Home Salads and appetizers Homemade lard boiled in onion skins. Recipe: Salted lard with layers - in onion peel. Salo in onion skins with liquid smoke

Homemade lard boiled in onion skins. Recipe: Salted lard with layers - in onion peel. Salo in onion skins with liquid smoke

The ideal weight in the understanding of people is a different value. For one person, the optimal body weight is the ribs protruding through the clothes, for another - the exact opposite. Everyone has their own idea of ​​a dream figure. But the imagined ideal weight may not match reality. Imagine yourself as a person with an ideal figure, you can be very wrong.

Both excess weight and its deficiency lead to serious violations. The lack of body weight entails dystrophy, which, in turn, affects the internal organs and is negatively associated with their work. Excess body weight negatively affects the blood supply to all organs. Due to the development of arterial atherosclerosis, the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues decreases, and the risk of developing various diseases increases.

To determine what weight is optimal for a particular person, there are many formulas. They determine the body mass index (BMI).

Ideal weight calculation options

For a long time, people have been trying to find a formula for calculating the ideal weight. It should show the optimal weight of a person. At the same time, the measurement should be simple and fast.

This calculation is most often used: 100 or 110 (for women) is subtracted from height in centimeters. The resulting figure is a subjective indicator and does not take into account either the type of physique, or age, or other features of the body.

How to Calculate Broca's Body Mass Index

Broca's BMI was developed in the 19th century. The formula was created by a doctor from France Paul Broca, it is suitable for people with a height of 1.55 to 2 m. The index takes into account 2 body types of a person. Here we can talk about the individual characteristics of a person. Everyone's body composition is different, the formula takes this factor into account. There is also a drawback: the Broca index does not show the degree of obesity.

The formula at the beginning of the study suggests choosing 2 body types: asthenic or muscular. Then, according to the formula IB \u003d height (in centimeters) - 100 - 5, for the muscular type, IB \u003d human height (in centimeters) - 100 - 10, for the asthenic type - we get the body mass index. The calculation is quite simple and takes into account only one variable - height.

For more accurate data, it is better to use a different formula.

BMI according to Quetelet

The question of how to calculate the body mass index arose in the 19th century from the Belgian scientist Adolf Quetelet. To understand what weight should be ideal for a particular person, he developed a special formula. How to calculate body mass index? Very simple.

BMI \u003d weight / height 2.

This formula is used by all doctors to determine the normal weight range for a particular person.

The body mass index for women and men is determined similarly. The formula does not take into account either gender or age-related changes.

Calculation using the BMI formula

It can be seen that the resulting index in an adult will depend only on body weight. For example, you can calculate the BMI of an imaginary person. His height is 1.6 m, weight - 60 kg. It turns out 1.6 * 1.6 \u003d 2.56, BMI \u003d 60 / 2.56 \u003d 23.43.

The resulting coefficient shows that the weight of this person is within the normal range. The formula can be easily applied to everyone.

BMI interpretation

The result is deciphered using a special scale. It shows the intervals of the coefficients.

An indicator less than 18.49 means a lack of mass. If the resulting coefficient is less than 16, this is a critical weight deficit. The result obtained indicates possible violations in the body.

From 18.5 to 25 - the indicator is within the normal range. For most people, this is the optimal weight.

From 25 to 30 - there is an excess of weight. For men, 25-27 is considered the norm.

From 30 to 35 - 1st degree of obesity. This indicator can be both in athletes and in overweight people.

From 35 to 40 - 2nd degree of obesity. There is overweight. Or the person whose BMI was calculated is an athlete with very developed muscles (bodybuilder).

From 40 and more - obesity of the 3rd degree. Significantly overweight or muscular athlete.

Whatever the result, it must be remembered that the formula was created for mass research. The result of the calculations is the body mass index. Everyone can calculate it (men or women will do it, it doesn’t matter). But the result obtained does not reflect the full picture.

If we take athletes as a standard and determine their body mass index (calculate), men will be surprised, because the results will show different degrees of obesity. The body weight of the athlete will be rather big. All of them have developed muscles, which, with smaller volumes (compared to fat), weigh much more.

