Home Nutrition What is a bern drink. About the brand Burn

What is a bern drink. About the brand Burn

Hello! This is a clevermindru project and we analyze everything related to the brain! In the 21st century, due to the increased load on a person and maximum acceleration, the renewal of everything that surrounds us, the consumption of all kinds of invigorating, tonic drinks, designed to catch up with the world flowing around, has become an almost integral part. And although the world has long known various oriental herbal tinctures, the emergence of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola can perhaps be considered a mass phenomenon for the consumption of such drinks. Today, these drinks are considered very weak in terms of "vigor" and they have been replaced by the so-called energy drinks.

I decided to conduct a comparative analysis of the most popular among them. For each, the pros will be considered, and then their general disadvantages. Let's start withRed Bulla !

No one will be interested in listing the history, policy of the company, its goals and mission, we will focus solely on what is written on the label. By the way, in all products and formulations, the ingredients are written in descending order, first what is more (per 100 ml): “Water, sucrose, glucose, acidity regulators (sodium citrates, magnesium carbonate), carbon dioxide, citric acid, taurine ( 250mg), Nat. (32 mg), glucuronolactone, vitamins (B3 - 8 mg, B5 - 2 mg, B6 - 1.27 mg, B12 - 1.9 mcg), flavors, dyes. Carbohydrates (sugar) - 11.5 gr.


A fairly strong composition of vitamins of group B. They participate in metabolic processes in the brain as assistants and proper stimulation cannot be seen without them.

A small amount of sugar, compared to standard sodas.

CompositionAdrenaline Rush : "water, sugar, carbon dioxide, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate, potassium phosphate), taurine 240 mg, D-ribose 201 mg, L-carnitine 100 mg, natural caffeine 30 mg, vitamin C 25 mg, inositol, guarana extract, ginseng extract, vitamin B6 - 0.8 mg, vitamin B12 - 0.4 mg, color (beta-carotene), maltodextrin, natural flavor " Adrenaline Rush'.' Carbohydrates (sugar) - 14 gr.


In my opinion there are 2 useful substances, which are not found in other today's energy drinks: ribose and carnitine. These substances at the cellular level are involved in metabolic processes. We can say that they help create energy (ATP).

Ginseng and Guarana extract - tonic effect

Good for "stuffing".

CompositionBurn : "water, sugar, acidity regulators (citric acid, sodium citrate), carbon dioxide, glucuronolactone, taurine, natural and identical natural flavors, caffeine (35 ml), preservative potassium sorbate, color (red charming AC), inositol, vitamins (B3 - 5.8 mg, B5 - 1.1 mg, B6 - 0.6 mg, B12 - 0.28 mcg), guarana extract, antioxidant ascorbic acid. Carbohydrates (sugar) - 13.2 gr.


Lots of caffeine! Most of today's power engineers.

General Cons:

Effects of energy drinks

Energy got its name due to the improved mechanism of energy supply to cells and tissues. They go hand in hand with psychostimulants, which primarily stimulate by changing the exchange between neurotransmitters. Even the above-mentioned B vitamins not only work with ATP, but also participate in the creation of dopamine and norepinephrine, for example. Taurine also requires special attention, it is even better to make a separate plot. Let's look at studies with numbers about what power engineers do:

- 20 young healthy volunteers were divided into 2 groups, the 1st took 355 ml Red Bull(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25465941) 2 took water. In the Red Bull group, heart rate at rest increased by an average of 7 beats/min, and blood pressure by 6 units, and the rate of cerebral circulation decreased.

- A study was conducted among three groups of cyclists: placebo, 9.4 mg Red Bull/kg and 3 mg caffeine/kg. Carbohydrates and fats were consumed in approximately the same amounts. Testing was done on an exercise bike and the results showed an increase in performance for Red Bull by 2.8%, and caffeine by 3.1%. No significant changes in heart rate were found. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25710190)

— Another study of the same Red Bull among 8 men only confirmed that the stimulating effect is more dependent on caffeine and the combination of "water + caffeine" is not much different from the actions produced by the energy drink. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25294090).

Energy drinks alternative

So, we know the composition and we know the functionality of the action of energy drinks! We can make something similar, much cheaper and without preservatives. Therefore, we buy: caffeine (in any sports nutrition store), taurine (in the same place), some kind of pentovit or neuromultivit (group B vitamins) and something like a small bun or chocolate bar. For a charge of vivacity, it will be enough to mix 200-400 mg of caffeine, 1 g of taurine, drink vitamins and eat sweets. But you can simplify everything to water, caffeine and taurine.


- In the absence of contraindications and irregular intake, energy drinks can be considered safe.

- Top drinks of this class do not differ much from each other, each has its own "chips".

- The disadvantages of energy drinks are: the presence of a large amount of sugar, high price, preservatives and stress on the heart.

“Try making your energy drink with caffeine in mind. In addition, it will not bad pump over the creative abilities and knowledge of your body.


An energy drink called Burn is probably very familiar to everyone. It first appeared in 2000. Having won recognition and wide popularity in European countries, this drink soon conquered the inhabitants of Russia.

As for any other energy drink, Burn is characterized by a strong degree of carbonation. It is rich in carbonic acid, which ensures faster absorption of all other components of the drink, and therefore accelerates the onset of the corresponding effect.

