cubes. Fry in a drop of oil until the liquid evaporates. Salt, pepper. Cut the onion and pepper into small cubes, grate the carrots. Fry vegetables in a little oil. Move the vegetables to the side and fry small pieces of chicken breast in the same pan. Add zucchini, mix vegetables, crush a clove of garlic and simmer for 5 minutes. Fill the zucchini boats with minced meat, grease with a mixture of sour cream and ketchup on top. Arrange tomato slices on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 35 minutes in the oven at 200ºС. After turning off, you can let it still sweat in the oven for about 10-15 minutes. On the...
...Add zucchini, mix vegetables, crush a clove of garlic and simmer for 5 minutes. Fill the zucchini boats with minced meat, grease with a mixture of sour cream and ketchup on top. Arrange tomato slices on top and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake for 35 minutes in the oven at 200ºС. After turning off, you can let it still sweat in the oven for about 10-15 minutes. The filling can be any - as in pizza. Delicious even with mushrooms. Fried zucchini pulp, mushrooms, a spoonful of sour cream on top, tomatoes, cheese, in the oven - and you're done!...

tell me, please, how to count the chicken leg (thigh, without drumstick)? raw, it weighed 250g; baked in the oven, it became 150g, but there is a bone in the same place, subtract it? or the calculation in the catalyst for 158k 100gr is it just meat? 395k for a leg of 150g fat like that! No?

DUCAN. Let's continue the conversation...

I feed my husband, not myself. Itself - again ice cream and industrial-scale tydy ... food in the night ... pofik labels. Well, I hope I wake up before I get blown up. Muzhs require variety .... So I constantly cook, collect bacilli for work, everything does not suit him, everything is "sick" ... Let's go.


Add slaked soda (at the tip of a knife), dried fruits, a little cinnamon. (I really love this spice - not only for its unusual taste, but also because it improves metabolism). We get a baking sheet. Either cover it with food paper, or grease it with oil. We form small flat cutlets on a baking sheet with a tablespoon. Put in the oven on medium heat for 15 minutes. 2. Lavash chips Ingredients: 2 tbsp. sour cream, an egg, a few sheets of pita bread. Mix the egg with sour cream, add spices to taste. Lubricate the pita bread with this mixture on one side, cut it into small squares or as you like. Spread neatly future chips on a baking sheet with the smeared side...
... Carefully spread future chips on a baking sheet with the smeared side up. Bake in the oven over low heat until golden brown (5-10 minutes). 3. Green beans with sauce Ingredients: chicken breast, 300g green beans (I used frozen), medium tomato, garlic clove. Boil the chicken breast. Simmer (without oil) in a frying pan green beans until ready. At this time, prepare the sauce. To do this, three washed tomatoes on a coarse grater (or grind in a blender), add finely chopped garlic, spices and salt to taste. We mix. When all the components of the dish (beans, chicken and sauce) are ready, then put them on a plate in three layers: chopped fillet, beans, pour sauce on top. Nice...

I will collect information on Dukan.

Any different, for myself and for my husband. Yes, I want to lose more weight!!! and it doesn’t matter to me who thinks what (or it’s my brain that swelled up from eating sushi for two days, I used to eat such a portion at a time, but here it’s barely three times). I feel like a fat ball. Folds hang over all the pants (((So, let's start .... chtol. Cheesecake recipes (stolen from Katya :)) salad (crab.pal. + egg + cottage cheese + kefir) Cheesecakes Fat-free cottage cheese - 300g, egg - 1 pc. , bran - 2 tablespoons, sweetener - 4 tablets...



Beef (how fast do you eat)
floor. carrots,
1pc bow,
mushrooms (I took dried, soaked, you can use any others)
Take beef, any part, I had a ham and something around the neck.
Cut with medium cubes or how it turns out)
Posyvayte spices, a little!!! more than usual, because the beef will absorb them.
Put it in a pot (cast iron, ducklings), mushrooms, carrots in circles, cut onions in thick rings, mix.
They poured broth from a cube or, as in my case, some water into the cat. soaked mushrooms.
And in the oven for 2 hours, if the water boils, add.
It turns out sooooo soft beef. I also ate carrots, because I like stew. Well, for a side dish, fresh salted vegetables, if you have BO, and if not, it will be excellent anyway))))

For (2 servings):
Crab sticks- 200 g,
boiled eggs - 3 pcs.,
mustard - 1 tsp,
cottage cheese 0% - 50 g,
kefir 0% - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

Eggs are boiled in "cool". Crab sticks, eggs and parsley finely cut, mix.
Then we make a dressing - we grind cottage cheese, mustard and a tablespoon (you can have a couple) of kefir in a bowl.
Dress up the salad and you're done! Very tasty and very satisfying.

The recipe is really simple, ira. no baking temperature, no time. and in the case of breasts, this is just very important. a couple of extra minutes and there will be a sole.

When the eldest daughter was born, they told me that she had a "chicken breast", but the surgeon did not give any advice and we decided that nothing was serious, especially since in the kindergarten (she has been attending kindergarten since 1 year), when the orthopedist also looks at what he doesn't say. And recently, a doctor of a completely different qualification (allergist) noticed our breasts, he said that it was necessary to go to an orthopedist, he would prescribe gymnastics. I wanted to ask if anyone knows or heard about such a problem as ours, advise what exercises ...

I love chop meat - veal, pork, chicken breasts - beaten and fried in breading, or at worst in flour. Now I’m sitting on a montignac, and he forbids rolling meat in any carbohydrates: - (In what kind of non-carbohydrate roll a chop would it be tasty?

Chickens are boiled for 30 minutes, chicken and duck - up to an hour, turkey - 1.5-2 hours, goose - 1-2 hours. The readiness of the bird is checked by piercing the thick part of the leg with a chef's needle or a short knitting needle - it should pass freely. When frying a bird in the oven, it is greased to form a golden crisp butter or sour cream. Turkeys and geese are roasted in the oven from one and a half to two hours, ducks - from 45 minutes to an hour, chickens - 25 minutes, chicken - 40 minutes. Readiness can also be checked by piercing the thick, fleshy part of the bird. If clear juice stands out, it is ready, and if cloudy and red, do not rush to get it. If, when roasting in the oven, some tea ...
...Before serving duck breasts cut into neat slices across. To roast turkey and lean chicken turned out to be juicy, put pieces of butter between the skin and meat, and then, during the cooking process, pour over the bird with the juice flowing into the mold. You can cover the bird's breast with fatty bacon or put a slice of lemon or half an onion inside it. Peppered and salted According to legend, Napoleon Bonaparte hated chicken. The reason is quite banal: as a child, in Corsica, he ate mostly boiled chicken - a familiar dish of poor families. Then he ate it for another thirty years - she was part of the rations of French soldiers and corporals. Having become emperor, Napoleon, on pain of death, banned...

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