Home desserts Coffee drinks - description. What is espresso coffee, types of coffee drinks, recipes at home Grinding coffee beans

Coffee drinks - description. What is espresso coffee, types of coffee drinks, recipes at home Grinding coffee beans

I decided to use this post to talk with representatives of the founders of espresso - the Bazarra brothers through the pages of the coffee trilogy. Espresso is a favorite drink of Italians, which has spread rapidly in Europe and around the world over the past decades, first among the world's elite gourmets, and then as a trendy specialty product.

Recently, with the advent of portioned capsules and pods, everyone can enjoy espresso at home or in the office, without the need for expensive, not always easy-to-use equipment.

Pods (from Italian cialda - tablet) - packaging of ground roasted compressed coffee in a filter bag. A kind of "pouch" usually consists of two layers of special perforated paper and is designed to prepare one serving of coffee in carob or pod coffee machines.

Local options depend on the volume of the cup. This "espresso" depends on preparation by means of filtration or boiling at atmospheric pressure (only the classic mocha is made at a slightly higher pressure).

Espresso characteristics

Espresso is covered with a rich crema that cannot be obtained by any other brewing method. Moreover, it is actually "squeezed out" from the ground coffee tablet, which is affected by water under appropriate pressure.

Espresso can be prepared upon request. For this reason, its key characteristic is the possibility of cooking on the spot - the consumer is waiting for coffee, but not vice versa.

From a technical point of view, Italian espresso preparation parameters are fixed in the ranges of the following values:

Percolation (from Latin percolare - leak, flow) - the phenomenon of the flow of liquids through porous materials.

Description of espresso

Italian espresso can be described as a concentrated drink served in a small cup, prepared on demand, extracted from ground roasted coffee beans using hot water at a set pressure but in a short period of time.

The espresso is covered with a long-lasting crema (several millimeters thick) with a fine texture devoid of any large bubbles, its color changing from light brown to reddish brown. The volume in the cup can vary considerably (even between 15 ml and 50 ml) depending on personal taste and preference. Outside of Italy, the volume may be even higher despite the fact that this will affect the sensory functions of the drink.

Why do we drink coffee and espresso in particular?

Everyone knows about the effect of coffee on the nervous system. Its main characteristics are velvety, body, intense aroma and a moderate dose of caffeine, which pleasantly excites us, helps us stay awake, stimulates intelligence, memory and concentration, enhances reflexes and aids digestion.

In addition to the pleasant tonic effect, espresso leads to a powerful sense of pleasure associated with emotions through our senses: visual (creams), olfactory (aromas), taste (characteristics of the drink), tactile (thickness and roundness perceived in the mouth).

Caffeine is highly soluble in water. However, a short contact of coffee with water allows you to extract only up to 70% of the caffeine. So-called "long" American-style coffees seem "lighter" than espressos, but instead contain a significantly higher dose of caffeine (on the order of 120-250 mg). This is because more coffee is used per cup (about 10g) and in a brew time of over 6 minutes, the coffee grounds become almost all of their caffeine. Classic Italian mocha has slightly more caffeine compared to espresso, ranging from 70 to 130 mg.

A cup of espresso contains a small amount of calories - from 2 to 3 kcal. However, the addition of sweeteners in the form of sugar (about 12 kcal per 5 g) and milk (about 0.64 kcal per ml of whole milk) significantly increases the calorie content. Therefore, a good cup of cappuccino with 100 ml of whole milk, with the addition of even one piece of sugar, contains about 80 kcal.

Espresso coffee is a drink made from ground coffee, which is prepared by passing hot water under pressure through coffee powder. Every day in the world people drink over 2 billion cups of an invigorating drink, of which approximately 20-25% is espresso. What is this recipe, how to prepare espresso correctly, what properties does the drink have?

Espresso coffee - what is it?

Temperamental Italy is considered the birthplace of espresso coffee. It was there that they came up with a cooking method that quickly made it possible to get a portion of strong coffee.

