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What salads can be prepared recipes. Delicious salads in haste from simple products

"Uninvited guest, that there is a bone in the throat"

No, we are all, of course, hospitable and hospitable hosts. But the situation when dear unexpected guests suddenly appear on the threshold of your house, and you are completely unprepared, can be quite unpleasant. It's one thing when an old friend dropped in on your fire - tea and cookies are enough for gatherings in the kitchen. And if a company of husband's friends came to you and decided to celebrate the victory of their favorite football team? While the main course is being prepared, guests need to be fed something quickly, and in this case, sandwiches and salads come to the rescue. On our site you will find a huge number of sandwich recipes, and we will try to put together recipes quick salads. Just let's agree right away: a salad is a dish of fresh vegetables or fruits with a specially prepared dressing. Mayonnaise "salads" are rather an appetizer, we will also talk about them. Only we will fill them with our own mayonnaise. You will be surprised how different homemade mayonnaise is from that incomprehensible substance that is sold to us in stores.

. Carefully separate 2 yolks from proteins, also removing flagella. It is advisable to take eggs at home. If you are afraid of salmonellosis, take quail in a ratio of 1: 4 (that is, instead of 2 chicken yolks, you need to take 8 quail). Lightly salt the yolks and rub in one direction with a spoon. It is not necessary to beat with a mixer, the mayonnaise will turn out just as tasty, but due to the large number of air bubbles, its shelf life is reduced to 1-2 days. Continuing to grind, add a drop of vegetable (ideally olive) oil, stir until completely combined with the yolk, and only then add the next portion. Each time the portion of oil becomes more and more. Rub in one direction, each time achieving complete uniformity. For 2 yolks you will need about 300 g of butter. Each time the mixture will become thicker. Salt and pepper the resulting mixture to taste, add ready-made mustard, mix and add lemon juice or vinegar. The mixture will turn white and begin to resemble purchased mayonnaise, but only in appearance, but not in content.

And now - recipes for how to cook quick salads.

Almost a Greek salad

1 bunch lettuce
1-2 sweet red peppers
1 onion
½ can of pitted olives
100-150 g of cheese,
1 tsp sweet mustard,
1 garlic clove
1 tsp balsamic vinegar,
1 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp honey,
1 tsp dry basil,
pepper, salt.

All ingredients, except for a few lettuce leaves, chop fairly large. Prepare the dressing by mashing all the ingredients with a fork. If you do not have balsamic vinegar, then you can replace it with regular or apple cider vinegar. Lay the lettuce leaves on a flat dish, put the lettuce in a slide on them and pour over the dressing.

1 bunch lettuce
1 bunch of greens (any, to taste),
2-3 sweet green peppers
2-3 cucumbers
1 white onion
½ - 1 can of pitted olives
5-7 quail eggs.
2 tbsp soy sauce,
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar,
3 tbsp olive oil.

Boil the eggs and cut them in half. Cut sweet onions into rings, cucumbers into slices, green bell peppers into strips. Cut greens or pick with your hands. Mix dressing ingredients and pour over salad.

2 tomatoes
2 cucumbers
1-2 sweet peppers (can be multi-colored),
1 head of Beijing cabbage.
150 ml natural yogurt,
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 garlic clove
1 tsp honey,
salt pepper.

Cut the vegetables randomly and fill with dressing. Dressing is prepared as follows: crush a clove of garlic, rub it with yogurt, add honey, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.

250 g pasta,
200 g cheese,
4 tomatoes,
1 cucumber
½ can of pitted olives
6 tbsp olive oil,
3 tbsp wine vinegar,
the black ground pepper, salt.

Boil pasta in salted water, rinse and drain in a colander. When all the water has drained, mix the pasta with 1 tbsp. oils. Cut the tomatoes into cubes, cucumbers into slices, olives into rings. Crumble the cheese with your hands. For the sauce, beat the vinegar with oil, add salt and pepper, you can also put chopped oregano greens. Combine vegetables with pasta and cheese, season with sauce and put the salad in the refrigerator for an hour.

Salad with smoked chicken


50 g green salad,

2 tomatoes
100 g radish
4 tbsp olive oil,
3 tbsp balsamic vinegar,
1 tsp mustard,
sugar, salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Cut the lettuce into strips, cut the tomatoes into quarters, cut the radish into circles. Chicken meat cut into cubes. Mix oil, mustard, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper, rub until smooth. Combine all the ingredients, mix and pour over the sauce.

1-2 stalks of celery,
1 large apple
¼ head of cabbage
olive oil, lemon juice, salt.

Chop the cabbage as thinly as possible, cut the celery into thin slices, grate the apple on a coarse grater or cut into cubes. Stir, season with a mixture of oil and lemon juice with salt and pepper.

Pickled cabbage salad


300 g pickled cabbage,
2 pickled cucumbers,
3 eggs,
3 tbsp green peas,
greenery, natural yogurt, salt - to taste.

Place lightly squeezed cabbage in a salad bowl, add diced eggs and cucumbers, mix. Season with yogurt and sprinkle with herbs.

5 tomatoes,
2 sweet peppers
1 cucumber
1 onion
100 g of cheese,
10 pitted olives
3 tbsp olive oil,
2 tsp lemon juice
salt, pepper, herbs.

