Home Soups What kind of soup to cook on. How to cook delicious soup: recipes from around the world. How to make easy chicken soup

What kind of soup to cook on. How to cook delicious soup: recipes from around the world. How to make easy chicken soup

Once upon a time, homo sapiens prepared his first bowl of delicious soup (or stew, or brew). It was, most likely, a very long time ago, since then not only a lot has been eaten, but something has also been understood. About cooking technologies, for example.

I have collected in one article a whole bunch of soup recipes from all over the world, you can cook any of them and enjoy the new taste. The selection is preceded by basic information about soups and some rules on how to cook tasty soup.

How to make delicious soup

It would seem, what could be the problem with the preparation of everyday liquid food, familiar from childhood? I cut potatoes, carrots, added meat, mushrooms, salted and peppered, poured water, set to boil - and that's it! But it turns out that preparing a delicious soup is not as easy as it seems. And a cooking lesson here will not be superfluous at all.

Actually, the tricks come down to a few questions:

1 Since most soups are prepared with broths (meat or vegetable), you need to be able to prepare a quality broth. As experience shows, to make it clean and transparent, you need a skill. For example, one must be able to get rid of the foam, and then lighten the fragrant liquid.

Read about how to do this in the articles: and. The technology for preparing broths from other meat and fish does not differ from those described.

2 Cooking vegetables in soup is also an art. The order in which they are added is not at all indifferent, because the cooking speed varies, and, in addition, different vegetables influence each other differently. What is important to know for making delicious soup?

  • All vegetables should be laid out in a boiling salted broth. vegetable soups only freshly prepared ones are good, as they quickly lose vitamins. After they have cooked, the lid is sealed and the soup is kept for 10 minutes.
  • Potatoes come first (only cereals can get ahead of them), as they cook longer than other vegetables. In addition, if you cook it at the same time as sour ingredients (tomatoes, for example), it will turn out tasteless: the acid will make the potatoes heavy and dense.
  • Carrots and roots (parsley, celery) can be cooked using the sauteing method, or you can do it directly. Cooking time for carrots is 20-30 minutes, there are fewer roots (depending on thickness). If we add browned vegetables, then we don’t even boil them, but let them soak in the rest of the flavors, so you need to add them when the potatoes are completely ready.
  • Not everyone likes carrots in soup (like onions), so they boil them whole (not cut into pieces), and then, when the carrots have given up all their taste and aroma, they throw them away or use them in another way.
  • Likewise with onions. If you want to get a golden soup broth, put the onion in the husk (in a special container or cheesecloth) into it. You can cook it peeled, but whole (and then throw it away). But if the presence of onions in the soup is provided, then it must be finely chopped and cooked with or without preliminary soft sautéing.
  • Greens do not need to be cooked! It is added at the very end, after which the fire is turned off, and the greens give off all their flavor in warmth. It is also important not to overdo the bay leaf, adding a maximum of 5 minutes before readiness. You will find such a recommendation in any recipe for a delicious soup.

3 Flour (for thickening), beaten eggs, dumplings and dumplings, pasta and cereals are added to the soup. It is better to boil the latter separately, and then add them to the broth, or you can cook them together with vegetables - you will find different recommendations in the recipes for making delicious soups. If you want together, then know that rice is cooked no less (or even more) than potatoes, and vermicelli - quickly.

However, with all the nuances, in order to cook a delicious soup, you need to cook it. In winter it will warm, and in summer (usually cold soups are prepared at this time) it will give lightness, at all times a nutritious and tasty soup will saturate and give pleasure.

Delicious pea soup from Wesphalia

You may know that pea and legume dishes are very popular in Germany. This is one of the most delicious recipes soup, very typical.

Recipe Ingredients: 200 g dry green peas, 100 g onions, 30 g carrots, 30 g celery root, 30 g pork lard, 50 g potatoes, 50 g leeks, 2 hunting sausages, salt, black ground pepper, nutmeg, marjoram, vinegar.

How to cook: Soak the peas the day before in 1.5 liters of water. Onions, carrots and celery, cut into cubes, stew in lard. Add water, put peas and cook over low heat. When the peas are almost ready, salt, pepper, marjoram, nutmeg and a few drops of vinegar. Then add diced potatoes and chopped leeks. Cook a little more. Before the end of cooking, put the hunting sausages, heat them up, then take them out and cut into circles. Serve the soup on the table, sprinkled with chopped green onions and toasted croutons.