  • In 1901, an Italian entrepreneur received a patent for a coffee machine in which pressurized hot water was passed through a layer of ground coffee.
  • The device allowed you to quickly get a portion of a wonderful drink. Evil tongues said that the inventor wanted not only to get delicious coffee, but to shorten the coffee breaks of his workers.
  • The speed and simplicity of preparing coffee gave rise to the name of the coffee machine and the drink itself. Translated from Italian, "espresso" means "concentrated, compressed, expressed." This meaning is also used in the meaning of "quick or speedy".

The composition of espresso coffee is concise: ground coffee and water. The name "espresso" originally referred to the method of preparation, but today espresso coffee has its own distinct proportions and basic recipe.

Espresso coffee is a drink made from natural coffee by passing hot water under pressure through ground coffee bean powder.

Espresso coffee recipe

Preparing espresso is quite simple, however, this recipe has its own secrets.

What will be required?

  1. Freshly ground coffee - 7-10 gr.
  2. Chilled water - 35-50 ml.
  3. Sugar to taste.

The subtleties of making espresso


Roasting of grains should be carried out at least a day before consumption, and no more than 12-14 days, provided that the grains are not hermetically stored.

Beans should be chosen strong roasting, it is best to use special blends for espresso, although you can experiment with different varieties yourself. In order to give the drink a fortress, Robusta is added to the Arabica beans. In espresso blends, its proportion is rarely more than 15-20%, otherwise the taste of coffee will be too rough. The best espresso comes from freshly ground coffee.


The worst choice is tap water, the best is drinking bottled water.

Cooking process

Pour the right amount of powder into the holder of the coffee maker, compact it evenly. Fill with water and turn on the coffee maker. The preparation process takes 20-30 seconds for a volume of 35-40 ml.

A well-made espresso has a rich color, persistent walnut-colored foam, warm aroma with nutty notes.

Espresso coffee grinder

Properly selected espresso bean grinding is an important condition for making good coffee. Too large fractions will not have time to give their taste and aroma to the water, and the coffee will turn out to be watery, almost without foam. Too fine grinding will provoke over-extraction, coffee will give the water a maximum of substances, and they will make the drink too bitter and rough.

The beans need fine grinding, but not powdery, as for making coffee in an oriental way. The ideal grind for espresso can be determined tactilely, that is, by touch. To do this, take a pinch of ground coffee and rub it between your fingers.

  • If the powder feels more like salt or sugar, then the grind is too coarse,
  • If the coffee resembles flour or starch, the grind is too fine for a good espresso.
  • If the coffee looks like fine sea sand or extra salt, then this grind is suitable for making espresso.

Good baristas will vary their grind depending on the weather or the time of day. Foggy and damp weather requires a slightly coarser grinding of coffee, then the powder absorbs moisture from the air more slowly and does not become damp.

How many grams of coffee do you need for a cup of espresso?

For a traditional espresso shot of 35-40 ml, 7 grams of ground coffee will suffice. If you want to brew double espresso, then the portion of coffee needs to be increased to 14-15 gr.

Experts advise using 10 gr. coffee for an espresso shot if you are making coffee with Arabica beans. It is not as strong, so the portion of ground grain can be increased if you want to get a strong drink.

In some countries, the espresso shot is larger than the Italian rules dictate. So, in the USA, espresso can reach up to 100 ml, and in northern Europe, a serving is 60-80 ml, but the same 7-10 grams of ground coffee is put on a cup of espresso.

Espresso coffee at home: recipe

Italians don't understand how you can make espresso in your own kitchen. If you treat them to a homemade espresso and they like the drink, then you can hear an unusual compliment: “Tasty, like in a bar!”

Making espresso at home is only possible with a coffee maker. Suitable:

  1. Automatic coffee machine.
  2. Rozhkovy coffee maker.
  3. Geyser coffee maker.

The proportions will remain the same - 7-10 gr. coffee for 40-60 ml of water.

The algorithm of action is still the same: poured a portion of coffee, evenly compacted, poured water, pressed the coffee maker button.

You don’t even need to ram anything in the geyser - they poured coffee, poured water, put it on a small fire and keep it until ready.

It is not possible to brew espresso in a cezve, because this method of preparation requires the passage of hot water through ground coffee under pressure, and this technology cannot be implemented in a cezve.

Differences between americano and espresso coffee

Many consider espresso and americano to be close recipes. In composition, they are indeed similar, however, different methods of preparation turn them into two drinks that are different in taste and properties.

