Home General issues What to do to drink and not get drunk. How to stay drunk longer during a feast

What to do to drink and not get drunk. How to stay drunk longer during a feast

You never noticed, being at some kind of celebration, wedding or birthday, that there are people who, it would seem, drink vodka in the same way, but they get drunk in different ways. For some, just a couple of glasses are enough to get drunk in a “zyuzyu”, while others, having drunk almost a bottle, remain quite adequate, you can’t tell from them that a person drank at all. There are many factors that affect the degree of intoxication: the strength of the drink, the amount of alcohol consumed, the snack, the weight of the person and other individual characteristics. But in spite of this, there are glad not complicated recommendations on how to drink vodka correctly and not get drunk at the same time.

Preparing the body for drinking

And so, we learned that today we have to drink a lot and in order not to drop out of the game ahead of time, and not to fall face down in the dirt, but to go all the way with dignity, so that friends do not have to drag you home, you need to properly prepare your body in order to don't get drunk.

To do this, we need first of all, as the people say, to start the liver, a couple of hours before the feast you need to drink a glass of vodka, not much is enough just 50 ml. With such a simple action, the body will begin to produce enzymes in advance that block and remove alcohol from the blood.

Everything, now our body is ready, now in order not to quickly get drunk from vodka, you need to prepare the stomach. To do this, a few hours before the feast, you need to eat something fatty, a sandwich with butter is traditionally suitable. This will not help you overcome the effects of alcohol, but it will protect you from a sharp hit in the blood. Fat will cover the walls of the stomach with a thin film, so alcohol will be absorbed much more slowly than usual. As a result, you will keep yourself in a cheerful mood all evening, as intoxication will occur gradually.

If we don’t want to get drunk at all, and neutralize the effect of alcohol as much as possible, in this case we need to drink a few activated charcoal tablets before sitting at the table, with the calculation of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.

Using all these preparatory methods in combination, you can last longer than anyone else, you can be sure.

How to drink

Preparing for a drink is half the battle, you still need to be able to drink properly. To begin with, let's discuss the temperature of vodka, it should be cold, lie in the refrigerator for about 2-3 hours before the feast. It is dangerous to drink vodka from the freezer, because if it has lain there long enough, the water will start to freeze around the edges, and very strong alcohol will pour into your glass, which will intoxicate you much more.

It is better to drink in doses of 50 ml, in one gulp. Deep inhalation and exhalation, while drinking, also plays a role, it helps to get rid of the evaporated alcohol. It is impossible to hold a drink in the mouth, since alcohol begins to be absorbed by the blood from the moment it enters the oral cavity.

As for snacks, you need to start with hot and hearty meals, then gradually approach the cold. It is better not to drink vodka with carbonated drinks, because carbon dioxide affects the walls of the stomach, as a result of which alcohols are absorbed faster and as a result you get drunk. Various juices, especially citrus fruits, or compotes are perfect for drinking.

From personal experience, I’ll say that at all events, I try to eat vodka with lemon or orange, as for me this is an ideal option, it helps to quickly get rid of the taste of vodka and, as you know, citrus juice helps to neutralize alcohol in the blood.

Between the first and second breaks, about 3 minutes, and after the third, if possible, you need to get up a little from the table and walk for about 15 minutes to breathe fresh air. In the cold season, you don’t need to go outside, this can speed up the process of intoxication. Small physical activities like dancing can help you sober up a bit, so don't be lazy.

You have probably all heard that you can’t lower the degree, so if you don’t want to get drunk, by no means do you need to mix vodka with other low-alcohol drinks.

As soon as it becomes difficult to swallow vodka, and you get the impression that it is no longer “climbing”, then you don’t need to force yourself, each person has his own norm, and this means that you have already reached it.


The next day, to combat the consequences, it is better to drink brine, mineral water, walk in the fresh air, take a shower and sip broth. Drinking alcohol is highly discouraged - this is a sure way to go into a long binge.

To summarize all of the above, in order not to get drunk on vodka, we need:

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural here, just following simple recommendations, you can adequately withstand any booze.

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The easiest way to drink and not get drunk is not to mix alcohol, not to smoke, and to eat well. However, there are more effective recipes that help to keep the mind in a sober state during drinking. In this article, you will learn what you need to do in order not to get drunk from alcohol.