Delicious creamy soup from Scotland

Recipe Ingredients: White beans, onions, beets, celery root, tomatoes, meat broth, ground black pepper, peppermint.

How to cook: Soak beans overnight in cold water. Boil the beets. Put chopped onion rings, beans (drain water), chopped celery, beets, tomatoes into a saucepan and lightly fry everything. Add broth, salt and pepper. Boil, remove the foam if necessary and simmer for about 3 hours. Then take out the beets, and rub the rest through a sieve and heat again. When serving, sprinkle with chopped mint.

Delicious Toulouse garlic soup recipe

Recipe Ingredients: 5 cloves of garlic, 30 g goose fat, 2 eggs, salt, ground black pepper, wheat bread.

How to cook: Crush the garlic, mix with goose fat, add water and cook for a few minutes. Break the eggs, separate the whites, beat into foam and put in a boiling soup. After a few minutes, remove the pan from the heat, dip the yolks into the soup, salt, pepper and pour the soup into bowls. Place 1-2 tablespoons of toasted on each plate. wheat bread cut into small cubes.

French Onion Soup

Recipe Ingredients: 500 g onions, ¾ l of beef broth, 1 ½ tablespoons of margarine, 1 ½ tablespoons of flour, bay leaf, ground black pepper, 4-6 slices of wheat bread, 3 tablespoons of grated hard cheese, butter, salt.

How to cook: Finely chopped onion and margarine put in a pan and fry until a brown color appears. Add flour and fry, stirring constantly. Pour in the broth, salt, pepper and put a bay leaf. Cook until the onion becomes soft. Fry the bread slices on both sides butter. Pour the soup into portioned ceramic cups or pots, put slices of toasted bread in each, sprinkle it with grated cheese, cover with a lid and put in a preheated oven. After a few minutes, when the cheese is melted, remove the cups and serve. Grated cheese can be served separately.

Delicious Belgian cuisine onion soup

Recipe Ingredients: 500 g onions, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, Wheat flour, salt, black pepper, meat broth, grated spicy cheese.

How to cook: Cut the onion into thin rings and fry together with flour for vegetable oil. Salt, pepper, pour in the broth and cook over high heat. Serve the soup in bouillon bowls, sprinkled with grated cheese.

Delicious swiss tomato soup

Recipe Ingredients: Tomatoes, onions, vegetable oil, garlic, parsley and celery, black pepper, flour, salt, boiled rice, grated cheese.

How to cook: Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Add chopped tomatoes, parsley and celery, crushed garlic, salt, pepper and simmer over low heat. Boil water, put in boiling water vegetable stew and season with flour, sautéed with vegetable oil. When serving, put boiled rice sprinkled with grated cheese on a plate.

Soups are an important part of every person's diet. They help to get enough, to restore strength. They began to cook about 400 years ago, from the time the dishes appeared. However, do not think that the cooking process was the same as now. The method of cooking began to be used much later.

First courses began to become widespread only at the end of the 17th century. In Russian cuisine, liquid dishes were usually called stews. The name "soup" began to be used only under Peter I.

Today there are about 150 variants, each of which is subdivided into another thousand species, while also in several variations.

They can be hot - borscht, pickles, hodgepodges, cabbage soup, s various types meat, fish, vegetables or cereals. Cold liquid dishes are good in the summer heat and are cooked mainly on light broth, water, kvass, fermented milk products(okroshka, holodnik, tarator).

However, all of them are united by the fact that 50% is liquid, another half is a different content. The ingredients are a wide variety of products: vegetables, cereals, pasta, fruits, herbs, spices, meat products. It is impossible to say which one is better. Everyone chooses according to their taste, preference and even lifestyle.

On our website you will find simple and understandable recipes for soups both for every day and for festive table. Each dish is described step by step with a photo with a detailed set of ingredients, so even a novice hostess will understand everything.

The question that worries many women is how to cook soup so that it is tasty, healthy, and, of course, does not harm the figure. At the same time, it is necessary that he be sure to please all household members.

