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Reduced calorie dough products. Subscribe to Learn to Bake. Fundamentals of clinical nutrition

Biscuit "Sunny"

Flour 346, granulated sugar 278, melange 463, carrot puree 116. Yield 1000.

Biscuit "Night"

Flour 325, granulated sugar 278, melange 463, beetroot puree 116, cocoa powder 20. Yield 1000 g.

Biscuit "Freshness"

Flour 346, granulated sugar 283, melange 472, cabbage puree 94, essence 3. Yield 1000 g. Vegetables for puree are washed, peeled, washed again, cut into pieces and boiled in steam or in water. Ready vegetables are mashed twice on a vegetable masher. Biscuits are prepared in the main way. Before beating melange with granulated sugar, boiled grated carrots are added to “Solnechny”, cabbage to “Freshness”, beets to “Nochka”. Bake a biscuit at a temperature of 220-230 "C for 35-40 minutes.

Cookies "Golden"

Flour 661, granulated sugar 155, margarine 232, melange 72, carrots (mashed potatoes) 130, salt 2, drinking soda 1, vanillin 0.2. Yield 1000 g. Prepare, as usual, shortbread, only while beating sugar with margarine add carrot puree. Ready dough roll out into a layer 5 mm thick, cut out cookies with a round notched notch and bake at a temperature of 220-230 C for 10-12 minutes.

Bun "Pink"

Flour 445, yeast 13, granulated sugar 20, salt 7, mashed boiled beets 34, margarine 13, water 180, melange for lubrication 10. Yield 600 (1 pc. 60 g). Yeast dough with the addition of boiled mashed beets is prepared in a sourdough method, balls weighing 68 g are formed from the finished txt, they are left for 40-50 minutes, smeared with melange before baking. Products are baked at a temperature of 230-240C for 10-12 minutes.

Bun "Altaiskaya"

Flour 390, yeast 10, boiled mashed carrots 38, salt 4, vegetable oil 20, water 140, melange for lubrication 9.5. Yield 500 (1 piece 50 g). Yeast tssto is prepared in the same way as for Rosovaya buns, but boiled mashed carrots are added to tssto instead of beets, margarine is replaced vegetable oil and don't add sugar.

Bun "Autumn"

Flour 384, yeast 8, granulated sugar 60, salt 4, boiled mashed carrots 25, margarine 70, water 165, melange for lubrication 9.5. Yield 600 (1 piece 60 g). Cooking yeast dough the same as for the Pink bun, but boiled grated carrots are added instead of beets. When cutting on a round ball, an incision is made from the middle to the edge of the workpiece.

Quince roll

Quince biscuit 585, quince filling 374, main biscuit 41. For the filling: quince paste / 03.2, granulated sugar 31.

Yield 1000 g. Quince biscuit is baked with a layer of 6-7 mm, left, paper is removed, cleaned and smeared with quince filling (2/3 according to the recipe), wrapped in a roll. The surface is smeared with the remaining quince filling and sprinkled with the main biscuit, crushed on a coarse grater. Quince filling is prepared in the same way as apple filling.

Roll "Snowflake"

Apple biscuit for roll 590, apple filling 260, protein-apple custard cream 110, biscuit crumbs 40. Yield 1000. Roll is prepared from biscuit-apple semi-finished product in the same way as apple roll. The surface of the “Snowflake” roll is covered with protein-apple cream (custard), decorations are placed on the upper part of the roll using the same cream, and the sides are sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.

Biscuit pie "Nochka"

Biscuit "Nochka", butter cream 250, powdered sugar 30. Yield 1000. After cooling, the biscuit is cut into two layers, glued with butter cream, sprinkled with powdered sugar on top.

In a new kind of bakeries and confectionery part of the high-calorie raw materials (fat, sugar, flour) was replaced by less energy-intensive, but biologically complete products - low-fat cottage cheese, milk food protein, boiled pureed vegetable masses, vegetable drinks, compositions including milk-protein products and vegetable masses, as well as fruit pastes and puree.

Vegetable purees are mashed vegetables that have been steamed or in the usual way.

These products can be recommended for dietary (diet No. 5, 7, 10, 11, 15) and rational nutrition. Calorie reduction is achieved by replacing part of the fat, sugar and eggs with vegetable and fruit purees. Puree can be introduced into yeast dough (thick and liquid), biscuit, shortbread, custard, as well as into dough for dumplings, homemade noodles. Puree added in the amount of 10-15% of the flour mass does not affect the structural and mechanical properties of the dough, does not worsen the organoleptic characteristics, but increases the nutritional value of the products, the balance of individual nutrients, and reduces the total calorie content.