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What to do in order not to get drunk before the feast

The ancient Greeks used to say "like cure like". When asked what you need to drink before drinking, so as not to get drunk from vodka, the answer is simple - drink the same vodka. One hundred grams of alcohol 3-4 hours before the feast will provoke the production of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase in the body, which is responsible for the processing of alcohol. You "Accelerate" the liver and prepare it for active work. In addition, before the party, you can:

Eat high-calorie fatty foods, this is the main secret of the FSB special services method of how to drink and not get drunk. Salo, cheese, steak, cake a few hours before alcohol, coupled with the observance of the measure, will save the mind from the "drunken fog".

Drink an hour before drinking succinic acid. The dose of the drug is indicated in the instructions. Acid will speed up metabolism;

The removal of toxins from the body will be faster if you swallow 2.5 tablets in two hours glutarine(Alcocline).

100 mg vitamin B6 Here's what you need to eat in order not to get drunk for a long time. You can buy a vitamin at any pharmacy in the form of "B-complex", "Pizian", "Neuromultivit", "Neurogammag".

Have a drink in the morning bile collection №2 by diluting a spoonful of herbs in a glass of boiling water. The tool will speed up the processing of fats in the liver, which will make it possible not to get drunk for a long time.

Two days before the holiday, eat a dish that has a lot of iodine. fit squid, shrimp, sea ​​kale. Products activate the work of the thyroid gland and hormones that oxidize alcohol will begin to concentrate in the body. These products are also great as a "sober" snack.

Eat in a day aspirin or any similar drug. The medicine will enhance microsomal enzymes that will speed up the processing of wine, vodka, beer.

How long not to get drunk from alcohol, drink two spoons sunflower oil . It envelops the stomach and slows down the absorption of alcohol. This should be done half an hour before the first glass. You can replace the oil with oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina, but not butter.

How to drink and not get drunk tricks during a feast

If the booze formed spontaneously or you just didn’t have time to prepare, don’t despair. If you follow a number of recommendations, you will stay sober and be able to control yourself.

How much to drink and not get drunk - do not mix alcohol, do not smoke, snack without drinking sweet carbonated drinks. These "three pillars" hold the main secret of sobriety. You can fix the result by reading the following recommendations:

Give preference not to colored, but to transparent alcohol;
communicate more, say words to yourself, count in your mind, do not let your brain stagnate;
get up from the table more often and move more;
how to drink vodka and not get drunk, avoid sudden temperature changes. Avoid exits from a warm room to a cold street;
if you eat a lot, alcohol acts more slowly, but this is fraught with sharp intoxication;
better at the table drink lemon, grape, Apple juice . They irritate the gastric mucosa and slow down the intoxicating effect of alcohol;
the best snack- this is jelly, jellied fish, fish soup and other dishes containing a lot of glycine, which blocks alcohol toxins;
activated charcoal, these are the pills you should take so as not to get drunk from alcohol. When it enters the stomach, coal absorbs harmful substances before they are absorbed into the blood;
what tablets will replace coal so as not to get drunk from alcohol - lignin sorbents (Lignosorb, Polyphepan, Liferan). Dilute 3 tablespoons of any product in 300 ml of water and take the solution twice with an interval of 2 hours.

If you did not heed the advice on how to drink and not get drunk, then sober up, causing nausea. Induce vomiting by inserting two fingers into your mouth. Control over the conceived consciousness will return if you smell ammonia. Facilitate the state of strong green tea.

The main secret what needs to be done in order not to quickly get drunk from vodka or other alcohol is compliance with the norm. per day the body a person weighing 70 kilograms can take and process no more than 170 grams of ethanol. Remember this and in any situation control yourself so that later you don’t have to blush with shame and blame everything on the “green snake”.

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Probably, many are interested in how not to get very drunk during a feast, especially when you really need to control yourself. There are various tricks to not get drunk.

Alcohol is insidious, it takes away control and destroys health. But situations when you have to drink are present in our lives quite often - corporate parties, weddings of relatives, anniversaries, etc. Today, there are many secrets and tools that help you drink and not get drunk from vodka by reducing the effect of ethanol. Absorbents, Eleutherococcus tincture, lemon, etc., help with this.


When a person drinks alcohol, the drink first enters the stomach cavity. Alcohol is not food, so it should not be digested by the stomach. Because of what it is quickly absorbed into the blood. According to studies, when drinking alcohol, a fifth of it almost instantly enters the bloodstream, after which ethanol is distributed to all organs.

