Home Kashi The scheme of cooking soup puree from different vegetables. Soup-puree from vegetables. Soup puree from zucchini or pumpkin

The scheme of cooking soup puree from different vegetables. Soup-puree from vegetables. Soup puree from zucchini or pumpkin



This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the dish Soup-puree from potatoes produced by a public catering facility.


food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for cooking must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \Gross\Net

Potato 480 360 480 360 480 360
Carrot 25 20 25 20 25 20
Parsley (root)13 10 13 10 - -
Onion 24 20 48 40 48 40
Leek 26 20 - - - -
Wheat flour20 20 20 20 20 29
Butter30 30 20 20 20 20
Milk 200 200 150 150 150 150
Eggs2/5 16 1/4 10 - -
broth or water750 750 750 750 750 750
Output- 1000 - 1000 - 1000


Boil potatoes in broth or salted water until half cooked, put parsley (root), then browned carrots and onions, boil until tender, wipe.

The mashed vegetables are combined with white sauce, diluted with broth and boiled. Ready soup seasoned with lezon or hot milk with butter.

Leek is cut into strips, sautéed and put on vacation.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer's order, used according to the recipe of the main dish. Shelf life and sale according to SanPin, SanPin


6.1 Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance- Characteristic of this dish.

Color - Characteristic of the products included in the product.

Taste and smell - Characteristic for the products included in the product, without foreign tastes and odors.

6.2 Microbiological and physico-chemical parameters:

According to microbiological and physico-chemical indicators, this dish meets the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On food safety" (TR TS 021/2011)


Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calories, kcal (kJ)

fresh cabbage
Leek - - - -
77 50 31 20 - -
Wheat flour
Eggs 2/5 pcs. 1/4 piece - -
broth or water
Output - - -

The onions are chopped and sautéed, the rest of the vegetables are cut and stewed, the turnips are pre-blanched. 5-10 minutes before the end of the seasoning add browned onions, green peas, then wipe everything.

Part of the green peas can be put whole in soup puree, brought to a boil and seasoned.

Soup puree from zucchini or pumpkin

Or pumpkin
Parsley (root) - - - -
Vegetable beans (shoulder) fresh 44 40 - - - -
Canned green peas - - 62 40 - -
Wheat flour
Eggs 2/5 pcs. 1/4 pc. - -
broth or water
Output - - -

Chopped zucchini or pumpkin are allowed. 5-10 minutes before the end of the stewing, sauteed onions and carrots, green peas or beans are added, stewed until cooked, then rubbed. The rest of the soup is prepared and released, as indicated in rec. No. 369.

Green peas or beans and sautéed leeks can not be wiped, but put in puree soup before dressing it, bring to a boil and season.

Green Pea Soup

For garnish, part of the green peas are boiled in their own broth. Onions and carrots are cut, sautéed, stewed in a small amount of broth until cooked along with the rest. green peas prescribed by the recipe, then wipe. The rest of the soup is prepared and released, as in rec. No. 186.

Poultry soup

Chicken - -
or turkey - -
Or a broiler chicken - -
or duck - -
Carrot - -
Parsley (root) - - - -
Onion - -
Wheat flour - -
Butter - -
Milk - -
Eggs 2/5 pcs. 1/4 pc. - -
Water - -
Output - - - -

The bird is boiled, the flesh is separated from the bones. For garnish, the bird fillet is cut into strips, poured with a small amount of broth, and boiled. The rest of the pulp is passed through a meat grinder with a frequent grate and rubbed. The rest of the soup is cooked in the usual way. Ready soup is seasoned with lezon. During the holiday, poultry fillet, cut into strips, is placed in portioned dishes, croutons are served separately (review No. 829).

Potato soup

Parsley (root) - -
Leek - - - -
Wheat flour
Eggs 2/5 pcs. 1/4 pc. - -
broth or water
Output - - -

Boil potatoes in broth or salted water until half cooked, put parsley (root), then browned carrots and onions, boil until tender, wipe.

The mashed vegetables are combined with white sauce, diluted with broth and boiled. The finished soup is seasoned with lezon or hot milk with butter.

Leek is cut into strips, sautéed and put on vacation.


Clear soups consist of clear broths and side dishes that are cooked separately.

Broths for clear soups are obtained by clarifying and saturating with extractive substances broths from food bones, poultry, game and fish. For clarification, meat, bones of poultry and game, egg white are used. Along with the usual method of clarification of clear broths, clarification with a draw made from a mixture of carrots with egg whites can be recommended.

