Home Nutrition Mozzarella fatty cheese or not. Mozzarella: calories, BJU, benefits and harms to the body. Mozzarella cheese is dangerous for someone, there is harm from it

Mozzarella fatty cheese or not. Mozzarella: calories, BJU, benefits and harms to the body. Mozzarella cheese is dangerous for someone, there is harm from it

Mozzarella (Mozzarella) - very tasty, tender young cheese. Its homeland is considered southern Italy. Local chefs use it to make fresh herb salads, caprese appetizers and pasta. Cheese is added to casseroles, lasagna is made. Without it, the preparation of traditional Italian pizza.

Snow-white mozzarella has a very delicate, tender texture due to a special pork manufacturing technology. To do this, use fresh milk, which is fermented and whey is removed. The curd mass is kept in warm water until it acquires elasticity and disintegrates into fibers. The fibers are then lowered into hot water where they roll into characteristic balls. Usually this freshly made, perishable cheese is sold in brine.

Is it possible to cook mozzarella cheese at home recipe calorie benefits and harms of this product, what are they? Let's talk about it today:

What is mozzarella cheese valued for, what is its use to us?

The benefits of this product are due to the rich composition of useful substances - vitamins, minerals. For example, cheese is rich in choline. This substance helps to reduce bad cholesterol, enhances the protective functions of cell membranes.

There is potassium there, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. And calcium, which is also rich in mozzarella, is needed for the strength of bones, teeth, nails. Sodium normalizes water balance, prevents dehydration.

Cheese contains a lot of phosphorus, an essential element for restoring bones and muscle tissue. Vitamin A is necessary to improve vision, restore skin elasticity. Iodine is needed for the health of the whole body, and selenium reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases.

According to nutritionists, daily use a small amount of this product reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis, normalizes arterial pressure, improves visual acuity, helps to get rid of migraines.

Due to its delicate texture, mozzarella is well absorbed, so cheese is recommended for dietary and baby food(after three years). The presence of important useful elements makes the product indispensable for the diet of pregnant women, as well as lactating women.

How nutritious is mozzarella cheese, what is its calorie content?

Of course, cheese is not empty calorie water. Therefore, one should take into account high calorie content product, which is 240-300 kcal per 100 grams.

Mozzarella cheese is dangerous for someone, is there any harm from it?

Experts believe that there are no special contraindications for its use. However, it should not be consumed if the body is intolerant to milk protein. It should not be included in the diet of people with certain neurological diseases, kidney failure.

This product will not harm everyone else, unless of course they are abused, taking into account the high calorie content. In particular, its use should be limited to people who are overweight.

For lovers of a healthy diet, I will tell you how to cook mozzarella cheese (a simple homemade cheese recipe) for ladies.

Homemade mozzarella cheese

Lovers of it delicious product know that its cost is quite high. Therefore, many try to cook it themselves, at home. Exists simple recipe cooking, with which I want to introduce you:

So, to prepare one kilogram of cheese, we need: 8 liters of fresh homemade cow's milk, rennet pepsin (you can buy it at a pharmacy or on the market), citric acid (10 g).


Warm the milk slightly, add citric acid, pour in 100 ml of cold bottled water. Stir everything constantly with a wooden spoon. Now separately mix pepsin (1/10 g) with 100 ml. cold water. Pour the resulting solution into milk, then stir continuously for about 3 minutes.

Place the resulting mass on water bath, heat up to 35 degrees.
Keep in a water bath at this temperature until a curd clot appears. Remember that now you can not mix the liquid. Take your time, wait until the clot is fully formed. Without removing it from the pan, cut it with a sharp knife into cubes (3-4 cm). Now very gently mix the liquid with the cheese pieces, making sure that the cubes do not stick together.

Wait a little more until the cheese cubes acquire the desired density. Drain the liquid through a colander lined with gauze. Leave the cheese cubes in a colander for 4 hours.

Now cut them into strips, put them in a clean pan. Pour in hot water, start vigorously kneading the cheese with a wooden spoon, forming a homogeneous, viscous mass. Tear off small pieces from it, form mozzarella balls.

Be sure to put them in cold, moderately salted water. store homemade cheese necessarily in brine, on the shelf of the refrigerator.

delicious recipe

With this soft, tender cheese, you can cook a lot of delicious, healthy snacks: all kinds of casseroles, meat dishes, vegetables, mushrooms, pies and pasta. I want to offer you easy recipe vegetable snack from Italian cuisine. It is prepared very simply, served with dry grape wine.


For cooking, we need: small, ripe, but not very soft tomatoes (the “cream” variety is ideal), mozzarella balls, fresh leaves basilica. Still need olive oil, salt and ground black pepper.