Products from yeast dough . Yeast dough is prepared in a sponge method. Puree from potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage is introduced in the form of an emulsion with margarine when kneading dough. Next, the products are prepared as usual. The following range of low-calorie products is prepared from yeast dough.

Bun "Pink". Boiled mashed beets are introduced into the dough during kneading. Humidity test 40%. Products are molded in the form of balls (weighing 58 g), left for proofing for 40-50 minutes. Before baking, the surface of the products is smeared with an egg. Bake at a temperature of 230-240°C for 10-12 minutes. Finished products are sprinkled with refined powder.

Bun "Altai". The dough is prepared and the "Altai" bun is baked in the same way as the "Pink" bun, but instead of beetroot puree, boiled grated carrots are added.

Products from biscuit dough. The semi-finished product is prepared in the same way as the main biscuit, but mashed boiled vegetables are added before whipping the melange with sugar.

Biscuit pie "Sunny". Grated carrots are added to the mass before whipping. The baked and chilled biscuit is layered with jam and sprinkled with refined powder.

Biscuit pie "Freshness".V mass before beating enter boiled mashed cabbage. The baked semi-finished product is layered with jam and sprinkled with refined powder.

Biscuit pie "Nochka". Boiled mashed beets are introduced into the mass before whipping. Flour before laying is mixed with cocoa powder. The baked and chilled biscuit is layered with butter cream and sprinkled with refined powder,

Products from shortcrust pastry. Sand dough being prepared traditional way. Vegetable or fruit additive is pre-whipped with margarine.

Cookies "Golden". Margarine with sugar and boiled grated carrots are beaten until fluffy for 5-7 minutes, eggs, sodium bicarbonate, salt, vanillin are added, mixed until smooth, combined with flour and the dough is quickly kneaded. The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 4-5 mm thick. With the help of a round notch with jagged edges, products are cut out of it and baked at a temperature of 220-230 ° C for 10-12 minutes.

Products from custard dough. Choux pastry is prepared as usual, but put into the water along with oil and salt vegetable puree. Chopped vegetables can be boiled until soft in water, and then add oil, flour and boil the mass. Products in the form of strips, rings or balls are baked for 15 minutes at 220 ° C, then 20 minutes at 190 ° C. The custard semi-finished products are filled with creams: butter, protein, curd, etc. etc. In this case, vegetable oil can be introduced into the water when boiling the mass.


Chapter 1. Features of cooking technology and culinary products for medical nutrition

Nutrition according to specially designed rations (diets) is called dietary (food in rest homes, sanatoriums, canteens and vocational schools, etc.). Its varieties are therapeutic and therapeutic nutrition. Often therapeutic nutrition is called dietary, and catering establishments where it is organized are dietary canteens.

Therapeutic (dietary) nutrition. Nutrition of sick and convalescent people is organized according to special diets. Nutrition in this case is equated to therapeutic methods of treatment and contributes to the fastest recovery of the patient. In most diseases, therapeutic agents give a positive effect only in combination with proper nutrition under medical supervision.

Therapeutic nutrition is needed by people undergoing outpatient treatment or suffering from chronic diseases.

The following requirements are imposed on dietary canteens where medical nutrition is organized:

* the staff must have special training;

* the kitchen must be equipped with special equipment (wiping machines, steamers, etc.) and inventory (steam boxes, boilers with mesh liners, dish sterilizers);

* special rooms should be equipped - a rest room for visitors, an office of a dietitian or dietitian, a room for washing hands, separate from the bathroom;

* the sale of special dietary products (mineral waters, natural fruit and berry and vegetable juices, vitamin drinks, protein-bran bread, dietary confectionery);

* the supply of raw materials in the assortment necessary for the preparation of medical nutrition dishes (lean meat and fish, milk and dairy products, cottage cheese, low-fiber vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini).

Diet food should be provided at least twice a day. At the same time, dietary canteens (departments) should have all the necessary meals daily, depending on the contingent of patients using dietary nutrition. These dishes, both in terms of calories and chemical composition must comply with the characteristics of the diets.

