Home Drinks and cocktails What about dairy products? (list). List of fermented milk foods and their health benefits

What about dairy products? (list). List of fermented milk foods and their health benefits

One of the main principles of a healthy lifestyle is proper nutrition. It provides a certain regimen and the right diet. There are many foods, many of which are healthy, while others are more unhealthy. Usually people choose to eat both of them, while not thinking about the consequences for the body.

It is important to understand that what we eat directly affects the state of health. Therefore, in your diet you need to enter as much as possible. wholesome food. One of the necessary components for the normal functioning of the body are sour-milk foods. This is a number of representatives that are of natural origin, thanks to which they have a beneficial effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and the whole organism as a whole.

Classification and varieties of fermented milk products

Dairy products- This is a whole range of products that are produced by fermenting whole milk. In most cases, sheep, goat or mare milk is also used, but sometimes processed.

Milk has been popular for centuries. Since ancient times, people have noticed it beneficial features and actively used it for food. Then they began to actively process for fermented milk products, useful substances in which no less.

General beneficial properties of fermented milk foods:

  • Dietary properties;
  • Vitaminized composition (vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, D);
  • Easily digestible trace elements, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium;
  • Lactic acid is able to fight various harmful bacteria.

Today, milk in its usual form is used less frequently than other raw materials. In general, they are all divided into two groups:

  • Products that are produced exclusively by natural fermentation. These include: sour cream, acidophilus, curdled milk, cottage cheese, yogurt. In structure, they are all similar, slightly thick and uniform. They have a sour taste due to the presence of lactic acid in them.
  • The second group is represented by products that are produced by mixed sour-milk and alcoholic fermentation. This, for example, kefir, koumiss and others. The taste of these products is peculiar, due to the presence of carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol. In appearance, they are more reminiscent of drinks, with light shaking they become completely liquid.

The benefits of dairy products

The benefits are hard to overestimate. Doctors believe that the regular use of such components in food reduces the chances of developing diseases by almost half. These representatives of a healthy diet give the most benefit to the digestive organs. More precisely, without the necessary bacteria that are contained in such products, normal digestion cannot be ensured.

Dairy products can affect various organs, their benefits lie in the following factors:

  • All beneficial bacteria that are included in the composition are very quickly and easily absorbed in the body;
  • Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli contribute to the rapid breakdown of proteins in the body;
  • Lactic acid contributes to the normalization of the work of the internal microflora of the intestine, thanks to the active components, harmful bacteria die, and the number of useful ones increases;
  • Fermented milk products are filled with organic fatty acids, which improve the motility of the digestive tract;
  • These products actively fight flatulence, reducing the amount of gases in the intestines;
  • Fermented milk products are much healthier than fresh milk, they contain ten times more amino acids than in a fresh product, and these components activate metabolic processes;
  • Calcium strengthens bone tissue, regular consumption of fermented milk products is a necessary prevention of osteoporosis;
  • These products are used to prevent and treat hypertension and atherosclerosis;
  • Bifidobacteria actively fight toxins that are released when taking harmful products or under the influence of other factors, they do not just utilize them, but remove them from the body along with heavy metals, slags, radionuclides and salts;
  • Dairy products increase appetite, strengthen the human immune system.

Such a wide range of useful properties determines the importance of these products. It is especially important to introduce it into the diet of children. It is in childhood that the body is formed and it needs vitamins and minerals that are contained in fermented milk products.

Harm of dairy products

Despite many beneficial properties, fermented milk products can also adversely affect the human body. This rarely happens, but you need to know about such moments so as not to harm.

  • Ulcers and suffering from pancreatitis;
  • People who have an increased level of acidity in the stomach;
  • With diarrhea and frequent bloating;
  • With a disorder in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder;
  • People who have personal intolerance.

Excessive consumption of such food can cause the following negative aspects:

  • Increased cholesterol levels in case of eating a large amount of cottage cheese;
  • Violation of calcium metabolism;
  • In products industrial production contains chemical preservatives that increase the shelf life, so such components in large quantities can harm;
  • usually contains a large amount of sugar, so it can lead to problems with overweight, in addition, it may contain various preservatives, for children it is better to choose special ones with age determination;

When choosing fermented milk products, it is very important to pay attention to the date of manufacture. Usually they spoil quickly, and in this form they should not be consumed, it can be harmful to health. Store them in the refrigerator at a low temperature.