Bell pepper put on a baking sheet and put in hot oven for 10-15 minutes. Then put it in a bag, tie it tightly and leave it for 10 minutes. Remove the skin from the pepper and cut into cubes. Scald the tomatoes, then plunge into ice water and remove the skin. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes. Cut the cucumber lengthwise into 4 parts and cut into slices. Cut the onion into quarter rings. Mix the onion and parsley in a bowl and lightly remember that the juice begins to stand out. Add tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, drizzle with lemon juice and season with oil. Sprinkle grated cheese and olive rings on top.

Salad "Spring"

100 g cabbage
2 small cucumbers
3 radishes,
2-3 eggs
40 g green onions,
3 tbsp sour cream
salt, herbs.

Finely chop the cabbage, cut the cucumbers into small cubes. Grate the radish on a coarse grater, chop the boiled eggs. Mix the cabbage with salt, shake hands a little and add all the ingredients. Season with sour cream, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

And these salads are for those who always have a couple of avocados in the refrigerator. The attitude towards this fruit is either sharply negative or enthusiastic. Avocado is an extremely healthy ingredient in any dish. Not sure what to make with avocado besides guacamole sauce? Make Healthy Quick Salads!

200 g lightly salted salmon,

2 tomatoes
50 g lettuce leaves,
olive oil, salt, pepper.

Place lettuce leaves on a flat dish. Cut salmon into thin slices. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, carefully scoop out the flesh with a teaspoon and cut into slices. Put the salmon and avocado on lettuce leaves, salt, pepper and drizzle with oil.


1 tomato
1 sweet pepper
50-70 g curd cream cheese(type "Almette"),
1 thin lavash

Peel the avocado and cut into cubes. Cut the tomatoes and peppers into cubes as well. Combine avocado, tomatoes and cheese in a bowl, mix. Spread the filling over the lavash sheet and roll it into a roll. Cut diagonally into slices.


1 can of canned tuna
1 red onion
1 tbsp lemon juice
salt, pepper, herbs.

Cut the avocado in half, remove the pulp, mash with a fork in a puree and mix with lemon juice. canned tuna also mash with a fork. Onion cut into rings. Mix the products, salt, pepper and put in avocado peel boats.
Sprinkle with herbs.

Avocado salad with cheese and pear


1 pear
2 sweet peppers
100 g hard cheese,
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 bunch lettuce.
1-2 garlic cloves,
¼ tsp Sahara,
3-4 tbsp olive oil,
2 tsp lemon juice
salt, pepper, herbs.

Cut the avocado into strips and sprinkle with lemon juice. Pepper and pear cut into strips. Cheese also cut into thin strips. For dressing, squeeze the garlic through a press and mix with chopped herbs, salt, pepper, oil and vinegar and beat with a fork. Cover the salad bowl with lettuce leaves, put vegetables, pears and cheese, pour dressing.

Quick salads from canned vegetables, with sausages and mayonnaise is hard to name light snack. But this does not prevent them from appearing on our table often. In order not to overeat calories before the main course, try changing the style of serving these salads. To do this, take an empty jar of olives, carefully cut off the bottom and bend the sharp edges so as not to cut yourself. Put the jar with a smooth (upper) edge on a serving plate and fill halfway with the finished appetizer salad, slightly compact and remove the jar. You will have a portion of salad, which you need to pour with dressing and decorate to your liking.

200 g good quality ham
3 eggs,
100 g canned beans,
mayonnaise, herbs, thin slices of lemon.

Dice boiled eggs and ham, add beans without liquid, season with mayonnaise. Garnish with herbs and lemon wedges.

Salad "Hungry guests"

2 bulbs
1 carrot
1 small can of beans

Mayonnaise, vegetable oil for frying, pepper, salt, herbs.

Cut the onion and carrot as small as possible and stew in a small amount of vegetable oil. Cool down. From cans with canned beans and champignons, drain the liquid and combine with onions and carrots. Salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise.

1 can of pink salmon,
100 g processed cheese,
1 onion
2 eggs,
salt, pepper, mayonnaise.


Chop the onion as finely as possible, mash the pink salmon with a fork, grate the eggs and processed cheese on a fine grater. Mix, salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise.

smoked saladmackerel

200 g smoked mackerel,
2 eggs,
1 jar of peas,
2 sour apples
greens, mayonnaise.

Thoroughly clean smoked mackerel from skin and bones, mash with a fork. Cut apples and eggs into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, add chopped herbs, season with mayonnaise.

Warm salad with champignons

200 g boiled chicken,
1 jar of champignons,
200 g soft processed cheese,
¼ stack. dry white wine or cream,
1 onion
lettuce, greens.

Cut the chicken into cubes, onion into thin rings. Drain the mushrooms, dry in a pan and cut. processed cheese heat over low heat in a bowl, add wine or cream, mix. Pour the mixed ingredients with the resulting sauce. The salad is served warm.

Quick salads are not only good for guests, you can cook them every day, especially salads with fresh herbs and vegetables. A couple of ingredients, a curious dressing - and new salad ready!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

A good cook is capable of simple products to make a masterpiece - a celebration of the soul and stomach. cheap salad is one of those dishes. Made of natural ingredients, mainly from vegetables and fruits, it is also very useful.

Cabbage salad - delicious and healthy!

Cabbage salad with carrots

In order to prepare this cheap salad, you will need cabbage, carrots, sugar, lemon juice, a pinch of salt and vegetable oil. Cabbage for this dish is chopped into thin strips, and carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater. Sprinkling the mass with lemon juice, adding a little salt and sprinkling with sugar, knead it with your hands. After this procedure, juice should stand out, and the whole mass acquires a pleasant shade of orange.

After dressing with oil, the salad is mixed and served on the table.

