Home Nutrition Green onion calories per 100 grams. The benefits of green onions for weight loss and health. Is harm possible? Composition and useful properties of parsley

Green onion calories per 100 grams. The benefits of green onions for weight loss and health. Is harm possible? Composition and useful properties of parsley

Regular consumption of onions in food helps to saturate the body. beneficial substances. On the basis of the vegetable, salads, side dishes, second and first courses are prepared. Onion juice is used in traditional medicine, and the husk as food coloring. A vegetable is distinguished by the color of the bulb: white, red, purple, pink, gold, black. Not only the bulbs are suitable for food, but also the arrows of the plant, which are called green onions.

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    vegetable calorie content

    The calorie content of onions depends on its variety and method of preparation.

    KBJU table:

    Onion variety Calories per 100 grams, kcal Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Photo
    onion42 1,5 0 10
    Green20 2, 5 0,08 4,3
    Red41 1, 4 0,04 9
    White42 1, 4 0,06 10
    Violet40 1, 4 0,2 8
    Leek35 2 0,2 7

    KBJU onions, depending on the method of preparation:

    There are very few calories in fresh, boiled, baked onions, so the product can be classified as dietary.

    The chemical composition and benefits of fresh onions

    The composition of fresh onions includes:

    • vitamins B, C;
    • essential oils;
    • zinc;
    • fluorine;
    • iron;
    • copper;
    • cobalt;
    • nickel;
    • flavonoids;
    • vegetable acids.

    Beneficial features raw vegetable:

    • anti-inflammatory;
    • bactericidal;
    • anti-cold;
    • anticancer;
    • metabolic;
    • diuretic.

    Regular consumption of onions in food increases male potency and improves the quality of sperm. Vegetable juice is used to treat bronchitis, sinusitis, SARS and acute respiratory infections. It helps to cure intestinal diseases, lower blood cholesterol levels. Onion infusion effectively fights worms.


    Excessive consumption of raw vegetables can cause serious harm to the body. You can not treat diseases with onions without consulting a specialist.

    Contraindications for use:

    • individual intolerance;
    • increased gas formation;
    • allergic reaction;
    • liver disease;
    • gastritis;
    • ulcers.

    With caution, you should eat a vegetable for people with stomach diseases and a tendency to heartburn.

    The benefits and harms of boiled vegetables

    The benefits and harms of a boiled vegetable are due to the active substances that make up its composition. Boiled onions retain vitamins B and C. The vegetable has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system, therefore, it should be included in the diet for stress, psycho-emotional stress, depression. The product has a hematopoietic effect, so it is indispensable for women during menstruation. Onion salad helps the body increase its protective functions. boiled product does not have a bitter taste, so it can be given even to children to strengthen the immune system.

    In this form, the vegetable is useful for patients with diabetes, as it normalizes the production of insulin, lowers blood cholesterol levels. The mineral substances that make up the product have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Onions contain a large amount of phytocins, so it can be taken in medicinal purposes. Boiled onion rings treat non-healing wounds and fungus. You can apply the plant to fractures so that the bones grow together faster.

    The harm from the product lies in the fact that it has a bad effect on the esophageal mucosa. Excessive consumption of vegetables can trigger an asthma attack. With discomfort in the stomach after eating onions, you should refuse it.

    For men

    Benefits of regular onion consumption for men:

    • improvement of blood flow in the pelvic organs;
    • potency improvement;
    • increase in libido;
    • stimulation of sperm production;
    • normalization of hormonal levels.

    You can increase the benefits of the product if you consume it together with herbs, vegetables, garlic.

    For women

    The vegetable preserves the beauty and youth of a woman, helps stop the aging process, and also:

    • normalizes the metabolic process;
    • reduces weight;
    • improves blood flow in the pelvic organs;
    • promotes the restoration of the reproductive system;
    • improves the psycho-emotional state in menopause and PMS.

    You can use onion gruel as part of a hair mask. It must be mixed with sunflower oil and apply on curls. Wrap your head in a bag and cover with a towel, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. This mask will improve the condition of the scalp, improve hair growth.

    For kids

    For the health of children, the product is simply irreplaceable. You can include a vegetable in the diet from 8 months in boiled form. Most often, onions are added to soups or vegetable puree. The product contains inulin, which improves the digestion of the child, restores the intestinal microflora.

    Benefits for the child's body:

    • strengthening the immune system;
    • stimulation of bone tissue growth;
    • inhibition of reproduction of pathogenic microflora;
    • increased appetite.