  • Americano is prepared on the basis of espresso, which is diluted with hot water to a volume of 150-180 ml. That is, three times as much hot water is added per 40 ml of espresso.
  • The Americano has a mild flavor and a low caffeine content per serving.
  • When a strong and rich espresso is diluted with water, the sourness comes in much brighter, and the bitterness and strength of the taste are washed out. Therefore, in Americano, you can feel the fruity and woody flavors that clearly show through in a diluted espresso.
  • Americano is served in bulky cups, traditionally offered with milk and sugar, which is used to decorate the too weak taste of the drink.
  • Espresso is much stronger, more expressive, richer. It has a small volume, unlike americano.

Espresso cups

For espresso, small cups made of thick-walled ceramics are used so that the drink retains its taste and temperature.

  • Demitasse cups are considered one of the best options for serving espresso. They have a small volume, made of thick-walled ceramics of good quality. Some of them are hunted by collectors from different countries.
  • Another classic way to serve espresso is in small thick-walled cups, the volume of which does not exceed 100 ml.
  • Espresso is served hot, sugar, milk and a compliment from the chef are offered separately.

Fine porcelain cups are not suitable for espresso, as the coffee in them cools quickly. An exception may be services for home use. In porcelain cups, coffee is poured from a coffee pot and immediately drunk.

Espresso volume

The classic volume of espresso is 35-40 ml. In Italy, the barista prepares a portion of 25-30 ml. The volume of the drink may vary, depending on the coffee culture of the country.

  • In most European coffee houses, an espresso shot is 40-50 ml.
  • In northern Europe, espresso is prepared in 60-80 ml portions.
  • In the US, an espresso shot averages 80-100 ml.
  • In Russia, classic espresso is popular in portions up to 50 ml, but sometimes there are options for 60-80 ml.

Portion changes occur due to an increase in the amount of water, ground coffee goes in the classical proportion - 7-10 gr.

How much caffeine is in espresso

Depending on what blend or grain was used to make espresso, the proportion of caffeine in one serving is from 40 to 90 mg. If coffee was brewed from Arabica beans, then the caffeine content will be at the lower limit - 40-50 mg per serving. The higher the content of robusta in the espresso blend, the higher the caffeine component of the drink - from 60 to 90 mg.

Espresso calories

The average number of calories in 1 serving of espresso is 2 kcal. The addition of sugar increases the calorie content of a serving by 20 kcal per teaspoon.

Price per cup

The cost of a cup of espresso is from 50 to 100 rubles. Takeaway coffee is cheaper, restaurant espresso is more expensive. Coffee prepared in a home espresso coffee maker will cost about 8-12 rubles per serving.

Espresso: benefits and harms

The properties of coffee are determined by the chemical composition of the grain, which scientists have not yet been able to fully determine. The impact of coffee varies depending on the proportions, body habits and individual characteristics of the person. From recent research, we can conclude that the reaction of each of us to coffee is determined, most likely, by genetics. Nevertheless, we will give a few general provisions about the benefits and harms of espresso, like any other type of natural coffee.

Let's start with the negative factors.

Espresso harm

  • Espresso can increase the heartbeat, which is contraindicated for people with heart rhythm disorders.
  • Espresso drunk on an empty stomach in a person with indigestion can cause heartburn or soreness.
  • Caffeine excites the nervous system, so espresso should not be drunk by pregnant and lactating women.
  • Strong espresso has a slight coloring effect and can cause darkening of tooth enamel.

The benefits of espresso

  • A boost of caffeine activates brain activity and improves mood.
  • Espresso helps to wake up and drive away drowsiness in the morning or after a heavy lunch, as caffeine helps release adrenaline.
  • Espresso after a meal improves digestion.
  • Espresso, drunk between meals, helps reduce appetite. This is not to say that coffee should be drunk instead of food, but replacing a cup of espresso and a fruit dessert with a hearty afternoon snack is perfectly acceptable.
  • Espresso coffee is considered by some researchers as a means of preventing cancer. Especially good results were shown by coffee for women, so today some doctors recommend that coffee be included in the women's menu.
  • Morning portions of espresso have a positive effect on male potency. This opinion is shared by researchers from South America. They also noted that espresso in the afternoon plays the exact opposite role, reducing male libido.