Therapeutic and preventive nutrition. In some industrial enterprises, technological conditions (elevated temperature and humidity, vibration, etc.) have a harmful effect on human health. In these cases, therapeutic and preventive nutrition is necessary. It is organized in the same way as medical nutrition, according to special diets, into which nutrients are introduced that contribute to the rapid removal of harmful substances from the body, and products that contribute to their absorption are excluded; nutrition is built in such a way as to increase the body's resistance to environmental influences.

The list of persons who are entitled to therapeutic and preventive nutrition is determined separately for each industry and for each profession.

Lesson plan

Thing :MDK 08.01 "Technology for the preparation of bakery and flour confectionery products"

Group No. 39, course 3

teacher b Kozhevnikova L.P.

Topic: 6.1 "Preparation of fruit and light fat-free cakes and pastries"

Lesson topic #39-40 The role of low-calorie foods in nutrition. Characteristics of low-calorie confectionery products. Preparation of semi-finished products for low-calorie products "

Lesson Objectives:

educational - formation of students' knowledge about

reduced calorie confectionery,

pre-preparation of ingredients.

Educational - develop memory, mental activity,

competent professional speech, independence.

Educational - educate interest in the subject and the chosen profession.

Lesson type: combined

Type of lesson: messages of new knowledge

Technology: use of ICT.

Teaching methods : verbal (explanation, conversation), visual, ICT. Formation of competencies:

General competencies: understand the essence and significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it (GC 1); organize their own activities in solving professional problems (OK.2.2); to search for and use the information necessary for the effective performance of independent work; (OK.4) competently organize their activities, correctly using labor techniques when performing practical tasks (OK.3); take responsibility for the results of the assignment. Teaching aids: Buteykis textbook "Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery", presentation, video.

During the classes:

1. Organizational part of the lesson - 2 minutes;

greeting, identification of absentees.

2. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson - 3 min.

3. Survey of the material covered.

4. Presentation of new material .- 25min.

Characteristics of low-calorie confectionery products. Reducing the calorie content of food is an urgent task in organizing a healthy diet. in this regard, more and more ingredients and decorations with reduced fat content and granulated sugar, as well as with the use of food additives and mixtures, appear in the confectionery industry.Thus, one of the areas of healthy nutrition is the manufacture of low-calorie products - less fatty and less sweet, but more healthy. Currently, for the preparation of flour confectionery products, there are product compositions in several versions: with a high fat content, with a reduced content, and very low.The latter include skimmed milk, cream, yogurt, sour cream, as well as mixtures and substitutes. . Often substitutes give a good result, for example, making shortcrust pastry with a reduced calorie content.Cakes are made semi-skimmed or fat-free by using light oils. In this case, the products are crispy and lighter in structure than traditional ones. Usage ready mixes, which are part of the dough and creams, simplifies the technological process, reduces the duration of preparation of products, ensures their high taste and appearance due to uniform porosity and high lift. Products retain freshness longer, their shelf life increases. Mixtures weighing 10-12 kg are delivered to enterprises in cardboard boxes or paper bags. Store them in a cool, dry place for 6 to 12 months. Reduced calorie products can be recommended for rational and diet food(diet No. 5.7, 10, 11, 15). For the manufacture of bakery and confectionery products, part of the high-calorie raw materials (fat, granulated sugar, flour) can be replaced by such less energy-intensive, but biologically complete products,as low-fat cottage cheese, milk food protein, boiled pureed vegetable masses, vegetable drinks, compositions including milk-protein products and vegetable masses, as well as fruit pastes and purees . For example, apple, quince, grape paste is a homogeneous pureed mass without seeds, seeds, skin residues and other coarse particles. Grape stone crystals are allowed for grape paste. In this case, the grape paste is rubbed through a sieve with a mesh size of 1.5 mm, as a result, the amount of paste in the recipe is increased by 7%. Citric acid is added to apple and quince pastes to improve the taste. The mass fraction of solids in pastes is 20, 32.40%, respectively.Vegetable purees are mashed vegetables, pre-cooked in a steam or in the usual way. . Tangerine grits are pieces of peel or squeezes of ripe tangerines ranging in size from 5 to 25 mm, sweet in taste, without foreign impurities, in color from yellow to orange, a brown tint is allowed. Tangerine grits are produced with a dry matter content of 73 and 83%. TO food additives biscuit includes skimmed milk powder (SOM), food additives for cream - dry milk product(SMP).Preparation of semi-finished products for low-calorie products . The ingredients of semi-finished products that require preliminary preparation include yeast, fondant, filling and cream (creamy or protein).Yeast preparation. Preliminary activation of yeast is an integral part of the technological process for the production of bakery products. It provides high organoleptic quality indicators of a new type of product. Preliminary activation of yeast consists in the fact that pressed yeast is kept for 30-40 minutes in a nutrient mixture at a temperature of 35-40C. The nutritional mixture of sheep is prepared by mixing part of the ingredients included in the recipe (%) flour 2..4, granulated sugar 15-20, liquid 40-50 of the prescription amount of milk and protein products together with vegetable masses (mashed boiled potatoes or carrots or pumpkin drinks ). To quickly bring the temperature to 35-40C, add hot water temperature 70-100C. The presence of vitamins in nutritional mixtures promotes the growth and reproduction of yeast cells, which accelerates the accumulation of acid, increases gas-forming capacity and reduces the fermentation process by 30-40 minutes. The dough becomes elastic, the crumb during baking acquires a finely porous structure, a bright color of the crust and a more pronounced aroma of baked yeast dough.Making lipstick. To prepare lipstick, vegetable or fruit mass and water in a ratio of 2: 1, together with granulated sugar, are brought to a boil in an open cauldron with stirring, removing the resulting foam. Close the boiler with a lid and boil the syrup to a temperature of 108C, add molasses heated to a temperature of 50C and continue to cook the syrup to a temperature of 114-116C (to a weak ball). The hot syrup is cooled to a temperature of 35-45C, the essence is added and whipped for 15-20 minutes.Cream preparation. For cooking butter cream peeled and cut into pieces butter beat on a beater together with powdered sugar (50%) of the total for 5-7 minutes, first with a small and then with a large number of beaters, gradually add condensed milk, the rest of the powder and beat for another 7-10 minutes. At the end Whipping add apple, quince or plum paste and continue whipping until a homogeneous mass is obtained. For cooking protein cream pre-chilled egg white is whipped in a whipping machine, first with low speed, and then with a large number of speeds until the volume of protein increases by 6-7 times. 20% of granulated sugar is added to the whipped protein mass (or 25-30% when using applesauce) from the amount provided by the recipe, and the mixture is whipped for another 10 minutes. Without stopping whipping, hot boiled sugar syrup is introduced in a thin stream (sugar and water are boiled in a cauldron in a ratio of 4: 1 to a temperature of 118-120), beat for another 5-7 minutes. Then the paste is introduced in parts and beat until a fluffy, stable homogeneous mass is obtained. Plum paste is added before the introduction sugar syrup and beat for no more than 5 minutes.