BMI results

The coefficient does not show the composition of the human body, but reflects only the general picture. How to calculate the body mass index to take into account the composition of the human body? It is necessary to use other research methods.

BMI can be the same in completely different people, of different sex and age. They may have a different amount of fat and muscle from each other, while the indicators will be the same.

The body mass index (for women it is calculated in the same way as for men) does not take into account age-related changes, body type and body composition.

Other research methods

To determine the body mass index more accurately, the formula should be more detailed and reflect all possible variables, primarily gender.

At home, in addition to BMI, you can estimate the size of the skin-fat fold in the abdomen. To do this, you need to pinch it with two fingers in the navel area. Thickness is measured with a special tool - a caliper. If not, then the thickness of the fold can be estimated visually. Normally, it should be about 2 cm. A complete examination with a caliper is carried out in 3-5 folds. The results are evaluated using a special formula.

Any measurement assumes the presence of an error. It is in all existing formulas, because they are created for mass use.

Psychological assessment of BMI

All experts recommend not using different indices to determine weight and appearance. If the reflection in the mirror pleases, and the measurements showed a deviation from the norm, then this will adversely affect mental health. Possible consequences are low self-esteem, depression, self-doubt.

It is worth assessing your lifestyle yourself. If the daily diet includes healthy foods, and physical activity is not in last place, then your own BMI is the optimal value.

One should always use an objective assessment when interpreting various tests that are designed to standardize all people.

Weight control is necessary for both women and men, and for this there is a special formula that determines the body mass index for men and women. Over time, the internal organs of a person become covered with excess fat and function with difficulty. Serious diseases develop: shortness of breath, diabetes mellitus, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, pancreas and other disorders in the functioning of vital organs of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor the weight indicators. But for an accurate understanding that this or that weight corresponds to your body, you need to learn how to calculate the weight norm.

In 1869, the Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet developed a calculator to calculate the norm of weight in relation to height. But this method considers only indicative, not exact data. After all, not only height with weight, but also the age of a man, muscle mass, bone mass, etc. should participate in an accurate calculation.

The calculator gives approximate calculations. For example, if a man is an athlete, then it is more difficult for him to calculate his body mass index, since his muscle mass is actually heavier than the fat layer.

The formulas presented in the Internet resources of various countries of the world and WHO differ according to the latest data. WHO, according to doctors, takes only an average figure, but in reality it can be excessive.

How to Calculate Body Mass Index

There is a formula by which you can find out your weight in relation to height. Thanks to this formula, you can always be beautiful and slim, regardless of age.

BMI for a man \u003d Weight (kg) / Height (m) 2

You can also substitute your parameters into the online calculator and instantly get the result. Calculation example:

  • Gender - male
  • Age - 40 years old,
  • Height: 170 cm = 1.70 * 1.70 = 2.89,
  • Weight: 75 kilograms.

We substitute the parameters into the formula BMI \u003d 75 kg / 2.89 \u003d 25.95.

BMI is a special indicator that displays the correspondence of your weight, taking into account height. This parameter is individual for each man and may depend on various factors. To determine BMI, you must consider:

  • The development of muscle mass,
  • gender identity,
  • Age.

The BMI norm for men is higher than the BMI norm for women. Also, the BMI of middle-aged men will be higher than that of older people and adolescents.

BMI table for men

BMI up to 16 - indicates excessive thinness of a man,

BMI from 16 to 18.5 - indicates a moderate underweight,

BMI from 18 to 24.9 is the norm,

BMI from 25 to 30 - typical for a slight excess of body weight,

BMI from 30 to 35 - indicates obesity of 1 degree,

BMI from 35 to 40 - indicates obesity of the 2nd degree,

A BMI of 40 or more is a symptom of grade 3 obesity.

If the body mass index exceeds 40, then a rather serious threat to life arises, and in order to eliminate it, prompt timely intervention is necessary.

Only by evaluating the BMI and waist circumference is it possible to determine the likelihood of developing diseases caused by grade 3 obesity. A large body weight does not always indicate a hormonal failure in the body and a metabolic disorder. For example, male weightlifters have a lot of weight only thanks to their muscles and are completely healthy.