We have a large selection of recipes: Ukrainian borsch, Georgian kharcho, with cheese and crackers, with noodles, mushrooms, various types of fish, seafood - you can’t count everything.

In order for the food to turn out, you must follow the unspoken rules:

  • vegetable soups are boiled in a small amount of liquid;
  • meat, especially with smoked meats, will turn out tastier if you cook them in earthenware, porcelain or enameled dishes;
  • do not cook too much - the maximum number of servings for 6 people at the rate of 200-400 ml of liquid per serving;
  • spices, as well as tomato paste, are placed at the very end of cooking;
  • in borscht, potatoes are cut into cubes, in soups with noodles - straws.

If you watch your weight, then you will surely like vegetarian dishes. A dietary, healthy meal is prepared without frying vegetables and adding fatty meats or fish. To make it more satisfying, cereals or legumes are added to it, and greens for flavor.

Only a real hostess can cook a real Ukrainian borscht, but thanks to a detailed description, step by step photo and the exact recipe, you can easily master this art and delight your loved ones with a rich, unique taste.

It is especially worth highlighting the first dishes for children. Every mom has to “puzzle” over what to cook so that the baby eats with pleasure. With us, this problem will be solved by itself. On the pages of our site you will find soups - mashed potatoes for your beloved child from 6 months. As a rule, they are prepared from vegetables, with the addition of cream or milk.

Do not be afraid to experiment, choose new recipes on our website. Your loved ones will surely appreciate your efforts, because now, even the simplest broth will become a chef's masterpiece.

On the pages of our site you will find other equally interesting recipes.

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


The most important component of the daily diet of every person is first courses. True, many refuse them for various reasons. Some people do not get enough of them, others simply do not have enough time to cook. Remember simple and quick recipes They will help you eat healthier.

What soup to cook for lunch

Any first course has two components: liquid foundation and garnish. The first can be meat, fish, mushroom or vegetable broth. Garnishes are very varied. Put in soups different varieties meat, fish, vegetables, pasta, cereals. Be sure to add spices, seasonings, herbs. By remembering a few basic food combinations, you will always know what to cook first.


A selection of dishes for the preparation of which you need not a lot of products and a minimum of effort. If you learn how to cook them, you will never leave your family members without lunch. Excellent first courses for every day:

  1. "Easy peasy". For him, in addition to vegetables, you need a little minced meat, a little fresh mushrooms and one processed cheese. You can choose any spices of your choice. Minced meat is fried with mushrooms and onions. The potatoes are rubbed on a grater. Then all these products, together with melted cheese, are boiled in boiling water. The first turns out to be very satisfying, thick, with a mild creamy taste.
  2. "Zatiruha". The simplest homemade first course with great taste. Onions, carrots, potatoes are boiled in chicken broth. While this is happening chicken eggs rubbed with flour by hand. It turns out "grout". This product is vaguely reminiscent of noodles. The “grout” is boiled in the broth for a couple of minutes, then the egg is poured into the soup in a thin stream to curdle, and served. The dish is very thick, rich.
  3. Peas with smoked ribs. remembering simple recipes first courses, I must say about it. Smoked to start pork ribs boil. Then fried onions with carrots, pre-soaked peas and potatoes are thrown there. The first turns out to be very nutritious, rich, and because of the incredible aroma, you might think that it was cooked on a fire.
  4. "Pumpkin Soup" To prepare the dish, potatoes, pumpkin and onions are cut, boiled with spices, and then whipped with a blender and poured with cream or milk.

fast food

A selection of dishes for those who have very little time to cook:

  1. "Avgolemono". This Greek soup hastily prepares in a few minutes. It is very tasty and unusual. To make a dish, small pasta is boiled in chicken broth, a mixture of eggs with lemon juice and water, season. Served with greens.
  2. "Dumplings". A very hearty soup for every day, which is prepared in just a quarter of an hour. Onions with garlic and oregano are fried, poured with broth. Add seasonings, tomatoes in own juice. After boiling, dumplings are thrown and turned off a couple of minutes after they pop up.
  3. "Polish Tomato" - very delicate, with a pleasant creamy texture. Prepared from grated tomatoes, onions, celery, carrots and sour cream in meat broth.
  4. "Botvina". Summer refreshing soup for every day, which must be served very chilled. Prepared on kvass with beet leaves, sorrel, spinach, green onions. Serve garnished with a slice of lemon and a tablespoon of red caviar.