To clarify 1000 g of broth, you need to take 100 g of carrots (net weight) and 1 1/2 pcs. eggs. Peeled carrots are rubbed, slightly beaten egg whites are added. The mixture is thoroughly mixed.

Into the broth cooled to 70°C, add the prepared broth, stir, add baked carrots and onions, cover the cauldron with a lid and bring the broth to a boil. After boiling, fat and foam are removed from the surface of the broth and the broth is boiled at a low boil for 30 minutes. After cooking, the broth is infused for 30 minutes, the fat is removed from the surface, after which the broth is filtered.

Various vegetables, meat products, poultry, fish, eggs, cereals, as well as croutons, pies, kulebyaki, pies, etc. are used as side dishes for transparent broths.

When you leave, put a side dish in portioned dishes and pour the broth. In broth cups, only clear broth is dispensed. Patties, kulebyaki, pies, wheat croutons are released separately on a patty plate. The output of the broth is given in recipes for 1000 g, side dishes - per serving. The recommended portion of the broth is 300 and 400 g.

Recipe "Soup puree from different vegetables"presented in technological map TK.

Technological map for catering products - a document containing the recipe and description technological process production, design and presentation of dishes

The technological map refers to a departmental technical document and is compiled for production workers in order to ensure the correct conduct of the technological process for the production of high-quality culinary products and to facilitate the calculation of the required amount of raw materials and semi-finished products for the preparation of a batch of products.

Technological map No. 1Soup-puree from different vegetables

Recipe source: Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for catering establishments recipe No. 167.


raw materials, food


gross, Mr.

Technological process of manufacturing, design and filing

dishes, conditions and terms of sale

fresh cabbage

The onions are chopped and sautéed, the rest of the vegetables are cut and stewed, the turnips are pre-blanched. 5-10 minutes before the end of the seasoning add browned onions, green peas, then wipe everything. The mashed vegetables are combined with white sauce, diluted with water and boiled. The finished soup is seasoned with lezon or hot milk with butter. Part of the green peas can be put whole in the puree soup, brought to a boil and seasoned. Implemented in portioned dishes immediately after preparation. Ready soup is stored until vacation in a water bath or stove at a temperature of 60-65 ° C for no more than 1 hour.



canned green peas

wheat flour


cow's milk

chicken eggs

Yield for 1 portion

Yield per kg

Head of production:_________________ Calculator: _________________1.2 Requirements for the quality of food raw materials and food products

The raw materials used to prepare the dish "Soup puree from different vegetables" must comply with the requirements of the NTD. The characteristics of food raw materials are presented in table 1

Table 1 - Characteristics of food raw materials.

Name of food raw materials

GOST, GOST R, TR, TU, etc.

Basic quality requirements


GOST 27166 - 86

The bulbs are ripe, healthy, clean, whole, not germinated, without damage by agricultural pests, shape and color typical for this botanical variety with dry outer scales. Allowed are bulbs with a rupture of dry scales, opening juicy scales to a width of not more than 2 mm, bifurcation, located under common outer scales. The smell and taste characteristic of this botanical variety, without foreign smell and taste.

Butter sweet cream

GOST R52969-2008

Expressed creamy and taste of pasteurization, without foreign tastes and odors; insufficiently pronounced creamy and / or aftertaste of pasteurization. The consistency is dense, plastic, homogeneous or insufficiently dense and plastic; the surface on the cut is shiny or slightly shiny, or slightly matte. Color from light yellow, uniform throughout the mass

Premium wheat flour.

GOST R52189-2003

The taste is peculiar wheat flour, without foreign tastes, not sour, not bitter. Smell

characteristic of wheat flour, without foreign odors, not musty, not moldy. Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more than 15.0

The presence of mineral impurities when chewing flour should not feel crunchy.