For a relatively healthy person, espresso in reasonable portions is rather useful. If there are functional disorders, then before drinking coffee, it is better to consult with your doctor.

How much espresso can you drink per day?

A safe portion of caffeine for a conditionally healthy person is 300 mg, that is, about 5-6 servings of 40-50 ml of espresso. We recommend postponing the main coffee consumption until 4 p.m. The greatest positive effect of espresso is achieved in the morning and in the afternoon. In the evening, it is better not to drink caffeinated drinks, so as not to provoke the nervous system to overload.

How and with what to serve espresso?

Espresso coffee has its own serving ritual.

  1. It is poured into a thick-walled cup, which is placed on a saucer.
  2. A spoon and portioned sugar are placed on the same saucer.
  3. A compliment from the chef, if any, is served on a separate plate.
  4. Espresso is served immediately after preparation, it must be hot on the table.
  5. Drink it in a few small sips, not too slowly, so that the drink retains its temperature.
  6. Sometimes a glass of cold water without gas is served with espresso. This tradition came from the East, where the tongue was washed with water to prepare it for the perception of a coffee bouquet. Water is not a mandatory attribute of supply, you can do without it.
  7. Small desserts go well with espresso - candied nuts, candied fruits, profiteroles.
  8. In Italy, espresso is drunk mainly on the run, at the counter, spending several minutes on this ritual.
  9. True connoisseurs do not add milk or sugar to espresso.


  • Classic coffee drink.
  • An espresso machine is required for preparation.
  • High strength, good invigorating effect.
  • It is best to drink in the morning and after dinner.
  • The allowable daily allowance is 5-6 cups per day.
  • Should not be consumed on an empty stomach.
  • It is inexpensive, on average, 60-70 rubles per serving.

How many cups of espresso do you drink per day?

There is probably no such person on the planet who would not like to drink a cup of hot coffee in the morning. Its aroma and rich taste can awaken from the first sip, giving a good mood and cheerfulness for the whole day. One of the most common types of coffee is espresso, it is famous for its strength and speed of preparation.

The history of espresso coffee

As you know, the history of espresso coffee began in 1901, when the Italian engineer Luigi Bezzera patented the first espresso machine. The engineer was prompted to take this step by the fact that the workers spent a lot of time on breaks. Thanks to the coffee machine, coffee has become prepared much faster, thereby reducing the time for its consumption. Which naturally satisfied Bezzer.

The principle of operation of the machine was such that the coffee was prepared under the pressure of water, passing through the coffee powder, brewing very quickly. The drink had a strong, rich taste, while the aroma drove many coffee lovers crazy. Some time later, the patent for the invented coffee machine was acquired by Desiderio Pavoni. He, in turn, began to experiment with the pressure and temperature of water and steam to select the most suitable criteria. Over time, Pavoni picked up the right parameters and coffee began to be prepared at a temperature of 87-91 ° C and at a pressure of 8-9 bar. Accordingly, at present, coffee is prepared subject to these parameters.

After some time, Desiderio launched the espresso machine into mass production, thanks to which it could be used in a cafe. By the turn of the 20th century, a host of inventors followed Pavoni's lead, and within a short period of time many Italian cafes were adorned with towering, ornamental Pavoni coffee makers. It was these coffee makers that became a characteristic element of Italian cafes, and coffee consumption spread to the expanses of America and Europe.

In 1947, a bartender-inventor from Milan - Achille Gaggia, having made improvements to the piston system of the coffee machine, took up the serial production of automatic coffee makers. His espresso coffee machines are still widely used today.

Thus, coffee appeared on our tables and became an integral part of our lives, moreover, for some, brewing coffee in the morning is a kind of ritual, without which not a single day of the year begins.

Espresso features

The term Espresso is Italian for "pressed". The drink itself literally reflects its name, as it is prepared from roasted, ground and compressed coffee beans through which water is passed. The main characteristic of this coffee is precisely the speed of preparation. The original name of this type of coffee was "express", but since there is no letter "x" in the Italian alphabet, the locals rephrased the word in their own way, thus getting the name "espresso".