Over the past few years, the popularity of the Burn energy drink has grown rapidly, in connection with which many doctors and nutritionists around the world have become seriously interested in it. In some countries, in particular Germany and France, the production and sale of the Burn drink is prohibited today - this is due to its ambiguous composition.

The Burn drink contains a huge variety of components in its composition, and it is worth noting that not all of them are beneficial to human health. Along with such completely harmless ingredients as ordinary water, sugar and carbon dioxide, there are many others that are very difficult to call useful.

In addition, the Burn drink contains sodium citrate, citric acid, inositol, taurine, guarana extract, glucuronolactone and some others. Manufacturer often use some nutritional supplements that enhance the taste and aroma of this drink.

Harm and contraindications

It is not recommended to drink Burn in large quantities. It is known that this energy drink can cause various diseases of the cardiovascular system, stress and depression, insomnia, and cell depletion. nervous system. One of the dangers that lovers of the Burn drink are exposed to is a serious addiction, which can be compared to alcohol or drugs.

Children, as well as pregnant and lactating women, should not drink Burn drink. In addition, it is contraindicated for those who have diseases such as glaucoma, arterial hypertension, hypertension and some others. With increased sensitivity to caffeine, it is also recommended to abandon this drink.

ABOUT trademark Burn

Energy drink Burn appeared in the UK in 2000. Having conquered Europe, in 2003 he came to Russia.

The flame is the symbol of Burn, reflecting the frenzied energy that feeds this bizarre mixture of caffeine, taurine, theobromine, guarana extract and glucose like nothing else. Burn invigorates, gives strength, increases concentration.

To match the style of packaging of the drink. Burn comes in black tin cans, volumes of 0.25 and 0.5 l with the image of a tongue of flame.

The manufacturer sees as its target audience young people under 30 years old, leading an active nightlife.

Russia is the only country where you can buy Burn with citrus flavor- Burn Citrus energy. And for the first time in the history of the Coca-Cola Company entrusted the advertising company of this type of drink to Russian advertising agencies.

At the Clubs of Moscow forum, Burn was recognized as the "Best Club Energy Drink".

Pasha (January 12, 2016)

Daily consumption of this drink (up to 2.5 liters). I lead an active lifestyle, 70% of the time I am on the street, regardless of weather conditions. Drink moderately in summer cold, in cold hot time. Unique taste compared to other drinks...

Andrey Sasha

About burn
Burn invigorates well, but there are too many dyes in it. These dyes cause the tongue to turn red. In addition to dyes, it includes: taurine, caffeine, theobromine, glucuronalactone. In general, draw conclusions if you go to a disco, then you can drink a burn 0.5 ..


Solid chemistry, this burn! And what do they find in it? You drink when the taste is disgusting, and if the stomach is also weak, then it also happens badly. It is better to sleep more or, in extreme cases, drink coffee.


Burn is a cool energy drink, very invigorating! I am a young person and often forget about the time, but the next day you need to be in shape. And then this drink saves me like no other.

When writing a review, try to describe

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Burn energy drink with its carefully balanced taste will allow you to maintain a working rhythm for longer. Volume: 0.5 l.

Store in a dark, dry and cool place at temperatures between 0 and 30"C. Shelf life: 12 months (according to package information).

energy drink caloriesBurn

The energy drink Burn has 49 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial features energy drinkBurn

Ingredients of Burn energy drink: water, sugar, acidity regulators ( , ), gas for saturation, glucuronolactone, taurine, natural and identical to natural flavors, caffeine (not more than 300 mg/l), preservative, inositol, dye (), guarana extract, antioxidant .

Glucuronolactone is a natural component of food, found in red wine, cereals, facilitates the work of the liver to detoxify the body and remove toxins. The Ministry of Health recommends the use of 500-700 mg of glucuronolactone per day.

Caffeine - in combination with glucose gives a surge of energy, reduces fatigue, increases efficiency and concentration. Caffeine is found in many foods, such as coffee, tea, and chocolate. It has a tonic effect - it increases mental and physical activity, promotes the "burning" of fat in the body, improves mental performance - improves concentration, increases wakefulness, improves reaction. One can of Burn Energy Drink contains about the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee.

Taurine is an amino acid that the body needs to improve energy metabolism (calorific). Taurine is involved in the vital processes of the human body - it contributes to the detoxification of the body, binding harmful substances and accelerating their removal from the body. Taurine is involved in the regulation of many physiological processes, including: heart rate, blood pressure, blood clotting, excitability of nerve cells, bile secretion, regulates memory mechanisms, body temperature, appetite, visual acuity, many cellular processes from cell division and life cycle to mitochondria - "energy center" of the cell.

Inositol is a universal component of living organisms, is found in them in a free state, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates, plays an important role in the regulation of nerve impulses. Inositol is found in goose pate. The total content in the human body is about 40 g.

Guarana is a tropical plant, a source of natural caffeine. However, the contribution of guarana to total caffeine is negligible. Another function of guarana is its aromatic component.

Energy drink contraindicationsBurn

Energy drink Burn, according to the manufacturer, is not recommended to consume more than 500 ml per day, as well as children under 18 years old, pregnant and nursing mothers, the elderly, as well as people suffering from increased nervous irritability, insomnia, cardiac disorders, hypertension .

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