BMI and weight control

Knowing how to correctly calculate the body mass index and regularly check the obtained indicator, it is possible to control and maintain your weight in the normal range. If BMI exceeds or lowers the norm, then you need to seek the advice of a specialist doctor. To normalize the weight, the specialist will prescribe a suitable diet and determine the diet. If the excess is insignificant, the representatives of the stronger sex are recommended:

  1. Reduce the portion of food and the frequency of its intake,
  2. Avoid foods that cause weight gain
  3. Include vegetables, fruits and grains in your diet
  4. Set certain hours for eating and do not eat before bed,
  5. Workout,
  6. Organize rest and sleep.

If the BMI is below the established norm, and the weight deficit is not critical, the suggested recommendations of specialists should be followed:

  1. Increase the portion of food and the frequency of its intake,
  2. Increase the calorie content of the foods you eat
  3. Include foods rich in protein in your diet
  4. Increase muscle mass through exercise
  5. Organize your sleep and rest schedule.

In the case of a critical weight gain or loss of a man’s body, the doctor prescribes individual treatment, since diet and adherence to the regimen will not be enough to correct weight and prevent various complications.

BMI norm and the value of the obtained indicators

After correct calculation your BMI, you can see in the table below whether your current weight is appropriate for you, taking into account your age:

Age BMI score Decryption
18 to 3016 to 18Anorexia
From 30 and more18 to 19Anorexia
18 to 3018 to 21Underweight
From 30 and more19 to 22Underweight
18 to 3021.5 to 25Norm
From 30 and more22 to 26Norm
18 to 3025 to 29Overweight
From 30 and more26.5 to 30Overweight
18 to 3029.5 to 321 degree of obesity
From 30 and more30.5 to 341 degree of obesity
18 to 3032.5 to 36.52 degree of obesity
From 30 and more34.5 to 382 degree of obesity
18 to 3037 to 423 degree of obesity
From 30 and more38.5 to 433 degree of obesity
18 to 3042.5 and above4 degree of obesity
From 30 and more43 and above4 degree of obesity

Ideally, it is believed that the average BMI for men should be several units less than indicated in the table below.

Ways to deal with excess body weight

There are several ways to deal with excess weight in men. Non-drug treatment is recommended when:

  1. Possible risk of various complications with excess weight,
  2. If the waist circumference exceeds 100 centimeters,
  3. Obesity 1, 2, 3 degrees.

Treatment is based on diet therapy, when kilograms are gradually reduced in conjunction with physical activity and psychological training. To get positive results, a man should consume no more than 1800 kcal daily with little physical activity.

In order to drastically reduce the volume of the body, it is required to consume no more than 1000 kcal.

  1. There were no results without the use of drugs,
  2. The body mass index exceeds 34 kg / ,
  3. The waist is 100 centimeters or more.
  1. Lack of positive results when using drug therapy,
  2. The degree of obesity exceeds 30 kg/m and there is a risk fatality in the formation of the following diseases: hypertension, diabetes, ischemia, disruption of the circulatory system,
  3. If the period of obesity of varying degrees exceeds five years.

If the patient suffers from alcoholism or mental disorders, surgical intervention will have a number of contraindications.

The importance of BMI in assessing a man's health

A sharp change in body volume adversely affects the functioning of the vital systems of the whole organism. Therefore, both weight gain and weight loss are a deviation from normal indicators. But the most dangerous is obesity, which rapidly increases body weight.

Consequences of being overweight:

  1. Diabetes,
  2. reduced immunity,
  3. Diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  4. Respiratory system dysfunction
  5. low performance,
  6. Infertility,
  7. Decreased stamina.

The development of impotence against the background of rapid obesity and the loss of the ability to prolong a kind are very frightening for men. Basically, weight gain occurs due to a malfunction of metabolic functions and hormonal imbalance.

Consequences of weight loss:

  1. Weakened body defenses
  2. Tendency to viral diseases - SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, etc.,
  3. Susceptibility to a dystrophic pathological process.

It is very important for the representatives of the stronger sex that the body mass index is in accordance with the norm. Maintaining a normal volume, you can maintain a beautiful athletic figure for many years, and, in fact, good health.