Cheap and garlic

Almost the same as in previous version, prepare this salad. Just before kneading, crushed garlic is added to the mass. But in this version, sugar should be completely abandoned or flavored with just one pinch of salad, like salt.

You can fill the dish with both oil and sour cream or mayonnaise. From above, it is recommended to decorate with carrot flowers or paths of finely chopped carrots, which scatter from the center, like rays of the sun.

Cabbage salad with garlic and beets

If carrots are replaced with raw beets, then the salad will acquire some piquancy. Its color will also change, becoming amazingly mother-of-pearl. In addition, at any time of the year it is the cheapest salad.

Its recipe can be slightly diversified by making the dish compound: crush half the cabbage with carrots, and half with beets. If you put these two different salads in a salad bowl in triangles, it will be very beautiful and festive. So, when choosing cheap salads for your birthday, you should not discount this recipe.

Cabbage-apple salad

Easy and cheap to do vitamin salad which is perfect for dessert. The recipe for its preparation practically does not differ from cabbage salad with carrots, which are replaced with an apple. But in this case, the cabbage should be crushed before the chopped apple is added to the salad.

You can diversify the dish by replacing only part of the carrot with an apple. And you can include other fruits in the salad: bananas, oranges, tangerines or pears. Yes, and as a dressing, sweet yogurt or whipped cream is quite suitable.

Who said cheap birthday salads are bad manners? Or maybe someone doubts that garnished with orange slices and berries, fresh or candied, sweet salad will be in demand at the festive table? Try it yourself and make sure that this will be the first salad bowl to be released on the table.

Garlic salads

In addition to cabbage, garlic goes well with carrots, cheese, boiled beets, hard-boiled eggs and other ingredients. It is rare that a hostess refuses to put spicy garlic salads on the table - cheap and tasty, but so adored by everyone!

Everyone knows garlic-carrot salads seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream. Not inferior to them in fame and beet-garlic salads. Moreover, beets with garlic often “invite” ground nuts and prunes to their place.

Salad "Lubovnitsa" - tasty, beautiful and piquant

They can decorate salads cheap and tasty, if they are cooked with desire. This recipe is as simple as all the previous ones. The dish is different in that several different salads are laid out in layers in it:

  • carrot-garlic layer with dressing;
  • cheese-garlic layer with dressing;
  • beet-garlic layer with dressing.

If desired, ground nuts can be added to the cheese mass, and raisins and prunes can be added to the beet-garlic mass.

Salad "Kiss of the mistress", or "French mistress"

This salad is just as piquant as the previous one, which is called "The Mistress". In the very name of both salads lies some kind of duality: the sweetness of passion and the bitterness of separation, the impossibility of being together. Likewise, there is such a striking difference in the ingredients and layers of this dish.

They prepare the "Kiss of the Mistress" in the same layers as just the "Lover". Only the layers are slightly different:

  • bitter layer - beet-garlic;
  • sweet layer - carrot-raisin;
  • spicy layer - cheese-nut.

The top of the dish is sprinkled with grated cheese and chopped cucumber. You can decorate with herbs or finely chopped carrots. flowers from boiled beets and carrots will also look charming in a salad bowl on the festive table.

Daikon salads

The advantages of daikon are that it is cheap to cook from it. In addition, this root crop has an excellent cleansing property, a spicy taste and it is extremely rich in vitamins. Daikon goes well with most different vegetables and even fruits, so the range of its use in this area is very wide. Very often, it is these light and cheap daikon that are used for weight loss that can help the hostess diversify not only daily menu but also to prepare a creative dish on festive table.

Daikon salad with carrots and apple

Even a teenager can make such a salad. The main thing in it is the ability to use such a simple device as a grater.

Apples, carrots and daikon are crushed, lightly salted and dressing is added to the mass: sunflower oil, sour cream, mayonnaise or home-made sauce. Everything is mixed - the dish is ready!

According to the same recipe, another salad is prepared, in which the apple is replaced with pickled or pickled cucumber. You can even get by with just carrots and daikon, but a three-ingredient salad has a wider palette of flavors. This dish with crab sticks is especially tasty - it immediately becomes Japanese!

Salad "Slim"

Especially for those who want to lose extra pounds, this recipe exists in the world. Cooking "Slim" is as easy as all previous salads.

The ingredients for this dish will be:

  • raw carrots;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • daikon root;
  • one hundred grams of spinach;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Cucumbers are finely chopped, and daikon and carrots are chopped on a coarse grater or cut into tiny strips. Finely chop the spinach. If young carrots are used, in which fresh greens have been preserved, then it is recommended to use it in a salad - in carrot tops so many useful substances: trace elements and vitamins.

Salad "Slim" should not be seasoned with mayonnaise or sour cream, just sprinkle it with wine or apple cider vinegar. Suitable for this purpose and lemon juice.

Fresh cucumber salads

Remembering the recipes for simple and cheap salads in the summer, you can’t miss cucumber dishes. Actually, these recipes are perfect for winter, because fresh cucumbers can be replaced with pickled or salted ones.

Salad "Corn crocodile"

For this fun dish, you will need to chop fresh cabbage, salt it and mash it. Add finely planed fresh cucumber and canned sweet corn to the resulting mass.

A sour apple grated on a coarse grater wonderfully sets off the taste of any salad. To taste, greens are put in it: dill, parsley, spinach, green salad leaves. Fill it with oil.

In order not to disagree with his appearance, it is appropriate to hoist a vegetable figurine on top of it - a crocodile made of cucumber.