It is necessary to introduce such food into the diet rationally. For example, you can use 2-3 times a week, sour cream - twice, kefir - five times a week. Moreover, portions are important for both adults and children.

“Drink milk children - you will be healthy!” - in my childhood it was an indisputable truth. In very early childhood, my diet consisted of 50% of dairy products. A little later, I already knew that it was a source of calcium. Despite this, from the age of 15, the dental clinic became a “home”, problems began with “critical days”, acne, going to gynecologists and treatment with synthetic hormones.

A few years ago, I recognized the benefits of dairy products and tried to eat "3 dairy products a day", but studying nutrition materials has changed my attitude towards them. I learned the truth about dairy products - it turns out that they harmed not only me. Women who come to me for help with hormonal problems and excess weight usually consume dairy products heavily. By doing a dairy sensitivity test, they begin to realize that this is one of the causes of their health problems.

To identify sensitivity to dairy products, remove them from the diet for 7-14 days and feel the difference

  • As a result of the use of dairy products, mucus is formed that envelops the walls of the intestine. This interferes with the absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste toxins and hormones (estrogens).
  • Dairy products slow down metabolism, which leads to weight gain, as in 100 g milk contains up to 12 g of sugar!
  • Sugar acidifies the body, in order to restore the balance to its previous level, calcium and phosphorus are needed, which are washed out of bones and teeth. This causes osteoporosis in the elderly and osteopenia (lack of calcium in the bones) during pregnancy.
  • Dairy products provoke the development of inflammation in the body, an increase in arachidonic acid, which leads to pain during "critical days", worsens the course of women's diseases - PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • In the store, we usually buy skimmed or partially skimmed milk. Together with fat, vitamins A and D are removed from milk, so the benefits of low-fat foods are zero!
  • If you turn to Ayurveda, then it is not recommended to eat dairy products for dinner. Especially fermented foods - kefir, hard cheeses. They satisfy hunger, but load the gastrointestinal tract before bed, which leads to the accumulation of mucus and dosha imbalance. Kapha, and as a result - to sleep disorders.

Reactions to dairy products may include bloating, diarrhea, reflux esophagitis with increased acidity of the stomach. Skin reactions are also common - acne, eczema, rash. The respiratory system is also disturbed - coughing, manifestations of asthma, sinusitis appear.

Annemarie Colbin is a doctor, lecturer, and founder of The Natural Gourmet Institute for Health and Culinary Arts in New York City, and author of Food and Our Bones: The Natural Way to Prevent Osteoporosis. In his book, he says that dairy products leach calcium from the bones, and do not retain, as was previously thought. And this process leads to the development of osteoporosis. The doctor emphasizes that women in the United States and Northern Europe, whose diet contains dairy products, are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis, heart disease, and breast cancer. Japanese gastroenterologist Hiromi Shinya in the book "Rejuvenation at the Cellular Level" also writes about the negative effects of dairy products on the body.

Dairy products are notthe only source of calcium

To maintain the level of calcium in the body, sardines (with bones), figs, kale, almonds, oranges, sesame seeds, spinach. In order not to think about whether I get the norm of calcium from products, I began to take a calcium complex in the form of dietary supplements. For 10 years now, the “correct” calcium complexes have been helping me to keep my teeth healthy - with magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins D3 and C. This complex has supported my health during all three pregnancies (!).

To remove the negative consequences of eating dairy products, you need to:

  1. Reduce or eliminate dairy products.
  2. Strengthen the work of the liver - add protein products to the diet (methionine for detoxification), vegetables and fruits - a source of vitamins B and C.
  3. Add omega-3 to remove the negative effects of casein on the body and restore the intestines.
  4. Use spices in the diet - cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper daily to remove mucus formed after dairy products.

Should I cut dairy products out of my diet completely?

Yogurt, cottage cheese, Adyghe cheese, cheese, camembert, brie can be occasionally consumed, but do not focus on these products. If you feel the accumulation of mucus in the form of disturbances in the functioning of the intestines, a slowdown in metabolism, a runny nose, then exclude dairy products.