It is important for a woman of any age to be beautiful and healthy. Without knowing your ideal weight, it is difficult to control it and prevent obesity, or vice versa - a lack of mass. In the article below, we will tell you how to determine your ideal weight ( BMI for age), and also talk about many important nuances associated with the figure.

What is BMI

BMI - body mass index. Allocate normal indicators for each age group:

Calculation formula

The classic calculation formula:

BMI = your weight: (height*height)

Example #1

  • Height - 160, weight - 55, age - 34
  • BMI = 55: (160*160)= 0.002148
  • We round the number, leaving only the first 4 digits after the zeros. It turns out that BMI = 21.48
  • 21.48 - enters the interval between 20-25, following the table. This means that the body mass index is normal, there is no threat to health

Example #2

  • Height - 178, weight - 79, age - 22
  • BMI \u003d 85: (178 * 178) \u003d 0.00268274
  • Round the number, leaving the first 4 digits after zero. Therefore, BMI = 26.82
  • 26.82 - last stage before obesity, urgent action needed, high health risk

Example #3

  • Height - 182, weight - 98, age - 44
  • BMI \u003d 98: (172 * 172) \u003d 0.0033125
  • Round the number, leaving the first 4 digits after zero. BMI = 33.12
  • 33.12 - the first stage of obesity, high health risk

Calculate your ideal body weight

In medicine, there is the concept of normal weight, based on the calculation of mass, age and physique. This is necessary to control the general state of health. Doctors have identified several popular methods, we will consider the most popular of them, including the classic one, which we wrote about above.

1 Tables of Egorov and Levitsky

There are 3 body types:

  • Asthenics - a lean physique, elongated parts of the body.
  • Normostenics - a slender body, endurance, well-developed muscles.
  • Hypersthenics - a round body, muscles are poorly developed.

By age:

Overweight and obesity: causes


A person is depressed, or is going through difficult stressful stages in life, trying to seize all the problems. Psychologists distinguish such a disorder as compulsive overeating. Such problems are treated only at the reception of a psychotherapist, with the participation of special drugs.

Wrong writing habits

Often in people who are obese, relatives are in approximately the same mass. This is due to the wrong eating habits in the family from the series "if you drink tea, then always with bagels and pies." When a person grows up in such a culture, he transfers it to adulthood, subsequently suffering from excess weight.

Wrong way of life

A person sleeps little and moves, but eats a lot. Often this problem occurs in workers with a sedentary lifestyle, or the unemployed, sitting all day at the TV or computer.

How to lose weight once and for all

If the result showed obesity or overweight, then it's time to start losing weight. Obesity occurs not only at the external level, but also at the internal level - the organs are also obese, which disrupts their work.

Effective Methods

1 Healthy eating

You don't have to starve, but your mental health is not affected. If you are a lover of sweet and unhealthy, then pay attention to the recipes for healthy pizzas, hamburgers - they are just as tasty, but made from healthy products.

By eating healthy food, you lose weight slower but more effectively- by changing your lifestyle, you will no longer be drawn to the usual fast food and other harmful things, appearance will improve significantly, and energy will increase several times!

2 Drink plenty of water

Goes in addition to a healthy diet. Often, dehydration causes extra meals, as well as tea parties with cookies and chocolates.

Inefficient Methods

1 Diets

You will read the reasons for inefficiency below, in the "myths" section.

2 Dietary restrictions to a few foods

If the body does not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals, hair loss begins, problems with the skin and teeth, and a bunch of other consequences appear.

3 Weight loss with drugs

4 Lose weight by cleansing the body after each meal (vomiting or diarrhea).

Are fraught with loss of teeth, hair and ulcers.

5 Water restrictions

You will achieve maximum dehydration, which will negatively affect the functioning of the organs and skin of the face.

6 Daily exercise

To be effective, strength training must be distributed so that the muscles have time to recover. If this does not happen, the body begins to work for wear and tear, not giving bright results.


1 "I'll go on a diet first, and then on proper nutrition"

Many people want instant results by resorting to diets, as proper nutrition will not give a plumb in the first days. The truth is that more than 50% of those who practice this tactic often snap or quit altogether.

Let's analyze the terms in more detail:

Proper nutrition

Balanced diet, rich useful vitamins and micronutrients. If a person adheres to such a lifestyle, then he maintains a healthy weight and has a well-dispersed metabolism. The body is healthy, there is a lot of energy.


