Home Meat What can be cooked in brine from cucumbers. Pickled cookies - a delicious dessert made from improvised products. Soft biscuits with cucumber pickle

What can be cooked in brine from cucumbers. Pickled cookies - a delicious dessert made from improvised products. Soft biscuits with cucumber pickle

If you have never eaten such cookies, then the addition of brine to the composition will definitely seem strange to you. But one has only to try the finished products once to understand that it is really tasty and not much different from the traditional version.

These cookies are prepared in the same way as regular cookies. Of the differences - only one ingredient. By the way, you can bake using absolutely any brine. It can be a pickle from under cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, corn, beans.

General principles of preparation

In today's recipes, everything is very simple. We will need to mix all the ingredients well to get a homogeneous dough. In some recipes, he will need to rest a bit so that all his components are well “connected”, while in others he can cook right away.

The dough is rolled out to the desired thickness and cut into shapes of the desired size. If there are shapes, you can cut them out, and if not, you can simply make cubes, sticks or circles using the most common items at hand.

Cucumber brine biscuits

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

If you have a glass of brine in your refrigerator, then you can make delicious cookies right now to please yourself. Especially delicious with hot tea!

How to cook:

Tip: instead of paper, you can use vegetable oil, but in reasonable quantities.

Pickled shortbread cookies with condensed milk filling

As a filling for cookies, we will use boiled condensed milk with roasted nuts. It's so delicious it's impossible to resist!

How much time - 2 hours and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 465 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar to them and beat everything into a fluffy foam.
  2. Add sour cream and vanilla, mix well.
  3. Soft margarine, which is previously removed from the refrigerator, cut into cubes.
  4. Add it to the eggs and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  5. Pour the flour in several stages, but be sure to use a sieve.
  6. Add brine in parts, kneading the mass until a smooth consistency.
  7. Ready dough place in a bowl, cover and let rest for thirty minutes.
  8. When the time has passed, punch down the dough, wrap in cling film and refrigerate for one hour.
  9. After the time has passed, take it out and divide it into many small parts.
  10. Form each piece into a ball with a hole in the center for the filling.
  11. Place cookies on a baking sheet covered with paper.
  12. Bake for thirty minutes at 200 degrees Celsius.
  13. At this time, pour the nuts into a dry frying pan and put on the stove.
  14. Turn on the fire and fry them until golden brown.
  15. Then cool completely and chop finely.
  16. Mix with condensed milk.
  17. Remove cookies, cool, and then fill with filling.

Tip: To make filling the cookies easier, use a piping bag.

Baking with tomato brine

Now we will try cookies with oatmeal and unusual spices. It will be very tender because we decided to make it with yogurt.

How long is 3 hours.

What is the calorie content - 290 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour oatmeal into a bowl, pour them with brine.
  2. Cover with a plate or lid and let it brew for two hours.
  3. When the time has passed, pour in the yogurt, beat in the eggs and add the flour in parts. At the same time, it is very important to pass it through a sieve so that the dough turns out airy.
  4. After adding flour, knead the dough thoroughly each time.
  5. In the process of kneading, add fennel, cumin and anise oil so that they also disperse well and evenly throughout the dough.
  6. Roll it out with a rolling pin on a work surface and cut out the shapes.
  7. Transfer them to the prepared baking sheet and put in the oven for half an hour at 160 degrees.

Tip: Instead of yogurt, you can use fatty kefir.

Lean option

This recipe can be called lean or vegan. It will not contain animal products, everything is plant-based. Save it, it will definitely come in handy.

How much time - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 330 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the brine into a bowl and immediately add oil to it.
  2. Add sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Add half of the flour, mix with a whisk until smooth.
  4. Next add the baking powder and the rest of the flour.
  5. But at this stage, knead the components by hand.
  6. When you get a homogeneous mass, cover it and let it brew for half an hour.
  7. After that, roll out into a layer of the desired thickness and cut out the figures with a culinary form.
  8. Put on a baking sheet and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour at medium temperature.

Tip: to make the cookies ruddy, you can grease them with yolk.

Delicious chocolate chip cookies with oatmeal

There is always some mystery in oatmeal cookies. This time it is in the form of poppy seeds, chocolate and nuts. Get original and unusual! Moreover, everything is prepared in pickle cucumbers.