These are the dishes, having dined with which you will not feel lethargic and drowsy. Most best lungs recipes:

  1. "From sauerkraut". Very tasty low-calorie cream soup that is easy to prepare. The composition includes onions with carrots and sauerkraut, grated potatoes, spices. After cooking, the vegetables are pureed with sour cream. Serve preferably with croutons.
  2. "Spring Fantasy" Fabulous light soup pleasant greenish tint. For cooking, boil potatoes and beets, then add stewed zucchini, leek, mushrooms, celery, sorrel and spinach to them. At the very end of cooking, boiled eggs, cut into cubes, are placed in the soup.
  3. "Country". A very light vegetable soup for every day, which will appeal to everyone who loves a delicious lunch. It includes fried onions, carrots and white and Brussels sprouts, potatoes, beans, tomatoes, zucchini, greens. You can cook both in water and in chicken broth.
  4. "Pearl-mushroom stew". This is not a soup, but an overeating, moreover, good for health. Onions, carrots, leeks, parsley, bell peppers, porcini mushrooms are put in the dish. When they are almost completely cooked, ready-made pearl barley is added to the soup.


The following selection includes dishes that are allowed to be eaten by fasting people. Lean Soup Recipes:

  1. "Leshta". Very hearty and thick soup, which consists of vegetables and lentils. Onions, celery, garlic, bell peppers, carrots are put in it. These products are cut and fried in vegetable oil. Then add tomato paste, sugar, water, soaked lentils. Seasoned with pink and cayenne peppers, bay leaf, thyme, salt.
  2. "Field". If you collect delicious soup recipes, keep the following in mind. To make "Field" soup, onions and any mushrooms are fried with tomatoes. Potatoes, washed millet are boiled in water. Before turning off, put the roast from the pan and fresh chopped parsley into the pan.
  3. "With Brussels sprouts." Very fragrant light soup for every day, ideal for fasting people. It is very easy to prepare: boiled in water Brussels sprouts with salt and bay leaf, add chopped onions with carrots, potatoes. Put in a dish Provencal herbs, fresh herbs.

Vegetable vegetarian

Many people, out of personal convictions, refuse to meat dishes. They will need recipes for vegetarian soups for every day:

  1. "Catalan". Very tasty, fragrant soup. It is hearty, although it does not contain meat. It is prepared for vegetable broth, in which they put fried onions, potatoes, beans, cilantro. Ready soup interrupted in a blender, add cream, salt and pepper.
  2. "Buckwheat". This recipe differs from many other vegetarian recipes in its strong flavor, which immediately stimulates the appetite. It is prepared from washed buckwheat, potatoes, grated carrots, fried onions. Be sure to add greens and various spices.
  3. "Vitamin". A very simple dish made from ingredients available to everyone. Consists of onions, carrots, rice and potatoes. in the middle of cooking put the disassembled cauliflower, canned green pea, seasoning salt.


A selection of dishes for people who do not need to diet or fast. If you are looking for meat soups recipes with photos will help you with this:

  1. "Borsch". Many people adore this dish and certainly everyone has tried it at least once in their life. Classic Ukrainian borscht is cooked on beef broth with pieces of meat, potatoes, shredded cabbage. They put vegetable frying from onions, carrots, bell pepper, beets. Mandatory presence fresh tomato, tomato paste or mixtures thereof. Homemade borscht is real cooking masterpiece.
  2. "Solyanka". The dish does not include the cheapest products, but the costs are worth the result. The first is rich, thick, with a pleasant aroma. First, the broth is boiled pork ribs. Then several types of meat, sausages, and potatoes are put into it. The more different components, the better. Be sure to add a lot of smoked meats. Pickles are put in the soup, a little brine and tomato paste are poured. The final element is olives and lemon slices.
  3. "Kharcho". Traditional Georgian dish, rich, thick, satisfying. The broth is boiled with a piece of lamb on the bone. Rice, onion fried with tomato paste, tkemali sauce, herbs, suneli hops, garlic, pepper are added to it. You can add other spices at your discretion. Before serving, the meat is taken out, cut into medium pieces, returned back. After turning off the dish, sprinkle with herbs.