Intentional restriction in eating, where the main goal is to lose extra pounds. Metabolism does not accelerate, the body is under stress, energy decreases.

For an obese or overweight person, diet is a terrible measure. When the body consumes a large amount of carbohydrates and sugar daily, eat two to three foods for a long time- unbearably hard psychologically and a huge stress for the body.

2 Tablets, powders and teas will speed up the metabolism and help you lose excess

All of the above is ineffective, or helps to lose weight at the cost of your own health. What do you want more: to be healthy and slim or slim, but with a lot of problems?

3 Sugar is good in small amounts

Glucose is needed by the body, but you need the right one. Most chocolates and bars, many of which are considered dietary, are made with regular sugar. Glucose, according to research results, gives drowsiness, slows down metabolism and impairs thought processes. Useful "sugar" is found in fruits and substitutes.

4 "You can achieve results without sports"

If you have to lose weight by more than 5-10 kilograms, then you can’t do without sports and body care. Otherwise, stretch marks will appear, which are subsequently difficult to remove completely.

5 On proper nutrition do not lose weight

A strict healthy diet speeds up metabolism - the body receives the necessary energy and trace elements through the use of clean foods. Metabolism accelerates - excess weight goes away.

How to avoid stretch marks while losing weight

If you like to think ahead, and not chase quick results, then you are acting wisely, because rapid weight loss is fraught with stretch marks.

Stretch marks are scars that become flesh-colored over time, as in the photo above.

How to avoid:

1 No diets

Diets involve rapid weight loss. When you need to lose a couple of kilograms, the likelihood of stretch marks is negligible, but losing weight by 5-10 kilograms or more is fraught with their appearance. A balanced diet is a sure way to speed up your metabolism and lose weight without risks.

2 Sports - mandatory

Calories will be burned evenly, without microtrauma. Remember to focus on cardio if the main goal is to burn excess.

3 Accuracy is paramount

No sudden movements when peeling with a brush. You don’t need to stretch the skin with all your might and overdo it, because stretch marks are microtraumas. Love your body!

4 Body care is important

Many underestimate body care, considering it unnecessary, but this is not so. Our body, like the skin of the face, needs to be hydrated and nourished, so be sure to apply a nourishing body cream or oil after every shower.

5 Avoid sudden weight gains

You do not need to lose weight or gain weight dramatically, act gradually, without fanaticism, so that the body can more easily adapt to changes.

Mass deficit: what to do if I am satisfied with the figure

If you have periods, and the tests show a positive result, then you should not worry about a lack of mass, since a certain category of people have a very fast metabolism - they can eat at night, they can eat fatty, but this is all quickly processed and burned .

Also, if you eat well and get such a result, then do not be discouraged - with good analyzes and well-being, continue in the same spirit. For many who eat right, the metabolism accelerates so much that, without starving, the weight quickly disappears.

Read also: Kettlebell training at home: TOP-21 most effective exercises

Mass deficiency: when to panic

Sports results

You need to focus on strength training. Before you start training, make a clear plan for changes so as not to turn into a terminator, and control the training process.

If you have the opportunity, it is advisable to hire a good coach who will make a complete program.

Sample workouts are shown in the videos below:

VIDEO: Gaining muscle mass

● TOP 10 ● Rules for Increasing MUSCLE MASS for Girls!

Many now have the goal of gaining muscle mass and I want to give you 10 tips on how to do it right and get the most out of it!

2 Power

The key to weight gain is nutrition. Protein and carbohydrates must be present in your daily diet. To speed up the process, you can buy protein and make shakes. Protein helps muscles repair and grow. Combined with training, the effects of protein intake will be especially noticeable.

Sample diet:

Body mass index- This is a calculated estimate with which you can determine the correspondence of a person's height to his weight. Based on the results of the calculation, an approximate estimate of body weight is given, whether it is normal, insufficient or excessive.

The BMI was developed by the statistician and sociologist Adolphe Quetelet in the 19th century.

To calculate the body mass index, the following formula is used - body weight in kg is divided by height in meters raised to the second power.