Cut the tomatoes into slices, arrange on a large dish. Salt lightly, pepper. Place half a cheese ball on each circle, top with a basil leaf. Pour a small amount of quality olive oil. Bon Appetit and be healthy!

Mozzarella cheese comes from Italy, it is a part of popular Italian dishes, it is used for cooking pizza and various casseroles, salads. Mozzarella is a young soft cheese that quickly becomes usable. We will get acquainted with its composition, properties useful for the human body and contraindications to its use, and also find out the recipe for its preparation at home.

Calorie content and composition

For its traditional production, lactic acid bacteria and rennet are used. However, calcium chloride and lipase are sometimes used in production, and lactic acid cultures replace citric acid. The composition and calorie content of this cheese depend on the source material.

In traditional technology, when using whole milk 100 g of mozzarella contains 280–318 kcal, and the fat content is 22–24%. When using skim milk, the calorie content of such cheese is 141–254 kcal, and the fat content is 0–16%. The low-fat product will have less cholesterol (18–64 mg) than the traditional (79–89 mg).

Did you know? The most delicious cheese is mozzarella di bufala campana. It is a milk product produced by black buffaloes. This cheese is made by hand. It has a red and green logo on the packaging and an image of a buffalo face.

A product made from whole milk and a calorie content of 300 kcal per 100 g has the following nutritional value:

  • fats - 22.4 g;
  • - 22.2 g;
  • - 2.2 g;
  • water - 50.01 g;
  • ash - 3.28 g.

The composition includes such vitamins:

  • B4 - 15.4 mg;
  • B2 - 0.283 mg;
  • E - 0.19 mg;
  • A - 0.179 mg;
  • retinol - 0.174 mg;
  • B5 - 0.141 mg;
  • PP - 0.104 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.057 mg;
  • B6 - 0.037 mg;
  • B1 - 0.03 mg;
  • B9 - 7 mcg;
  • K - 2.3 μg;
  • B12 - 2.28 mcg;
  • D - 0.4 µg;
  • D3 - 0.4 mcg.

  • - 627 mg;
  • - 505 mg;
  • - 354 mg;
  • - 76 mg;
  • - 20 mg;
  • - 2.92 mg;
  • - 0.44 mg;
  • - 0.03 mg;
  • - 0.017 mg;
  • - 0.011 mg.
The composition is represented by 18 amino acids, 10 of which are essential, as well as fatty acids (including).

The fat-free product contains slightly less water-soluble vitamins (A, E, D) and fats (including Omega fats). But it contains more calcium and phosphorus.

Benefit and harm

Mozzarella cheese is a source of many useful substances that are needed for the normal functioning of the whole organism. It provides the intake of easily digestible protein, which is involved in the formation of muscle mass and energy metabolism. In 100 g of the traditional version of mozzarella, there is more than 50% of the calcium necessary for bones and a lot of phosphorus.
It should be noted that the product contains fats, so its use can adversely affect blood vessels and contribute to weight gain. It is useful to use it within acceptable limits (recommended no more than 70 g during the day), and for weight loss it is better to choose mozzarella with a low fat content.

Did you know? Today, there are about 2,500 types of cheese in the world, and about every week new recipes for making them appear. The most commonly bought is mozzarella cheese. Such a high rating is given to him by his use in popular recipes of Italian cuisine.

Benefits of mozzarella cheese

Experts believe that dietary nutrition with regular use of mozzarella has a beneficial effect on the human body. This cheese has the following beneficial properties:

  • prevents osteoporosis, helps strengthen bones;
  • is the prevention of gout;
  • contributes to the rapid fusion of bones in fractures;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • enhances immunity;
  • positively affects the nervous system;
  • improves eyesight;
  • protects teeth from caries;
  • contains antioxidants, is the prevention of breast and intestinal cancer;
  • helps in the fight against migraine;
  • reflects well on appearance(skin, hair, nails);
  • is a source of selenium (about 30% of daily allowance in 100 g);
  • thins the blood.

This product is great for diabetics and children from 3 years old.

Contraindications and harm

Mozzarella cheese is a natural product that contains many useful substances, but in some cases its use must be limited. So, with chronic hypertension, swelling, too high cholesterol, gastric ulcer, glomerulonephritis, its amount in the diet should be limited. With intolerance to dairy products, it should be completely excluded from your menu.

Mozzarella is considered to be the birthplace of Naples in Italy. They cook the most delicious pizza(according to the book "Eat, Pray, Love"). Once upon a time, this young cheese was made from the milk of an Asian (or water) buffalo.

Modern interpretations of mozzarella are based on regular cow's milk. They can be found in almost every country in the world, and each has its own unique recipes. For example, in the USA, such cheese is characterized by low humidity (less than 50%).