How long is 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 407 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the oil into a bowl, add brine, honey, sugar, soda, oat flakes and flour.
  2. Flour must be introduced in parts and each time knead the mass until smooth. It is important to use a sieve when adding flour.
  3. Add raisins and poppy seeds to the dough, finely chop the chocolate.
  4. Dry the nuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown, chop finely.
  5. Mix all four ingredients, add to the dough and knead until they are evenly distributed throughout the mass.
  6. Form small balls out of it, put them on a baking sheet.
  7. Bake for ten minutes at 220 degrees.

Tip: You can also add candied fruits, citrus zest or coconut flakes.

Cooking with a meat grinder

Our grandmothers often spoiled us with cookies through a meat grinder. Did you guess that it contains brine? Now you can cook it yourself and learn all the subtleties.

How long is 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 379 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Remove the margarine beforehand so that it has time to warm up. But for this it must be opened and cut, so it can heat up faster.
  2. Put it in a bowl, add sugar and beat everything into a lush foam.
  3. Pour in the brine and beat in the eggs, beat everything again until smooth.
  4. Next, add soda and add flour in parts, be sure to through a sieve.
  5. After each addition, the mass must be kneaded until smooth.
  6. Pass the resulting dough through a meat grinder, cutting it at certain distances.
  7. Put on a baking sheet and put in the oven for twenty minutes at 190 degrees.

Tip: Add some cinnamon to make the cookies flavorful.

The thicker you roll out the dough, the softer and fluffier your cookies will be. If you roll it thinly, you will get crispy and dense products. Do as you please. But it is worth considering that soft cookies will be an order of magnitude smaller than crispy ones.

Soda can be extinguished not only with vinegar, but also with lemon juice or lime juice. If there is no soda, you can use baking powder or a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Brine cookies are quite unusual for those who have never tried them before. If you are already a fan of this delicious pastry, study our recipes, you will surely find something new for yourself.

Optionally, instead of cucumber, you can take pickle from tomatoes or sauerkraut. It does not matter. The main thing is to knead the dough well, then the cookies will turn out very tasty.


Cucumber pickle - 1 tbsp.;
vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.;
sugar - 150 g;
flour - 4 tbsp.;
soda - 1 tsp


1. First, mix the brine with sugar until the grains are completely dissolved. Then add soda and pour in vegetable oil, mix everything well again.

2. The last ingredient remains - flour. We also pour it in parts into the total mass, after sifting through a sieve to avoid the appearance of lumps. At the end you should have a thick dough.

3. We wrap the finished dough with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes to make it easier to roll out. After the time has passed, we take out the dough and divide it into several parts, after which we roll each of them.

4. The ideal dough thickness is 5-8 mm. When it is rolled out to such an extent, we begin to give it a shape. You can just take a glass and make round cookies, or you can take baking molds and use them to make curly cookies. And you can make long cookies, as shown in the photo below.

5. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, put the future cookies on it and send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 15 minutes.

6. Delicious cucumber brine cookies are ready.

Note! It is not necessary to extinguish the soda, since the brine can perfectly cope with this task.

Biscuits in brine with semolina

If you add semolina to all the ingredients listed in the previous recipe, then the cookies will be even more tender and tasty. In addition, with the appearance of semolina in the list of ingredients, cookies become less harmful.


Cucumber pickle - 1 tbsp.;
granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
Wheat flour- 2 tbsp.;
semolina - 1 tbsp.;
sunflower oil- 0.5 st.;
baking soda- 1 tsp;
vanilla sugar - optional.


1. First of all, mix cucumber pickle with sunflower oil, add sugar there and mix everything. Then add in turn semolina, sifted flour and, if desired, a little vanilla sugar. In conclusion, add quick soda.

2. Mix all the ingredients well together, and the dough is ready. Now he needs to be allowed to cool in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes and can be rolled out. Sprinkle the table and rolling pin with flour or simply roll out the dough through cling film.

3. Cut out cookies of different shapes using special molds or give them a round shape with a glass.

4. Grease a baking sheet with sunflower oil or cover it with parchment paper, put cookies on it. We send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 20-25 minutes.

5. Transfer the cookies to cool on a special rack. Very delicious cookies brine is ready!

Advice! It is best to take refined vegetable oil, as it is less greasy and most suitable for delicate baking.