It is in Italy that espresso coffee is drunk every day, enjoying every sip. But you need to drink it right. It all starts with a cup. In Italian cafes, lovers of this drink will never be served a large cup (the only exception may be a double espresso and "lungo", which requires a large vessel), since it is customary to drink coffee from porcelain small cups, just a couple of sips.

Methods for preparing espresso coffee and its varieties

As you know, there are several varieties of espresso:

  1. Doppio coffee- double espresso served in a large cup. For its preparation, a double portion of ground coffee is used and, as a result, such a drink is quite strong.
  2. Coffee "Americano"- such coffee is diluted with hot water.
  3. Lungo coffee- for the preparation of such a drink, more water is used, as a result, more coffee with a volume of 150 ml is obtained.
  4. Coffee "diorzo"- is prepared from barley and is one of the variants of traditional coffee.
  5. Ristretto coffee- for its preparation use a smaller amount of water (only 18 grams).
  6. Macchiatto coffee- a little foamed milk is added to this type of drink.

Espresso coffee is rich in history and variety. Its taste is incomparable, after drinking one sip and inhaling its aroma, you will always want to remember it.

And finally, a video master class answering questions such as how to make espresso coffee and how to brew espresso coffee. Recommended to all gourmets. Professional baristas who know a lot about coffee tell the secrets of making this drink.

Espresso(lungo, ristretto)

(Italian espresso) - a coffee drink prepared by passing hot (about 90 ° C) and under a pressure of 9 bar water through a filter with ground coffee.

It is mistakenly believed that such coffee is the strongest.
On the contrary, it loses a lot of caffeine and there is more bitterness and less caffeine.
However, it is better for the heart.

In addition, most of the harmful resins remain in the coffee grounds.
It follows from this that espresso coffee not only endows us with its rich, great taste and wonderful aroma, but also spares the heart and stomach.


espresso drink.
So named due to the wide distribution in North America and the predilection of the inhabitants of those places for this particular type of coffee.

Americans, in addition to their desire to earn money and implement business projects, also have a passion for a healthy lifestyle.
It has long been believed that the caffeine content in one cup of Americano is much less than that in a cup of espresso.
And since caffeine can be harmful to health when abused, Americans who have fallen in love with coffee and are not able to refuse this wonderful drink have switched to a new type of coffee.
It was he who received the name "americano".


(eng. Affogato) is a coffee-based dessert.

The dessert is usually made with vanilla ice cream topped with a shot of hot espresso.
There are varieties of dessert with the addition of amaretto or other liquor.

Affogato is eaten with a spoon.
There are also recipes with nut ice cream, cocoa powder, cream or melted chocolate.


(Italian Bicerin, we drink. a small glass) is a traditional drink for Turin (Italy).

It is made from espresso coffee, hot chocolate and milk.
The ingredients must be carefully poured into a glass so that they do not mix.
Bicherin is served in a small glass cup, hence the name.

The drink has been served in Turin cafes since the 18th century.
In 1852, Alexandre Dumas spoke positively about him.

In 2001, bicherin was recognized as a "traditional product of Piedmont" in the official gazette of the Piedmont region.


(port. Galão) is a Portuguese hot coffee drink made by mixing espresso coffee and hot frothed milk.

According to the method of preparation, Gallon is similar to latte.
A quarter of hot coffee and three quarters of frothed milk are added to a tall glass.

It is possible to prepare a drink with proportions of 1:1.
Such a drink is called "meia de leite" (port. half milk) and is served in a cup.


(from French glacé - frozen, frozen) - a cold drink based on coffee, with the addition of ice cream.
As a dish, a glass glass or a wine glass is usually used.

Prepare coffee in the traditional way and refrigerate it.
Whip the slightly chilled cream, slightly sweetening it with icing sugar or sugar.
Put ice cream in glasses with a capacity of 300 ml. Pour in chocolate syrup. Carefully add chilled coffee.
Put a large spoonful of whipped cream into each glass and sprinkle with candy crumbs.

Ipoh white coffee

a coffee drink and a method of roasting coffee beans, which is native to the city of Ipoh (Malaysia).

