Home Kashi What can be cooked from salmon bellies. Salmon bellies - five recipes for all occasions. Preparing salmon bellies for salting

What can be cooked from salmon bellies. Salmon bellies - five recipes for all occasions. Preparing salmon bellies for salting

Salmon bellies are a budget option to eat delicious red fish. This part of the fish is quite oily, and it is in the fat of red fish that are valuable for human health. cumino acids.
Today I want to cook salmon bellies stewed with potatoes. This dish is very hearty and tasty, especially hot. I'm getting started.

I take out the salmon bellies from the freezer.

I wash them in cold water. They immediately defrost and separate from each other. I wash the fish in several waters.

I cut off the skin from the abdomen with a sharp knife. This is done quite easily and simply.

That's how many skins there are. I will throw them out to the cat. If there are fins or bones on the abdomen, then they must also be cut off.

If required, then once again I will wash the abdomen without the skin.

When the water drains, I cut the strips of the abdomen into pieces about 2 centimeters long.

I clean the large onion from the husk and cut into cubes.

I put a frying pan on the stove and pour in vegetable oil.

I peel and wash the potatoes, cut them into not large thin slices.

I pour water into a heavy-bottomed saucepan. I spread the chopped potatoes in it and pour in water to slightly cover the potatoes. I love liquid potatoes. But if you like it thicker, then add a little less water. Let the potatoes boil.

Put the chopped onion into the pan and fry it until golden brown, stirring constantly.

I shift the onion to the side of the pan and spread the pieces of fish on it. I fry them for five minutes until golden brown.

I cut a bunch of green dill smaller.

I turn the fish over to the other side and also fry for about 5 minutes. Add red ground pepper.

I add chopped dill to the fish.

I mix onions and fish and let them soak in the juices for a few more minutes. A lot of fat from the bellies of the salmon stood out in the pan.

Meanwhile, the potatoes are almost cooked.

I spread the fried fish with vegetables and herbs from the pan into a pan with potatoes. I also try to collect all the melted fat in a pan. I add salt to taste.

I let the dish simmer on low heat for another 3-5 minutes and turn off the heat.

The potato turned out crumbly, rich. The fish is tender and very tasty. Healthy and enjoyable food.

I wish you bon appetit, friends!

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

Many housewives are interested in the question of how to cook salmon bellies. After all, the abundant fat, of which 90% this product consists, has a not very pleasant aftertaste. Therefore, balyk is often consumed simply with bread. However, there are many recipes for delicious dishes from delicate fatty strips of salmon.

Rice casserole

One of the most effective ways to get rid of excess fat in foods is rendering. Just as cracklings have a completely different taste than lard, so baked salmon bellies acquire an interesting, peculiar, odorless fish oil aroma. Cook rice in salted water. It should not be viscous, but not crumbly. We shift the finished cereal into portioned refractory bowls or pots, put salted and spiced teshu on top. Put in the oven and bake. The fat will melt and soak the absolutely lean rice. By the way, the same trick can be done not only with cereals, but also with potatoes and pasta.

Salmon bellies in salad

Another way to remove excess fat is to add hot spices or horseradish. Combined with lettuce and other fresh vegetables, tesha gives a very delicate flavor. Pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds and black pepper into a mortar and crush. Sift through a sieve to separate the husk. Lightly fry the tummies on one side over high heat. Sprinkle the dish in which the salad will be served with chopped green onions. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Lay out lettuce leaves. Mix a tablespoon of grated horseradish with half a glass of sour cream, add a little finely chopped dill to this sauce. Pour this sauce over the tummies, mix everything and put it on the leaves. Decorate the salad with croutons.

Salmon bellies - salting recipe

Strong alcohol and salt perfectly remove unwanted fat. This combination is used for red fish steaks, but tummies can also be salted in the same way. Sprinkle salmon with coarse sea salt, add cognac and a bunch of dill. After three days, salted tesha can be cut into salads or sandwiches.

When used in first courses - soups, hodgepodge or fish soup - the fat content of the fish will only benefit. Peel about five potatoes, cut them into large pieces, put them in a pot of water to boil. As soon as it boils, add carrots and onions cut into strips and slightly fried, as well as 60-70 g of rice. When the potatoes are half ready, we add peeled salmon bellies to the company of vegetables (half a kilo will be enough). Salt and add spices to taste. We check the readiness of the fish soup by the softness of the fish. This dish is served with sour cream and chopped herbs.