    After 3 years, babies can be given green onion- it is enough to give to eat 1 green feather per day to provide the body with the necessary dose of vitamins B and C, as well as various trace elements.

    Delicious recipes

    Onions can be an independent dish or part of vegetable stew, salad, garnish, sauce, soup, etc.

    Onion rings

    Onion rings can be a great beer snack.

    Would need:

    • 1 egg;
    • 3 large spoons of flour;
    • salt;
    • 4 tbsp. l. water;
    • 4 pieces of onion turnip;
    • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
    • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.


    1. 1. Beat the egg with flour and water, add salt. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.
    2. 2. Peel the onion and cut it into rings.
    3. 3. Mix vinegar with boiling water and pour over onion rings to take away the bitterness.
    4. 4. Dip in batter and fry in a hot pan with enough oil. You can use fryer.

    Serve with garlic sour cream sauce.

    boiled onion

    Boiled onions can be given to children and used by people with gastritis, ulcers, and diabetes. This tasty dish, which can be part of a salad or eaten on its own.

    Would need:

    • 4 bulbs;
    • 50 ml vegetable oil;
    • 1 tsp black pepper;
    • 1 tsp thyme;
    • a pinch of salt.


    1. 1. Peel the onion.
    2. 2. Throw it into boiling water.
    3. 3. Add spices and oil.
    4. 4. Cook for 10 minutes.

    If you just need to remove bitterness from the onion, then you can pour boiling water over it and hold it in it for a couple of minutes.

    baked onion

    Baked onions can be served at the table as an addition to meat or baked vegetables.

    Would need:

    • 5-6 bulbs;
    • salt;
    • vegetable oil;
    • foil.


    1. 1. Peel vegetables.
    2. 2. Grease a baking sheet with oil.
    3. 3. Put vegetables, salt, anoint with oil and cover with foil.
    4. 4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
    5. 5. Bake for 15 minutes, then remove the foil and fry until golden brown.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

Green onions are a very popular herb that has many positive effects on our health.

As soon as the snow melts, the first leaves of the vitamin product appear, but this vegetable is so unpretentious to the conditions that you can easily get feathers even in winter on the windowsill. Well, a very simple option at any time of the year is any hypermarket.

This vegetable has taken root in our kitchen so much that we don’t even think about how many calories are contained in 100 grams of the product.

green onion calories

But still, this is a rather interesting question for people who monitor their health and lead a healthy lifestyle. What is the calorie content of green onions and how does it differ in composition from other varieties?

There are only 19 kcal in 100 grams of green onions. So you can safely add it to your daily diet without fear for the figure. Onions have a rather strong flavor that remains after eating. This scares many. But knowing what benefits it brings will become much easier.

After all, as you know, any variety of onions contains a large amount of phytoncides, which kill all viruses and microbes flying in the air only with their smell. So those who eat onions and "smell" kill millions of viruses and bacteria with just their exhalation.

Any vegetables eaten by people contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, micro- and macroelements, which are synthesized only by plants. And when heated, they are destroyed. So eating fresh vegetables allows you to increase the intake of nutrients in the body.

The nutritional value of onions can also please - it does not contain fat, 4.5 grams of carbohydrates, and 1.3 grams of proteins. There is a lot of water in it, which, getting into the body, dissolves all toxins at the cellular level, which is 93%. That allows you to remove excess waste water, working as a diuretic.

Benefits of green onions

Who should use onion greens with caution

Like any product, onions have their negative properties. It has the ability to increase the acidity of the body as a whole, so it should be used with caution in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

With hypertension, it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of product consumed, as it can provoke jumps in blood pressure.

There are no special ways to use green onions, since they are mainly used only fresh.

When we add green onions to dishes, a specific goal is pursued - to fortify the dish and give it an aesthetically beautiful look.

Onions go great with all vegetables. Salads prepared with fresh green onions have a spicy taste. You should not be afraid of an unpleasant smell from this vegetable if you eat a small amount of seeds or nuts after eating it.

How to choose and store fresh feathers?

Experts believe that stems with a highly saturated green color have more spicy taste, and with a light shade, the sharpness is less. White and dense bulbs speak of good quality. Any stains and bruises spoil the product.

Onion different varieties is such a familiar vegetable in the beds and in the kitchen that few people think about its qualities and health effects. But it can be both useful and dangerous for a person, it can help in losing weight and be an independent basis for dishes, and not just an addition.