Healthy brine cookies

If you stick proper nutrition but want to treat yourself to something delicious, this recipe with a photo will help you. It contains all the harmful ingredients from classic recipe replaced with their healthier alternatives so you can try this recipe without worrying about your health.


Cucumber pickle - 100 ml;
olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
oat bran - 150 g;
soda - 0.5 tsp;
wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
brown sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
Apple vinegar- 1 tsp;
raisins, goji berries and sesame - 2 tbsp. l. (optional);
vegetable oil.


1. At first glance, cooking seems complicated due to the large number of different ingredients, but in fact, baking such healthy cookies pretty easy. First, mix the brine with olive oil.

2. We measure the required amount of bran and pour them with brine mixed with olive oil, let it brew for 5 minutes.

3. Add brown sugar to the bran (you can do without it).

4. We extinguish the soda and add it to the dough. Add sesame seeds, raisins or goji berries if desired. They will give the liver a brighter and interesting taste.

5. Add flour. If the amount indicated in the ingredients is not enough, and the dough sticks to your hands, add a little more flour. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.

6. We roll balls from the dough, flatten them and we can assume that the cookies are almost ready.

7. We cover the baking sheet with parchment, grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil and lay out cookies on it.

8. We send a baking sheet with cookies to the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

9. Cool and serve cookies on the table. It turns out very similar to the classic oatmeal cookies, but in this version the dough is more tender and light. Bon Appetit!

Each of the recipes described above is delicious and special in its own way. But we recommend that you try the dietary version of brine cookies, as it will forever dispel doubts that healthy food cannot be tasty.

If you run out of canned cucumbers or tomatoes, take your time to pour out the brine. It is good not only after a festive feast or in pickle. Based on it, you can bake magnificent. It turns out very soft, lush and fragrant thanks to ground tangerine peels, which can be replaced with zest or citrus essence. The taste of the cake depends on the quality of the brine, so for sweet pastries do not take spicy brine or with the addition bell pepper. In the brine dough, you need to put a little more sugar than in regular pastries and do not add salt at all.

Brine baking step by step recipes with photos:


  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • cucumber pickle - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 180 grams;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • soda - 1 tsp + a pinch of citric acid (or 2 teaspoons of baking powder);
  • ground tangerine peels - 1 teaspoon;
  • sunflower oil - 10 ml.

How to make a brine pie with lemon zest:

Pour sugar into a bowl, beat in eggs. Beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth, similar to a liquid cream. Pour in the brine and stir.

Add dry ingredients: flour, baking soda, citric acid, ground tangerine peels. Baking powder can be added instead of soda and citric acid.

Mix everything thoroughly so that the dough turns out the same as for charlotte.

Grease the form with oil, lightly sprinkle with flour. Put the dough in it.

Place in an oven heated to 200°. After 5 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180 ° and bake for 40 minutes until a beautiful golden brown.

Remove the pie from the oven and cool slightly.

Separate the edges of the cake from the sides of the form, pry the cake with a spatula. Turn it over on a towel. Leave until completely cool.

Place the cake on a dish and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut into portions.

Pancakes in brine

Pancakes are probably the most economical flour dish, because they need very little flour to bake, and milk can be diluted in half with water, only water can be used, and even dough can be kneaded in brine from cucumbers or tomatoes. But the brine should not be spicy, highly salty or sour due to the large amount of vinegar. The taste of pancakes depends on the spices that are in the brine. But in ready-made pancakes, they are not so pronounced. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that pancakes in brine will smell strongly of dill or garlic. Only a slight piquancy will remind you of brine. Pancakes are thin, soft, with openwork edges. These pancakes can be stuffed savory filling or eat with sour cream.


  • brine - 300 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 70 grams;
  • flour - 8 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp + a pinch of citric acid;
  • soda and citric acid can be replaced with 1 tsp. baking powder.


Pour sugar into a saucepan and break the eggs. Whisk the mixture with a whisk until foamy. Pour in the brine.

While continuing to beat, add the flour one tablespoon at a time. Thanks to this method of kneading, the dough you will have without lumps. The dosage of flour is approximate, so focus not on the number of spoons, but on the consistency of the dough. Put citric acid and soda.

Stir until bubbles appear. Pour in vegetable oil and mix. The dough should be quite liquid.

Now start baking pancakes.