During a feast, in order not to get drunk for a long time, you can’t drink alcohol with carbonated and sweet drinks, since they only accelerate the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream and “sharp” intoxication occurs, which can cause alcohol poisoning.

It is also not recommended to reduce the degree by switching from vodka or cognac to wine or beer. Mixing various kinds alcohol is also contraindicated. During the feast, try to move more - dance more or take a walk on the street or help the hostess wash the dishes, which also helps a lot.

If intoxication gradually increases, then you can resort to artificial vomiting. Yes, the method is not very pleasant, but it works and can help out in a critical situation.

During the feast, in order not to get drunk for a long time, do not drink alcohol with carbonated and sweet drinks.

  • it is better to drink during the feast in small portions and slowly, so that enzymatic activity is turned on in the body, and the substances necessary for the processing of ethanol have time to develop. To facilitate this task, choose a glass that tapers towards the bottom, with thick walls. This will visually increase the volume, and the amount drunk will be much less;
  • you can not drink in a depressed or emotionally overexcited state. Before the planned event with a drink, it is recommended to sleep well and relax properly. Otherwise, drinking and not getting drunk will not work;
  • since 25% of alcohol is absorbed in the gastric cavity, then drinking strong drinks on an empty stomach is categorically unacceptable. Be sure to eat before the upcoming celebration, especially useful foods with vitamins B₆, B₁ and C (seeds, buckwheat, bananas and lemons, eggs, dairy products, citruses);
  • give up alcohol if you have recently been ill or very tired after intense physical work. A weak body will react to alcohol much faster and stronger than usual;
  • before the holiday, 4-5 tablets of coal can be taken 2-3 hours before drinking, and 2 more before drinking. The point is that coal absorbs some of the fusel oils and ethanol. And an hour before drinking alcohol, he recommends drinking a Festal or Mezim tablet, these drugs will help gastric activity.

If a person nevertheless went too far with alcohol, then a very bleak morning awaits him with a bunch of hangover symptoms. In some people, this condition does not happen or it manifests itself slightly, but most often, with the abuse of the withdrawal syndrome, it is not possible to avoid it.

In such a state, it is recommended to take some kind of absorbent like coal or Enterosgel. In addition, it is recommended to drink more fluids. It can be mineral non-carbonated water, cranberry or citrus juice, chicken bouillon, green tea with lemon slice and mint, etc.

It is recommended to take a walk, which will help relieve headaches. If there are no problems with cardiovascular activity, then a contrast shower will not hurt. After all the procedures, you can go to bed, in a dream the body will recover faster. But the most ideal option is not to abuse it, then you will not need these tips.

Of course, in all cases of drinking, regardless of the establishment and circumstances, a person needs to maintain control over his mind and body. If a person does not have a certain preparation, then the task sometimes becomes impossible. In the following, we will describe some ways that will help you to drink alcohol in serious quantities, but you will get drunk much less than usual.

The first step is to understand the causes of the intoxicated state. When drinking alcohol, the human brain will be affected by fusel oils, which will disrupt the functioning of the cerebral cortex. The consequences can manifest themselves purely individually: the work of the occipital part, the vestibular apparatus (loss of balance and speechlessness) may be disrupted, the “moral center” responsible for controlling behavior may be turned off. Sometimes the memory disappears altogether.

What to do FRONT drinking alcohol to drink and not get drunk?

1 The process of "acceleration of the liver". A few hours before drinking in significant quantities, you need to drink 100 g of vodka or any other strong drink. In this case, the body will produce alcohol dehydrogenases - these are special enzymes that process alcohol. After this strong intoxication, you can not be afraid.

2 A few days before a large feast, you need to eat foods high in iodine (squid, mussels, shrimp, feijoa, seaweed). Then the thyroid gland is stimulated, hormones will begin to concentrate in the body, accelerating the oxidation of alcohol. The production of these hormones will take just 2-3 days. When drinking alcohol, it is also necessary to snack on iodine-containing foods.

3 In the morning, you need to drink some of the following: either Liv-52 (half a spoonful of syrup or 1 tablet per 15 kg of weight), or bile collection No. 2 (a spoonful of grass for 200 ml of boiling water), or 2 tablespoons of rosehip syrup. In this case, the bile flow will improve, which will speed up the processing of fats in the liver, which will allow you to drink and not get drunk.