5. Independent work - 45 min.

Drawing up a synopsis work with the textbook N.G. Buteykis Technology for the preparation of confectionery flour products pp. 256-260.

6. Homework 5 min.

Repeat material.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

Boxes of cakes and boxes of pastries must bear the following markings:

Product name; dates and hours of manufacture; storage conditions; storage periods;

information about food and energy value 100 g of product;

designation of the OST 10-60-95 standard.

Transportation of cakes and pastries is carried out in compliance with the relevant sanitary rules in dry covered vehicles or wagons. Do not transport them together with products with a pungent odor.

Transportation, loading and unloading of cakes and pastries should be done carefully, without bumps and sudden shaking. During loading and unloading, they must be protected from the effects of precipitation.

Chapter 10

Reduced calorie products can be recommended for rational and dietary nutrition (diet No. S, 7, 10, 11, 15).

In the new type of bakery and confectionery products, part of the high-calorie raw materials (fat, sugar, flour) has been replaced by less energy-intensive, but biologically complete products - low-fat cottage cheese, milk protein, vegetable boiled pureed masses, vegetable drinks, compositions, including milk-protein products and vegetable masses, as well as fruit pastes and purees.

Vegetable purees are mashed vegetables that have been steamed or steamed beforehand. The norms of losses of vegetables during mechanical and thermal processing comply with the current standards of the "Collection of Recipes for Dishes and Culinary Products for Public Catering". When mashing vegetables on a machine for fine grinding of cooked products, the loss is 1%.

Apple, quince, grape pastes are a homogeneous pureed mass without seeds, seeds, skin residues and other coarse particles. Grape stone crystals are allowed for grape paste. In this case, the grape paste is rubbed through a 1.5 mm sieve, the amount of paste in the recipe is increased by 7%. Citric acid is added to apple and quince pastes to improve the taste. The mass fraction of solids in pastes is 32, 20, 40%, respectively.