Onion: features and benefits

With its valuable composition, the "turnip" is not inferior to many other representatives of the vegetable series. In it you can find:

  • vitamin C - defender of the immune system;
  • enough vitamins A, B and PP;
  • essential oils that can resist colds, even if you just sniff onions;
  • iron, which maintains hemoglobin at the desired level;
  • potassium, which brings health to the cardiovascular system;
  • proteins and carbohydrates that build muscles and energize;
  • amino acids, whose task is to maintain an ideal metabolism and optimal absorption of minerals and vitamins.

This is not a complete list of microelements and useful properties that onions can boast of. Many chemical elements act in combination, mutually reinforcing the effect of each other. It perfectly replenishes the body's strength during beriberi, prevents the occurrence of viral diseases or minimizes complications, fights pathogens of bacterial infections: tuberculosis, dysentery, diphtheria, streptococcus. Onions can help with insomnia and even, as some studies show, inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors.

Negative consequences

Despite the valuable composition, in some cases, onions can be harmful to health. Consuming large amounts of this vegetable, especially raw, often worsens the condition of people with a number of diseases:

  • damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcers;
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system during periods of exacerbation.

There is deterioration due to the fact that onions increase acidity due to irritation of the mucous membrane. Under some conditions, it can not be eaten even in minimal doses.

In some cases, the fetus causes disturbances in the work of the heart, leads to hypertension, and a high concentration of essential oils provokes asthmatic attacks. Allergy sufferers and nursing mothers should be wary of onion crops, in whose milk an unpleasant taste can be felt.

Generally, taste qualities and flavor raw onion not to everyone's liking. Not everyone will decide to use it for medicinal purposes, because the smell does not disappear for a long time and nothing can interrupt it. With a thermally processed vegetable, the situation is slightly better, especially since it is able to retain its benefits after cooking.

Onions for weight loss

The onion diet is considered very effective and allows you to get rid of seven kilograms in a week, depending on the initial weight. Due to the rich mineral composition, the body is provided with almost everything necessary during the diet, which makes it not only effective, but also useful. Weight loss occurs due to the fact that the plant acts as a diuretic and choleretic, lowers cholesterol, regulates metabolic processes, stimulates the digestive organs and normalizes the water-salt balance. This is enough to get the body working and use its strength to break down excess fat cells.

Diet recipes with onions

The best dishes for those who want to lose weight are soups. Heartily cooked soup allows you to almost neutralize the onion taste and smell.

Fat burning soup

To prepare the soup, you will need several large onions, cabbage, 6-7 tomatoes, a couple of green peppers and a celery root. Boil chopped vegetables until tender, without overcooking.

Finnish soup

It's quite satisfying and tasty soup, which will not let you get bored on a diet. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • 1 liter of chicken broth;
  • 100 grams of celery and cabbage;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 piece of onion, carrot, processed cheese and pepper.

Diced vegetables are poured with broth and boiled until almost ready, shortly before which chopped processed cheese is added.

Pickled Onion Salad

It can be both an independent dish on a strict diet, and healthy snack on the proper nutrition. Marinate the onion yourself with salt, sugar and vinegar, 20 minutes is enough. You can add chopped vegetables to the salad.

The principle of the onion diet

The diet with onion soup is designed for a week. It is necessary to cook a new portion every day in order to get the maximum benefit from the soup, both for health and for the figure. In addition to soup, it is allowed to eat some meat, milk, other vegetables and fruits. The main thing is to exclude products prohibited on any diet: sweets, soda, alcohol, pastries.

In addition to onions, it is recommended to generously add green onions and other varieties to dishes and salads: leeks, shallots. fresh salads help to lose weight due to low calorie content, and the presence of onions doubles the effect. It is necessary to remember about contraindications and not to abuse raw onions.

Energy value of different varieties of onions

There are several hundred varieties of onions in the world, but only a small part of them are edible. It turns out, however, an impressive list of varieties that differ in calorie content and properties. Even onions are just a species that combines varieties of different shapes, sizes, colors and tastes. The same goes for many other species. Below is a table with data on the caloric content of the most common varieties in raw form, based on which you can build a diet. Interesting fact that the sharper and bitterer the taste, the higher the calorie content.

How to choose and store onions

Choosing a quality vegetable and proper storage is the key to its benefits for a long time. Residents of city apartments rarely face the issue of long-term storage, it is easier to buy it regularly, but the question of choice arises. Rural residents and site owners, on the contrary, are puzzled by the need to save stocks until spring, as well as the choice of seeding for a new planting.