Metal-magnetic impurity, mg per 1 kg of flour; the size of individual particles in the largest linear dimension of 0.3 mm and (or) a mass of not more than 0.4 mg, not more than 3.0

Pest infestation

not allowed

Pest pollution

not allowed

Drinking water

Hygienic requirements: epidemiological safety, favorable organoleptic properties. Taste no more than 2 points. Color not more than 20 gr. Turbidity not more than 1.5 mg/l. Microbiological indicators: No more than 100 microorganisms should be detected, and bacteria of the Escherichia coli group no more than 3. Total water hardness no more than 7.

cow's milk

TR, GOST R 52054-2003

The consistency is a homogeneous liquid without sediment and flakes. Freezing not allowed

The taste and smell are clean, without foreign odors and flavors that are not characteristic of fresh natural milk. Color from white to light cream

Table chicken eggs

GOST R 52121-2003

the air chamber is stationary or some mobility is allowed; height - no more than 7 mm, the yolk is strong, hardly noticeable, can move slightly, a slight deviation from the central position is allowed. The protein is dense, light, transparent.


GOST R 51808-2001

The tubers are whole, clean, healthy, without excess moisture, germinated, not withered, without damage by agricultural pests. Typical shape and color. The tubers are mature, with a dense skin. Smell and taste characteristic of this botanical variety, without foreign taste and smell

GOST R51782-2001

fresh cabbage

GOST R51809-2001

Heads of cabbage fresh, whole, healthy, clean, fully formed, not sprouted, shape and color typical for the botanical variety, without damage by agricultural pests, without excessive external moisture, with a clean cut of the stump. Smell and taste

characteristic of this botanical variety, without foreign smell and taste. Dense heads.

GOST 743-88 STB 461-93

Root crops are fresh, whole, healthy, clean, not withered, not cracked, without damage by agricultural pests, without excessive external moisture, typical for

botanical variety in shape and colour, with or without remaining petioles not more than 2.0 cm long, but without damage to the shoulders of the root crop. The smell and taste characteristic of this botanical variety, without foreign smell and taste.

green peas

GOST R54050-2010

Appearance: whole grains without impurities of shells of grains and fodder peas of brown color.

The taste and smell are natural, characteristic of canned green peas, without foreign smell and / or taste

The color of the grains is green, light green or olive, uniform in the packing unit. Consistency is soft and uneven

Technological map of puree soup No. 51.

Preparation technology and quality requirements.

First, put a pot of broth or water on the fire and bring to a boil. Finely chop the cabbage and add to the boiling broth. Cooking time depends on the type of cabbage. If fresh is cooked in 15 minutes, then more winter varieties can be cooked 2 times longer.

According to the technology, it is necessary to blanch separately - hold for a minute in boiling water - diced onion, and then sauté it in butter - bring over low heat until transparent.

And the carrots must be simmered with oil, that is, over low heat in oil with a small amount of water, bring it to half-cooked. BUT! I propose to simplify a little, while not harming anyone.

We heat the pan, add half or a little more than the stated butter and lay out the onion. Saute it on low heat for a couple of minutes. Next, add carrots, a couple of tablespoons of water and simmer it all for another three minutes.

Add our vegetables from the pan to the broth for potatoes and cabbage and cook until they are fully cooked. I think in about 5-7 minutes everything will be cooked.

Pour 200 grams of liquid from the pan. Blend the rest with an immersion blender until smooth. If you don’t have one, then I would like to say - be sure to buy it, but I will say this: first, drain all the liquid, and rub the vegetables through a sieve :) Then combine everything.

Put the puree soup back on the heat and bring to a boil again. Stir and do not make the maximum fire, as mashed soups tend to burn.

And during the boiling we will do white sauce. According to technology, it is done like this: lightly fry the flour in a pan until creamy. Flour is poured into the melted butter with continuous stirring, and then, without ceasing to stir intensively, the broth is poured in a stream.

I propose to simplify everything, especially since we have nothing but butter. So, just pour flour into a mug, add 50-70 grams of broth and mix well so that there are no lumps, then dilute with the remaining broth (we cast it, 200 grams). That's it, the sauce is ready. If suddenly you still have lumps - strain it through a strainer. While stirring the soup, pour the sauce into the saucepan.

Bring the soup to a boil again and cook for a minute. Next, add milk and the remaining half of the butter. Bring to a boil again and switch off after a minute. That's it, the soup is ready!

And now let's look at how you can transform this soup so that even a man likes it. Indeed, often, a young mother does not have much time to cook separately for a child, and separately for her husband and herself.

So, firstly, we, of course, salt it and add pepper. And also peel a large clove of garlic, pass it through a press and also mix it into the soup. Of course, this is for amateurs and we are.

Next we take chicken breast(for example, one half) and cut it into small strips. Salt and pepper a little. Heat up a frying pan, add some vegetable oil and over high heat, stirring often, quickly fry these same chicken pieces. Literally 2 minutes and they are ready. Try it, if you do not overcook them, then the chicken will literally melt in your mouth.