To prepare “white coffee”, coffee beans are roasted on palm oil margarine, and the finished drink is served with condensed milk.
Ipoh white coffee is common as an instant drink and is usually served in the afternoon.
In Chinese, "Ipoh White Coffee" is called "怡保白咖啡", where "白" - "white" does not refer to the color of the drink and is associated solely with the roasting technology.
Unlike "white", "black" coffee in Malaysia refers to coffee beans roasted with margarine, sugar and wheat.

Ipoh "white" coffee was selected as one of the official drinks served in the Malaysia Pavilion at World Expo 2010 in Shanghai, China.


Cappuccino or cappuccino (Italian cappuccino - pronounced like a “small cup”) is an Italian coffee drink based on espresso with the addition of milk and milk foam.
The name of the drink comes, presumably, from the monastic order of the Capuchins because of the similar color of the cappuccino and their cassocks.

Traditionally, cappuccino is served in a preheated porcelain cup, which retains heat longer than glass or paper cups.
Italians drink cappuccino mostly at breakfast.
Cappuccino has become widespread all over the world.


(Spanish Carajillo) coffee with brandy.

There are two versions of the origin of carajillo.
First, the origin of this drink dates back to the Spanish occupation of Cuba.
According to other sources, carajillo appeared in Barcelona.
The drink is very popular in the countryside.


(Spanish Cortado - cut) very strong coffee with a few drops of milk (but not coffee with milk!)

Served in glass glasses.
Espresso turns out as if cut with a small amount of warm milk.

Oriental coffee(Turkish coffee)

These are grains of the Arabica variety, well roasted and finely ground, into “dust”, cooked on hot coals, in a Turk.

"Oriental coffee" or "Turkish style" is a European and American name.
In the Middle East, a drink prepared in this way is simply called "coffee".
In some countries, the drink has its own name.

Irish coffee

a blend of strong freshly brewed coffee and whiskey, topped with a light, airy cap of delicate whipped cream.

And besides the great taste, Irish coffee is a great mood lifter, because it is incredibly positive, like all Irish coffees.

Coffee with liqueur

the collective name of coffee drinks made with the addition of alcohol (often liqueurs).

Such coffee is served in a special glass, often with the addition of cream and sugar.

Cuban coffee

(Spanish Café Cubano, also known as Cuban espresso, Cuban shot and Cuban coffee) is a type of espresso that appeared in Cuba after the first Italian espresso machines appeared in the country.

The term "Cuban coffee" includes both the actual espresso recipe and a range of coffee drinks based on it.


(from Italian caffè latte - “coffee with milk”)
- a coffee drink originally from Italy, consisting of milk (Italian latte) and espresso coffee.

Latte macchiato

(Italian Latte macchiato ["latːe maˈkːjaˑto] - "stained milk") is a hot coffee drink prepared by pouring espresso coffee into milk in a ratio of 3:1.

First, it is milk that is poured into the latte glass, and then the already prepared espresso.
The drink got its name from the Italian word macchia, meaning "small speck" - this is coffee remaining on the surface of the milk foam.

Long black

(eng. Long black) is an espresso-based coffee drink common in Australia and New Zealand.

A long black is made by adding a double shot of espresso to hot water (the water is usually heated with an espresso machine).
The drink is similar to Americano, but in the latter, water is added to espresso, and not vice versa.
The brewing sequence used in Long Black allows you to keep the foam characteristic of espresso.


(Italian Caffè macchiato, lit. "spotted coffee", "coffee macchiato")
- a standard espresso shot garnished with a drop of milk foam (approx. 15 ml).
Thus justifying its name.


(mochaccino or mokaccino) (Italian caffè mocha, also known as "mocha" or "mocca")
- a coffee drink created in America and is a kind of latte with the addition of chocolate.

red eye

(eng. Red eye, “red eye”) is an American strong coffee drink obtained by adding espresso to regular coffee prepared using a filter.


(German: Pharisäer) is a hot coffee drink in German cuisine, prepared with rum and whipped cream.