For example, for a person of height 180 cm and weight 85 kg BMI calculation is as follows: (85/(1.8x1.8))=26

The World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed the following classification of BMI values:

  • below 18.5- there is a lack of mass. Usually, a lack of mass is associated with chronic diseases, malnutrition, nervous ailments, as well as anorexia;
  • from 18.5 to 25 is the normal weight. Normal body weight characterizes a healthy weight necessary for the full functioning of the body;
  • from 25 to 30- excess body weight. Excess body weight increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and increases the load on all organs. With this BMI, it is advisable to stick to a diet and get aerobic exercise in order to bring the BMI to normal values;
  • over 30- obesity. Obesity can be accompanied by a whole series of diseases, such as arthritis, diabetes, various tumors. Obesity increases the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases by 30%. For the treatment of obesity and weight stabilization, you must consult a doctor.

There is also a table for calculating BMI:

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Do you want to learn how to sit on? Let's try to do this.

Body mass index for men and women

The above classification of BMI is not related to the gender of a person and is designed for the age of 22-45 years.

Normal body weight is characterized by a BMI of 19-24 for women and 20-25 for men.

You also need to take into account the various features of the physique. A person with developed muscles may have an “excessive” BMI, but obesity will not be observed, since muscle tissue is heavier than fat.

With age, the value of normal BMI gradually increases. BMI indicators for children differ from BMI indicators for adults, because children have different body proportions, respectively, a different amount of adipose tissue.

Calculation of BMI taking into account age leads to the following results:

  • The normal BMI, depending on the age in children, ranges from 15 before 18 ;
  • 19-24 years old: normal BMI is 19,5 in women and 21,4 in men;
  • 25-34 years: BMI is normal 23,2 in women and 21,6 in men;
  • 35-44 years: The normal BMI is 23,4 for women and 22,9 in men;
  • 45-54 years: BMI is normal 25,2 in women and 25,8 in men;
  • after 55 years: The normal BMI is 27,3 in women and 26,6 in men.

Degrees of obesity by BMI

Indicator BMI over 30 talking about obesity. There are three degrees of obesity:

  • BMI 30-35 speaks of the first degree of obesity;
  • 35-40 - the second degree of obesity;
  • over 40 - third degree.

Obesity can be the cause of many dangerous diseases. The consequences of obesity include diseases such as:

  • arterial calcification;
  • arthrosis of a different nature;
  • blood clotting disorders, the risk of blood clots;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disorders of a different nature;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • oncological diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, mammary glands;
  • increased susceptibility to depression.

Obesity is a condition that requires medical intervention. Obesity is treated with a strict diet, appetite suppressant medications, psychotherapy, and regular exercise.

Currently, BMI is rarely used to diagnose obesity and as a universal measure of physical health.

The results of recent medical studies show that obesity is not always accompanied by diseases, and underweight, on the contrary, is more dangerous to health.

According to studies, about 35% of patients with a very high BMI (more than 40) have an absolutely normal metabolism. And 8% of people with a normal BMI have metabolic problems.

As a result, this group of patients has an increased risk of getting diseases that are more common in people with obesity. In addition, scientists have discovered a yet unexplained phenomenon, which they called the "obesity paradox".

This phenomenon is that people who are overweight are less likely to die from heart disease than people who are normal or underweight.

A large-scale experiment showed that people with a BMI less than 18 are three times more likely to die from heart disease. All these data suggest that BMI, despite the simplicity of calculation, is not a correct measure of health, because when it is calculated, a large number of factors that affect human health are missed.

For example, the types of body fat, the ratio of fat and muscle, age, gender, race, hereditary predisposition are not taken into account.

The study showed that at present there is a need to develop a more accurate method for assessing the health of people, especially those who are overweight or underweight.

The same number on the scale can have different meanings. 80 kg with a height of 190 cm is the norm. But the same 80 kg at 160 cm is already too much, especially for a woman. So it’s not enough to focus on kilograms alone. Ideally, you need to take into account the height, gender, age and lifestyle of a person. In this regard, to determine the norm and pathologies, they use such a concept as BMI.