Tangerine grits are pieces of peel or squeezes of ripe tangerines ranging in size from 5 to 25 mm, sweet in taste, without impurities, color from yellow to orange; brown tint is allowed. Tangerine grits are produced with a dry matter content of 73 and 83%.

Food additive for biscuit SOM - skimmed milk powder.

Food additive for SMP cream - a dry dairy product.

COM can be used with apple juice. SMP can be used with concentrated grape juice.

Semi-finished products for low-calorie products

Yeast pre-activation. Pre-activation of yeast is an integral part of the technological process for the production of bakery products. It provides high organoleptic quality indicators of a new type of product.

Preliminary activation of the yeast consists in the fact that the pressed yeast is kept for 30-40 minutes in the nutrient mixture at a temperature of 35-40*C.

The mixture is prepared by mixing part of the ingredients included in the recipe (in%): flour 2-4, sugar 15-20, liquid 40-50 of the prescription amount of milk and protein products together with vegetable masses (mashed boiled potatoes or carrots or pumpkin drink).

To quickly bring the temperature of the mixture to 35-40 * C, hot water with a temperature of 70-100 "C is added to it.

The presence of vitamins PP, B, B 2 , C, amine nitrogen, minerals (Ca, Mg, K, etc.) in nutrient mixtures promotes the growth and reproduction of yeast cells, which accelerates acid accumulation, increases gas-forming capacity and reduces the fermentation process. for 30-40 min.

The dough becomes elastic, the crumb during baking acquires a finely porous structure, a bright color of the crust and a more pronounced aroma of baked yeast dough.

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The task of rational nutrition is to reduce the calorie content of products without changing them. palatability. This applies to products with a high content of sugar and fat. Calorie reduction is achieved by replacing them with less energy-intensive, but bio-

logically complete supplements: vegetable masses from boiled pureed vegetables, milk protein, low-fat cottage cheese, fruit pastes and purees.

Food additive for biscuit - skimmed milk powder (SOM).

In the preparation of products from non-dough yeast dough, additives are introduced during dough kneading, and from sponge dough - into the dough. To ensure high organoleptic quality indicators of new products, yeast is activated. To do this, the yeast is kept for 30 ... 40 minutes in a nutrient medium - a mixture of water 50% of the total, sugar - 20%, flour - 2 ... 4%, along with vegetable masses (mashed boiled potatoes, carrots or pumpkin drink) at temperature 35...40°С.

Yeast that has undergone activation gives the crumb a finely porous structure, a bright color of the crust, and a more pronounced flavor.

Bun "Pink". Yeast dough is prepared with the addition of boiled grated beets (prepared in the sponge method).

The finished dough is portioned to 68 g each, balls are rolled up, proofed, smeared with melange before baking. Bake for 10 ... 12 minutes at a temperature of 230 ... 240 "C.

Bun "Autumn". Yeast dough is prepared in the same way as for the Pink bun, but instead of beets, pureed boiled carrots are added.

When cutting on a round ball, an incision is made from the middle to the edge of the workpiece.

Bun "Useful". The dough is prepared in a non-dough way, the yeast is preliminarily activated with the addition of pumpkin drink.

Balls weighing 71 g are formed, thawed for 30...35 minutes, smeared with melange, baked at a temperature of 200...220 "C.

Biscuit with vegetables. Prepare puree from carrots, beets, cabbage. It is introduced before beating melange with granulated sugar. Depending on the vegetables used, a biscuit "Sunny", "Nochka", "Freshness" is prepared.

Biscuit with fruit pastes. Prepared with apple, quince or plum paste.

Biscuit is prepared in the main way. Apple paste is pre-mixed with dissolved citric acid, then add melange, sugar and beat for 30 ... 35 minutes until the volume increases by 2.5 ... 3 times. Then add flour mixed with starch and beat for no more than 15 seconds. Flour is introduced in 2 ... 3 doses. The biscuit is baked for 40...50 minutes at a temperature of 200...225 "C.

Biscuit for roll is prepared in the same way, but without the addition of starch. Bake it for 10 ... 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 ... 220 "C.

Apple roll. Apple biscuit is baked on confectionery sheets with a layer of 6...7 mm. The layer is smeared with apple filling (2 / z according to the recipe) and wrapped in a roll. The surface is smeared with the rest of the apple filling and sprinkled with an airy semi-finished product, cut into cubes with a face of 6 ... 8 mm.

For the filling, apple paste is boiled with sugar to a moisture content of (50.7 ± 2)%.

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