4 The day before drinking alcohol, it is recommended to take 0.3-0.5 g of aspirin or any alternative drug. This medicine will enhance microsomal enzymes that speed up the processing of alcohol. At a feast, you should refrain from taking aspirin.

5 30-40 minutes before the feast, you need to drink 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil(butter is not suitable). Oil will envelop the walls of the stomach, preventing alcohol from quickly penetrating into the bloodstream. Therefore, intoxication will come a little later or it will not be at all. In addition, porridge (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal) has a similar effect.

6 Vitamin B6. 12 and 4 hours before the feast, you must take Vitamin B6 in any form "B-complex", "Pician", "Neuromultivit", "Neurogamma". It should take 80-100 mg of the active substance. Vitamin will help the liver.

7 Enzymes. 1-1.5 before the feast, you must choose to take: Wobenzym, Mezim-forte, Creon, Unienzym, Abomin. Dosage - 2 times more than the recommended intake indicated in the instructions. Festal is not suitable here, because it contains bovine bile, which reduces the synthesis of bile acids.

8 Before drinking alcohol, you need to eat tightly - this is to allow you to drink and not get drunk. Recommended high-calorie food (for example, potatoes with meat).

9 Succinic acid. 1-1.5 hours before the feast, you must take the drug at the dose indicated in the instructions (can be found at any pharmacy). Succinic acid is an important participant in the Krebs cycle, therefore it allows you to speed up metabolism.

10 Glutarine. A couple of hours before drinking alcohol, you need to take 2.5 tablets of 750 mg each (the drug is cheap, sold everywhere, it can be called AlcoClean. It allows you to speed up the withdrawal of alcohol decay products.

What to do DURING

1 It is recommended to use only high-quality alcohol bought in a specialized or large store. The more impurities in the drink, the worse the alcohol will be digested in the body, causing rapid intoxication and a severe hangover. Therefore, it is better to prefer a glass of high-quality vodka or a skate than a bucket of moonshine.

2 In addition, you should completely give up tobacco. This applies to those people who smoke intermittently. Even 2 smoked cigarettes will just knock them off their feet.

3 Mixing drinks is not recommended. When mixing different alcoholic beverages, the body will react unpredictably. For example, when combining champagne with other drinks, even very large people can get drunk. In addition, one cannot fail to note a fairly common rule, which, according to many experts, is true: you can’t lower the degree of alcohol you drink. That is, you can drink vodka after beer, but not beer after vodka.

4 Recent studies have clearly shown that our body will experience a much greater load when drinking whiskey, cognac and other opaque alcohol than when drinking ordinary vodka.

5 Intoxication is very good at helping to overcome brain activity. In other words, talk more during the feast, pay attention to details, make calculations - all this will help you stay sober.

6 It is also recommended to move more - this will allow you to drink and not get drunk. For example, in order to control your condition, it is recommended to systematically get up from the table, going out into the fresh air, if possible. However, the temperature regime should not be changed drastically. For example, after going out on a balcony or street in winter, you will get drunk even faster.

7 You also need to eat properly. But right doesn't mean much. When eating a large amount of food, the effect of alcohol on the body will be slowed down, however, in the future, the entire volume of alcoholic beverages will be brought down in one fell swoop.

8 When drinking alcohol, it is recommended to drink other liquids. But only in the same quantities, otherwise in the morning we may wake up with swelling or headache. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude any soda that will irritate the mucous membrane and slow down the processing of alcohol. It is recommended to drink lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C, which speeds up the metabolism. In addition, apple and grape juice. If possible, koumiss would be an excellent option.

9 Replace if possible alcoholic drinks non-alcoholic. Do not immediately drink a whole glass or glass. Try to replace alcohol with another drink of the same color. For example, wine is very similar to cherry juice, and water is very similar to mineral water. Also, dilute alcohol with still water or juice in your glass.

10 You should not drink more than you normally drink. At the same time, you need to understand that our body can withstand no more than 170 g of ethanol per 70 kg of body weight per day. If this dose is exceeded, poisoning will occur quickly enough.

11 You should have a snack with jelly, fish soup, marmalade, jellied fish and any products with a high content of glycine, neutralizing the toxic decomposition products of alcohol. So you too can drink and not get drunk.

12 Of the radical methods, vomiting can be distinguished. The method, of course, is unaesthetic, but effective. If you began to feel that you are now getting drunk, then it is the induction of vomiting that will become a justified remedy, otherwise it will get worse further. The procedure can be repeated hourly.