When I removed dairy products from my diet, I felt an improvement in bowel function. I stopped feeling bloating, gas formation, the weight stopped jumping, I stopped bothering with a runny nose - before I could not do without naphthyzinum in my purse. “Critical days” ceased to be critical and became painless and permanent (of course, there was work from all sides, but I think that the harm of dairy products was also significant). Finally, the skin cleared up, and new foci of inflammation ceased to appear. I really felt the difference "before and after".

If you want to improve digestion and reduce intensity pain during "critical days", use at least one recommendation from this article. You can read my opinion on dairy products in Shape magazine in the article “Drink Milk, Will You Be Healthy?” Write in the comments, do you consume dairy products? Have you noticed the body's sensitivity to dairy products?

To receive individual recommendations on nutrition and solve problems with excess weight, hormonal failure, send an application and a story about the problem or disease to the mail [email protected].ru

Regular consumption of fermented milk products, for several weeks, significantly improves bowel function, enhances the protective properties of the body (immunity), fills with vital energy. Dairy products do not contain healthy fats, so buy products with a minimum amount of fat content. Dairy products contain beneficial animal proteins that improve the condition of your muscles.

Cottage cheese

Dairy products include in their list - cottage cheese. After all, cottage cheese is a healthy food product, and has vitamins (7 pieces) and microelements (6 pieces). Cottage cheese contains proteins of animal origin - 16.5 g per 100 g of the product. When you go to the store, buy cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.1-2%, no more. Fat of animal origin is not very useful, in large quantities it harms the body. Cottage cheese strengthens teeth and bones, improves eyesight, serves as a prevention of diseases of the digestive tract. In some diets, cottage cheese is used, because it contains a minimum of fats and carbohydrates and a lot of proteins. Athletes and people with an active lifestyle need 2-2.2 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day. 200-300 grams of cottage cheese 0.1% fat per day - will bring an additional 33-50 grams of protein.

Sour cream

Dairy foods include sour cream in their list. Sour cream contains 9 microelements, 7 macroelements and 16 vitamins. Sour cream is more useful to eat - 10% fat (115.3 Kcal per 100 grams). Sour cream is good for the intestines and is quickly absorbed. Sour cream normalizes metabolic processes in the body, increases efficiency and strengthens muscles. Men are advised to eat sour cream, because it has a positive effect on potency. Various face masks are made from sour cream at home, and they improve the condition of the skin and its tone. Sour cream fights the processes of decay in the intestines, positively affects the hormonal background. You can use sour cream to combat sunburn.

curdled milk

Curdled milk belongs to fermented milk products. 100 grams contains only 30 calories and 3 grams of animal protein. Yogurt has a rich amount of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins 11 pieces, 7 macroelements and 10 microelements. Yogurt is well absorbed in our body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Curdled milk is used in cooking and in cosmetology. Yogurt helps with constipation and improves metabolic processes. Additionally, curdled milk helps with a hangover, you need to drink 1-2 glasses on an empty stomach and after 20 minutes, there will be noticeable improvements.


Kefir belongs to fermented milk products of mixed fermentation. Kefir contains 10 microelements, 7 macroelements and 14 vitamins. It is recommended to use kefir 0.1-1% fat. Per 100 grams of product, there are 39.8 calories, 2.9 g of protein, 0.1-1 g of fat and 3.9 g of carbohydrates. It is useful to drink kefir at night, 1 hour before bedtime, to satisfy the feeling of hunger. Kefir is easily absorbed in the body. Kefir will be especially useful for those who lose weight or follow the figure, because kefir is a dietary and low-calorie food. Kefir is useful for adult men and women and for children. Kefir stabilizes sleep, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and harmful substances, strengthens nervous system and is a delicious, fermented milk drink. Kefir can be prepared non-alcoholic cocktails, cook pancakes, you can add kefir when cooking barbecue, make a pie.

Watch Helpful Video #1:


Fermented milk products include yogurt in their list. Yoghurts come in different fat content, we recommend that you buy with a small amount of fat per 100 g of product. Yogurt contains 10 micronutrients, 7 macronutrients and 12 vitamins. Yoghurts are popular fermented milk foods, loved by children and adults alike. Yoghurts have a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Yoghurts practically do not cause allergies, and improve immunity and protective functions of the body. It is best to buy yogurts with a short shelf life (7-10 days) - in this case, they are more useful. Can cook a lot delicious meals using yogurt, for example: cake, yogurt ice cream, broccoli with yogurt, soft drinks, tartlets, yogurt pancakes, pie, banana casserole with yogurt and other dishes.