You can put the salad in a herring - it has an oval oblong shape. The mass can be easily shaped into a crocodile, and on top of the salad cover with cucumber rings. The eyes of a reptile can be made from corn kernels, or you can use olives.

Vitamin salad "Cocktail Sunny"

This salad is best cooked in summer or closer to autumn, when all the ingredients in it are natural, grown in our gardens and orchards, and not brought from somewhere. After all, then each component contains a piece of the sun, which is why the dish is called “Sunny Cocktail”.

In addition to cucumbers, this salad contains cabbage, raw carrots, apples, tomatoes and bell pepper. Onions can be used both onions and green - which one you like better. Greens are also added in accordance with taste preferences.

Cabbage is cut into thin strips-noodles, cucumbers are cut into strips. Before slicing apples, it is recommended to peel and cut into cubes. Tomatoes are cut into slices, pepper - into half rings. Carrots are best coarsely grated or chopped into thin strips.

How to cut onions - each housewife decides for herself. In some family, large half rings are preferred, in some - finely chopped onions. And others completely ignore this delicious and healthiest ingredient- but it's their right. You need to fill the salad with apple or wine vinegar and oil.

Salad decorations

Boiled eggs can be used as a decoration of the dish. It is easy to cook mushrooms from them and make cute mice, boats or snowmen.

You can also use grated cheese, with which to sprinkle the top of the dish, and make an imitation of grass from green onions.

From the halves of boiled eggs, swans are perfectly obtained if one more cut is made on them, parallel to the main one. Having cut off strips from the other halves, on one side of which cut oval thickenings, swan necks are laid out of them, and beaks from pieces of carrots.

The cheapest and most healthy foods in the middle lane - these are cabbage, beets, carrots, daikon, radishes and onions. Perhaps that is why salads from them are the cheapest and healthiest. But in the summer, tomatoes and cucumbers, radishes and green salad. And it is so important to enjoy this gift of summer and autumn to the very top, so that there are enough vitamin reserves for the whole winter.

We all sometimes find ourselves in a situation where you need to receive guests, and finances, as they say, "sing romances." The situation is not rare. But if a soldier can cook cabbage soup from an ax, then a Russian woman who has passed the test of the fall of the ruble, perestroika and empty counters will cope with this task effortlessly.

Mistresses are clever in their invention.

We must not forget that our ancestors did not eat meat and sausage, cheese and shrimp. Vegetables grown in the garden or bought in the store are not at all expensive, you can make wonderful cheap salads and snacks.

Potatoes, the queen of our tables, will serve here as well. Boil and make a "volcano", bake, cut beautifully and unusually, make a wonderful stuffed potato piglet, make potato baskets from crushed potatoes or just fry, stew ... There are many options. Here's a hot dish for you. Beautiful, unusual, cheap! Potato dishes

Meat is pricey. Let's think about chickens. How wonderful recipes came up with housewives with chickens. If you remember, there will be more than a dozen great recipes. You can also make aspic from chicken. One chicken breast and a spoonful of gelatin will be enough to feed a dozen people.
Mushrooms. They grow in almost all regions of our large country. Salted, marinated, fried ... they perfectly diversify the table. Julienne is perfect for a holiday. You can move away from tradition and use the mushrooms that are at hand for it. Delicious, not hackneyed, fast, cheap!

Pies. Russia has been famous for centuries for pies, kulebyaks, and pies. As a filling, you can use cabbage, in general, this is a favorite filling for many. Add a boiled egg or fried onion. It will be great! There is no time to sculpt pies, bake one for the whole baking sheet. Surprise your guests with your art. Or make small ones, one bite, with potatoes and fried onions or mushrooms, rice with egg, jam...
You can prepare berry, fruit or milk striped jelly. Not expensive, tasty and unusual. Jelly recipes can be found here Jelly recipes

It will be enough to buy a couple of red apples and two oranges to decorate the table and create a festive mood. Do not put them in a vase as a whole, cut them nicely. How to decorate the table with fruits can be seen in the section Decorate the table with fruits... 100 grams of grapes will be enough to make an original "drunk" bouquet.

cheap salad recipes


300 grams of carrots and 100 grams of three cheese on a coarse grater, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, salt, pepper. Fill - equally sour cream and mayonnaise


Packet of "Hawaiian" frozen mix, let's fry it. 200 grams

crab sticks and 3 boiled eggs cut, some greens and mayonnaise

Thinly cut the cabbage, salt and remember a little

150 grams crab sticks (chopped)

1 can of corn, mix everything and season with mayonnaise


Mushrooms fried with onions, add a jar of beans

1/3 can of peas

2 pickles. Season with mayonnaise


Three carrots and a couple of cloves of garlic on a fine grater

salt and season with mayonnaise


Three black radish and carrots on a coarse grater

dressed with butter or mayonnaise


Finely chop the cabbage, salt and add a few drops of lemon juice. remember a little

add shredded carrots

1/2 tsp honey and vegetable oil


Rub a little cottage cheese with garlic and mayonnaise, a few walnuts

50 grams of cheese cut into small cubes

mix and wrap in lettuce or chinese cabbage


3 potatoes, 1 beet, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 3 eggs, 100 g of cheese (less possible), garlic, salt, pepper,
Boil vegetables. Potatoes, onions, eggs finely cut, the rest three on a grater.
Lay in layers 1-potatoes, sprinkle onions with pepper
2-beet with garlic
3-carrot grated cheese, eggs. Each layer of mayonnaise.