Pie with mozzarella and salmon

We buy or knead yeast dough ourselves. Salmon bellies (half a kilo) are cleaned from a thick skin. We cut them into pieces, salt and season with spices. Two medium onions need to be cut and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper (or grease with vegetable oil). The dough rolled out 1 cm thick is the basis of our pie. First onion is placed on it, then fish, and then mozzarella cut into strips. The oven must be preheated to 200°C. The dish is baked for a total of about half an hour. As soon as the dough is browned, reduce the temperature to 160 ºС. Watch the cake through the glass window, because if you open the door, the dough will fall off and not bake.

Not everyone can afford to buy a whole carcass of salmon. But its individual parts are quite suitable for those people who like to eat tasty, nutritious and, most importantly, healthy.

The best way out in this situation is to cook a variety of delicacies from the abdomens of this valuable fish.

Why tasty and healthy?

River fish can hardly be eaten raw. In order not to risk health, it is boiled or fried. As a result, most of the vitamins and minerals disappear from the product. What can you say about salmon. Its surface treatment contributes to the preservation of a number of vitamins - these are A, B, E, H, D, C, PP, as well as a large composition of minerals.

A predator from the ocean can reach 1.5 meters in length and have a weight of 45 kg. Therefore, some of its parts are also quite large. For example, the abdomen. This product contains the richest composition of fish oil. Caloric content reaches 310 kcal per 100 g.

Salmon should be consumed by everyone who wants to be healthy and beautiful. This is especially true for athletes, pregnant and lactating women, people with weakened immune systems, and the elderly. This product helps to cure anemia.

It brings special benefits to a growing child's body. In general, all the advantages of this product can not be counted.

How to choose?

First of all, salmon meat has an excellent taste. Therefore, it is prepared on holidays and served in restaurants. The carcass has practically no bones. The product is suitable for cooking, pickling, and baking. Any housewife who wants it will be able to prepare lightly salted fillets for a festive occasion or marinate bellies at home. It will be delicious and without the harmful additives that are present in the finished fish.

There is nothing difficult in choosing salmon meat. First of all, pay attention to the smell (for a quality product, it will not have a "too" fishy spirit), the absence of mucus, dark spots. Color is pale orange.

If you bought unfrozen salmon, then store it in the refrigerator for no more than 14 days.


Here are a few cooking options that you can use when cooking valuable meat.

Why spend a large amount to please your loved ones with delicious sandwiches. It is enough to buy salmon bellies on the market or in the supermarket - 0.5 kg. Wash them well under running water. Pat dry with a cotton towel. Put in a cup.

In a bowl, mix salt - 1 tbsp. spoon, sugar - 2 teaspoons. Add a pinch of ground pepper, hot pepper. Pour the spices into a cup with salmon, rub well and mix the meat. We leave in the refrigerator for three days. After this time, our pickle is ready. Make sandwiches, and place the remaining delicacy in the freezer.

Marinated in Vinegar

Who likes to play it safe, then choose this method. It is the safest, as vinegar kills all germs. We take 0.5-0.6 kg of fresh bellies. We clean them and wash them thoroughly. We leave to drain in a colander. Then put in an enameled bowl.

We make a marinade. Pour 1.5 cups of purified water into an enamel pan. There we pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 12 peas of black ground pepper and 0.5 teaspoon of red pepper, 2 pcs. carnations. Next, pour into the marinade 1.5 tbsp. spoons of vinegar 6%. We put it on the stove and wait for the water to boil.

We cool our marinade and pour it into the salmon. We put an inverted plate on top and press it with oppression (you can use a liter jar of water). We place in the refrigerator for 3 days.

After this time, we take out the bellies and make sandwiches with butter and fish. Store leftovers in the freezer.

Fried with garlic sauce

Such a delicious, and mind you, inexpensive dish can be made in portions. We will proceed from one serving, and if you want to please a group of friends, then increase it to the desired amount.

We take 1 portion of the abdomen - 300 g. Wash the pieces, clean, dry and rub with salt, pepper and spices to taste. Next, roll in breadcrumbs - 6-7 tbsp. spoons - and put on a preheated pan with vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons. Fry on one side until golden brown, flip and fry on the other side. Before you remove the fish, cover the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and hold it for another 5 minutes. Next, we take out the salmon and put it on a plate.

We're preparing the sauce. In a blender bowl, place 1 tbsp. a spoonful of mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 1 tomato, salt and pepper to taste. Grind the ingredients to a homogeneous mass. Pour the fried fish with the prepared sauce. Sprinkle with herbs on top. Bon Appetit!

Baked with potatoes

This dish can be cooked in the oven when there is not enough time. We take 500 g of abdomen. We clean them, wash, dry and rub with salt and pepper. You can add your favorite spices. We spread the bottom of the mold with foil and pour 5 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil.