Dairy products include cheese in their list. Cheese is an interesting food product, because it contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Cheeses come with a large amount of fat per 100 g of the product and with a moderate amount of fat. Buy cheese with the least amount of fat, because such fat is saturated and not very useful for the human body. Vitamins of group B, which are part of cheeses, increase efficiency. Eat cheese 2-3 times a week, because cheese improves the condition of hair, skin, nails.


  • Kefir
  • Yogurt
  • curdled milk
  • Sour cream
  • Cottage cheese
  • Varenets
  • Airan
  • Kumys
  • Chal (shubat)
  • Matsoni
  • Serum
  • Ryazhenka
  • Jugurt
  • Kurunga

Watch helpful video #2:

Many years ago, people already knew about all the beneficial properties of milk and dairy products. They were used for food and used in cosmetic purposes. All the "usefulness" of lactic acid products cannot be counted, but we will try to do it.

Consider each product individually and identify the best and most useful product with lactic acid bacteria. So, what are the healthiest dairy products, let's find out.

The benefits of dairy products for the body

What is a fermented milk product and how is it produced?

Everyone knows the benefits of milk for the body, although some people are contraindicated in lactose and it is forbidden to consume milk in its pure form. In addition, calcium, phosphorus and other elements from milk are poorly absorbed.

This means that people are allergic to milk, is it possible to have fermented milk products in this case? Such people and everyone else just need to include sour milk in their diet, it is easily digestible and does not contain sugar, lactose.

How is fermented milk raw material obtained, and what varieties does a useful fermented milk product have?

All fermented milk products are obtained by fermenting boiled milk with the addition of lactic acid bacteria concentrate. As you can see, this is a natural process and many of you are probably familiar with the taste of sour milk. Before spoiled milk received because of hopelessness - there was simply nowhere to store milk in warm conditions.

And now, knowing which fermented milk product is more useful, some still do not introduce it into the diet every day, but in vain. The taste of a fermented milk product with the addition of beneficial microorganisms is somewhat different, sour-sweet, and the consistency becomes thicker.

Is it possible to buy dairy products in the store?

A real fermented milk product always has a sour taste, but not sweet. This indicates improper processing and fermentation of the original product.

Most often, this is what happens - on the shelves of stores we buy yogurts, in which, in addition to this, various preservatives are also added. In this case, most of the same bacteria that we are talking about are lost, and the benefits of fermented milk products are also lost.

Making healthy yogurt is now easier than ever at home, the main thing is to discard laziness and unwillingness to do something yourself. It is prepared both in yogurt makers and simply in containers and put in a warm place. The next day, a wonderful healthy yogurt is ready, incomparable with store-bought products.

Eating such yogurts every day, you can get rid of many diseases, this is especially important if there are children in the family and for them this is a delicious and healthy dish.

Varieties of dairy products:

  1. Products that are formed by the fermentation of milk and disintegration (coagulation of casein) into flakes. That is, milk sugar is converted into lactic acid, so the sour taste is necessarily present. These include cottage cheese, sour cream, acidophilus, yogurt, fermented baked milk and yogurt.
  2. Mixed fermentation products - lactic acid and alcohol . These products include kefir, koumiss, matsoni, as well as bifidok, to which a probiotic culture is also added.

In the second case, along with lactic acid, alcohol, carbon dioxide, and acids are also produced from sugar. All this further enhances the digestion of food when eating such products.

The proportion of alcohol is so small that it does not affect a person - approximately 0.07%. But for very young children, kefir is not recommended for use, it is advisable to replace it with natural yoghurts with sourdough until the age of 3.

Who is primarily shown to drink kefir, eat cottage cheese, and why are fermented milk products useful? Overweight people, because it is they who are in store for dangerous diabetes, are worried about increased blood pressure. It is for them that sour milk is the most valuable.

It has been proven that after establishing a kefir diet, feelings akin to a bird's flight appear - lightness in the body and lightness in the soul.