- Salad Far East

3/4 cup boil rice rinse
1 can of pink salmon mashed with a fork
4 pickles
1 onion finely chopped
Mix everything, season with mayonnaise


- Bean Salad

boiled or canned beans
1 carrot
1 bulb
1 pickled cucumber
Fry grated carrots and finely chopped onions in oil, cool and mix with beans and chopped cucumber, season with oil


- Korean cabbage

1kg cabbage
5 tablespoons of vinegar 9%
1 head of garlic
3 tsp Korean seasoning
sugar, salt
Finely chop the cabbage, season with seasoning, salt, pepper, garlic and put in the refrigerator


boiled rice

Crab sticks


Boiled eggs - season with sour cream


Thinly sliced ​​cabbage and onion

Three carrots on a large

can of corn

Apple, mayonnaise.


Green radish, carrots - rubbed on a coarse grater

onion turnip passivated and a small piece boiled meat, mayonnaise.

Let stand for several hours in the refrigerator.


1 can of seaweed, 2 eggs, some onion and mayonnaise


Finely chop fresh cabbage

apple cut into strips,

some sugar, salt and lemon juice


Layers: Raw carrots, not grated,

mayonnaise with garlic, boiled beets, grated not grated

mayonnaise with garlic, grated cheese, mayonnaise with garlic


Mushrooms fried with onions, boiled potatoes,

a couple of boiled eggs, dill or parsley, mayonnaise


Crab sticks, boiled eggs,

pickled, salted or fresh cucumbers,



Bank of beans (boiled), boiled potatoes,

pickled cucumbers and pickled mushrooms,

fill with vegetable oil


Rustic Salad:

boiled potatoes,

sauerkraut, pickles,

marinated mushrooms.

Fill with vegetable oil.


- Steppe salad

Potatoes, carrots - boil, cut into small cubes. Add pickled cucumbers and canned peas. Finely chopped onion is better to pour over with boiling water. Fill with mayonnaise.


Cut the chicken fillet and fry in a pan until cooked, salt and

mix with pickled onions, grated carrots and raw beets,

as well as finely chopped cabbage,

topped with mayonnaise.


Potato slices, pickled cucumber,

red onion, dill and vegetable oil.


raw carrots cut into straws. In heated 60 * sunflower oil, insist chopped garlic, red and black peppers, salt a little. Pour the carrots with warm oil, add a drop of vinegar or lemon juice and let it brew.


We cut and fry the liver, fry the onions and carrots separately, mix,

add chopped boiled potatoes,

pickled cucumber and season with mayonnaise.


season with mayonnaise. Salt, pepper.


Onion cut into half rings and scalded, cool.

Mix with chopped boiled eggs,

grated on a coarse grater green apple and grated cheese,

season with mayonnaise.


4 boiled eggs, fresh cucumbers, red or green onions,

mayonnaise. You can add wheels of olives.


Boiled beans, garlic, mayonnaise.


- Japanese salad

Boiled rice mixed with 2 boiled chopped eggs,

1 can of corn and 1 can of canned fish own juice,

some greens and mayonnaise. Let it brew for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.


White cabbage, crab sticks, grated carrot

on a coarse grater, a little corn, dill,

top with mayonnaise.


Let's not forget the wonderful vinaigrette salad. In order to give the vinaigrette a twist, add a sunflower oil a little store-bought mustard. Herring will also give spicy taste everyone's favorite vinaigrette.

Inexpensive snacks and hot

Roll with cabbage leaves

Defrosting a package of puff pastry
- boil a head of cabbage for several minutes in boiling water and disassemble it into leaves (as for cabbage rolls)
- minced meat (mushrooms) fried with onions
- for defrosted puff pastry lay out cabbage leaves, on them fried minced meat and grated cheese
- roll up the roll and bake at 180 * in the oven until cooked

Chicken breasts with mushrooms

Cut the chicken breasts into portions, beat off, salt and arrange in a baking dish
- fry any mushrooms with a lot of onions and put on the chicken
- top with mayonnaise, mixed grated cheese on a fine grater
- bake at 180 * in the oven until cooked

Chicken baked whole with mushrooms

Wash and dry the chicken, salt
- clean the champignons, cut and mix with 3 cloves of garlic, cut into halves, with 50 grams of butter, salt and pepper a little. We stuff the chicken with prepared mushrooms and fasten the cut near the "butt" with toothpicks
- rub the chicken with lemon juice and seasoning for barbecue and leave for 1 hour
- bake at 180 * until cooked

Stuffed eggs

mince options for boiled eggs

Fry finely chopped onion, cool and mix with yolk and dill
- clean the herring, finely chop and mix with pounded yolk and a small amount of mayonnaise

Potato Piglet

We clean and boil 1.5 kg of potatoes, salt. Drain the water, put the oil in and carefully crush when it cools down.add the egg and carefullymix

meat, or minced chicken, or fry the mushrooms with a lot of onions
- put the “casserole” in the form of a piglet on a baking sheet (minced meat inside the “piglet”), make ears, a piglet, grease with whipped yolk and bake until golden brown not for long, because the "pig" went into the oven already ready.


Sometimes you want to pamper yourself and loved ones with some unpretentious, but delicious dish, which is easy to prepare and does not require the use of expensive products. Or an unplanned arrival of guests is planned, and there are no funds for preparing a chic feast. In such situations, recipes for cheap salads will come to the rescue. Do not be embarrassed about this wording, because cheap does not mean bad. This is especially true for cooking. Of course, you do not need to buy products of the lowest quality, since a cheap salad only means replacing expensive products with more affordable, but no less tasty and quality products. Also, for cheap salads, mostly vegetables, meat or fruits are taken, which can be bought at the nearest store, and not products from elite supermarkets.