You already understand how wide the choice of what you can cook for lunch. Each recipe for first courses has its own distinctive features. You can cook every day new soup never repeating for a long time. To make the diet more varied, alternate light meals with hearty and high-calorie ones. Periodically make puree soup instead of the usual one. Remember a few more great recipes.

From chicken

A very simple recipe that you should definitely have in your cookbook. The first chicken dishes are very useful for the body, they contain a small amount of calories. However, they are filling. If you want to provide your child with a healthy and proper nutrition be sure to check out the recipe below.


  • chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • lavrushka - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 large head;
  • parsley - half a bunch;
  • salt pepper;
  • potatoes - 3 large;
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.;
  • buckwheat - 160 g;
  • carrot - 1 large.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse chicken breast, fill with water and put on the stove. When the broth starts to boil, throw in peppercorns, bay leaf. Let it cook for at least 40 minutes.
  2. Fry buckwheat in a dry frying pan until you hear a crackle. Throw in the broth.
  3. Peel potatoes, cut into small cubes. Add when buckwheat boils for 10 minutes.
  4. Fry chopped onions and grated carrots in vegetable oil until softened. Add them to the pot when the potatoes are half cooked.
  5. After boiling the broth, throw salt and pepper into it, turn it off after a couple of minutes. Serve garnished with chopped parsley.

Vegetable puree soup

Dishes of this format have gained popularity relatively recently. Soups-puree from vegetables are very light. People who are on a diet and trying to lose weight should definitely include them in their diet. The simplest soups for every day are suitable for babies as the first complementary foods.


  • cauliflower - 0.5 kg;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • zucchini - 4 pcs.;
  • dried basil - 1 tsp;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • ground coriander - 1 tsp;
  • tomatoes - 8 medium;
  • turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • processed cheese - 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream - 150 ml;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 2 cups;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • butter - 80 g

Cooking method:

  1. Disassemble the cauliflower, wash. Boil half of the roots in salted water, stew the rest in part of the butter.
  2. Add zucchini and tomatoes cut into medium pieces to the cabbage pan.
  3. Heat the rest of the oil in a saucepan, fry the crushed garlic and chopped onion in it. Drop all seasonings.
  4. Add chopped carrots, pour milk and cook under the lid.
  5. Blend all the ingredients in a blender. Put on fire. When it boils, throw in the chopped curds. Turn off as soon as they melt.

Beef in a slow cooker

First courses are cooked not only on the stove. Modern kitchen appliances greatly simplify this process. Every housewife needs to know how to cook the first thing in a slow cooker, because this device will help her save a lot of time and effort. It is very easy to do this. If you have a slow cooker, you can cook new recipes at least every day.


  • beef - 0.25 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • carrot - 1 small;
  • greens - half a bunch;
  • onion - 1 small;
  • salt pepper;
  • potatoes - 2 medium;
  • bell pepper - 1 small;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Put the washed meat into the multicooker bowl. Fill with water, add salt and pepper. Install the Soup program and cook for a couple of hours.
  2. Clean your vegetables. Cut the carrots into bars, onions and peppers into cubes, potatoes into slices.
  3. Crush the garlic and chop the greens.
  4. Add all these ingredients. Set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for half an hour.


Another simple recipe. Soup with pork and noodles is likely to appeal not only to you, but also to your kids. He looks great in the photo. Making it at home is very easy and doesn't take long. If you are interested good recipes the first one for every day, then be sure to remember the next one and use it when you start preparing a delicious lunch.


  • pork - 150 g;
  • salt pepper;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • Dill;
  • carrots - half;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • onion - half;
  • small vermicelli - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces. Fill it with a liter of water. Boil an hour.
  2. Chop carrots and onions, fry in vegetable oil. Add the roast along with the bay leaf to the broth.
  3. Cut the potato into small cubes. Put in the broth 10 minutes after frying. Salt, pepper.
  4. Pour in the vermicelli. Turn off the dish after 10 minutes. Serve garnished with chopped dill.