What to look for when buying onions, in particular onions?

  • on size: medium bulbs are optimal both in quality and for long-term storage;
  • smell: it should be only onion without impurities of dampness and rot;
  • on the appearance: the husk is intact, the tail is dry, the bulb is dense and even to the touch;

If it is supposed long-term storage, already dry vegetables need to be dried additionally. If possible, this is best done in the open sun.

The ideal place for storage is a dry cellar or basement with zero temperature. This is not possible in apartments, so other options are used: wicker boxes, fabric bags, nylon tights, string bags - the main thing is to ensure good ventilation. To maintain dryness, onions are regularly sorted out and sprinkled with chalk or special harmless preparations.

Onions in every kitchen

Popularity in cooking is due to its unique interaction with other products. Seasoned with onions (raw or thermally processed), vegetables, meat, fish, soups enhance their taste and aroma, and at the same time become more useful. Onions are used in cooking different ways: boiling, stewing, frying, canning, baking. In a freshly prepared dish, the benefits of onions are most significant and refined taste feels sharper.

For those who care about their figure or use onion plants for weight loss, information on the calorie content of the main varieties after processing is useful:

The fried onion has high calorie content by adding oil. This processing method is not suitable for a diet, although the dishes become very tasty.

You can find out about the calorie content of green onions in the following video:

A correctly chosen onion will replace a whole vitamin complex, if you actively supplement your daily routine with it. culinary masterpieces. In the absence of contraindications, onions can guard health and immunity and have a dietary effect. And the process of storing it can be played creatively by decorating the kitchen with nets and string bags with onions, which will provide additional ventilation.

In contact with

Although the onion does not have a sweet taste, it can deservedly be called one of the most useful products. Today we will talk about the properties of onions - their calorie content, health benefits and harms.

Fried onions - calories

The homeland of onions is considered to be Central Asia and Afghanistan. It was from there that it was introduced over 5,000 years ago. For many years, scientists have been trying to find wild forms of the vegetable, but to no avail. Therefore, the onion is a true cultivated plant obtained by selection.

At the moment, there are many types of onions, but among them, onions are considered the most popular. In its raw form, the energy value of this product is equal to 41 kcal per 100 grams. So low calorie allows you to use it on any diet, even the most strict.

Many people are concerned about the calorie content of fried onions, because many recipes involve sautéing onions. We can give an exact answer: fried onions have a calorie content equal to 251 kcal. The indicator is by no means small. But the energy value depends on the oil used. To make fried onions more useful and less high-calorie, it is better to use olive oil and not vegetable.

It would seem that frying this vegetable is easy, but not everything is so simple. Recipe proper cooking next.

Cooking fried onions - the right recipe

  1. Cut the onion into rings, and then dry a little (about 40 minutes).
  2. Pour enough oil into the pan to completely cover the onion. Turn on the fire.
  3. Once the pan is hot, toss in the prepared rings.
  4. Set a strong fire, pepper the dish.
  5. Cook no more than five minutes.
  6. Once the onions are golden brown, remove them from the "oil bath" and place on paper towels to remove excess oil.
  7. Salt the dish at the end of cooking.

Onions according to this recipe are crispy with an unusual taste.

green onion calories

Green onions are considered the lowest calorie, due to which they are often included in the diet of losing weight. So, the calorie content of green onions is 20 kcal. This is 2 times less than onion. In addition, this vegetable contains a small amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Green onions have a number of useful properties:

  • he fights against colds, SARS and other similar diseases;
  • increases immunity, thereby strengthening the human body;
  • increases efficiency, fights stressful situations, saturates the body with energy;
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, green onions contain a lot of zinc, which has a positive effect on reproduction. Also, the vegetable removes harmful substances from the body, improves digestion.

stewed onion - calories

Stewed onions go "toe to toe" with fried on request "stewed onions - calories." It is worth saying right away that the nutritional value stewed vegetables is much lower, which makes it less "dangerous" for losing weight.

The calorie content of stewed onions is 38 kcal per 100 grams of product. Proteins - 1.34 grams, fats are only 0.06 grams, and there are 7.95 grams of carbohydrates.

Onions: health benefits and harms

In addition to the calorie content of onions, many are interested in its health benefits and harms.

Onions are rich in iron, while the content of this macronutrient is unchanged, whether you fry a vegetable or stew. In addition, onions perfectly cleanse the blood, due to the high content of potassium.