When it comes to replacing expensive products with cheaper ones, there are many different options available. So, instead of turkey meat, you can take ordinary chicken meat, expensive crab meat can be replaced with crab sticks, capelin caviar can be used instead of red caviar, and the liver will also be much cheaper than any meat. If mussels are required for a salad recipe, they are unlikely to be replaced with something, you just have to choose the most inexpensive brand. Although such a product is quite rare in cheap salads. Lime and papaya can be replaced with regular lemon and melon, respectively. As for cheeses and sausages, you can look at less well-known manufacturers offering products at a bargain price.

In general, cheap salads can be anything: vegetable, meat, fruit or fish. For an inexpensive vegetable snack, you may need carrots, beets, cabbage, or potatoes. The owners of summer cottages are especially lucky: in the summer, you can pick tomatoes, cucumbers and all kinds of greens right from the garden and cook a delicious cheap salad. For low-budget meat salads, chicken or inexpensive sausage is most often taken. A simple and tasty fish appetizer can be prepared from canned sprats, mackerel or sardines in oil.

general principle preparation of cheap salads, as such, does not exist. From inexpensive products you can cook the most various salads: plain, puff or whose ingredients are laid out in slides. Depending on the products used, different dressings are taken: mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oil or various sauces.

Cheap salads - preparing food and dishes

Before cooking, all vegetables and meat must be thoroughly washed and dried. If heat treatment is required, the product must be boiled, fried, stewed or steamed. The ingredients can be cut in a variety of ways: cubes, straws, bars, slices or small slices - it all depends on the recipe for a cheap salad.

From the dishes you may need a pot, a frying pan, a common bowl or salad bowl, a grater, a cutting board, knives and a garlic press.

Recipes cheap x salads:

Recipe 1: Cheap Salad

Faster and easier than this cheap salad, probably not a single snack has yet been invented. A treat is prepared in just 3 minutes, but this does not affect the taste of the dish.

Required Ingredients:

  • A can of canned red beans;
  • Jar canned peas;
  • A pack of rye crackers with garlic;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Drain the liquid from beans, corn and peas, put the products in a deep bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix. 5 minutes before serving, pour a pack of garlic croutons into a bowl and mix the salad well.

Recipe 2: Cheap Potato Salad

A simple and hearty salad, which is great as a side dish to the main course. Prepared from the simplest and most affordable products.

Required Ingredients:

  • 5 potatoes;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 150 g;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • Inexpensive milk sausage - 270-300 g;
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Boil the potatoes in their skins, cool, remove the skin and cut into small cubes. Put potatoes in a bowl. Cucumbers cut not too small, but not large. Squeeze lightly and add to potatoes. Finely chop the onion, pour over with boiling water, put in a bowl. Cut the sausage into small cubes and add to the rest of the products. Dress the salad with mayonnaise and mix well.

Recipe 3: Cheap Cream Cheese Salad

Spicy tasty salad, which is very easy to prepare and does not require large investments. It is especially good to serve such an appetizer on hot toast.

Required Ingredients:

Cooking method:

Put the cheese in the refrigerator for at least an hour, so that it is convenient to rub it later. Hard-boil the eggs, pour cold water over them, after they have cooled down, peel and finely chop (or grate). Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Grate chilled curds on a coarse grater. Put the eggs, cheese and garlic in a bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix well. Cut the loaf into slices of the same thickness and lightly dry in a pan. Put the garlic-cheese mass on the toasted slices of bread. Decorate the appetizer with parsley sprigs. It will be even tastier if you grease warm bread rolls. butter.

Recipe 4: Cheap Japanese Salad

Excellent hearty snack for every day or for a festive feast. To prepare the dish, accessible and inexpensive ingredients are used for everyone, but no one will think about it, since the salad turns out to be very tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • Half a cup of regular rice;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Jar canned corn;
  • A can of canned fish (pink salmon or tuna in its own juice);
  • Mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Boil the rice until tender in slightly salted water, drain in a colander and rinse under cold water. After the excess liquid drains, put the rice in a salad bowl. Hard boil the eggs, cool, chop finely and add to the rice. Drain the liquid from the corn, put the costal products in a salad bowl. Canned fish mash with a fork and add to salad. Season everything with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. You can pour some juice from canned food. The salad should stand at least an hour in the refrigerator so that the rice has time to absorb the juice. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with finely chopped yolks and sprigs of fresh parsley.

Recipe 5: Cheap Chicken Salad

Inexpensive salad, which is perfect for receiving guests, and for every day.

Required Ingredients:

  • Small chicken breast;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2-3 small potatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Bank of canned corn;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

Boil the chicken breast until tender, cool, disassemble the meat into fibers, lightly salt, pepper and put in a salad bowl. Wash the tomatoes, cut into small cubes with a sharp knife. Boil potatoes in their skins, cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Hard boil eggs, cool and chop finely. Drain water from corn. Chop the garlic very finely or pass through a special garlic press. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise and mix.