And in the next frying pan, fry the loaf, cut into cubes, without oil, just dry until lightly browned.

We collect soup for ourselves or our husband: already additionally salted and peppered soup, put a couple of tablespoons of chicken pieces into it, on top of crispy crackers, you can sour cream and chopped herbs. Everything! Delicious soup ready for an adult! As my husband says - there is meat, and there is something to chew and crunch :) Spread croutons just before serving, they get soaked pretty quickly.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Objective: getting acquainted with the assortment and gaining practical skills in the production of restaurant-level soups.

Assortment of dishes: 1. Combined meat hodgepodge (No. 352) (Fig. 4.2.).

2. Soup-puree from different vegetables (No. 369).

3. Clear chicken broth (No. 379).

Cheese toasts (No. 1366).

4. Soup-puree from fresh fruits or berries (No. 419).

Tools and inventory: pots with a capacity of 2, 1 and 0.5 liters; small frying pans; chef's knives (medium and rooted); veselka; skimmer; sieve; pouring and tablespoon; soup bowls; soup cups; pie plates.

Cooking technology.

Bone broth (No. 260) Gross Net

food bones*400400


parsley (root) 118

onion 1210



* Food bones include: beef - articular heads of tubular bones, chest, vertebral and sacral bones; pork and lamb - vertebral, thoracic, pelvic, tubular and sacral bones. Rib and shoulder bones of beef carcasses are not used for making broths, they are handed over for technical processing. Vertebral bones are used to make sauces.

Clear meat broth (No. 378) Gross Net

food bones (beef,

except vertebrates)500500

beef (cutlet meat) for bracing190140

eggs for bracing2/5 pcs.16


parsley (root) 1510

or celery (root) 1510

onion 1513



1. Mixed meat hodgepodge (No. 352) Gross Net


beef (scapular, subscapular

parts, brisket, hem) 11081

smoked-boiled ham

or boiled (with skin and bones)5340

sausages or wieners4140

beef kidneys121104

mass of finished veal–104

mass of finished beef–50

weight of finished ham–40

mass of ready-made sausages or wieners–40

mass of finished kidneys–50

onion 119100

pickled cucumbers 10060



tomato puree5050





with sour cream6060

Work sequence "Solyanka team meat" (Fig. 4.2):

1. Prepare the meat and cook the meat broth.

2. Process and boil the kidneys, cut the kidneys lengthwise, rinse well, pour cold water and soak for 1.5 hours, periodically changing the water. Then rinse again, pour cold water again and put to boil. When the water boils, change it, rinse the kidneys to remove the remaining foam, pour again hot water and cook for 1.5 hours without covering the dishes with a lid. Cooked kidneys should be easily pierced with a chef's needle. Remove the kidneys from the broth, rinse with cold water.

3. Process pickles. Cucumbers with rough skins and ripe seeds to clear. Thin-skinned cucumbers cut with skin and seeds into thin slices.

4. Simmer prepared pickles.

5. Cut and sauté the onion . Cut the onion into thin half rings and saute, when the onion is spasser, add tomato puree to it and continue heating for another 3-5 minutes.

6. Prepare the broth. Remove the cooked meat from the broth, strain the broth.

7. Prepare a meat set for hodgepodge. Boiled meat, kidneys, ham, sausages or sausages (without shell) cut into thin slices.

8. Put the hodgepodge to boil. Put browned onions and tomato puree, stewed cucumbers, capers with brine, prepared meat products, spices into the boiling broth and cook for 5-10 minutes.

9. Decorate a hodgepodge. When you leave in a hodgepodge, put olives or olives, a circle of lemon, peeled, sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Fig 4.2. Technology system production of soup "Solyanka team meat"

2. Soup-puree from different vegetables (No. 369) Gross Net

cabbage fresh10080




onion 4840


canned green peas77 50

wheat flour2020



eggs2/5 pcs.16

broth or water750750


The sequence of work "Soup-puree from vegetables" (Fig. 4.3):

1. Put the broth to boil.

2. Peel vegetables.

3. Chop the onion and save.

4. Cut vegetables and let go. Blanch the turnip beforehand. 5-10 minutes before the end of the seasoning, add the browned onion and green peas.

5. Wipe vegetables.

6. Prepare dressing (lezon). Beat the eggs with a whisk, dilute with hot milk and, stirring with a veil, boil in a water bath. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed 70-75 o C. ready mix strain.