13 Before the feast and after it is worth eating raw egg. This helps in slowing down intoxication, because eggs, together with alcohol, will form a colloidal mass that binds alcohols and prevents them from being absorbed into the walls of the intestines and stomach.

14 You have to drink in one gulp. Alcohol through the mucous membrane of the mouth will be absorbed much faster than through the walls of the intestines and stomach. In most cases, elite drinks that are usually savored in the mouth get drunk much faster.

15 Activated charcoal should be drunk in large quantities and at a convenient opportunity - a great way to drink and not get drunk. This is an excellent sorbent that absorbs harmful substances before they are absorbed into the blood. Then, if you go to the toilet after a few hours, all these products can be removed from the body.

16 Lignin sorbents also help. Lignosorb, Polyphepan, Liferan should be taken 3 tablespoons per 300 ml of water 2 times in 2 hours. The drugs will perform the same functions that activated charcoal performs, only much more efficiently. After 2 hours, it is best to repeat the procedure.

17 If you drink cocktails, then you need to drink only those whose composition includes citrus juices containing vitamin C. Bloody Mary can be distinguished from traditional cocktails ( tomato juice), Tequila Sunrise, Whiskey Sour, Screwdriver, Mojito, etc.

What to do AFTER drinking alcohol to drink and not get drunk?

1 Immediately after the end of the feast, it is necessary to repeat the intake of enzymes. In addition, sorbents will not be superfluous. In addition, if you are at home, be sure to open a window or window so that fresh air helps your body cleanse itself of alcohol breakdown products. You should also provide fresh air in the morning to get rid of a hangover.

2 Before going to bed, it is imperative to go to the toilet so that as few toxins as possible are absorbed through the intestines.

3 You can take some specialized drugs. For example, Relanium or Elenium helps well. It is also recommended to put a phenazepam tablet under the tongue. Do not abuse pills. You can take 2 tablets of motherwort, which contains vitamin B6 and magnesium, which remove toxins from the body.

4 the best way sober up is a dream. But if you have so-called "helicopters", then you are unlikely to fall asleep. Therefore, you can try it while sitting. If this worked out, then during sleep you can gradually move to bed. Also, many people recommend in this case, "grounding" by hanging both legs off the bed, so that the feet are flat on the floor.

Doing some of the above points will not allow you to get drunk quickly, get rid of a hangover in the morning, and also reduce the effect of alcohol on the body. During the preparatory part, it is recommended to facilitate the processing of alcohol and its decay products by the liver. Then, during the feast, it is required to ensure the normal withdrawal of alcohol processing products in the liver. In conclusion, the metabolism and oxidative processes in the body should be accelerated.

“Drink to health” is one of the most ridiculous phrases in the Russian language. From drinks containing alcohol, no one has become healthier. On the contrary: just yesterday a person proclaimed toasts at a holiday, and today he suffers from a terrible headache, thirst, heart palpitations and other, no less bad, symptoms of a hangover.

If you don’t drink at all, it’s not an option, but it’s also reluctant to get sick the next morning, you should be well prepared for the upcoming feast. What to take before drinking alcohol so that there is no hangover, you will learn from this article.

Causes of hangover syndrome

In a healthy person, the liver and pancreas function normally, and this reduces the risk of unpleasant symptoms the morning after drinking. Most likely, such people will develop a hangover if they drink too much alcohol.

The second reason is alcoholism. If you drink often for a long time, then a person will get drunk faster, due to the formation of alcohol dependence, and, as a result, it is difficult to endure the notorious morning after the party.

The third cause of a hangover is heredity. Low levels of the enzyme responsible for breaking down can be genetically programmed ethyl alcohol. This is especially true for representatives of the Mongoloid race.

The next factor is the age category of the drinker. In old age, as you know, the metabolism slows down, including the processing of ethanol, and chronic diseases make themselves felt. Because the fun on the eve can turn into a hangover the next day.

In women, intoxication and hangovers occur more often, because they metabolize alcohol more slowly than men.

The mechanism for the appearance of signs of a hangover syndrome is briefly as follows. Ethyl alcohol, being absorbed into the blood, causes inhibition of the nervous system. The liver is involved in the processing of ethanol, so it takes the first blow. To remove alcohol and its metabolites from the body, all reserves are used, a large amount of energy, vitamins and minerals are required to start the necessary chemical reactions. Therefore, drinking alcohol the day before leads to the depletion of the body's resources, which manifests itself in headache, weakness, nausea, thirst, indigestion, etc.