Grease a frying pan with oil and heat well. Reduce fire to medium. Pour half a ladle of batter into the middle of the pan. Tilt the pan in different directions, achieve that the dough takes the form of a circle.

If the pancake is not quite even, do not add more batter. Leave as is. When the underside of the pancake is browned and the top is slightly dry, carefully flip it over to the other side and bring to readiness.

Stack the pancakes and serve.

Fritters in brine


  • brine - 120 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • semolina - 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • flour - 11 tbsp. spoons.
  • 5 grams of soda + a pinch of citric acid
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


Beat sugar and eggs with a whisk. Pour in the brine. Add semolina. Stir and leave for 30 minutes. Semolina should swell well so that it does not crunch on the teeth in ready-made pancakes.

Then add flour, soda, citric acid and vanilla. Mix thoroughly with a whisk. It should be of medium consistency.

Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil, over low heat under a lid. Fritters in brine should be baked slowly so that they turn out fluffy and well-baked inside.
Bon Appetit!!!

Sincerely, Alina Stanislavovna.

Lean brine cookies - one of the most popular recipes home baking v Soviet times. You can prepare the ingredients in a matter of minutes, you need elementary products, all that remains is to knead a simple dough and put it in the oven.

How to make brine cookies?

With a true mistress, everything goes to work, even the remnants of cucumber pickle. It turns out soft rich pastries with a light, slightly noticeable aroma of spices. Slightly similar in taste to brine cookies and vegetable oil for a gingerbread

  1. Brine dough for cookies is made as simple as possible: it is sugar, flour, butter, brine, all in approximately the same proportions, and soda. Vanillin and baking powder can be added to keep the food soft even longer.
  2. The dough should not be thoroughly kneaded, it should be slightly sticky to the fingers.
  3. The dough rises a little in the oven, so you need to leave a small distance between the cookies.
  4. Adding baking soda to the dough lean cookies in brine, do not quench it with vinegar.

Cucumber brine cookies - recipe

Lean biscuits in brine from cucumbers according to the classic Soviet recipe includes only a few ingredients that are almost always in every home. It is recommended to take flour of the highest grade, add odorless oil. Some advise adding vanillin for taste. The main advantage of the dish is that brine cookies are made without eggs and dairy products, therefore it is suitable for those who observe Great Lent.


  • cucumber pickle - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin - 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.


  1. Mix the brine with sugar and butter.
  2. Sift flour, add soda and knead the dough.
  3. Form small balls from the dough, put the formed cookies on a baking sheet at a distance. Place in preheated oven for 8-12 minutes.

Biscuits in brine from tomato are somewhat different in taste from cucumber baking but just as delicious. Coconut flakes, powdered sugar, chopped nuts can be added to the dough for a change. It is recommended to cover the baking sheet with paper, so the dough will not stick. If you form small balls and cut it out with a cookie cutter, then the pastries will come out crispy.


  • tomato brine - 250 ml;
  • flour - 200-220 g;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin;
  • sunflower oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 150-170 g.


  1. In a container, mix sugar, brine, oil well.
  2. Add flour and soda, not slaked with vinegar (brine will handle this).
  3. Knead the dough and divide it into balls.
  4. Put them on a baking sheet and leave to rise for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Bake for 7-10 minutes at 220 degrees.

Cabbage pickle cookies in its classic interpretation contain eggs, but they can be replaced with vinegar, and instead of classic margarine or butter put the usual vegetable. This recipe should still be in the hostess' cookbook. Baking comes out crispy, but melts in your mouth, serve it well with jam, honey, you can add cinnamon for piquancy.


  • cabbage pickle - 1 cup;
  • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 150-170 g;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • sugar - 1/2 cup.


  1. Mix butter with sugar. Whisk until white.
  2. Add brine, also beat.
  3. Gradually add flour, whisking. The dough should be thick.
  4. Cut the dough into circles with a glass. Put in a form at a distance from each other. Bake 20 minutes.

Lean brine cookies with oatmeal

Oatmeal brine cookies are an ideal dish for those who are on a diet. It turns out baking is nutritious, contains many useful substances. Raisins are often added to this dish, but you can put nuts and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Hercules flakes are best ground in a blender.


  • cucumber pickle - 100-130 ml;
  • oatmeal - 250-300 g;
  • sunflower oil - ¼ cup;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sesame seeds - to taste;
  • raisins - to taste.