According to legend, the drink appeared in North Frisia on the island of Nordstrand in the 19th century, when an ascetic pastor named Georg Blayer served there.
In his presence, the locals dared to drink only coffee.
Add rum secretly to coffee and hide the smell of rum under a cap of whipped cream, they guessed in 1872 at the christening of a child of one of the peasants.
The ascetic pastor was served, of course, coffee without rum.
But somehow the pastor figured out his congregation's ploy, perhaps by mistake taking a sip from someone else's coffee cup, and exclaimed indignantly, "Oh, Pharisees!"

To prepare the "Pharisee" in strong sweet black coffee, add 4 centiliters of brown Jamaican rum and top with whipped cream.
"Pharisee" is not stirred, but drunk through cream.

According to tradition, the one who stirs the "Pharisee" pays for the drinks of the whole company.
"Pharisee" is served in a tall cup-glass with a saucer.
By tradition, those who drink 8 "Pharisees" can take this glass for themselves.
However, the owner of the establishment can always prevent this by increasing the dose of rum in the drink in a timely manner.

flat white

(eng. Flat white, "pure white")
coffee with an unusually delicate texture, full-bodied flavor and heart-shaped foam.

The drink is prepared by adding steamed milk to one or two shots of espresso and is similar to latte.


frappe (Greek φραπές)
- one of the types of thick cold cocktails.

Consists of coffee, ice cream, cold milk, fruit and berry syrup.
All frappe components are whipped in a shaker or mixer.
There are two main ways to serve frappes: they are either poured into a tall glass filled with crushed ice and served with short straws, or without ice in a high-ball glass with a straw.
When preparing frappe, you can also use any liqueur or alcoholic drink.

The most common frappe is made with coffee, milk and ice.


(English frappuccino)
- a cold coffee drink sold in the global Starbucks coffee chain. The name "frappuccino" is made by adding the words "frappe" and "cappuccino".

For the first time, a drink under this name was distributed in the coffee chain The Coffee Connection in Massachusetts. In 1994, this chain was taken over by Starbucks, which adopted the drink into its product line.

cold coffee

This is iced coffee and this is its highlight!

There are several ways to prepare cold coffee.
In the first case, the finished hot drink is cooled to the desired temperature, in the second case, coffee is prepared by keeping the ground beans in water (for example, using a French press), after which it is filtered.

Often, cold coffee is prepared in the same way as the hot counterpart of a particular coffee drink.
So, there are “cold latte”, “cold mocha”.
These drinks are made by mixing hot espresso with the required amount of chilled milk.

It is difficult to imagine a morning without a cup of aromatic coffee. This popular drink invigorates and fills with energy for the whole day. Now more and more people prefer a drink called espresso coffee, which is distinguished, among others, by its rich taste and unsurpassed, stimulating aroma.

In the middle of the last century, a new type of coffee was invented in Italy. Espresso in Italian means "squeezed out" or "pressed". It is prepared using a special device - a coffee machine.

Scientists from the Italian National Institute of Espresso are confident that in order to get a real drink, a number of conditions must be met:

  • use only natural grains of good quality and strong roasting;
  • store them in closed glass or ceramic dishes;
  • before cooking, the grains must be finely ground, without turning them into dust;
  • use filtered water;
  • at the beginning of the preparation of a drink to warm up the machine, ordinary water is passed through it;
  • the ideal temperature for brewing espresso coffee is 90 degrees;
  • the drink can only be poured into a well-heated cup called demitasse;
  • all parts of the coffee machine must be kept perfectly clean to eliminate unpleasant odors during subsequent espresso preparations;
  • Drinking a coffee drink is recommended immediately after preparation.

If a brown-red froth forms on top of the drink, the espresso has been prepared correctly. Drink coffee in small sips to fully enjoy its taste.

And despite all the strictness of the rules, you can use a coffee tablet from a world-famous manufacturer to make a good espresso.

Composition and calories

There are 9 calories in 100 ml of espresso coffee.

The chemical composition of the drink:

  • protein - 0.1 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.7 g.

To get rid of calories after drinking espresso, you need to spend 1 minute running, jumping rope, strength or training for the press. Or 9 minutes to sleep.