If mozzarella is made from quality milk, it can be included in a healthy diet menu. One ball of this soft cheese(approximately 28 grams or 1 ounce) contains 72 kcal. In such a fairly modest portion, there are: 4.5 g of fat, 7 g of animal protein and less than 1 g of carbohydrates.

home the nutritional value mozzarella is hidden in its vitamins and minerals. One cheese ball saturates the body with niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, biotin and vitamins B5 and B6. Since all of the listed substances can be attributed to water-soluble vitamins, they quickly penetrate into the bloodstream and start metabolic processes. Needed for the health of the organs of vision and skin, as well as for the formation of the required number of red blood cells per unit of time.

Mozzarella also contains many useful fat-soluble substances that affect the health of the musculoskeletal system, promote the absorption of calcium and protect cell membranes from oxidative stress. These are vitamins A, D, E.

In terms of micronutrients, one salad ball of this Italian cheese contains 183 mg of calcium (more than 18% of the daily recommended intake). Keep in mind that calcium is especially important for the structural integrity of bones and the protection of tooth enamel.

The same amount of mozzarella can give a person up to 13% of the daily dose of phosphorus. This microelement is valuable for human health both by itself and in conjunction with calcium.

Iodine (10 mcg per 28 g of product) is needed for healthy skin, hair and teeth. Along with selenium, it is present in quality cheese Mozzarella. Selenium (4 mcg per 28 g of product), in turn, provides tremendous support to the body in the fight against inflammation and the destructive effects of oxidants.

Other nutrients found in Italian cheese: amino acids, molybdenum, potassium, magnesium, iron and sodium chlorides, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.


Mozzarella is an excellent source of healthy protein, which is important for muscle function and energy production. Its use (in reasonable amounts) may protect against rheumatism caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints.

The calcium found in mozzarella promotes weight loss and provides protection against breast cancer.

Another useful benefit of this cheese is protection against metabolic syndrome, which increases the risk of developing severe heart disease and can eventually lead to a heart attack. "Cheese" vitamins B6 (1% of the daily dose) and B12 (12%) cleanse the blood of homocysteine, a by-product of amino acid metabolism, which cardiologists blame for damage to the blood arteries.

For zinc in the composition of mozzarella, there was also a warm place. This trace element is needed by our body for protein synthesis, for normal growth and development of cells, to strengthen immunity. By the way, 1 mozzarella salad ball contains 9% of the recommended average daily intake of zinc.

Experts are sure that a diet with a small inclusion of mozzarella:

  • prevents the development of osteoporosis;
  • strengthens bones;
  • treats hypertension;
  • delays the formation of cholesterol plaques;
  • reduces pressure;
  • prevents gout (a type of arthritis);
  • promotes the speedy healing of fractures;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • ensures the health of the nervous system;
  • restores and preserves vision;
  • resists breast cancer and colon cancer;
  • reduces the manifestation of PMS;
  • fights migraine;
  • prevents excessive blood clotting.


Mozzarella can be used as dietary product. But you should know that the calorie content of such cheese directly depends on the fat content of the milk base. A product made from whole milk contains at least 45% fat.

Lighter varieties of mozzarella are made from a mixture of whole and skim milk. In this case, the fat content of the finished product should be in the range of 30-45%.

A modern version of The Book of Tasty and Healthy Food could devote more than one chapter to cheese. And speaking of dietary nutrition, it is first of all appropriate to recall semi-soft and low-fat varieties including mozzarella. We will talk about the manufacturing technology of this tender cheese, its benefits as a food product and the intricacies of choice.

Nutritional and dietary value

Is it suitable for diet food cheese like mozzarella? The fat content of this variety is on average about 40%, which is less than that of many. At the same time, one of the advantages is the high protein value and the record content of calcium and phosphorus among cheeses. And although mozzarella, the calorie content of which, depending on the manufacturer, can range from 250 to 300 kcal, contains practically no carbohydrates, it can be an excellent ... dessert. So, to please you with the most delicate taste, without making you regret what you ate. There is also evidence that regular consumption of this cheese has a beneficial effect on sleep. And the piece eaten after eating is also a healthy alternative to the well-known chewing gum to protect your teeth.

Can everyone use it? Yes, if cheese is not contraindicated for you in principle (meaning rare cases and products from it). When following the technology and storage rules, it is absolutely safe and does not contain substances potentially harmful to us.