7. Cook liquid base soup. To hot flour fatadd 1/3 of the norm of hot broth to sautéing and knead the mass until it becomes homogeneous, then add the rest of the broth in two steps. Boil the sauce and strain.

8. Connect the liquid base with vegetable puree.

9. Fill soup puree. Cool soup puree to 80 ° C and season with ice cream.

9. Make soup puree. Pour soup puree into soup bowls. On top, you can put part of the green peas as a whole, as well as leeks, cut into strips and sautéed.


Figure 4.3. Technological scheme for the production of puree soup
from different vegetables

3. Clear chicken broth (No. 379) Gross Net


weight of boiled poultry* -188

or chicken bones750750

eggs for bracing2/5 pcs.16


parsley (root) 1310

or celery (root) 1510

onion 1210



* Including portioning losses

Cheese toasts (No. 1366) Gross Net

wheat bread13851165




* Mass of grated cheese

Work sequence "Clear chicken broth" (Fig. 4.4.):

1. Put the broth to boil. Rinse chicken or chicken bones, add water and cook at low heat, removing foam and fat.

2. Prepare a quickdraw. For the preparation of the guy, additional bird bones are consumed, 200 g per 1000 g of broth. Pour crushed chicken bones with cold water (1–1.5 g per 1 kg of bones), add salt and keep in the cold for 1–2 hours, then add slightly beaten egg white.

3. Roast peeled vegetables for the broth. Cut carrots, parsley and onions into large slices, put in a hot dry frying pan and bake without fat. Put the vegetables into the broth 40-60 minutes before they are ready.

4. Prepare a clear broth. At the end of cooking, remove the fat from the broth again, strain the broth and cool to 50–60 ° C. Then introduce a guy, mix well and cook the broth atvery low boil for another 45-60 minutes. At the end of cooking, salt the broth (if necessary), strain.

5. Prepare cheese croutons. Cut the bread 0.5 cm thick, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in an oven (Fig. 4.5).

6. Check out the work. Pour clear broth into broth cups, serve croutons with cheese on a patty plate.

Rice. 4.4. Technological scheme for the production of clear broth
from chickens

Rice. 4.5. Technological scheme for the production of the dish "Croutons with cheese"

4. Soup puree from fresh fruits and berries (No. 419) Gross Net

raspberry or 424360

strawberry (garden) 424360



sweet cherry379360

plum400 360





potato starch2020


cinnamon (for apple soups)11



* Net weight per cherry without stalk and stone

The sequence of work "Soup-puree from fruits and berries" (Fig. 4.6):

1. Prepare berries or fruits. Peel the skin of the apples and remove the seeds. Sort the berries or fruits, remove the stalks and rinse. Leave some of the best berries whole, remove stones from stone fruits.

2. Squeeze out the juice.Squeeze juice from cherries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries and strawberries and put it in the refrigerator.

3. Let the apples in and hard to clean fruits.

4. Applesand other stewed fruits wipe.

5. Fill the pulp with water , boil and strain.

6. Prepare starch. Dilute starch in a chilled broth and strain (4 parts of broth for 1 part of starch).

7. Finish cooking soup puree. Add sugar to the strained broth, bring to a boil, brew with starch, bring to a boil, add berry juice or puree and cool.

8. Make soup puree. Pour puree soup into soup bowls, put whole berries on top.

Rice. 4.6. Technological scheme for the production of a dish
"Soup-puree from fruits and berries"

Product quality requirements


Taste and smell

Solyanka meat

Meat products and cucumbers are cut into thin slices, onion into half rings. On the surface of the soup - sour cream, finely chopped greens

Reddish brown. Fat - orange

Meat products, pickles, spices. Very intense, sharp

Soup puree from different vegetables

Homogeneous puree mass

Creamy orange

Boiled vegetables with the taste and aroma of browned onions, milk and butter

chicken broth clear

Transparent liquid with single droplets of fat on the surface


chicken broth, well expressed

Croutons with cheese

Slices of bread 7–8 mm thick, covered with a layer of melted cheese. Crispy texture

Cream with brown patches

Toasted bread, baked cheese and melted butter

Soup puree from fresh fruits or berries

Homogeneous puree mass

Characteristic of the color of fruits or berries

Characteristic of fruits and berries is sweet. Cinnamon flavored for apple puree soup

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