The product in some way calms, improves sleep and restores the normal functioning of the nervous system. And everyone knows that onions fight colds.

Onion masks are useful for hair, which strengthen the roots of the hairs and make the hair look healthier.

Like any product, onions can adversely affect the body. In particular, it is able to increase the acidity of the stomach. Thus, it is not recommended to eat a lot of it for people suffering from gastritis or ulcers. In addition, in large quantities, the vegetable can increase blood pressure and cause asthma.

The medicinal effect of eating fresh onions is very diverse. This is probably why people have been cultivating this vegetable crop for several millennia. What do we know about onions today? Is it really that useful? How many calories are in an onion? Why can so many of us eat it in very large quantities, while others can't stand even the smell?

What is an onion and what is it eaten with?

This herbaceous plant is one of the most common vegetable crops on the planet. Depending on the variety, it can be round, elongated or flattened. In this case, the color of the bulb also varies. It can be white, pinkish, red, purple, golden, or even black. Usually has Strong smell and pungent taste. However, modern varieties are distinguished by a sweetish aftertaste.

It is believed that it is due to the bitterness contained in this vegetable that the appetite increases. However, knowing how many calories are in onions and other foods you eat, you can correctly calculate your diet.

The beneficial properties of the vegetable are fully manifested when consumed raw. It is used for the treatment and prevention of various colds during mass and seasonal exacerbations. It has diuretic properties and affects the secretion of digestive juice, is considered a natural remedy in the fight against helminths. This vegetable is widely used in the manufacture of medicines and dietary supplements in pharmacology, is actively used in home cosmetology and traditional medicine.

Onions contain not only essential oils with phytoncides and organic acids, but also a huge amount of vitamins and important trace elements that affect the functioning of the heart. However, doctors do not recommend eating fresh onions for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.

How many calories are in an onion?

What is not done with this amazing and controversial vegetable: it is dried, frozen, pickled, stewed, boiled, fried, baked. In the process of cooking, the unpleasant smell and bitterness go away, but a sweetish taste and amazing aroma remain. Ready-made golden flakes can be purchased at any supermarket. The demand for this product never disappears.

For those people who track their calorie intake, onions that are not fresh are not always allowed. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that the energy value most often depends on the method of preparation. Therefore, subject to various diets for weight loss, nutritionists recommend eating only fresh vegetables.

It is known that the calorie content of fresh onions is 43 kcal. In addition to it, we often eat fresh feathers. This is a storehouse of vitamin reserves for the body. That is why during the spring beriberi, people are happy to use green onions. How many calories are in it? Very little - only 19 kcal per 100 grams of fresh product.

Low calorie fresh onion and weight loss

The low calorie content of fresh green onions or onions allows this vegetable to be used in diet food. Recently, weight loss on onion soup has gained wide popularity. Its use contributes to the burning of a huge amount of extra calories. Many nutritionists claim that onion soup helps fight obesity and cleanses the body. It gives a feeling of lightness and comfort.

According to the recipe, to prepare onion soup you will need: canned tomatoes (500 grams), 1 head of fresh cabbage, 1 kg of fresh onion, sweet bell pepper, a bunch of celery and spices for flavor. Vegetables must be washed and finely chopped, put in a saucepan and pour 3 liters of water. Cook until the vegetables are soft. At the end add salt and spices.

Thanks to vegetables with a high fiber content, the resulting soup eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time. This technique was developed by American doctors. According to them, any obese person, eating only onion soup for a week, is able to lose up to 10 kg of excess weight.

Energy value of cooked onions

However, a low calorie content is possible only in fresh and boiled vegetables. The product has a low energy value in pickled, baked or stewed form. How many calories are in fried onions will depend on the amount of fat in which the product was prepared.

In this case, the type of oil used should also be taken into account. For example, if cooked on cream or sunflower oil, the energy value of the dish will be significantly higher than when using olive oil. In any case, this indicator fried product increases many times. Nutritionists have calculated that the average calorie value of 100 g of fried onions using 25 grams of fat is 251 kcal. The energy value increases to 330 kcal if cooked in batter.

The popularity of fried onions

Fried onions are a product without which it is impossible to cook almost any delicious dish. This required ingredient not only in home cooking. It is actively used in various areas of the food industry. In the production of sausages, all kinds of pates, semi-finished products and even bakery products one of the main components is fried onions. How many calories are contained in the finished product, the manufacturer indicates on the label.

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