How is the calorie content of which, as we have already said, is quite small, and the digestibility of nutrients is higher than that of many other useful products? It is made from very fresh milk and according to the same technology, which excludes the addition of any other substances. The cheese is immersed in saline and packaged. Vacuum packaging allows it to be somewhat extended and makes transportation possible. However, it is believed that real mozzarella should be freshly cooked, no older than one or two days. In any case, beware of mozzarella if the expiration date on the package is more than one month.

Appearance and information on the label

What should this young cheese look like and what should be indicated on the packaging? If this is really mozzarella, its calorie content will be 250-300 kcal per hundred grams, fat content from 20 to 40, but usually within 35%. High-quality and healthy mozzarella can contain only milk, sourdough and the solution in which this cheese is stored: water and salt. The expiration date, we repeat, should not be more than a month. Most often in vacuum packaging there is a soft pliable whole piece weighing up to 200 grams. But you can also find mozzarella in the form of balls of different sizes, cut into circles or in the form of a pigtail. The color should be light, almost white. Mozzarella, unlike other cheeses, is made without the use of dyes, but a slight yellowish tint can be explained by the presence of carotene in the fresh grass eaten by cows. Vacuum-packed cheese should have a uniform texture, without a crust and cheese “holes”. And, of course, when opening the package, pay attention to the smell. An unpleasant sour smell indicates unsuitability for food. And of course, fresh cheese mozzarella should not have a bitter aftertaste.

What do they eat with

And now a few words about the most pleasant: about how to eat this most useful product to give yourself a full flavor and When you have a product like mozzarella in front of you, the calorie content may not bother you. Feel free to use it to sprinkle pizza and any casseroles instead of hard cheese and mayonnaise. It goes well with tomato slices in a simple and gourmet salad. For a real taste Italian food, add fresh or dried herbs (like basil) and olive oil. If you're trying to keep a diet but can't deny yourself evening snacks, mozzarella, which has a low calorie content in terms of a few pieces, is great for calming your stomach and taste buds. A few pieces of cheese mineral water and a glass of red wine - and late guests no longer threaten your figure. Only benefit and subtle taste.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Mozzarella is a classic Italian cheese, originally made exclusively from , now it is often replaced, but the classic Mozzarella is still produced using black buffalo milk. Mozzarella cheese belongs to the category of soft young cheeses, the product matures in a few days. Mozzarella cheese has a spherical shape, bright white color, elastic and layered structure. The taste of cheese is delicate and fresh, close to curd cheeses.

In the production of Mozzarella cheese, lactic acid cultures are used to ferment milk, rennet is used to coagulate, after the appearance of the cheese grain, it is heated and separated from the whey. The cheese mass must be constantly mixed, then knead with your hands until elastic, periodically heating. The process of forming Mozzarella balls also takes place manually, small fragments of different sizes are cut from a common piece and rolled into balls. Mozzarella balls are placed in a saturated solution in which the cheese matures for 1-3 days. Whey from the production of Mozzarella is commonly used for making.

Mozzarella cheese calories

The calorie content of Mozzarella cheese is 240 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Mozzarella cheese is rich and contains a large amount. The product is useful for maintaining bone hardness, especially for the elderly, it is the prevention of osteoporosis. necessary for tooth enamel and tooth density, useful for adolescents and the elderly in order to protect against caries. participates in hematopoiesis, its deficiency leads to anemia.

Harm of mozzarella cheese

It should not be forgotten that Mozzarella cheese is a fairly high-calorie product, the excessive use of which can lead to the appearance of extra pounds. Cheese contains lactose, so it is contraindicated for people with celiac disease.

Habitual Mozzarella has the form of balls of different sizes:

  • perlini- the smallest balls, the size of;
  • chileggini- medium balls, similar to large berries;
  • bocconcini- the largest balls, the size of a small.

Mozzarella cheese is sold in a liquid, slightly cloudy solution of a transparent white color, otherwise the Mozzarella balls will simply dry out. When purchasing fresh cheese, you should carefully study the shelf life indicated on the package, as a rule, it does not exceed a month. After opening the package, Mozzarella should be consumed immediately, the cheese is not stored without brine. When cutting a Mozzarella ball, a few drops of liquid are acceptable.

Mozzarella cheese is occasionally made in the form of a pigtail, yellowish cheese in the form of a bar is suitable for making pizza. There is a smoked variety of Mozzarella cheese.

Mozzarella cheese in cooking

Mozzarella can act as an independent snack, as a full member cheese plate, as an ingredient in cold appetizers, various canapes and salads (calorizator). traditional salad caprese impossible without Mozzarella, it is this cheese, combined with juicy and green, that is considered a classic of Italian cuisine and is so similar to the flag of Italy.

More about mozzarella, about her useful properties, see the video "Mozzarella Cheese - Benefit and Harm" of the TV program "Live Healthy".

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