If you have several of your cheap salad recipes in mind, you can use the following tips to save a lot on groceries:

- brown sugar can be replaced with regular granulated sugar;

- instead of lime, take a lemon, and instead of lemon - about 10 g citric acid;

- honey is quite suitable instead of maple syrup;

vinegar good substitute for balsamic;

- ordinary sorrel can easily replace spinach;

- instead of Parmesan cheese, you can use any other kind of hard cheese;

- if white wine is not available, and on its basis it is necessary to prepare a sauce for salad dressing, you can resort to this trick: dissolve 2 cubes of refined sugar in a small amount of vinegar;

- regular onions - a great alternative to leeks;

Canned bell peppers can easily replace artichokes.

Salads are simple and tasty - easy. It is enough to look in the refrigerator or rummage around kitchen shelves, and there are sure to be ingredients from which you can prepare simple and tasty salads that will decorate your table at any time.

However, to prepare salads simple and tasty, there are a few rules. Vegetables for salads are cut in approximately the same pieces: large (slices, circles) or small (cubes, straws). If you mix large slices of tomatoes with cucumbers, cut into small cubes, then the taste of tomatoes will prevail in the salad, and the cucumbers will simply “get lost”. In addition, salads in the same cut look more neat, natural and appetizing.

Greens are added to the salad last, and it must be chopped finely. Or, conversely, tear the leaves with your hands, this primarily applies to leafy salads. As for the dressing, the rules are generally to just mix the vegetables together, and not salt or oil them. And when serving, put on the table vinegar, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, or specially prepared dressings or sauces, so that everyone can season their portion of the salad as they like.

Salad "Summer mood"

1 large bunch of lettuce leaves
1 bunch fresh dill,
½ white onion head
2 boiled eggs,
2 tbsp 15% sour cream,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tbsp vinegar,
a mixture of ground peppers (pink and black) - to taste.

Finely chop the onion into half rings and marinate it. To do this, put it in a separate container and add sugar and a mixture of peppers to it, pour it with vinegar and leave for 15 minutes so that the bitterness disappears. Tear the lettuce leaves into a deep dish with your hands. Chop the dill with a knife. Cut the eggs into large slices so that they are felt in the salad. Add dill, eggs and pickled onions to lettuce leaves. Season the salad with sour cream and mix lightly so as not to destroy the structure and shape of the products.

Salad with radish, egg and sausage

100 g radishes
100 g sausages
1 fresh cucumber
1 egg
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
dill, salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

Soak radishes before eating. cold water for 15-20 minutes, then wash, cut off the ends and cut into 4 parts. If the peel has dark spots, damage, cut it off. Cut sausage and cucumber into cubes. Finely chop the boiled egg. Combine the chopped ingredients, add finely chopped dill, salt, pepper, pour over with oil and mix.

Salad with spicy dressing

2 tomatoes
1 cucumber
2 bulbs
1 bunch of parsley
green lettuce leaves.
For refueling:
120 ml vegetable oil,
60 ml lemon juice.
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp ground cumin,
salt, black peppercorns - to taste.

Tear the lettuce with your hands, chop the tomatoes coarsely, chop the cucumber into circles, chop the onion coarsely. Mix vegetable oil, lemon juice, vinegar, cumin. Add salt and crushed black pepper in a mortar. Place vegetables in salad bowl and drizzle with dressing.

Salad "Red Sea"

2 tomatoes
½ onion
7-8 pcs. crab sticks,
2-3 hard-boiled eggs,
1-2 garlic cloves,
mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cut the tomatoes into thin slices, crab sticks into plump circles. Finely chop the onion, chop the garlic cloves. Eggs cut into small slices. Put tomatoes, garlic, crab sticks and chopped eggs in a deep bowl or salad bowl. Dress the salad with mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

Salad "May"

50 g ham
50 g fresh mushrooms champignons,
1 can of green peas
a bunch of green onions
mayonnaise - to taste.

Cut the mushrooms into large pieces and fry for vegetable oil for 5 minutes, after salting. Cut the ham into small pieces. Chop the green onion finely. After all the products are ready, put the ham mixed with green onions. Spread with mayonnaise. Put the canned on the ham green pea, and fried champignons on it.

Salad "Spring mood"

120 g of hard salted cheese,
2 apples
2 carrots
3 boiled eggs
½ onion
greens and mayonnaise - to taste.

Cut the onion into half rings and scald with boiling water, then drain it into a fine sieve or colander until the water drains completely. Peel the apples and grate on a fine grater. Put the first layer of scalded onions in a salad bowl and spread evenly over the bottom. Eggs also grate on a fine grater and, having mixed in a separate container with mayonnaise, lay out the second layer. Grate fresh carrots on a fine grater and spread in a third layer. Add a small amount of mayonnaise on top of the carrots. Now rub hard salty cheese on a fine grater and add a little more mayonnaise. When all layers of lettuce are laid out in a salad bowl, garnish with finely chopped greens, based on your taste preferences.

Cauliflower salad

1 head of cauliflower,
2 fresh cucumbers
200 g cheese,
½ stack natural yogurt,
chopped green onion, dill, salt - to taste.

Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences and boil in salted boiling water or steam. Cucumbers and cheese cut into cubes. For dressing, stir together yogurt, chopped dill and salt. Pour dressing over salad and refrigerate for 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle with green onions before serving.

Salad "Sorrel"

1 bunch of sorrel
½ head of cabbage
300 g of any smoked meat,
salt - to taste,

Wash the sorrel, dry and cut. Finely chop the cabbage. Cut the smoked meat into cubes. Combine the ingredients, salt, season with mayonnaise, mix well and serve immediately after cooking.