  1. Soak raisins in water.
  2. Mix oat flakes with sugar and brine. Leave a little for the dough to swell.
  3. Put raisins. Mix.
  4. Form round cakes from the dough. Lay them out on a baking sheet.
  5. Bake lean oatmeal cookies in brine for about 20 minutes.

If guests unexpectedly rushed in, and there is nothing to treat them with, you can advise on brine - its recipe is elementary simple, and this dish is baked for only 15-20 minutes. To decorate on top, cookies can be sprinkled with sugar, or chopped nuts, such as peanuts or almonds. You can take any brine for baking, even from under olives.


  • any brine - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vegetable oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.


  1. Mix and beat with a whisk brine, sugar and butter.
  2. Gradually add flour to the contents, knead the dough.
  3. Roll out the dough and cut out circles with a glass. Bake them on a baking sheet at 200 degrees.
  4. Decorate as desired.

The brine cookie recipe at home can be made your “chip” and serve unusual pastries even on festive table. Almonds and jam will add originality to the dish, with them the cookies come out fragrant and have an interesting taste. It is hard to imagine that in this gentle soft dish harmoniously combined salt pickle and lusciously sweet jam.


  • brine - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin - 1/3 tsp;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup;
  • almonds - to taste;
  • jam - 1 jar;
  • vegetable oil - 100-120 g.


  1. Mix butter with sugar and beat.
  2. While whisking, add the brine and flour in a trickle so that there are no lumps. Form a thick dough.
  3. Remove the kneaded dough in a cold place for an hour.
  4. Form balls, crush them with your hand, making indentations for the filling. Bake 20 minutes.
  5. When the lean in the brine is ready, put a little jam and ground almonds on top of each.

Delicate tasty brine cookies come out if you add lemon juice or mashed rind. If you wish, you can diversify the recipe even more interesting, and put olives cut in half with lemon in cookies. Then you can cook without adding sugar, and the dish will turn out even more dietary.


  • brine - 210-250 ml;
  • flour - 240-260 g;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • lemon zest - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 100-120 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


  1. Mix brine and sugar until the latter is dissolved.
  2. Add butter, then sifted flour, soda and zest.
  3. Knead the dough, form small round cookies out of it.
  4. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Garnish with a lemon wedge.

Homemade brine cookies can be supplemented with semolina. Such pastries are more satisfying, and the taste of baking is not inferior. It is recommended to beat the dough for the dish with a mixer to get a uniform consistency. It is necessary to let the dough brew, it is best to put it in the refrigerator for an hour.


  • cucumber pickle - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • sunflower oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.


  1. Mix the sifted flour and soda with semolina.
  2. Mix oil with brine, stir thoroughly and add sugar.
  3. Received add to flour and semolina. Knead the dough.
  4. Put the prepared dough in the refrigerator for 50-60 minutes.
  5. Cut out cookies (you can choose a variety of shapes).
  6. Put the resulting cookies on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.

The brine can be cooked in just 10 minutes if done in a frying pan. Cookies are more beautiful if they are sprinkled with cinnamon and granulated sugar after frying. To make the pastry softer, the cookie blanks should be made thicker. Oil is better to take without smell.


  • brine - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • sunflower oil - ½ cup;
  • sugar - 2/3 cup.


  1. Mix the brine, sugar and butter thoroughly, add flour in a thin stream, add soda.
  2. Mix and make a stiff dough.
  3. Make cookies of arbitrary shape from the dough, fry them in oil.
  4. Decorate lean brine cookies as desired.

Brine cookies in fasting can also be prepared from rye flour, it is healthier and has a beautiful brownish tint. You can mix two types of flour - rye and wheat, so the pastries will be more tender. Soda can be replaced with baking powder. You can decorate cookies with ground nuts, serve them well with jam or jam.


  • brine - 200 ml;
  • rye flour - 250 g;
  • soda - ½ tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g;
  • sugar - to taste.


  1. Mix the ingredients and knead a thick dough.
  2. Let it rest in the refrigerator.
  3. Bake until done, up to 20 minutes.

An excellent snack-snack will be in brine. It does not contain sugar, as well as eggs, milk, margarine. Therefore, baking is suitable for those who follow the figure. It will be delicious if grated cheese, cumin or sesame seeds are added to the dough. Any shape can be given to the liver - stars, bagels, circles.

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