The most useful fermented milk products are kefir, matsoni, unsweetened yogurt. It is advisable to buy products in glass containers or tetrapacks (cardboard boxes), and not in plastic.

What dairy products are good for the intestines

We all know that there are a lot of useful products for the intestines, among them cereals, vegetables and fruits, nuts, wholemeal bread.

Are dairy products good for the intestines? Of course - yes, because they contain special microorganisms for cleansing the intestines. It is not so difficult to maintain the body in a healthy state, it is enough to include fermented products in the diet every day.

All processes in the body depend on the health of the small and large intestines. Every day we consume various foods, any supplements, all this should be excreted from the body, and only what is useful should be absorbed. But not always waste products are excreted, starting to be absorbed into the organs and accumulate toxins there. It is lactic acid bacteria that take over all the work and remove all the harmful that accumulates inside.

Usually in the human body, a balance is maintained between beneficial bacteria and harmful rods. This is achieved through the daily consumption of healthy foods.

If problems are of concern - constipation, diarrhea and flatulence, most likely the problem can be solved quickly by adding kefir or yogurt to the diet. These products remove carcinogens from the body, lower cholesterol.

Which fermented milk product is the most beneficial for the intestines?

It happens that a person suffers from rashes, constipation at the same time, then a special analysis is given for the presence of beneficial bacteria. It determines whether there is a dysbacteriosis (imbalance) in the intestine.

The doctor determines which bacteria are the smallest and prescribes special yogurts and kefir, which, in addition to lactic acid bacteria, also contain streptococci and acidophilus bacillus (lactobacilli), bifidobacteria.

In the name of such products, the prefix - bio is usually indicated, they are considered very useful in the presence of dysbacteriosis in the intestines. Such yogurts during the course of treatment regulate the ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria (pathogenic flora) and the person recovers faster.

Can dairy products be eaten with allergies? Since sour-milk products no longer contain lactose, it breaks down and there is also a minimum of sugar, with any type of allergy, sour-milk products can be eaten and even needed.

In rare cases, an allergy can also occur to the protein contained in sour milk. Such intolerance can occur in young children under the age of 3 years, and it is worth consulting a pediatrician.

Very healthy dairy products

Kefir and its properties

The benefits of dairy products

As we have already said, kefir is a product of mixed fermentation and the most useful fermented milk product. Kefir contains unique set trace elements - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, bacteria and fungi. The most useful fermented milk product kefir (classic) should have the following composition per 100 grams of the product:

  • Protein - at least 3 grams
  • Fats - 2.5%
  • Acidity is normal - 85-130°T

The benefits of one-day kefir are fully justified for every person. But it is worth noting that kefir can accumulate alcohol in the composition, or rather increase its percentage with a shelf life.

These are, of course, the minimum doses, but the longer kefir is idle after preparation, the more alcohol-containing elements it contains. Therefore, you need to use kefir immediately after preparation, this is especially important for children.

Useful properties of dairy products. Kefir

Kefir is useful for anemia, dysbacteriosis, rickets, allergies to food products and even pneumonia. This is a product of all those who are losing weight and want to keep fit. Because, unlike milk, it is digested in half an hour, and by all 90%.

At the same time, your digestion improves, your appetite improves, and kefir at this time disinfects the intestines. By the way, it is considered the world's antiseptic and antibiotic for the body.

Also fermented milk product promotes better absorption beneficial vitamins throughout the day, calcium, iron, vitamin D. You get all this from lunch meals, breakfast and dinner . A glass of kefir before meals will help in this.

That is why kefir for an afternoon snack is considered more effective and beneficial than any pills. nutritional supplements which people try to use by all means.

With kefir, you can generally refuse drugs, because its benefits far outweigh the harm. But there are also contraindications to the use of the product.

Is it possible to use fermented milk products for people with high acidity of the stomach? You need to drink it with caution. Also, if you suffer from indigestion, drinking more than a glass a day can lead to even more problems.

Is it possible to fermented milk products (kefir) with pancreatitis? Kefir with such a disease can not be used, it can be replaced with sourdough. Unless, of course, you choose a starter of excellent quality and with the shortest shelf life.

And the last contraindication - if you need to concentrate - you are going to an exam or an important meeting - a glass of kefir the best way to cheer up, as it relaxes the body more. It is better to drink a glass of juice for this purpose.