Hangover Prevention Medicines

If you drink in moderation, then the risk of getting sick the day after the feast is reduced. However, it is better to play it safe and give odds to your body. Which pill to take before drinking alcohol? The most effective, judging by the reviews of doctors and drinkers, are the following options.

  • Activated carbon. This medication has been the number one sorbent in our country for many years. It turns out that with its help you can not only treat poisoning, but also prevent them. For prevention, charcoal should be taken in the amount of 4 tablets before the party, and then drink 2 tablets every hour at the table. This simple method helps to avoid getting most of the ethanol into the blood, that is, to minimize the risk of a hangover.

  • Enterosgel. This drug also belongs to sorbents and works on the principle of activated carbon. It is recommended to drink a tablespoon of Enterosgel well with water before you start drinking alcoholic beverages.

  • Succinic acid. It is a natural metabolite in the human body. The substance strengthens the immune system and tends to speed up metabolic processes, including the removal of alcohol and its decay products from the body. A tablet of succinic acid, taken an hour before drinking, will help not to get drunk, and two or three more tablets consumed during the feast can provide good morning unless, of course, you drink wisely.

You should not get carried away with succinic acid, 6 tablets is the maximum daily dose. The substance may be irritating to the mucous membranes of the digestive system.

  • Limontar is an anti-alcohol medicine with amber and citric acid. In order not to suffer from alcohol poisoning, at least 20 minutes before the feast, a maximum of 0.25 g of Limontar powder should be dissolved in water or juice and drunk before meals.

  • Glutargin - the drug is positioned precisely as a means to prevent intoxication and a hangover. Its components reduce the inhibitory effect of ethanol on nervous system and also stimulate its recycling. Two sachets of medication are taken an hour or two before the expected start of drinking alcohol.

Folk methods

From generation to generation, recipes are passed on what to drink or eat before drinking alcohol. The good thing about these hangover prevention methods is that the recommended foods are almost always in the kitchen.

  • Before drinking, you need to eat a meal rich in carbohydrates, for example, pizza or pasta. Food with fatty acids is also suitable, as an option - sea ​​fish like trout, salmon or mackerel.
  • A spoon olive oil, taken on the eve of the party, envelops the walls of the stomach, which prevents the absorption of alcohol into the blood. In the absence of olive oil, sunflower oil is also suitable.
  • Have a glass of milk. It creates a protective film on the walls of the stomach, and also contains calcium and vitamins. However, if you plan to drink to the squeal of a pig, even a liter of milk will not help to avoid the inevitable.
  • raw egg on an empty stomach, like milk, envelops the gastric mucosa.
  • Have buckwheat or oatmeal useful not only for children, but also for adults who want to prevent a hangover.
  • Connoisseurs recommend drinking a glass of vodka an hour or two before drinking. This advice makes sense, because a small dose of alcohol activates the production of enzymes responsible for the processing of ethyl alcohol. That is, the liver is already ready to do this business.

Feast rules

Hangover prevention may not be effective if you drink thoughtlessly and uncontrollably. There are simple rules, following which, a person is more likely to leave the party on his own feet and feel in great shape the next morning.

  • Decide on the type of alcohol and drink it all evening without mixing different drinks. Today, there are a lot of additives, dyes, flavors in alcoholic products, and this is an additional burden on the liver and a heavy head in the morning.
  • Alternate alcohol with water. So you will maintain water balance and reduce the ability to get drunk in a short time. Water should be without gas, since oxygen accelerates the penetration of ethanol molecules into the blood.
  • If you drink cocktails, let them be drinks with natural juice. It is not carbonated, contains vitamins and glucose, which will play into the hands.
  • Do not lean on champagne and sparkling wines. These drinks, especially without snacks, cause rapid intoxication, and the next day they literally “hit the head”.
  • Do not exceed your dose - the main rule for preventing a hangover.

There are people who do not know what to drink before drinking alcohol so that there is no hangover, because neither pills nor folk remedies they are not helped. This is indicative of alcoholism. With addiction, hangovers always occur, and its symptoms are difficult to hide. What to do in this case? For the treatment of alcoholism, there are effective drugs sold over the Internet.

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