Salad "Fiction"

1 stack boiled beans,
200 g of seaweed in vinegar-oil filling,
2 medium apples
1 stack boiled rice,
2 boiled eggs
100 g hard cheese,
1 garlic clove

Peel the eggs and grate on a coarse grater or chop finely. Drain excess liquid from seaweed. Peel the apples and grate on a coarse grater. Grate hard cheese on a medium grater. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with mayonnaise. Put in layers in a deep salad bowl, lubricating with mayonnaise and garlic to taste: beans - eggs - sea ​​kale- rice - apples - cheese. Let the salad stand for a while so that the layers are soaked.

Salad "Gustavsky"

100 g ham (can be replaced with boiled meat),
100 g hard cheese,
1 yellow sweet pepper
1 cucumber
1 garlic clove
greens, mayonnaise or sour cream - to taste.

Cut the ham or meat into strips not very finely. Cut hard cheese in the same way, you can also rub it on a coarse grater. Peel the cucumber if it is thick or bitter, and cut it into slices. Peel the sweet peppers and cut into strips the same size as ham and cheese. Slice the garlic too. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise or sour cream and garnish with parsley or any other herbs.

Salad with sausage cheese, carrots and garlic

300 g sausage cheese,
1 carrot
4 garlic cloves,
mayonnaise - to taste.

Freeze cheese slightly before cooking to make it easier to grate. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and transfer to a salad bowl. Wash raw carrots, peel, grate on the same grater and also put in a salad bowl. Pass the garlic through a press or grate it on a fine grater and add to the rest of the products. Season the salad with mayonnaise, given the factor that what softer cheese, the less mayonnaise is required for dressing. Toss the salad and add salt if needed.

Salad "Emerald" of melted cheese and eggs

1 melted cheese
2 cloves of garlic
2 boiled eggs
1 fresh cucumber
mayonnaise (fat content can be any, you can also use homemade mayonnaise).

Cut a fresh cucumber into rings. Freeze the melted cheese and grate on a fine grater. Squeeze the garlic through the garlic press to the grated cheese. Grate the eggs on a fine grater, then lay them on the cheese mass. Season the finished salad with mayonnaise and mix. Lettuce leaves (it is better to use small leaves) wash under running water. Put 1 tsp on each lettuce leaf. lettuce, while collecting a little lettuce leaf. Arrange sliced ​​cucumber on a plate. Place lettuce leaves in the center of the plate. You can show your imagination and put, for example, an olive, red currant, or just put drops of ketchup on each circle of cucumber.

Salad "Lady"

1 pickled or fresh cucumber
1 boiled chicken breast,
1 can of green peas
mayonnaise - to taste,
dill - for decoration.

Grate pickled cucumber on a coarse grater. You can also use fresh cucumber, then the smell of the salad will be just great. Drain the brine from the jar of peas, put the peas in a salad bowl or on a plate. Put chopped on peas chicken breast and generously spread with mayonnaise. Lay the grated cucumber on top. Decorate the finished salad with dill sprigs.

Chicken salad with mustard dressing

400 g chicken fillet,
5 medium cucumbers,
5-6 fresh lettuce leaves
100 g mustard with grains,
5 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Boil chicken fillet, cool and cut into small pieces. Peel cucumbers and cut into cubes. Chop or tear lettuce leaves with your hands. For dressing, mix mustard with lemon juice and oil, beat with a small whisk or just a fork. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, salt, pepper, pour over the dressing and mix well.

Vegetable salad with new potatoes, cucumber and herbs

3 potatoes
1 cucumber
1 stack natural yogurt,
50 g mayonnaise,
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
greens, salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Wash the young potatoes, cover with cold water, salt and cook until tender. Cucumber grate on a fine grater. Finely chop the parsley and dill, chop the green onion into small rings. Mix mayonnaise and yogurt, add cucumber along with juice, salt and pepper, then add vinegar and mix everything well. Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, place in a salad bowl, pour over the dressing and sprinkle with green onions.

Salad "Italian Paradise"

300 g cabbage
1 sweet pepper
2 apples
200 g hard cheese,
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp ketchup,
pitted olives.

Finely chop fresh cabbage, remember with your hands, drain excess juice. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Remove seeds from pepper and cut into cubes. Remove the core from the apples and cut them into cubes. Cut olives into small circles. For the sauce, mix mayonnaise with ketchup, add garlic passed through a press. Put the prepared ingredients in a salad bowl, mix and pour over the prepared sauce.

Salad with smoked sausage

500 g white cabbage,
1 carrot
1 apple
200 g smoked sausage,
250 g mayonnaise,
salt - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage and rub lightly with salt. Grate carrots and apples on a coarse grater, smoked sausage cut into small cubes. Combine all the ingredients, mix and season with mayonnaise, put in a salad bowl and garnish with parsley.

Salad "Country" with green onions

5-7 potatoes,
200-300 g boiled sausage,
2 cucumbers
1 bunch of green onions
parsley, dill, basil, mayonnaise or sour cream, salt - to taste.

Peel the boiled potatoes in their skins, cut them into small cubes. Sausage and peeled cucumbers also cut into cubes. Finely chop green onions and herbs. Using a serving dish, lay out the chopped ingredients in layers: first the sausage, then the cucumbers and potatoes. Repeat the layers, remembering to salt them. Spread each layer with mayonnaise or sour cream, as you like. Next, remove the portion form and sprinkle the salad on top with green onions and herbs.

Simple and tasty salads are good both for the everyday menu and for the festive table. Add our salads to your collection of recipes and share yours!

Larisa Shuftaykina

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