What is useful sourdough fermented milk product?

Relatively new product on store shelves - leaven, appeared recently, but has already gathered admirers around him. Some people doubt - is it worth replacing kefir with sourdough, what is useful in it and how does it affect the body?

We answer - with a shelf life of several days (not a month!) The sourdough contains a maximum of beneficial bacteria, including acidophilus bacillus and other beneficial microorganisms.

The benefits of sourdough for children

If you want to know the truth, she better than kefir several times, because it has low acidity. Therefore, it is allowed to drink it to small children, as well as to those who suffer from gastritis and pancreatitis. It is used in the treatment of allergies, removes toxins, strengthens the immune system and fights insomnia.


The traditional dish of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia is made from baked milk (cow's) with the addition of streptococcal and Bulgarian sticks. It's basically a type of yogurt. Only without flavoring additives. The drink is absorbed much better and faster than baked milk, and contains a whole set of vitamins: C, PP, A, B, iron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium.

drinking alone a glass of fermented baked milk, you can replenish your body with calcium by a quarter daily allowance, and phosphorus by 20%. In addition, the protein in it is absorbed faster than the protein of whole milk. These are fermented milk products, the benefits of which are obvious and there is also harm. Contraindications - stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity.

Cottage cheese

fresh cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is formed by fermenting milk and gradually withdrawing the whey. Classic, fat, fat-free, low-fat - what kind of cottage cheese do you prefer? Each of these types is useful in its own way.

For diabetics - completely fat-free is suitable, for allergy sufferers - non-greasy, but for people who do not suffer from these diseases, the classic one is suitable. There is also cottage cheese with additives - raisins, dried apricots, calcined - enriched with calcium.

Most useful product rich in protein, minerals (potassium, calcium, phosphorus) and vitamins PP, C, B2, B1. Cottage cheese is digested very easily, while the most fatty cottage cheese per 100 grams has a calorie content of only 226 calories. Therefore, cottage cheese is used in diets and is indicated for obese people, with liver diseases, hypertensive patients, and atherosclerosis. In other words, cottage cheese literally dissolves fats in the body.

The benefits of dairy products for children and adults

Cottage cheese strengthens the bone system, cartilage tissue, raises hemoglobin, and also has a positive effect on the human nervous system. Cottage cheese is especially useful for children, women and the elderly.

Since the female body often loses calcium, and it is they who need to restore this balance in time, as well as strengthen hair and nails. The elderly often suffer from a lack of calcium, and children need it for growth.

The benefits and harms of cheese

If you are a fan of cheese - that's good, but everything is fine - in moderation. The fact is that hard cheeses are quite fatty and contain a lot of calories. Naturally, a cheese lover can consume up to 200 grams at a time, and this covers the daily dose of the norm, additionally being deposited on your sides. Sorry to get off topic...but we have to say this.

This product also has its advantages - these are real pantries of calcium, protein, tryptophan, lysine, phosphorus and zinc. Use durum varieties cheese helps to strengthen the skeletal system, prevents caries, and soft varieties such as feta, mozzarella promote good sleep.

White cheeses are considered dietary and they are just as delicious. This is lean varieties Ricotta, Mascarpone, Camembert, and other varieties, they are great for diets and cooking various dishes.


homemade yogurt

Bulgaria is considered the birthplace of yogurt, since it was there that the first yoghurts containing Bulgarian sticks and sourdough were made. And to this day the tradition natural yogurt are saved. The product that is sold on our store shelves is not considered yogurt in Bulgaria.

In our production technologies, it is permissible to add pectin, thickeners, sweeteners, etc. to the product. Well, thanks to preservatives, many vitamins are lost, but the shelf life is preserved.

You can make yogurt, like Bulgarian, at home. The use of such yogurt will bring many benefits.

Matsun (matsoni)a traditional dish Armenia and Georgia, it is revered there, like bread. And Caucasian centenarians use matsoni every day and get sick less often. This fermented product is similar in texture to yogurt. It is prepared from cow, buffalo, goat or sheep milk.

Moreover, in the Armenian national cuisine its methods of preparation and ready-made yogurt is dominated by acidophilus bacillus. In Georgia, matsoni is prepared a little differently, and the final product is enriched with Bulgarian sticks.