What it is

BMI is short for body mass index. In English, it sounds like the Body Mass Index (BMI). This is a parameter that reflects the degree of correspondence between the weight and height of a person. It allows you to objectively assess whether he has extra pounds, whether he suffers from exhaustion, or whether everything is normal with him. Most often used in two cases.

Secondly, BMI calculation is necessary in order to control your figure, correct it and, in case of deviation from the norm, take appropriate measures.

Common Formula

Now the BMI formula is officially used, developed back in the middle of the 19th century by Adolf Quetelet, a sociologist and statistician from Belgium. It takes into account only two parameters - height and weight, which does not make it ideal for identifying extra or missing kilograms to the norm. Nevertheless, it has been used in medicine for many decades.

The formula for calculating Quetelet looks like this:

  • m (weight) = 80 kg;
  • h (height) = 1.6 m;
  • we square the meters: 1.6 x 1.6 \u003d 2.56;
  • I \u003d 80 / 2.56 \u003d 31.25.

This completes the calculation of the body mass index: it is 31.25. We remember this figure and compare it with normal indicators, according to the table below.

Norm and deviations

The WHO official website has a special table that shows both the BMI norm and deviations. We are looking for which category we fell into with our I \u003d 31.25.

We didn’t get into the normal body mass index, and the table shows not just extra pounds, but obesity of the first degree (an overview of obesity classifications can be found).

So it’s not at all difficult to calculate BMI and compare the data obtained with the norm. The problem is that the formula is already outdated, and the table from WHO does not reflect all the factors. And this means that the results may not be entirely correct.

For adults

Since weight is influenced by gender and age factors, tables have appeared according to which you can see the norm and deviations from it separately for women and for men, and even taking into account age. According to experts, here the data is more accurate and correct.

For men according to age

For women according to age

Depending only on gender

Depending only on age

Anything below normal is underweight. So, you need to urgently gain the missing kilograms. If the result exceeds the parameter indicated in the table by 5 units, you are overweight. If the difference is more than 5, you should seek qualified help, since we are talking, most likely, about.

For kids

To calculate BMI for children, you will need the same formula, but the table, accordingly, will be different. In a child, metabolic processes proceed much faster, and energy costs are several times higher than in adults. Therefore, it is imperative to use other standards.

For boys

For girls

Jumps from 7 to 9 years old are explained by the preparation of the body for adolescence and puberty.

Regular determination of BMI in a child allows parents to control his weight and timely prevent both exhaustion and the appearance of extra pounds (read about the features of childhood obesity).

Ideal weight calculation

You can find out your ideal body weight using various formulas that use different parameters for calculations.

General designation (R - height):

  • Borngart index: R in centimeters x (multiply) by chest circumference in centimeters / (divide) by 240;
  • Breitman index: R in centimeters x 0.7 - 50 kg;
  • Brock-Brukst index: for women R in centimeters - 100 - (R in centimeters - 100) / 10; for men, R in centimeters - 100 - (R in centimeters - 100) / 20;
  • Davenport index: weight in grams / R in centimeters squared;
  • Korovin index: you need to measure the thickness of the skin fold near the 3rd rib (normal 1-1.5 cm) and at the level of the navel (normal 1.5-2 cm);
  • Noorden index: R in centimeters x 420/1000;
  • Tatonya index: R in centimeters - (100 + (R in centimeters - 100) / 20).

There is also a small addition to the Broca-Bruksta formula: after the result obtained, you need to measure the volume of the wrist, and if it is less than 15 cm, subtract 10% from the ideal weight; at 15–18 cm we do not change anything, if more than 18, we increase the ideal weight obtained by the formula by 10%.

Using any formula, calculating your ideal body weight is easy. The main thing is to draw objective conclusions after comparing the result with real numbers. If the difference in both directions (more/less) is more than 5 kg, then there are problems that it is better to start solving immediately.

Important note!

We draw your attention to the fact that in different sources, data on the norm and deviations of BMI for men, women and children, taking into account age, can differ quite noticeably, with the exception of the general table recommended by WHO. The fact is that the parameters are calculated according to different methods and formulas - hence the difference arises within the unit. In this regard, all parents are advised to use the data for children only indicatively and, in case of doubt, be sure to consult a pediatrician without taking any independent measures.

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