Potatoes - 5 pcs. - Peel and cut into thin slices. Rub with salt, garlic and pepper. We put it on the bottom. Lay the salmon on top. We cover all this splendor with a second sheet of foil, crush it so that the moisture does not evaporate. We place in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

After the time has elapsed, remove the foil, and leave our dish for another 5 minutes in the oven until a golden crust forms. We take out the fish on a plate, and call those close to the table.

In a frying pan with layers of vegetables

Useful and tasty. Suitable for those who like to fast. Salmon bellies - 500 g - clean, wash, dry and rub with salt and spices. We take a frying pan with high edges and pour 5-6 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil.

Put the fish in the pan. We clean 2 onions, cut into cubes and sprinkle with an even layer of fish. Potatoes - 4 pcs. - Peel, cut into cubes and lay on the onion. Pepper everything and add 2 bay leaves.

Eggplant - 2 pcs. - peel, cut into cubes and sprinkle on top of the potatoes. Cut three red bell peppers into slices and lay out the last layer. Add 2-3 tablespoons of purified water to the composition so that the fish does not burn. Put the pan on medium heat. Simmer for 40-45 minutes until done. Serve as an independent dish.

The same dish can be cooked in a slow cooker. Observe all proportions, only instead of a frying pan, use the bowl of the appliance. Put all the ingredients into it as indicated in the recipe above. Set the "Extinguishing" mode, the smart technology will do the rest for you.

Cutlets with garnish

It will be elegant and unusual. We take 600-700 g of salmon carcasses and 1 medium carrot (peel and wash). Grind them in a blender bowl or in a meat grinder. Add salt to taste, pepper, garlic - 2 cloves - and 2-3 slices of white bread soaked in milk. We mix everything thoroughly.

We form cutlets and roll them in flour or breadcrumbs. Put in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil and fry until cooked.

Usually, after frying, the cutlets are stewed over low heat. You can save time by not doing it. It is enough to cover the pan during frying with a lid. Then the cutlets will turn out juicy and not raw inside.

They can be served with boiled potatoes soaked in butter. And you can cook another side dish. Braise 3 medium eggplants with 2 onions, 2 red peppers in the oil left over from the cutlets. Don't forget to salt and pepper the vegetables. Get original. Bon Appetit!

Salmon is considered a delicacy. But a good hostess will always find a way out of any situation. It doesn't matter what parts the dish is made from. The main thing is that it tastes good.

See the next video for another interesting recipe.

Nevertheless, you can find a way out - in cooking there are a lot of simple and interesting solutions that allow you to diversify the menu. Recipes for dishes with salmon bellies in this regard can help out every housewife, regardless of experience and time constraints. Indeed, it will not be difficult to cook soup, it is also easy to make the second of potatoes and belly with sour cream sauce. However, the list of options for using this ingredient does not end there.

Most often, salmon belly is found in recipes with these five products:

The bellies can become the basis for chic holiday treats that become the decoration of the ceremonial table: an attribute of any holiday is aspic, a light snack that is guaranteed to go on plates in a matter of minutes - a salad with fresh cucumbers or an orange, an incredibly mouth-watering risotto ... And fake caviar will suit in cases where you need to organize a quick snack or vice versa, serve something that will whet your appetite.

Salmon bellies are very useful due to the large amount of omega fatty acids and vitamins, and are quite affordable. In addition to the fact that lightly salted bellies are a wonderful snack for beer, you can make delicious sandwiches, rolls with them or serve them with boiled potatoes, I love bellies in any form! So, a quick and easy pickling recipe.

salmon bellies: 0.5 kg
coarse salt: 2 tablespoons
sugar: 1 tablespoon
vinegar (or lemon juice)
if desired, you can use ground pepper and a mixture of spices for salting red fish.

Defrost the bellies, rinse, excess moisture can be removed with a paper towel. Put in a bowl in which you will salt, I take a large plastic container for this purpose.

Lightly sprinkle the bellies with vinegar (it will give a slight sourness), sprinkle with sugar and salt.

Close the container tightly with a lid and refrigerate for at least 12 hours (if you salt the bellies in the evening, you can try it in the morning). During this time, it is advisable to shake the container several times so that the mixture is evenly distributed over the fish.

If salt and sugar remain on the abdomens, you can rinse them with running water.
As a result, when our bellies are ready, we separate the meat from the skin and fins. For those who are comfortable, you can do this before salting, but I usually clean them already prepared.

When serving, the fish can be sprinkled with lemon juice and garnished with parsley.

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