Sour-milk product "Snezhok", benefits

Snezhok is a fermented milk drink that was produced during the USSR and was very fond of the inhabitants. It is prepared by fermenting pure bulgarian sticks and thermophilic streptococci. Plus, sugar or berry syrups were traditionally added to this composition.

The benefits of snowball in improving the functioning of the digestive system, removing toxins from the body, strengthening the immune system. It's all about the technology of preparation - it is the same as that of Bulgarian yogurt, except with the addition of natural fruit and berry syrups.

Can dairy products be eaten while taking antibiotics?

When antibiotic treatment occurs, the body experiences a shock, all bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract die. And the whole body suffers from this. To immediately fill it with beneficial bacteria, using probiotics is not only possible, but also vital. The best are yogurts containing lacto and bifidus bacteria without preservatives and sweeteners, as well as kefir.

Is it possible for breastfeeding dairy products? Of course, a nursing mother is recommended to consume fermented milk products - this is an important element in maintaining lactation! It is preferable to choose high-quality cottage cheese, bifidok yogurt, but kefir and koumiss contain a certain percentage of alcohol, so you need to be more careful with them.

A liter of such a product will harm the baby, but a glass a day will only benefit. The baby and mother will strengthen the joints, hair, nail growth will increase, immunity will strengthen.

Is it possible to fermented milk products at a temperature? The answer to this question is unequivocal - kefir, sourdough and yogurt are very useful at a temperature.

Firstly, at a temperature the body needs to eat, but there is no appetite as such, and sour-milk products in this case are the best friends. Secondly, the body will spend energy not on digestion, but on recovery, which leads to a speedy recovery of the patient and a decrease in body temperature.

Is it possible to post sour-milk products? The purpose of fasting is to cleanse the body of everything carnal and submit to the holy spirit. That is, all products of animal origin, including proteins, are excluded from the diet, naturally and dairy products. But it should be remembered that fasting is not a torture of the body as a whole, therefore there is a list of people who are forbidden to fast, these are:

  • Pregnant and lactating mothers
  • Patients and people after surgery

With prostate adenoma, fermented milk products are useful and very efficient. They have a mild laxative effect and are supplied with lacto and bifidus bacteria necessary for the body to fight the disease. Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor, the treatment of which requires a special diet, and this diet must include yogurt and yogurt without fail.

The milk of a cow or other domesticated animal is an excellent food component, from which many various products- sour-milk drinks, cottage cheese, cheeses, butter and much more. Milk is delicious and beneficial to the body, providing easily digestible protein, calcium and phosphorus, as well as milk fat, which is beneficial for cell walls and blood vessels.

Milk has many beneficial properties: it reduces blood pressure , due to special amino acids, it calms the nerves and gives a healthy sleep, milk can help with heartburn and improve skin condition. However, this wonderful product is not useful for everyone, many people cannot drink milk or do not eat almost all dairy products.

Contraindications and restrictions

Milk is a complex food product, it contains protein, fats and carbohydrates, in addition, milk contains a lot of salts and vitamins . Like any product, milk can cause intolerance in its natural form or in the form of products of its processing.

Usually, milk intolerance is expressed in two forms - in the form of lactase deficiency (deficiency of an enzyme for the absorption of milk) and in the form of an allergy to cow (or goat, sheep and other types) milk protein. These forms of milk intolerance usually occur in childhood, although many adults also have this problem.

In addition, sometimes a restriction is required in the consumption of whole milk or dairy products due to digestive diseases, metabolic disorders, diseases of the kidneys or urinary system with the formation of a special kind of stones and sand.

In addition, many of the dairy products are quite fatty - this is cottage cheese, butter, many varieties cheese and ryazhenka. These dairy products are limited for obesity and weight loss, for diseases of the liver or gallbladder.

Also, milk should be limited to people over 50 years old, a special substance has been found in milk that contributes to the accumulation of harmful lipids in the body that provoke the development or progression of atherosclerosis.

How does lactase deficiency manifest itself?

This condition is quite unpleasant, although not dangerous for the body. The sugar contained in milk (lactose), when ingested, undergoes enzymatic cleavage by a special enzyme lactase.