  1. Do not put too many vegetables in veal soup. They interrupt the flavor of the meat.
  2. Chicken broths should not be over-seasoned. It might ruin them.
  3. The most delicious soups are cooked only on low heat.
  4. While frying the onion, add a pinch of sugar. This not only has a positive effect on the color of the frying, but also improves the taste.
  5. Add salt no earlier than 10 minutes before stopping cooking. If it turned out to be too much, put the whole in the pan raw potatoes or a bag of rice.
  6. Try to calculate in advance how much water you will need.

In the article we will talk about how to cook soup correctly. The lack of necessary qualifications leads to the fact that even very good soup reduced to the level of a tasteless and primitive dish. As practice shows, making excellent soup is not so easy. My article is intended to change the situation.

simple soup recipe

A simple soup is a basic meal that every housewife should be able to cook. It's easy to make and keeps in the fridge for a few days. Based on it, you can create a real culinary masterpiece.


  • meat - 300 g
  • onion - 1 head
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • pepper, bay leaf, salt


  1. I wash the meat and cut into pieces. Most of the time I use pork.
  2. I pour water into a clean saucepan, put the meat and put it on the stove. I cook on high heat.
  3. After boiling the broth, I reduce the heat and be sure to remove the foam.
  4. I peel the carrots and onions and send them to the pan to boil.
  5. I cook for about an hour. The type of meat directly affects the cooking time. Pork and beef have to be boiled for 90 minutes. Chicken and fish - 40 minutes.
  6. I remove the foam from time to time.
  7. At the end, I put a bay leaf in the pan, add salt and pepper.

I often serve a simple soup as an independent dish. If you add some greenery boiled egg and croutons, you get a completely different treat. Based on it, I cook more complex soups using various ingredients.

Recipe for delicious lamb kharcho soup


  • chicken - 450 g
  • pearl barley - 0.5 cups
  • dried mushrooms- 50 g
  • onions and carrots - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • flour, tomato paste, salt and pepper


  1. Barley and mushrooms are soaked overnight in a separate bowl.
  2. I boil the chicken until cooked, take out the meat, separate it from the bones and cut into pieces.
  3. In a pan with chicken broth, I spread chopped mushrooms and barley. I cook for about a third of an hour until the barley is half cooked.
  4. I strain the water in which there were mushrooms and pour it into the soup.
  5. I cut the potatoes into thin slices and send them to the pan. Salt.
  6. I fry chopped onions in oil, add carrots and tomatoes. At the end of frying, sprinkle with flour, mix thoroughly and fry for several minutes.
  7. I move the dressing with chopped meat into a saucepan and cook for about 5 minutes. I let it brew for a few minutes.

I pour the dried mushroom soup into a bowl and add a spoonful of sour cream. If you do not like barley, you can use millet, vermicelli or buckwheat.

Canned salmon soup

If there are many recipes for soups based on meat broth, there are much fewer fish ones.


  • canned pink salmon - 3 pcs.
  • potatoes - 700 g
  • onion - 200 g
  • carrot - 200 g
  • pepper, bay leaf and salt


  1. I pour potatoes cold water, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. I clean onions and carrots. I chop the onion, rub the carrots on a grater.
  3. Mash canned salmon with a fork. I don't drain juice.
  4. I send potatoes to boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Then I add carrots and onions.
  5. I put pink salmon, bay leaf and pepper. Cook until the potatoes are done. I serve it hot.

Cooking video

What's easier than cooking fish soup from canned salmon?

Simple pasta soup

For cooking, I use meat broth. If it is not available, vegetable will do.


  • meat broth - 3 l
  • pasta - 100 g
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • cabbage - 200 g
  • carrots and onions - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • canned green peas - 50 g
  • dried basil - pinch
  • salt and peppercorns


  1. Finely chop the cabbage. I wash the carrots well and pass through a grater.
  2. Finely chop the onion, wash the potatoes, peel and cut into squares. I crush or rub the garlic.
  3. I send the onion with carrots to the pan and fry until tender.
  4. I pour the meat broth into the pan, add the potatoes and boil for about a quarter of an hour.
  5. I add pasta and fried vegetables. Stir and cook for about 5 minutes.
  6. At the end of cooking, I add green peas, pepper, garlic, basil and salt. Mix thoroughly, salt and keep on gas for a couple of minutes.
  7. I pour the finished soup into bowls, decorate with fresh herbs and serve.