Espresso-based coffee drinks

The main types of drinks made on the basis of espresso include:

  1. Doppino (double). This is espresso, the amount of ingredients of which is increased by 2 times. The drink is served in a 120 ml mug.
  2. Lungo. In this drink, only the volume of water increases by 2 times, and all other components remain unchanged.
  3. Macchiato. Half a small spoonful of milk is whipped into foam and added to the main ingredients.
  4. Latte. Pour milk in a ratio of 3: 7.
  5. Corretto. An alcoholic beverage (usually liquor) is added to espresso.
  6. Ristretto. The strongest coffee, instead of 25 ml, 18 ml of water is added.
  7. Romanno. The classic recipe includes lemon zest or juice.
  8. Con panna. Whipped cream is added to the finished drink.
  9. Fredo. Espresso is served cold with sugar and an ice cube.
  10. Latte macchiato. It is served as a drink consisting of 3 layers: the first is milk, the second is espresso, the third is milk whipped into foam.
  11. Macchiato fredo. Milk is added to the fredo ingredients.

An espresso maker is called a barista.

How to cook at home

Connoisseurs of invigorating drinks have often thought about how to make espresso coffee at home. It's quite simple, the main thing is to choose how the drink will be prepared: in an espresso machine, a Turk or a coffee maker.

Before starting the cooking process, you need to prepare:

  • Choose coffee beans of excellent quality. For this, well-roasted Arabica and Robusta beans are suitable.
  • The grains are ground in a coffee grinder. Proper grinding is the key to a real and tasty drink. Ideal are grains crushed to a state of sand. If the pieces are larger, then the coffee will be too liquid and tasteless. If the grains are ground into flour, then the espresso will be bitter.

Turkish recipe

  1. Pour 2 small spoons of ground coffee beans into the Turk, salt on the tip of a knife and sugar to taste.
  2. Put the mixture on a small fire and stir constantly so that the bulk ingredients do not burn.
  3. When heat comes from the mixture, you need to add 200 ml of water at a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees.
  4. Espresso is brought to a boil, removed and stirred.
  5. The second time put on fire and warm until boiling. The more the drink is heated, the more stable the foam becomes.
  6. Then the coffee is allowed to stand and poured into mugs.

To achieve foam in the Turk, you need to try very hard.

With added milk

Milk can be added to soften the taste of a double espresso. This drink is most often prepared in the morning.

To do this, take doppino and pour it into a glass cup. Then 160 ml of milk is divided into 3 parts. Now 2 parts are gradually mixed into coffee, and the rest is heated to 60 degrees and whipped. Foamed milk is poured into espresso.

Espresso in a coffee machine

Real espresso is prepared with a coffee machine.

To brew it, you must follow a certain algorithm:

  1. The cups into which the drink will be poured are placed on a tray and warmed up.
  2. The horn is cleaned of coffee residues and heated.
  3. 7-9 g of ground coffee are placed in the holder.
  4. Then the ground grains are pressed into a tablet of the required size and density.
  5. Then you need to again clean the rim of the horn from coffee residues and turn on the water supply to clean the divider.
  6. A holder with a tablet is inserted into the divider, water is turned on and a heated cup is substituted.
  7. Cooking time does not exceed 30 seconds.

One cup will be 2/3 full (25 - 30 ml).

Cooking in a coffee maker

  1. 7 g of ground beans are poured into the coffee horn.
  2. With the help of tempera, coffee “sand” is rammed. The tablet should be dense and uniform.
  3. Before starting cooking, a test spill is made to get rid of coffee residues from past preparations.
  4. The holder with the tablet is inserted into a special groove and the strait is turned on for 30 seconds.
  5. Then hot coffee is poured into mugs.

Espresso brewed in a coffee maker will have a golden brown crema.

The main differences between Americano coffee and espresso

The main differences between Americano and espresso:

  1. The volume of espresso is only 25 - 30 ml, and americano - at least 150 ml.
  2. Espresso is preferred by gourmets and connoisseurs of the bitter taste of natural coffee. Americano will appeal to those who do not like bitterness.
  3. Espresso is made only by steam distillation, and Americano is made by the method of incessant strait.
  4. Americano coffee beans are ground coarser than espresso.
  5. Foam is an essential characteristic of a properly prepared espresso, but it may not be present in an Americano.

Espresso is a drink for connoisseurs who can appreciate the unsurpassed aroma and nutty flavor of real, high-quality coffee.

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