If this lactase is not enough, sugar enters the large intestine, where intestinal microbes “regale” it. The result is carbon dioxide, water and lactic acid. They inflate the loops of the intestine, cause irritation and pain, and water causes liquefaction of feces and diarrhea.

Enzyme deficiency can be congenital (occurs in no more than 1% of the population), and congenital lactase deficiency has become most widespread among the Negroid population.

In most people in Europe and Russia, lactase deficiency occurs with age, as a result of a progressive decrease in milk consumption and atrophy of intestinal cells that secrete this enzyme. This can occur after intestinal infections, malnutrition and chronic diseases.

In addition, complete and partial lactase deficiency is isolated, with complete enzyme lactase there is no at all, and dairy products with lactose are completely prohibited. With partial enzyme activity, its amount is small, but the intestines will completely master small portions of lactose.

Such people cannot bear whole milk and those products in which lactose has not undergone splitting or has undergone incomplete fermentation - cheeses, butter, cream, yogurt, daily kefir or biolact.

There is a myth that all Japanese and other Asians are lactose intolerant and don't drink milk. Yes, in fact, lactase deficiency is inherited in the genes, along with belonging to some Asian peoples. They have a fairly large number of the population does not tolerate the milk of animals.

Can milk be substituted for soy milk? For such situations and for the development of lactase deficiency after intestinal infections, soy milk can be replaced. It does not contain lactose, and the proteins are almost equivalent in nutritional value. However, many do not like the taste soy milk, although no adverse effects were noted.

Allergy to milk

Along with lactase deficiency, allergy - the second "most popular" problem with milk consumption. This problem has become especially urgent in recent years among children due to the spread of artificial feeding, especially animal milk and poorly adapted mixtures. Although in adults, allergies are quite relevant.

In an organism initially sensitive to various allergens, a foreign protein, especially milk protein, can cause a state of sensitization (hypersensitivity of the body). Milk albumins are very small proteins that, when they enter the intestines, can enter the bloodstream without splitting, and the body always considers foreign proteins as potential danger especially in allergy sufferers.

Who can't have dairy products?

As a result, in response to the ingestion of milk protein, a chain of allergy reactions is triggered - asthma attacks, skin itching, a blistering rash, sneezing, cough or runny nose . At the same time, an allergy is also possible to those products in which the protein is not fermented (not split) - cheese, cream, condensed milk, baked milk.

Who is contraindicated for kefir?

In kefir (especially two-day and older), the proteins are partially fermented and there is practically no lactose, so it practically does not cause allergies and lactase deficiency. However, there are a number of restrictions on the consumption of kefir.

Even a healthy person should not drink more than 400 ml of kefir per day. Its larger volume sharply increases the acidity in the intestinal lumen and enhances the permeability of the walls of blood vessels for red blood cells. This causes microscopic bleeding.

With the systematic consumption of large volumes of kefir, this threatens to turn into anemia. In addition, a large amount of kefir acidifies the blood and heavily burdens the kidneys - think about this before you go on a kefir diet. It is prohibited in phosphate kidney stones.

In addition, kefir has a high acidity - it irritates the digestive tract and is prohibited in acute gastritis and enteritis. It is also worth remembering the properties of kefir to influence the stool - only daily kefir weakens, so fresh kefir is not allowed with diarrhea. But two-, three-day kefir and kefir long-term storage fixes the stool and is contraindicated constipation .

And kefir is very relaxing, you should not drink it before important events - you may feel drowsy and lethargic, it is useful at night after a hard day.

Why are other dairy products harmful?

There are restrictions on the intake of other dairy products related to health and nutrition.

So, fermented baked milk, sour cream and cream, due to the increased fat content, should not be used by overweight people and when losing weight. Cheeses should not be consumed by people with ulcers and gastritis, especially if they are spicy and salty, cheeses with mold are prohibited for allergy sufferers, cheese fondue is completely harmful even for a healthy person.

There are restrictions in the use of cottage cheese - unleavened cottage cheese should be consumed with care by allergy sufferers, and any kind of cottage cheese should be severely limited in case of kidney diseases.

Virtually no contraindications yogurt , with care it should be consumed only by people with severe lactase deficiency, although they are well absorbed in a small amount. Just remember - the most useful yogurt is natural, without additives, as various additives can themselves be allergenic or harmful.

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