At first glance, the dish may seem somewhat strange, because canned peas in the soup - a rarity. However, it is worth tasting one spoonful of treats to understand how tasty it is.

Soup is the basis of every meal. Even novice housewives need to learn how to cook simple first dishes that are so easy to feed the whole family! After all, then you can do without semi-finished products, and even significantly save the family budget. Simple soups prepared from the most simple products. We offer several options for such soups.

How to make easy chicken soup

  1. 400 g chicken wings(thighs);
  2. 4 large potatoes;
  3. 1 large carrot;
  4. 2 small onions;
  5. 2 handfuls of pasta "stars" or noodles "cobweb";
  6. 1 tbsp dried herbs or 100 g of fresh parsley (dill);
  7. salt to taste.


Rinse the meat, add water and boil until cooked (removing the foam, if it appears). Peel the vegetables, chop the potatoes into small cubes, chop the onion very finely and grate the carrots. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, cook until the potatoes are tender, then add the pasta and salt to taste. Cook for another 5-7 minutes, before removing from heat, add greens. The easiest chicken soup is ready!

How to make a simple soup with rice (vegetable)

This soup can be pampered without any harm to the figure. Because it contains only healthy vegetables(too starchy and high-calorie potatoes are not among them) and very little rice. Fill it with olive oil - and get a wonderful diet dish!

Ingredients (per 3 liter pot):

  1. 4 tbsp rice (better choose unpolished, it is the most useful);
  2. 2 onions;
  3. 2 carrots;
  4. 3 bell peppers;
  5. 4 tomatoes;
  6. 100 g of fresh parsley;
  7. ½ tsp ground paprika;
  8. 3 tbsp olive oil;
  9. a pinch of ground black pepper;
  10. salt to taste.


For a richer taste, the vegetables for the soup must first be fried. To do this, you need a deep frying pan with a thick bottom.

Peel onions and carrots, chop onions, grate carrots. Remove the seeds from the pepper, cut it into small strips. Gently peel off the skin of the tomatoes and cut into small cubes. Heat 2 tbsp. olive oil in a frying pan, put all the vegetables there and fry for 3-5 minutes, stirring constantly. In the meantime, heat the water in a saucepan, add the washed rice, bring to a boil and lay out the frying. Cook under a lid over low heat until the rice is cooked. Before removing from heat, add the remaining oil, spices, chopped herbs and salt.

Exactly the same simple soup can be cooked by replacing rice with bulgur or pearl barley. In this case, the cooking time will increase slightly - these cereals are cooked much more slowly.

How to make easy mushroom soup

You can take any mushrooms, but porcini are better, of course. In general, it should be borne in mind that soup with forest mushrooms turns out much tastier.

Ingredients (per 3 liter pot):

  1. 500 g fresh mushrooms;
  2. 4 large potatoes;
  3. 2 carrots;
  4. 2 onions;
  5. 2 tbsp vegetable oil;
  6. 1 parsnip root;
  7. 1 dried parsley root;
  8. 4 bay leaves;
  9. salt and ground pepper to taste.


Wash mushrooms and finely chop. Wash and peel vegetables, cut potatoes into cubes, onions into small rings, grate carrots and roots. Boil mushrooms in salted water until half cooked, add potatoes and bay leaf. Fry onions with carrots and roots in vegetable oil, season the soup and cook until the potatoes are ready. At the end of cooking, add bay leaf (after 15-20 minutes, it must be removed from the soup). Salt, pepper - and you're done!

By the way, this soup can be prepared without frying: just add all the vegetables to the pan along with the potatoes and cook until tender.

1. Any soup can be cooked on vegetable, meat or bone broth prepared in advance.
2. When cooking meat and vegetables, the foam must be removed to make the soup transparent.
3. Do not add bouillon cubes and seasonings containing monosodium glutamate flavor enhancer to the soup. Taste qualities of these additives are questionable, and the harm to health is obvious. To improve the taste ready meal, it is better to add ordinary spices, dried or fresh herbs, bay leaf. Bon Appetit!

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